Dr. Bruce returns for 2021 to mark Terence (McKenna) Day, take up his call for 'boundary dissolution' and update Terence's notion of 'novelty' to new science to understand how the universe complexifies and how life itself might have arisen.
Dr. Bruce returns from fire evacuation with a tale of traumatic pattern breaks, resting into the Field and introduces key themes taken up by the discussants in Levity Salon #9.
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Dr. Bruce's take on the COVID-19 pandemic with a lively conversation with participants in Levity Salon #4.
Dr. Bruce gives a heartfelt report on the passing of Ram Dass and the passing of humanity into the decade of the 2020s. He offers some warnings but also Climate Moonshot solutions for a world increasingly destabilized.
Dr. Bruce gives his loving thanks and appreciation to his family and home town of Kamloops, BC, Canada as the Distinguished Alum at Thompson Rivers University on March 29, 2019.
Dr. Bruce returns after a 4 month hiaitaus to report on remarkable events in his life which he hopes will have an impact on the future of humanity.
Dr. Bruce celebrates the life of environmentalist Fred McPhereson and his role in saving the San Lorenzo River (and Valley) creating the paradise in which we live.
Dr. Bruce from leading edge science to Deepak Chopra to the Merry Pranksters on the Science and Nonduality (SAND) Emergence Series webinar in preparation for the SAND 2018 conference in San Jose, California.
Dr. Bruce and Allan Lundell in their next HotTubCast explore a CubeSat test of the SHEPHERD asteroid resource spacecraft and implications for expanding civilization into the Solar System, life in the universe and (not small) matters of the heart.
Dr. Bruce brings his Emerald and Azure Civilization talk from the 2015 Earth Frequency festival in Queensland, Australia following by a report from his recent science and Middle Earth adventures in New Zealand.
An emergent connection between Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. Bruce Damer discussing the science of life's origins live on Facebook from the Tuscon Consciousness Conference on April 6th, 2018.
Dr. Bruce and Shahnaz Minallah at a lakeshort retreat in Islamabad engage in a spirited "gup shup" conversation about lock-in, Jedi healers and ways to save the ancient and beautiful Pakistani crafts.
Allan Lundell and Dr. Bruce engage in hot tub dialogue on healing humanity from its core traumas. Hear Dr. Bruce's newest practice and interest going way beyond ideas and flowing deep from his own heart.
Dr. R.P. Kaushik provides a vital teaching for our times around the wiles of the mind... thoughts which create our suffering "little self" and then shows us how to become the observer of these thoughts, coming into the peace of an elightened awakening
Journey into a deeper communion in the Playalchemist pyramid with Dr. Bruce and Wizards Light at Burning Man 2017 and grok why we may now rethink our origins and remake our future around a powerful new insight.
Dr. Bruce and Wizards Light perform Communion in the Pyramid at Burning Man 2017: take a journey on the illuminated cosmic disk of the Playa!
Dr. Bruce presents at Quaid-i-Azam University in Islamabad, Pakistan on the origins of life and search for life in space.
Two friends join Dr. Bruce to witness the totality of the Great Eclipse of August 21, 2017 and muse as to what all of this cosmic perfection truly means.
Dr. Bruce is interviewed by Nick Day at the Science of Consciousness Conference in La Jolla, California in June 2017.
Dr. Bruce and Adam Fisher interview Bob Taylor, the innovator and leader of teams creating the ARPANET, personal computing and much of the digital world we use every day.
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