
  • This week on the podcast, we're doing things a little differently.

    I've invited Coach Steph Miramontes to open up and share her history as a struggling yo-yo dieter with ADHD.

    Topics discussed:

    Advantages and disadvantages of having ADHD when dieting What is misunderstood about ADHD and weight loss Medicated vs Unmedicated: How it affects you and behavioral changes experienced Unique systems or processes you use to function in a neurotypical world Examples of how having ADHD contributes yo-yo dieting and what methods helped you lose weight and keep it off long-term?

    We cover this and so much more! If you're someone who has unique weight loss challenges due to ADHD, you don't want to miss this episode!

    If you’re struggling with emotional, binge, or compulsive eating and you’re interested in personalized coaching with Coach Steph Miramontes, you can APPLY HERE.

    Connect with Leslie:




    Or, if you want to be the first to know when we'll be opening the doors to my signature psychologyo-based weight loss program, Unstuffed, and get exclusive access to early action bonuses, you can join the interest list.

    If you want to learn how to not-only lose weight, but also lose the struggle along side it, you can get started by taking the Weight Loss Psychology Quiz: Discover Your Diet Personality Type

  • There are 100 days left in 2024. Many of us made personal goals on January 1st. How are those coming along?

    If you haven’t made much progress — or even started — it’s not too late. You can completely change your life in 100 days if you decide to.

    Implementing small behavioral shifts can become a habit with a lifelong ripple effect.

    In 100 days, you can:

    100 days of walking one mile 100 days of saving $5 100 days of practicing Spanish 100 days learning how to cook 100 days learning how to play the piano

    What’s something you wanted to achieve at the beginning of the year and haven’t yet completed? Will you accept our challenge?

    Join Coach Steph Miramontes and I as we discuss the 3 steps on how to set and actually achieve your goal on this week’s episode.

    If you love this, you'll love what I cover on social media:




    If you’re struggling with emotional, binge, or compulsive eating and you’re interested in personalized coaching, apply here.

    Or, if you want to be the first to know when we'll be opening the doors to Unstuffed and get access to our early action bonuses, you can join the interest list.

    If you want to learn how to not-only lose weight, but lose the struggle along side it, you can get started by taking the Weight Loss Psychology Quiz: Discover Your Diet Personality Type

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  • Slow and steady wins the race, but dieters crave fast, fierce, and furious for their weight loss programs.

    Instant gratification dominates the mindsets of most dieters. They want quick solutions and quicker results.

    Consider what causes you to pursue a long-term project - like writing a book, building a relationship, learning an instrument, etc.

    With long-term projects, sooner or later, we need evidence that we’re making progress. Without it, it would seem silly to continue pursuing it forever without the reward of accomplishment.

    People don’t spend 20 years eating healthy and working their tail off at the gym without pleasure and reward mixed in. And if the goal is to maintain a lean physique for forever, we can’t rely solely on external validators, like a scale or mirror. Why?

    1. Because those results aren’t immediate.

    2. Because those results don’t continue changing after maintenance.

    Unfortunately, this is where most dieters get stuck. Instead of chasing instant gratification in emotional and compulsive eating, what if you learned how to develop a new reward system? How would it feel to be able to delay instant gratification for permanent weight loss?

    Dive into this week's episode as we discuss exactly how to do just that.

    Connect with Leslie:

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    If you’re struggling with emotional, binge, or compulsive eating and you’re interested in personalized coaching, apply here.

    If you want to learn how to not-only lose weight, but lose the struggle alongside it, you can get started by taking the Weight Loss Psychology Quiz: Discover Your Diet Personality Type

  • If you want to be someone who rarely thinks about food and feels completely in control of what you eat in a way that feels easy, then you have to learn how to adopt the inner psychology and eating habits of a ‘naturally thin’ person. The glaring difference between the lifestyle of Burned Out Dieter vs the lifestyle of the ‘Naturally Thin’ is that they’re both making drastically different decisions based on their inner psychology and daily eating habits. So for example, a ‘naturally thin’ person who eats consistent portions at every meal for years is on autopilot. And for Burned Out Dieters who are constantly getting on and off track with their eating — have created a habit of restrict-then-overeat. They also do things like: Cleaning their plate at every meal Pick at food while they’re preparing it Eating when they’re procrastinating, bored, or stressed So, the question then becomes, how do we choose to do the things that ‘naturally thin’ people do consistently? The diet industry will tell you that it’s about “eating less and moving more” and while that’s factually accurate, it’s shit advice and only half of the conversation. Everyone already knows what they should be doing to lose weight. The question is WHY aren’t they doing it? No one in the diet industry wants to touch this question. It’s easier to talk about eating protein, vegetables, and tracking your calories…but it’s also why 95% of dieters are failing at long-term weight loss. Answering this question requires understanding how your inner psychology influences your eating behaviors. Join me on today's episode as we help you unravel your ties to emotional eating and develop the eating habits of the 'naturally thin'.

    Connect with Leslie:

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    If you’re struggling with emotional, binge, or compulsive eating and you’re interested in personalized coaching, apply here. Or, if you want to be the first to know when we'll be opening the doors to Unstuffed and get access to our early action bonuses, you can join the interest list.

    If you want to learn how to not-only lose weight, but lose the struggle along side it, you can get started by taking the Weight Loss Psychology Quiz: Discover Your Diet Personality Type

  • Do you know why your diet isn't working?

    Join co-coach, Steph Miramontes, and me in this week’s episode as we dive into the 4 reasons why you still haven't lost the weight.

    Most people choose to follow meal plans and cookie cutter diets over a more mindful approach because the “rules” and boundaries have already been created for you. This helps you feel safe and confident in your decisions, but the truth is — diets never go as planned.

    If you don’t take the time to understand the purpose behind what you’re doing, you will be easily discouraged when times get tough.

    Diets won’t teach you how to navigate off the beaten path, and that’s where success is ultimately determined.

    sick days having a baby going through a divorce the loss of a loved one accepting a job offer in a different state

    If you want long-term sustainable weight loss, you must start educating yourself on how this process can be woven into the fabric of your every day life, not just for the next 12 weeks.

    Give this episode a listen for multiple ideas on how to put this into practice.

    Connect with Leslie:

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    If you’re struggling with emotional, binge, or compulsive eating and you’re interested in personalized coaching, apply here. Or, if you want to be the first to know when we'll be opening the doors to Unstuffed and get access to our early action bonuses, you can join the interest list.

    If you want to learn how to not-only lose weight, but lose the struggle along side it, you can get started by taking the Weight Loss Psychology Quiz: Discover Your Diet Personality Type

  • ANNOUNCEMENT: Are you a Burned Out Dieter Who's Struggling to Stay on Track? Join me and Coach Steph in the Outsmart Overeating program -- 6 weeks dedicated to helping emotional, binge, and compulsive overeaters STOP OVEREATING through psychology, NOT restrictive dieting or willpower. You can snag all the details on the enrollment page.

    This week, I invited client, Dr Leah, onto the show to share her experience in my signature psychology-based weight loss program, Unstuffed. As a doctor, Leah reveals how little formal nutrition education she actually received in her medical training. And as a struggling dieter herself, she found the standard medical recommendation to "follow a Keto diet for weight loss" to be nearly impossible to maintain, especially after having her first child. In this episode, Leah talks about the power of habits and the benefit of having a deeper 'why' than simply wanting to lose weight for health and vanity. In Leah's case, she felt a strong connection to wanting to honor and respect a body that was made in God's image. Also, it was important to her to pass down these habits to her children and create a healthy environment where she could thrive -- both in home and at the office with her patients -- by being a good role model. She's been enjoying the benefits of the program so much that she's now convinced her husband (another doctor) to join. Healthy habits truly are the gift that keeps on giving!

    If you're a burned out dieter who's feeling frustrated and hopeless, be sure to give this episode a listen. Dieting challenges usually get worse with time, not better. Do your future-self a favor and take action now.

    Connect with Leslie:




    If you’re struggling with emotional, binge, or compulsive eating and you’re interested in personalized coaching, apply here. Or, if you want to be the first to know when we'll be opening the doors to Unstuffed and get access to our early action bonuses, you can join the interest list.

    If you want to learn how to not-only lose weight, but lose the struggle along side it, you can get started by taking the Weight Loss Psychology Quiz: Discover Your Diet Personality Type

  • ANNOUNCEMENT: Are you a Burned Out Dieter Who's Struggling to Stay on Track? Join me and Coach Steph on our FREE LIVE TRAINING as we share how to achieve Lifelong Weight Loss through psychology, NOT restrictive dieting or willpower. You can snag all the details when you register HERE.

    As Nicolette was entering her 20's, she started developing an eating disorder. She eventually found a therapist, and at first her progress was significant. But slowly, over time, she noticed that she was still thinking about food in an obsessive and controlling way.

    It wasn't as obvious as before, but the subtle behaviors -- like trying to eat 'clean' and stick to her macros -- still felt like they were consuming too much of her mental bandwidth.

    This week, I'm excited to share the story of past client, Nicolette Tomaszewski. At 37 years-old, Nicolette is now a therapist, who has recently undergone one of the most transformative eating experiences of her life.

    In this episode, Nicolette gets real by getting vulnerable. Some of the topics discussed:

    She reveals the unconventional process that changed everything and how it turned out to be EXACTLY what she needed to break-free from the cycle of dysfunctional dieting for good.

    She shares why therapy didn't give her all the tools she needed to stop the weight loss obsession (and what has actually worked)

    How this going through this life-changing process has impacted the way she counsels her own clients in therapy in a way that's compassionate, yet goal-supporting

    How breaking up with dieting has opened up more ways for her to live a rich, rewarding life while maintaining a healthy, fit body in a way that feels easy and effortless.

    If you're a burned out dieter who's feeling frustrated and hopeless, be sure to give this episode a listen. Dieting challenges usually get worse with time, not better. Do your future-self a favor and take action now.

    Connect with Leslie:




    If you’re struggling with emotional, binge, or compulsive eating and you’re interested in personalized coaching, apply here. Or, if you want to be the first to know when we'll be opening the doors to Unstuffed and get access to our early action bonuses, you can join the interest list.

    If you want to learn how to not-only lose weight, but lose the struggle along side it, you can get started by taking the Weight Loss Psychology Quiz: Discover Your Diet Personality Type

  • ANNOUNCEMENT: Are you a Burned Out Dieter Who's Struggling to Stay on Track? Join me and Coach Steph on our FREE LIVE TRAINING as we share how to achieve Lifelong Weight Loss through psychology, NOT restrictive dieting or willpower. You can snag all the details when you register HERE.

    In this episode we debunk the lie that the fitness industry teaches about discipline being the key to a successful transformation and how that philosophy has kept dieters on a hamster wheel for years.

    Every frustrated dieter wonders why they can’t just be more disciplined. They wonder why they can start off strong and the wheels inevitably fall off.

    Generic dieting advice and the “just try harder” narrative is flawed. In reality, most people have tried harder to lose weight than anything else they’ve ever had to work at.

    So if trying harder isn’t the answer, what is?

    Imagine waking up each day trusting that you aren’t going to overeat, that you won’t run out of willpower, and you’ll go to bed that night feeling proud that you broke the habit of overeating. How would it feel to be in control of food, instead of food controlling you?

    Our habits shape our lives and finding the right system makes all the difference in the world.

    Whether you’ve been a yo-yo dieter or a binge eater in dieting past, your current habits either work for you or against you.

    When you understand the power of a habit, for better or worse, it’s easy to see how having the right habits, systems, and support in place is a game changer when it comes to fat loss.

    In this episode, you’ll discover how to become consistent so you can not only achieve your goals, but you can maintain them with ease.

    You’ll also learn:

    How habits have all of the control and developing the right ones will save you years of frustration.

    How the pressures of life keep you circling the diet drain and how to practice being persistent no matter what obstacles you face.

    The real answer to sustainable fat loss that leave you feeling in control of food and never go on a diet again.

    If forcing your body into a smaller version of itself through dieting worked, it would have worked by now. It’s time to try something different. Something that actually works.

    Give this week’s episode a listen to learn how to create a system to build lean eating habits so you never have to diet again.

    Connect with Leslie:

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    If you’re struggling with emotional, binge, or compulsive eating and you’re interested in personalized coaching, apply here.

    If you want to learn how to not-only lose weight, but lose the struggle alongside it, you can get started by taking the Weight Loss Psychology Quiz: Discover Your Diet Personality Type

  • ANNOUNCEMENT: Are you a Burned Out Dieter Who's Struggling to Stay on Track? Join me and Coach Steph on our FREE LIVE TRAINING as we share how to achieve Lifelong Weight Loss through psychology, NOT restrictive dieting or willpower. You can snag all the details when you register HERE.

    You probably realize that consistency is important for making progress, losing weight, getting in shape, and achieving success in most areas of life.

    So if you’ve been struggling to lose weight it’s because there’s been a breakdown in consistency somewhere in your eating in a calorie deficit.

    Without addressing this #1 problem, weight loss will become nearly impossible, because consistency is essential for success.

    Unfortunately, this can breed an obsession with striving for perfection… which generally backfires.

    It’s easy to convince yourself that if you don’t follow your diet perfectly, then you’ve failed… but in my case, striving for perfection is what eventually ignited my binge eating.

    So if there’s anything I want you to take away from today’s conversation, it’s that it can be really easy to confuse being consistent with being perfect, but it's not required for success.

    Join me as I share how to be consistent and how to avoid common mistakes and pitfalls, so you can turn your dream into a reality!

    Connect with Leslie:
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    If you’re struggling with emotional, binge, or feel out of control around food and you’re interested in personalized coaching, apply here.

    If you want to learn how to not-only lose weight, but lose the struggle along side it, you can get started by taking the Weight Loss Psychology Quiz: Discover Your Diet Personality Type Also, if you're interested in learning more about my signature psychology-based group coaching program, Unstuffed, you can join the Interest List HERE.
  • ANNOUNCEMENT: Are you a Burned Out Dieter Who's Struggling to Stay on Track? Join me and Coach Steph on our FREE LIVE TRAINING as we share how to achieve Lifelong Weight Loss through psychology, NOT restrictive dieting or willpower. You can snag all the details when you register HERE.

    In this episode I debunk the two metabolic myths of a 'naturally thin' person.

    Every frustrated dieter wonders why 'naturally thin' people have an unfair advantage. Why do they have faster metabolims or the ability to be more disciplined? Why can they start off strong in the morning without the wheels falling off later that night?

    It must be their metabolism, right? WRONG!

    Generic dieting advice says dieters just need to "try harder” but in reality, most of them have been 'trying harder' at weight loss more than anything else in their lives.

    So if more willpower isn't the answer, what is?

    Imagine waking up every morning with the deeply held belief that you aren’t going to overeat that day... and you actually succeed! No empty promises. No false beliefs. You said what you were going to do and DID IT.

    What if you were able to BE this person, all day, every day all the way to your goal? What if you were able to break the habit of overeating and develop the mindset and habits of the 'naturally thin' so you never had to diet again?

    How would it feel to be in control of food, all the time, everywhere?

    Your habits shape our lives and finding the right system makes all the difference in the world.

    When you understand the power of a habit, for better or worse, it’s easy to see how the right habits make ALL the difference in who you ARE vs. who you WANT to be.

    In this episode, you’ll discover how to become consistent so you can not only achieve your goals, but you can maintain them with ease.

    If you haven't achieved your dream body yet, this episode will let you know WHY. It's not because of your 'slow metabolism' it's because of your inner psychology and habits.

    Give this week’s episode a listen to learn how.

    Connect with Leslie:

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    If you’re struggling with emotional, binge, or compulsive eating and you’re interested in personalized coaching, apply here.

    If you want to learn how to not-only lose weight, but lose the struggle alongside it, you can get started by taking the Weight Loss Psychology Quiz: Discover Your Diet Personality Type

  • In this episode I debunk the lie that the fitness industry teaches about discipline being the key to a successful transformation and how that philosophy has kept dieters on a hamster wheel for years.

    Every frustrated dieter wonders why they can’t just be more disciplined. They wonder why they can start off strong in the morning and the wheels inevitably fall off later that night.

    Generic dieting advice and the “just try harder” narrative is flawed. In reality, most people have tried harder to lose weight than anything else they’ve ever had to work at.

    So if trying harder isn’t the answer, what is?

    Imagine waking up each day trusting that you aren’t going to overeat, that you won’t run out of willpower, and you’ll go to bed that night feeling proud that you broke the habit of overeating and developed the habits of the 'naturally thin' so you never had to diet again.

    How would it feel to be in control of food, instead of food controlling you?

    Our habits shape our lives and finding the right system makes all the difference in the world.

    Whether you’ve been a Restrictor or a Permitter in your dieting past, your current habits either work for you or against you.

    When you understand the power of a habit, for better or worse, it’s easy to see how having the right habits, systems, and support in place is a game changer when it comes to fat loss.

    In this episode, you’ll discover how to become consistent so you can not only achieve your goals, but you can maintain them with ease.

    You’ll learn:

    How habits have all of the control and developing the right ones will save you years of frustration.

    How the pressures of life keep you circling the diet drain and how to practice being persistent no matter what obstacles you face.

    The real answer to sustainable fat loss that leave you feeling in control of food and never go on a diet again (HINT: It all starts in the mind).

    If forcing your body into a smaller version of itself through dieting worked, it would have worked by now. It’s time to try something different. Something that actually works.

    Give this week’s episode a listen to learn how.

    Connect with Leslie:

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    If you’re struggling with emotional, binge, or compulsive eating and you’re interested in personalized coaching, apply here.

    If you want to learn how to not-only lose weight, but lose the struggle alongside it, you can get started by taking the Weight Loss Psychology Quiz: Discover Your Diet Personality Type

  • In this episode, we had the pleasure of interviewing two-time client, Rachael, a registered dietician.
    After losing weight using the strategies in 75 Hard, Rachael knew she was barely hanging on by a thread and couldn’t maintain the extreme restriction required that caused her to lose the weight.
    At one point, her husband expressed concern about her dieting behaviors and feeling backed into a corner, Rachael relented and decided to give up dieting altogether.
    As someone who experienced a classic history of yo-yoing with no long-term results to speak of, she decided she’d benefit from the structure and like-minded community offered in the Unstuffed program.
    In this episode, Rachael opens up and shares the shame she experienced as a dietician who sought help in the very arena she had received a Master’s Degree.
    She also shares her first experience in the program and why she later returned for more coaching.
    In this week's episode, Rachael shares: The biggest challenges she throughout the program and how she's been able to execute the psychological tools she learned to remain consistent in her habits Rachael shares why she decided to try hunger directed eating and how the program helped her identify herself as a struggling perfectionist What holiday and social eating looks like for her now compared to years previous (hint: no more food anxiety, fear of losing control or feeling left out) Rachael’s BEST piece of advice for those who fear they'll gain weight if they stop calorie counting and focus on weight loss through behavior change For more conversations on topics like binge eating, emotional eating, and the all-or-nothing mindset, you can check out previously recorded episodes. If there’s a topic you’d like us to cover in an upcoming episode, let us know in the comments below.
    This was an awesome client interview and I’m so excited to share it with you! I hope you dig in and find it helpful.

    Connect with Leslie:

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    If you’re struggling with emotional, binge, or feel out of control around food and you’re interested in personalized coaching, apply here.

    Or, if you want to be the first to know when we'll be opening the doors to Unstuffed and get access to exclusive FREE bonuses, you can join the Interest List. There's zero obligation to join.

    If you want to learn how to not-only lose weight, but lose the struggle along side it, you can get started by taking the Weight Loss Psychology Quiz: Discover Your Diet Personality Type

  • You know those annoying people who can eat whatever they want without gaining a pound?

    Meanwhile YOU can't even smell a chocolate chip cookie without sending the button on your pants flying across the room at lightning speed?

    It's maddening, isn't it? I used to be so jealous of these people...until I became one.

    But how? Doesn't being a 'naturally thin' person require you to have the metabolism of a hummingbird on meth? NOPE!

    Join me on this week's episode of the Outsmart Overeating Podcast while I interview a very special guest on the secret eating habits of the 'naturally thin' -- how she decides WHEN to eat, WHAT to eat, and most importantly HOW to STOP eating without ever feeling restricted and deprived.

    We explore so many fascinating topics and I can't wait to share them all with you, so you can apply some of these strategies in your own eating behaviors TODAY.

    Connect with Leslie:

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    If you’re struggling with emotional, binge, or feel out of control around food and you’re interested in personalized coaching, apply here.

    Or, if you want to be the first to know when we'll be opening the doors to Unstuffed and get access to exclusive FREE bonuses, you can join the Interest List. There's zero obligation to join.

    If you want to learn how to not-only lose weight, but lose the struggle along side it, you can get started by taking the Weight Loss Psychology Quiz: Discover Your Diet Personality Type

  • WELP!

    It’s finally here. The moment we’ve all been waiting for…

    Okay, maybe it’s not the moment YOU’VE been waiting for, but it’s definitely the moment I’ve been waiting for!

    Today, I’m making good on a promise.

    I invited three former clients to share their experience on Ozempic (or similar GLP-1 weight loss medications) and the conversation gets juicy!

    What are their side effects? Do they have Ozempic face? How much weight have they lost? How have their lives changed? What's their long-term plan? How has it affected their body image? What do they feel is misunderstood about weight loss drugs?

    Past clients Melissa, Macarena, and Sherri all join me on today's episode of the Outsmart Overeating Podcast to reveal the truth about what it's like to be on weight loss medication -- the good, the bad, and the ugly.

    If you're considering peptides, you don’t want to miss this fascinating episode.

    Connect with Leslie:

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    If you’re struggling with emotional, binge, or feel out of control around food and you’re interested in personalized coaching, apply here.

    Or, if you want to be the first to know when we'll be opening the doors to Unstuffed and get access to exclusive FREE bonuses, you can join the Interest List. There's zero obligation to join.

    If you want to learn how to not-only lose weight, but lose the struggle along side it, you can get started by taking the Weight Loss Psychology Quiz: Discover Your Diet Personality Type

  • Do you know what the absolute stupidest thing most people do that keeps them unfit is?

    I mean the absolute LITERAL dumbest thing that can keep you from accomplishing any goal.

    It doesn't matter if you want to get rich; it'll keep you poor. Want to lose weight? This will keep you fat. Want to be in a relationship? This mistake will keep you single.

    Here's the thing about this blindingly stupid mistake -- it's not also the most common mistake I see people make, it's also the most obvious.

    Which SHOULD make it easy to avoid. So, why is everyone making the mistake? Is it because we're all so damn stupid?

    No. It's because we're human.

    The mistake, you see, is not executing. Literally, doing nothing.

    Or, more specifically, NOT doing the things we know we need to be doing to achieve our goal.

    How do we guarantee that we'll take action? How do we make sure we stop messing around and do the things we NEED to do?

    Simple: accountability.

    Ask any coach, or anyone who has every been coached, or anyone who has ever done ANYTHING how they did it.

    The answer, whatever it may be, always touches on some form of accountability. But there are 3 other factors that contribute to this as well. Can you name them?

    If you haven't lost weight in the past 3 months, it's for one of these 4 reasons. You don't want to make this mistake. Check out today's episode to ensure you're not wasting precious time on a dead-end process that will never work.

    Connect with Leslie:

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    If you’re struggling with emotional, binge, or feel out of control around food and you’re interested in personalized coaching, apply here.

    Or, if you want to be the first to know when we'll be opening the doors to Unstuffed and get access to exclusive FREE bonuses, you can join the Interest List. There's zero obligation to join.

    If you want to learn how to not-only lose weight, but lose the struggle along side it, you can get started by taking the Weight Loss Psychology Quiz: Discover Your Diet Personality Type

  • In this week's episode of the Outsmart Overeating Podcast, I respond to a client's email who is beginning to recognize that she had inherited outdated, unhelpful beliefs that caused her to self-sabotage.

    Due to her family history, she internalized a negative narrative about the women in her family being doomed to be fat, especially after having children and ageing. This belief was so deeply rooted in her subconscious that she didn't even realize how it was influencing the way she was interacting with food today.

    Upon closer inspection and with the help of the Unstuffed program, she has recognized how these self-limiting beliefs and lifelong habits that have gone unchecked aren't actually written in stone. In fact, quite the opposite.

    With intentional effort and a clear plan of action, not-only can they be changed, but they can change your life in a dramatic way... without eliminating your favorite foods or doing mind-numbing cardio.

    To hear her story and to learn how she's adopting the thoughts and eating habits of a 'naturally thin' person that has contributed to a signifcant weight loss in the past 6 weeks, check out today's full episode.

    Connect with Leslie:

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    If you’re struggling with emotional, binge, or feel out of control around food and you’re interested in personalized coaching, apply here.

    Or, if you want to be the first to know when we'll be opening the doors to Unstuffed and get access to exclusive FREE bonuses, you can join the Interest List. There's zero obligation to join.

    If you want to learn how to not-only lose weight, but lose the struggle along side it, you can get started by taking the Weight Loss Psychology Quiz: Discover Your Diet Personality Type

  • If you're you've ever said:

    "I don't know when I'll get to eat this again."

    "I need to eat all of this now because tomorrow it's back to the diet!"

    "I'll get back on track on Monday."

    This tells me you're someone who struggles with the "all-or-nothing" mindset. Unfortunately, when you have this thought pattern, it makes consistency nearly impossible to achieve. And consistency is essential for success.

    This week I discuss how to drop the "back on track" perfectionist mindset creates a cycle of self-sabotage and how you can break it, once and for all.

    It's impossible to achieve your goal if every time you have a minor setback, you quit on yourself and if that sounds like you, this week's episode is a must listen.

    Connect with Leslie:

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    If you’re struggling with emotional, binge, or feel out of control around food and you’re interested in personalized coaching, apply here.

    Or, if you want to be the first to know when we'll be opening the doors to Unstuffed and get access to exclusive FREE bonuses, you can join the Interest List. There's zero obligation to join.

    If you want to learn how to not-only lose weight, but lose the struggle along side it, you can get started by taking the Weight Loss Psychology Quiz: Discover Your Diet Personality Type

  • What most dieters don't realize is that their quest for weight loss has more to do with feeling 'not good enough' and less to do with losing pounds.

    What they TRULY want is access to the life that they think is waiting for them on the other side of weight loss -- more dating prospects, more respect, more confidence, more clothing options, etc.

    It's not about the weight itself. It's about having an emotional experience. And until dieters connect these two dots, there will never be enough weight loss in the world that can satisfy their need for self-acceptance, because self-acceptance isn't a number on a scale, it's an emotional experience. And it's not one that's exclusively available to people who fit into society's beauty ideals.

    Join me on this episode of the Outsmart Overeating Podcast as I discuss how being consumed with our bodies and things like calories, workouts, and weight-loss best practices, we lose the joy that comes with experiencing a full and vibrant life.

    We’re so focused on the end result of one aspect of who we are that we completely miss the beautiful life we've created that's already unfolding around us, leaving us feel empty and disatisfied.

    Connect with Leslie:

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    If you’re struggling with emotional, binge, or feel out of control around food and you’re interested in personalized coaching, apply here.

    Or, if you want to be the first to know when we'll be opening the doors to Unstuffed and get access to exclusive FREE bonuses, you can join the Interest List. There's zero obligation to join.

    If you want to learn how to not-only lose weight, but lose the struggle along side it, you can get started by taking the Weight Loss Psychology Quiz: Discover Your Diet Personality Type

  • This week on the Outsmart Overeating Podcast, I discuss an urge to eat when you’re not physically hungry and what to do with it when it happens.

    In my psychology-based weight loss program, Unstuffed, we refer to this as “mind hunger” and it’s rooted in an emotional need not being met.

    Once you’ve come to grips with being an emotional eater, it’s important to have a process to begin working through them in a healthy way that doesn’t involve stuffing them down with food.

    In 17 years of coaching, I’ve never had a client tell me they’re comfortable sitting with their emotions when they surface — their coping mechanism is almost always a distraction; a way to numb or mentally check out through exercise, watching TV, eating, etc.

    Because they are unfamiliar with the way the body communicates its needs through emotions, they can feel scary, but they’re not. It’s the fear of the unknown that makes them uncomfortable.

    When we learn to invite emotions into our lives without judgment, we also learn how to make ourselves feel safe and secure.

    Emotions are our friends. They aren’t always accurate truth tellers, and often don’t match the situation that made us feel the way we feel.

    This is why observing them without attaching a story or narrative is a life-changing exercise.

    Check out this week’s episode to learn the four steps that will help you stop eating your feelings today.

    Connect with Leslie:

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    If you’re struggling with emotional, binge, or feel out of control around food and you’re interested in personalized coaching, apply here.

    Or, if you want to be the first to know when we'll be opening the doors to Unstuffed and get access to exclusive FREE bonuses, you can join the Interest List. There's zero obligation to join.

    If you want to learn how to not-only lose weight, but lose the struggle along side it, you can get started by taking the Weight Loss Psychology Quiz: Discover Your Diet Personality Type

  • Once you’ve come to grips with the concept that all overeating is rooted in having an emotional experience, you’ll need to learn how to work through them in a healthy way that doesn’t involve stuffing them down with food.

    In two decades of coaching, I’ve never had a client tell me they’re comfortable sitting with their emotions when they surface — their coping mechanism is almost always a distraction; a way to numb or mentally check out through exercise, watching TV, eating, etc.

    Because they are unfamiliar with the way the body communicates its needs through emotions, they can feel scary, but they’re not. It’s the fear of the unknown that makes them uncomfortable.

    In today’s episode of the Outsmart Overeating Podcast, Coach Steph Miramontes and I discuss the 4 sneaky ways you’re still overeating and yes… ALL of them are rooted in having an emotional experience. Can you guess what they are?

    Connect with Leslie:

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    If you’re struggling with emotional, binge, or feel out of control around food and you’re interested in personalized coaching, apply here.

    Or, if you want to be the first to know when we'll be opening the doors to Unstuffed and get access to exclusive FREE bonuses, you can join the Interest List. There's zero obligation to join.

    If you want to learn how to not-only lose weight, but lose the struggle along side it, you can get started by taking the Weight Loss Psychology Quiz: Discover Your Diet Personality Type