
  • Have your sales stalled, plateaued or even started to decline? If so, please don’t beat yourself up.

    It’s not just you, and there’s certainly nothing wrong with you. It’s happening to some of the biggest and longest standing businesses out there.

    So, let’s take a deep breath, dust ourselves off and look at this six-step plan that will help you increase sales, maintain growth and stay proactive in these challenging times.

    We’ll step through:

    Getting clear on your numbers Identifying and focusing on profitable offers Adapting and optimising your offers Making more frequent offers Growing your audience Optimising existing processes

    Remember, you don’t have to be a marketing expert to start seeing growth again, but you do need to take some practical steps towards getting there.

    If you need help, that’s precisely what we do at eCourse Empire. Head over to hellofunnels.co/empire  for more details. Remember, even if your sales have slowed, you can turn things around with the right strategies. Looking forward to seeing you inside when you’re ready!


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  • Have you ever been told that you could be just "one funnel away from a million dollars"?

    While this sounds pretty enticing, I’ll be honest with you: it’s just a much-quoted line of BS. The truth is, relying on just one thing for your business is terrible advice.

    So, what can you do instead that works easier, better and faster?

    Today, we’ll explore creating a sales ecosystem, which includes these three main components:

    Email Engine: The Heartbeat of Your Business Social Selling System: Engaging Your Audience Evergreen Launching: Sustaining and Growing

    By integrating these three systems, you can create a resilient sales ecosystem with multiple revenue layers. This approach gives you control, flexibility and peace of mind.

    So, if you’re tired of running on the spot and hoping things work out in your business, give these strategies a try. I guarantee it’ll give you the confidence you need to plan and grow strategically.


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  • I recently celebrated a big milestone – five years in business! Reflecting on this journey got me thinking about how different it's been from my first online venture, a blog. Market maturation is a big reason why.

    Remember those free-wheeling blogging days? We were all about sharing knowledge and building communities. But as the market matured, things got more competitive. Higher-quality content became the norm, and established media crowded the space. That's market maturation at work!

    The online course industry, my current playground, is experiencing a similar shift. Those early days felt like a gold rush for creating and sharing knowledge. Now, market maturation is changing the game. There's more competition, and learners expect top-notch production and in-depth content.

    But here's the good news: market maturation can be your friend! In the episode, I share three key takeaways I've learned to navigate this evolving market:

    Find your niche and own it. Don't try to be everything to everyone. Become the go-to resource in your specific area.Show up and connect with your audience. People buy from people they know and trust. Build relationships by consistently showing up, providing value beyond your courses, and fostering a community.Offer courses more frequently. Ditch the launch-and-disappear strategy. Embrace an evergreen approach with smaller, more frequent course offerings.

    By understanding market maturation and implementing these tips, you can position yourself for long-term success in the online course world.


    Resources mentioned: Hello Funnels Live Event

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  • Are you finding it difficult to sell your online courses or offers right now? Let's be honest, things have gotten tougher lately, and I’ve been having so many conversations in our community and in my DMs about just how slow things are.

    So what’s the secret sauce to actually making sales? For 90% of us, the answer isn’t in our marketing - it’s in the offer itself.

    Before you go and try new selling tactics or binge on other people’s launch debriefs, let’s look at the basics. Is your offer the right fit for you? Does it suit the life you’re hoping to live, as well as address the needs of your audience?

    Today I’m going to run you through:

    Creating the Right OfferAligning Your Offer with You and Your MarketUnderstanding the MarketUnderstanding YouThe Result: A Win-Win Offer

    So, have a think about what you really want for your business. How do you like showing up? How do you like to sell? There’s no wrong answer here, and once you figure out how to tweak your offer to maximise your time, energy and joy, you’ll be on the right track to seeing your online sales grow.


    Resources mentioned: Hello Funnels Live Event

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  • Let's face it, launching online programs in 2024 is rough. It just keeps getting harder, and there's no magic bullet on the horizon. If this sounds like you, constantly launching but with fizzling results, you're not alone.

    So, what's the answer? We need a sustainable, manageable system to remove the launch cycle without sacrificing income.

    Forget the one-size-fits-all funnel. We teach our clients to build an ecosystem that consists of three parts:

    Social Sales System (aka InstaATM): This is your sales engine on autopilot, powered by the magic of ManyChat and a few automations..

    Email Engine (aka M3 Funnel): This is your tireless salesperson, working 24/7 to turn leads into sales with a nurturing sequence.

    Evergreen Launches: We're not ditching launches entirely, but we're making them evergreen.

    This isn't a get-rich-quick scheme – it's about building a sustainable business. After a few months of implementing this ecosystem, you'll not only have a well-oiled sales engine, but you'll also have a system that pretty much runs on autopilot. This frees up your time and energy to focus on what truly matters – growing your business and serving your clients.

    We've got a free tool to help you see the potential – a calculator that lets you plug in your numbers and project your monthly revenue with this system in place. Head over to hellofunnels.co/quit (as in "quit launching") to check it out.


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  • I love webinars. They're still one of my favourite ways to convert online, but let's face it – people's consumption habits are changing. I have seen so many business owners struggling recently with very low attendance rates, dismal consumption rates on their webinars and they’re starting to wonder whether webinars are dead.

    Well before you throw the whole strategy out, I’ve got three simple tweaks that can help your webinars convert for the sophisticated 2024 consumer.

    Audio on the Go: Your New Secret Weapon

    Repurpose your webinar as an audio recording, basically a podcast episode. This lets folks consume your content while they're commuting, exercising, or tackling chores.

    Snackable Content: Bite-Sized Knowledge Bombs

    Let's be honest, attention spans are shrinking faster than a free sample table at Woolies. Instead of one long webinar, why not break it down into bite-sized, 10-minute modules? Think of them as "snackable content" – easy to digest and perfect for busy schedules.

    The Mini-Webinar: Your Warm-Up Act

    Imagine a supercharged version of your webinar, condensed into a power-packed 10 minutes. This "mini-webinar" is a game-changer for warm audiences – people who already know you and trust your expertise. Use it to pique their interest and nudge them towards the next step, whether it's applying for your program or booking a sales call.

    Remember, by staying adaptable and meeting your audience where they're at, you can keep your webinars converting like crazy in 2024 and beyond. Just like anything in business, our customers needs change and it’s up to us to adapt. Just because a long webinar used to work, doesn’t mean it always will. If you’re willing to shake things up, you’ll see your conversion rate increase.


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  • In today's episode, we're diving into a showdown between two checkout platforms: Thrivecart and Samcart. With experience using both extensively, I've broken down their comparison into key categories to help you make an informed decision.


    Samcart offers multiple price options, with the $149/month tier being the most common.Thrivecart, on the other hand, requires a one-time payment of around $500 for lifetime access, so it’s the more cost-effective option.


    Thrivecart has a history of stability issues, prompting my switch to Samcart, which guarantees a 99.9% uptime.


    Samcart shines in support, offering better communication and even a paid option for priority support.


    While both platforms offer courseware, Thrivecart emerges as the easier-to-use and aesthetically pleasing option.


    Thrivecart's checkout designs are visually appealing but come with stability concerns.

    Order Bump Design:

    Thrivecart offers a more user-friendly experience for creating order bumps, though limited to one per transaction.Samcart allows for multiple order bumps, albeit with more manual adjustments required.


    Thrivecart's all-inclusive pricing surpasses Samcart's tiered structure, particularly in affiliate management.

    Upsell Tracks:

    Samcart's unique feature of creating different upsell tracks based on purchase price puts it ahead of Thrivecart.


    While Thrivecart offers clearer funnel breakdowns, Samcart provides a more comprehensive overview of individual product sales.

    Final Decision:

    After careful evaluation, Samcart emerges as the preferred choice due to its stability and support. However, the right choice between the two depends on individual business needs and preferences.

    Tune in to understand the nuances of each platform and make the best decision aligned with your business goals.


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  • So, you want to create a low ticket offer. You’ve seen the strategy and thought, “I just need to create something cheap and sell a bunch of it - easy!” But hang on - this thinking can be dangerous, because there’s actually a lot more to it than that!

    I’m sorry to say it, but without putting all the other pieces into place, it’s going to be a total waste of your time, energy and effort. So, how can you actually turn your low ticket offers into profitable sales?

    Let’s dive in and explore the best strategies to implement so that you can transform a $27 offer into a $200, $300 or even $500 sale!

    Today I’m talking you through creating a really strong upsell track to go behind your low ticket offer. I walk you through what each step is, the numbers to look out for and which order you need to be launching them in:

    1. The Order Bump: A Logical and Easy-to-Understand Offer

    2. The First Upsell: Complementing the Initial Purchase

    3. The Second Upsell: Offering an Even More Valuable Solution

    4. Bonus Tip: Adding a Third Upsell as a Downsell

    While it might look like a lot of work at first glance, you don't actually need to go and create a bunch of stuff to create this upsell track. There’s no doubt you have a lot of value already existing as bonuses in your programs.

    So, get out there - create, test and play with this easy and effective strategy to start seeing more profit from your low ticket offer!


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  • If you’ve been with me for a while now, you’ve certainly noticed that I’m a big fan of low-ticket offers. Low Ticket Offers, when done correctly, can be an absolute game changer for your business They have the potential to not only boost sales but also enhance your marketing strategy, increase your revenue streams, and attract high-quality leads.

    However, crafting a successful low-ticket offer requires careful consideration and strategic planning. That's why I want to share with you 10 questions that will help you evaluate a low-ticket offer so you can be confident it’ll work for your business.

    Does your offer grab your ideal client's attention with its uniqueness and relevance?Is your offer easily understandable, showcasing its value and target audience?Is your offer tailored to your ideal client while appealing to a broader audience?Does your offer provide enough value to prompt purchases?Will customers feel they've received exceptional value after consuming your offer?Does your offer reflect your unique approach, creating interest in working with you further?Does your offer leave customers wanting more without overwhelming them?Is your offer easy to implement without overwhelming the customer?Does your offer provide clients with immediate benefits, showcasing your expertise?Does your offer smoothly lead to your higher-tier offerings, maximizing sales potential?

    I’ll walk you through each of these questions, so you’ll be able to build irresistible low-ticket offers that don’t just drive sales, but also forge a lasting connection with your audience.

    Until next time, stay inspired and keep striving for success!


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  • I have got some very good news for you, my friend: it has  actually never been easier to sell your offers online than it is today! And it’s made even easier still when you have the right tools.

    If you’ve been in my online world for any time at all, you'll know I'm a massive geek for tools and new software. And while some parts of online business have gotten more challenging, the tech side of things - particularly automation - just keeps getting more and more fun.

    So today, we're going to be geeking out on what the best tools are to allow you to sell on social media with a lot more ease:

    Canva: Elevate your visual contentAirtable: Streamline your social media planningMetricool: Optimise your social media schedulingChatGPT: Repurpose and generate engaging contentManychat: Personalise your social selling

    Selling online can actually become a joy if you’re utilising the incredible tools available out there and getting creative to tailor them to your business.

    So, which one are you going to try?

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  • Have you seen the abundance of Instagram posts asking you to DM a specific word to receive a freebie?

    I’m sure you have! It’s been a hugely popular strategy in recent months and has brought success for a lot of people. How exactly does something so simple create success and profit in your business?

    That’s what we’re exploring in today’s episode! I’ll take you through my Instagram funnel and the steps I use to maximise its impact.

    Phase One: Engagement: The first phase of a social media funnel is where you engage with your audience and ask them to DM you a specific word or phrase for a freebie. Then an automated tool like ManyChat, responds to them and gives them the product, all without you lifting a finger!

    Phase Two: Qualification: A bit of time after they received whatever they opted in for, you should check back in to tell them about another offer that could benefit them. If they’re interested, ask a qualifying question to help you determine which of your products is best suited to them.

    Phase Three: Connect and Convert: The final phase of the social media funnel focuses on connecting with users on a deeper level and guiding them toward conversion. I don’t mean pretending they aren’t talking with a bot; I mean adding personal touches to the automation that helps people connect with you.

    What happens next is going to differ for every business and every offer. Maybe some people get sent to a low-ticket offer, another group gets a discount code to access a program, and another group gets invited to book a call with you. Wherever they end up, phase two & three will significantly boost your chances of converting to a sale.



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  • If you tuned in to last week's episode you would have heard me share five low-ticket offers you could use in your business, but you might be wondering – how exactly do I promote these?

    The obvious answer is to advertise but that process can be expensive and time-consuming which is something low ticket offers are meant to avoid! Don’t worry though, we’ve got other options!

    This week I’m sharing three ways for you to market your low-ticket offers without using ads.

    Live Workshops: By releasing content live you create a sense of urgency and exclusivity that will encourage your audience to purchase. ManyChat Funnels: ManyChat is an automated chat marketing tool that can guide people through the process of purchasing from you. Bundle Collaboration Join forces with another business (or multiple) that caters to a similar audience, and create a bundle together. This approach boosts sales and lets you benefit from each other's promotion.

    If you’re ready to embrace the power of low ticket offers and boost your revenue make sure you tune in. These marketing tactics can transform your online selling process and supercharge your sales!

  • 2024 is the year of low ticket offers. Maybe you’ve heard this before, but I mean it!

    Low ticket offers are going to be a serious game changer and if you haven’t been using them now is the time. They allow you to test new ideas swiftly without the hassle of lengthy product creation or elaborate launches. This flexibility keeps you ahead of the game in a rapidly changing market. Plus, they boost your revenue with small but consistent income bumps.

    Creating low-ticket offers doesn't have to be complicated. In fact, with the right approach, you can have a new offer up and running in an afternoon. The key is to focus on high-value, easily consumable products or services that resonate with your target audience.

    In this episode, I’ll take you through five easy-to-implement low-ticket offers that can help you attract new customers, and generate additional revenue.

    Run a live workshop that can deliver a quick win for your audience. Then, offer the replay as a low-ticket product.Create and sell templates that help your audience streamline their work and save time and effort.Create Chat GPT prompts that are tailored to your niche and offer your audience instant problem-solving. Leverage the power of Notion to create dashboards, planners, and templates customised to your audience's needs.Bundling together existing digital products into one high-value package makes them irresistible to customers.

    I hope this episode inspires you to implement one or all of them in your business, and I’d love to hear your thoughts. Until next time, happy selling!


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  • It’s tough out there in the world of social media. If you have an Instagram account, you've probably thought more than once about throwing it in the bin and just starting all over. You’ve also probably seen people shouting about how old accounts are dead and that you actually can get crazy growth if you start from scratch.

    Yep, we’ve felt and heard it all too. So, you know what? We decided to give it a go!

    Now, the idea of leaving behind our previous Instagram account of 24,000 followers was scary. And how would it look on the brand to have a new account with zero followers? But something had to be done. We had lost a whole lot of engagement on our previous account due to a rebrand, and were desperate to revive things.

    So, we took the plunge and decided to make 2024 the year of trying things out to see what would happen. Today, I'm going to break down exactly what we did, how it's going and our takeaways after 30 days of starting our Instagram account completely from scratch.

    I’ll take you through our strategy of 90 days of Reels, the surprising increase in reach we’ve seen after 30 days, and the tactics we’ll be turning to next.

    As we continue on this interesting path of growing our new Instagram account from zero, we’ll be sure to keep you in the loop of what is and isn’t working. And of course, if you want to be one of our first 200 followers, then head on over to @hellofunnels.co and check out what we’re doing!


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  • Are you wondering how to start a successful business in 2024? I was recently sent a question in my DMs asking me what I would do if I was starting all over again this year. Firstly, what I would do starting out in 2024 is very different from what I’ve done in the past.

    And as someone who’s currently on business 3.0 and has grown faster with each iteration, I just may have a tip or two to share!

    So whether you’re looking to start a successful business or start one over, grab your notes and listen in as I walk you through what I’ve learnt and what my exact strategies for 2024 would be, including:

    Identifying Your Target Market Setting Up a Simple Funnel Hiring a Virtual Assistant One-on-One Packages for Cash Flow Monthly Mini Workshops Creating an Implementation-Based Community Offer a High Ticket Online Course

    While each step takes a little bit of work to set up in the first place, you’re doing it with the intent to eventually automate, systemise or outsource your processes. This gets your business working for you, while giving you the time to expand in other areas that will see it continue to grow!


    Program mentioned: Ignite

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  • Let’s take a second and get real. Launching online programs has always been pretty hard. You pour your heart and soul into creating an amazing course. You’re nervous, you’re excited - and the day finally comes to launch it. You wait… and you wait - perhaps even a couple of days before a sale comes through.

    Unfortunately, right now in 2024, it’s tougher than it’s ever been. We could blame the economy, the changing online landscape, we could complain… or we could do something about it!

    So what can you do that actually works to make sales the minute your launch starts?

    The strategy I’m taking you through today is one that we at Hello Funnels have been using with our clients for years. It gets our tried and tested tick of approval, and pretty much guarantees you to make a flood of sales within the first 60 seconds of your launch.

    So, if you’re ready to see your launch sales flood in within the first 60 seconds, tune in and learn how to create that irresistible offer that will see potential customers lining up with credit card in hand.

    If you want the full breakdown of creating and executing this offer, head on over to hellofunnels.co/magic for our step-by-step guide to plug this strategy straight into your next launch!


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  • If you’ve been around here for a while, you’ll know that I’m a bit of nerd for tech. So today, we’re talking software - specifically, platforms for online course creation and why moved away from our previous platform set up.

    When it comes to delivering our online courses, we had been using a few different platforms: Kajabi for our course curriculum, Slack for our community, Zoom for our coaching calls and AddEvent for managing our client's calendars. While these tools all worked well individually, the lack of cohesiveness and the limitations of Kajabi was really starting to bug me!

    In this episode, I’m talking about why we at Hello Funnels made the move from Kajabi to Circle. I take you through the different platforms we explored first, such as Mighty Networks and Heartbeat, as well as their pros and cons.

    After a bit of a battle of the bots, Circle was the clear winner. I highlight the features that won us over, such as its user-friendly design, streamlined backend and overall simplicity.

    A quick word of warning: moving platforms can be a big procrastination technique and a massive waste of time if you don’t need to do it. However, if you know it’s time to improve your processes for online course delivery, tune in and find out why I highly recommend giving Circle a closer look!


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  • Are you looking to hit the next level with your offers? Well you’re in luck, because today I’m going to be diving into one of my favourite topics: 6-figure offers. I see a lot of people becoming really stuck, under-earning and just working way too hard.

    In this episode, I’m sharing with you the secret to 6-figure offers, including what to do and what not to do when it comes to creating them.

    As well as running through the common mistakes I see business owners make, we’ll delve into creating a 6-figure offer suite that includes:

    Premium one-on-one offer Signature online program Low ticket offer

    Diversifying your offerings really is the best way to achieve those 6 figures, and I encourage you to try them out so you can move forward easier, faster and with less stress.

    Remember, if you want to dive even deeper into this topic, check out our brand new free masterclass, "Hello 10K". In this masterclass, we provide step-by-step guidance on creating your six-figure offer suite, list building, launches and mini funnels. Find out more by clicking the link below!


    Hello 10K Masterclass

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  • How do you get your offers seen in today’s crazy online world? Standing out from the crowd can be tough, and seems to be getting even harder in this ever changing marketing landscape we find ourselves in.

    But don’t worry - there are ways to get ahead of this, and I’m rerunning this episode to share them with you today. These tips are tried and true strategies that I’ve personally used, seen consistently amazing results from and that have stood the test of time.

    So, are you ready to learn the 3 best ways you can get more eyeballs on your offers and bring in your ideal clients? In this episode, we’ll explore:

    Leveraging Existing Communities and Guest Trainings Embracing Mini or Micro Offers to Make Your Marketing Pay for Itself Joint Ventures for Rapid List Growth

    The online marketing world may be a hectic and unpredictable one at times, but it doesn’t mean your sales have to suffer. So, join me today and learn the actionable steps that ACTUALLY WORK to get your offers seen!


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  • When it comes to email marketing, finding the right frequency to connect with your audience can be a tricky task. So how do you know how often to email your email list? What about the amount of emails to send during a promotion?

    I get so many questions like this about email marketing, that today I’m answering those I come across regularly:

    How Often Should I Email My Email List? How Often Should I Promote to My Email List? What is a Good Email List Open Rate? What Size Email List Do I Need To Start Selling? What Percentage of My Email List Should I Expect To Buy From Me? What Size Email List Do I Need To Create A Funnel?

    How do you strike the right balance between maintaining engagement without overwhelming your email list subscribers? Tune in today and hear all about how you can find that sweet spot for your business!


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