* 月亮上的高矮人影
--音檔: kaskas cinalu (潭南)
* 笨笨的孩子
--音檔: Valivali (梅山)
--音檔: Pipia Tapaz (馬遠)
--音檔: I ~ Alang kaludung (人和)
小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckpaxp4jlk3930877i12q8plu
商業合作: umav021216@gmail.com
來自南投縣信義鄉 羅娜部落 (人口數最多)
Linkav 是我們家,阿公的名字,承襲先人的智慧
Welcome to Lolona the Linkav’s podcast channel.
Hi everyone, I’m Umav Takiludung from Lona Village Nantou County.
Lona is a aboriginal tribe, which has the most population Bunun in Taiwan.
We Bunun peple have always valued family and elders.
Linkav is my grandpa’s name.
We follow the wisdom of ancestors, and do what we can do in our era.
We learn it, and we inherit it.
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* Lapaspas 文化
--音檔: Halilang mahandas (東埔)
* 類型
--音檔: Dahvian nadaan (民生)
* 結語
小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckpaxp4jlk3930877i12q8plu
商業合作: umav021216@gmail.com
來自南投縣信義鄉 羅娜部落 (人口數最多)
Linkav 是我們家,阿公的名字,承襲先人的智慧
Welcome to Lolona the Linkav’s podcast channel.
Hi everyone, I’m Umav Takiludung from Lona Village Nantou County.
Lona is a aboriginal tribe, which has the most population Bunun in Taiwan.
We Bunun peple have always valued family and elders.
Linkav is my grandpa’s name.
We follow the wisdom of ancestors, and do what we can do in our era.
We learn it, and we inherit it.
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¿Faltan episodios?
* 織布文化
--音檔: Maaza habasan (卡度)
--音檔: Painukan hulus (雙龍)
* 報導人自身經驗、家政班
--音檔: Aiving tina maias (久美)
小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckpaxp4jlk3930877i12q8plu
商業合作: umav021216@gmail.com
來自南投縣信義鄉 羅娜部落 (人口數最多)
Linkav 是我們家,阿公的名字,承襲先人的智慧
Welcome to Lolona the Linkav’s podcast channel.
Hi everyone, I’m Umav Takiludung from Lona Village Nantou County.
Lona is a aboriginal tribe, which has the most population Bunun in Taiwan.
We Bunun peple have always valued family and elders.
Linkav is my grandpa’s name.
We follow the wisdom of ancestors, and do what we can do in our era.
We learn it, and we inherit it.
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* 婚姻文化
--音檔: Qadang min dalbinauaz (卓溪)
--音檔: Sima kata talmindu ? (利稻)
* 報導人訂婚、結婚經驗
--音檔: Tupa tama tu (崁頂)
--音檔: Tudainin Vilian (高中)
小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckpaxp4jlk3930877i12q8plu
商業合作: umav021216@gmail.com
來自南投縣信義鄉 羅娜部落 (人口數最多)
Linkav 是我們家,阿公的名字,承襲先人的智慧
Welcome to Lolona the Linkav’s podcast channel.
Hi everyone, I’m Umav Takiludung from Lona Village Nantou County.
Lona is a aboriginal tribe, which has the most population Bunun in Taiwan.
We Bunun peple have always valued family and elders.
Linkav is my grandpa’s name.
We follow the wisdom of ancestors, and do what we can do in our era.
We learn it, and we inherit it.
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* 前言
--Manaskala muampuk (羅娜)
* 報導人介紹
--飲酒歌 (羅娜)
* 報導人表演藝術經驗--羅娜薪傳音樂團
小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckpaxp4jlk3930877i12q8plu
商業合作: umav021216@gmail.com
來自南投縣信義鄉 羅娜部落 (人口數最多)
Linkav 是我們家,阿公的名字,承襲先人的智慧
Welcome to Lolona the Linkav’s podcast channel.
Hi everyone, I’m Umav Takiludung from Lona Village Nantou County.
Lona is a aboriginal tribe, which has the most population Bunun in Taiwan.
We Bunun peple have always valued family and elders.
Linkav is my grandpa’s name.
We follow the wisdom of ancestors, and do what we can do in our era.
We learn it, and we inherit it.
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* 報導人的傳統生育觀
--音檔: I ia i ia i i 哄睡(桃源)
* 傳統工藝: 趕鳥器、杵、籐籃、鞣皮
--音檔: Auta i 盪鞦韆(民生)
* 小米文化到高經濟作物
--音檔: Avui Avui samsi 教唱(雙龍)
小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckpaxp4jlk3930877i12q8plu
商業合作: umav021216@gmail.com
來自南投縣信義鄉 羅娜部落 (人口數最多)
Linkav 是我們家,阿公的名字,承襲先人的智慧
Welcome to Lolona the Linkav’s podcast channel.
Hi everyone, I’m Umav Takiludung from Lona Village Nantou County.
Lona is a aboriginal tribe, which has the most population Bunun in Taiwan.
We Bunun peple have always valued family and elders.
Linkav is my grandpa’s name.
We follow the wisdom of ancestors, and do what we can do in our era.
We learn it, and we inherit it.
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* 報導人的狩獵經驗
--音檔: Laitagtag (法治)
--音檔: Tama adul liuliu (崁頂)
小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckpaxp4jlk3930877i12q8plu
商業合作: umav021216@gmail.com
來自南投縣信義鄉 羅娜部落 (人口數最多)
Linkav 是我們家,阿公的名字,承襲先人的智慧
Welcome to Lolona the Linkav’s podcast channel.
Hi everyone, I’m Umav Takiludung from Lona Village Nantou County.
Lona is a aboriginal tribe, which has the most population Bunun in Taiwan.
We Bunun peple have always valued family and elders.
Linkav is my grandpa’s name.
We follow the wisdom of ancestors, and do what we can do in our era.
We learn it, and we inherit it.
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* 羅娜名稱由來
* 羅娜的地名
* 報導人的信仰/祭儀故事
--音檔: Mudan tama kusia dau (雙龍)
--音檔: Toqtoq tamalung (人和)
--音檔: Tastupainsanan (利稻)
小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckpaxp4jlk3930877i12q8plu
商業合作: umav021216@gmail.com
來自南投縣信義鄉 羅娜部落 (人口數最多)
Linkav 是我們家,阿公的名字,承襲先人的智慧
Welcome to Lolona the Linkav’s podcast channel.
Hi everyone, I’m Umav Takiludung from Lona Village Nantou County.
Lona is a aboriginal tribe, which has the most population Bunun in Taiwan.
We Bunun peple have always valued family and elders.
Linkav is my grandpa’s name.
We follow the wisdom of ancestors, and do what we can do in our era.
We learn it, and we inherit it.
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* Takilinkian 家族的hanitu 故事
* 報導人有關hanitu的經驗
* 田野調查蒐集到的hanitu 故事
--音檔: Pahuhudav 喝 (紅石)
--音檔: Tasa dusa tau 誰做鬼? (民生)
--音檔: Teivukulu 遊戲誰當鬼? (東埔)
--音檔: Donkdonk tama lukis 砍材聲 (久美)
小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckpaxp4jlk3930877i12q8plu
商業合作: umav021216@gmail.com
來自南投縣信義鄉 羅娜部落 (人口數最多)
Linkav 是我們家,阿公的名字,承襲先人的智慧
Welcome to Lolona the Linkav’s podcast channel.
Hi everyone, I’m Umav Takiludung from Lona Village Nantou County.
Lona is a aboriginal tribe, which has the most population Bunun in Taiwan.
We Bunun peple have always valued family and elders.
Linkav is my grandpa’s name.
We follow the wisdom of ancestors, and do what we can do in our era.
We learn it, and we inherit it.
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*本計畫介紹: 布農語你一起聽.唱.讀
--音檔: Sima sapuz baav? (望鄉)
--音檔: Pailopi paikasi (建山)
--音檔: Hanhan laibulaibu (桃源)
小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckpaxp4jlk3930877i12q8plu
商業合作: umav021216@gmail.com
來自南投縣信義鄉 羅娜部落 (人口數最多)
Linkav 是我們家,阿公的名字,承襲先人的智慧
Welcome to Lolona the Linkav’s podcast channel.
Hi everyone, I’m Umav Takiludung from Lona Village Nantou County.
Lona is a aboriginal tribe, which has the most population Bunun in Taiwan.
We Bunun peple have always valued family and elders.
Linkav is my grandpa’s name.
We follow the wisdom of ancestors, and do what we can do in our era.
We learn it, and we inherit it.
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--音檔: 布農族聖詩321
--音檔: 布農族聖詩436
*布農族語字典: 台東桃源國小
小額贊助支持本節目: https://pay.firstory.me/user/ckpaxp4jlk3930877i12q8plu
商業合作: umav021216@gmail.com
來自南投縣信義鄉 羅娜部落 (人口數最多)
Linkav 是我們家,阿公的名字,承襲先人的智慧
Welcome to Lolona the Linkav’s podcast channel.
Hi everyone, I’m Umav Takiludung from Lona Village Nantou County.
Lona is a aboriginal tribe, which has the most population Bunun in Taiwan.
We Bunun peple have always valued family and elders.
Linkav is my grandpa’s name.
We follow the wisdom of ancestors, and do what we can do in our era.
We learn it, and we inherit it.
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ps. 第十誡補充說明: 不可貪婪
--音檔: 布農族聖詩437
*布農族植物文化: 解開布農族植物密碼
*走山拉姆岸: 中央山脈布農民族植物
*部落山林記事: 自然生態篇
*阿媽的織布箱: 傳統織布篇
*植物的煉金術: 植物染與纖維篇
小額贊助支持本節目: https://pay.firstory.me/user/ckpaxp4jlk3930877i12q8plu
商業合作: umav021216@gmail.com
來自南投縣信義鄉 羅娜部落 (人口數最多)
Linkav 是我們家,阿公的名字,承襲先人的智慧
Welcome to Lolona the Linkav’s podcast channel.
Hi everyone, I’m Umav Takiludung from Lona Village Nantou County.
Lona is a aboriginal tribe, which has the most population Bunun in Taiwan.
We Bunun peple have always valued family and elders.
Linkav is my grandpa’s name.
We follow the wisdom of ancestors, and do what we can do in our era.
We learn it, and we inherit it.
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--音檔: 南投明德(巒社)_孤兒怨
--音檔: 南投明德(巒社)_dinnanu takul
小額贊助支持本節目: https://pay.firstory.me/user/ckpaxp4jlk3930877i12q8plu
商業合作: umav021216@gmail.com
來自南投縣信義鄉 羅娜部落 (人口數最多)
Linkav 是我們家,阿公的名字,承襲先人的智慧
Welcome to Lolona the Linkav’s podcast channel.
Hi everyone, I’m Umav Takiludung from Lona Village Nantou County.
Lona is a aboriginal tribe, which has the most population Bunun in Taiwan.
We Bunun peple have always valued family and elders.
Linkav is my grandpa’s name.
We follow the wisdom of ancestors, and do what we can do in our era.
We learn it, and we inherit it.
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--音檔: Lamu_阿拉斯加灣 (菲道爾)
--音檔: Lamu_奮不顧身 (蕭敬騰)
--音檔: Lamu_對愛渴望 (楊宗緯)
小額贊助支持本節目: https://pay.firstory.me/user/ckpaxp4jlk3930877i12q8plu
商業合作: umav021216@gmail.com
來自南投縣信義鄉 羅娜部落 (人口數最多)
Linkav 是我們家,阿公的名字,承襲先人的智慧
Welcome to Lolona the Linkav’s podcast channel.
Hi everyone, I’m Umav Takiludung from Lona Village Nantou County.
Lona is a aboriginal tribe, which has the most population Bunun in Taiwan.
We Bunun peple have always valued family and elders.
Linkav is my grandpa’s name.
We follow the wisdom of ancestors, and do what we can do in our era.
We learn it, and we inherit it.
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--音檔: 南投明德(巒社)_口簧琴二重奏
01: 布農族郡社群聖經
--音檔: 南投明德(巒社)_搖搖器
02: 新約聖經巒群布農語新譯本_全正文
--音檔: 南投潭南(卡社)_弓琴
小額贊助支持本節目: https://pay.firstory.me/user/ckpaxp4jlk3930877i12q8plu
商業合作: umav021216@gmail.com
來自南投縣信義鄉 羅娜部落 (人口數最多)
Linkav 是我們家,阿公的名字,承襲先人的智慧
Welcome to Lolona the Linkav’s podcast channel.
Hi everyone, I’m Umav Takiludung from Lona Village Nantou County.
Lona is a aboriginal tribe, which has the most population Bunun in Taiwan.
We Bunun peple have always valued family and elders.
Linkav is my grandpa’s name.
We follow the wisdom of ancestors, and do what we can do in our era.
We learn it, and we inherit it.
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--音檔: 南投曲冰_讚美大地
--音檔: 南投曲冰_大地
--音檔: 花蓮馬遠_獨人行(第27首)
--音檔: 花蓮馬遠_迷失的人(第28首)
--音檔: 花蓮馬遠_拯救我們(第29首)
小額贊助支持本節目: https://pay.firstory.me/user/linkav2831077
商業合作: umav021216@gmail.com
來自南投縣信義鄉 羅娜部落 (人口數最多)
Linkav 是我們家,阿公的名字,承襲先人的智慧
Welcome to Lolona the Linkav’s podcast channel.
Hi everyone, I’m Umav Takiludung from Lona Village Nantou County.
Lona is a aboriginal tribe, which has the most population Bunun in Taiwan.
We Bunun peple have always valued family and elders.
Linkav is my grandpa’s name.
We follow the wisdom of ancestors, and do what we can do in our era.
We learn it, and we inherit it.
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--音檔: 南投羅娜部落(郡社群)
小額贊助支持本節目: https://pay.firstory.me/user/linkav2831077
商業合作: umav021216@gmail.com
來自南投縣信義鄉 羅娜部落 (人口數最多)
Linkav 是我們家,阿公的名字,承襲先人的智慧
Welcome to Lolona the Linkav’s podcast channel.
Hi everyone, I’m Umav Takiludung from Lona Village Nantou County.
Lona is a aboriginal tribe, which has the most population Bunun in Taiwan.
We Bunun peple have always valued family and elders.
Linkav is my grandpa’s name.
We follow the wisdom of ancestors, and do what we can do in our era.
We learn it, and we inherit it.
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--音檔: 高雄桃源 tastas dusdus
--音檔: 高雄桃源 tastas
--音檔: 高雄桃源 tasa dusa tau pat
--音檔: 南投雙龍 tasa dusa tau pat
--音檔: 南投望鄉 tupa sainsi tu
小額贊助支持本節目: https://pay.firstory.me/user/linkav2831077
商業合作: umav021216@gmail.com
來自南投縣信義鄉 羅娜部落 (人口數最多)
Linkav 是我們家,阿公的名字,承襲先人的智慧
Welcome to Lolona the Linkav’s podcast channel.
Hi everyone, I’m Umav Takiludung from Lona Village Nantou County.
Lona is a aboriginal tribe, which has the most population Bunun in Taiwan.
We Bunun peple have always valued family and elders.
Linkav is my grandpa’s name.
We follow the wisdom of ancestors, and do what we can do in our era.
We learn it, and we inherit it.
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--音檔: 潭南五弦琴
--音檔: 高雄桃源
--音檔: 高雄桃源
--音檔: 高雄桃源_月桃葉仿羌聲
小額贊助支持本節目: https://pay.firstory.me/user/linkav2831077
商業合作: umav021216@gmail.com
來自南投縣信義鄉 羅娜部落 (人口數最多)
Linkav 是我們家,阿公的名字,承襲先人的智慧
Welcome to Lolona the Linkav’s podcast channel.
Hi everyone, I’m Umav Takiludung from Lona Village Nantou County.
Lona is a aboriginal tribe, which has the most population Bunun in Taiwan.
We Bunun peple have always valued family and elders.
Linkav is my grandpa’s name.
We follow the wisdom of ancestors, and do what we can do in our era.
We learn it, and we inherit it.
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--高雄: tasa dusa tau pat
--馬遠: lautu lautu lautu
--音檔: 羅娜弓琴
--音檔: 明德口簧琴
小額贊助支持本節目: https://pay.firstory.me/user/linkav2831077
商業合作: umav021216@gmail.com
來自南投縣信義鄉 羅娜部落 (人口數最多)
Linkav 是我們家,阿公的名字,承襲先人的智慧
Welcome to Lolona the Linkav’s podcast channel.
Hi everyone, I’m Umav Takiludung from Lona Village Nantou County.
Lona is a aboriginal tribe, which has the most population Bunun in Taiwan.
We Bunun peple have always valued family and elders.
Linkav is my grandpa’s name.
We follow the wisdom of ancestors, and do what we can do in our era.
We learn it, and we inherit it.
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