
  • Unlock the secrets of financial resilience with our latest episode! We're diving deep into the money vaults of history to extract golden nuggets of wisdom that can fortify your finances today.

    In this episode, you'll discover:

    • The "Three R's of Recession Resilience" that have stood the test of time

    • How your great-grandparents' Depression-era tricks can beef up your modern budget

    • Why the 2008 financial crisis might hold the key to your side-hustle success

    • Inflation-fighting strategies from the 1970s that still pack a punch today

    • The surprising parallels between 1929's market crash and today's economic challenges

    Plus, we'll reveal:

    • How to build a financial emergency kit that would make a Depression-era survivor proud

    • The "Victory Garden" approach to diversifying your income streams

    • Why becoming the "Renaissance Person" of your finances could be your recession superpower

    Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting your financial journey, this episode is packed with actionable strategies to help you weather economic storms. Don't let history repeat itself – learn from it instead!

    00:00 Introduction to Timeless Financial Wisdom

    00:36 Welcome to Wealth Wisdom Financial Podcast

    01:14 Exploring Financial Fortitude and Resilience

    01:46 Learning from Past Financial Crises

    03:05 Special Invitation: Transform Your Financial Future

    05:37 The Three R's of Recession Resilience

    05:40 Reserves: The Power of Cash Savings

    08:20 Reduce: Living Lean and Building Relationships

    10:35 Reinvent: Diversifying Income Streams

    15:56 Conclusion and Next Steps

    Links mentioned in the show:

    🔹 Schedule a Discovery Call here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/call

    🔹 Join the Wealth Wisdom Financial Community for more practical tips and a group of people to grow your wealth alongside: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/community

    Watch on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/52Q6tKBuSc

  • What if we told you that your 401(k) might be more of a rollercoaster than a reliable retirement vehicle? (Spoiler alert: For many, it is!)

    Watch as Brandon and Amanda pull back the curtain on a little-known financial tool that's helping savvy retirees sleep better at night.

    Have you ever wondered how some people seem unfazed by market crashes? Or why your neighbor Bob is grinning while everyone else is panicking? It's not luck - it's strategy.

    Are you ready for a crash course in retirement security? It's time to learn how fixed index annuities could be the missing piece in your financial puzzle.

    Wall Street doesn't want you to know about this. By understanding it, you can take control of your retirement destiny!

    Tune in and secure your financial future!

    (P.S. Bengals fans, we promise our financial advice is more accurate than our football b-roll. Unlike that mishap, we won't fumble your retirement!)

    00:00 Introduction to Financial Resilience

    00:41 Welcome to Wealth Wisdom Financial Podcast

    01:19 Zooming in on Retirement Strategy

    02:51 Understanding Fixed Index Annuities

    04:46 The Importance of Annuities in Retirement

    05:34 Real-Life Example: Bob and Sue

    06:31 Commercial Break

    07:25 Debunking Annuity Myths

    08:35 Key Attributes of Good Annuities

    10:56 Conclusion and Next Steps

    Watch on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/Sk-eu85GYiM

    Links mentioned in the show:

    Schedule a Discovery Call here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/call Join the Wealth Wisdom Financial Community for more practical tips and a group of people to grow your wealth alongside: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/community
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  • Are you tired of watching your hard-earned money crumble in the face of economic uncertainty?

    Watch as we reveal the strategy that transformed our financial future - and it has nothing to do with the stock market rollercoaster.

    Prepare to have your perspective on financial planning flipped upside down. Are you ready to learn more about Bank on Yourself®? Forget about chasing the latest investment fads; this strategy is designed to help weather financial storms.

    Don't settle for a leaky financial foundation. Watch this episode to discover how you can take back control of your future.

    00:00 Introduction to Financial Resilience

    00:34 Welcome to Wealth Wisdom Financial Podcast

    01:28 Understanding Financial Fortitude and Resilience

    02:43 Personal Stories of Financial Challenges

    04:14 Building Financial Resilience with Bank on Yourself

    05:53 Our Journey with Bank on Yourself

    08:07 Overcoming Financial Crises

    10:56 Exploring the Benefits of Bank on Yourself

    15:35 Conclusion and Next Steps

    Links mentioned in the show:

    Schedule a Discovery Call here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/call Join the Wealth Wisdom Financial Community for more practical tips and a group of people to grow your wealth alongside: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/community Learn more about Bank On Yourself®: https://youtu.be/14kSzNqGWbM
  • Have you ever wondered why some businesses thrive while others struggle? Or why being agile in today's economy is more crucial than ever?

    It's not random. Specific principles drive savvy entrepreneurs to stay ahead.

    Are your business strategies truly effective, or are you being held back by outdated financial wisdom?

    What if we told you that a single conversation could radically transform your approach to wealth building? (Spoiler alert: It did for hosts Brandon and Amanda!)

    Watch as Perry Marshall, a renowned business consultant, unveils game-changing insights. It's time to learn how the 80/20 rule, strategic thinking, and building excess capacity can revolutionize your business approach.

    Are you ready for a crash course in 21st century wealth wisdom?

    Tune in and unlock your true wealth-building potential!

    00:00 Life-Changing Conversation with Perry Marshall

    01:07 Introduction to Wealth Wisdom Financial Podcast

    02:15 Meet Perry Marshall: From Audio Geek to Marketing Guru

    10:19 The Power of 80/20 Principle in Business and Life

    14:00 Navigating the Digital World: 90/10 and Beyond

    17:35 The Agility Decade: Preparing for a Volatile Future

    28:14 The Importance of Thinking and Deliberate Practice

    32:47 Attracting the Right Audience

    33:33 Critique of 'Think and Grow Rich'

    34:08 The Iceberg Analogy

    34:48 Mastermind Group Insights

    36:55 Lessons from Google Ads and Infomercials

    38:58 The Importance of Diversification

    41:35 Break Glass in Case of Emergency

    45:28 Financial Resilience and Agility

    51:06 Final Thoughts and Encouragement

    Watch on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/WKXbc3jHBBE

    Links mentioned in the show:

    Schedule a Discovery Call here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/call Join the Wealth Wisdom Financial Community for more practical tips and a group of people to grow your wealth alongside: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/community Watch our previous episode about adaptability: https://youtu.be/UjCMEY_GNOo GET THE BEST FROM PERRY MARSHALL HERE: https://www.perrymarshall.com/8020-book/
  • Are you unwittingly falling for financial fads that could derail your wealth?

    What if we told you that some of history's brightest minds have been duped by financial manias? (Spoiler alert: Even Sir Isaac Newton wasn't immune!)

    Have you ever wondered how Ponzi schemes still manage to fool people? Or why seemingly rational investors get caught up in the dot-com frenzy? These aren't just isolated incidents - they're driven by timeless quirks in human psychology.

    From the South Sea Bubble of 1720 to the more recent Bitcoin boom, we're about to show you how understanding these historical patterns can help you make smarter financial decisions today.

    Tune in to learn how to spot red flags, diversify wisely, and implement strategies like Bank On Yourself. Don't let your brain sabotage your wealth - listen now and safeguard your financial future!

    00:00 Newton's Financial Folly

    00:58 Historical Financial Fads and Scams

    03:15 Welcome to Wealth Wisdom Financial Podcast

    07:37 Practical Tips to Avoid Financial Fads

    15:52 Bank On Yourself: Scam or Strategy?

    19:40 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

    Links mentioned in the show:

    Schedule a Discovery Call here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/call Join the Wealth Wisdom Financial Community for more practical tips and a group of people to grow your wealth alongside: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/community

    Watch on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/o8HBE5fe9D4

  • Are your financial decisions truly your own, or are you being puppeteered by hidden psychological forces?

    What if we told you that your brain might be your biggest obstacle to financial success? (Spoiler alert: It probably is.)

    Watch as Amanda pulls back the curtain on behavioral economics. Have you ever wondered why you impulse-buy things you don't need? Or why you might feel tempted to sell all your stocks when the market takes a downturn? These aren't just random choices - they're driven by specific quirks in how our brains process financial information and risk.

    Are you ready for this quick, but crucial, history lesson on behavioral economics? It's time to learn how these discoveries revolutionized our understanding of financial decision-making.

    Others use these discoveries to get you to do what they want. By learning them, you can take more control of your financial destiny!

    Tune in and take charge of your financial future!

    00:00 Introduction: The Allure of Investment Opportunities

    01:19 Welcome to Wealth Wisdom Financial Podcast

    02:19 Meet Amanda Neely: Your Financial Psychology Guide

    04:33 The Birth of Behavioral Economics

    11:42 Cognitive Biases: The Hidden Forces in Financial Decisions

    16:49 How Financial Advisors Exploit Biases

    24:00 Join the Wealth Wisdom Financial Community

    25:43 Conclusion: Outsmarting Financial Biases

    Links mentioned in the show:

    Schedule a Discovery Call here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/call Join the Wealth Wisdom Financial Community for more practical tips and a group of people to grow your wealth alongside: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/community
  • Which is more important to being more financially responsible: (1) the daily expense or (2) the major financial decision?

    Is penny-pinching and skipping small treats the key to financial freedom? Or, could it be that, if you get large expenses figured out, you can let the small things take care of themselves?

    What if there's a middle ground with way less guilt and shame?

    Don't worry, this episode isn't "stop buying lattes and you could be a millionaire." Yet, there is real, eye-opening math and an approach to money where you can secure your financial dreams AND enjoy life's small pleasures along the way.

    Ready to take a moment to smell the roses (or maybe the rose-flavored, direct-trade latte from your locally-owned shop). Stop "frugal fatigue." Ask for that raise. Start that side hustle. You can make your financial journey worth living.

    In this episode, we hope you find more joy! Jump in now.

    00:00 Introduction to 'Don't Sweat the Small Stuff'

    00:27 The Latte Factor Explained

    01:28 Welcome to Wealth Wisdom Financial Podcast

    02:28 Personal Stories and Financial Lessons

    03:42 Debunking Conspiracy Theories

    05:37 Comparing Financial Decisions

    13:39 Psychological Impact of Financial Choices

    20:09 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Schedule a Discovery Call with us here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/call

    Watch on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/Q4Z7KD58PGo

  • Are you intrigued by the hidden impact of fees on your retirement savings? Do you want to uncover the truth about compound interest's 'sneaky dark side'? Watch as Amanda and Brandon expose 5 key places where hidden fees might be lurking in your financial plans.

    They debunk the myths around compound interest and reveal how even small fees can devour a significant portion of your nest egg over time. Are you ready to learn about the real effects of fees on various financial strategies, including market investments, annuities, and whole-life insurance policies?

    It's time to take control of your financial future! This episode provides the insights you need to make informed decisions about your retirement savings. Don't let hidden fees silently erode your hard-earned wealth! Empower yourself with the knowledge to spot and minimize these sneaky costs, and set yourself on the path to a more secure financial future.

    00:00 Introduction to Compound Interest

    00:19 The Dark Side of Compounding

    01:06 Welcome to Wealth Wisdom Financial Podcast

    01:44 Understanding the Fee Apocalypse

    03:24 Identifying Hidden Fees

    04:13 Five Places to Find Fees

    07:42 The Importance of Fee Awareness

    08:50 Real-Life Fee Impact Examples

    12:11 Calculating the True Cost of Fees

    18:51 Analyzing 35 Years of Investment Returns

    19:20 Impact of Fees on Investment Growth

    22:34 Exploring Annuities as an Alternative

    25:53 Whole Life Policy: A Different Approach

    30:37 Final Thoughts and Summary

    Watch on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/Xjvlf6NuvtA

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Schedule a Discovery Call with us here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/call Check the expense ratio of funds: https://tools.finra.org/fund_analyzer/ The reasons why 401ks are a scam: https://www.bankonyourself.com/six-reasons-401k-scam.html In-depth look at 401k fees: https://www.dol.gov/sites/dolgov/files/ebsa/about-ebsa/our-activities/resource-center/publications/a-look-at-401k-plan-fees.pdf Information on Retirement plans: https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/retirement/consumerinfpension
  • Are you curious about Infinite Banking? Do you want to sort the facts from fiction? Then watch as Amanda and Brandon address the 8 common misconceptions about the Infinite Banking concept. They debunk myths such as Infinite Banking being a get-rich-quick scheme, only for the wealthy, or a new and unproven concept.

    It's time to learn more about tax benefits, policy growth, and how Infinite Banking fits into a comprehensive financial plan! Whether skeptical or intrigued, this episode provides the clarity you need to make informed decisions about your personal and business finances.

    Don't let misinformation cloud your judgment and hold you back from financial freedom!

    00:00 Welcome to Wealth Wisdom Financial Podcast

    02:35 Common Misconceptions: Infinite Banking

    03:25 Misconception 1: It's a Get Rich Quick Scheme

    05:12 Misconception 2: It's the Same as Whole Life Insurance

    06:41 Misconception 3: It's Only for the Wealthy

    08:51 Misconception 4: It Replaces All Other Investments

    10:01 Misconception 5: The Returns are Guaranteed

    12:43 Misconception 6: It's Completely Tax-Free

    14:42 Misconception 7: It's a New or Unproven Concept

    16:14 Misconception 8: It Eliminates the Need for Traditional Banking

    18:37 Conclusion and Next Steps

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Schedule a Discovery Call with us here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/call Check out our past episode about using banks for your convenience rather than theirs: https://youtu.be/aeBP8qtSFQ8
  • Do you ever wonder:

    How does the Infinite Banking concept fit into a comprehensive financial plan? Is it similar to or different from a traditional or a conventional financial method? How does it work with more conventional methods? Who does it work best for? How much should someone put into their policy?

    Join Amanda Neely, CFP® as she answers these 5 questions generated by AI on how and how NOT to incorporate high-cash-value, dividend-paying whole life insurance into a financial plan.

    Yes, there's even a mention of Gandalf!

    00:00 Welcome to Wealth Wisdom Financial Podcast

    03:15 The Importance of Assumptions in Financial Planning

    06:08 Traditional vs. Conventional Financial Planning

    08:51 Integrating Infinite Banking with Other Strategies

    10:55 Who Benefits Most from Infinite Banking?

    14:55 Opportunity Costs and Financial Decision Making

    19:15 Personal Experiences with Infinite Banking

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Schedule a Discovery Call with us here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/call

    Watch on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/nkcY_oZoYQE

  • Curious why Infinite Banking is becoming more and more popular? Ready to learn more about Infinite Banking?

    Join our in-house Authorized IBC Practitioner Brandon Neely as he tackles burning questions about this trending financial strategy.

    Questions Include:

    ▶︎ Why is Infinite Banking gaining massive popularity?

    ▶︎ How is it stacking up against traditional savings methods?

    ▶︎ How can you know the potential pitfalls you need to avoid?

    Get ready for the answer to all these questions as Brandon reveals how to assess if Infinite Banking aligns with your personal goals.

    Don't miss this chance to revolutionize your financial future - watch now and discover if Infinite Banking could be your key to unlocking unprecedented wealth!

    00:00 Introduction and Setup

    01:44 Question 1: Why is Infinite Banking Gaining Popularity?

    03:18 Question 2: Infinite Banking vs Traditional Strategies

    05:37 Question 3: Misconceptions and Pitfalls

    07:44 Question 4: Assessing Suitability for Infinite Banking

    10:30 Question 5: Future Threats to Infinite Banking

    13:07 Conclusion and Next Steps

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Schedule a Discovery Call with us here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/call

    Watch on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/l13svsa4DIQ

  • What’s better than two Bank On Yourself Professionals helping you understand financial freedom? Obviously, it’s FIVE of them to learn from.

    Brandon, Ben, Sarry, Chris, and Ryan are here to tell us how they achieved financial freedom and why they want to help you get there too.

    This candid conversation helps you understand the importance of generational wealth, how to create a financial foundation that isn’t volatile, and the impact of financial education.

    These five professionals are sharing with you their unique stories and how they can help you achieve long-lasting financial security.

    00:00 Introduction: Discovering Your Passion and Purpose

    00:38 Background: The Journey of Banking Yourself Professionals

    02:53 Podcast Welcome: Wealth Wisdom Financial

    03:52 Infinite Banking: Building a Solid Financial Foundation

    05:08 Guest Insights: Why We Bank on Yourself

    13:13 Generational Wealth: The Long-Term Impact

    18:02 Faith and Finance: A Spiritual Perspective

    27:42 Closing Thoughts: Taking Control of Your Financial Future

    33:17 Final Call to Action: Schedule Your Discovery Call

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Schedule a Discovery Call with us here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/call Grab your very own copy of Five Smooth Stones here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/shop (physical and digital versions available)

    Watch on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/aMtCUYRvs6I

  • What's the worst thing that can happen to a parent? To lose their child.

    During this time it's important to be financially strong, especially when other children are mourning along with the parents.

    You might learn some useful money lessons from this experience.

    We hope you never lose a child. Here's your chance to hear James' story and learn through his experience.

    James shares his life and financial journey, from how he grew up, his first investments, and his current memory care real estate endeavors. He talks about his career history, financial setbacks, and strategies for teaching his children financial literacy. James also talks about his faith and how it helped him during tough times. His story shows why taking smart risks, learning from your experiences, and giving your kids a good money foundation are important.

    As James says, "Don't stick your head in the sand." and "Get started with your kids early."

    00:00 Introduction and Welcome

    00:19 James' Personal and Financial Background

    02:39 Early Investment Experiences and Lessons

    03:48 Questioning Traditional Financial Wisdom

    06:05 Transition to Real Estate and Entrepreneurship

    10:37 Discovering Wealth Wisdom

    19:13 Implementing Financial Strategies for Family

    19:46 The Importance of Financial Education for Children

    23:32 The Value of Life Insurance Policies

    32:05 Reflections on Financial Planning and Advice

    43:39 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

    Watch this episode on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/YQUtHS8d92I

  • What part of the movie is your favorite? What does your answer reveal about your money story?

    You might like the opening where the goals are set. You might like the climax where it's most dramatic. You might love a good ending.

    On your money journey, each stage is critical but how do you make sure the ending is good?

    Trigger Warning: We talk about faith in this episode but in an interfaith, respectful way. We believe whatever your faith, it's critical to have faith to find meaning and purpose on your financial journey. Are you open to being still and letting God work on your behalf?

    Don't miss Amanda's prayers (there are 2) for you and your financial journey!

    00:00 Introduction: What's Your Favorite Part of a Movie?

    01:09 A Family's Financial Struggle and Faith

    05:59 The Importance of Setting Your Sights

    10:19 Finding Strength in Faith and Financial Journeys

    15:02 Final Thoughts and Encouragement

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Grab your very own copy of Five Smooth Stones here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/shop (physical and digital versions available) Schedule a Discovery Call with us here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/call Listen to the song Amanda's paraphrases here: https://open.spotify.com/track/7wDqgBeu73mUT1MSpClMU0?si=621d728884cb4b8c

    Watch this episode on Youtube here: https://youtu.be/EaPgYUwhSGY

  • How do you make your investment decisions? Imagine this: 75% of a certain group of investors make their choices based on what their preferred app shows. That's a staggering number, right?

    Now, let’s talk about Tony. He’s a young man who faced significant financial struggles because he was isolated and didn’t have the support he needed. Tony’s story underscores the importance of not going it alone when it comes to your finances.=

    Think about the spectrum of investors out there. On one end, we have 'zombie investors' who rely entirely on financial advisors. On the other, there are those who are all about the DIY approach. The real trick? Finding a balance between these extremes.

    This episode also sheds light on the broader context of social and financial isolation, especially in the post-pandemic world. We’ll share strategies for building a solid money team using the STILL method. It’s all about engaging with trusted individuals and financial professionals to avoid feeling overwhelmed by financial decisions and to create a supportive community around you.

    Ready to take ownership of your financial future? Jump into this episode full steam ahead!

    00:00 Introduction: The Power of Mobile Trading

    00:47 Tony's Financial Journey: A Cautionary Tale

    03:37 Understanding Different Types of Investors

    05:24 The Importance of Community in Financial Success

    10:27 Building Your Money Team with STILL

    13:54 FINRA Report Insights: Investor Behavior

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Grab your very own copy of Five Smooth Stones here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/shop (physical and digital versions available) Schedule a Discovery Call with us here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/call


    Watch on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/lHIxhuqQAp0


    Conventional financial thinking has left too many people feeling like they should be further along by now. True wealth wisdom brings clarity and purpose on how to make real progress no matter what's happening in the economy or on Wall Street.

    Join our financial community: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/community

    Find us here:

    https://www.facebook.com/WealthWisdomFinancial/ https://www.instagram.com/WealthWisdomFP/ https://www.youtube.com/c/wealthwisdomfinancial?sub_confirmation=1


    Important Details: Wealth Wisdom Financial’s content is for general information only and not for the purposes of providing legal, accounting, or investment advice. On such matters, please consult a professional who knows your specific situation. Some of our links are affiliate links where we earn a small commission at no additional cost to you if you make a purchase.

  • You know the value of ownership. America's founding fathers saw private property as a cornerstone of our society and democracy. Still today, many value owning their home mortgage-free. They see no mortgage payment as a requirement for a happy retirement.

    But, what really is ownership? What can you truly own? The answers might surprise you. For example, you may own the title to something. Yet, if "possession is 9/10ths of the law" what happens to your title when someone else possesses your property?

    Could there be a construct that's older than titled, private property? Could that construct be a strong foundation for your financial journey?

    Ready for a transformational experience of what "taking ownership" of your financial future can look like? Then, jump into this episode full steam ahead!

    00:00 Introduction: Land Ownership Inequality

    00:54 Joe's Journey to Financial Stability

    02:54 Understanding Ownership and Financial Control

    04:58 The Reality of Bank and Retirement Accounts

    07:53 Exploring Tangible Assets and Real Estate

    09:49 The Power of Financial Contracts

    17:24 The Diamond in the Rough

    20:03 Wrapping Up: Home Ownership Insights

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Grab your very own copy of Five Smooth Stones here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/shop (physical and digital versions available) Schedule a Discovery Call with us here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/call

    Watch this episode and leave comments on YouTube: https://youtu.be/oOFxZy1aGmo

  • How does legislation enacted in 1933 impact your life today?

    Does that influence get bigger or smaller if you hear that legislation was repealed in 1999?

    The truth is this one piece of regulation has dramatic repercussions on how you approach creating the financial future you want.

    As they say, those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Are we repeating one of the biggest mistakes in American history?

    The only thing we can say is what you think is the mistake probably isn't. Listen in to peak behind the curtain.

    00:00 Introduction: The Impact of the 1929 Stock Market Crash

    00:22 Alex's Story: A Personal Tale of Financial Turmoil

    03:51 Understanding the Glass Steagall Act

    06:56 The Lax Enforcement and Repeal of Glass Steagall

    08:48 Personal Experience: Working in Finance

    11:10 The Great Depression and the Glass Steagall Act

    13:01 Modern Financial Speculation and Regulation

    16:31 The Alternative Financial System

    p.s. Due to more recent changes in banking regulation, the reserve requirements for banks are super low. Chances are your bank might have 0 reserves (source). How does that make you feel?

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Grab your very own copy of Five Smooth Stones here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/shop (physical and digital versions available) Schedule a Discovery Call with us here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/call

    Watch this episode on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/IyaKng6nHTI

  • It's no secret that banks dominate both personal and business finance.

    Yet, the realities of fractional reserves and how bankers really think about debt might surprise you. For example, have you ever heard of Marriner Eccles?

    What if there was an alternative? What if that alternative put more power into the hands of everyday Americans?

    Want more control over your financial future? Ready to use banks for their convenience without giving them control? Listen now!

    00:00 Introduction: Do Banks Rule the World?

    00:33 Sarah's Story: The Harsh Reality of Banking

    01:30 Discovering Hope: Alternative Financial Systems

    03:13 Personal Anecdotes and the Banking System's Impact

    04:41 The Mechanics of Banking and Its Effects on Us

    06:43 Fractional Reserve Banking Explained

    10:18 Historical Insights: The Great Depression and Money Creation

    12:53 The Problem with Debt and Consumer Culture

    17:17 Seeking Alternatives: The Power of Being Your Own Bank

    20:55 Taking Action: How to Secure Your Financial Future

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Grab your very own copy of Five Smooth Stones here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/shop (physical and digital versions available) Schedule a Discovery Call with us here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/call

    Books to learn more about banking:

    The Bank On Yourself Revolution: https://www.bankonyourself.com/shop/the-bank-on-yourself-revolution-paperback Rescue Your Retirement: https://www.bankonyourself.com/rescue-your-retirement-book

    Watch this episode on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/aeBP8qtSFQ8

  • Compound interest is a misunderstood concept. From misattributed quotes to downright inaccurate ideas.

    Listen to hear the parable of two builders tasked with constructing a pyramid. One builder rushes in and struggles with the physical task. The other takes time to plan and make micro-adjustments, achieving success more efficiently. This story serves as a metaphor for the power of uninterrupted compounding. Time and knowledge compound just like money.

    Be sure to catch the simple, elementary-level math. It shows clearly how real returns can differ from expected average returns. Is your portfolio really compounding?

    Keep growing your foundation of solid financial principles. Learn how to use money without interrupting its compounding growth. Michelangelo's chisel created masterpieces. So can you create a work of art on your financial journey!

    00:00 Debunking Einstein's Compound Interest Quote

    00:47 The Tale of Two Builders: A Lesson in Compound Interest

    04:08 The Story Behind the Story: Creative Inspiration

    05:29 Understanding Compound Interest Beyond the Basics

    10:42 Real Numbers: The Impact of Uninterrupted Compounding

    17:36 Building a Financial Pyramid: Strategies for Stability

    18:28 Unlocking the Secrets of Using Money Without Breaking Compounding

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Free download available of 5 Simple Steps to Secure Your Future Outside a W-2 here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/report Grab your very own copy of Five Smooth Stones here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/shop (physical and digital versions available) Schedule a Discovery Call with us here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/call

    Watch this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/bAdKpwclAkw

  • You've been told to diversify your portfolio but how can you tell if you're diversified enough? Does conventional thinking like the Rule of 100 or using ETFs work in 2024? What about Target Date Funds?

    In this episode, we reveal what conventional thinking is missing. The stat we share about Target Date Funds is one of the most surprising. Be sure you don't miss it.

    We live in a globalized world where you (and your assets) are more connected than ever. Isn't it time to learn the historical wisdom about non-correlated assets?

    In the Great Recession, you saw just how related supposedly "non-correlated" assets were. Isn't it time to add more diversification to your portfolio? Watch now to discover what that could look like for you.

    And never forget: Different is good!

    00:00 Kevin's Journey: A Lesson in Diversity

    02:18 Diving Deep into Diversification

    03:37 Personal Stories and Financial Insights

    07:25 Rethinking Diversification in Finance

    11:35 Creative Financial Strategies and Future Foundations

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Grab your very own copy of Five Smooth Stones here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/shop (physical and digital versions available) Schedule a Discovery Call with us here: https://www.wealthwisdomfp.com/call

    Watch this episode on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/9OGb0E-T3dg