I believe that museums are one of the best ways to discover a place, whether it’s your first time visiting or you’ve lived there your whole life. Join me on this adventure as I get to know the world….one museum as a time. I’m your host, Hannah Hethmon. In each episode, I visit a different museum to discover its stories, discuss challenges and triumphs with fascinating museum professionals (and volunteers), and get to places through their museums. Season 1 is all about museums in Iceland. Season 2 is all about museums in the state of Maryland.
NOTE from the creator: This show is no longer active. I hope you enjoy all the past episodes. I produce lots of other museum (and museum-adjacent) podcasts. You can find them at Also check out We the Museum, my podcast for museum workers.
Interested in starting a podcast at your organization? Find out more about my editing and production services at -
Rolling Stones fanatics Christian Bonner and Tim Lindsay discuss and dissect under-regarded gems and little-known favourites from across the sprawling history of the Greatest Rock & Roll Band in the World
Nature and the Nation explores politics, philosophy, psychology, sociology and economics from a naturalistic, paleoconservative perspective, using the format of a book review. I examine books published in a wide array of time periods, with a special emphasis on the early to middle 20th century, the ancient Greeks, and of course the present.
Góðar, fyndnar, jafnvel sorglegar en umfram allt einlægar sögur af góðu fólki á Reykjanesi. Umsjón er í höndum Dagnýjar Maggýjar og Eyþórs Sæmundssonar. Verkefnið er styrkt af Uppbyggingarsjóði Sóknaráætlunar Suðurnesja og unnið af starfsmönnum Heklunnar, atvinnuþróunarfélagi Suðurnesja og Markaðsstofu Reykjaness. Alla þætti má nálgast á og
Velkomin í Radio J'adora, í boði íslensku hamborgarafabrikkunnar. Öll fimmtudagskvöld fæ ég til mín mismunandi gesti þar sem fjölbreyttar fagkonur eru í forgrunni. Við spjöllum um allt milli himins og jarðar, frá gildum í lífinu og hvað veitir hamingju til uppáhalds instagram filters. Tune in. Xoxo, DJ Dóra Júlía.
Í Lesgleraugunum verður varpað út upptökum af bókmenntaviðburðum safnsins, sem klipptar eru og skornar sérstaklega fyrir hlaðvarpið.
Spennandi umræður um lestur, persónur, sjónarhorn, ævisögur, sannleika og skáldskap - allt sem tengist bókmenntum - með mismunandi lesgleraugum í hvert sinn! -
Open Stacks brings you conversations with scholars, poets, novelists and activists on subjects as eclectic as the books on our shelves, from under-the-radar debates in the academy to pressing contemporary social issues, and from bestselling works of fiction to avant-garde poetics. Recorded live at Chicago's Seminary Co-op Bookstores, Open Stacks invites listeners to sit in on the kind of candid discussions and lively debates made possible by the participation of readers in a public space, with the aim of expanding and encouraging a broader community of ideas. Turn up the volume, pull up a chair, and let's start a conversation.
Sisters Lekhika and Vedanti, and their producer James, sit down to discuss the “Throne of Glass” book series by #1 New York Times bestselling author Sarah J. Maas in anticipation of the release of the series finale 'Kingdom of Ash'.
Welcome to Writer Types, the thriller, crime and mystery fiction podcast hosted by Eric Beetner. Our two monthly episodes include author interviews, publishing insights from industry professionals, book reviews, convention reports, and more.
Join today's top crime and mystery authors for a few laughs and some really great reads. -
Welcome to The Wicked Wallflowers Club! We are two authors who read, write, and love everything about the romance genre. We celebrate female empowerment and sex positivity. Entertainment Weekly featured us on their "Must List" as "a compelling reminder of why the oft-dismissed genre is a real force in cultural conversations".
A little procrastination goes a long way
Jouw update met het mooiste en leukste van Utrecht, elke eerste zondag van de maand op Met interviews, columns, poëzie, live muziek, reportages en meer… door Stijn Vercammen en Ties Timmers.
A gritty,violent, love story of animal rescue and human redemption. Man and Beast is a 15 episode narrative written by the author J.R. Helton with production by Mark Gifford.
Bókaspjall. Rætt um og farið yfir bækur í ýmsum flokkum. Saga, heimspeki, tækni, heilsa o.fl.
Bókabræður eru Kolbeinn Elí Pétursson og Ómar Ómar Ágústsson. -
Formbyltingarsinni, sósíalisti og baráttukona. Jakobína - Skáld á skökkum stað er heimildahlaðvarp í þremur hlutum um rithöfundinn Jakobínu Sigurðardóttur þar sem verk hennar eru sett í stærra samhengi.
Hlaðvarpið er unnið í samstarfi við Þekkingarnet Þingeyinga og Skútustaðahrepp.
#Jakobínurenaissance -
THE DOLCEZZA SHERBERT EXPERIENCE is a show where violeta edelman & robb duncan of the dolcezza family talk about everything under the sun, touching upon a mish-mash- potluck of conversations with people about politics, pizza, psychedelics, good coffee and the overall angst of being, each conversation, another attempt at the willful suspension of disbelief.
This show records and broadcasts LIVE on Full Service Radio from the lobby of the LINE DC in Adams Morgan, Washington DC. -
This is Thresholds, a series of interviews with writers and artists you love about the transformative experiences (surprises, crises, existential freakouts, u-turns, breakthroughs) that have shaped their work. The life-wasn’t-the-same-after-that moments. Hosted by Jordan Kisner, author of the essay collection THIN PLACES. Thresholds is a co-production between Black Mountain Institute and Literary Hub.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
سمرٌ على وجه القمر ، حيث لم يصل أحدٌ قبل الأدباء ، حوارات بيضاء جدًا ، مع من يجيدون إلباس الأشياء الواضحة لباس الغموض ؛ مع الأدباء ..
الشعر، الرواية، القصة، النقد، وأسمار أخرى.. -
Lodown Magazine was founded in 1995 and has been copied a lot ever since. Due to its high standard of presentation - a hybrid of text-heavy style guide and elaborate eye candy - each issue proves itself to be a collectible piece of state of the art pop culture. Speaking of which: this particular channel puts the well-deserved spotlight on people that essentially helped to shape the ever-evolving pop cultural universe as we know it. In true Lodown-fashion, the illustrious circle of international guests won’t be put together from one specific spectrum only but is assembled from the many pieces the bigger picture is manufactured from: contemporary art, skateboarding, music, fashion, film, graphic design, illustration - and everything in-between.