Is this the last episode of the eigenbros??! Juan and Terence discuss the future of the channel and how the content will be changing over the next few months.
Juan, Terence, and Jackson reunite with marine biologist Jackson. They discuss several concepts related to biology
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Juan and Terence invite guest Harold Sonny White who is responsible for writing the paper on the Alcubierre White warp drive. The Alcubierre metric was made practical by Sonny White after modifying the ship geometry into a torus. This reduced the required energy to bend spacetime by several orders of magnitude bringing this theoretical novelty closer to reality.
Juan & Terence discuss what the STEM job market is like and some of the things to look out for when applying for jobs.
Juan & Terence discuss the arguably most important physics conference ever held. The fifth Solvay conference of 1927 had some of the heaviest hitters in physics at the time. Albert Einstein, Neils Bohr, Erwin Schrodinger, Paul Dirac, Werner Heisenberg, Madame Curie, and many more
This week the eigenbros discuss computational physics and what it entails with regards to subject material. They discuss different models including the Monte Carlo Method and Lagrange Interpolation.
Juan & Terence debunk the myth that it takes a genius to do physics.
Juan & Terence discuss Roger Penrose's theory for what happened before the Big Bang, known as Conformal Cyclic Cosmology
Juan & Terence have Sam Dietterich on to discuss Quantum Field Theory, Self Learnng, and more.
Juan & Terence discuss Quantum Gravity and what it means to quantize a theory of gravity. Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity are two of the most robust theories of physics but they are incompatible currently. It is presumed that a complete theory of everything will be a theory of quantum gravity.
Eigenbros Patreon members finally reveal themselves and discuss the current state of science and technology in 2021 with Juan & Terence this Christmas Eve. Enjoy this special final podcast of the year and Happy Holidays eigenfriends.
Juan & Terence rank well know physicists and mathematicians.
Juan & Terence give tips on how to pass your physics finals despite never passing any themselves.
Juan & Terence discuss the pros and cons of physics versus Engineering. This episode is intended to help students decide whether they'd prefer to navigate towards the physics or engineering career path
Juan & Terence discuss the long avoided topic of the principle of least action and the euler lagrange equations. This is probably one of the most important subjects in physics. They discuss what the principle means and some of the finer points regarding it.
Juan & Terence discuss how to be a chad / stacy tier physicist with the help of Gerard 't Hooft's webpage "How to become a good theoretical physicist" https://goodtheorist.science/
Juan & Terence discuss the nature of politics in physics. They discuss the politics in academia an how it can be navigated
Juan & Terence discuss Constructor Theory, proposed by David Deutsch and carried by Chiara Marletto. The theory proposes a new way to do physics besides using initial conditions and calculating trajectories.
This week the Eigenbros welcome return guest Jonathan Gorard (@getjonwithit), Associate Director of Research at the Wolfram Physics Project and researcher at the University of Cambridge. He discusses starting from spacetime being discretized, particles, emergence and much more
Juan & Terence discuss Salvatore Cesar Pais, mysterious scientists who is responsible for a handful of UFO technology patents, and the plasma compression fusion device paper he wrote for IEEE.
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