
  • Do you and your significant other have a mismatched desire for sex?

    It’s common for one person in a relationship to want to ‘bake cookies’ more often than their partner. But it can cause conflict if you’re not willing to be vulnerable and communicate what’s going on for you.

    So, what causes our sex drive to ramp up or slow down? And what can couples do to bring their sexual desire into harmony?

    On this episode of Destined to Be, we discuss how to navigate a mismatched desire for sex in your relationship.

    We explore the danger in shaming your partner when their sex drive differs from your own, challenging you to communicate what you want and listen with empathy to whatever your partner is going through.

    Listen in to understand what’s behind a compulsion for sex and learn how to create the time and space for both you and your partner to feel fulfilled in the bedroom!

    Key Takeaways

    How to deal with mismatched sex drives in your relationship

    Why sex was Jeremiah’s go-to for so long and his attitude toward anyone who didn’t want it all the time

    The relationship between the compulsion for sex and seeking approval from your partner

    What couples can do to bring their sexual desire into harmony

    Jeremiah’s advice for men on communicating what they want in the bedroom

    The danger in shaming your partner when their sexual desire differs from your own

    How to create the time and environment for you and your partner to feel fulfilled

    What women can do when they’ve been caring for children all day and don’t want to be touched

    The subconscious impact sexual trauma has on your libido

    How sexy it is to listen with empathy and hold space for whatever your partner is going through

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    Imago Dialogue

  • Do you think you’re too busy to spend time with your partner?

    Between running our own businesses and the responsibilities of parenting, our schedules are packed. But we still find time to make our relationship a priority.

    What does that look like? And why is it so important?

    On this episode of Destined to Be, we discuss the emotional intimacy that comes from spending time with your partner and describe how making your relationship a priority improves other aspects of your life.

    We explain what it means to balance independence with togetherness in a marriage and explore how healing yourself as an individual affects your relationship with your significant other.

    Listen in for insight on modeling the kind of relationship you want for your children and learn how to let your partner know they’re worth it by scheduling intentional time together.

    Key Takeaways

    How building a solid relationship impacts your parenting and business

    What it means to balance independence vs. togetherness in your relationship

    The danger in relying on your partner to fix your stuff or make you happy

    Why it’s crucial to have a shared vision of the future with your partner

    What it looks like to make time with your partner a priority and why it’s important

    Why you should model the kind of relationship you want for your kids

    The value of demonstrating conflict resolution in front of your children

    How healing as an individual affects your relationship with your significant other

    The emotional intimacy that comes from spending time with your partner

    How to let your partner know they’re worth it by scheduling time together

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    Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

    The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk, MD

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  • Conflict is just part of life. You can’t avoid it.

    But you can navigate conflict effectively to repair and even grow your relationship.

    On this episode of Destined to Be, we share our approach to resolving conflict in our relationship, describing how our internal battles impact the way we interact with others.

    We explain what happens when you allow conflict to fester in your body and why couples get nowhere when we try to resolve conflict in a heightened emotional state.

    Listen in for insight on recognizing the patterns of conflict in your relationship and learn how to be curious rather than critical when your partner loses their sh*t.

    Key Takeaways

    The relationship between conflict and our conditioned beliefs

    How we create internal conflict when we blame circumstances or others for our problems

    How internal battles impact our health and the way we interact with others

    Why it’s only possible to repair conflict in a relationship when your nervous system is regulated

    How different people react to conflict differently, e.g.: get angry or shut down

    What happens when you allow conflict to fester in your body

    Why it’s crucial to repair internal AND external conflict to grow in your relationship

    How couples get nowhere when we try to resolve conflict in a heightened emotional state

    How to develop an awareness of the patterns of conflict in your relationship

    The value in asking your partner what they need when they’re triggered

    How to have compassion for yourself when you lose your sh*t

    How to be curious rather than critical in your approach to conflict

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    Mallory’s Reel on Podcasting with Jeremiah


  • "Holding space and creating that is probably one of the most important things that your partner doesn't know that they need." - Jeremiah Campbell

    Have you ever wondered if you are cultivating a thriving and lasting relationship with your partner?

    You might think you are, but you might be overlooking some things that could help you more effectively support each other's growth—things your partner doesn't even know they need that could help you uncover unexplored depths of love and connection in your relationship.

    Today, on the "Destined To Be" podcast, we're sharing some transformative insights from our couple's mastermind work. We'll guide you through thought-provoking questions that will empower you with the tools to have the meaningful conversations that foster true connection.

    Jeremiah reveals the crucial element that holds the key to lasting connection and the secret that will transform your partnership. While Mallory shares the sneaky behaviors that create a disconnect and an energy leak in your relationship that can lead to significant distance between you and your partner. Plus, the one thing you aren't asking your partner that could be the key to supporting their self-growth.

    Listen in as we explore the significance of open conversations in assessing the current state of your changing roles, the power of small gestures and micro-moments to fortify and deepen your connection, and other tips and insights to enhance your relationship.

    This is just a preview of the types of transformative discussions we delve into in our couple’s mastermind. If you want a deeper exploration that will strengthen and support your relationship, our next couple’s mastermind is COMING SOON! Connect with Jeremiah or Mallory on Instagram to learn more, and remember to spread the word to others who might benefit from listening to the show.

    Key Takeaways

    The secret to captivating social media content

    The sneaky behaviors that are stifling your connection

    The power of uncomfortable conversations in relationships

    The key to supporting your partner's desires

    The #1 factor that will help you and your partner unlock LONGTERM relationship success

    How to support the evolving roles in your relationship to sustain your love for the long-haul

    6 ways to supercharge your relationship and foster personal growth for BOTH partners

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  • What are boundaries?

    Boundaries help you define what you are comfortable with—they reflect your self-awareness and your understanding of what aligns with your values.

    Setting boundaries is an essential practice that empowers us to create a safe and healthy environment for ourselves, promoting greater personal well-being and more fulfilling relationships.

    But we must be specific and self-aware to establish boundaries that truly serve us.

    Today, on the "Destined To Be" podcast, we're diving deep into boundaries and shedding light on the importance of setting (and upholding) boundaries that align with our core values and personal well-being.

    Mallory provides valuable insights on the various types of boundaries and practical tips for protecting yourself from absorbing negative energy. While Jeremiah shares his perspective on boundaries, specifically in the area of time management and setting clear boundaries to prevent others from encroaching on your valuable time. Plus, how to help your children set boundaries that protect them.

    Listen in to discover how boundaries can enhance your self-respect, strengthen your relationships, and help you pave the way for more personal growth and fulfillment.

    We'd love to hear from you; connect with Jeremiah or Mallory on Instagram, and remember to spread the word to others who might benefit from listening to the show.

    Key Takeaways

    How boundaries help define how you want to be treated by others

    The 3 crucial elements of setting boundaries

    The one thing that hinders boundary setting

    The most challenging boundaries to set (hint: this one is essential for personal growth)

    How identifying core values can help you make decisions that align with your energy

    The most potent boundary setting practice

    How setting physical boundaries can help promote autonomy (hint: this is VITAL for your children)

    Why it’s vital to your emotional well-being to shield yourself from carrying others' emotional baggage

    The most significant benefit of setting time boundaries and limiting your commitments

    Getting past the discomfort of communicating your boundaries to break generational patterns

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  • When I discovered the book Be: A No-Bullsh*t Guide to Increasing Your Self Worth and Net Worth by Simply Being Yourself, I dreamed of one day going to the author’s agency for a deep dive into my brand.

    Two years later, we’re returning from a VIP branding session with Jessica Zweig and her team. And the experience was transformative for me as an individual as well as our relationship.

    But what do you do if you’re changing, and it brings up uncomfortable feelings for your partner? Or if your partner’s transformation brings up uncomfortable feelings for you?

    On this episode of Destined to Be, we discuss what it looks like when you’re open to receiving a new version of your partner after a personal development retreat or an event like Jessica’s.

    We explain what to do if your partner is triggered by your growth and describe the challenge of developing a relationship with your emotions—especially for men.

    Listen in for insight on acknowledging your emotions as an indicator that something needs to change and learn how to identify what you need and ask for it rather than avoiding your feelings.

    Key Takeaways

    How Mallory discovered Jessica Zweig’s branding book Be

    Mallory’s dream of going to Jessica’s agency for a branding session

    How Mallory got to do an 8-hour VIP branding session with Jessica and her team

    Why we acknowledge our relationship as a third entity that’s open to growth and healing

    How Mallory’s VIP day impacted her individually and at the relationship level

    What it looks like when you’re open to receiving a new version of your partner

    What to do if your partner is triggered when you come home from an event

    The challenge of developing a relationship with your emotions (especially for men)

    The consequences of getting stuck in or avoiding your feelings

    How emotions are an indicator that something in your life needs to change

    Our advice for men on how to identify what you need and ask for it

    How to be present for your partner without trying to fix them

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    Be: A No-Bullsh*t Guide to Increasing Your Self Worth and Net Worth by Simply Being Yourself by Jessica Zweig

    Jessica Zweig’s Claim Your Light Retreat

  • Have you ever found yourself resisting the very essence of what makes us human?

    Today, on the "Destined To Be" podcast, we're having a candid conversation about the fascinating realm of feelings inside each of us and the love-hate relationship almost all of us have with our own emotions.

    We'll share the history of our personal deep-seated fears and the painful emotions we've encountered during the evolution of our emotional state. And we'll discuss the impact of doing this inner work, both separately and together, in helping us learn to regulate our emotions in healthier ways and overcome our fears.

    Plus, listen in as Jeremiah shares the personal impact of June 19th on his life and how he's turned tragedy into a mission to change (and save) lives.

    We’d love to hear from you; connect with Jeremiah or Mallory on Instagram, and remember to spread the word to others who might benefit from listening to the show.

    Key Takeaways

    The message Jeremiah’s aunt shared with him and why he’s running drugs out of town in honor of his little brother's 34th Birthday

    The purpose of feelings as indicators that something is out of alignment

    Why mindset changes alone may not always be effective in achieving emotional well-being

    How panic attacks and emotional regulation go together

    The importance of releasing judgment of oneself and embracing personal freedom and truth

    How to release deep-seated fears and painful emotions from the body through somatic work

    The power of a partner who is willing to engage in inner work and self-growth

    The impact of learning to regulate emotions in healthier ways to overcome fear

    The significance of connecting with your body to understand what it wants to experience each day

    How mirroring can be used to help your partner navigate their challenges and fears

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  • "In order to build proper emotional intimacy, you need to start with emotional trust," - Jeremiah Campbell

    What does emotional trust mean to you?

    According to Google, "emotional trust refers to the confidence and reliance we have in someone to understand, validate, and respect our emotions. It involves feeling secure and comfortable in expressing our feelings, knowing that the other person will be supportive and empathetic without judgment or interruption."

    Emotional trust is essential for building emotional intimacy and involves creating a secure and non-judgmental space for sharing emotions.

    Today, on the "Destined To Be" podcast, we're delving deep into the significance of emotional trust, vulnerability, and open communication as essential elements for deepening your relationship.

    Jeremiah shares his personal experiences and insights on the role of self-growth in fostering emotional trust. And Mallory reflects on her journey in the relationship, highlighting the challenges women face in expressing themselves and the key components that go into creating a safe space for a deeper connection.

    Listen in to embark on a path of trust-building, self-discovery, and open communication to foster a stronger, more fulfilling connection with YOUR partner.

    We’d love to hear from you; connect with Jeremiah or Mallory on Instagram, and remember to spread the word to others who might benefit from listening to the show.

    Key Takeaways

    The vital importance of open communication and verbalizing your needs in your relationship (even if they can't always be met)

    The distinction between desires and needs in a relationship

    The significance of vulnerability in building connections, whether in friendships or romantic partnerships

    How "I" statements help to express feelings without blame

    How recognizing and understanding personal triggers and past experiences contribute to healing and growth in relationships

    Two things to consider when opening a vulnerable discussion with your significant other

    The key things that hinder the level of trust necessary for open emotional expression and how to circumvent them to create a safe space for each partner

    How uncovering and addressing past triggers and their influence can lead to greater understanding and healing in relationships

    How healing yourself can open the door to more personal growth and transformation in your relationship

    The crucial elements needed for building trust (and why they might be different for each of you)

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  • In the past four episodes, we've been taking listeners on a walk through our life journey. You can find the links in the resources section below to listen to Parts 1-4 of our story.

    In today's episode, we're candidly sharing the challenges we've faced in multiple mastermind group experiences —including burnout and a lack of substantial progress—and why taking time to reflect on what you learn from these high-level experiences is vital for implementation.

    Mallory opens up about her personal journey of discovering her coaching program and the courageous decision to leave pursuits that no longer resonated with her true path, and Jeremiah shares the behind-the-scenes of the once-in-a-lifetime experience he's currently undergoing with the world-famous tattoo artist Fabio "Snake" D'Amato, from Brazil.

    Listen in to witness the power of leaving behind what no longer serves your purpose and the keys to personal growth, fearless transformation, and unleashing your true potential.

    Don't miss this episode as we continue to share our story and provide invaluable insights into living a life of purpose, growth, and meaningful connections.

    If you want to learn more about our NEXT couple's event, contact Jeremiah or Mallory TODAY!

    Key Takeaways

    Why surrounding yourself with game-changers always elevates your growth (regardless of your current status)

    How to unlock your personal and professional development by effectively integrating and applying knowledge gained from mastermind groups

    Slow Down—why jumping from one group to another only hinders your progress

    How to cultivate personal growth through embracing rest and delving into the power of self-care

    The power of leaving behind what no longer serves your purpose

    How integrating and respecting individual purposes can create thriving and fulfilling relationships

    How to embrace the transformative power of presence and navigate your emotions to unleash your true potential

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    Part 1- How Taking Risks Led to a 17-Year Love Story - EP227

    Part 2 - How to Build Soul-Level Trust in Your Relationship - EP228

    Part 3 - We Didn't Know What We Didn't Know

    Part 4 - From Resistance to Reinvention: The Power of Personal Development in Achieving Success

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  • In the past three episodes, we've been taking listeners on a walk through our journey, from how we met through how we built the soul-level trust we have today and reflecting on our choices and their impact on our lives.

    In today's episode, we want to take this journey a step further, recounting the pivotal moments, chance encounters, and conscious decisions that have shaped who we are today, and propelled us forward to finding our true passion in coaching,

    Listen in as we delve into the challenges we faced within our families, our foray into the luxury property market, and the career-changing decisions that transformed our trajectory. We'll also candidly discuss our initial resistance towards our current lifestyle and the investment we made in personal development that allowed us to make the right connections and paved the way for remarkable success.

    Tune in to find out how discovering your passion and aligning your work with your values fuel purposeful living. We'll also unveil the number one way to unlock endless possibilities in life. Tune in as we explore the impact of pursuing dreams, navigating resistance, the power of intentional decisions, and how our experiences continually influence our present and open up new possibilities for the future.

    If you want to learn more about our NEXT couple's event, contact Jeremiah or Mallory TODAY!

    Key Takeaways

    How mastermind groups and meeting high-level individuals can contribute to your growth and reinvention of your life

    The power of serendipity in forming impactful connections

    How pivotal moments in life can shape personal growth and transformation

    The key to recognizing the significance of individual paths intersecting and diverging

    How discovering your passion and aligning work with values fuels purposeful living

    The #1 way to unlock possibilities in life

    How our journeys continually influence our present and open up new possibilities for the future

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    Part 1- How Taking Risks Led to a 17-Year Love Story - EP227

    Part 2 - How to Build Soul-Level Trust in Your Relationship - EP228

    Part 3 - We Didn't Know What We Didn't Know

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  • The past two episodes have been a rewind back in time, offering our listeners an opportunity to get to know us better.

    In Part One, we gave you a peek into how we met, and in the last episode, we shared how we started dating and shared some of the volatile moments early on in our relationship and how we worked through those things to build the soul-level trust we have today.

    Today, we’re delving deeper and sharing more of our story, reflecting on our personal journey, challenges, and growth.

    Jeremiah recounts his triumphant story of overcoming addiction and highlights a recent talk he gave at a 63rd anniversary 12 Step meeting. Mallory opens up about her personal journey through her fitness studio and her battle with postpartum depression.

    We'll reflect back on the choices we have made and the profound impact those choices have had on our lives, emphasizing the significance of creating a safe space, trusting the process, the importance of intuition, letting go of attachments, and the role of emotions in highlighting areas that need attention.

    Listen in as we explore the impact of our experiences, both positive and negative, and how we’ve gracefully transitioned through the various seasons of life to arrive at where we are today.

    If you want to learn more about our NEXT couple's event, reach out to Jeremiah or Mallory TODAY!

    Key Takeaways

    The misconception that there is a definitive moment when one becomes an adult and has everything figured out

    Mallory’s growth journey from personal training and a successful studio through postpartum depression and competing in bodybuilding shows and the challenges she faced during those times

    The importance of discussing postpartum depression openly to help others who may be going through the same experience

    The loss of close relationships, including with Mallory's parents, and the difficulty of navigating those situations

    The importance of creating a safe space in your relationship

    Why boundaries are so crucial to your personal growth

    The importance of trusting the process that everything is unfolding as it is meant to

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    How Taking Risks Led to a 17-Year Love Story - EP227

    How to Build Soul-Level Trust in Your Relationship - EP228

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  • When we first started dating, Jeremiah was still struggling with addiction.

    But we both knew that we had found our person, so there was no other option than to support each other no matter what.

    And we gave each other the space to have our own lives while we dated, affording ourselves the autonomy we needed through our late teens and early 20s.

    Last week on the podcast, we began the story of us, explaining how we met and found a safe place in each other as friends despite very different upbringings.

    On this episode of Destined to Be, we discuss how we started dating when Jeremiah was three months sober from his third rehab and describe some of the volatile moments early on in our relationship.

    We share our intuitive knowing that we would be together for the long term and how that made us choose each other through Jeremiah’s relapses.

    Listen in for insight on the soul level of trust we share—and how it helped Jeremiah get sober once and for all—and learn how to hold space for your partner as you make the deep internal shifts that will take you both to the next level!

    Key Takeaways

    How they started dating when Jeremiah was 3 months sober from his third rehab and some of the volatile moments they had early in the relationship

    Why Mallory didn’t realize Jeremiah had relapsed 5 months into their relationship and how they grew close during that time

    Mallory and Jeremiah’s intuitive knowing that they would be together for the long term

    Why Mallory’s parents made her choose between dating Jeremiah or living with them

    What caused the conflict between Mallory and Jeremiah’s parents shortly before his fifth trip to rehab

    How Jeremiah and Mallory gave each other the space to have their own lives while they were dating (and why that was invaluable to Jeremiah’s sobriety)

    The soul level of trust Mallory and Jeremiah share and where it comes from

    What allows Jeremiah and Mallory to accept and love each other for who they are

    How Jeremiah and Mallory hold space for each other to make the deep internal shifts that will take them to the next level

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    Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins, MD, PhD

  • How a flat tire in the driveway led to a 17-year relationship—and a happy marriage.

    In this FUN flashback episode of the "Destined To Be" podcast, we, Jeremiah and Mallory, share our coming-of-age and coming-together story with our listeners, giving you a BTS peek at our past and a chance to get to know us better.

    We'll take you through our different upbringings, struggles with addiction, steps toward sobriety, and how we found a safe place in each other despite our different backgrounds.

    From wild teenage parties to nights spent at the bowling alley, we'll walk you through how our past experiences shaped our lives and how we pushed through the setbacks and ultimately fell in love.

    In addition to the personal stories and anecdotes, this episode offers inspiration and insights on overcoming challenges and building a successful relationship.

    Tune in for our story that is a testament to the power of perseverance and the idea that sometimes, the greatest love stories are born out of the most unexpected circumstances.

    If you want to learn more about our NEXT couple's event, reach out to Jeremiah or Mallory TODAY!

    Key Takeaways:

    How Jeremiah and Mallory's contrasting upbringings and backgrounds helped shape who they are today

    Jeremiah shares personal stories about his first love, his parent's divorce, and building an external identity to feel good about himself

    Struggles with addiction and attempts at sobriety before finding success

    How finding a safe place in each other helped Jeremiah and Mallory to overcome their struggles and grow together

    The powerful coaching metaphor about burning bridges and taking risks Jeremiah uses with his clients

    The safe place that kept Mallory and Jeremiah out of trouble during their wild teenage years

    The nickname that Mallory and her friends gave Jeremiah (and its deeper meaning)

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  • Early in our personal development journey, we were all about the grind. Pushing ourselves forward to achieve the goals we set for ourselves, personally and professionally.

    But we’ve realized that when we’re in extreme alignment, when our goals support our core values, resilience comes easy.

    So, what is the connection between RESILIENCE and ALIGNMENT? How does designing goals around your purpose and personal fulfillment help you navigate adversity?

    On this episode of Destined to Be, I explain how RESILIENCE and ALIGNMENT reinforce each other, helping you stay in momentum and take action to achieve the goals that matter to you.

    I describe how to understand the truth of your situation and identify your strengths and weaknesses, sharing examples of what it looks like to assess an area of your business and leverage failure to propel you forward.

    Listen in to understand how confidence comes from personal conviction and learn how ALIGNMENT and RESILIENCE work together to move you closer to the life you want!

    Key Takeaways

    How we define RESILIENCE as the way we navigate challenges or adversity

    Why it’s crucial to understand the truth of your situation and identify your strengths and weaknesses

    How reframing problems as challenges helps us find solutions

    Jeremiah’s assessment of the return on ad spend in his business and why he’s excited (not angry) about increasing its visibility

    How to design goals that align with your purpose and personal fulfillment

    Why making the wrong choice is better than doing nothing at all

    How to make decisions in ALIGNMENT with your core values and why it’s important

    What it means to make your failures mean something and leverage them to propel you forward

    How RESILIENCE and ALIGNMENT reinforce each other and keep us in momentum

    How confidence comes from passion and conviction in yourself

    The danger in comparing yourself with others and how that impacts your resilience

    What Jeremiah does to put his intentions out into the universe

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    Don’t Believe Everything You Think by Joseph Nguyen

    Andy Frisella

  • If you want to continue to grow and embody the person your creator meant you to be, you can’t keep doing the same thing.

    But creating lasting change is not easy.

    So, how do you change your relationship with unpredictability and learn to welcome something new? What does it look like to challenge what the future holds?

    On this episode of Destined to Be, I explain how to create lasting change by making decisions in the present and why embracing change is necessary for your growth and transformation.

    I share my experience with quieting down my thoughts and questioning my subconscious beliefs, challenging you to explore how your thoughts create the resistance that leads to suffering.

    Listen in for insight around honoring who you are (even in the face of criticism) and learn how to find the safety you need to challenge what the future holds!

    Key Takeaways

    How to create peace around the past by changing your perception in the present

    How to create lasting change by making decisions in the present moment

    What it looks like to quiet down your thoughts and challenge your subconscious beliefs

    How our thoughts create the resistance that leads to suffering

    What happens when you push too far outside your window of tolerance

    How to change your relationship with unpredictability and welcome something new

    Why embracing change is necessary for growth and transformation

    How anxiety and excitement create the same feelings in your body

    The 2 questions that change the way I interact with others and increase my impact

    What it looks like to honor who you are in the face of criticism

    How stress and anxiety come from avoiding decisions you need to make

    The relationship between finding safety and challenging what the future holds

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    Don’t Believe Everything You Think by Joseph Nguyen

  • We used to pursue goals out of desperation, fighting our way forward to achieve the things we were supposed to.

    But in the last couple of years, we made a shift. We’ve started to set goals from a place of inspiration, identifying what it is we really want and moving forward with more ease.

    So, how do you go about setting inspired goals?

    On this episode of Destined to Be, we discuss the value of defining your core values first and then setting inspired goals that align with your purpose.

    We explain how grinding toward a goal leads to burnout, describing the stress, anxiety and dissatisfaction that comes from pursuing goals out of desperation.

    Listen in to understand how it feels in the body when your goals are in alignment and learn how to foster self-acceptance as you transition from desperation to inspired action!

    Key Takeaways

    Why we suggest defining your core values first and then setting goals that are in alignment

    What differentiates goals that come from a place of inspiration vs. desperation

    Why it’s nearly impossible to manifest inspired goals with a heightened nervous system

    How pursuing goals from a place of hustle and grind leads to burnout

    Why it’s easier to seek external validation than it is to foster self-acceptance

    How to distinguish what you really want from what other people think you should be doing

    The stress, anxiety and dissatisfaction that comes from pursuing goals out of desperation

    What it feels like in your body when you’re pursuing inspired goals

    How your life transforms when you tap into your God-given gift or superpower

    What it looks like to make decisions from a truthful, soul-connected place

    Why we’re EXCITED about the challenges that come with inspired goals (not stressed or worried)

    How to hold space for your partner as they shift from goals of desperation to inspiration

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    Don’t Believe Everything You Think by Thomas E. Kida

    Rob Dyrdek

  • Do you feel stuck? Have you been repeating the same patterns over and over?

    Maybe you've been focusing on mindset tools and positive thinking, but you aren't making the progress you would like to.

    Sometimes these patterns keep repeating themselves, and they have nowhere to go. They become stuck inside the body and must be expressed verbally or audibly to create a release and move the energy through.

    So, how can you intentionally carve out time and create a supportive environment to nurture yourself and find greater balance and harmony?

    On this episode of the "Destined To Be" podcast, Mallory discusses the importance of finding supportive relationships and community to help you navigate challenging times in your growth journey. She also emphasizes the value of going beyond mindset work and tapping into deeper levels of self to overcome internal misalignments.

    Mallory shares her personal experience of going through a challenging time in her own growth journey and the practices she's developed that have helped her break through her blocks.

    Listen in as Mallory encourages listeners to embrace stillness and self-care practices, connect with their subconscious and seek out soul-level relationships to help them move through challenges and reach the next level of their growth journey.

    If you resonate with this episode and are seeking a soul family or deeper connection, you're not alone; resources and communities are available to support you. Check out my upcoming Level-Up Women's Retreat in northern Michigan in early July, where I will hold space for women to lean into themselves and fully nurture their well-being. Reach out to me via DM on Instagram to learn more and apply for a spot.

    Key Takeaways

    The challenge of creating a stillness practice (hint, it’s not what you think)

    Feeling stuck and repeating the same patterns may be a sign it’s time to explore more in-body practices

    Why it's essential to find a community or a person who can hold space for you to express yourself without judgment or giving unsolicited advice

    The key to exploring your deeper subconscious self to find what you need

    Why it's important to celebrate and acknowledge yourself for the progress you've made in your growth journey

    Connect with Jeremiah & Mallory

    Destined to Be Podcast

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    Mallory on Instagram

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  • "The first part of the law of attraction is to calm your ass down, take deep breaths, and slow your roll in order to attract things. When you can do that properly, things will start showing up in your life."

    We all want more success, happiness, and abundance, but our stress and an imbalanced nervous system often prevent us from achieving the calm state necessary to manifest our desires.

    On this episode of the "Destined To Be" podcast, Jeremiah shares powerful insights on how to attract positive outcomes into your life.

    Walking us through his own experience and practice, Jeremiah offers practical tips on creating calmness in your life, achieving inner peace, and ultimately manifesting the life you truly desire. Plus, he shares why it’s important to discern who you take advice from and how minimizing negative influences and being present can create space for growth.

    Don't forget to take a deep breath, slow your roll, and listen in to Jeremiah's powerful insights on attracting positive outcomes into your life.

    Key Takeaways

    Why identifying our strengths and weaknesses—including our blind spots—is crucial for personal growth

    How to connect with our true selves (and sidestep getting caught up in fears and assumptions)

    Why you should only take advice from individuals who are abundant in their personal and spiritual lives

    Why the acceptance and releasing of emotions is essential to personal growth (and avoiding destructive behavior)

    How being in your body can help you process your emotions so you can create space for something new

    How setting small micro-goals leads to lasting change

    The #1 step in attracting positive things into your life

    The law of attraction is about vibration and frequency and assuming that positive things will happen

    The law of assumption is about having faith in one's destiny and being open to opportunities when they arise

    Connect with Jeremiah & Mallory

    Destined to Be Podcast

    Destined to Be on Instagram

    Jeremiah on Instagram

    Mallory on Instagram

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    Level Up Entourage Facebook Group

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  • A lot of time, people will say that they are angry—but even when that is the emotion you think you are feeling, it’s often a cover-up for deeper feelings like hurt, sadness, or shame.

    By identifying and addressing these underlying emotions, you can make progress toward resolving your issues.

    So, how can you uncover and address the underlying emotions masked by anger to make progress toward resolving issues and avoid getting stuck in a negative emotional state?

    On this episode of the "Destined To Be" podcast, Jeremiah and Mallory dive deeper into the topic of anger and explore ways to manage and cope with this powerful emotion.

    They share how the fight, flight, freeze, or fun (appeasing or people-pleasing) responses can arise when one's nervous system becomes dysregulated and how to create the awareness needed to keep from becoming stuck in these reactive states.

    Listen in as they discuss the importance of testing boundaries in relationships (while staying within a safe container) and the need for each partner to recognize and regulate their emotions in order to have healthy relationships. Plus, practical tips for supporting your partner when they are in a dysregulated state.

    Key Takeaways

    The importance of being aware of and regulating our nervous systems to avoid becoming dysregulated

    Why anger is often a cover-up emotion for deeper feelings (and why we need to identify and address those underlying emotions)

    The role of the ego in keeping us stuck in a negative emotional state (and how our body can help us get unstuck)

    How to grow in your relationship in a safe and healthy way for both partners

    How to express anger in a healthy way
    The importance of healthy communication during heated moments in relationships

    How to regulate your emotions so you can create space for productive conversations in relationships

    Connect with Jeremiah & Mallory

    Destined to Be Podcast

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    Mallory on Instagram

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    Level Up Entourage Facebook Group

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  • One of the biggest challenges many of us face is identifying our true needs.

    If you're experiencing burnout and struggling to keep up with everything, it could be a sign that you need to prioritize rest and create more space in your life.

    This will help you recharge and move forward in your personal growth journey.

    So, how can you intentionally carve out time and create a supportive environment to nurture yourself and find greater balance and harmony?

    On this episode of the "Destined To Be" podcast, Mallory discusses the importance of figuring out what you need in order to move towards greater balance, harmony, and fulfillment. She highlights the challenge of pinpointing our needs, especially when we feel exhausted and drained.

    Creating space is key to nurturing your well-being, but it looks different for everyone. Mallory shares her experience of transitioning from the hustle mentality in her career and personal life to creating space in her schedule and physical environment for the true self-care of her soul.

    Listen in as Mallory encourages listeners to lean into their intuition and ask themselves what they need in order to find their own sacred space for their well-being for greater balance, harmony, and fulfillment.

    Are you interested in diving deeper into this topic? Check out my upcoming Level-Up Women's Retreat in northern Michigan in early July, where I will hold space for women to lean into themselves and fully nurture their well-being. Reach out to me via DM on Instagram to learn more and apply for a spot.

    Key Takeaways

    Why it's essential to understand how your past experiences affect your present

    The key to true alignment (and becoming comfortable with ALL parts of yourself)

    How listening to your body can help regulate your nervous system and emotions

    How the integration of both masculine and feminine energies leads to balance and productivity

    The key component to better understanding precisely what energies you need to balance

    How to ask for what you need to create room to recharge

    Why "self-care" should go beyond maintenance to get to what your soul needs

    How to remove judgment around your need for rest (hint: it takes practice)

    Connect with Jeremiah & Mallory

    Secure Your Spot for the Level-Up Women's Retreat

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    Jeremiah on Instagram

    Mallory on Instagram

    Level Up Entourage Facebook Group

    Text LEVEL UP to 586-600-8492


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