All eyes are on occupied Palestine. The zionist entity has been expelling Palestinians from their lands for a century, and have been perpetrating an outright genocide for a half a year now, supplied by western weapons and western excuses. While protestors gather in the tens of thousands in Toronto, the Canadian media industry works overtime to vilify them, and police conduct pre-dawn raids on the homes of those who stand against prominent local zionists.
In this episode, my guests and I discuss the history of zionism, the way mainstream media outlets try to obscure the material reality of colonization, “purplewashing” tactics, and how you can help fight for Palestine.
Link to Tara and Rawan’s Briarpatch article:
More on Canadian media bias against Palestine:
Palestinian Youth Movement
Palestinian Feminist Collective
A special crossover episode brought to you by CURSED WITH GOOD IDEAS and Deathnography, one hundred and eight minutes of call-in show with Dino Chang, Gabriele de Seta, Patrick Harrison, and Henry Lee answering your questions and giving advice to Young Men. In this episode: sapiosexuality, academic career, love, labor, therapy, cuckoldry Coughs and volume dips due to smoking and shared recording facilities. LINKS: - Deathnography podcast: https://deathnography.libsyn.com - James Cage White: https://twitter.com/JamesCageWhite - Palo Alto: https://amazon.com/Palo-Alto-History-California-Capitalism… - Dino's Green Hat Society essay: https://theasiadialogue.com/2019/11/21/the-spectacle-of-cuckoldry-and-the-crisis-of-the-libidinal-economy/
Deathnography is a proud member of the Harbinger Media Network https://harbingermedianetwork.com/
¿Faltan episodios?
Toronto's police budget has increased by nearly 50 million dollars, while shelters and warming centres remain critically underfunded. I speak with Lorraine Lam, from the Shelter and Housing Justice Network about the current housing crisis, and together we tackle some myths about homelessness and encampments.
Contact Lorraine Lam @lorrainelamchops on instagram, @lorrainelamchop on twitter
In this episode, I speak with Majerle Lister (member of the Navajo Nation, host of Wósdéé Podcast, PhD at University of Arizona) about sovereignty, the history of Navajo tribal government, red-baiting, and solidarity between Indigenous and white working people. I also speak with Alexandra Lépine (Métis communist and organizer, Theory and Criticism PhD candidate at Western University) about class and colonial antagonisms in Canada, identity and the concept of “white-passing,” and the necessity of anti-fascist organizing.
The report discussed with Majerle, Land Reform in the Navajo Nation, can be accessed at: https://www.dinecollege.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Land-Reform-In-Navajo-Nation.pdf
Majerle’s podcast is called Wósdéé Podcast, it’s available on all platforms go check it out immediately.
***LINKS - ALEX***
The Red River Rebellion
The Northwest is Our Mother (book) by Jean Teillet:
The document “What is Canada?” by the PCR-RCP, discussed with Alex, can be accessed at: http://blogs.ubc.ca/span280/files/2015/12/what-is-canada-primer.pdf
Info on Africville, Nova Scotia:
Accomplices, Not Allies (zine)
Defend Your Territory (pamphlet)
Info on The “Trucker” Convoy
Info on Every Child Matters:
Interview with Glen Coulthard
Info on The Native People’s Caravan:
Info on encampment clearing in Toronto:
I had a conversation with my friend Aamer of Das Criminal Podcast (https://directory.libsyn.com/shows/view/id/dascriminal). We discussed the good art vs good politics, video games as propaganda, and whether art can be a substitution for political theory (no). I recorded and edited said discussion for you to enjoy!And here are some links:
A nice little article about marxist approaches to art criticism and analysis: https://www.culturematters.org.uk/index.php/culture/theory/item/2626-what-do-marxists-have-to-say-about-art
John Berger's Ways of Seeing BBC series about historicizing art criticism:
Episode 1 (all 4 episodes available on youtube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pDE4VX_9Kk&ab_channel=tw19751(cover art on this podcast episode is John Berger)
David Graeber on the reactionary politics of The Dark Knight Rises and other Superhero movies:
Playthrough of Call of Duty Modern Warfare: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0Wy_fjXLdc&ab_channel=MKIceAndFireAs always, I appreciate feedback and criticism, through comments or messages on any of my social media.
Support my endeavours and subscribe to my Patreon at patreon.com/deathnography
Thank you
What is possible, politically? When are we being too idealistic? What is “realistic,” when we talk about social change? Is non-violent revolution possible?
In this episode, I speak with journalist Vincent Bevins, author of The Jakarta Method, about the mass killings of suspected communists and ethnic Chinese in Indonesia during the 1960s and other Washington-supported anti-communist efforts around the globe. Next, Maya Menezes, writer of a recent article “Migrant workers are the present and future of low-carbon care work” in Briarpatch magazine, tells me about Canadian dependence on migrant labour, and the insidious myth of “scarcity” undermining our political goals.
To purchase Vincent’s book:
Maya’s article:
To support the podcast:
Here is a recent conversation I had with two young researchers, Agha Saadaf and Amber Ye, who are both about to finish their undergraduate degrees in anthropology at the University of Toronto - my alma mater. They reached out to interview me for the Anthropology Undergraduate Journal, for which they are both editors. We talked about my time at u of t, ethnography and ethnology, accessibility in public scholarship, Marx & Foucault & Ruth Wilson Gilmore, private sector research, and other work experiences we’ve had.
Check out their work in Volumes 7 and 8 of the Anthropology Undergraduate Journal:
Support me at patreon.com/deathnography -
Let's talk about China and COVID-19! Let's take a look at western imperialism at the root of the current media war on China! Let's visit a wet market with our grandmas! In this episode of the Deathnography Podcast, I speak with three guests about these topics. Amanda (@catcontentonly) breaks down the American ideological state apparatuses known as "The New York Times" and "The Washington Post." Vijay Prashad tells us how pandemics are racialized, historically, and gives us a chronology of early Chinese responses to this Coronavirus. Justin Kong reports on sinophobia faced by Chinese Canadians.
If you want to support the organizations mentioned by Amanda and Justin:
Read Vijay Prashad, Du Xiaojun, and Weiyan Zhu's report "China and Coronashock" here:
Read Justin Kong's report on anti-Chinese sentiment in Canadian politics:
If you want to learn more about imperialism you can read Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism, by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin: https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1916/imp-hsc/
Special thanks to Jen, Sydney, Elizabeth, Sharmeen, Ri, Gareth, and Liona for test-listening to this episode. Thank you also to all my supporters on Patreon.
In this episode of the Deathnography Podcast, I talk to two leftist scholars about Marxism, subtle anti-communism in the academy, and art history. Taylor Genovese explains the neoliberal co-option of radical politics in the corporate university. McKenna Gray tells us about their time in a conservative art college, and the colonial roots of museums.
McKenna Gray has also prepared a reading list to accompany this podcast, about the relationship between capitalism and contemporary art:
www.mckennagray.com/deathnographyThank you to the Patreon subscribers who support my work - sorry for the long wait.
This episode of Deathnography Podcast delves into fitness, combat, sport, and our competitive drives. I speak to Professor Katie Rose Hejtmanek about her research on (and participation in) Crossfit and weightlifting. Liona Gibbs-Bravo tells us how an anthropologist ends up in a boxing gym. We talk about gender, gyms, and the stories we craft about ourselves.
To support the podcast, visit patreon.com/deathnography
"Race is a social construct" ok but what does that mean exactly? What is race? Why was it invented? How? And what the hell are we supposed to do with this information?
Dr. Michael Rivera, a biological anthropologist who authored a forthcoming textbook chapter about race, explains why race is not biologically valid. Joshua Jiang, Helen Yang, and Lars Chen discuss their experiences in Asian-American and "mixed race" campus activism and critique liberal approaches to anti-racism. Biologist Shay-Akil McLean, who recently authored a journal article “Social Problems, Structural Issues, and Unsettling Science“ in American Anthropologist, pushes us to identify the specific social sites where race is constructed.Thank you to everyone who was a test-listener for this episode - the real MVPs.
Shay-Akil McLean is @hood_biologist on Twitter
Dr. Michael Rivera is @riveramichael on TwitterCheck out The Arch and Anth Podcast !!! That's Michael's new show - interviews with biological and cultural anthropologists, archaeologists, and everyone in between.
patreon.com/deathnography if you want to support the show
In this episode I get into a discussion with Economic and Political Anthropologist Tania Murray Li about modes of production, market (as compulsion and as opportunity). We discuss her book Land's End: Capitalist Relations on an Indigenous Frontier (2014), which I highly highly recommend for anyone who wants a case study of how a capitalist mode of production actually forms in a community, and the effects of this mode of production. If you want to check out another interview Prof Li has done about capitalism and Land's End, check out:
My Patreon is https://patreon.com/deathnography -
Welcome to the Deathnography Podcast!
In this first episode I discuss my time in Montreal, Quebec, working as a spice factory guy, a vegetable guy, and a telemarketer. I share some fieldnotes with you, and discuss work, capitalism, and anthropology with two guests: Lana Larkin, linguistic anthropologist turned manager of Higher Brothers, and Carsten Knoch, a consultant/anthropologist chimera.