Brian Coles speaks with a top marketing executive in Scandinavia, Troels Rygaard on digital transformation and its impact on the buyer journey.
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If you could ask Santa for any Salesforce Marketing gift, what would you ask for and why?
Dan Elman asks marketers and consultants...
Brian Coles asks Della Quist (author of 'Fear and Self-loathing in Email Marketing') which proven methods he uses.
Dan Elman discusses past, present and future, with Manufacturing industry expert Richard Henry. Topics include CRM, D2C, IOT, Voice, AI, VR... and car trains!
Brian Coles asks Pardot Einstein Product Manager, Alon Shvo.
Dan Elman asks the BBC's Head of CRM how they achieve this.
Dan Elman asks the Director of Data Strategy at the Financial Times about their subscription business.
If you'd like a question answered about anything relating to automating your marketing, please email us at [email protected] and we'll answer it in a future episode!