
  • The danger of being an achiever is that it's very hard to switch off. You're constantly striving for that something that's missing, even though people say you're so successful, they just don't understand what keeps driving you. It's important to stop and reflect every now and again and take in what you've done.

  • How Grand is your vision? Limiting your view will affect your future outcome. Most people I talk to have a very limited view of what they can achieve and where they want to get to. Most people dream with limits, which is sad. They set themselves an income threshold way too low of their potential. We’re fortunate to live in a time where with a little investment, time and dedication it’s possible to achieve a lifestyle beyond what you are dreaming. So today I’m asking you to open up your mind a dream big.

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  • Ep #23 Don't be deterred by others. Get your Voice out there.

    Too many people are holding back from getting their voice out there through fear of ridicule and criticism. But this is a mistake. If you want to help people, then holding back on what you have to share is not only harming you, but it's preventing the people that you can help from hearing something that they may really need. So in this episode we share some insights on why and how to get over this sticking point in your life.

  • 1 to 1 PT is not the be all and end all. In this episode we talk about the 3 ways you can easily monetise your knowledge to give you additional income on top of your 1 to 1 PT clients without trading your time for money.

  • Ep #21 Is your Business Breaking you - Who does your marketing really appeal to? You may think that you’re ideal client is a certain type of person that needs your help, but your marketing campaigns may actually be attracting the people you are trying to avoid. Instead this just fills your business with people who drain you and will eventually break you. In this episode we talk about how to attract the type of client who wants your help and more importantly is ready and willing and motivated to do what it takes

  • Ep #20 The 5 Stages of Fitness Business - In this episode I go through the 5 stages we go through as a fitness entrepreneur in business from Start up to Significance and what you can expect to earn and achieve at each stage. Also the stage most people get stuck and why.

  • The one thing that will distinguish you as the go to person in your local area is your ability to demonstrate to your ideal prospect that you have a clear path to get them from where they are now to where they want to be. Popularity has nothin to do with it. Instead mastering how to position yourself in your market, communicating the right message and having the right offer to put to your audience is all that you need to do to have prospects coming to you consistently on auto-pilot.

  • In this episode I talk about my recent experience with a couple of trolls or haters on social media about a new program we're launching. There was a discussion going on about the link between popularity and success. In fact popularity has nothing to do with success, whereas having the tools, information and marketing skills to get your message out to your target market has everything to do with your success. Look at recent US Presidential election, where 47% of the population voted against Donald Trump yet he still became president. Do you think he was popular? Of course not, but you have to realise that 50% of people aren't always going to like what you do.

  • This is the audio taken from my recent webinar replay 'How to Make £10k per Month as a Fit Pro'. This is killer information for any fitpro who wants to up their game and start earning what they're worth.

    In this podcast episode I give you exactly what you need to do to start implementing the strategy into your business today. So this is not one you want to miss.

  • Your business can double THIS MONTH: In this episode we look at how this is possible. Many of our students double their business income within the first few weeks of working with us. This is down to making a couple of simple changes to strategy and model, releasing them so they have more time to work on their business without impacting their income.

  • Creating Daily Content - Getting yourself out there: For someone just starting out in the industry as a coach, creating daily content can be a daunting task. If you're not a natural writer, speaker or presenter then this is something you must work on to get better at. In this episode we go into how I manage to create a ton of content every single day. I share with you tips on how to overcome the fear of putting yourself out there and how to package your message and style of delivery that's unique to you.

  • Today we’re talking about ‘The Funk’ that feeling, the dark pit that we get ourselves in to from time to time, when we feel that things aren’t going our way. Fitness professionals everywhere and in fact other people in other professions also experience this on a regular basis. But dealing with this can be quite straight forward. By just reframing a few common statements that we tend to make when we are feeling down, it can reset our mind and help us deal with the day to day ups and downs of business. Today I share with you just what I do on a daily basis to make sure I appreciate what I have, to stay focused and in the game even when things aren’t quite going the way we want it to.

  • Do you have imagined reasons that are keeping you stuck? Are your stories keeping you where you are and preventing you from making progress? If you believe in something that hasn’t happened yet and likely never will, could have an impact on an idea that you have or a goal that you want to achieve, then you will never get out of your own way. So many people are walking around having not reached their full potential simply because of the stories they are telling themselves. And that’s all they are stories, so do yourself a favour, ignore your imagination and do it anyway.

  • In this episode we go into how to package your knowledge into digital product that can be delivered online so that you can sell. This is called digital leverage and can be an awesome accompaniment to your offline services. Done correctly can give you an additional revenue stream that once produced and launched demands very little of your time and can also enable you to extend your reach.

  • Have you got an idea for a course or a product in your head but you feel that you can’t release it to world until you have the time to make it perfect? Well you are doing yourself and the people it will be serving and injustice. Get it out there, it doesn’t matter if it’s not perfect. Sell a beta version and get your target audience to help you test and tweak it for you. Then you can fix things and make it perfect on the fly. Remember the power is in done, not what is going to get done.

  • What would happen if you were to give your best content out there for free? In reality people do not pay for information, they pay for implementation. That is your ability to help them implement the information that you share. So if you structure your business in a way that you freely share your knowledge, you will bring more of the people in to your world that you want to work with. Because the free distribution of powerful, useful, valuable content that motivates, serves and helps the people in your marketplace will connect them to you and build you as an authority in your niche. So that when they need a coach you are most likely the first person they will come to.

  • Taking a day off work means that your world does not have to fall apart. I know that being an entrepreneur and business owner means that it's often hard to disconnect from your day to day activities to see the path through the trees. But you can and should take time to chill every once in a while just to be present with your family and friends. In fact being away from the business for a day or two can often give you the headspace and clarity you need to refresh your mind. Learn today how your 30,000 foot view can help you see the clear path through the trees and actually help your business to progress.

  • In this episode I reflect on the last 10 years of being in business, since the tender age of 21 and how I've grown, not only as an entrepreneur but as a person as well. The power of reflection over time is great way to acknowledge your achievements and your mistakes.

  • In this episode I cover a simple trick that we are all missing (myself included lately). This trick, if applied consistently will get us more leads, more clients and more opportunities on auto-pilot. Sharing your value to your target audience is free to you and free to them and will continuously increase your name as the authority in your niche. Finding the right medium to share your content is critical and this is something we go through in todays episode.

  • We are live, people. It is your boy Breezy here with Fitness Profits. Excited to be back with a great episode here for you all. Something I talk to my students a hell of a lot about, but also something I've been a huge advocate for over my last however long in business. About four years ago, I was in a position where I'd be going through these pangs of anxiety. I'd get really confident, and then the next day I'd feel really scared about things. I started to chat to one of my friends Dileep, and he did a course through the Art of Living and actually teaches breathing and meditation stuff. This was the time in which I really figured out that breathing was such an important thing.

    To know this is basically like our physiology determines our psychology, so if you're breathing more than eight breaths per minute, that's a physiological state of anxiety. If you have anxiety you don't have confidence. If you don't have confidence, you don't have the ability to grow your business, push it forward and get it to where you want it to be. Today I'm going to talk about how you can actually bubble wrap your confidence every day so that you walk into the day with absolute determination and confidence, courage to pursue and push forward with your dreams. To many people allow the negative spiral of thoughts in their mind to deter their efforts, to take them away from what is going to get results in the business.

    It looks like this day to day. You wake up, you start to instantly check social media or emails, or respond to clients, or check your messenger. You get in this spiral of, "Okay, I've got to work, I've got to do it." It's this scarcity and urgency and anxiety around making sure that you're looking after clients or you're doing stuff to get more clients. I literally used to wake up, pull my laptop out and start working. I literally used to work until I'd go to sleep.

    Around about six years ago, I don't know if you've ever had this happen to you before, but I was lying in bed and it was the second time that I'd spent a night with Danielle. It had happened once before about four weeks prior. I was at Danielle's house, and stayed over, and in the middle of the night I woke up. Literally my whole body was paralysed. Completely still, completely shook, but my eyes were open and I was trying to speak, and I was like, "Mm." Then Danielle literally shook me, cuddled me, and then I snapped out of it. I did a bit of research, and apparently it's something that's pretty common with people who are overstressed, overworked, and I think it's called sleep paralysis.

    I'm not the person who's going to try and diagnose this, but it's something that I've struggled with that I know a bunch of other people have too. I started on this journey of, "Okay, I've got to sort this shit out because I'm waking up, working, going to bed with a laptop on my chest." It just wasn't healthy. Like I said, my buddy Dileep was on at me all of the time. "Look Chris, you've got to come to this course, it's amazing. You need to do this." Dileep had personal struggles in the past, he'd had personal challenges, he had addictions. He turned to breathing meditation and it changed his life completely. Meditation breathing is kind of stigmatised, but also the buzz thing right now. That's not really what this episode today is about, it's more about how you can use that as part of a routine daily to protect your confidence. I ventured on this journey of breathing stuff, and started to really go deep into it.

    Every single day I'd start with breathing. Gradually what I'd start to do was add things to my morning ritual. I woke up, I'd make sure that my phone was out the way for at least the first two hours. The first hour of my day was wrapped around me protecting my confidence, protecting my mind. Setting myself up for a great day. There's one thing that you need to be aware of. You can start the day and end the day, and have total control over the way that you wake up and over the way that you go to sleep. Anything else in the middle, something can come along. A client could leave, or somebody could come and take shots at you. You could get a bunch of hate today. Some situation could happen that throws you completely off your game, but as long as you start the day and end the day, book end the day.

    It was Darren Hardy who first got the concept of book-ending the day in the great book called The Compound Effect. As long as you book-end the day, start and finish it in a certain way, you have total control over how you begin the day, and how you wake up the day after to then tackle the day ahead. Shit can go completely crazy in between, but as long as we have a point at which we can stop the craziness and a point at which we can start the day in a positive way, I think you'll notice a huge shift.

    I wanted to share with you today how I protect my confidence every single day with my morning ritual. I wake up, the very first thing I do is put a coffee on. Those that don't know me, I'm a bit of a coffee geek. In fact, when I travel places, the first thing I do is look for coffee shops that have independent, local coffees or roasters that are different to your generic coffee places. When people say they're into coffee, they might be. I'm into roasters and certain roasteries, and I look and hunt out for new roasteries all of the time. My favourite is V60 or Aeropress, that's my favourite preparation method. I could do a whole episode on coffee one time, maybe I will.

    Basically, I'm searching out for the best coffee places everywhere I go, get the beans, but that has to be the first thing I do in the morning. I don't know why, I love it, the whole preparation of it. It takes about three to five minutes. I wake up, and then I've got a nice hot awesome coffee. After I've made a coffee, I then grab out a book and I'll read about 50 or 60 pages of a book every single day. Usually a chapter or two, at least, every day. Do about a book a week in total. Then I'll read some kind of stoicism. A great book by Ryan Holiday is 365 Days of Stoic Meditations. I think that's the title, don't quote me. If you search Ryan Holiday and stoic or stoicism, you will figure it out.

    Then basically after that, I will journal three things I'm grateful for, and I try to think of different categories. I'll look at novelty, write some things that are novel. The ability to wake up and choose what I do, I'm totally grateful for that. I'm totally grateful that I don't have a nine to five. This morning, usually I get up at 4:00, 4:30 every day, our dog gets us up sometimes, it drives me crazy. She usually barks about 4:00, 4:30 to be let out, because that's what time we get up for the last however long. This morning I actually let her out and I was like, look, sleep is important today. We have a nine month old baby, and I don't know if you've got kids or you've had a young baby before, but sleep is precious.

    Basically I went back to bed, and got a bunch more rest. Then normally I want to write down a piece of gratitude for something, obviously novelty, like I just mentioned. The clouds, the birds singing, the sun shining. Things that we take for granted totally. Usually when we write gratitude, it's I'm grateful for my life, my wife, my business, my et cetera. The next thing I want to look at is in relationships, friendships. Who am I grateful for in relationships in other areas? Friendships and with my partner, what's one thing? Or the kids. The next thing I want to do is what am I grateful for career, business wise, or success wise.

    A type personalities, people like probably me and you, we can get so attached to what we're looking to achieve that we forget about what we've done. We forget about where we've come from. It's so easy to get wrapped up in this future mindset, which takes us out of being present, which causes anxiety. If anxiety lives in the future, the antidote to that is gratitude in the present. That's what you've got to really understand, is part of your gratitude is bringing you back to present moment and appreciating where you are today and what you've been through and everything else to go with that.

    After I've done gratitude, I will write down my intentions for the day. What do I want my day to be around? I'll write usually three things. Then I'll crush demons. I've never really heard anyone talk about this before. Something I started doing when I noticed that I had basic things in my mind that were reoccurring themes. Every day if I woke up with a certain thought or feeling, I'd write that down and then I'd explore it, then I would crush it. I call these demons because they're things that reoccur and they can become nightmares if you allow them to progress.

    Then I'll go into breathing, and I will do 10 or 20 minutes worth of breathing and stretching at the same time. I'll do about 10 minutes of real deep breathing, like meditation stuff. Then I'll do about 10 minutes worth of deep breathing and stretching. Reason why, I just feel when your body is tense, physiology determines psychology. Not only am I going to alter my physiology with my breath, I'm going to alter my physiology physically as well. Sometimes I like to flip it, so that I'll actually do my breathing meditation stuff before I journal. Sometimes I like to do it after. It just depends on how I feel. I don't know if you've ever done meditation or something before, but sometimes we can feel it's resistance. I can, personally anyway. I can think, ah, you know what, I don't have that 20 minutes right now to do it. I'll just skip it.

    I've noticed, the more I do it, the better I feel. The less I do it, the more clogged up and cloudy I feel. Without clarity, we have no direction. If you have a foggy mind, then you're not going to be confident about your execution. No matter what you think, your execution isn't going to be great every day if you have a foggy mind. Basically after I've done all of that, I write down my big three rocks for the day that sits within my plan for the week. What are my big three things I've got to get done today? If I get those done, awesome. Then I end the day with wins, lessons and next day objectives. I cap off the day, wins, lessons and next day objectives, and then I go into five to 10 minutes worth of breathing, then I get in my car away from the office, blast some tunes, and just usually sing along, rap along, or just hear the music loud and just let my mind completely switch off.

    Like anyone, I have times and periods when I'm awesome at doing this, and I'm totally on point. Seven days a week, every day. Then I have periods where I allow the fogginess to bog me down. I feel panicky, and I've got to skip them. It's mad, because that thought is the exact reason why I need to keep the rituals in place. It's often the reason why I don't. If right now you're in business and you're waking up foggy, you're checking your phone, you're checking your emails, you've gone on Facebook, you're responding to clients, you're waking up with this mentality of, "Shit, I've got to get stuff done, I've got to get clients in, I've got to do this, that and the other." Take an extra hour. I guarantee it will change and revolutionise your life.

    If you have clients at 6:00 am, and you usually get up at half five, and then you're straight into the gym, guess what? You're running your day based upon whatever comes your way. Which means you have no control about how you start the day. Which means your frame of mind and your confidence for that day is set upon the very first few interactions you have with people. When I was coaching all of the time at 6:00 am, I would actually get up at 4:30 so I could spend an hour to do my morning ritual. I'd get up, get showered straight away, get a coffee, and then go into my ritual, because it was that valuable. I was willing to sacrifice an hour of sleep in the morning and go to bed an hour earlier at night to start my day in a way that empowered me with confidence, with drive, with courage, as opposed to allowing the day to rule me.

    Guys, if you make that shift, I guarantee your success will be 10x what it is right now. What I'm not going to pretend is that starting your day and ending your day is going to revolutionise your sales and marketing, because it's not. The only thing that will revolutionise your sales and marketing is your knowledge of sales and marketing. However, it will allow you to apply the knowledge that you have at a much higher level, which means you're going to execute with more confidence, which means that the result of your efforts are going to be 10x. You're not not making sales because you're not starting the day in a powerful way. No, that's not the case. What I'm saying is you're likely not making sales because you're not good enough at sales. It definitely effects your state going into that call if you're conscious of, "Shit, I've got clients leaving, what if this person doesn't sign up," or, "I definitely need this client to sign up."

    If you're in this anxious state, for sure it's going to effect how you show up in that phone call. Give yourself the very best possible chance of success by starting your day in an empowering way, and completing your day in a way that sets you up for success the next day. Let's say you had a calamity of a day today, today shit of a day. You need to be able to put a bottle top on it. You need to be able to throw that bottle in the ocean, and let it drift out to sea. If you do that every day, I guarantee you'll notice a huge shift. People around you will notice a difference in your presence too.

    All right, it is your boy Breezy, hope you loved this session today on morning rituals, protecting your confidence, and being able to start and end your day in a more empowering way. It's been awesome having you here. Remember, go over right now to superfitbusiness.com/podcast, go and get the business building kit. If you have any requests about me teaching the morning ritual in a deeper way, I'd love to know. Shoot me a message. If we're not friends on Facebook, let's be friends on Facebook, that would be awesome. You can get me on there, Facebook.com/chrisb1110. We can chat on there as well, ping me a message. Happy to chat morning rituals and how personally it's revolutionised my life, but it's also something that could totally revolutionise yours too. That's it from me today. Take care. Share it with somebody that needs it, because I know there's someone out there right now that could totally do with this episode. All right, boy Breezy, peace.

    Thanks so much for tuning in. We hope you enjoyed the show. You can follow along with other content pieces, videos and live training over at superfitbusiness.com. If you'd love a bundle of gifts to build your business, go over to superfitbusiness.com/podcast right now and we'll ship you a business building kit right away. Don't forget, leave a review, subscribe to the podcast for future episodes, and share it with your fellow fit pros. Together, let's make the fitness industry a better place. Take care, bye bye.