Each month The Sci-Fi survival guide explores the survival techniques you will need should the unfortunate happen. Learn month by month on surviving alien invasion, what to do when the undead march into town, how to defend yourself from unexplained giant insects and many many more. Subscribe to the podcast by clicking on THIS LINKSend us feedback by email HERE or via our voicemail number at (805) 328-3966
The Ekvipage podcast is hosted by Helle Knudsen, a horse trainer, and owner of Den Hele Ekvipage Horse Center in Denmark. Here she shares her experiences with the horse industry ranging from basic training principles to the welfare of horses in different situations.
BIG WOODS BUCKS PODCAST is a knowledge-based podcast dedicated to teaching people the skills, tactics, and techniques needed to become a successful hunter by taking each of you along on our adventures. Hosted by legendary whitetail tracker Hal Blood and co-hosted by Joe Kruse and Lee Libby, listen as they share the vast knowledge they have of big woods deer hunting. They are some of the best big woods deer hunters in the world. Education through entertainment is the corner stone of our business.
Friluftsliv og vandring med tips og tricks, vandrehistorier og meget mere.
A podcast dedicated to the collecting, preservation, and use of axes. Monthly shows hosted by Chris Killinger and Leif Backus.
Download a full audiobook of your choice free at Just start a 30-day Free Trial and pick any one audiobook free from 100,000+ best sellers, new releases sci-fi, romances, mysteries, classics, and more. Sign up, select your favorite audiobook, free, with a 30-day trial, stream or download your audiobook instantly on your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop. It's that easy!
Navigating the world of collegiate riding is a mystery to most young rider athletes and their families. Sally Batton, a collegiate varsity equestrian coach for over 30 years, interviews coaches, organizations and riders for their insight on what it takes to ride on a collegiate equestrian team. So saddle up and join her as she reveals the inner workings of collegiate equestrian.
Welcome to the World's Strongest Podcast with the voices deeper than the Mariana trench.
We are the World's Strongest Brothers with the World's Strongest Man and Europe's Strongest Man title -
Kurze Unterbrechung im Spiel. Klare Ansagen, Motivation und Teamwork fördern: Das ist die gelungene Pausenansprache.
Was muss dafür gut funktionieren? Führungskultur, Kommunikation und Beziehungsarbeit - wie im (Mannschafts-)Sport, so im Leben.
Aber wie klappts mit der Umsetzung im Trainings-Alltags-Kleinklein? Dieser Podcast liefert dir Lösungen und Inspiration, ein paar Minuten Input von Trainer*innen für Trainer*innen.
Gefällt dir? Dann abonnier doch die Pausenansprache und lass eine Bewertung da - und komm mit anderen in den Austausch! Zum
Beispiel bei Instagram (Pausenansprache).
Zum Host: Björn Frommann ist Rugby-Trainer mit A-Lizenz und macht sich Gedanken über alle großen Themen, die oft im Trainingsalltag aus Zeitmangel zu kurz kommen: Wofür brauche ich eine Trainingsphilosophie? Weshalb bin ich überhaupt Trainer? Wie funktioniert Beziehungsarbeit mit Spieler*innen?
Dabei gehts nicht nur um den Leistungssport, sondern alles in der Breite: Wenn du also eine Mannschaft trainierst, mehrmals pro Woche auf dem Platz oder in der Halle stehst und am Wochenende lange im Bus sitzt, weil ihr zu Auswärtsspielen fahrt: Dieser Podcast ist für dich.
Die "Pausenansprache" ist Teil des DOSB-Projekts "TrainerIn Sportdeutschland". Es wird vom DOSB sowie dem Landessportbund Niedersachsen und dem Niedersächsischen Rugbyverband gefördert.
Dank geht an Illustratorin Katharina Ploog fürs Titelbild - mehr von ihrer Arbeit gibt es hier:
und an den Fotografen Martin Schmidt, der sich für den Podcast immer wieder in Mannschaftskabinen schleicht, um uns Freude, Schmerz und Erschöpfung von Sportler*innen in Schwarzweiss festzuhalten. Seine Fotos gibt es auf den Pausenansprache-Social-Kanälen (Facebook und Instagram) und auf seiner eigenen: -
The podcast for any one involved on the sportsturf industry. rugby pitch maintenance, football pitch maintenance, golf course management, pitch and putt care, american football pitch care. Honest advice show for all us brothers in arms.
Gennem en række podcasts ønsker Dansk Skoleidræt at sætte spot på idrætsfaget.
Welcome to the Creatrix Journey a podcast dedicated to nature connection and creativity.
Join Claire Winter, an award-winning podcaster and former journalist, to explore the journey of creators inspired by nature, walking and writing. Listen to the show to get tips, ideas and interviews to help you to ignite your creativity, connect to the source and share your words and wisdom with the world. Helping to raise the collective consciousness step by step.
Claire is a word creatrix and coach here to help coaches, creatives, healers and changemakers connect with nature and share the words that need to be written. As a former journalist and wordsmith, words, books and stories have always mattered to her. Weaving stories, ancient knowledge and modern coaching tools together to change the way we live and connect, so that we can build the new earth.
From being deeply connected to nature and the elements and having spent days walking in the lands where she was born Claire felt called to share walking and writing with a wider audience. She’s on a mission to create Creatrix Writing Circles across the world where women can connect and share their wisdom.
Meet the host:
Claire Winter is a journalist, ICF accredited coach, Nordic Walking instructor, speaker, and podcaster who loves being out in nature. She is passionate about sharing the healing medicine of walking and writing with people.
She wants to make an impact helping women to connect back to nature, ignite their creativity and share their stories and light with the world. She is on a mission to build a movement of women around the world who create the time and space to walk, write, journal, and create.
Studying Social Anthropology as her first degree Claire has always been fascinated by ritual and ceremony to mark important moments in life. Now a regular columnist for the Female CEO magazine, she started her career at ITN and has worked in radio, TV, online and in print.
Claire truly believes you can walk your way to happiness. She is a dedicated Earl Grey tea drinker and often spends her weekends going on long walks or paddle boarding with her family, friends and dog Leo.
Connect with Claire:
To find out more about the Creatrix Journey go to:
To download our free creative writing guide:
Instagram: @thecreatrixjourney
Facebook: The Creatrix Journey -
B.T.s nye podcast, der dyrker det fedeste ved fodbold: Transfers, transfer-rygter og ikke mindst transfer-sladder
Medvirkende: Michel Wikkelsø Davidsen, Lasse Vøge og Søren Klæstrup -
Radio Tour er programmet for Danmarks cykelnørder. Hver uge vender Peter Piil, Brian Holm og Thomas Bay ugens højdepunkter, giver dig de bedste røverhistorier fra landevejene og inviterer gæster fra cykelverdenen i sofaen.
Mediano er lyden af fodbold. Den originale fodboldpodcast siden 2016. Fodbold med hovedet.Fodbold til hovedet.
Medianos hovedpartner: Sparekassen Kronjylland -
En podcast om cykling. Om hvordan, du bliver hurtigere på landevejen. Om oplevelserne. Om bakkerne - og alt det andet som gør det fedt at cykle. Også selvom du aldrig bliver til Tadej Pogacar eller Jonas Vingegaard. Støt podcasten på
Det går ad helvedes til med verden - eller hvad? Jeg hedder Esben Bjerre, og i denne podcast udfordrer jeg min pessimisme og undersøger, hvordan det egentlig går med at afskaffe sult og fattigdom, reducere uligheder, sikre god uddannelse og bedre sundhed til alle, anstændige jobs og mere bæredygtig økonomisk vækst. Og meget mere. Er det himmelråbende naivt, eller kan det lade sig gøre? Podcasten er udgivet af PlanBørnefonden med støtte fra Danida. Produceret af Filt CPH.
خلاصهی فارسی کتابهای غیرداستانی
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
En podcast som har til formål at skabe ro, refleksion og glæde. Og tid til at tænke over tingene. Podcasten beskæftiger sig med emner såsom træning, kost, sundhed, markedsføring, livet/eksistens, internetkultur og digital kommunikation. Vi tager os tid, graver os dybt ned og forsøger at være så agendaløse som muligt. Vi inviterer også spændende gæster, som kan udfordre både os og jer.
Podcastens værter er Morten Svane og Jacob Beermann. -
B.T.s podcast om Kevin Magnussen og Formel 1.