Freedom has lasted in America for 250 years because our ancestors were vigilant and sacrificed to protect it. Jim Daly shares what American citizens must do for freedom to last another 250 years.
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It’s a helpless feeling when your emotions control you instead of the other way around. Jim Daly shares how to break free from the negative events of your past, so you can live free.
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One of the most common excuses divorced couples use is, “Kids are resilient.” But are they? Jim Daly explains why that sentiment is not as accurate as people wished it was.
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Moms experience a wide range of emotions when it comes to their children. They may swell up with pride, or they may struggle with guilt. Jim Daly reminds moms why their best is good enough.
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Are you too busy to have a good marriage? Many couples think they are. Jim Daly shares how to build a marriage that thrives even when your schedule is tight.
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Quicksand is dangerous. The further you sink the harder it is to escape. Jim Daly explains what to do if you get stuck in the quicksand of gambling, porn, or drug and alcohol addiction.
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If you’re a woman who struggles to find time for friends, Jim Daly offers this bit of advice: Don’t try to change your husband into your girlfriend. Listen in to find out what he means.
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If your life isn’t what you’d hoped it would be, Jim Daly says, “Create it.” How? By learning to see possibility where none seems to exist.
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Some parents don’t talk about sex with their children. Others hope one conversation will do the trick. Jim Daly suggests a more effective way to have “the talk” with your children: Be a drip line, not a fire hose.
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In “Life Transitions, Part One,” Jim Daly discussed common transition points in a woman’s life. Men have life transitions of their own. Jim Daly explains how men can approach those changes with confidence.
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Jim Daly shares how transitions in a woman’s life can help her marriage grow if she’s prepared to integrate those seasons of life into her relationship.
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Juneteenth memorializes the end of slavery in America. Jim Daly explains why, although our nation will never be perfect, our country is worthy of praise because it stumbles forward, toward our highest principles.
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Many people who survive a difficult childhood try to escape their past. Speaking from his own experiences, Jim Daly explains why it’s better to run toward something positive, instead of running away from something negative.
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Every couple hopes for a good marriage, but wishful thinking isn’t enough. Jim Daly shares what a couple needs to sustain their relationship through tough times.
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If your background is troubled, Father’s Day may be hard for you. Jim Daly explains how you can reclaim Father’s Day and make it a celebration of love and dedication to your children and grandchildren for generations to come.
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There are steps a husband and wife can take to prepare for an upcoming deployment. Jim Daly shares suggestions for making your time apart from your spouse and family a little easier.
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Military deployment can be tough on couples. Jim Daly shares helpful tips you can employ in the weeks leading up to deployment that will make your time apart from your spouse as smooth as possible.
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If you’re dating, what qualities are you looking for in a mate? Jim Daly explains the inner characteristics a couple needs to create a marriage that lasts a lifetime.
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Many parents shame their children as a means of discipline. Although it can take a lot of forms, the end result is always the same: damage to the child. Jim Daly explains a better way to get the behavior you’re looking for from your child.
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Losing weight can be challenging. But it doesn’t have to be impossible. Jim Daly shares tips for achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
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