Studies prove that exercise is the best medicine, but we don't need studies. Personal experience is enough! Move a Muscle - Change a Thought is real. I don't care if you walk, run marathons, lift weights or do yoga, just do SOMETHING!
Forever, I was going to start tomorrow, or Monday, or next week. When it came to giving up drinking, or working on that new show idea, or implementing the new workout program or eating regimen, I was always starting tomorrow. Not anymore. The power of making today THE day is undeniable.
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My Super Bowl partying looks quite different than it used to, and I'm grateful for that fact. Waking up feeling fresh and ready to go, having experienced the game and surrounding events with my kids and wife, and receiving a gentle reminder that I'm still an alcoholic and being okay with it. Not to mention being humbled by my kids!
Getting sober doesn't magically fix all of your problems, but it does make you much more capable of dealing with them. In a ten day period, Tim got the news that his daughters had been molested, his cousin had passed away, and his wife had cheated on him. The man from years past would have hopped in the truck, hit the liquor store and numbed the pain, and sadly left the problems to fester. Yet, in the face of this ugliness and adversity, Tim remained strong and sober, and dealt with this seemingly impossible flood of news and events. I was shocked when he shared this on the podcast, and even more so when he explained his incredible perspective and reaction in the face of such difficulty. I am beyond proud of my friend Tim.
Tim on Instagram:
https://www.instagram.com/tlodgen?igsh=MTdkbWh1NXBrN2o0dw== -
Action needs to be taken. Changes must be made. What we're doing with treatment, services, and stopping the flow of drugs into this country is NOT working, and what's happening can no longer be ignored. 190 people overdose and die EVERYDAY in America. That's equivalent to a 747 airplane. Can you imagine if a 747 crashed EVERYDAY - can you imagine what the media coverage would be?
Running a treatment facility, tirelessly advocating for better treatment and services for addicts, working to install Narcan (emergency treatment for overdoses) into schools and other necessary facilities, and spreading an urgent message on fentanyl and its devastating affect on society are a few things that Flindt Andersen is focused on EVERYDAY. He and I dive in on the inconvenient truths around all of these topics. -
Focus on what you can control. The day I stopped fixating on the news, social media posts, co-workers' habits, and other people's driving habits, I became much more free and positive. Taylor Swift's takeover of the NFL has some people going mad! Why? She's made the NFL hundreds of millions of dollars in a matter of months. She's not going anywhere. Stop worrying about her and her boyfriend's antics and remind yourself of why you watch the games in the first place.
This is Jen Hirst - living by example for her kids, clients, and so many others that find her in their journey. Despite no one knowing her deep, dark secret, she suffered from addiction for years, battling the exhaustion from keeping up the facade that everything was okay. To say that removing alcohol has changed Jen's life is a ridiculous understatement. Her willingness to share her 10 years of sober experiences, realizations and growth, and the manner in which she does so, makes it simple and attainable. Jen asks basic questions, gives obvious answers, and reveals the better way forward.
Find Jen...
https://joinlighthousesobriety.com/about-1 -
Recently questioned by a man wondering if the life I live now is boring, I took a good look at how I spend my days. For years, I feared a life without alcohol would be absent of any kind of enjoyment. My conversation with this curious guy uncovered the truth.
After our first podcast together, Adam and I knew we had more to talk about. And damn, we sure did. I kicked things off by asking "now what?" I'm almost three years sober, I've settled into this life, so "now what?" What followed was a conversation about Fulfillment vs. Success, God, Perfectionism, Social Media, Doing Things We Don't Want to Do, Failure (fear of it), and believe me, there's even more. When you put two high-energy, motivated Jersey boys on a podcast, this is what you get!
Follow Adam:
Free Sober Curious course:
https://members.adamjablin.com/linkinbio/?fbclid=PAAaYdeOLGAwZQ0QMCiOf0dHMxqKGgAVy6jWcB5nue5hYAgB6Bhegx_l4CDbw_aem_AQTJ9SlbxjkFPIsxby66QOE01vMgz3l6ejz9G_L7VAOP0GvocnZ0Pbgj-6RLlRr7fk8 -
After years of feeling subtle nudges towards a better life, Ashley finally got the message and gave up alcohol. One year later, the positive changes are undeniable. Less anxiety and brain fog, greater creativity, better relationships with her husband and colleagues, and obvious results from her workouts are just a few of the benefits from her sobriety. Ashley's emotional dependency on alcohol stole joy from her life and work, and became an exhausting habit, but then she said it out loud, "I want to stop drinking." She hasn't looked back since.
If you're sober curious, this is a must listen!
Follow Ashley:
https://ashleyhowardllc.aweb.page/p/80b0dfee-0293-4d9e-af12-1e71898cb65f -
If I was still drinking, my actions would haunt my kids and family for the rest of their lives. What we do, our habits good and bad, our addictions, affect everyone around us...not just ourselves. We have the ability to make changes, to set goals and make 2024 resolutions, and create our own better way of life while positively impacting all who come into contact with us. Let's get after it!
Angie and her company, Eleat Sports Nutrition, work with some of the best professional athletes in the world, but also with guys like me as I take on an Ironman or marathon. They also work with people who are simply looking for a healthier lifestyle, maybe want to lose weight, or just want to feel better. In this conversation, Angie talks to us about the importance of food on more than just our bodies, but on our minds as well. The food we eat has a direct effect on our moods and mental health, and the energy we may or may not have throughout our day. The best part is that changing our habits is not as daunting as you may think. Angie breaks down how better eating habits are attainable with reasonable changes on a daily basis. We don't need crazy diets with restrictions that are impossible to maintain. Better health, mentally and physically, is possible with gradual eating and lifestyle habits. Angie explains, so listen up.
https://instagram.com/eleatnutrition?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== -
Sometimes you can actually feel a person's energy in the room. And on rare occasions, you can feel it through the screen of your device. That was the case with my special guest, Fausto Castellanos. This man's desire to spread his message of hope, positivity and recovery is tangible and powerful. He was always the life of the party, he's just throwing a different kind of party in sobriety. Six years in recovery continue to help him grow and develop into the person he wants to be for himself and those around him. Fausto's openness about his ongoing journey tells a story of recovery and growth, realization and humility, service and purpose. Listen and feel Fausto's energy.
Landon Brock's struggles and addiction left him homeless. We're not talking about couch surfing with different friends homeless, but rather blisters on your feet, living on the street, stealing food from the grocery store to survive homeless. His difficult childhood had him fantasizing about the life of a gangster like those he watched in movies, but reality tossed him into juvenile detention and eventually jail. Hard to believe that this 6' 3", 250 pound nice guy was stuck in such a dark, hopeless place, but thanks to incredible support from loved ones and medication-assisted treatment, he's sharing his tough, raw, and powerful story with us.
TikTok @balboabrock -
I just ran the NYC Marathon and it put to work what I've learned in recovery.
Adam is leading the way in the addiction, recovery, and mental health communities, not only helping so many through tireless work, but by walking the walk and living by example. The dad and entrepreneur is coaching and mentoring so many, building The Hero Project, running a 5k EVERYDAY, and still finds time to sit down with me to share his experience. I need to run this back with Adam and try to shut up a little more next time so he can just talk, but I couldn't help but keep sharing in this conversation that I loved so much. He's 17 years sober, and he attacked his recovery the only way he knows how, at 110%. That's how he's wired, and he puts that same energy into everything he does every single day. We all need some Adam in our lives.
https://adamjablin.com/ -
This is two guys in recovery shooting the shit on addiction, family, work, relapse, and quite a bit more. Jason is a busy Dad trying to do right by his kids and family, the sober community as a whole, and for himself. Our conversation went everywhere including non-alcoholic drinks, sex addiction, journaling, and admitting a relapse or slip-up. Let's go!
Check-out Jason's podcasts:
Knockin’ Doorz Down
https://instagram.com/painnonprofit?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== -
Michael had been checking the boxes of life. He went to college, got a good job and got married, and had two beautiful children. But then his script got a rewrite. On July, 11, 2001, Michael was hit head-on by an SUV traveling at 40 mph while he was out training on his bike. That became his Last Bad Day.
Miraculously, he survived, but the long road to recovery wasn't without difficulties. He was told "that all events in our lives are neutral until we label them." Maybe his accident didn't happen to him, but for him. Not long after, he began to change his perspective and mindset, started a daily mindfulness practice called Pause Breathe Reflect, and changed his life.
https://instagram.com/pausebreathereflect?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== -
My book, If I'm Being Honest, is out and is resonating! It's happening! I offered an email address on the final page hoping some would reach out to connect and share their feelings, thoughts, stories, or whatever they were thinking after reading it. Well, the emails keep coming and I couldn't be happier about it. We are connecting! In this episode I share part of an email I received and then I read the passage from the book being referred to in that email. I have a lot of different aspirations for my book, but connecting with and possibly helping other is number one. I love that people are reading it, and I love that they are moved to message me afterwards. Let's keep it going!
Book is available in the Netherlands and Belgium
Bekijk If I'm Being Honest op: https://www.bol.com/nl/p/if-i-m-being-honest/9300000145370169?referrer=socialshare_pdp_iphoneapp
Coming soon to U.S. and beyond. -
How do you feel about your age? Younger, struggling me constantly worried that I was running out of time, that I was missing my chance. Sober, grateful me feels like I have plenty of time, and my days are fulfilling and accomplished. Not to mention, I’m doing Ironmans, running marathons, and God knows what else. Ty said "age is nothing but a number," but 47 is my number, and I'm okay with it.
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