Welcome to the IED Podcast's European Democracy Lab!
In this episode, we are thrilled to welcome Harry Classen from the Jan Nagel Foundation and the 50+ Party, a prominent member of the Institute of European Democrats. Join us as we delve into the recent election outcomes for the 50+ Party and explore the key topics that dominated the campaign in the Netherlands.
Our discussion also covers the far-reaching consequences of the legislative elections, particularly the victory of the PVV, and its potential impact on the upcoming European elections. Additionally, we examine the future of former Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who has recently taken on the role of Secretary General of NATO.
Stay tuned for an insightful conversation and follow our latest updates on our website at iedonline.eu.
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This episode was recorded in Rome, where the Young European Democrats were organizing their Europe @ Home event.
Amazing opportunity to present their Manifesto to young people from all over the continent who came for the occasion.
Along workshops and debate sessions, IED President Francesco Rutelli and MEP Sandro Gozi gave passionate speeches.
An opportunity for those dedicated public servants to warn the Young Democrats to the challenges of this era.
Francesco Rutelli exhorted them to "Be Brave" before the raise of defiance and hatred. While MEP Gozi underlined the acceleration of history that take older generation by surprise.
In this podcast I have asked young representatives from Italy, Germany and France the measure from the YDE Manifesto that most concerned them, as well as how do they see the role of the EU in the world before the 2024 elections :
Francesca Pistoni from Italia VivaLudwig Diegmeyer from Freie WehlerNolwen Pelven from Jeunes avec MacronHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
¿Faltan episodios?
This is the return of the European Democracy Lab, the podcast of the Institute of European Democrats.
Auspicious moment to come back to it, because of the European Parliament elections take place in the 27, from the 6th to 9th of June.
My name is Jean-Baptiste Houriez, and Iâll be your host for our weekly program of information and interviews on European politics.
Make sure to subscribe on your Spotify and other podcast platform to European Democracy Lab and get the latest update.
Stay tune and we listen to each other soon !
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Two young French discuss the impact of the climate crisis, its impact on their generation and the solutions they hope for from politics and EU institutions.
All participants in this podcast series took part in the EU Youth Dialogues, a yearlong project by the Institute of European Democrats.
For updates and more information about the EU Youth Dialogues, visit https://www.iedonline.eu/
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
In this podcast we discuss the perceptions of young citizens in Germany vis Ă vis their representation in media and politics, both at the national and European level.
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In this podcast we discuss the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and the impact of digital technologies on democracy with Paulina Mazgaj and Szymon Polewka, from Poland. Both, Paulina and Szymon participated in the first round of the EU Youth Dialogues workshops, a yearlong project organised by the Institute of European Democrats with the aim of making the voices of young European citizens count.
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Representative democracy is in crisis. Public confidence in the accountability of democratic representation has experienced a steady decline, both within and outside the EU. For many citizens, political actors are distant figures and legislative processes appear too complex to follow and control. However, grassroots participatory democracy initiatives have mushroomed across Europe. This phenomenon speaks to a more promising reality. We have discussed it with a Research from Croatia, Iva Paska, a sociologist and lecturer at the University of the North in Croatia and Vincent Chauvet, Mayor of Autun, in central France and member of the European Committee of the Regions.
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La dĂ©mocratie reprĂ©sentative est en crise. La confiance du public dans la responsabilitĂ© de la reprĂ©sentation dĂ©mocratique a connu un dĂ©clin constant, tant Ă l'intĂ©rieur qu'Ă l'extĂ©rieur de l'UE. Pour de nombreux citoyens, les acteurs politiques sont des personnages distants et les processus lĂ©gislatifs semblent trop complexes pour ĂȘtre suivis et contrĂŽlĂ©s. Cependant, les initiatives de dĂ©mocratie participative locales se sont rĂ©cemment multipliĂ©es dans toute l'Europe. Ce phĂ©nomĂšne tĂ©moigne d'une rĂ©alitĂ© plus prometteuse. Nous en avons discutĂ© avec une chercheuse croate, Iva Paska, sociologue et maĂźtre de confĂ©rences Ă l'UniversitĂ© du Nord en Croatie, et Vincent Chauvet, maire d'Autun, et membre du ComitĂ© europĂ©en des rĂ©gions.
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Réglementer le monde numérique chaotique est une tùche difficile, mais l'UE doit le faire. Grùce à leur solide capital politique et à leurs outils législatifs avancés, les institutions européennes sont aujourd'hui à l'avant-garde de la campagne mondiale visant à contenir les Big Tech, ces entreprises influentes qui en sont venues à dominer le monde numérique. Suffisant pour parvenir à une souveraineté numérique européenne ?
Ăcoutez notre discussion avec Daniel Innerarity, professeur Ă l'Ăcole de gouvernance transnationale de l'Institut universitaire europĂ©en, et Sandro Gozi, dĂ©putĂ© europĂ©en du Groupe Renew et secrĂ©taire gĂ©nĂ©ral du Parti dĂ©mocrate europĂ©en (PDE).
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Regulating the chaotic digital world is a tough job, but the EUâs got to do it. With their solid political capital and advanced legislative tools, the EU institutions are today at the forefront of the global campaign to rein in the Big Tech, the influential companies that have come to dominate the digital world. Enough to achieve European digital sovereignty?
Listen to our discussion with Daniel Innerarity, professor at the School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute, and Sandro Gozi, MEP for Renew Europe and Secretary-General of the European Democratic Party (EDP).
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Pourquoi la préservation de la biodiversité est-elle si importante pour nos vies ? Vivre dans un monde sans bourdons serait-il si critique ? L'idée de base de la biodiversité est l'interdépendance : chaque élément du systÚme est interconnecté.
Nous devons agir maintenant pour prĂ©server la biodiversitĂ©, car nos enfants n'auront probablement pas la mĂȘme chance.
Découvrez la stratégie en faveur de la biodiversité à l'horizon 2030 de l'Union européenne et écoutez la discussion animée avec Marco Gualtieri, le fondateur de Seeds&Chips, et Florence Wijsbroek, la présidente de l'Institut de développement durable des Balkans, à l'occasion de la conférence de l'IED sur la biodiversité à Saint-Marin (octobre 2021).
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Why is preserving biodiversity so relevant to our lives? Would living in a world without bumblebees be so critical? The basic idea behind biodiversity is interdependence: every element of the system is interconnected.
We must act now to preserve biodiversity, because our children probably won't have the same opportunity.
Find out more about the Biodiversity Strategy 2030 of the European Union; Listen to the lively discussion with Marco Gualtieri, the founder of Seeds&Chips, and Florence Wijsbroek, the president of the Balkans Sustainable Development Institute, on the occasion of the IED Conference on Biodiversity in San Marino (October 2021)
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Tout au long de l'histoire, la culture, l'identitĂ© ethnique et religieuse ont Ă©tĂ© au cĆur mĂȘme des hostilitĂ©s armĂ©es, des soulĂšvements et des guerres. Les diffĂ©rences culturelles et les identitĂ©s conflictuelles semblent ĂȘtre les principaux facteurs de division. Mais dans de nombreuses autres circonstances, la culture s'est rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©e ĂȘtre exactement le contraire : un moyen de combler les fossĂ©s entre des sociĂ©tĂ©s diffĂ©rentes.
Si la promotion de la diversité culturelle peut favoriser la compréhension mutuelle, l'Union européenne peut-elle promouvoir la culture comme un outil permettant pour prévenir les conflits ?
C'est ce que nous allons découvrir avec nos deux invités : Juan Antonio March, ancien ambassadeur auprÚs de la Fédération de Russie et de l'OMC, et le professeur Damien Helly, conseiller culturel international spécialisé dans l'action culturelle extérieure de l'UE.
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Throughout history, culture, ethnic and religious identity have been at the very heart of armed hostilities, uprisings and wars. Cultural differences and conflicting identities seem to be primarily divisive. But in many other instances, culture has proven to be the exact opposite: a means to bridge gaps between different societies.
If the promotion of cultural diversity can foster mutual understanding, can the European Union promote culture as a tool to actually prevent conflicts?
Letâs find out with our two guest speakers: Juan Antonio March, former Ambassador to the Russian Federation and the WTO, and Prof. Damien Helly, international cultural advisor specialised in EU external cultural action.
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Les campagnes de dĂ©sinformation en Europe, qu'elles soient menĂ©es par des acteurs nationaux ou extĂ©rieurs, ont des effets nĂ©fastes sur le dĂ©bat public, en diffusant de la mĂ©fiance envers les institutions et la science. Et alors qu'une campagne de vaccination massive est actuellement dĂ©ployĂ©e, la dĂ©sinformation pourrait ĂȘtre le talon d'Achille de l'Europe. Alors que la fin de la pandĂ©mie de Covid-19 est encore entourĂ©e d'incertitudes et que la capacitĂ© des gouvernements europĂ©ens Ă gĂ©rer efficacement la crise sanitaire est mise Ă mal par les mouvements anti-vax, nous devons nous demander : et si... nous immunisions les citoyens contre les fake news ? Une conversation avec Andrzej Potocki, vice-prĂ©sident du parti polonais Stronnictwo Demokratyczne et Peter KrĂ©ko, psychologue social et directeur du "Political Capital Institute" de Budapest.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Disinformation campaigns in Europe, whether driven by domestic or external actors, bring about harmful effects on the public debate, by disseminating distrust towards institutions and science. And with a massive vaccination campaign being currently rolled out, disinformation could be the Achilles heel of Europe. As the end of the Covid-19 pandemic is still surrounded by uncertainty and the capacity of European governments to effectively deal with the health crisis is put under strain by anti-vax movements, we must ask ourselves, what if⊠we immunised citizens from fake news? A conversation with Andrzej Potocki, Vice President of the Polish party Stronnictwo Demokratyczne and Peter KrĂ©ko, a social psychologist and Director of the âPolitical Capital Instituteâ, in Budapest.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Was wĂ€re, wenn sich in der Welt der Finanzen nicht alles um die groĂen Finanzakteure unserer Zeit drehen wĂŒrde? Was wĂ€re, wenn die europĂ€ischen Staats- und Regierungschefs durch die Fokussierung auf die groĂen Finanzinstitute den "wahren" Elefanten im Raum ĂŒbersehen wĂŒrden? Dieser Podcast untersucht die Rolle, die lokale und genossenschaftliche Banken bei der Förderung von Investitionen fĂŒr KMUs in Europas Regionen spielen. KMUs beschĂ€ftigen rund 100 Millionen Menschen und machen mehr als 50% des europĂ€ischen BIP aus. Ein GesprĂ€ch mit Prof. Bernhard Herz, Professor fĂŒr Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der UniversitĂ€t Bayreuth (Deutschland) und mit Susanna Andres, kaufmĂ€nnische Leiterin von Laboral Kutxa, einer baskischen Kreditgenossenschaft mit Sitz in MondragĂłn.
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Et si le monde de la finance ne se résumait pas aux grands acteurs financiers de notre époque ? Et si, en se concentrant sur les grandes institutions financiÚres, les dirigeants européens négligeaient le "vrai" éléphant dans la piÚce ? Ce podcast explore le rÎle joué par les banques locales et coopératives pour stimuler les investissements des PME dans les régions d'Europe. Les PME emploient environ 100 millions de personnes et représentent plus de 50 % du PIB de l'Europe. Une discussion avec Bernhard Herz, professeur d'économie à l'Université de Bayreuth (Allemagne) et avec Susanna Andres, directrice commerciale de Laboral Kutxa, une coopérative de crédit située à Mondragón (Pays Basque).
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
What if the world of finance wasnât all about the big financial players of our times? What if, by focusing on the big financial institutions, European leaders overlooked the ârealâ elephant in the room? This podcast is exploring the role played by Local and cooperative banks to boost the investments for SMEs in Europeâs regions. SMEâs employ around 100 million people and account for more than 50% of Europeâs GDP. A discussion with Prof Bernhard Herz, professor in Economics at the University of Bayreuth (Germany), and with Susanna Andres, Commercial director of Laboral Kutxa, a Basque credit union located in MondragĂłn.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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