Big Fork Theatre brings you GET IT* INYA: *A SKETCH PODCAST
Experimental sketch comedy, in a podcast.
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Credits in order of appearance:
"The Game of Life"Written and performed by Adam O'Sullivan (@thenerdinfinite)
"The Strathford Murders Podcast"Written and performed by Janette McBride Omaga and Suren Ladd
“Which is Worse” Written and performed by Rosa Sottile
Big Fork Theatre brings you GET IT* INYA: *A SKETCH PODCAST
Experimental sketch comedy, in a podcast.
We are back! Get bonus content on our Patreon patreon.com/getitinya
Credits in order of appearance:
“Millionaire"Written and Performed by Rhys McCane (@rhysmakeswords)
“Pass Agg Baby" Written and performed by Rosa Sottile
“CPR Renegade Demons"Written by Ben Snaith Cast: Asia Beck, Ben Snaith, Chris Milne, Chris Martin
"The Butterfly Effect"Written and performed by Adam O'Sullivan (@thenerdinfinite)
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Big Fork Theatre brings you GET IT* INYA: *A SKETCH PODCAST
Experimental sketch comedy, in a podcast.
WE ARE BACK! With some little tasters ahead of our relaunch next week!
"Mindful Things To Do"
Written and performed by Rosa Sottile
Big Fork Theatre brings you GET IT* INYA: *A SKETCH PODCAST
Experimental sketch comedy, in a podcast.
WE ARE BACK! With some little tasters ahead of our relaunch...
"Birthday Attack"
Written and performed by Rosa Sottile
Big Fork Theatre brings you GET IT* INYA: *A SKETCH PODCAST
Experimental sketch comedy, in a podcast.
Credits in order of appearance:
"Future Problems”Written and performed by Rhys McCane (@rhysmakeswords)
"Seadog has an OnlyFans Account"Written by Taylor Edwards (@taylor_edwards_comedian)Starring Taylor Edwards and Chris Martin
“Dad Lecture”Written and performed by Michael Griffin
"Social Media News"Written and performed by Adam O'Sullivan (@thenerdinfinite)
“Heroin History”Written by Chris Martin (@pissfartin)Cast: Chris Martin, Taylor Edwards
“Aliens on Holiday”Written and performed by Rosa Sottile
Big Fork Theatre brings you GET IT* INYA: *A SKETCH PODCAST
Experimental sketch comedy, in a podcast.
Credits in order of appearance:
"Internet Emulator"Written by Adam O'Sullivan (@D4WHpod)Cast: Adam O'Sullivan, Ben Keane (fb/benkeanecreates) and Olivia Windsor
“Being on the Internet in 2020” (in three parts)Written and performed by Rosa Sottile
“Young Dog Old Tricks”Written by Glenn Seaby
Cast: Seaby Family Players
"Funny for the Wrong Reasons”Written by Carla HaynesCast: Carla Haynes, Garth Remington
"Internet Addiction"Written and performed by Mark Lombard
“Poison Gameshow”Written by Ben Snaith (@orlandofurious)Cast: Ben Snaith, Liz Talbot, Chris Milne
"Hey There Lover"Written and produced by Ben Keane (fb/benkeanecreates)
Big Fork Theatre brings you GET IT* INYA: *A SKETCH PODCAST
Experimental sketch comedy, in a podcast.
Credits in order of appearance:
"Hog National Anthem"Written and performed by Taylor Edwards (@taylor_edwards_comedian)Music: Official National Anthem by Jingle PunksSound effects: YouTube Audio Library
“Titanic But Make It Sexy"Written by Rosa SottileCast: Cameron Watson, Rosa SottileMusic & sound effects: YouTube Audio Library
“UQ Vaccine” Written and performed by Mark Lombard
"Judi Does Louis"Written and performed by Taylor Edwards and Chris Martin (@pissfartin)Music: I Feel Like Partying Right Now by Nat Keefe & BeatMowerSound effects: PacDV
"Bedtime Thoughts"Written and performed by Carla Haynes
“Paint Drying”Written by Glenn SeabyCast: Seaby Family PlayersMusic & sound effects: YouTube Audio Library
Big Fork Theatre brings you GET IT* INYA: *A SKETCH PODCAST
Experimental sketch comedy, in a podcast.
Credits in order of appearance:
"The Hottest"Written by Adam O'Sullivan (@D4WHpod)Cast: Adam O'Sullivan and Carla Haynes
"Dr Rhys McCane"Written and performed by Rhys McCane (@rhysmakesthings)
"A Message from Christop Waltz"Written and performed by Garth Remington
"Doctor Fresh"Written by Carla Haynes.Cast: Carla Haynes, Siobhan Finniss
“James St Market"Written and performed by Mark Lombard
"Reggae Ant from Outta Space"Written and performed by Ben Keane (fb/benkeanecreates)
"Hard Truckin’ Through Space"Written and performed by John Garrard
Big Fork Theatre brings you GET IT* INYA: *A SKETCH PODCAST
Experimental sketch comedy, in a podcast.
Credits in order of appearance:
"Prank Queen"Written and performed by Adam O’Sullivan
"Sir Rodney Higgenbottom"Written and performed by Logan Cronin-Stacey
"Psychic Suze"Written and performed by Chloe Crichton
"Beeswax Paper"Written and performed by Mark Lombard
"Master Admin"Written by Glenn SeabyCast: the Seaby family
"Brainstorming Session"Written by Carla HaynesCast: Carla Haynes, Claire Reilly, Garth Remington
“Breast Clinic”Written by Chris Martin (@pissfartin)Cast: Taylor Edwards (@taylor_edwards_comedian), Chris Martin
Big Fork Theatre brings you GET IT* INYA: *A SKETCH PODCAST
Experimental sketch comedy, in a podcast.
Credits in order of appearance:
"Recording Session”Written by Carla HaynesCast: Rhys McCane and Carla Haynes
“Schmapple” (in 3 parts) Written and produced by John Garrad
“Deb Frankenstein”Written and performed by Mark Lombard
“Barnaby Stank”Written and performed by Cameron Watson
“Art Doula”Written and performed by Rosa Sottile
"Unconventional Talent Agent"Written and performed by Ben Keane (fb.com/benkeanecreates)
Big Fork Theatre brings you GET IT* INYA: *A SKETCH PODCAST
Experimental sketch comedy, in a podcast.
Credits in order of appearance:
“Beach Face” (in 3 parts)Written by Christopher Martin (fb/chrismartincomedian)Cast: Christopher Martin, Taylor Edwards
"Guest Sketch Comedian"Written and performed by Ben Keane (fb.com/benkeanecreates)
"Getting Away From It All"Written and performed by Rhys McCane (@rhysmakeswords)Bird sounds from http://www.freesound.org/people/klankbeeld/
“Sea Cucumbers, the Beef of the Sea”Written and performed by Taylor Edwards (fb/tayloredwardscomedy)
“Eat, Sleep, Poseidon, Repeat”Written and performed by Ben Keane
“Dan’s Dirtbikes”Written and performed by Liz Talbot
“Joop"Written and performed by Ben Snaith (@orlandofurious) and Krystle Lee
“Friendly Suggestions”Written and performed by Rosa Sottile
“I’m In Love With a Shark (from 'Sharks! The Musical’)”Written by Carla HaynesCast: Conrad Close, Carla Haynes
Big Fork Theatre brings you GET IT* INYA: *A SKETCH PODCAST
Experimental sketch comedy, in a podcast.
Credits in order of appearance:
"Rhys' Snack Food" (in 4 parts)Written by Rhys McCane @rhysmakeswordsCast: Rhys McCane
“I Made a Friend at Woolies”Written and performed by Carla Haynes
“Meatball Boogaloo 2”Written by Chris Martin (fb/chrismartincomedian)Cast: Chris Martin,Taylor Edwards (fb/tayloredwardscomedy)
“Security Guards”Written and performed by Ben Snaith and Asia Beck
"A Gentle Breathing Exercise"Written by Cheeky Moon (fb/cheekymoon)Cast: Alastair Craig, Claire CoeMusical vocals by Zander Hulme (fb/supertonicaudio)
"Camel"Written by Rhys McCane (@rhysmakeswords)Cast: Rhys McCane, Fiona Kath
“Fart Song” Written and performed by Kath Marvelley
"App Store Chaos"Written and produced by Ben Keane (fb/benkeanecreates)
Big Fork Theatre brings you GET IT* INYA: *A SKETCH PODCAST
Experimental sketch comedy, in a podcast.
Credits in order of appearance:
"Dunstan Never Checks In"Written by Cheeky MoonCast: Chad McCanna, Claire Reilly, Alastair Craig, Claire CoeMusic by Scott Buckley
“Shredding Factory"by Patrick D and Claire Coe
“Instructional Driver Conversion”by Ben Snaith and Asia Beck
“Tin Foil Hat”Written by Ben Keane Cast: Ben Keane, Rhys McCane, Alastair Craig, Calvin Stevens, Mark Grimes Sound effects: Ringing Phone by Mike Koenig, footsteps, door kick-in (Big Metal Impact Sound Effect) and gun shot sound effects from https://www.fesliyanstudios.com
“Middle Earth NBA Slam”by Chris Martin (@pissfartin)Cast: Chris Martin
Big Fork Theatre brings you GET IT* INYA: *A SKETCH PODCAST
Experimental sketch comedy, in a podcast.
Credits in order of appearance:“Nigella’s Everyday Kitchen”Written by Mark LombardCast: Mark Lombard
“Fridge Hog”, “Poop Pig” & “Shame Swine"Written by Taylor Edwards (fb: /tayloredwardscomedy)Cast: Taylor Edwards, Chris Martin
“The Naked Chef"Written by Cheeky Moon (fb: /cheekymoon)Cast: Alastair Craig, Claire Coe, Claire Reilly
“Vegemite Song”Written by: Ben KeaneCast: Ben Keane
“Cheese Bone"Written by: Claire Coe & Ben KeaneCast: Claire Coe, Ben Keane
“Peter and Marge”Written by Chris Martin (fb: /chrismartincomedian)Cast: Chris Martin, Taylor Edwards
Big Fork Theatre brings you GET IT* INYA: *A SKETCH PODCAST
Experimental sketch comedy, in a podcast.
This episode was recorded live in 2019!
Cast: Rosa Sottile, Cameron Watson, Michael GriffinSketches written by Rosa Sottile and Cameron Watson
Big Fork Theatre brings you GET IT* INYA: *A SKETCH PODCAST
Experimental sketch comedy, in a podcast.
Credits in order of appearance:
"MORBID Support”Written by Kim O'RourkeCast: Claire Coe & Alastair CraigProduced by Alastair Craig
“Antiques Today”Written by Rob LangstonCast: Rob Langston, Rhys McCane, Taylor Edwards & Calvin Stevens
“Milky Way”Written by Rhys McCane (@rhysmakeswords)Cast: Claire Reilly, Rhys McCane & Rob Langston
Big Fork Theatre brings you GET IT* INYA: *A SKETCH PODCAST
Experimental sketch comedy, in a podcast.
Credits in order of appearance:
“Strange Times, Crazy Days”Written by Cheeky MoonCast: Claire Coe, Thomas Fairchild, Alastair CraigCreative Commons music by Bryan Teoh.
“Player Death”Written by Calvin Stevens & Claire ReillyCast: Calvin Stevens, Claire Reilly
“Stand out with Stand Up”Written by Chris MartinCast: Chris Martin, Taylor Edwards
“Bring out Your Dead”Written by Mark LombardCast: Mark Lombard
Big Fork Theatre brings you GET IT* INYA: *A SKETCH PODCAST
Experimental sketch comedy, in a podcast.