Leslie Palti-Guzman exchanges with Gina Cohen, an Israeli gas expert, on the geopolitics of trade in the East Mediterranean region. They discuss infrastructure development, energy security, export scenarios, Europe's renewed interest, new regional alliances and Israel's domestic policy environment. Gina is also sharing her personal journey in which she learned to speak up and lean in. This episode was recorded on May 27, 2022.
Leslie Palti-Guzman is exchanging with her eight-year-old son on the Russia-Ukraine war. He had many questions that he wanted to share with other kids. He asked Leslie about Europe's dependence on Russian energy, the refugee crisis, the role of China and many other topics. Audience: Third Grade and above. This episode was recorded on May 2, 2022.
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Leslie Palti-Guzman exchanges with Dr. Benabbou Senouci, macro economist and professor in Oran's Ecoles Superieures d'Economie, Algeria. This episode in French, recorded on Apr. 29, 2022, discusses Europe's renewed interest in Algeria's hydrocarbons, and what is means for Algeria's economy diversification away from fossil fuels. We delve into Algeria's renewable and hydrogen goals. Benabbou is sharing his thoughts about his students' interest in energy transition.
Leslie Palti-Guzman exchanges with Phillip Cornell, Principal at Economist Impact on the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on energy trade flows. They discuss the state of play of sanctions and what further pressure, including a punitive tax on Russian oil, could mean for the world's economy. Their conversation touches on de-escalation in a post-war world, which could also become less globalized. Phillip explains his career path and when life threw him some curveballs. This episode was recorded on March 18, 2022.
Was Germany's nuclear phase-out decision hasty and political or motivated by legitimate safety and environmental concerns? Why is nuclear back in the headlines and part of EU's green energy taxonomy? Leslie Palti-Guzman discusses with Colette Lewiner, senior advisor @Capgemini all things nuclear, investments, new technologies and politics.
France's looming announcement on new nuclear reactors shows growing divergences with Germany on energy issues.
Colette shares her personal and social involvement in narrowing the gender gap in science. She is also explaining what she brings to the table as an independent Board member at more than six blue-chip companies.
This episode was recorded on Jan. 31, 2022.
Leslie Palti-Guzman exchanges with Gulmira Rzayeva, Founder of Eurasia Analytics. They delve into Europe's current energy crisis and the consequences for future investments in Caspian's natural resources, from natural gas to hydrogen. They discuss geopolitics, prices, decarbonization, stranded assets, power play (Russia, Iran, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan). Gulmira has long been a voice for Azerbaijan explaining her country's energy policies and infrastructure projects #publicdiplomacy #thinktank #SouthernGasCorridor. This episode was recorded on Dec. 2, 2021.
Leslie Palti-Guzman exchanges with Peter Coleman, former CEO of Woodside and Board Director of Schlumberger. They cover many topics: current gas price crunch, LNG trade, investment in oil and gas versus renewable, influence of shareholders, Australia's export and climate policies, China's market clout, US-Australia relations. Peter shares his unique experience as a CEO of a large company. Make sure to listen to the end to find out what was his most difficult decision. This episode was recorded on Oct. 28, 2021.
Leslie Palti-Guzman, exchanges with Antoine Heuty, founder of Ulula, a software company that allows workers in the mining industry to alert their employers about unsafe working conditions. Antoine and Ulula are at the core of the action: Supply Chains, ESG, Mining, Data. Our conversation touches on the role of the extractive industry in the energy transition, social vulnerabilities in the mining supply chain, ESG, standards and social media. Antoine is also sharing his path in becoming an entrepreneur.
This episode was recorded on Oct. 20, 2021.
Why is biogas less 'sexy' than hydrogen? You will start to hear much more about the ‘hippie gas’, which is biogas/biomethane, to decarbonize the electricity grid, cooking, and shipping (among other things). This is the topic of the latest Energy Vista podcast. Leslie Palti-Guzman exchanges with Karen Sund on the growth prospects of biogas/biomethane, as a renewable, sustainable gas that will contribute to the circular economy. Karen is also sharing her passion about understanding full energy systems (local, national, international) and her obligation to say something, be outspoken. This episode was recorded on Jun. 11, 2021.
Leslie Palti-Guzman exchanges with Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet (NKM), former Minister for the Environment in France, currently Senior Partner at Antin Infrastructure in the US. Is there a technological solution to avoid cyber attacks on critical infrastructure? Do our democratic societies have a healthy debate on climate change and energy transition? Will there be some Transatlantic cooperation on energy infrastructure? Only NKM can cover such a wide spectrum of issues with depth and original thinking. Through the podcast, we discuss her personal trajectory and her environmental passion which are deeply intertwined with her professional journey. This episode was recorded on May 14, 2021.
Leslie Palti Guzman exchanged with Anna Mikulska on European pipeline politics and the use of natural gas as a geo-economic tool. They spiced up their discussion on Russia's Nord Stream 2 pipeline (NS2) by looking at statements advanced by the advocates and opponents of the project and gave their insights on why it's false, true or more nuanced. This is a timely topic with geopolitical ramifications; natural gas is here to stay in Europe for a few decades so it's important to understand what is at stake with NS2. Anna is also sharing what shaped her analytical mind and interest on energy issues from her Polish background to her law studies. This episode was recorded on Apr. 30, 2021.
Leslie Palti-Guzman exchanges with Anne-Claire Howard, CEO of ResponsibleSteel. We discuss the decarbonization challenges of the steel value chain: cost, trade wars, availability of technological solutions (CCS, hydrogen), future of steel communities, critical role of investors to finance R&D, certification of responsibly produced steel. Interestingly, the steel and LNG/gas industries have a lot in common when addressing energy transition and transformation. Anne-Claire shares also about her personal and professional trajectories; her pragmatism transpires. This episode was recorded on Apr. 9, 2021.
Leslie Palti-Guzman exchanges with Cecile Maisonneuve, Chairwoman of La Fabrique de la Cite. They discuss the future of our cities, how they will adapt and reemerge from ongoing challenges, the pandemic as well as climate change. They touch on mobility (for people and goods), decarbonization, electrification, density, democracy and the delicate balance between sustainability, equality and public acceptance. Cecile opens up about how history and her multi-disciplinary understanding of the world help her find creative solutions. Listen to the end to discover the enduring wisdom of Benjamin Franklin and how we can apply his life lessons to climate change. This episode was recorded on February 26, 2021.
Leslie Palti-Guzman exchanges with Congressman Charles Boustany on US trade policy under the Biden administration and building a US presence in Asia through investments and energy. They delve into competition with China, setting up standards, coordination with Europe, infrastructure financing. They also discuss various trade agreements and their future. Congressman Boustany has a fascinating personal/professional trajectory, from a surgeon caring for his patients to a Congressman caring for his constituents in Louisiana.
Leslie Palti-Guzman exchanges with Akos Losz, Energy Analyst at the IEA. They discuss some of the main trends highlighted in IEA's Gas Market Report Q4 2020 and debate on the drivers behind the historical price surge in Asia this winter. They also touch on seasonality, energy transition, coal-to-gas switching and investments. Akos shares his experience working at the IEA during Covid while raising a toddler. He explains the writing process and data gathering behind the agency's reports. This episode was recorded on Feb. 1, 2021.
Leslie Palti-Guzman exchanges with Aura Sabadus, a senior energy journalist with ICIS. We discuss recent energy security dynamics in South-East Europe with the completion of the Southern Gas Corridor and its implications on gas prices, gas-to-coal switching and relationship with Northwest Europe. We delve into the new European Union's approach to natural gas, financing and US regional interests. Some countries highlighted include Romania, Turkey, Greece, Moldova, Bulgaria. Regarding her personal trajectory, Aura shares her views on freedom of speech in a geopolitically sensitive region. The episode was recorded on Jan. 8, 2021.
Leslie Palti-Guzman exchanges with Colette Lewiner, Senior Energy Advisor to the Capgemini Chairman. They discuss the most surprising Covid-19 energy-related takeaways and Capgemini's latest World Energy Markets Observatory (WEMO). They delve into opportunities and challenges to decarbonize Europe's electricity mix, reach EU's climate goals, including its hydrogen strategy. At a personal level, Colette explains how she successfully manages a portfolio of activities (board member, advisor, consultant to start-up...). This episode was recorded on Dec. 3, 2020.
Leslie Palti-Guzman exchanges with Michal Meidan, Director of the China Energy Program at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies. They discuss the feasibility of China's pledge to be carbon neutral by 2060 and Beijing's reasoning behind setting ambitious environmental goals. They delve into the challenges and opportunities of implementing the new top-down climate strategy and gauge whether Beijing will seize the opportunity to export green technologies abroad via the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). On a personal note, Michal shares about the usefulness of language skills (e.g. Mandarin), but in today's world mastering an exotic language may not be enough unless it's combined with another specialization.
Leslie Palti-Guzman exchanges with Amos Hochstein, a businessman and former diplomat at the US State Department. They exchange on timely energy and environmental topics ahead of the US elections: 1) Putting climate at the center of all policies and what it means for foreign policy; 2) China's inconsistent climate trajectory; 3) Cost of the energy transition and need for international/private/public financing; 4) European energy security. At a personal level, Amos opens up about his sense of making a contribution when he worked for the government. He worked also for a gas company and had some explaining to do at home about the role of gas in the transition while raising a Climate generation.
Leslie Palti Guzman exchanges with Rachel Kyte, dean of the Fletcher School at Tufts University. They discuss the opportunities and challenges of a global green recovery post-pandemic. They delve into the complicated dynamics between fossil fuels and energy access, including access to cleaner cooking. Rachel shares her thoughts on leapfrogging to cleaner energies, fossil fuel subsidies, and the future role of natural gas in the energy transition. On a personal note, Rachel is opening up on the epiphany that led her to become a Dean, her responsibility to train tomorrow's leaders, and what it takes to live life fully. Hint: Courage is key.
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