
  • This episode is for you if you’re curious about the benefits of IV vitamin infusions!

    Rebecca Powers is a functional medicine family nurse practitioner with a background in critical care and neurology. She believes traditional medicine has its place in the world, but combining conventional and alternative treatments leads patients to truly reach optimal health.

    We learn:

    How leaky gut and lower quality food stops us from absorbing key vitamins and nutrients through our digestive system

    IV therapy allows for direct absorption of nutrients to the bloodstream providing immediate benefits

    All about the mitochondria and why we need support for optimal aging in the modern toxic world

    Glutathione is an important ingredient in IV therapy for liver detox, mitochondrial support, anti-aging and skin brightening

    Benefits of Vitamin C infusion therapy

    All about ozone therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy and who may benefit

    Rebecca has bonus offers for our listeners. Receive 10 percent off first IV infusion. Use code FM10. Visit https://njmobileiv.com/ Also a special price for functional medicine consult and lab review. $100 off normal pricing.

    For more information on hyperbaric oxygen therapy visit https://oxygennj.com/ or for functional medicine and other services visit https://coretherapies.net/

    Connect with Rebecca on Instagram

    https://www.instagram.com/rebeccasmissionforwellness/ https://www.instagram.com/njmobile_iv

    ~Raquel and Kristin


    ⁠⁠[email protected]

  • This episode is for you if you want to learn what actually works when it comes to chronic conditions like thyroid disease and hormonal problems. It’s also for you if you’ve been frustrated by conventional medicine approaches.

    Our guest Reed Davis is a board certified holistic health practitioner and certified nutritional therapist, and an expert in functional lab testing and holistic lifestyle medicine. Reed is also the Founder of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition otherwise known as FDN with over 4,000 graduates in 50 countries.

    Reed serves on the Advisory Board of the American Natural Wellness Coaches Board and the American Association of Natural Wellness Coaches. We learn:

    How unresolved stress whether it’s mental, emotional or environmental leads to a cascade of symptoms and dysfunction in the body

    How Reed went from working in environmental law to testing and healing thousands of patients from chronic symptoms

    FDN approaches to healing patients holistically through lab testing, lifestyle changes and supplements

    Learn more about the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition program whether you want to heal yourself or help others heal! Watch FDN's most popular webinar "Step by Step System to Overcome Unwanted Health Issues" at https://fdntraining.com/functionalmoms

    Connect with Reed and FDN on Instagram and YouTube:



    Thanks for listening to our show! Please leave a comment or review or SHARE with someone who may benefit from listening!

    Kristin and Raquel



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  • This episode is for you if you or your loved ones have been affected by Lyme disease or you’re interested in prevention. The CDC most recently estimated that each year approximately 476,000 people are diagnosed and treated for Lyme disease in the U.S.

    Guest Katie McManigal is a board-certified family nurse practitioner who specializes in Lyme disease and complex chronic conditions. Katie has completed training with the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society and is a Lyme literate provider. She furthered her knowledge of functional and alternative medicine through the Institute for Functional Medicine and the American Academy of AntiAging.

    We learn:

    Katie’s personal story of suffering from unexplained symptoms that turned out to be Lyme disease Lyme disease can be difficult to diagnose and conventional medicine often under treats the infection Functional medicine has a more comprehensive approach to treating Lyme disease, taking into account the person’s overall health and immune system If you remove a tick be sure to save it and send away for testing for Lyme disease and all other tick transmitted infections Chronic Lyme treatment focuses on establishing a foundation of good health, addressing toxins and gut health, and using a combination of antibiotics and herbs to support immune health How mold exposure can suppress the immune system and worsen Lyme symptoms

    Connect with Katie:




    Katie has a special offer for our listeners. Enjoy 20% off her e-commerce store at https://www.peakhealthinstitute.com/category/lyme-disease/ Use Code: FM20. You can also sign up for a newsletter and receive her free E book on mold toxicity.

    Thank you for listening! The #1 way to support our show is to follow/subscribe and share this episode with someone else who may find it helpful!

    Connect with us:

    [email protected]

    ~Kristin & Raquel

  • This episode is for you if you’re a woman over 40 and want to get to the bottom of weight loss resistance and look and feel your best!

    We talk about all things weight management – from the ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet and Nutrition Program to the use of peptide weight loss drugs to the truth about sugar and insulin resistance!

    Guest Audrey Zona is an integrative health and nutrition coach specializing in the psychology of eating. Audrey trained with the Institute for Psychology of Eating and is one of only three coaches and spokespeople for Prolon, the fasting mimicking diet and nutrition program. We learn:

    ProLon is a 5-day fasting program with food that mimics a water fast inducing autophagy, a process where the body cleans out old and damaged cells.

    In studies, after only one round of ProLon, people saw an improvement in skin hydration and reduction in wrinkles (Kristin shares she experienced this after doing ProLon!).

    How the L-Drink in the ProLon program preserves muscle mass during fasting.

    How intermittent fasting often backfires for women trying to lose weight and alternative solutions.

    Signs of insulin resistance and how to reverse it.

    The role of hormone replacement therapy in weight loss and the importance of muscle mass.

    Use of peptide medications like Ozempic and Wegovy and how they can be useful for weight loss, but need to be used in conjunction with lifestyle modifications and preferably at lower doses.

    Sugar addiction can be a real challenge for people and how it’s important to understand your own relationship with it and make choices that work for you.

    Audrey’s Summer Body Blast Program offers a comprehensive approach to getting in shape for summer focusing on mindset, nutrition and support. It kicks off May 15, 2024!

    Join Audrey’s Summer Body Blast Program with this link:


    Connect with Audrey on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/zo_healthy

    Thank you for listening! Connect with us on Instagram

    www.instagram.com/functionalmomspodcast or email us at [email protected]

    ~Kristin and Raquel


  • This episode is for YOU if you’re curious how gut health impacts your thyroid and hormones. We learn all about the gut hormone connection! 
    Dr. Katelynn Nardulli is a doctor of chiropractic, functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner, founder of Flourish Wellness Practice and Creator of the Gut Restoration Program. Dr. Kate specializes in gastrointestinal health and shares that hormonal imbalances won’t be fully resolved until gut health is optimal. 
    We learn:

    Dr. Kate’s personal story of being diagnosed with thyroid disease (Hashimoto's), the role her gut health played and how this led her to help others.

    The gut is the second brain and plays a crucial role in managing autoimmune conditions and balancing hormones.

    Leaky gut, where the gut lining becomes permeable, can lead to an influx of toxins in the body and stress the immune system.

    Supporting liver and gut health through diet, probiotics, and stress reduction can help manage estrogen dominance and hormonal health.

    The importance of evaluating and strengthening gut health even if there are no severe or obvious gut symptoms.

    The GI Map test as a way to assess gut health and identify underlying issues such as leaky gut.

    Slowing down and practicing deep breathing before and during meals can improve digestion and nutrient absorption.

    Drinking dandelion root tea or lemon water first thing in the morning can support the liver and balance hormones.

    Coffee on an empty stomach in the morning has a negative effect on the gut and hormones.

    Dr. Kate has a special offer for our listeners. It’s $299 off the Gut Restoration Program. Use code FMP. This is a virtual program open to US and Canadian residents. Visit https://gutrestoration.flourishwellnesspractice.com/courses/gut-restoration
    You can connect with Dr. Kate on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/gut.restoration or her website at https://www.flourishwellnesspractice.com/
    For more information or to purchase Queen of the Thrones Castor Oil Packs, visit  https://shop.queenofthethrones.com/functionalmomspodcast Use code FMP10 for 10 percent off any order of $59 or more.
    Email us at [email protected]
    Thank you for listening! The number one thing you can do to support us is follow or subscribe to our show.
    ~Kristin & Raquel

  • This episode is for you if you’re a woman over 40 struggling with health issues. We speak to an inspirational woman and entrepreneur who overcame debilitating weight, hormonal and spinal issues in her 40s and 50s.
    Natalie Kuhles struggled with her weight throughout her life. Both her parents were morbidly obese. Raquel has had the pleasure of working side by side with Natalie being her personal trainer for the past 4 years.  
    Natalie is a mom from New Jersey married to her best friend for almost 43 years. She has 2 wonderful grown kids and spent her career as a senior executive in the fragrance industry. She retired in 2020 and became an entrepreneur starting a candle company called Artistscent along with her sister, husband and son. 
    Be prepared to be inspired! Natalie shares:

    Her personal health journey and how she remained committed to fitness despite many setbacks
    Her experience as a corporate executive and her transition to entrepreneurship in her 60s offering advice for those considering a career change or side hustle
    How Artiscent is a collaboration with artists and their paintings
    Valuable advice for individuals feeling stuck in poor health including remembering your why and taking small steps toward improvement
    How it’s possible to overcome health challenges and avoid surgery by strengthening the body and listening to its needs
    Finding the right professionals and advocating for yourself is crucial in achieving your optimal health

    Visit https://artistscent.com/ to learn more about Artistscent candles. Natalie is generously offering our listeners a 20 percent discount off their purchase. Use code FMP24. Connect with Natalie on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/artistscentfragrance/ 
    Thank you so much for listening! The number one thing you can do to support us, is subscribe or follow our show!
    Email feedback at [email protected] or DM us https://www.instagram.com/functionalmomspodcast
    --Kristin and Raquel

  • This episode is for YOU if you struggle with symptoms like bloating, gas, constipation and/or diarrhea. We are going to talk about all things irritable bowel syndrome which is otherwise known as IBS.

    Rebecca Arsena is a certified functional nutrition counselor and national board certified health and wellness coach helping people get to the bottom of their symptoms when conventional medicine has told them “everything is normal,'' but they still don’t feel well. We learn:

    IBS is a collection of symptoms, including bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Rebecca's personal experience with IBS and how she found relief through functional medicine. Practical solutions for managing IBS, including mindful eating, diversity in the diet, and stimulating the vagus nerve. Conventional medicine often fails to provide effective solutions for IBS, leading many individuals to seek alternative approaches like functional medicine. Stress, pathogens, food allergies, and a dysfunctional gut-brain connection can contribute to the development of IBS.

    Get Rebecca's Free Guide "Managing IBS Symptoms Naturally"


    Rebecca is offering our listeners a 10% discount on coaching packages. Just mention this podcast when signing up for a discovery call:


    Connect with Rebecca:




    mailto:[email protected]

    Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to our show and share with another person!

    Please send us feedback at ⁠[email protected]⁠ OR DM us on Instagram ⁠https://www.instagram.com/functionalmomspodcast⁠

    ~Kristin and Raquel

  • This episode is for you if you'd like to learn how GMOs (otherwise known as genetically modified organisms) and glyphosate (known as the weed killer Round Up) in our food supply may be contributing to our nation's health problems.

    Zen Honeycutt is founding executive director of the non-profit Moms Across America, a National Coalition of Unstoppable Moms with the mission of educating and empowering mothers and others with actions and solutions to create healthy communities.

    Zen’s inspiration came from her three boys who had allergies, autoimmune, asthma and autism symptoms which greatly improved when they went GMO free and organic.

    We learn:

    Three types of GMOs and their potential effects on the body, including how glyphosate (Round Up) is used on our food supply. Results of a fast food study conducted by Moms Across America, highlighting the presence of glyphosate, pesticides, heavy metals, and veterinary drugs in popular fast food brands. The importance of eating organic and holding companies accountable for the quality of their food. Fast food often lacks essential nutrients, leading to imbalances and deficiencies if consumed frequently. How glyphosate and heavy metals were found in testing of school lunches and the need for nutrient-dense, safe food in preventing health epidemics. How individuals can take action by supporting local farmers, understanding food labels, and prioritizing organic options. Practical steps people can take to create awareness and facilitate change in our food supply by signing Moms Across America petitions, joining weekly calls and hosting organic potlucks.

    Zen highlights resources to support local farmers:



    Connect with Zen and Moms Across America:






    Visit web site for more information including fast food study results:



    Thank you for listening. Please share this conversation with others.

    We'd love to hear from you! Email us at [email protected] or DM us at:


    ~Kristin and Raquel

  • This episode is for YOU if you’d like to learn about your body type and how it determines your energy and digestion. We learn about the oldest system of healing in the world – Ayurveda.

    Kimberly Kubicke, an Ayurvedic Health Coach and founder of Indra Holistic Health, helps people harness their body’s potential to thrive. She has been studying and practicing Ayurveda (a sister science of yoga and traditional medicine of India) ever since it revolutionized her own health over 20 years ago.

    We learn:

    Ayurveda takes a holistic and natural approach, recognizing that every body is unique. The foundation of Ayurvedic medicine is diet and lifestyle, with remedies available to bring the body back into balance. It is folk medicine for regular folks! The three doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha) and how they govern different aspects of the body. How the doshas can become imbalanced and remedies for each dosha. How seasons affect our bodies and the need for detoxification and building phases. Two simple steps to improve digestion and energy: having a consistent eating schedule and practicing alternate nostril breathing.

    Discover your body/dosha type with this free quiz:


    Join us for a 9-day gentle spring cleanse to flush out toxins, boost your immunity, improve your digestion and more! April 9-17, 2024.


    Connect with Kimberly:




    Thank you for listening. The number one thing you can do to support our show is subscribe or share with a friend! Connect with us:


    ~Kristin and Raquel

  • This episode is for YOU if you’re curious how food affects your family's mood and behavior.

    Erin Falco, a registered dietician and nutritionist certified in functional medicine and founder of Root Health Nutrition and Wellness in New Jersey, is helping kids and adults with alternative approaches to mental health through nutritional psychiatry.

    We learn:

    Nutritional psychiatry focuses on the relationship between food and mental health, considering factors such as neurochemistry and neurotransmitters. Genetics, gut health, and lifestyle play a significant role in how our bodies use nutrients and impact our mental well-being. Functional medicine takes a holistic approach to mental health, considering individual needs and addressing root causes rather than just symptoms. Genetic testing can provide valuable insights into nutritional needs and help tailor interventions for mental health issues. Understanding emotional eating patterns and developing healthier coping mechanisms is essential for managing mood and behavior issues. Start by asking 'why' and identifying patterns before jumping into solutions. Explore the gut and address issues like constipation, reflux, and sleep problems. Avoid relying solely on online research and seek professional help. Be a detective and take a holistic approach to address mood dysregulation in children.

    Connect with Erin:



    NJ Locals -- Erin has a special for our listeners. At her Root Health Nutrition and Wellness office in Little Silver, NJ she offers Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. She is offering 50 percent off for a first-time session, use code Hyper50. Evidence-based research has shown the efficacy of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for a variety of conditions such as:

    Sports performance

    Faster recovery for injuries

    Pain / fatigue, arthritis

    Improving energy

    Crohn's, Colitis



    Learning disabilities

    Traumatic Brain Injuries


    Immune system support

    Memory / Cognition

    Multiple Sclerosis (MS)



    Lyme disease & co-infections

    Thank you for listening. The number one way you can support us is by sharing this with another person and subscribing/following our show.

    We love hearing feedback. DM us at https://www.instagram.com/functionalmomspodcast or send us an email at [email protected]

    ~Kristin and Raquel

  • This episode is for you if you have a man in your life who is struggling with his weight and health. Research shows men are less likely than women to get the preventive care they need which can lead to a lower life expectancy.

    Kim Salzmann is a functional medicine certified health coach who is helping men 45 and older lose their bellies and take back their health. She was tired of seeing the men around her struggle to lose weight. They would cut calories, drink diet soda or light beer and go to the gym like they did in their 20s. Their go-tos weren’t working anymore and they didn’t feel comfortable asking for help.

    We learn:

    Men over 45 may experience belly weight gain due to insulin resistance and blood sugar imbalances. Calorie counting and excessive exercise are not effective for sustainable weight loss. Managing stress, improving sleep quality, and monitoring heart rate variability are crucial for weight management. Including non-starchy vegetables, balancing macronutrients, and practicing mindful eating are key components of a healthy eating plan. Adding movement after meals can help regulate blood sugar levels and support weight management. Asking for help can shorten the timeframe for making positive changes. Easy tips -- serve 2 vegetables with dinner and roast frozen vegetables for convenience. Move for 10 minutes after meals to lower blood sugar.

    Connect with Kim:






    Freebie: Turn Back Time: 4 tips for Men Over 45 to get energized and slim down. This will also allow you to join Kim's free Facebook community.


    If you are interested in one-on-one coaching with Kim, she will give you one free bonus session when you book a package and mention this podcast.

    Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please follow or subscribe to our show and share with someone else. It will help us grow!

    DM us feedback https://www.instagram.com/functionalmomspodcast

    ~Kristin and Raquel

  • This episode is for YOU if you’re curious about what it means to have inflammation in the body. As we age, we become more inflamed with subtle symptoms. This is our body talking to us, but we’re not always listening!

    Nataliya Moon, a functional medicine certified health coach, helps people take back their health through lifestyle changes. She shares her personal journey of dealing with inflammation and how she found relief when conventional doctors couldn't help her.

    We learn:

    Inflammation is a root cause of many chronic diseases and can result in symptoms such as fatigue, sleep issues, mood disorders, and hormonal imbalances. The importance of listening to your body, making gradual changes, and focusing on a whole foods diet. How insulin resistance and the gut microbiome play a role in inflammation. The difference between functional medicine and conventional medicine approaches to inflammation

    Nataliya is offering our listeners 20 percent off her 6-week coaching program. You can connect with Nataliya on instagram. Her handle is https://www.instagram.com/nataliyamoon and her web site is www.nataliyamoon.com

    Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please follow our show. Send us feedback at [email protected] or DM us at https://www.instagram.com/functionalmomspodcast

  • This episode is for YOU if you're a busy woman over 40 trying to lose weight and feel energetic!

    Jessica Spain Levy, otherwise known as Nomi, is a double board-certified nutritionist and health and wellness coach affiliated with Duke Integrative Medicine at Duke University. Her undergraduate and graduate research topics have included the psychology of long term weight loss maintenance.

    She shares:

    Tips for starting your day to maximize energy, weight loss and banish cravings What to prioritize and what might be unnecessary (strength training -- yes! cold plunging -- maybe not!) How to incorporate more fiber and protein to keep you satisfied The role of sleep when trying to lose weight

    Jessica is offering a discount code for our listeners! Get $300 off any of her monthly programs. Use code FMMOMS. Visit https://www.nomiknows.com/or DM her on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/nomiknowsnutrition

    Thanks for listening! It means A LOT to us! Please DM us feedback https://www.instagram.com/functionalmomspodcast or email us at [email protected]

    If you enjoyed this episode, please follow or subscribe to our show.

    ~Kristin & Raquel

  • This episode is for YOU if you’re tired of yo-yo dieting and quick fixes only to find yourself back to where you started! We can all relate to this. As most of us have tried many different diets by our 40s.

    Chris Arnholt is a national board certified functional medicine health coach helping people create lifelong eating strategies to look and feel their best.

    We learn:

    Healthy Eating – Happy You Power Principles and how they can help you eat healthier without restricting The importance of progress over perfection and just doing a little better than you're doing now makes a huge difference How to connect to your own power and identify the best nutrition for yourself and your family Tips for people struggling with cooking at home

    Chris has a special offer. It’s 10 percent off her Happy Healthy You starter kit. Message her on Instagram, Facebook or Linkedin:




    Visit her web site for more offerings:



    or email us at [email protected]

    ~Raquel and Kristin

  • This episode is for YOU if you’re curious how breathing can improve your mental and physical health. Breathing is something we take for granted and it’s not something we’re taught to optimize.

    Campbell is an integrative physiotherapist who focuses on how the breath influences human health and performance. His popular instagram account https://www.instagram.com/breathbodytherapy/shares how breathing optimally can change your life!


    Four fundamental principles of breathing and the importance of intentional breathing to manage stress and create a new narrative How to use the breath to change your state -- instead of relying on coffee, wine or marijuana We can actually get addicted to stress and "fight or flight" Optimal breaths per minute and how this has evolved over centuries

    Campbell has generously offered a 20 percent discount code for his 5-week fundamentals of breath course. It’s a great starting point for anyone interested in optimizing their breathing. Use code BREATHE20


    If you enjoyed this episode, please write a review and follow our show! Your feedback matters very much to us.

    DM us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/functionalmomspodcast or email us at [email protected]

    ~Raquel and Kristin

  • This episode is for YOU if you are a woman in your late 30s, 40s or 50s and you want to look and feel your best during perimenopause and menopause.

    Kristin Johnson and Maria Claps are the duo behind the widely popular Wise and Well Instagram Page, which teaches women how to maximize health as they age with content surrounding perimenopause, menopause and hormone replacement therapy.

    We learn:

    The stages of perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause Why hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can help women even if they don't have symptoms like hot flashes The best diet for women over 40 including how much protein to eat The best exercise for women over 40 (it's not Peloton and Orange Theory) The importance of regulating your nervous system (stress makes perimenopause and hormonal health worse!)

    Kristin is a board certified nutritionist and Maria is a functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner.

    Connect with them at https://wiseandwell.me/ and on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/wise_and_well_/


  • Are you aging well as a woman over 40? Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by all things wellness? —losing weight, gaining muscle, reducing stress, finding time to exercise, getting sound sleep, feeding yourself and your family healthy meals – it goes on and on.

    Meanwhile, what do we REALLY want?? To look great, to feel great AND BE our best. YET let’s face it, there’s almost too much health information out there, and life as a woman can be challenging—we often put ourselves last!

    How can we make a change when change seems so overwhelming and aging seems to be happening at an all record speed?

    Join us as we help you AND OURSELVES use lifestyle choices as our medicine so we can age on our own terms!

    Functional Moms Podcast features practitioners, health and fitness coaches, skin specialists and nutritionists to name a few – all from a functional medicine perspective.

    We also have candid conversations with women; women over 40 just like us, sharing with each other what actually works and what we’re still struggling with.

    We will find solutions, learn, grow and have plenty of laughs and aha moments along the way as we work together toward our personal best.

    Connect with your hosts and functional medicine certified health coaches Kristin Brucker and Raquel B. Cartagena (also a certified personal trainer and older adult fitness specialist) on Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok and YouTube @functionalmomspodcast

  • We finish season ONE by highlighting the top tips we learned to look and feel our best after age 40.

    In this episode Kristin and Raquel share highlights from what they learned about:

    Aging strong Weight loss Functional medicine and health coaching Mindset hacks for behavioral change

    Links to Episodes Discussed:

    Secrets to Aging Well Midlife and Beyond with Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum


    How Stiff Fascia and Everyday Living Keep you in Pain with Dr. Cathy Kim


    Overcoming Food Addiction with Linnea Offerman


    Functional Medicine and Weight Loss for Women with Karin G. Reiter


    Changing Healthcare Through Community with James Maskell


    Functional Medicine Health Coaching: The Missing Link to Living Your BEST Life with Elyse Wagner


    Using Character Strengths to Improve Your Health with Ginny Wagner


    VIA Character Survey


    How All or Nothing Thinking Sabotages Your Life


    Thank you for listening. It means so much to us! Connect with us at [email protected] or DM us on instagram https://www.instagram.com/functionalmomspodcast

    If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the SUBSCRIBE button.

  • This episode is for YOU if you want to know the top simple healthy lifestyle changes we learned in season one! We reveal our biggest AHA moments and how we've applied them in our own lives!

    In this episode Kristin and Raquel share highlights from what they learned about:

    Self-Care Brain Health Gut Health Kids and Teen Health

    Links to Episodes Discussed:

    Making Meditation EASY with Cheryl Wilson


    Self-Care is HARD Work with Honey Bronson


    Building Foundations for a Healthy Mom with Kristina Methakul


    Helping Moms Avoid Burnout and Rediscover Purpose with Gwen Johnson



    https://linktr.ee/gwenjohnsonofficial (healthy habit list)

    Early Alzheimer's Warning Signs with Jessica Pierce


    What if it's NOT Depression with Dr. Achina Stein


    Gut Health Simplified with Kim Del Castillo


    Female Constipation is NOT Like a Man's with Nutritionist Jessica Spain-Levy



    The Secret Holistic Approach to Skincare with Marina Sky


    Raising Kids in a Sugar and Processed Food Filled America


    Beyond Meds: Solutions for Kids with ADHD from Dr. Scott Shannon


    Help Your Teen Athlete Perform Better: Nutrition and Mindset with Michelle Doel


    Secrets to College Success with Krisler Bailey (this is for YOU Parents!)


    Thank you for listening! The number one thing you can do to support us is FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE and WRITE a review!

    Kristin and Raquel

    DM us at https://www.instagram.com/functionalmomspodcast/

  • This episode is for YOU if you’re interested in a functional medicine or holistic approach to skincare!

    Guest Marina Sky is a functional medicine practitioner and esthetician. She is the founder of Heal, a wellness center and spa in New Jersey, that helps people find the root cause of their skin and health issues. We learned:

    The gut/skin connection and how what we eat matters just as much as what we apply topically How whole food based skincare products can be inflammatory to the skin The top ways we can keep our skin looking healthy as we age

    Connect with Marina at:



    Marina is offering our listeners a 15 percent discount on a first treatment or consultation. Visit https://healnj.com/

    Thank you for listening! It means SO much to us. We love feedback! Please DM us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/functionalmomspodcast/

    or email us at [email protected]

    ~Kristin & Raquel