On Mother's Day, the best gift would be the return of a child to the fold.
How do good deeds help us have confidence before the Lord?
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Guest speaker Pr. Jeremy Crowell encourages us to run the race with endurance by sharing 3 points from Hebrews 12.
The Bible tells us to fear the Lord, but also says that perfect love casts out fear. Which is it?
The Jewish leaders rejected Jesus as the cornerstone of the house that God had commanded them to build. What was the result?
Is it our strengths that the Lord uses most or our weaknesses? Paul gives us the answer.
Guest speaker, Pastor Nate Jore, shares about how Jesus set captives free during his 17 year mission work in Uganda.
Jesus wants to come into areas of your life that you may have closed off to him. Will you respond to his knock?
Paul's main focus as he begins every letter to the churches is Jesus. In Colossians he is letting the church there know that Christ is preeminent.
What are you saying about your church with your life? Pauls says we are living letters (or if you prefer) billboards.
What is glory? Why is it so important to understand the glory of God?
Special preacher, Danny Faber, gives us insight into being an ambassador in a dark and pagan culture.
Perhaps giving is overrated. Maybe we should give other places. Pastor Scott gives us reasons NOT to give to Elim.
Elections can cause us to be overly depressed or hopeful. What do the psalms have to say about trusting in man?
Are we building our own kingdom or are we glorifying the Lord? Pr. Scot unpacks Pauls's words to the Corinthians.
God doesn't want us to walk in spiritual darkness. Pr. Scott walks us through 4 areas to consider shining the light of Christ upon.
Becoming an adult is important both in the physical realm and the spiritual realm. Paul encourages the church in Galatia not to return to spiritual childhood once they have become adults in the Spirit.
The last message in our Avent series, Announce by Angels. Here we see an announcement for all of mankind.
Our third message in the series "Announced by Angels." This week we look at the announcement to Joseph.
The second of our Advent series on angels that interact with the Christmas story.
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