Commentary tracks to popular movies and film reviews on the latest releases. Oliver is joined by guest hosts Duncan Casey, Richard Jackson and Brad Watson.
SWR Kindernetz | AudioPodcast |
Hier findest du jede Woche kleine Wissens-Snacks zu Themen rund um Natur, Geschichte und Politik. Es gibt Mini-Sprachkurse, Bastel-DIYs und Sport-Tutorials. Alles kurz und knackig auf den Punkt gebracht. -
Learn Spanish with Yabla. Yabla Spanish brings you authentic content from the Spanish speaking world. All videos are 100% native speakers with Spanish captions and English translations. This is not a lesson, just engaging authenic content.
Reviewing the Jurassic Films one Minute at a time
Mandarin Chinese lessons with Wei Lai is a video podcast to help you learn Chinese. Look for our regular Podcasts in the iTunes Store
Welcome to the podcast of IDFA. The IDFA podcast contains post screening Q&A's, Doc Talks and Industry Talks Sessions. Please check out other recordings of talks and events of IDFA at and subscribe to the podcast to stay up to date.
Learn how to write for the most exciting art form around--television. This podcast is produced by a veteran television writer and college professor, and you'll love the entertaining way this information is presented.
In the Podcast I ask my guests to pick a Film they love or really resonate with, as we all have that one film we adore or just have to watch every 3-6 months. As we discuss the protagonist's journey within the film we start to discuss my guest’s own personal journey and investigate the big moments, events and experiences that have shaped their lives. As we explore the varying aspects of the Hero's journey my guests can start to become aware of those moments where they moved away from their illusory world, into the gap of confusion, uncertainty, love and maybe fear. We discuss and explore the circumstances and events that led them to the "Gap" and how long they took to accept the call to adventure. Once in the "Gap" how did they feel, was it blissful, joyous or terrifying? How long have they been in the "Gap” and what do they feel they need in support, clarity or belief to escape the feeling of being stuck and move beyond the Gap into a new life. I expand on spiritual, coaching and Transactional theory and techniques to explore all aspect of my guest's journeys and live
News, product reviews, and cool ideas for music educators and their students. Plus a little fun stuff thrown in just to help pass the time. I cover all kinds of music technology tools from mobile apps to desktop software and computer hardware to gadgets and musical toys. A lot of the stuff that I cover in these videos is an offshoot of the writing work I do for NAfME and Teaching Music Magazine where I have served as the national technology writer for the past five years.
If you have an idea for a new gadget, app, or other item that I should review and tell people about feel free to drop me a line! -
Marilyn O'Malley shares energy tools, trainings, and interviews to empower Highly Sensitives and Creatives who desire to love, live and matter.
* HSP relationships
* Clearing and grounding energy work for highly sensitives
* Learn your SuperPowers
* Self-Care for Highly Sensitivities
* Personal and professional growth and confidence -
The Official Website for Spade Robinson
A weekly podcast with leaders, critics and panels from the independent film and television industry.
Rolien Magendans en Koos Tervooren tippen elkaar elke week een podcast. Wat blijkt, smaken verschillen.
In de aftertalk 15 Gewone Burgers praten Agavni Jessaijan en Koos Tervooren over het televisieprogramma Kamp van Koningsbrugge. Wie gaat het halen en wie niet? Zien we bloedgroepfouten? Tonen de cursisten moed, beleid, trouw, eer en trots? En wie laat zich te veel leiden door het duiveltje op zijn schouder? Analyse vanuit de luie stoel.
emma prefers to share her thoughts with a microphone rather than a physical human being, so thank god she has a podcast. recorded from the comfort of her bed...and some other fun places, emma talks at length about whatever is on her mind every week. anything really does go on this podcast. sometimes philosophy, sometimes a random story from 10 years ago, sometimes advice, sometimes fun interviews, and sometimes nothing at all. you never know what you are going to get, but that’s what keeps it interesting. new episodes every thursday and sunday, video available only on spotify.
Waarom leerde niemand je ooit hoe je moet omgaan met stress, hoe je een vriend kunt troosten, of hoe je stopt met het continu checken van je Instagram? De Podcast Psycholoog bespreekt elke aflevering een belangrijk psychologisch thema en geeft tips die je meteen kunt toepassen in je dagelijks leven.
In de serie Hoofdverhalen gaat Marissa in gesprek met mensen die een fikse tegenslag voor hun kiezen kregen die hun leven (tijdelijk) op z’n kop zette. In elke aflevering blikken zij terug op hun meest moeilijke momenten en geven ze een kijkje in hun hoofd. Hoe gingen ze om met verdriet en onzekerheid, en wat hielp hen uiteindelijk hun leven weer op te pakken?
Sound design De Podcast Psycholoog: No.Pia.No, sound design Hoofdverhalen: KLOAQ Audio Design, artwork: Tim Straver -
Deepen your language skills and knowledge of the French-speaking world through fascinating true stories in easy-to-follow French, with added English for context. From Duolingo, the world's #1 way to learn a language. Hosted by Ngofeen Mputubwele.
In de Omdenken Podcast luister je mee met de openhartige gesprekken die Berthold Gunster voert met mensen over hun problemen. Hoe kunnen ze hun probleem laten verdwijnen? Of zelfs omdenken?
✨ Wist je dat deze podcast ook in het Engels bestaat? Zoek op 'Flip Thinking Podcast in je favo podcast-app!✨
Berthold Gunster is de grondlegger van het Omdenken en schreef 13 boeken over het gedachtegoed. Berthold en zijn team spelen daarnaast ook de theatershow 'Zoals verwacht loopt alles anders', geven zakelijke trainingen en maken jaarlijks de Omdenken scheurkalender. Wil je meer Omdenken? Op social media delen we dagelijks quotes en mooie Omdenkverhalen. Wil je iets met ons delen? Mail naar of kijk op -
Kings and Generals Podcast
Podcasts in slow Dutch about culture, history and life in The Netherlands.
Full Transcripts PDF and free mp3 available