
  • Michael speaks with Joseph Cortes, Executive Director of the Georgia Craft Brewers guild about breweries in the state and dealing with the Pandemic.

    Founded in 2010, the Guild is organized to promote, protect and further, in every lawful manner, the common interests of the members and the licensed brewing industry in Georgia. We invite you to sign up for our newsletter so you can be in the loop on activities of the Guild and its members. You’ll have an inside track on special releases from your favorite breweries, beer dinners, cask tappings, festivals, brewmaster receptions, and other newsworthy beer stuff. You can also use our contact section to share with us ideas or comments that will help us better serve you and the Georgia beer community. Welcome to all of the production brewers, homebrewers, distributors, publicans, retailers, and beer enthusiasts who enjoy the brews from our great state!

    Craft Beer Storm Website: www.craftbeerstorm.com

    *** A Top 20 Podcast in Food on iTunes ***

    Subscribe to Craft Beer Storm Podcast iTunes:

    Michael Beara is the Host of Craft Beer Storm and Founder/Brewer at Beara Brewing Co. in Portsmouth, NH

    *** Interested in starting your own brewery? Our Portsmouth, NH TURNKEY facility is for sale! Follow link for more info:


    If your Company, Hotel or Restaurant wants to book a CraftBeer Weekend or Craft Beer Evening for your guests or employees send an email to [email protected]

    Michael Beara
    Host of "Craft Beer Storm" Podcast
    [email protected]
    Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craft-beer-storm-podcast-30776075/

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  • Craft Brew News 07/10/20
    (Courtesy of Brewbound.com)

    Allagash Founder Rob Tod Recovers From COVID-19

    In an interview with a Maine NBC affiliate, Allagash founder Rob Tod revealed that he tested positive for COVID-19 in mid-March after returning from a ski vacation.

    Tod told the affiliate that he self-quarantined and “rode it out” at home, not wanting to infect any other Allagashians.

    Even with the diagnosis, Tod said he was “so consumed and immersed in running this company at a time when we had lost 70% of our business the day that I came down with the COVID.”

    With March and the coronavirus, practically overnight people stopped going to bars and restaurants, where most of Allagash’s sales occurred. In less than a month sales tanked by seventy percent.

    Since losing 70% of its business, Allagash has since refocused on building its off-premise business. The company in June shared plans to launch several years’ worth of innovations in the fall, including a line of sparkling session ales made with fruit called Little Grove by Allagash, a new stout called North Sky and 6-pack bottles of flagship Allagash White.

    California Governor Orders Shutdown of Breweries and Restaurants in 19 Counties

    With a growing number of new COVID-19 cases in California, Gov. Gavin Newsom has expanded the state’s temporary shutdown of bars and breweries to include a ban on indoor and outdoor dining and drinking in 19 counties, the San Francisco Chronicle reported. However, restaurants will be allowed to continue operating outdoor patio spaces, as well as breweries that operate licensed food service or partner with neighboring restaurants or food trucks.

    Counties included in the order include Los Angeles, Orange, Sacramento, Santa Barbara, and Ventura. Majority of counties account for nearly 75% of the state’s population. All 19 are on the state Department of Public Health’s “monitoring list” for areas with an increasing number of novel coronavirus cases and hospitalizations.

    Dichello Distributors Files Lawsuit Against Anheuser-Busch Alleging Conspiracy to Force Sale

    An Anheuser-Busch wholesaler in Connecticut is suing the world’s largest beer manufacturer alleging that the maker of Bud Light conspired with a now former employee to damage the business and force a sale of the distributorship.

    New Haven, Connecticut-based Dichello Distributors is suing Anheuser-Busch, claiming A-B “engaged in an ongoing conspiracy” with Sal DiBetta, a former employee who later worked as CEO of the wholesaler between 2013 and 2016, as well as “other unnamed parties,” to “undermine” Dichello and force president John Hall’s family to sell the business to A-B, according to a complaint filed on June 17 in the Connecticut Superior Court.

    Dichello also alleges A-B has tried to enforce an equity agreement on the wholesaler and threatened them “with consequences for non-compliance, including forced sale of the distributorship.”

    A-B has not responded to a request for comment.

    DiBetta worked for A-B for more than 30 years before joining Dichello in October 2013 and departing in 2016, according to his Linkedin profile.

    Anheuser-Busch to Pay Record $5 Million Offer In Compromise for Trade Practice Violations Tied to
    Sports and Entertainment Sponsorships

    Anheuser-Busch InBev has agreed to pay a record $5 million offer in compromise (OIC) for alleged trade practice violations related to sports and entertainment sponsorships, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) announced today.

    Additionally, A-B’s importer and wholesaler permits were suspended for two days in Littleton, Colorado, and four days in Denver.

    The $5 million fine is the largest offer in compromise collected to date by the TTB, Thomas Hogue, a spokesperson for the federal agency, confirmed with Brewbound. A-B’s offer tops a $2.5 million fine collected last year from Heineken USA for alleged trade practice violations.

    According to the TTB, the alleged violations included:

    “Entering into sponsorship agreements with various entities in the sports and entertainment industries requiring concessionaires and other retailers to purchase A-B’s malt beverages and prohibiting them from purchasing specific competitor brands;

    Inducing sports industry concessionaires to purchase A-B’s malt beverages by furnishing fixtures, equipment, and services;

    Reimbursing, through credit card swipes, retailers for the cost of installing malt beverage draft dispensing systems, thereby inducing them to purchase A-B’s malt beverages;

    Requiring retailers to purchase A-B’s malt beverages in return for such retailers’ use of equipment A-B furnished them free of charge or below market value;

    Craft Beer Storm Website: www.craftbeerstorm.com

    *** A Top 20 Podcast in Food on iTunes ***

    Subscribe to Craft Beer Storm Podcast iTunes:

    Michael Beara is the Host of Craft Beer Storm and Founder/Brewer at Beara Brewing Co. in Portsmouth, NH

    *** Interested in starting your own brewery? Our Portsmouth, NH TURNKEY facility is for sale! Follow link for more info:


    If your Company, Hotel or Restaurant wants to book a CraftBeer Weekend or Craft Beer Evening for your guests or employees send an email to [email protected]

    Michael Beara
    Host of "Craft Beer Storm" Podcast
    [email protected]
    Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craft-beer-storm-podcast-30776075/

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  • Specialty Saison

    -Color – Pale to dark brown; may take on hue of fruit(s), darker malts or other ingredients

    -Clarity: Chill haze or slight yeast haze is acceptable

    -Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Typically low to medium-low, but may vary in beers made with specialty malts.

    -Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Low to medium-high

    -Perceived Bitterness: Medium to medium-high

    -Body: Low to medium

    -Additional notes: Specialty Saisons represent a very wide family of specialty beers. Entries brewed with dark malts, fruit(s), spice(s) or other special ingredients may deviate substantially from traditional appearance and flavor and from parameters shown in this guideline. Ingredients including spices, herbs, flowers, fruits, vegetables, fermentable sugars and carbohydrates, special yeasts of all types, wood aging, etc. may contribute unique attributes to these beers. Earthy and/or cellar-like aromas are acceptable. Color, body, malt character, esters, alcohol level and hop character should harmonize with attributes from special ingredients.

    -ABV: 4.4%-8.4%

    -Glassware: Tulip



    Boulevrd Brewing Co. , Kansas City, MO

    ABV: 9.0%

    Notes: This Imperial Dark Saison is brewed with a wide variety of specialty grains that offer flavor elements of spice, chocolate and sweet bread. Orange peel offers both a bright citrus note and a nod to tradition, while our house Belgian yeast adds a phenolic cinnamon-and-pepper aroma.

    Civil Disobedience
    Hill Farmstead, Greensboro, VT

    ABV: 8.0%

    Notes: Civil Disobedience is our blended barrel-aged series of Farmstead® ales, each one a unique union of carefully selected beers chosen by our brewers to weave often disparate threads into a picture far greater than its individual elements. A blend of two different batches of Arthur and a bit of a beer called ’mimosa’, a Farmstead® ale brewed with orange zest and Brett Claussenii.

    Craft Beer Storm Website: www.craftbeerstorm.com

    *** A Top 20 Podcast in Food on iTunes ***

    Subscribe to Craft Beer Storm Podcast iTunes:

    Michael Beara is the Host of Craft Beer Storm and Founder/Brewer at Beara Brewing Co. in Portsmouth, NH

    *** Interested in starting your own brewery? Our Portsmouth, NH TURNKEY facility is for sale! Follow link for more info:


    If your Company, Hotel or Restaurant wants to book a CraftBeer Weekend or Craft Beer Evening for your guests or employees send an email to [email protected]

    Michael Beara
    Host of "Craft Beer Storm" Podcast
    [email protected]
    Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craft-beer-storm-podcast-30776075/

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  • Classic Saison

    (Description Courtesy of Beer Advocate)

    Beers in this category are gold to light amber in color. Often bottle-conditioned, with some yeast character and high carbonation. Belgian-style Saison may have Brettanomyces or lactic character, and fruity, horsey, goaty and/or leather-like aromas and flavors. Specialty ingredients, including spices, may contribute a unique and signature character. Commonly called “farmhouse ales” and originating as summertime beers in Belgium, these are not just warm-weather treats. US craft brewers brew them year-round and have taken to adding a variety of additional ingredients.

    -Color – Gold to light amber

    -Clarity: Chill haze or slight yeast haze is acceptable

    -Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Low, but providing foundation for the overall balance.

    -Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Low to medium and characterized by European-type hops: floral, herbal and/or woody traits are common.

    -Perceived Bitterness: Medium-low to medium, but not assertive.

    -Body: Very low to low

    -Additional notes: Fruity and spicy black pepper attributes derived from Belgian yeast are common.

    -ABV: 4.4%-6.8%

    -Glassware: Tulip



    Brewery Ommegang, New York

    ABV: 7.7%

    Notes: Inspired by the traditional rustic brews of Belgium, our iconic American farmhouse saison is charmingly complex yet eminently drinkable. Artfully spiced and gracefully balanced, its champagne-like effervescence delivers a crisp, dry finish, delighting discerning drinkers everywhere.

    Saison Dupont

    Brasserie Dupont , Belgium

    ABV: 6.5%

    Notes: The Saison Dupont is a top fermentation beer with refermentation in the bottle. Since 1844, this beer has been brewed in our farm-brewery, during the winter time. Then this beer became a second refermentation in the barrel. During the next summer, this very thirst-quenching beer was served to the “saisoniers” which were working on the fields. Surely therefore, our Saison Dupont is considered as “the classic” among the Belgian season beers!

    Coppery blond, the finest aromas and a strong bitterness transform this beer into a thirst-quenchener with no equal, just the way it was created. Our selection of yeasts is the perfect base for these typical aromas and taste. A real refermentation in the bottle, which will continue for a long time in your cellar, result into this complex and particular aromatic beer.

    Craft Beer Storm Website: www.craftbeerstorm.com

    *** A Top 20 Podcast in Food on iTunes ***

    Subscribe to Craft Beer Storm Podcast iTunes:

    Michael Beara is the Host of Craft Beer Storm and Founder/Brewer at Beara Brewing Co. in Portsmouth, NH

    *** Interested in starting your own brewery? Our Portsmouth, NH TURNKEY facility is for sale! Follow link for more info:


    If your Company, Hotel or Restaurant wants to book a CraftBeer Weekend or Craft Beer Evening for your guests or employees send an email to [email protected]

    Michael Beara
    Host of "Craft Beer Storm" Podcast
    [email protected]
    Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craft-beer-storm-podcast-30776075/

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  • Craft Brew News
    (Courtesy of Brewbound.com)

    Craft Beer Festivals Across the Country Go Virtual During COVID-19 Pandemic

    The COVID-19 pandemic has altered nearly every facet of life and commerce, but one particular area stands to be gutted more than almost any other: large scale events.

    In the beer industry alone, event casualties are numerous. The Brewers Association has now canceled three of its marquee events, including the annual Craft Brewers Conference in San Antonio, Texas, SAVOR beer and food pairing event in Washington, D.C., and HomebrewCon in Nashville, Tennessee.

    The Great American Beer Festival, the BA’s largest consumer-facing event and the largest beer festival and competition in the U.S., is still slated to take place September 24-27 in Denver, Colorado.

    Popular regional beer festivals have also pulled the plug on their 2020 events, including the Oregon Brewers Festival in Portland, Oregon, Bend Brewfest in Bend, Oregon, and Great Taste of the Midwest in Madison, Wisconsin.

    Without its annual mid-May Oklahoma Craft Beer Summit — a reliable fundraiser — the Craft Brewers Association of Oklahoma (CBOA) was facing a potential loss of thousands of dollars. A creative solution was needed.

    CBOA treasurer and COOP Ale Works director of sales and marketing Sean Mossman told Brewbound. “Just one day, kind of organically, it was like, ‘Hey, what if we move this online? What if we made this virtual?’” “Well, that would be cool, but then it’s just a conversation — how do we do beer? How do we make this a beer festival?”

    The Oklahoma Craft Beer Summit ’20 Quarantine Edition was born and planned in about a week, with the blessing of the Alcoholic Beverage Law Enforcement (ABLE) Commission of Oklahoma, Mossman said.

    Tickets for the sold-out virtual festival on May 15 came with a plethora of beers to sample and an evening of guided tastings and panel discussions about styles, brewing and the beer industry.
    Guests purchased tickets that included a kit of 24 beers from breweries across Oklahoma. Kits could be retrieved at designated pickup locations strategically placed across the state, where IDs would be checked against tickets, a provision of the ABLE Commission.

    With the help of sponsors and “monstrously low overhead,” Mossman said the virtual festival has helped the CBOA raise multiple times more money than a traditional in-person festival.

    “We’re spending about $3,000 to raise about $50,000, so we’re pretty fortunate,” he said. “This would take us probably three festivals to generate this much revenue. And really, our only real expense as a guild is probably our lobbyists at the Capitol. We’re pretty self-governed and self-run, but that is our biggest expense, and it’s the most necessary expense.”

    Untappd will also host a virtual beer festival online on June 13 and 14.

    Participants have the option of two experiences — one with beer shipped to them and one in which they purchase their own. The Drinking Socially Package costs $89.99 and includes 11 beers to samples during two virtual panels, $10 gift cards to the Untappd merchandise store and Half Time Beverage, the event’s retail partner and beer shipper. Beer packages can be shipped to ZIP codes in 28 states and Washington, D.C., according to local laws.

    The Stay at Home Stream package costs $15 and includes access to the virtual panels and is available everywhere.

    A portion of sales from both tickets will be donated to the Restaurant Strong Fund, which supports out-of-work service industry employees.

    Harpoon Brewery’s annual five-mile road race has taken runners through the streets of the brewery’s Boston neighborhood for 18 years, but this weekend, the 19th edition of the fundraising race will be virtual.

    The company’s website said “Run, walk, pushrim, handcycle, or skip 5 miles on Sunday, May 17th from your house, on a treadmill or on a trail using proper safety precautions,”.

    Entrants received a printable bib to wear during their run and a race bag filled with gifts from sponsors in the mail. Some race packages included T-shirts and beer and a ticket to a festival at the brewery in the future. The race raises funds for the Angel Fund for ALS Research.

    More than 3,000 runners have signed up, according to director of digital strategy Megan Baker.

    California ABC Investigation Finds Delivery Apps Allowing Minors to Order Alcohol

    An investigation by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) found that third-party delivery services are “routinely delivering alcoholic beverages to minors,” according to an industry advisory posted by the regulatory agency and reported on by the the Washington Post and The Verge.

    The ABC wrote “Most concerning is that minors are routinely able to purchase alcohol through delivery from restaurants,”. “There have been instances in which the licensee’s own employees have done so, but a far greater rate has been evident among third-party delivery services. Licensees are responsible for these unlawful deliveries, and the Department encourages licensees to review the practices of these services and their reliance on them.”

    The ABC added that it has found that employees of third-party delivery services are “largely” ignoring guidelines setup to prevent the sale of alcohol to minors.

    In the advisory, the ABC reminded licensees that they are ultimately responsible for the delivery of alcoholic beverages away from their premises, even if those deliveries are made on their behalf by third-party services, and are “subject to arrest and criminal prosecution.” “This is so no matter what assurances the delivery service may have provided to the licensee,” the ABC stated.

    Idaho-Based Hardware Brewing Company Defies Executive Order, Risks License

    Kendrick, Idaho-based brewpub Hardware Brewing Company is at risk of losing its alcoholic beverage license after reopening in defiance of Gov. Brad Little’s executive order shutting down bars and restaurants, the Lewiston Tribune reported, citing a letter sent to the brewpub by the Idaho State Police.

    Although Little’s reopening plan would allow Hardware Brewing to open potentially on May 16 as part of a second wave of business reopenings if the state doesn’t record a significant increase in COVID-19 cases, the brewpub reopened to the public on May 1, including Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin.

    Hardware co-owners Morgan, Doug and Christine Lohman discussed reopening on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News program Monday night. Christine Lohman explained that Hardware attempted “to survive on takeout” but there wasn’t enough business.

    “It is a destination place,” she said. “They do not drive 35 miles or more for me to come out in a hazmat suit and hand them a burger, so we’re starving slowly.”

    The conversation spilled over to the brewpub’s Facebook page, where the Hardware account stated:
    “This virus is totally overblown and is not killing the productive and healthy in our society.”
    Morgan Lohman told Ingraham that the family has hired San Francisco-based lawyer Harmeet Dhillon to represent the company. Dhillon specializes in “commercial litigation, employment law, First Amendment rights and election law matters,” according to her firm’s website.

    Craft Beer Storm Website: www.craftbeerstorm.com

    *** A Top 20 Podcast in Food on iTunes ***

    Subscribe to Craft Beer Storm Podcast iTunes:

    Michael Beara is the Host of Craft Beer Storm and Founder/Brewer at Beara Brewing Co. in Portsmouth, NH

    *** Interested in starting your own brewery? Our Portsmouth, NH TURNKEY facility is for sale! Follow link for more info:


    If your Company, Hotel or Restaurant wants to book a CraftBeer Weekend or Craft Beer Evening for your guests or employees send an email to [email protected]

    Michael Beara
    Host of "Craft Beer Storm" Podcast
    [email protected]
    Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craft-beer-storm-podcast-30776075/

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  • Belgian-Style Witbier

    -Color – Straw to pale

    -Clarity: Unfiltered starch and yeast haze should be visible. Wits are traditionally bottle conditioned and served cloudy.

    -Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Very low to low

    -Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Hop aroma is not present to low. Hop flavor is not present.

    -Perceived Bitterness: Low, from noble-type hops

    -Body: Low to medium, with a degree of creaminess from wheat starch.

    -Additional notes: Wits are brewed with malted barley, unmalted wheat and sometimes oats. They are spiced with coriander and orange peel. Coriander and light orange peel aroma may be present, sometimes as an unidentified spiciness.

    -ABV: 4.8%-5.6%

    -Glassware: Tulip


    Allagash Brewing Company

    ABV: 5.1%

    Notes: Our interpretation of a traditional Belgian wheat beer. Brewed with a generous portion of wheat and spiced with coriander and Curacao orange peel, this beer is fruity, refreshing and slightly cloudy in appearance.

    Hoegaarden Original White Ale

    Brouwerij van Hoegaarden

    ABV: 4.9%

    Notes: The Original Belgian Wheat Beer. Almost 600 years ago in the Belgian village of Hoegaarden, a band of monks experimented by adding oddball botanicals from halfway around the world to their traditional wheat beer. Our recipe, inspired by their creation, is a beer with a refreshing flavor and captivating aroma, unlike any in the world. Let the refreshing citrus and earthy coriander alleviate the stresses of modern living and whisk you to another place entirely. You might call it divine inspiration... we call it Hoegaarden.

    Craft Beer Storm Website: www.craftbeerstorm.com

    *** A Top 20 Podcast in Food on iTunes ***

    Subscribe to Craft Beer Storm Podcast iTunes:

    Michael Beara is the Host of Craft Beer Storm and Founder/Brewer at Beara Brewing Co. in Portsmouth, NH

    *** Interested in starting your own brewery? Our Portsmouth, NH TURNKEY facility is for sale! Follow link for more info:


    If your Company, Hotel or Restaurant wants to book a CraftBeer Weekend or Craft Beer Evening for your guests or employees send an email to [email protected]

    Michael Beara
    Host of "Craft Beer Storm" Podcast
    [email protected]
    Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craft-beer-storm-podcast-30776075/

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  • Michael catches up with Bill Herlicka, Founder of Brewer Consulting Brewer on his views of the Pandemic and its effects on craft brew.

    Starting from scratch?
    Adding needed capacity?
    Upgrading to a lager brewhouse?
    What is your new production goal?
    What is your budget?
    What options should you be considering as you work to reach your goal?

    Drop Bill an email at [email protected]

    Or visit his website at https://brewerconsultingbrewer.com/

    Craft Beer Storm Website: www.craftbeerstorm.com

    *** A Top 20 Podcast in Food on iTunes ***

    Subscribe to Craft Beer Storm Podcast iTunes:

    Michael Beara is the Host of Craft Beer Storm and Founder/Brewer at Beara Brewing Co. in Portsmouth, NH

    *** Interested in starting your own brewery? Our Portsmouth, NH TURNKEY facility is for sale! Follow link for more info:


    If your Company, Hotel or Restaurant wants to book a CraftBeer Weekend or Craft Beer Evening for your guests or employees send an email to [email protected]

    Michael Potorti
    Host of "Craft Beer Storm" Podcast
    [email protected]
    Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craft-beer-storm-podcast-30776075/

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  • Craft Brew News

    (Courtesy of brewbound.com)

    Maine Brewpub Owner Defies Executive Order, Loses Licenses

    Even as a mini-revolution, the Sunday River Brewing uprising didn’t last long.

    As states grapple with reopening for business in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, one Maine brewpub owner opted to defy the reopening plan Gov. Janet Mills laid out last week that orders restaurants to remain shut for on-premise dining until June.

    Rick Savage, owner of Sunday River Brewing in Bethel, Maine, opened his brewpub at around noon on Friday, May 1, drawing a large crowd and defying Mills’ March 18 executive order banning gatherings of more than 10 people. About four hours later, he told reporters that state government representatives had come to the brewpub to revoke his health and liquor licenses.

    Savage said to a group of reporters outside the brewpub on Friday. “I think it’s ridiculous,” “I think
    it’s totally ridiculous. If they want to deal with people, deal with us in a manner that’s civil.”
    “If you don’t like it, take me to court,” Savage said.

    But, before 8 p.m. on May 1, Sunday River Brewing had posted to Facebook that the brewpub “will be closed until further notice.” The next day, Savage appeared at a rally protesting Mills’ reopening plan. Sunday River Brewing linked to a GoFundMe fundraiser on Facebook called the “Maine Back to Work Fund,” which has raised nearly $95,000 as of presstime.

    Federal Judge Sides with Anheuser-Busch InBev in Corn Syrup Ad Lawsuit

    More than a year after it began, a federal circuit judge ruled that Anheuser-Busch InBev is free to continue its advertising campaign calling out the use of corn syrup in Molson Coors Beverage Company’s flagship light lagers.

    Molson Coors, then named MillerCoors, filed a deceptive advertising lawsuit against the world’s largest beer manufacturer after it ran a commercial during the 2019 Super Bowl pointing out the use of corn syrup during the brewing process of Miller Lite and Coors Light, which Bud Light does not use.

    At the heart of its decision is that Miller Lite and Coors Light both list “corn syrup (dextrose)” among their ingredients.

    Earlier in 2019, a different judge granted Molson Coors an injunction that blocked A-B from displaying some billboards and television ads.

    A-B said it is “pleased” with the decision.

    Pyramid Brewing Closes Seattle Taproom After Over 30 Years

    After more than 30 years in business, Pyramid Brewing Co. parent company FIFCO USA announced last week that it will permanently close Pyramid Alehouse in Seattle, Washington. The company notified staff Thursday, April 30, offering severance pay to help with their transition.

    The state’s bar and restaurant closures due to COVID-19 have led to business decline, “creating insurmountable business challenges for the Alehouse to continue to operate,” according to a press release. Located in Seattle’s SoDo neighborhood, Pyramid Alehouse relied on sporting and entertainment events to bring customers to the neighborhood and support its business during “non-peak” times, according to Rich Andrews, CEO of FIFCO USA. The taproom is located across the street from the Seattle Mariners’ Safeco Field and a block from the Seattle Seahawks’ CenturyLink Field.

    Pyramid beer will still be available for purchase at its retail accounts throughout the Pacific Northwest, and its beers will be brewed in Oregon’s Portland Brewery.

    On-Premise Shutdowns Could Cost Beer Industry $8 Billion

    The near-nationwide shutdown of the on-premise channel will result in a loss of $8 billion for the beer industry if it continues into June, National Beer Wholesalers Association chief economist Lester Jones said during a State of the Industry webinar hosted by the NBWA and the Beer Institute (BI) last week.

    Jones said “We really need to step up our conversations and talk about how the loss here to the industry is significant,”. “It’s not going to be made up through grocery stores and 30-packs and cases people are stashing in their garages. It will not be compensated by those additional off-premise purchases. And, of course, the longer the shutdown, the greater the loss.”

    On-premise sales account for 9% of the industry’s $328 billion annual economic impact, which translates to $3.1 billion per month. If a quarter of the on-premise channel reopens in May and half reopens in June, the beer industry stands to lose $8 billion.

    As states begin laying out plans for the reopening of their economies, the beer industry will need to consider the health of geographic markets when deciding how to return to the shuttered on-premise channel, Jones said.

    Craft Beer Storm Website: www.craftbeerstorm.com

    *** A Top 20 Podcast in Food on iTunes ***

    Subscribe to Craft Beer Storm Podcast iTunes:

    Michael Beara is the Host of Craft Beer Storm and Founder/Brewer at Beara Brewing Co. in Portsmouth, NH

    *** Interested in starting your own brewery? Our Portsmouth, NH TURNKEY facility is for sale! Follow link for more info:


    If your Company, Hotel or Restaurant wants to book a CraftBeer Weekend or Craft Beer Evening for your guests or employees send an email to [email protected]

    Michael Potorti
    Host of "Craft Beer Storm" Podcast
    [email protected]
    Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craft-beer-storm-podcast-30776075/

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  • Belgian-Style Blonde Ale

    Description (Courtesy of Beer Advocate)

    Belgian Blonde Ale
    The Belgian-style blonde ale is typically easy-drinking, with a low but pleasing hop bitterness. This is a light- to medium-bodied ale, with a low malt aroma that has a spiced and sometimes fruity-ester character. Common aromatic ester characteristics include banana, pear drop, apple, honey, roses. Sugar is sometimes added to lighten the perceived body. This style is medium in sweetness and not as bitter as Belgian-style tripels or golden strong ales. It is usually brilliantly clear. The overall impression is balance between light sweetness, spice and low to medium fruity ester flavors.

    -Color – Pale to light amber

    -Clarity: Chill haze is acceptable at low temperatures

    -Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Malt aroma and flavor is low.

    -Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Not present to low. Noble-type hops are commonly used.

    -Perceived Bitterness: Very Low to mediumlow

    -Body: Low to medium

    -ABV: 6.3%-7.9%

    -Glassware: Tulip


    Leffe Blonde
    Abbaye de Leffe S.A., Belgium

    ABV: 6.6%

    Notes: Age-old expertise and the combination of pale malt, water, hop and yeast lend Leffe Blond its subtle taste and golden colour, which manages to catch and reflect the light. Hints of vanilla and clove infuse the beer with an even smoother flavour, which best expresses itself in a Leffe chalice, simultaneously allowing the soft, fresh essence of this beer to unveil its true elegance.

    The Lost Abbey, California

    ABV: 6.0%


    Designed to be a hop driven beer, the aroma presents mostly European variety hops with underlying notes of fresh hay and grassy fields. There is a very low level of yeast phenols present and much of the subtle spice come from the aromatic hops.
    A lighter bodied beer that immediately makes an initial hop impression followed by a brief thinning layer of malt

    Craft Beer Storm Website: www.craftbeerstorm.com

    *** A Top 20 Podcast in Food on iTunes ***

    Subscribe to Craft Beer Storm Podcast iTunes:

    Michael Beara is the Host of Craft Beer Storm and Founder/Brewer at Beara Brewing Co. in Portsmouth, NH

    *** Interested in starting your own brewery? Our Portsmouth, NH TURNKEY facility is for sale! Follow link for more info:


    If your Company, Hotel or Restaurant wants to book a CraftBeer Weekend or Craft Beer Evening for your guests or employees send an email to [email protected]

    Michael Potorti
    Host of "Craft Beer Storm" Podcast
    [email protected]
    Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craft-beer-storm-podcast-30776075/

    **LISTEN to our Craft Beer Storm Podcast and share with a friend**

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  • Michael speaks with American Homebrewers Association Director Gary Glass about the surge in Homebrewing and opportunities for homebrewers to go commercial.

    Over 1.1 million people brew their own beer at home in the United States. The American Homebrewers Association® (AHA) is a 501(c)6 not-for-profit organization based in Boulder, Colo., dedicated to promoting the community of homebrewers and empowering homebrewers to make the best beer in the world. Since 1978, the AHA has worked to educate people worldwide about the coolest hobby there is—homebrewing.

    Quick Facts
    The American Homebrewers Association:

    Was founded in 1978 by homebrew author and past Brewers Association President Charlie Papazian in Boulder, Colorado.

    Has over 46,000 members.

    Advocates for homebrewers’ rights in the United States.

    Hosts the world’s largest beer competition.

    Publishes Zymurgy® magazine.

    Is governed by a committee of homebrewers elected by its members.

    Hosts multiple events promoting homebrewing, cider and mead making.

    Is a division of the Brewers Association, a not-for-profit trade association dedicated to promoting and protecting amateur and professional craft brewers.

    Craft Beer Storm Website: www.craftbeerstorm.com

    *** A Top 20 Podcast in Food on iTunes ***

    Subscribe to Craft Beer Storm Podcast iTunes:

    Michael Beara is the Host of Craft Beer Storm and Founder/Brewer at Beara Brewing Co. in Portsmouth, NH

    *** Interested in starting your own brewery? Our Portsmouth, NH TURNKEY facility is for sale! Follow link for more info:


    If your Company, Hotel or Restaurant wants to book a CraftBeer Weekend or Craft Beer Evening for your guests or employees send an email to [email protected]

    Michael Potorti
    Host of "Craft Beer Storm" Podcast
    [email protected]
    Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craft-beer-storm-podcast-30776075/

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  • Craft Brew News
    (Courtesy of Brewbound.com)

    Nearly Half of New York Breweries Say Their Businesses Could Close in 3 Months, According to Guild Survey

    The majority of New York craft brewers have seen their sales drop by 75% or more and nearly half have stopped production entirely, according to a survey conducted by the New York State Brewers Association (NYSBA).

    The survey’s conclusion read. “Without increased and consistent local, federal and state help, it is possible that nearly half of the breweries operating in New York state could shut down after three months,” Nearly half — 46% of breweries — said they could last between one and three months under current conditions. About a quarter said they could continue operating for three to six months. Ten percent said they could last for the next one to four weeks.

    New York has been the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S., with nearly 300,000 cases and 17,000 deaths. Gov. Andrew Cuomo was among the first governors to mandate a statewide shutdown of on-premise sales at bars and restaurants shutdowns on March 16.
    On Sunday, Cuomo announced that the order will likely extend beyond its planned expiration date of May 15, but he said some regions of the state could see a relaxation of restrictions based on infection rates, Reuters reported.

    As breweries nationwide have lost taproom draft sales, they’ve pivoted to offer to-go sales, curbside pickups and home delivery. In New York, 37% of breweries are offering to-go sales, a quarter are offering curbside pickup and 8% are offering home delivery. Twenty percent are selling beer through their distribution network.

    Brewers Association Lays Off 23% of Staff, Reduces Salaries of Management Team

    The Brewers Association (BA) laid off 23% of its staff last week “in order to maintain the long-term viability” of the national trade group, which represents the interests of small and independent U.S. craft brewers.

    The BA announced the job cuts on its website Monday.

    In addition to the job cuts, the BA has enacted tiered salary reduction for its management team, in addition to operational budget cuts that were made earlier in April.
    The BA was forced to cancel two of its signature events — the annual Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America and SAVOR — as well as the World Beer Cup competition earlier this spring due to concerns caused by the spread of COVID-19 in the U.S. CBC was expected to draw more than 13,000 industry professionals to San Antonio, Texas, from April19-22.

    Tickets are still on sale for the BA’s next event, the American Homebrewers Association’s Homebrew Con, which is slated to take place June 18-20 in Nashville, Tennessee.

    Brewers Association, Bottleshare Introduce Fund for Breweries, Guilds

    The Brewers Association (BA) today announced it has formed a partnership with nonprofit fundraising organization Bottleshare to establish the “Believe in Beer Fund” to support breweries and state brewers guilds across the country that have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Starting today, the BA and Bottleshare are accepting applications from guilds and breweries in need of financial support, as well as donations from consumers for the fund via GoFundMe, with a stated goal of raising $1 million, through Sunday, May 17. The goal of the fund is to provide financial support to pay payroll, rent and utilities.

    Boston Beer Execs Discuss Keeping Up with Truly Hard Seltzer Demand, On-Premise ‘Devastation’

    The story of Boston Beer Company’s Truly Hard Seltzer brand remains the same; the company can’t keep up with demand for the hard seltzer category’s second largest brand. The mid-March pantry stock up caused by the novel coronavirus shutting down virtually all on-premise sales led to a spike in Truly sales earlier than expected.

    Executives from Boston Beer explained Wednesday that the inventory that they had built up for an expected summer rush of sales was instead depleted earlier than planned (Boston Beer reported Q1 depletions growth of 32% and shipments growth of 36%).

    So Boston Beer’s summer inventory is smaller than anticipated, but the company believes it has enough capacity between its internal capacity and external production at contract facility City Brewery in Memphis.

    Supplementing that capacity is two new full-time canning lines, Boston Beer founder Jim Koch said. The first came online within the last two weeks at Boston Beer’s Pennsylvania brewery, and the second at City Brewery in Memphis will be operational in May. Both of those lines will more than double Boston Beer’s production of Truly in order to meet demand in the summer months and the back-half of 2020.

    Craft Beer Storm Website: www.craftbeerstorm.com

    *** A Top 20 Podcast in Food on iTunes ***

    Subscribe to Craft Beer Storm Podcast iTunes:

    Michael Beara is the Host of Craft Beer Storm and Founder/Brewer at Beara Brewing Co. in Portsmouth, NH

    *** Interested in starting your own brewery? Our Portsmouth, NH TURNKEY facility is for sale! Follow link for more info:


    If your Company, Hotel or Restaurant wants to book a CraftBeer Weekend or Craft Beer Evening for your guests or employees send an email to [email protected]

    Michael Potorti
    Host of "Craft Beer Storm" Podcast
    [email protected]
    Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craft-beer-storm-podcast-30776075/

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  • Belgian-Style Pale Ale

    Description (Courtesy of Beer Advocate)

    Belgian Pale Ale
    The Belgian brewing scene is littered with Belgian Pales, which were initially brewed to compete with Pilseners during the WWII era. Traditionally, they differ from other regional Pale Ales by being less bitter, using aged hops for a delicate hop finish, and having sweet to toasty malt overtones. They should be decanted properly, leaving the yeast in the bottle. This will showcase their brilliant color range from pale straw yellow to various amber hues. Most will be crowned with thick, clinging, rocky white heads. Flavors and aromas will vary. Some have natural spice character contributed by yeast and hops, while others are deliberately spiced. There's also a more recent trend to make hoppier Pale Ales to entice the US market and its hopheads.

    -Color – Gold to copper

    -Clarity: Chill haze is acceptable at low temperatures

    -Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Malt aroma should be low. Caramel or toasted malt flavor is acceptable.

    -Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Low but noticeable. Noble-type hops are commonly used.

    -Perceived Bitterness: Low to medium

    -Body: Low to medium

    -ABV: 4.1%-6.3%

    -Glassware: Tulip


    Rare Vos Amber Ale
    Brewery Ommegang, Cooperstown, New York

    ABV: 6.5%

    Notes: Rare Vos Amber Ale is styled after the smooth, drinkable beers popular in Belgian cafés. It pours a light copper hue, contrasting beautifully with a big, creamy white head. The nose offers orange blossoms and slight spice. On the palate, the caramel maltiness shines strongly but with little sweetness. The profile leans toward dry fruity (yeast-affiliated), slightly fruity/hoppy with a beguiling spiciness. This complex, medium-bodied beer has a smooth mid-palate and moderate dry finish. Well-balanced in all elements, it's a mild, mellow brew.

    Russian River Brewing Company, Santa Rosa, CA

    ABV: 5.2%


    This beer was inspired by the Belgian Single or Blonde Ales. It has a fruity, banana bouquet with a spicy, mild finish. Straw with tons of carbonation and 3 fingers of white head. Smells of Belgian yeasts, coriander and light malts. The taste follows the nose to perfection.

    Craft Beer Storm Website: www.craftbeerstorm.com

    *** A Top 20 Podcast in Food on iTunes ***

    Subscribe to Craft Beer Storm Podcast iTunes:

    Michael Beara is the Host of Craft Beer Storm and Founder/Brewer at Beara Brewing Co. in Portsmouth, NH

    *** Interested in starting your own brewery? Our Portsmouth, NH TURNKEY facility is for sale! Follow link for more info:


    If your Company, Hotel or Restaurant wants to book a CraftBeer Weekend or Craft Beer Evening for your guests or employees send an email to [email protected]

    Michael Potorti
    Host of "Craft Beer Storm" Podcast
    [email protected]
    Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craft-beer-storm-podcast-30776075/

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  • Michael interviews the legendary John Kimmich, Co-Founder of The Alchemist Brewery in Stowe, VT to discuss the success of Heady Topper and give us insights on how he produces some of the most sought after beer in the WORLD.

    The Alchemist is a family run brewery specializing in fresh, unfiltered IPA. John and Jen Kimmich originally opened The Alchemist as a 60 seat brew pub in the village of Waterbury in 2003. After eight years of success and growing popularity, they decided to open a small production brewery. Today The Alchemist currently operates two breweries in Vermont and handles all local distribution.

    In early 2011 we built the Alchemist Cannery, a 15 barrel brewery and canning line, for the production of our flagship IPA Heady Topper. The first cans of Heady Topper rolled off the line just two days after Tropical Storm Irene demolished The Alchemist Pub and Brewery. Today, we move all of our beer weekly in a concerted effort to provide the freshest, hoppiest packaged IPA on the market. Heady Topper is brewed only in Waterbury, Vermont and is distributed within a 25 mile radius. Our Waterbury brewery is not open to the public. However, we distribute a portion of Heady Topper to our Stowe brewery and Visitor’s Center for retail sales and tasting. If you are not visiting our Stowe Visitor’s Center and would like to purchase Heady Topper elsewhere, please visit our WHERE TO BUY page to find a retailer close to you.

    Opened in July 2016, this state of the art facility was designed to be as low impact as possible while providing us with enough space to serve our community and the growing number of beer tourists to Vermont. Our second year round beer, Focal Banger, is brewed in Stowe as well as seasonal beers that rotate throughout the year. The Alchemist Brewery and Visitor’s Center in Stowe provides samples of beer for tasting, retail beer sales, merchandise and a fun, educational experience.

  • Craft Brew News

    Germany Cancels 2020 Oktoberfest

    German officials today cancelled the country’s famed Oktoberfest celebration due to concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Bavarian Minister President Markus Söder said during a press conference. “It hurts. It’s such a pity,” “We have agreed that the risk is simply too high.”

    The festival, originally slated for September 19 through October 4, usually draws 6 million people to Munich. Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that all large events be cancelled through August 31; however, officials said Oktoberfest, or the Wiesn in local parlance, is too large of an undertaking to adjust or postpone.

    Event manager Clemens Baumgärtner said. “The Wiesn is a total work of art that you either do completely or not at all, and this work of art cannot be moved backwards or made in a smaller form,”

    Oktoberfest, which dates back to 1810, generates more than 1 billion euros for the city of Munich and draws 2 million travelers to the city from other countries, according to Reuters.

    Molson Coors Extends HEXO CBD Beverage Partnership to US

    Molson Coors Beverage Company is deepening its relationship with Quebec-based cannabis company HEXO, today announcing the launch of a new joint venture to produce non-alcoholic CBD-infused beverages in Colorado.

    The new venture, Truss CBD USA, will be majority owned by Molson Coors and operate as an independent company with its own board of directors, management and resources. All products will be produced in Colorado and distributed exclusively for sale within the state.

    Molson Coors isn’t the only major beer company exploring the potential for cannabis beverages in Canada, which approved legal sales in December 2019. Anheuser-Busch InBev and Toronto-based cannabis brand Tilray launched a joint venture to research both THC- and CBD-infused beverages in December 2018, with each side committing $50 million to the project. Constellation Brands, the world’s largest spirits company, also has a minority ownership in Canopy Growth Corp.

    According to cannabis market research firm Brightfield Group, the U.S. CBD beverage market was worth $143.1 million in 2019. Colorado ranks 10th in the country in terms of CBD beverage consumers by state, with that group representing 2.9% of U.S. users.

    Minnesota Allows Restaurants to Sell Beer and Wine To Go

    Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz signed legislation last week that permits the sale of beer and wine to-go from restaurants during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the Associated Press.

    Walz said. “This is a small but important step to provide relief for the local restaurants that are struggling to keep their lights on during this pandemic.

    Restaurants and bars are now allowed to sell a bottle of wine or six-pack of beer with food orders.

    Atlanta-Based Monday Night Brewing Begins Rehiring Furloughed Staff

    Atlanta’s Monday Night Brewing shared last week that it had begun rehiring some of its furloughed employees.

    The company wrote on Instagram.
    “Because of your willingness to purchase directly from our small brewery and generous contributions, we will actually be able to bring some of our furloughed staff back onto payroll

    Four furloughed employees were brought back and other employees whose hours were cut have received additional work. Monday Night will continue donating 25% of to-go sales and 100% of donations to its staff fund.

    The company wrote. “Your willingness to step up to the plate for the survival of our brewery and our team has been an incredibly life-giving and humbling experience for us,”

    Craft Beer Storm Website: www.craftbeerstorm.com

    *** A Top 20 Podcast in Food on iTunes ***

    Subscribe to Craft Beer Storm Podcast iTunes:

    Michael Beara is the Host of Craft Beer Storm and Founder/Brewer at Beara Brewing Co. in Portsmouth, NH

    *** Interested in starting your own brewery? Our Portsmouth, NH TURNKEY facility is for sale! Follow link for more info:


    If your Company, Hotel or Restaurant wants to book a CraftBeer Weekend or Craft Beer Evening for your guests or employees send an email to [email protected]

    Michael Potorti
    Host of "Craft Beer Storm" Podcast
    [email protected]
    Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craft-beer-storm-podcast-30776075/

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  • South German-Style Weizenbock

    Description (courtesy of Beer Advocate)

    -The German-style Weizenbock is a wheat version of a German-Style Bock, or a bigger and beefier Dunkelweizen. If served with yeast, the appearance may appropriately be very cloudy. With flavors of bready malt and dark fruits like plum, raisin, and grape, this style is low on bitterness and high on carbonation. Balanced clove-like phenols and fruity, banana-like esters produce a well-rounded aroma.

    -Color – Gold to very dark

    -Clarity: If served with yeast, appearance may be very cloudy.

    -Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Medium malty sweetness should be present. If dark, a mild roast malt character should emerge in the flavor and, to a lesser degree, in the aroma

    -Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Not present

    -Perceived Bitterness: Low

    -Body : Medium to full

    -Additional notes: These beers are made with at least 50 percent wheat malt. They are often roused during pouring, and when yeast is present, they will have a yeasty flavor and a fuller mouthfeel.

    -ABV: 7.0%-9.5%

    -Glassware: Tulip Glass - A stemmed glass, obviously tulip-shaped, wherein the top of the glass pushes out a bit to form a lip in order to capture the head and the body is bulbous. Scotch Ales are often served in a "thistle glass," which is a modified tulip glass that resembles Scotland's national flower.

    Benefits: Captures and enhances volatiles, while it induces and supports large foamy heads.


    Schneider Weisse Tap 6 Unser Aventinus - Weisses Bräuhaus G. Schneider & Sohn GmbH

    ABV 8.2 %

    Notes: For golden moments by the fireplace: "Mein Aventinus" - the wholehearted, dark ruby coloured wheat beer, intensive and fiery, warming, well-balanced and tender. Bavaria's oldest wheat "Doppelbock" - brewed since 1907! Its sturdy body in combination with its sweet malty aroma is an invitation to profound indulgence - an ingenious blend with a strong body. Perfectly matches rustic dishes, dark roasts and sweet desserts.

    Craft Beer Storm Website: www.craftbeerstorm.com

    If your Company, Hotel or Restaurant wants to book a CraftBeer Weekend or Craft Beer Evening for your guests or employees send an email to [email protected]

    Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craft-beer-storm-podcast-30776075/

    Subscribe to Craft Beer Storm Podcast iTunes:

    *** A Top 20 Podcast in Food on iTunes ***

    Michael Potorti is the Host of Craft Beer Storm and Founder/Brewer at Beara Brewing Co. in Portsmouth, NH

    *** Interested in starting your own brewery? Our Portsmouth, NH TURNKEY facility is for sale! Follow link for more info:


    Michael Potorti
    Host of "Craft Beer Storm" Podcast
    [email protected]

    **LISTEN to our Craft Beer Storm Podcast and share with a friend**

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  • Michael speaks with Julia Herz, Craft Beer Program Director of the Brewers Association about her experience, the COVID-19 impact on the Craft Beer world and the way forward.

    Julia Herz, co-author of the CraftBeer.com Beer & Food Course, is the Craft Beer Program director at the Brewers Association, publisher of CraftBeer.com.

    Herz is a BJCP-certified beer judge, an award-winning homebrewer, a Certified Cicerone® and a beer educator. She has been featured by The Splendid Table, The Food Network’s Unwrapped, CNBC’s Closing Bell, Good Morning America Live and is a regular beer blogger for HuffPost Taste. She is also the co-author of Beer Pairing: The Essential Guide from the Pairing Pros (Voyageur Press, 2015).

    Check out her site at https://www.craftbeer.com/

    Craft Beer Storm Website: www.craftbeerstorm.com

    If your Company, Hotel or Restaurant wants to book a CraftBeer Weekend or Craft Beer Evening for your guests or employees send an email to [email protected]

    Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craft-beer-storm-podcast-30776075/

    Subscribe to Craft Beer Storm Podcast iTunes:

    *** A Top 20 Podcast in Food on iTunes ***

    Michael Potorti is the Host of Craft Beer Storm and Founder/Brewer at Beara Brewing Co. in Portsmouth, NH

    *** Interested in starting your own brewery? Our Portsmouth, NH TURNKEY facility is for sale! Follow link for more info:


    Michael Potorti
    Host of "Craft Beer Storm" Podcast
    [email protected]

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  • Craft Brew News
    (Courtesy of www.Brewbound.com)

    BA’s Bart Watson: COVID-19 ‘A Shock to the System’ for Craft Breweries

    By most metrics, small and independent craft brewing companies posted solid volume growth in 2019. However, the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has forced many craft brewers into “survival mode,” is overshadowing 2019’s growth.

    In 2019, BA-defined craft brewing companies held 13.6% of the beer industry’s market share by volume, and accounted for more than a quarter of the industry’s dollar sales.

    Nevertheless, craft breweries have lost a considerable amount of sales in 2020 as on-premise and own-premise sales were cut off in mid-March 2020.

    That’s left many craft breweries struggling to survive. According to the BA’s second impact survey, 46% of respondents said they may be forced to close their doors within the next three months if the shutdown continues.

    Asked which breweries might be most at-risk of closing, Watson said the smallest breweries are the most at-risk due to relying on onsite sales and draft production.

    Responding to a question of how the current downturn compares to the recession that began in late 2007, Watson said beer and other alcoholic beverages are “recession-resistant, but not recession-proof.” Consumers are likely to continue buying beer, wine and spirits, even after they cut spending elsewhere. Since 2009, beer prices have increased, while wine and spirit prices have decreased.

    Watson also addressed the number of breweries in planning. The BA counted 8,275 in operation in the U.S. in 2019. Citing Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) numbers, he said there are now 11,800 active brewing permits in the U.S., of which he estimated there are around 2,000 breweries in the planning stages.

    Watson added the industry was already moving in a direction similar to the restaurant and bar industries, in which locations close and new ones open in their place.

    “We were already seeing 25% to 30% of breweries that close get a new brewery going in,” he said. “And that rate may rise over the next few years as people look to get in at a lower price point than they couldn’t before.”

    The way those breweries operate once they open may also change. A flaw in the taproom brewery model, which has been hailed as possibly the best way to build a brand and cash flow a brewery by selling beer directly to consumers with little to no distribution, was exposed by COVID-19. Watson said in a post-COVID-19 world, businesses will be forced to consider other revenue streams, such as beer to-go sales and direct-to-consumer sales with limited distribution, either self-distribution or through a wholesaler, where legal, “as a hedge against future shutdowns.”

    A common thread in off-premise data reporting since the pandemic began is a resurgence of the nation’s largest craft brewers’ long-declining flagship offerings, which haven’t grown in months or even years. Though it may be easy to assume that troubling times inspire consumers to turn to trusted brands, Watson pointed out that these brands have much wider distribution than their smaller craft counterparts.

    Since March 9, off-premise dollar sales in retailers such as grocery stores, where shelves are typically stocked with products from major domestic and regional craft brewers, topped $3.4 billion, according to market research firm Nielsen.

    Social Standards Examines Possible Loss of Summer Drinking Occasions, Increase in Virtual Happy Hours

    With summer drinking occasions at risk of being lost due to the coronavirus disease COVID-19 shutting down gatherings at beaches and pools, consumer insights firm Social Standards looked at the potential effects of that loss on beverage alcohol products.

    The firm analyzed 30 beverage alcohol products whose conversation volume increased more than 10% between the first and third quarter of 2019 in an effort to determine those that “may be most vulnerable if social distancing continues.”

    Products on Social Standards’ potential most vulnerable list include canned wine, Mexican beer, hard seltzer, rosé and non-alcoholic offerings.

    Those least affected by the potential loss of summer gatherings include malbecs, wheat beer and craft cider.

    Whether those projections become reality are still to be seen. For example, hard seltzers have maintained their triple-digit dollar sales growth and continued to be the beer category’s growth driver in off-premise retailers during the COVID-19 crisis. According to market research firm Nielsen, hard seltzers increased dollar sales 327% and gained 2.5 share points during the week ending March 28, outpacing pre-COVID-19 growth rates.

    As consumers connect to family, friends and co-workers on platforms such as Google and Zoom, conversations around virtual happy hours have increased 1,505% during March, according to Social Standards.

    The winners so far have been wines and whiskeys — but not beer, despite several beer companies turning to virtual happy hours in an effort to engage with consumers. Over-indexing in virtual happy hour conversations are classic cocktails, such as martinis and old fashions, as well as spritzes and margaritas.

    So who is posting to social media the most about virtual happy hours? Social Standards said they are women, ages 30- to 44-year-old, in higher income brackets relative to the average beverage-alcohol consumer. Those posters also skew more toward urban tech hubs, including San Francisco, Seattle and Austin.

    Social Standards also examined why people are hosting virtual happy hours. The top reasons are to replace canceled events and stay connected with family, friends and co-workers. Those events also over-index in relation to supporting local businesses, which indicates that virtual happy hour participants want to support local businesses.

    Craft Beer Storm Website: www.craftbeerstorm.com

    If your Company, Hotel or Restaurant wants to book a CraftBeer Weekend or Craft Beer Evening for your guests or employees send an email to [email protected]

    Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craft-beer-storm-podcast-30776075/

    Subscribe to Craft Beer Storm Podcast iTunes:

    *** A Top 20 Podcast in Food on iTunes ***

    Michael Potorti is the Host of Craft Beer Storm and Founder/Brewer at Beara Brewing Co. in Portsmouth, NH

    *** Interested in starting your own brewery? Our Portsmouth, NH TURNKEY facility is for sale! Follow link for more info:


    Michael Potorti
    Host of "Craft Beer Storm" Podcast
    [email protected]

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  • South German-Style Dunkel Weizen

    Description (courtesy of Beer Advocate)

    Similar to a Hefeweizen, these southern German wheat beers are brewed as darker versions (Dunkel means "dark") with deliciously complex malts and a low balancing bitterness. Creamy and full-bodied, most Dunkelweizen are medium amber to amber-brown and appear slightly murky from the weizen yeast. Phenolic (clove) and fruity (banana, bubble gum) character will usually be present in the nose, and some examples may even taste like banana bread.

    -Color – Copper-brown to very dark

    -Clarity: If served with yeast, appearance may be very cloudy.

    -Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Distinct sweet maltiness and a chocolate-like character from roasted malt characterize this beer style. Dark barley malts are frequently used along with dark Cara or color malts.

    -Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Not present

    -Perceived Bitterness: Low

    -Body : Medium to full

    -Additional notes: These beers are made with at least 50 percent wheat malt. They are often roused during pouring, and when yeast is present, they will have a yeasty flavor and a fuller mouthfeel.

    -ABV: 4.8%-5.4%

    -Glassware: Weizen Glass


    Erdinger Weissbier Dunkel - Erdinger Weissbräu -

    ABV 5.3 %

    Notes: Carefully selected dark malts with delicate roasting aromas give ERDINGER Dunkel its full-bodied flavor and strong character.

    This elegant wheat beer has a lustrous, deep dark-brown appearance in the glass. The first sip reveals a harmonious symphony of carefully selected wheat and barley malts with exquisite Hallertau aroma hops. The taste buds detect hints of caramel, nuts and fresh bread. An unmistakable top-fermenting accent is provided by ERDINGER’s traditional yeast.

    ERDINGER Dunkel first saw the light of day in 1989, when ERDINGER’s master brewers created a dark wheat beer as a birthday present for the private brewery’s owner, Werner Brombach. He liked it so much that he decided to put it on the market in 1990.

    Craft Beer Storm Website: www.craftbeerstorm.com

    If your Company, Hotel or Restaurant wants to book a CraftBeer Weekend or Craft Beer Evening for your guests or employees send an email to [email protected]

    Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craft-beer-storm-podcast-30776075/

    Subscribe to Craft Beer Storm Podcast iTunes:

    *** A Top 20 Podcast in Food on iTunes ***

    Michael Potorti is the Host of Craft Beer Storm and Founder/Brewer at Beara Brewing Co. in Portsmouth, NH

    *** Interested in starting your own brewery? Our Portsmouth, NH TURNKEY facility is for sale! Follow link for more info:


    Michael Potorti
    Host of "Craft Beer Storm" Podcast
    [email protected]

    **LISTEN to our Craft Beer Storm Podcast and share with a friend**

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  • Michael talks with Head Brewer, Adam Denny Golab about how the Brewery is surviving through the Coronavirus Pandemic and distribution throughout the region.






    Craft Beer Storm Website: www.craftbeerstorm.com

    If your Company, Hotel or Restaurant wants to book a CraftBeer Weekend or Craft Beer Evening for your guests or employees send an email to [email protected]

    Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craft-beer-storm-podcast-30776075/

    Subscribe to Craft Beer Storm Podcast iTunes:

    *** A Top 20 Podcast in Food on iTunes ***

    Michael Potorti is the Host of Craft Beer Storm and Founder/Brewer at Beara Brewing Co. in Portsmouth, NH

    *** Interested in starting your own brewery? Our Portsmouth, NH TURNKEY facility is for sale! Follow link for more info:


    Michael Potorti
    Host of "Craft Beer Storm" Podcast
    [email protected]

    **LISTEN to our Craft Beer Storm Podcast and share with a friend**

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  • Craft Brew News
    (Courtesy of www.Brewbound.com)

    Breweries, Distilleries Partner to Create Hand Sanitizer During COVID-19 Outbreak

    Cody Morris is reincarnating out of code draft beer as hand sanitizer.

    A professional brewer and the son of distillery owners, he knew that all the beer sitting idle in kegs could be distilled into hand sanitizer, which is needed for essential workers nationwide during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    His parents own Hardware Distilling in Hoodsport, Washington, and they wanted to make sanitizer, which needs to be at least 60% ethanol, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    To start the process, Morris runs beer he’s collected through Hardware Distilling’s column still twice.
    Morris is donating sanitizer to first responders, filling up consumers’ own containers at the distillery and selling small bottles to the local grocery store at a low cost.

    Without using beer as a base, it would take two weeks longer to start making sanitizer from scratch.

    Last month, the Brewers Association (BA) canceled the in-person version of its Craft Brewers Conference, which led to the stranding of entries to its biennial World Beer Cup at its warehouse in Colorado.

    With the help of Denver-area distilleries Denver Distillery and Ballmer Peak Distillery, the BA converted the beer, which poured into Colorado from 2,700 craft breweries nationwide, into hand sanitizer.

    In Milton, Delaware, Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, which also distills spirits, used its gin as a base for sanitizer, co-founder Sam Calagione said in a video op-ed today for the New York Times.

    The sanitizer created will be donated to hospitals, first responders and police departments.
    Brewers Association Announces Virtual Craft Brewers Conference, Releases Schedule

    The Brewers Association’s Craft Brewers Conference will go on in 2020 — at a social distance.

    The trade group that represents small and independent craft brewers today announced plans to hold the event virtually over the next five weeks, from April 13 through May 15, with many days featuring two live streamed seminars.

    The BA said more than 70 industry experts will give 40 free presentations over the next five weeks.
    The BA canceled CBC, which was supposed to take place from April 19-22 in San Antonio, Texas, on March 12, citing concerns over the novel coronavirus disease COVID-19. CBC, as well as Brew Expo and the World Beer Cup competition were expected to draw more than 13,000 attendees to San Antonio.

    One of the most anticipated presentations of the year, the annual “State of the Craft Brewing Industry” address from BA chief economist Bart Watson will take place at 4 p.m. ET on Wednesday, April 15.

    Nevada Declares Breweries Non-Essential, Despite Trade Associations Securing National Essential Business Designation

    In many states, bars and restaurants were among the first businesses forced to alter their operations to keep people from gathering in large groups. Since then, shutdowns have expanded to other non-essential businesses, such as hair and nail salons, clothing stores and gyms.

    The beer industry has been deemed essential under guidelines from the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), something the heads of beer trade associations worked to secure.

    Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak set guidelines on March 12 outlining which businesses were essential and which were not, but breweries, wineries, pubs and bars fell on the non-essential side of the line.

    Nevada breweries, however, are permitted to keep brewing and selling beer for distribution. The state’s liquor stores are non-essential and closed, but grocery stores sell beer. Craft breweries can offer safe locations for beer purchasing to cull crowds at grocery stores.

    The essential business designation has enabled breweries nationwide to remain open and sell beer to-go from taprooms and into the three-tier system. However, the loss of on-premise service, at least for the country’s nearly 6,000 brewpub and taproom brewers, has been “in a word, devastating,” Brewers Association (BA) president and CEO Bob Pease added.

    “If this goes two months, four months, six months, then there’s going to be a significant toll,” he said.

    Constellation Brands Does Not Expect Disruption of Corona and Modelo Brands; Posts $8.34 Billion in Sales for FY 2020

    Constellation Brands will continue production of import brands Corona, Modelo and Pacifico at its facilities in Mexico, despite the suspension of nonessential businesses in that country.

    The Mexican government issued a decree Tuesday suspending all nonessential operations, including beer manufacturing, through the end of April. During the company’s fourth quarter and full-year 2020 earnings call, Constellation Brands CEO Bill Newlands told investors and analysts that the company’s production facilities are open and operating in Mexico, the U.S., Italy and New Zealand.
    Constellation is taking employees’ temperature as they arrive at its facilities and has staggered shifts to encourage social distancing.

    Meanwhile, Anheuser-Busch InBev-owned Grupo Modelo, which produces and sells Corona, Modelo and Pacifico outside the U.S., announced Friday it will halt production, according to CNN. Heineken N.V. also announced that it will suspend production and distribution of its products from its seven manufacturing facilities in Mexico, effective Sunday, according to Reuters.

    Constellation Brands’ net sales, encompassing its beer, spirits and wine business, increased 3%, to $8.344 billion for the full 2020 fiscal year.

    As of press time, Constellation Brands (STZ) stock was up around 1%, to around $132, which is down considerably from its 52-week high of $214.48.

    Craft Beer Storm Website: www.craftbeerstorm.com

    If your Company, Hotel or Restaurant wants to book a CraftBeer Weekend or Craft Beer Evening for your guests or employees send an email to [email protected]

    Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craft-beer-storm-podcast-30776075/

    Subscribe to Craft Beer Storm Podcast iTunes:

    *** A Top 20 Podcast in Food on iTunes ***

    Michael Potorti is the Host of Craft Beer Storm and Founder/Brewer at Beara Brewing Co. in Portsmouth, NH

    *** Interested in starting your own brewery? Our Portsmouth, NH TURNKEY facility is for sale! Follow link for more info:


    Michael Potorti
    Host of "Craft Beer Storm" Podcast
    [email protected]

    **LISTEN to our Craft Beer Storm Podcast and share with a friend**

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