
  • In this episode of the DYIC podcast, Joanna Kleinman invites us to explore the courage needed to move beyond a life that is merely “good enough” to one that feels authentically great. She delves into the common fear of leaving behind aspects of our lives that appear satisfactory on paper but fail to align with our true selves. Joanna shares insights from her own journey and encourages listeners to embrace discomfort as a pathway to growth and self-realization. By tuning into the subtle tensions in our lives and questioning our automatic responses, we can start to create a life that truly resonates with our deepest values and aspirations. Tune in to discover how to navigate the space between comfort and true personal fulfillment, and learn why sometimes, letting go of the good can lead you to the great. Your weekly reflection questions: What areas in your life feel like you’re settling for “good enough,” and how do these align with your true self? Reflect on a time you faced discomfort without immediate resolution; what did this experience teach you about your desires and growth? What deeply inspires you currently, and how can this guide your decisions toward a life that feels authentically yours? Like this episode?

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  • On this Dethroning Your Inner Critic episode, we explore how your thoughts and beliefs shape your personal reality and how breaking free from your “Inner Critic” can unlock a life of empowerment and fulfillment. By recognizing and rewiring the automatic thought patterns that hold you back, you can begin creating the future you desire. We discuss the power of changing your mindset, embodying the emotions tied to your goals, and taking conscious actions that align with your future self. So tune in to learn how mastering your mind can lead to profound life transformation. Your weekly reflection questions: What recurring thoughts or beliefs do you recognize as part of your “Inner Critic,” and how have they influenced your emotions, decisions, or sense of fulfillment? How might your life change if you no longer believed the limiting thoughts that hold you back? What conscious actions can you take today to align your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors with the future version of yourself that you desire to become? Like this episode?

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    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind?

    Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

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  • In this insightful episode, Joanna has Matt O'Neill, host of the "Good Mood Revolution" podcast, author, and devoted family guy, to discuss how to choose happiness even in challenging times. Together they explore the power of reframing our mindset, using journaling and meditation to process difficult emotions, and cultivating a spiritual perspective that sees challenges as opportunities for growth. Matt shares practical strategies for rewiring the brain towards positivity, including questioning limiting beliefs and surrendering to a higher power.

    This thought-provoking discussion offers valuable tools for finding joy and fulfillment amidst life's ups and downs so tune in now!

    Your weekly reflection questions:

    What stories or limiting beliefs do you find yourself clinging to when faced with difficult circumstances?

    How could incorporating daily practices like journaling, meditation, and surrendering to a higher power help you process challenging emotions and maintain a sense of hope and optimism?

    In what ways do you tend to resist or fight against the reality of your present situation? How might shifting towards acceptance and seeing challenges as opportunities for enrichment and transformation change your experience of life's ups and downs?

    Want to learn more about Matt?







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    Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • On this Dethroning Your Inner Critic episode, we explore the core of what might be keeping you stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated. Often, these feelings are tied to hidden beliefs that are out of sync with your true self, creating emotional barriers that hold you back. By uncovering and understanding these unconscious thoughts, you can start to dismantle the fears and doubts that keep you trapped. This journey of self-awareness and curiosity is about shining a light on the parts of yourself you’ve been avoiding, and in doing so, you can transform your inner narrative, heal old wounds, and step into a life of authenticity and empowerment.

    So tune in as we delve into the power of examining these hidden fears, changing the way you experience your life, and unlocking your true potential. Your weekly reflection questions:

    What hidden beliefs or fears might be holding you back from fully embracing your true self, and how can you start to uncover and confront them?

    Are there any emotions or experiences that you’ve been avoiding because they seem too overwhelming or unapproachable? What might happen if you allowed yourself to explore these feelings?

    How do the automatic thoughts you carry influence your daily life, and what steps can you take to challenge these thoughts to align more closely with your authentic self?

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    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind?

    Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • In this deeply moving episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic podcast, Joanna and her mother, Judy Fox, reflect on the one-year anniversary of her father's passing, exploring the profound impact he had on their lives and the lives of those who knew him best. Together, they engage in a heartfelt conversation about navigating loss, honoring his memory, and the sustaining power of enduring love. Through poignant stories of his wisdom that shaped Joanna's life mission, this episode stands as a tribute to a man whose influence continues to inspire and transform, offering listeners a powerful reminder of love's resilience and the potential for growth amidst grief. So join Joanna and Judy on this journey by listening in now and let us know what touched your heart the most.

    Your weekly reflection questions: How have the experiences of loss and grief in your life shaped your perspective on love, relationships, and personal growth? In what ways do you honor the memory of those you've lost, and how do their teachings or influence continue to guide your decisions and actions today? What places or rituals hold special significance for you when it comes to remembering and feeling connected to loved ones who have passed? Like this episode?

    Subscribe now for a fresh inspiration and practical strategies each week to silence self-doubt and create the life you deserve.

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind?

    Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • In this episode of the DYIC podcast, Joanna delves into the power of your unconscious mind, which holds the key to your dreams—whether it’s achieving career goals, improving relationships, or reaching health milestones. To live a happier, more fulfilling life, you must connect with your unconscious and understand your self-talk. This awareness can transform your inner narrative and help you overcome deeply ingrained negative beliefs. By becoming curious about your inner voice and challenging long-held assumptions, you can start to heal and unlock your true potential, leading to a more authentic and empowered life. So join Joanna on this journey where we’ll explore how to connect with your inner self, understand your self-talk, and transform your inner narrative. This journey of self-awareness and self-compassion can change your life! Your weekly reflection questions: What recurring thoughts or beliefs do I have about myself that may be holding me back, and how do these beliefs affect my actions and decisions? When I experience negative emotions or reactions, can I trace them back to specific thoughts or past experiences? How might these thoughts be influencing my present behavior? What changes could occur in my life if I started to question the validity of my negative self-talk and replace it with more positive, empowering beliefs? Like this episode?

    Subscribe now for a fresh inspiration and practical strategies each week to silence self-doubt and create the life you deserve.

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind?

    Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • In this episode, we explore dyslexia, delve into regenerative medicine, and discuss how to leverage your strengths with our guest, Danielle Fette. As Co-Founder and Director of Marketing at FetTech, LLC, Danielle Fette stands at the forefront of transforming healthcare narratives through strategic marketing initiatives. With a unique blend of visionary leadership and over 25 years of expertise in medical device marketing, she has played a pivotal role in establishing FetTech, LLC as an industry innovator since its inception.

    Armed with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Minor in Biology and Chemistry from the University of Delaware, she seamlessly integrates a strong academic background with hands-on experience in crafting and executing impactful marketing strategies within the highly regulated medical device sector. Danielle has successfully navigated the nuances of medical marketing, ensuring compliance while driving brand visibility and engagement.

    Beyond her role, Danielle Fette is a leader in medical device marketing, contributing insights to industry publications, podcasts, participating in conferences, and actively shaping conversations around the future of healthcare technology. She remains dedicated to advancing FetTech’s vision, driving a narrative that not only communicates the company's innovations but also its commitment to improving patient outcomes.

    Joanna and Danielle discuss their shared journey of helping others, realizing that this journey not only benefits those they assist but also fosters their own personal growth. They understand that to truly make a difference in the world, they must continually evolve and develop their inner selves to hold the capacity needed for their mission.

    Your weekly reflection questions: How can you always have the deep courage to put yourself outside of your comfort zone and put yourself in a position where you may fail but still have the underlying trust that it will work out? What are some practical strategies you can implement in your daily life to boost self-confidence, and how can recognizing and celebrating small achievements contribute to a more positive self-image? How can regenerative medicine revolutionize healthcare by offering cures and treatments for currently incurable diseases, and what exciting advancements do you anticipate in the next decade? Want to learn more about Danielle?

    Reach Danielle on Instagram

    Reach Danielle on LinkedIn

    Learn more about FeTech

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  • In this episode of the DYIC podcast, Joanna shares some uncommon advice for creating your future self. She talks about how your future self doesn’t come from mapping out your path or knowing the next step to take. Instead, it comes from becoming the healthiest, happiest, and most healed version of yourself by embracing all aspects of who you are, including your faults and flaws. When you let go of outdated self-images and allow yourself to transform, the right path forward reveals itself naturally. Trust the journey and know that every experience So join Joanna on this journey where she teaches you to trust the journey and know that every experience, good or bad, contributes to your growth and shapes you into the person you’re meant to be. Your weekly reflection questions: In what ways can I embrace all aspects of who I am, including my faults and flaws, to become the healthiest, happiest, and most healed version of myself? How can I let go of outdated self-images and give myself permission to transform, focusing on inner peace and confidence rather than external achievements? What steps can I take to trust the journey of life, recognizing that every experience, good or bad, is shaping me and contributing to my growth? Like this episode?

    Subscribe now for a fresh inspiration and practical strategies each week to silence self-doubt and create the life you deserve.

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind?

    Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • In this episode of the DYIC podcast, Joanna explores how the next six months can be extraordinary through conscious choices and reprogramming the subconscious mind. She discusses Einstein’s theory of relativity to illustrate that time is not a fixed path, and emphasizes that rapid life changes are possible by altering our mindset and subconscious programming. Joanna explains that our subconscious, which controls 95% of our thoughts and actions, can be reprogrammed through visualization and belief, allowing us to transform our reality.

    By understanding and using the MIND Method, especially the step to Neutralize the Never-Ending Message, listeners can replace negative patterns with positive beliefs and take deliberate actions to manifest their dreams.

    Join Joanna on this journey to harness the power of your imagination and make the next six months the best yet

    Your weekly reflection questions: How do you currently perceive and utilize time in your life, and what changes can you make to harness its relativity to achieve your goals more effectively in the next six months? What negative subconscious patterns or automatic thoughts might be holding you back, and how can you begin to reprogram your subconscious mind to create a more positive and empowering self-image? What specific, meaningful project can you commit to for the next six months that will give your life a sense of purpose and momentum, and what steps will you take to bring this vision to reality? Like this episode?

    Subscribe now for a fresh inspiration and practical strategies each week to silence self-doubt and create the life you deserve.

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind?

    Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • In this episode, we dive into the world of communication and how to master your voice in leadership positions with Dr. Laura Sicola. Dr. Laura Sicola is a leadership communication and influence expert, speaker, author of Speaking to Influence: Mastering Your Leadership Voice, and host of the podcast, Speaking to Influence: Communication Secrets of the C-Suite. Her mission is to transform executives into confident, inspiring leaders. A cognitive linguist by background, she has trained and coached executives at Fortune 500 companies, and non-profit leaders from around the world.

    Dr. Laura emphasizes that even the most accomplished and self-assured individuals can struggle when faced with significant tasks, underscoring her belief in the importance of what she terms the three C’s of executive presence: Commanding the room, Connecting with the audience, and Closing the deal.

    She goes on to discuss the transformative power of shifting one's mindset from "What if" to "How can I serve?" This shift, she explains, can effectively address communication challenges in leadership roles.

    Reflection Questions:

    In what areas of your life or work can you offer genuine value and service to others? How might focusing on these opportunities enhance your sense of purpose and fulfillment?

    How do you currently balance external validation with your own inner passions and motivations?

    Reflect on a recent communication challenge you faced. How might adopting a "How can I serve?" mindset have changed your approach or outcomes?

    Want to take Dr. Laura Sicola’s leadership communication and influence quiz? Click the link below!

    Hoping to find out more about Dr. Laura Sicola?
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drlaurasicola/

    Website: laurasicola.com

    Like this episode? Subscribe to Dethroning Your Inner Critic for a fresh dose of inspiration and practical strategies each week to silence self-doubt and create the life you deserve. Hit that subscribe button and leave a review to share your thoughts!

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • In this episode of the DYIC podcast, Joanna dives into our fundamental human longing for validation and acceptance. She delves into how early moments of shame and feeling disconnected can shape our Inner Child personality—a survival tactic geared towards sidestepping pain and chasing approval. This Inner Child persona influences how we behave and relate to others, often pushing us to overcompensate or seek validation from outside sources. Joanna stresses the need to break free from this Inner Critic identity to rediscover our true selves. This journey entails acknowledging and navigating the anxieties and behaviors driven by our Inner Critic, fostering healthier connections, and embracing a more mindful way of living.

    Join Joanna on this journey of self-discovery and transformation to create a more conscious and fulfilling life.

    Reflection Questions: How does your Inner Child manifest in your daily life, influencing your decisions and interactions with others? What is the unspoken need I didn't get as a child? What is the feeling that is underneath my inner critic story? Reflect on a recent situation where you felt disconnected from your authentic self. What triggered this disconnection, and how did you respond? Consider the idea of "tolerance" in relation to stress and emotional triggers. How has your IC's tolerance for stress affected your life and relationships?

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    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • In this episode of the DYIC podcast, Joanna unveils a crucial insight about finding true joy and peace. She challenges the notion that positivity alone leads to peace, emphasizing instead the importance of confronting deep-seated emotions like shame and guilt. Joanna explores how our Inner Critic (IC) perpetuates cycles of stress and drama, rooted in childhood insecurities. Through personal anecdotes and the MIND Method, she shares how understanding and disentangling from these patterns can lead to profound personal transformation and deeper connections. Join Joanna as she delves into practical strategies for dethroning our ICs, embracing vulnerability, and cultivating lasting joy and fulfillment in life.

    Join Joanna on this journey of self-discovery and transformation to create a more conscious and fulfilling life.

    Reflection Questions: How do you currently cope with stress and emotional turmoil in your life? Are these strategies effective in promoting peace and fulfillment? What childhood experiences or patterns might be influencing your reactions to stress and conflict today? In what ways can you begin to differentiate between your authentic self and the narratives perpetuated by your Inner Critic?

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    Subscribe now for a fresh dose of inspiration and practical strategies each week to silence self-doubt and create the life you deserve.

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • In this episode of the DYIC podcast, Joanna dives into the core of living a fulfilling life and the common mistakes we make along the way. Joanna discusses the concept of the Inner Critic, which is rooted in our childhood and continues to impact our adult lives by fostering anxiety, control, and a sense of unworthiness. She emphasizes the importance of reconnecting with our authentic selves, practicing presence, and surrendering to the present moment to overcome the illusion of control. Through this conversation, listeners are encouraged to embrace their inner power, develop unconditional self-acceptance, and break free from societal prescriptions to design a life that resonates with their true essence.

    Join Joanna on this journey of self-discovery and transformation to create a more conscious and fulfilling life.

    Reflection Questions: Consider the men in your life (partners, fathers, sons): How can you create a safer space for them to express vulnerability and share their emotional struggles? Reflect on your own reactions to male vulnerability: Are there ways you might inadvertently contribute to the shame and pressures men feel? How can you shift these interactions to be more supportive? Think about the societal messages you’ve internalized regarding male and female roles: How do these impact your expectations and interactions in your relationships? What steps can you take to challenge and change these narratives?

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    Subscribe now for a fresh dose of inspiration and practical strategies each week to silence self-doubt and create the life you deserve.

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • This episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic podcast features Carly Pepin, an international speaker and consultant on human behavior. Carly discusses her journey of self-discovery and how she came to focus on helping others understand their purpose.

    Key Points:

    True fulfillment comes from understanding our inner world. Pain can be a motivator for growth. We don't need to find our purpose; it's already within us. By paying attention to the things that energize and inspire us, we can discover our inherent purpose. Even when we feel stuck or lost, there is purpose in that too. It may be a sign that we need to re-evaluate our direction.

    Reflection Questions:

    How can you pay more attention to your inner world? What are some things in your life that energize and inspire you? Are you currently experiencing any pain or dissatisfaction? How can you use it as a motivator for growth?

    Like this episode? Subscribe to Dethroning Your Inner Critic for a fresh dose of inspiration and practical strategies each week to silence self-doubt and create the life you deserve. Hit that subscribe button and leave a review to share your thoughts!

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.
  • In this episode of the Dethroning your inner critic podcast, Joanna Kleinman delves into the critical topic of men’s mental health, emphasizing the pivotal role that women play in this realm. June marks Men’s Mental Health Month, a timely reminder to address the complexities surrounding male vulnerability and the societal pressures that often hinder it. Joanna draws from BrenĂ© Brown’s insights on vulnerability and shame, discussing how men’s fear of being perceived as weak stifles their willingness to open up emotionally. Through personal anecdotes and cultural references, she illustrates how everyday interactions and societal expectations contribute to men’s internal struggles with shame and competence.

    Joanna highlights the importance of empathy and shared vulnerability as tools for healing. She underscores that women can profoundly impact the men in their lives by fostering environments where open, shame-free conversations are encouraged. By understanding the unique ways men experience and express their emotional challenges, women can help dismantle the harmful stigma around male vulnerability. Joanna also touches on her work with the MIND Method and DYIC, which aims to help both men and women navigate their core wounds and triggers to achieve deeper connection and emotional freedom.

    Reflection Questions: Consider the men in your life (partners, fathers, sons): How can you create a safer space for them to express vulnerability and share their emotional struggles? Reflect on your own reactions to male vulnerability: Are there ways you might inadvertently contribute to the shame and pressures men feel? How can you shift these interactions to be more supportive? Think about the societal messages you’ve internalized regarding male and female roles: How do these impact your expectations and interactions in your relationships? What steps can you take to challenge and change these narratives? Like this episode? Subscribe to Dethroning Your Inner Critic for a fresh dose of inspiration and practical strategies each week to silence self-doubt and create the life you deserve. Hit that subscribe button and leave a review to share your thoughts!

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally

  • In this episode of Dethroning Your Inner Critic, we are joined by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt, a mind-body and leadership coach renowned for empowering women leaders to embrace self-worth and positive body image. Sophie shares her deeply personal journey of overcoming childhood trauma, including her struggles with anorexia and binge eating. She opens up about the family dynamics and societal pressures that shaped her relationship with food and body image from a young age. Sophie recounts how a pivotal moment of awareness, through reading and coaching, helped her challenge and transform her inner critic. She now dedicates her life to helping others find their self-worth and live fully.

    Through candid conversation, we explore themes of self-love, resilience, and the ongoing journey of healing. Sophie’s insights provide listeners with powerful strategies to address their inner critic and cultivate a more compassionate and empowered relationship with themselves.

    Reflection Questions:

    Identify Your Inner Critic: Reflect on a persistent negative belief you hold about yourself. How does this belief affect your daily life and interactions? Consider the origins of this belief and whether it still serves you.

    Embrace Vulnerability: Sophie talks about the importance of vulnerability and sharing her story to help others. How can you embrace vulnerability in your life? What steps can you take to share your own experiences in a way that fosters connection and healing?

    Define Your North Star: Sophie mentions having a "big, big goal" as a guiding force in her healing journey. What is your North Star— a long-term goal or vision that can inspire and motivate you during challenging times? How can you align your actions with this vision to support your personal growth and well-being?

    Tune in to this inspiring episode to learn more about Sophie Reinhart’s transformative journey and how you can start dethroning your inner critic today!

    Like this episode? Subscribe to Dethroning Your Inner Critic for a fresh dose of inspiration and practical strategies each week to silence self-doubt and create the life you deserve. Hit that subscribe button and leave a review to share your thoughts!

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • In this enlightening episode of the DYIC podcast, host Joanna Kleinman, a seasoned psychotherapist, empowerment coach, and CEO of the DYIC coaching and consulting company shares nine transformative truths that can radically change your life. Drawing from her 30 years of coaching experience, hundreds of hours dedicated to personal growth, and insights from over 300 books, Joanna delves into deep wisdom and practical advice that have not only transformed her life but also the lives of countless clients.

    Joanna discusses the importance of trusting your intuition over anxiety, finding perfection in the present moment, and freeing yourself from autopilot thinking. She emphasizes the significance of becoming your inner lighthouse and uncovering the hidden depths within yourself. Joanna also explores the distinction between being driven by fear and insecurity versus being called by a deeper purpose, the patience required for personal growth, taking responsibility for your healing, and the joy found in the process of creation. Each truth offers a profound insight that can guide you towards a more fulfilling and empowered life.

    Reflection Questions:

    Trust and Anxiety: Reflect on moments when you have let anxiety override your intuition. How can you start distinguishing between your automatic mind and your true self to trust your intuition more?

    Present Perfection: Think about a recent moment where you felt content and at peace. What thoughts or anxieties tend to disrupt your peace, and how can you remind yourself of the perfection in the present?

    Healing and Responsibility: Consider a situation where you are waiting for someone else to change or apologize for you to feel better. How can you take responsibility for your healing and growth, regardless of others' actions?

    Like this episode? Subscribe to Dethroning Your Inner Critic for a fresh dose of inspiration and practical strategies each week to silence self-doubt and create the life you deserve. Hit that subscribe button and leave a review to share your thoughts!

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • In this episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic Podcast, Joanna dive deep on the idea that our old identities never truly leave us. Even as we grow and evolve, those limiting beliefs and fears can resurface, especially when we're on the cusp of a breakthrough.

    Kleinman offers a three-part formula to help listeners navigate these moments. By following this formula, you can learn to trust your intuition and align yourself with your higher self. This allows you to experience more joy in the present moment and move forward on the path of least resistance.

    Reflection Questions

    Can you identify a situation where your old identity held you back from pursuing a goal? How can you use the three-part formula to approach this situation differently?

    Do you struggle with letting go of expectations? What are some strategies you can use to detach from outcomes and trust the process?

    How can you better connect with your intuition and inner excitement when making decisions?

    Like this episode? Subscribe to Dethroning Your Inner Critic for a fresh dose of inspiration and practical strategies each week to silence self-doubt and create the life you deserve. Hit that subscribe button and leave a review to share your thoughts!

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • In this episode, we dive into the world of motherhood with Tara Clark, founder of the wildly popular platform Modern Mom Probs. Tara shares her journey of navigating the often messy, beautiful, and hilarious realities of raising children in the modern world. We discuss the struggles of letting go, the pressure of social media perfection, and the unexpected ways growth emerges from embracing the chaos.

    Tara discusses how sharing her authentic experiences, struggles, and triumphs on social media became the foundation for building a massive online community. We see how vulnerability and storytelling can foster genuine connection and empower others on their own journeys.

    This episode is a must-listen for any mom (or entrepreneur!) who feels overwhelmed, lost, or unsure of their path. Tara's story is a testament to the power of following your passions, embracing vulnerability, and learning to let go of the need for control.

    Reflection Questions:

    Where in your life are you clinging to control? Is there a situation where loosening your grip could lead to unexpected growth? What are you passionate about? Consider how you can share your passions and experiences in a way that connects with others. How can you embrace vulnerability in your own life? Think about someone you trust and consider sharing a struggle you're facing.

    Like this episode? Subscribe to Dethroning Your Inner Critic for a fresh dose of inspiration and practical strategies each week to silence self-doubt and create the life you deserve. Hit that subscribe button and leave a review to share your thoughts!

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.

  • In this episode, we delve into the world of connection and intimacy with Connection and Intimacy Coach Ken Blackman. Ken shares powerful tips on how to cultivate a deeper connection with your partner, move beyond surface-level interactions, and build a truly fulfilling relationship.

    Reflection Questions:

    What are some ways I currently connect with my partner? Consider both physical and emotional forms of connection. Are there areas where I could be more present or engaged in our connection? Think about activities you share or conversations you have. What is one small step I can take today to strengthen the connection with my partner? This could be anything from initiating a deeper conversation to planning a special activity together.

    Like this episode? Subscribe to Dethroning Your Inner Critic for a fresh dose of inspiration and practical strategies each week to silence self-doubt and create the life you deserve. Hit that subscribe button and leave a review to share your thoughts!

    Are you ready to find out which Inner Critic Is Ruling Your Mind? Take the FREE Inner Critic Assessment now to Identify the patterns that keep you stuck professionally and personally.