
  • Peter is joined by Nuffield scholar Jim Bliss to learn more about his Nuffield scholarship which was about marginal farming and rewilding.

    Make sure you listen to episode 4 to get the most from this bonus episode.

    Farming Focus is the podcast for farmers in the South West of England, but is relevant for farmers outside of the region or indeed anyone in the wider industry or who has an interest in food and farming.

    For more information on Cornish Mutual visit cornishmutual.co.uk

    For our podcast disclaimer click here.


    00:15 Peter introduces the bonus.

    00:50 Jim summarises his report.

    01:15 What inspired Jim to do his topic?

    02:33 Which country or place left the strongest impression on Jim?

    05:50 Jim's Nuffield experience.

    07:30 Resistance and how to engage with this?

    10:20 Episode with Anna Jones and Kendra Hall; also mentions Jonny Hanson.

    11:20 Message to leave listeners with.

  • In this episode we’re talking about the ‘R’ word, which still raises eyebrows in some circles – ‘rewilding’ – alongside the concept of ‘circular farming’ and we'll ask how they both fit with the sustainable farming incentive? How could you rewild parts of your farm, what does rewilding really mean today and how can the sustainable farming incentive help you to improve nature value on your farm, alongside your bank balance?

    Host Peter Green is joined by Jim Bliss who runs a consultancy called ‘Blissfully Wild’, and worked at the Lowther Estate in Cumbria for a number of years. He’s also a 2023 Nuffield scholar and he did his research on the links between rewilding and marginal farming. Hugo Ellis is also on the panel. Hugo is a regenerative agronomist with regenerative consultancy group Terrafarmer. After studying at Duchy College and working in the dairy industry, Hugo worked as a trials manager for six years across a broad range of crops. He has also lectured in Agronomy and Crop Science and worked as an Assistant Manager on an estate in London.

    Farming Focus is the podcast for farmers in the South West of England, but is relevant for farmers outside of the region or indeed anyone in the wider industry or who has an interest in food and farming.

    For more information on Cornish Mutual visit cornishmutual.co.uk

    For our podcast disclaimer click here.

    If you'd like to send us an email you can contact us at [email protected]


    00:14 Peter introduces the episode.

    01:41 Jim introduces himself.

    02:47 Hugo introduces himself.

    04:06 Jim talks about his own journey with rewilding.

    06:30 Rewilding at Lowther Estate.

    07:48 The power of network and connections.

    08:30 Definitions of rewilding and circular farming.

    11:10 Is rewilding 'active' or 'passive'

    14:08 Diversification through the environment

    14:35 The principles of circular farming.

    17:00 Partnerships and joint ventures as part of a circular economy.

    19:47 The transition - are there issues with transitioning from conventional to another model of farming or managing the land?

    21:25 Jim's thoughts on the SFI.

    25:00 Tapestry/ patchwork of different elements of habitats.

    26:20 Market access to habitat creation. The importance and opportunity of an environmental story.

    27:34 Cornish Mutual is running SFI workshops.

    27:55 Advice for accessing SFI

    30:23 Summing up - how does each guest see the future of land management in the UK evolving and will we see more rewilding on farms in future?

    33:46 Showstoppers.

    36:06 Peter rounds up the episode.

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  • Peter is joined by farmer and farm consultant Anna Bowen and Izak van Heerden from AHDB's Agrileader programme, to discuss advice on farm.

    Make sure you listen to episode 3 to get the most from this bonus episode.

    Farming Focus is the podcast for farmers in the South West of England, but is relevant for farmers outside of the region or indeed anyone in the wider industry or who has an interest in food and farming.

    For more information on Cornish Mutual visit cornishmutual.co.uk

    For our podcast disclaimer click here.


    00:15 Peter introduces the bonus.

    00:50 What should farmers be looking for when considering how to receive advice and who to get it from?

    03:16 Defra funded advice

    05:52 Experience v new advice

    08:05 In the relationship between a farmer and a consultant - what is the dynamic of leadership?

    09:42 The dynamic between farmers and consultant - what is Anna's approach?

    11:08 How does Anna use the information she receives?

    13:00 The importance of listening to what is going on in our own business.

    15:00 What can farmers do immediately after the consultant's meeting to get best value from it?

    17:35 Not all actions can be actioned immediately - how should someone who is looking at the output of a report prioritise where they start?

    19:28 Peter rounds up.

  • Host Peter Green is joined by two Nuffield scholars: Anna Bowen is a dairy farmer from Ceredigion, the current Dairy Industry Woman of the Year and also works as a farm business consultant and freelance writer. Her Nuffield scholarship was on the subject of cow calf contact in dairy. Izak van Heerden is a Senior Knowledge Exchange Manager at AHDB and heads up their Agrileader Programme. His Nuffield topic explored leadership in agriculture.

    Farming Focus is the podcast for farmers in the South West of England, but is relevant for farmers outside of the region or indeed anyone in the wider industry or who has an interest in food and farming.

    Things we mention:

    The Eisenhower Matrix

    For more information on Cornish Mutual visit cornishmutual.co.uk

    For our podcast disclaimer click here.

    If you'd like to send us an email you can contact us at [email protected]


    00:14 Peter introduces the episode.

    01:15 Izak comes in and introduces himself.

    04:25 Anna comes in and introduces herself.

    05:07 Leadership in agriculture - Nuffield strapline is leading for positive change.

    06:07 It is easy to get stuck in the urgent in agricuilture.

    08:12 Running a farm can be 24/7 - how to manage setting aside time for business development.

    11:11 Have multiple people taking notes at a meeting and make sure these are circulated.

    11:45 Tips from Anna.

    12:58 Progress not perfection.

    13:18 What makes a good leader?

    16:16 Is there anything that it is important to not delegate?

    17:05 How important is it for everyone to understand the vision?

    18:32 What do the best farms do?

    19:20 What questions should listeners ask?

    20:55 Some of the most effective processes that farmers can implement to free up time?

    23:38 The importance of regular team check ins.

    25:14 What do you and your staff enjoy and not enjoy?

    27:00 Showstoppers

    29:27 Peter rounds up.

  • Make sure you listen to episode 2 to get the most from this bonus episode.

    Farming Focus is the podcast for farmers in the South West of England, but is relevant for farmers outside of the region or indeed anyone in the wider industry or who has an interest in food and farming.

    For more information on Cornish Mutual visit cornishmutual.co.uk

    For our podcast disclaimer click here.


    00:15 Peter introduces the bonus.

    01:17 Eddie introduces the project.

    04:18 The booklet and the importance of visioning.

    06:38 Understanding where you are going and what it looks like.

    07:25 What are some of the practical steps farmers can take to connect with the nature on their land?

    10:20 The importance of convening and engaging.

    13:10 Being present in meetings.

    14:28 The importance of listening.

    17:40 Sharing knowledge.

    20:30 The future of the project.

    21:20 Peter rounds up.

  • Today we’re talking about our relationship with the land, communities and nature on our farms. We all know that farms are a place of food production, but they have so many other purposes and potential to meet the varied challenges we face as farmers and as a general population. Host Peter is joined by two farmers who alongside keeping livestock have a particular interest in wellbeing and fostering strong and positive mindsets.

    Eddie Rixon farms sheep and beef on 81 hectares at Lopemede Farm in Buckinghamshire. In 2017 he experienced a series of events on the farm that led to him transforming the way he managed it, with an ambitious plan focused on restoration and leveraging natural capital to bring people onto the land for nature connection, to help address both the biodiversity and mental health crises. From December 2023 to May 2024 the Roots and Rhythms Project, funded by Innovate UK, worked with Eddie to explore farm futures through nature recovery and connection. Today we’ll hear Eddie’s story.

    Peter is also joined by Ellie Sturrock who is a sheep farmer from Dorset and wellbeing coach specialising in resilience and mindfulness. She is also the West Dorset Area Lead for Steps2Wellbeing, a free NHS talking therapies service for anxiety and depression.

    Useful signposting for anyone impacted by this episode.

    Support for farmers - mental health | AHDB

    Farm Safety Foundation / Yellow Wellies - YellowWellies.org


    Social prescribers at GP surgeries are excellent at signposting to agencies that can help.

    Farming Community Network: 03000 111 999 or [email protected]

    RABI. Particularly good for financial support but also an emphasis on mental health. 0800 188 4444,

    MIND 0300 123 3393

    Steps 2Wellbeing/S2W: 0800 484 0500, NHS Talking Therapies FREE

    Samaritans: 116123 or [email protected]

    Connections 24/7 crisis line: 0800 652 0190

    NHS direct: 111

    SHOUT. Text service 85258 for mental health crisis

    Kooth (kids and young adults, online support. www.kooth.com)

    See a GP especially for pain, poor sleep, depression, or long term conditions. GPs now have teams of people called social prescribers who are well networked with local initiatives. They are good signposters. REACH Addiction services 0800 043 4656 www.edp.org.uk

    GP for symptoms of trauma, low mood, anxiety or anything that may be indicative of illness. The GP is a good doorway to HELP.

    Ellie Sturrock/S2W link person: 07980 089470, [email protected] general advice on where to signpost.

    NHS Talking Therapies (NHS TT) are a FREE short term psychological therapies service. Find an NHS talking therapies services - NHS

    Typically people can self refer or be referred b any health professional including GPs.

    At referral they are offered a comprehensive assessment with a trained psychological therapist which can be face to face, by phone or by video call. It is around a 45 minute session at the end of which most people will be offered a talking treatment that is based on NICE guidelined therapies.

    Our treatments usually last for 4-max 20 sessions and if a person is not anxious, stressed or depressed or does not want to receive an offered treatment then we signpost to other agencies best suited to need.

    Therapists are trained, supervised and registered with recognised professional groups such as the British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapist (BABCP) or British Association of Counselling Psychotherapists (BACP).

    Treatments are offered for depression, anxiety disorders such as obsessive compulsive disorder, social phobia, post traumatic stress disorder, difficult grief reactions, mental distress connected with long term health conditions such as stroke, heart disease, diabetes, fatigue, long covid, pain etc

    NHS TT are largely counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy based but also use mindfulness, interpersonal therapy, EMDR (a strategy for treating trauma). Most teams have developed course based treatments in order to maximise efficiencies and move into a range of more contemporary ways of delivering recovery based treatments at scale. This is a move away from couches to courses reflecting the benefits of a more modern and efficient yet efficacious way to treat people psychologically. Feedback from courses is excellent and some courses offer better recovery than 1:1 delivery. Some work is done individually especially trauma focused treatment.

    NHS TT services do not treat everyone and do not offer fully comprehensive therapy for more severe, enduring or acute mental illness. For more information look here NHS talking therapies for anxiety and depression - NHS and each geographical area will have its own ways of delivering that may vary from above. Find your local service using this link Find an NHS talking therapies services - NHS

    Farming Focus is the podcast for farmers in the South West of England, but is relevant for farmers outside of the region or indeed anyone in the wider industry or who has an interest in food and farming.

    For more information on Cornish Mutual visit cornishmutual.co.uk

    For our podcast disclaimer click here.

    If you'd like to send us an email you can contact us at [email protected]


    00:14 Peter introduces the episode.

    02:07 Ellie introduces herself.

    02:57 Eddie Rixon introduces his farm and himself.

    04:54 In 2017 Eddie experienced a series of events that led to Eddie making changes.

    06:28 Two weeks after the breakdown other things happened.

    07:56 Ellie comes in.

    10:20 What resources are available for farmers to speak to?

    12:05 Eddie explains how his farm changed after the incidents.

    16:14 How can nature help our wellbeing?

    18:30 Forest bathing.

    19:00 Eddie's learning points from his projects.

    21:05 Pocket guide - search for it on the Rots to Rhythms substack.

    21:24 What else can support our mental health?

    26:00 Connection with nature.

    28:19 'Get on our land'

    29:03 Final thoughts from Ellie.

    30:55 Showstoppers.

    33:36 Peter rounds up.

  • To kick start the new series, host Peter Green looks back on 2024 with Jeremy Oatey, owner of the mixed farming business, Agricola Growers, and Robin Jackson, Director of the Rural Business School (Duchy College). The conversation also looks ahead to 2025, exploring the latest innovations, sustainable practices, and the evolving landscape of British agriculture.

    Farming Focus is the podcast for farmers in the South West of England, but is relevant for farmers outside of the region or indeed anyone in the wider industry or who has an interest in food and farming.

    For more information on Cornish Mutual visit cornishmutual.co.uk

    For our podcast disclaimer click here.

    If you'd like to send us an email you can contact us at [email protected]

  • Today on the show Peter Green is joined by Cornish Mutual's Chief Executive Officer, Peter Beaumont, to look back on 2024 and reflect on the year for farmers and Cornish Mutual.

    Farming Focus is the podcast for farmers in the South West of England, but is relevant for farmers outside of the region or indeed anyone in the wider industry or who has an interest in food and farming.

    For more information on Cornish Mutual visit cornishmutual.co.uk

    For our podcast disclaimer click here.

    If you'd like to send us an email you can contact us at [email protected]


    00:01 Cornish Mutual jingle

    00:14 Peter Green introduces the show.

    00:55 Peter welcomes Peter.

    02:10 Peter Beaumont begins to reflect on the year.

    03:26 How can Cornish Mutual support members?

    04:04 The headlines for Cornish Mutual in 2024

    07:05 What have been the biggest challenges for members in 2024?

    08:30 Farming has the operational side but also administrative side.

    11:17 The aftermath of the budget - succession and planning for it.

    12:20 Mutual v insurance company

    14:10 Rising costs - how has Cornish Mutual been reacting?

    15:55 Farm walks and supporting members.

    17:27 Health and safety

    20:00 Collaboration.

    21:54 Risks and Opportunities for members.

    23:13 SFI

    24:18 What has been the biggest achievement for Cornish Mutual this year?

    27:25 Peter Green wraps up.

  • Today on the show we take a look back on series 4 and glean any learning points from the episodes. Host Peter Green is joined by Tom Tolputt, founder of TerraFarmer, and Rebecca Tonks, CEO of St Ewe Free Range Eggs.

    Farming Focus is the podcast for farmers in the South West of England, but is relevant for farmers outside of the region or indeed anyone in the wider industry or who has an interest in food and farming.

    For more information on Cornish Mutual visit cornishmutual.co.uk

    For our podcast disclaimer click here.

    If you'd like to send us an email you can contact us by using [email protected]


    00:01 Cornish Mutual jingle

    00:14 Peter Green introduces the show.

    1:03 Tom Tolputt introduces himself.

    1:23 Rebecca Tonks introduces herself.

    1:44 We begin to look back on the series.

    2:10 Chris Berry talks about the farming year 2023-24

    2:57 Peter asks Tom about the farming situation at the moment.

    4:55 Rebecca talks about the changes that we are seeing at the moment.

    6:19 We look back on episode 4 and the matter of farm incomes.

    6:53 Professor Matt Lobley excerpt.

    7:49 Discussion on farm incomes. What might the impact be if farm incomes continue to fall?

    10:05 Tom Tolputt follows up.

    13:45 We turn to the topic of soil health with Sally Ann Spence.

    14:49 Tom talks about the change that has taken place over the past few years with regards to soil health.

    17:47 We talk about careers and the wide variety of careers in the broad ag sectors. Dan Grist talks about the breadth of backgrounds of members of Devon Young Farmers.

    19:34 What skills sets is Rebecca looking for as an employer?

    21:44 In episode 8 we were talking about thinking differently - one of the themes was the ways that farmers and food businesses engage with consumers. Abby Allen elaborates.

    23: 27 Has our food system changed beyond recognition?

    26:16 Rebecca - where is the relationship between the consumer and their food?

    29:20 Final clip is from episode 9 - Kevin Hoare talks about the methane project taking place on their farm.

    31:22 Rebecca explains how the poultry sector has adapted in previous years.

    35:16 What are Rebecca and Tom excited about in terms of the future of farming in the south west?

    38:39 Where can listeners go to find out more?

    40:00 Peter rounds up.

  • Make sure you listen to episode 9 to get the most from this bonus episode.

    Farming Focus is the podcast for farmers in the South West of England, but is relevant for farmers outside of the region or indeed anyone in the wider industry or who has an interest in food and farming.

    For more information on Cornish Mutual visit cornishmutual.co.uk

    For our podcast disclaimer click here.


    00:01 Cornish Mutual jingle

    00:14 Peter introduces the bonus

    01:00 Katie explains what happened.

    03:20 Katie talks about the event itself.

    06:18 Many people are involved in agriculture because they love it.

    08:05 A message to young women in agriculture.

    10:02 Peter rounds up.

  • Today on the show we’re talking about farm sustainability, slurry management and methane capture (and we promise that it won’t be a lot of hot air!). Peter is joined by Cornish dairy farmers Kevin and Katie Hoare to learn about the work they have been doing to use their farm’s captured methane gas as fuel on farm.

    Farming Focus is the podcast for farmers in the South West of England, but is relevant for farmers outside of the region or indeed anyone in the wider industry or who has an interest in food and farming.

    For more information on Cornish Mutual visit cornishmutual.co.uk

    For our podcast disclaimer click here.

    Send us an email to [email protected]


    00:01 Cornish Mutual jingle

    00:14 Peter Green introduces the show.

    00:55 Katie Hoare introduces their farm.

    01:50 The investments that have been made since they came to the farm. Kevin Hoare introduces the slurry storage as it was.

    03:12 What was the motivation to look into methane capture?

    04:08 Katie talks about the lagoon.

    05:34 How the store works in practice.

    7:28 How big is the lagoon?

    10:22 Store is anaerobic.

    11:20 The cost is fertiliser saving.

    13:15 Costs of installing methane systems on dairy farms.

    14:35 Tiles for existing lagoons.

    17:14 New developments in future.

    17:50 Methane powered tractor from New Holland.

    19:50 comparing diesel v methane tractors.

    21:15 What are the advantages to the business of going down the biomethane route?

    22:35 The financials.

    24:24 The personal piece of the benefits.

    26:10 Farming is circular.

    27:40 Tips to farmers.

    28:48 Peter's showstoppers.

    30:48 Peter rounds up

  • Make sure you listen to episode 8 to get the most from this bonus episode.

    Farming Focus is the podcast for farmers in the South West of England, but is relevant for farmers outside of the region or indeed anyone in the wider industry or who has an interest in food and farming.

    For more information on Cornish Mutual visit cornishmutual.co.uk

    For our podcast disclaimer click here.


    00:01 Cornish Mutual jingle

    00:14 Peter introduces the bonus

    00:33 How do we define community and what value does community have for Bertie?

    03:30 How have Bertie and Abby used social media to build their communities?

    06:45 Create a space where communities feel that they can be open with the business.

    08:36 Peter closes the show.

  • Today on the show we’re talking about ‘thinking differently’, perhaps outside the box, and different ways to connect with consumers and build communities. Host Peter Green is joined by Abby Allen from Pipers Farm in Devon, renowned for its commitment to sustainable and ethical farming practices, and Bertie Matthews, Managing Director of Matthews Cotswold Flour based in Oxfordshire, an eighth-generation family business celebrated for having the widest range of specialist flour in the UK from conventional and regenerative farming systems.

    Farming Focus is the podcast for farmers in the South West of England, but is relevant for farmers outside of the region or indeed anyone in the wider industry or who has an interest in food and farming.

    For more information on Cornish Mutual visit cornishmutual.co.uk

    For our podcast disclaimer click here.

    Send us an email to [email protected]


    00:01 Cornish Mutual jingle

    00:14 Peter Green introduces the show.

    01:24 Abby introduces Pipers Farm and explains how they are thinking differently as a business.

    05:10 Bertie introduces Matthews Cotswold Flour and again explains how they are thinking differently as a business.

    09:42 'Partners' rather than customers and a commitment to stick with it for the long term.

    10:14 Advice to south west farmers and businesses who want to take a different approach.

    13:10 Finding what aspect of the business that you enjoy.

    14:00 What 3 things do you really want to get rid of in your job and what three things do you want to do more of.

    14:26 What led to the pivot towards the Baking Club for Bertie?

    16:14 How can we think differently about the stories we tell. The importance of storytelling.

    20:03 Bertie's view on storytelling and marketing.

    21:25 Where is the value of working together?

    24:00 Showstoppers.

    25:47 Peter wraps up the episode.

  • Make sure you listen to episode 7 to get the most from this bonus episode.

    Farming Focus is the podcast for farmers in the South West of England, but is relevant for farmers outside of the region or indeed anyone in the wider industry or who has an interest in food and farming.

    For more information on Cornish Mutual visit cornishmutual.co.uk

    For our podcast disclaimer click here.


    00:01 Cornish Mutual jingle

    00:14 Peter introduces the bonus

    00:38 Peter talks about his experience at Groundswell.

    01:30 Benefits of growing a more diverse sward.

    02:43 The science behind the impact that mob grazing has on the soil.

    04:22 Is there an optimal frequency for grazing or leaving?

    06:05 Using a plate meter

    06:45 Ben's rotation.

    08:26 What inspired Ben to start mob grazing?

    12:35 What has been the impact for Ben?

    15:00 Peter starts to round up.

    15:25 Finish.

  • Today on the show we’re talking about mob grazing, what it is, its benefits and how to do it most effectively.

    Peter is joined by Cornish farmer Ben Thomas who farms beef cattle on the edge of Bodmin Moor and Hannah Jones who is a carbon and soils advisor with the Farm Carbon Toolkit.

    Farming Focus is the podcast for farmers in the South West of England, but is relevant for farmers outside of the region or indeed anyone in the wider industry or who has an interest in food and farming.

    For more information on Cornish Mutual visit cornishmutual.co.uk

    For our podcast disclaimer click here.

    Send us an email to [email protected]


    00:01 Cornish Mutual jingle

    00:14 Peter Green introduces the show.

    00:54 Ben introduces himself.

    04:30 What is the lasting impact of 6 Inches of Soil film?

    06:30 Hannah Jones introduces herself.

    07:53 Mob grazing - what is it and how does it differ from other ways of grazing?

    09:30 What does mob grazing look like in practice for Ben?

    13:10 Stocking density.

    15:25 Follow up with Hannah.

    17:20 How quickly can farmers expect to see changes to their soil health when starting with mob grazing?

    19:30 Is most of the benefit from reduced compaction and rest or trampling and leaving some plant matter behind?

    20:50 Challenges with a mob grazing system.

    24:08 Mob grazing is when we go in with higher levels of cover. What is true mob grazing? How much cover to leave?

    25:25 Soil types.

    26:11 Practical tips and messages to farmers.

    31:12 Showstoppers

    33:15 Peter rounds up.

  • Make sure you listen to episode 6 to get the most from this bonus episode.

    Farming Focus is the podcast for farmers in the South West of England, but is relevant for farmers outside of the region or indeed anyone in the wider industry or who has an interest in food and farming.

    For more information on Cornish Mutual visit cornishmutual.co.uk

    For our podcast disclaimer click here.


    00:01 Cornish Mutual jingle

    00:14 Peter introduces the bonus

    00:46 Are young people aware of and sufficiently able to access information on careers in the wider agricultural space?

    02:30 Is there any friction on farms? Is there too much pressure placed on young people to take on a family farm?

    05:43 Appointing on merit?

    08:37 Are we outward looking enough when it comes to attracting new people to the industry from outside farming?

    10:55 What are the most common obstacles that face people who want to start farming?

    14:45 Dan finishes up.

    16:28 Peter rounds up.

  • Today we’re taking a look at the different directions that people take in the farming sector. Some grow up in farming and choose it as a career, some move into a related or supporting industry, some move away from farming completely and some come into the industry from other backgrounds. Today we’re exploring all of these paths and underlining how important it is to find your own particular route in life.

    Peter is joined by Dan Grist who is the current Chair of Devon Young Farmers and co-host of the It’s In Our Roots Podcast which celebrates people with countryside roots. He is also joined by Emily Peters who grew up on a family dairy farm in Devon before moving away and then returning to run her milk vending machine business The Udder Stuff. Emily won the Rising Star category in this year’s Devon Farm Business Awards.

    Farming Focus is the podcast for farmers in the South West of England, but is relevant for farmers outside of the region or indeed anyone in the wider industry or who has an interest in food and farming.

    For more information on Cornish Mutual visit cornishmutual.co.uk

    For our podcast disclaimer click here.


    00:01 Cornish Mutual jingle

    00:14 Peter Green introduces the show.

    01:40 Dan introduces himself.

    03:50 Careers advice into farming.

    04:30 Emily introduces herself.

    07:27 Dan is chair of Devon Young Farmers - what variety of jobs does he see members going into?

    10:40 Peter talks about his own experience.

    11:50 Was Emily always thinking of going back to the family farm?

    14:40 Emily talks about the growth of her business.

    15:40 How many young people who go back to family farms set up their own ventures?

    17:40 Advice to others thinking of coming back to the family farm.

    19:30 Tips on making a plan.

    23:05 Mindset and mental health.

    24:50 What does it mean to have farming roots?

    27:13 Showstoppers

    29:15 Peter rounds up.

  • Make sure you listen to episode 5 to get the most from this bonus episode.

    Farming Focus is the podcast for farmers in the South West of England, but is relevant for farmers outside of the region or indeed anyone in the wider industry or who has an interest in food and farming.

    For more information on Cornish Mutual visit cornishmutual.co.uk

    For our podcast disclaimer click here.


    00:01 Cornish Mutual jingle

    00:14 Peter introduces the bonus.

    00:35 How can invertebrates contribute to soil fertility?

    04:08 Ants farming fungi.

    05:54 Examples of seeing change from a thriving ecosystem on farms. Where does it work?

    08:20 What timeframe can we see change in?

    09:08 How can farmers integrate soil health strategies? Future soil health plans?

    11:45 Tip for farmers thinking about improving soil.

    14:30 Cornish Mutual jingle

  • Today we’re looking at livestock beneath the soil. Host Peter Green asks his guests to make the case for why we should be thinking about life beneath the soil surface as much as our livestock above the ground.

    He is joined by entomologist and Wiltshire farmer Sally Ann Spence who is a champion for dung beetles and Joel Williams who is a leading independent plant and soil health educator.

    Farming Focus is the podcast for farmers in the South West of England, but is relevant for farmers outside of the region or indeed anyone in the wider industry or who has an interest in food and farming.

    For more information on Cornish Mutual visit cornishmutual.co.uk

    For our podcast disclaimer click here.


    00:01 Cornish Mutual jingle

    00:14 Peter Green introduces the show.

    00:57 Sally Ann introduces herself.

    01:44 Joel introduces himself.

    02:22 Why should farmers be considering livestock below the soil as well as those above it?

    03:00 What about farmers' interest in soil and how attitudes have changed?

    04:21 The balance between physics, chemistry and biology. What is soil biota and why is it so crucial for soil health?

    07:30 Sally Ann responds

    08:45 How can soil health link to the health of livestock?

    10:04 The science behind this.

    12:20 Dung beetles and their role.

    17:30 Member focus.

    20:03 Thinking about soil biodiversity - some practical things that farmers can do.

    22:32 Classic blockers?

    24:00 Suggestions from Sally Ann and farm cluster groups

    26:00 Insects as pests

    29:00 Where to contact?

    29:49 Showstoppers

    32:00 Peter rounds up.

  • Make sure you listen to episode 4 to get the most from this bonus episode.

    Farming Focus is the podcast for farmers in the South West of England, but is relevant for farmers outside of the region or indeed anyone in the wider industry or who has an interest in food and farming.

    For more information on Cornish Mutual visit cornishmutual.co.uk

    For our podcast disclaimer click here.


    00:01 Cornish Mutual jingle

    00:14 Peter Green introduces the bonus.

    00:40 Farming as a lifestyle and the non cash benefits.

    02:20 Response from Matt.

    07:04 Moving away from subsidy - is there a danger that payments to farmers just prop up loss making farms?

    09:33 Should consumers be willing to pay more for food?

    11:45 Thinking about wealth distribution - how can farmers get a greater share of the value of produce?

    14:08 How can farmers influence policy?

    16:28 Engage with others.

    19:40 What does the future look like in terms of the way farming looks?

    20:50 Peter rounds up.