
  • For even more self-healing, personal transformation and every day manifestation you can go ahead and grab the NuYu Yoga Nidra App for following THIS link.

    Are you struggling with the relentless discomfort of stomach ulcers?

    Do you find yourself yearning for a natural solution that not only addresses the symptoms but also tackles the underlying stress contributing to your condition? Today we explore the powerful practice of healing meditation and its potential to provide relief and facilitate healing.

    In this special episode, we focus on a gentle yet effective method to alleviate the pain and stress associated with stomach ulcers through Yoga Nidra meditation. Our experienced host guides you through a deeply relaxing session designed to help you release stress, calm your mind, and create a conducive environment for healing.

    What You’ll Experience

    Understanding Stomach Ulcers: Gain insights into what causes stomach ulcers and how stress plays a significant role in exacerbating the condition. Our expert discusses the connection between your emotional state and your physical health, shedding light on why addressing stress is crucial for healing.
    The Power of Healing Meditation: Discover the ancient practice of Yoga Nidra, a form of guided meditation that promotes deep relaxation and stress release. Learn how this technique can be particularly beneficial for those suffering from stomach ulcers, as it helps to activate the body’s natural healing processes.
    Step-by-Step Meditation Guide: Follow along with a comprehensive Yoga Nidra session tailored specifically for ulcer sufferers. Our host’s soothing voice will guide you through each stage, helping you to relax fully and allow your body to begin the healing process.

    Don't let stomach ulcers control your life. Take a proactive step towards healing by listening today. Allow yourself to experience the transformative power of healing meditation and release stress that could be hindering your recovery.

    Listen now and start your path to wellness! Remember, your health is in your hands, and with the right tools and guidance, you can create a life free from the pain of stomach ulcers. Join us on this healing journey today!

  • You can enjoy even more healing, transformation and every day manifestation by downloading the Yoga Nidra app, just follow this link.

    Dive into the Ultimate Guided Meditation of Forgiveness

    Feel suffocated by lingering resentment and past wounds? Unveil the metamorphic power of forgiveness in our newest podcast episode, designed as your personal guide to meditation and forgiveness as a step on your journey of self-transformation.

    The Significance of Forgiveness

    Grasping onto grudges and anger can often feel like lugging a hefty burden, impacting not only your mental prosperity but your physical health as well. Unresolved emotions can birth stress, anxiety, and even chronic health conditions. The inability to forgive can build walls in relationships, hamper personal growth, and imprison you in a cycle of negativity. Imagine breaking the chains of this emotional jail? Visualize a life overflowing with tranquillity, happiness, and emotional liberation. Forgiveness is not solely for others; it's a gift you present to yourself, enabling you to advance with a lighter heart and a lucid mind.

    Key Learnings in the Episode

    In this episode, Damian Appleby delves into the heart of forgiveness, delivering practical tips and actionable steps to support you on your journey of letting go and forgiving.

    Embracing Forgiveness in Practical Ways Understand how to mould the abstract idea of forgiveness into feasible actions. Damian offers real-world tactics that you can instigate immediately, making the process less intimidating and more approachable.

    Positive Affirmations for Forgiveness Unearth the strength of positive affirmations in reprogramming your brain for forgiveness.

    Damian introduces a series of well-thought-out affirmations devised to help you let go of grudges and unresolved anger, cultivating a forgiving and affectionate mindset.

    Experience Yoga Nidra Meditation Immerse yourself in a guided Yoga Nidra meditation session that escorts you through a profound state of relaxation and mental lucidity.

    This potent practice purifies your mind of negative emotions, setting the foundation for true forgiveness.

    Transform Your Life through Letting Go Forgiveness can serve as a turning point in your self-help journey, clearing the path for healthier relationships, enhanced emotional resilience, and an overall sense of wellness. By letting go of past grievances, you unlock a realm of fresh possibilities and infinite opportunities for personal growth.

    Join Us in this Journey of Forgiveness Don't stay behind on this transformative episode. Whether you're grappling with forgiving someone or needing to forgive yourself, Damian Appleby's insights and guidance on forgiveness and letting go will inspire you to effectuate a positive shift in your life.

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  • You can enjoy even more healing, transformation and every day manifestation by downloading the Yoga Nidra app, just follow this link.

    Why Self-Acceptance Matters

    Do you often find yourself caught in a cycle of self-criticism, comparing yourself unfavorably to others, or seeking external validation to feel good about yourself? If so, you're not alone. Many of us grapple with a lack of self-acceptance, which can manifest in various ways, from chronic self-doubt to a diminished sense of self-worth. In this episode, we'll unpack the detrimental effects of this common issue and explore how it holds us back from living fulfilling lives.

    Identifying the Roots of Self-Rejection

    To understand why self-acceptance is such a struggle, we need to look at its roots. We'll discuss how our upbringing, societal standards, and past experiences contribute to our inner critic. Whether it's the conditional praise we received as children, the relentless comparison fostered by social media, or the impact of past traumas, these factors shape our self-perception and can leave us feeling unworthy and inadequate.

    The Power of Self-Acceptance

    Imagine a life where you embrace yourself fully, flaws and all. How different would your relationships, career, and daily experiences be? Self-acceptance is the key to unlocking a more peaceful, confident, and joyful life. It empowers you to take risks, pursue your passions, and connect with others on a deeper level. In this episode, we'll paint a vivid picture of how transformative self-acceptance can be, offering a glimpse into a future where you are your own biggest ally.

    Practical Steps to Improve Self-Acceptance

    But how do you get there? How can you shift from self-rejection to self-acceptance? We'll provide practical, actionable steps to help you on this journey. You'll learn how to practice self-compassion, challenge negative self-talk, set healthy boundaries, and engage in self-reflection.

    Affirmations to Boost Self-Acceptance

    To help reinforce the concepts discussed, we've compiled a list of twenty powerful affirmations designed to boost self-acceptance. These simple, positive statements can help you rewire your thinking and foster a kinder, more accepting relationship with yourself.
    Tune in to discover how you can begin to silence your inner critic and embrace your true self. Let's take this journey together, step by step, towards a future where self-acceptance is not just a concept, but a lived reality. Listen now and start transforming your inner dialogue from critical to compassionate.

    Your path to self-acceptance starts here.

  • You can enjoy even more healing, transformation and every day manifestation by downloading the Yoga Nidra app, just follow this link.

    Imagine a world where every moment is filled with compassion, understanding, and warmth. A world where kindness is the currency that flows freely, and love is the guiding force that shapes every decision.

    Welcome to the world of loving kindness, where the boundaries of our hearts expand, and the beauty of life unfolds.

    In this episode, we're going to embark on a transformative journey, exploring the profound benefits of loving kindness and how it can revolutionize our lives. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of stress, anxiety, and negativity. But what if we could cultivate a sense of inner peace, compassion, and understanding that radiates outward, touching the lives of those around us?

    Loving kindness, also known as metta in Buddhist tradition, is a powerful practice that has been used for centuries to cultivate a sense of warmth, empathy, and connection with ourselves and others.

    By focusing on the well-being of ourselves and others, loving kindness meditation can:

    Reduce stress and anxiety: By calming the mind and soothing the emotions, loving kindness meditation can help us feel more grounded and centered.
    Boost self-esteem and confidence: As we focus on our own well-being and cultivate self-compassion, our sense of self-worth and confidence grows.
    Improve relationships: By sending kindness and understanding to others, we can strengthen our connections and build deeper, more meaningful relationships.
    Increase feelings of joy and positivity: Loving kindness meditation can help us cultivate a sense of gratitude, appreciation, and happiness, leading to a more positive outlook on life.

    In this episode, we'll guide you through a gentle and soothing loving kindness meditation, designed to help you cultivate these benefits and more. Our meditation will take you on a journey of self-discovery, self-love, and compassion, as we explore the following themes:

    Loving ourselves: We'll begin by cultivating kindness and compassion towards ourselves, acknowledging our imperfections and celebrating our strengths.
    Loving others: We'll extend our kindness and understanding to those around us, including friends, family, and even those we may have difficulty with.
    Loving all beings: We'll expand our circle of kindness to include all living beings, recognizing our interconnectedness and the beauty of life.

    So, join us on this transformative journey as we explore the power of loving kindness and discover how it can change our lives. Get ready to feel more compassionate, more grounded, and more connected to yourself and the world around you.

  • To enjoy even more personal healing, self-transformation and every day manifestion, join me at nuyuhealing.com and download the Yoga Nidra app.

    In this episode, we are going to unravel the mystery of insomnia - what it is, how it can impact our overall well-being in the long run, and most importantly, how we can effectively manage it to finally experience the restful sleep we deserve.
    Insomnia, often misunderstood and underestimated, is a common sleep disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It can manifest in various forms, from difficulty falling asleep to waking up multiple times during the night, leaving us feeling exhausted and drained the next day. The effects of insomnia on our mental and physical health can be profound, leading to increased stress, anxiety, decreased focus, and even a weakened immune system. But fear not, dear listeners, for we are here to guide you through this challenging journey and help you reclaim your precious sleep.
    In this episode, we will share practical suggestions and tips on how to combat insomnia and create a soothing bedtime routine that promotes relaxation and deep restorative sleep. From creating a calming sleep environment to establishing a regular sleep schedule, we will explore various strategies that can make a significant difference in improving your sleep quality and overall well-being. So grab a cozy blanket, brew a cup of herbal tea, and get ready to embark on a transformative journey towards better sleep.
    But that's not all - we have a special treat for you. We are thrilled to offer a rejuvenating Yoga Nidra meditation session designed to help you unwind, relax, and let go of the day's stresses. Yoga Nidra, also known as "yogic sleep," is a powerful meditation technique that induces deep relaxation and promotes restful sleep. Through gentle guidance and visualization, you will be led on a journey of self-discovery, inner peace, and profound healing.
    So if you're ready to finally conquer your insomnia, find peace in the midst of chaos, and experience the blissful benefits of relaxation, be sure to tune in to this episode. Your journey to better sleep starts here, and we can't wait to accompany you every step of the way. Let's embark on this transformative adventure together and unlock the secrets to a restful and rejuvenating sleep. Remember, a good night's sleep is not a luxury - it's a necessity for a healthy and fulfilling life. So close your eyes, take a deep breath, and let the soothing waves of relaxation wash over you. Goodnight, dear listeners, and sweet dreams.

  • You can enjoy even more personal healing, transformation and everyday manifestation on the Yoga Nidra app, go ahead and grab your copy today.

    Controlling a rising blood presusre can seem challenging. With so many stresses and risks, it might seem impossible. Yet a few small changes will help transform your blood pressure.
    In this episode from NuYu, we will take you through the practical every day transformations you can make to improve your general health and blood pressure.

    Of cours eyou are also invited to join me on a Yoga Nidra meditation to help release blood pressure.

  • If you want to enjoy even more healing, transformation and every day manifestation then download the Yoga Nidra app from nuyuhealing.com - click here.

    In today's breakthrough episode, we're shining a light on a debilitating condition that affects millions worldwide - migraines. But, there's a glimmer of hope on the horizon for sufferers. Imagine a world where the pounding pain, the sensitivity to light, and the overwhelming nausea could be managed, not just with medication, but with the power of your mind. We're exploring the untapped potential of meditation and post-hypnotic suggestions as powerful tools to mitigate migraines. This isn't just about coping; it's about transforming your approach to wellness and taking control back from migraines. We’ll dive deep into how meditation and hypnotic suggestions can not only reduce the frequency of migraines but also lessen their intensity. Key Points Covered:
    The Role of Meditation: Discover how daily meditation can rewire your brain, reducing stress and inflammation, known triggers for migraines.Hypnotic Suggestions for Pain Management: How post-hypnotic suggestions work to manage pain and how these suggestions can be tailored to individual needs for maximum relief. Self-Awareness and Migraine Management: The importance of self-awareness in identifying triggers and early warning signs of migraines. Learn how to tune into your body's signals and use meditative practices to prevent migraines from taking hold.Practical Tips and Strategies: From setting up a meditation space to integrating short hypnotic suggestion sessions into your daily routine, our guests provide actionable advice to start on this path to relief.A Full Guided Yoga Nidra Meditaion: Not only to diminish the pain caused by a migraine, but also to lay the foundation of a coping strategy to ensure migraines become less of a fixture in your future. This episode is more than just a meditation; it's a lifeline for those feeling at the mercy of their migraines. It's time to explore how these ancient practices, backed by modern science, can offer a beacon of hope and a new way to reclaim your life from migraines. If you or someone you know is battling migraines, this episode is a must-listen. Not only will it change the way you think about migraine management, but it may also alter the course of your well-being. Dare to envision a life with fewer migraines, and empower yourself with the strategies discussed today. Tune in, discover the potential within you to mitigate migraines, and take the first step towards a life with more peace and less pain. Your mind holds the key to relief, and it's time to unlock it.

  • You can enjoy even more personal healing, self-transformation and every day manifestation by downloading the Yoga Nidra App.

    Sleep is often overlooked as a source of challenges and issues. Yet the reality is, if we don't get enough quality sleep, our mental and physcial health will suffer.

    Hypnotic stories offer a beautiful way to let go of the day and enjpy a good nights sleep.

    Take a moment and enjoy this hypnotic beach story, it might be well used, but is still one of my favourites.

  • You can enjoy even more healing, self transformation and everyday minfestation by downloading the NuYu Yoga Nidra App just click here!

    On this episode from NuYu we're tackling a topic that touches many lives around the globe - depression. A complex mental health challenge, but not an insurmountable one. To begin, it's crucial to understand that depression isn't just feeling sad or going through a rough patch; it's a serious condition that affects how you feel, think, and handle daily activities. The causes of depression are as varied as the people it affects. It can stem from genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors. Life events such as trauma, loss of a loved one, a difficult relationship, or any stressful situation can trigger it. And the impact? It's significant.

    Depression can make it hard to enjoy life like you once did. It can interfere with your work, sleep, and ability to partake in things you love. But, as daunting as it may sound, there is a beacon of hope. Self-care is a powerful tool in managing depression. It's about taking small steps each day to improve your mental health. Establishing routines can provide a sense of normalcy. Whether it’s setting a regular sleep schedule, eating nourishing foods, or dedicating time for activities you enjoy, routines can significantly reduce stress and improve your mood.

    Exercise is another crucial aspect. It might be hard to muster the energy, but exercise releases endorphins, often known as happiness hormones, which can lift your mood. Even a short walk daily can make a difference. And then, there's the practice of focusing on the present. Depression often fixates our thoughts on the past or worries about the future. Learning mindfulness and meditation can help anchor you in the now, appreciating the moment without judgment or distraction.

    And of course I would love for you to join me on a guided visualisation to combat the demons of depression.

  • You can take your transformation further by visiting me at nuyuhealing.com and downloading the Yoga Nidra app.

    It is often said in moments of transformation, 'our subsconscious already knows what it needs to know'. It is true that during many healing sessions the main objective is to open the subsconscious mind up so we can access 'what it already knows' .

    Sometimes the quickest way to do this is a metaphorical story that stimulates the subsconscious to begin the healing process.

    This means that very often we can enjoy a story originally labelled for one thing, and we use it in a completely different way, as you subconscious will interpret it as it needs to.

  • You can get your copy of the Yoga Nidra app by coming to see me at nuyuhealing.com

    We live in a world plagued by judgement on the perfect body.
    The media torment us with photoshopped images of alleged ideals. This torrent of images leave a blueprint on our subconcious that erodes our body confidence.

    This becomes a vicious circle. We feel less confident about our body, so we eat the wrong things, we exercise less, and we start becoming exactly what we don't want.
    This is something we can change. Today. Now.

    On this episode I will guide you through a meditation to transform that blueprint and re-energise your love for your body, taking the first step toward the body you want.

  • Join me at nuyuhealing.com so you can start your journey to a life of abundance.

    On this episode from Nuyu healing we will be diving into the powerhouse of metaphorical stories. From the beginning of time we have used metaphorical stories to educate, offer guidance and transform our lives. Although they might seem subtle, even confusing at times, this is part of their magic and often the reason they are so successful.

    In the second part of the episode we will enjoy a full hypnosis session that is crafted to reprogram your mind to make the healthy choices that right for you.

    So join me for this powerful step in your journey of self-transformation and enjoy a full hypnotic session to empower you to make the healthy choices that will transform your body.

    As this episode does contain a hypnotic session, please do not listen to it whilst driving, operating machinary or at any time you can not give it your full attention.

  • Create your own unique healing program and book your FREE discovery call now by visiting me at nuyuhealing.com.

    Stress is a killer!

    No two ways about it. It can ruin our immune system, play havoc with our heart and cause a whole range of health issues.

    But you can trake control of it.

    On this episode we will dive into the wonderfully simple solution of anchoring. A technique I have used for many years for all sorts of situatuons, and I want to share it with you today. And of course join me for a Yoga Nidra Meditation.

  • You can download the Yoga Nidra App here, so you can enhoy even more personal healing and self transformation, just folllow this link.

    On this episode from NuYu, join me on a journey of self-discovery and transformation through the darkness of challenges to find the light that we know is there.

    Not only will I offer you pracitical suggestion so you might handle challenges in a more positive light, but I also invite you to join me on a full length Yoga Nidra guided meditation so you can take control of those dark moments and welcome the light of hope into your life.

  • Transform your life today with the Yoga Nidra App - download it here.

    Have you ever felt the weight of shyness tethering you to the sidelines of life? Shyness can be an invisible barrier, one that I break down as we explore the power of yoga nidra meditation to release its grip and foster meaningful human connections. Together, we take a profound journey through the art of listening and speaking, as I guide you through a specialized meditation. It's designed to gently shift your unconscious mind towards openness, empowering you to step into the world with a heart ready to engage and connect. The transformation doesn't stop there; we also navigate the landscape of personal growth, visualizing success, and the golden signature that represents the achievements you're destined for. This episode isn't just about overcoming shyness—it's a blueprint for embracing the next phase of your life with confidence. You'll learn to wield the tools of self-reflection and visualize your journey towards a more sociable, fulfilling existence. There's an emphasis on the golden moments that define us, the kind that leave a mark as enduring as a signature in gold ink. By integrating these insights, whether in wakefulness or as you drift into sleep, you're setting the stage for a personal revolution. Prepare to emerge with a rejuvenated perspective on the fluidity of time, perception, and the plethora of life's possibilities that await you.

  • You enjoy even more self-transformation and being your journey to a life of abundance with the NuYu Yoga Nidra App available at:

    Apple App Store

    Google Playstore

    Have you ever caught yourself passing judgment on others, only to realize that it's a mirror reflecting your own insecurities? That's where our latest episode steps in, guiding you through the murky waters of judgment to arrive at a place of sincere authenticity. We delve into why we judge and how it can falsely inflate our sense of superiority, all while isolating us from the very connections we yearn for. Unpack the necessity for self-awareness and truth in dissolving these internal barriers and fostering a life led by the heart. Then, prepare to embark on a transformative journey with a yoga nidra meditation that I've meticulously crafted to cater to your unique unconscious landscape, emphasizing the invigorating power of routine practice for profound personal change.
    As we move deeper into our consciousness, we illuminate the dance between the conscious and subconscious realms, and how letting go of judgment is key to achieving inner clarity. Visualize penning and affirming your commitment to growth, solidifying the intention within the fibers of your being. We reflect on the underappreciated skills lying dormant within us, awaiting recognition to blossom into their full potential. Whether you choose to reawaken invigorated or slip into a peaceful slumber, rest assured that your subconscious will tirelessly weave these insights into the tapestry of your life for enduring transformation. Join us, and begin living more genuinely, one breath at a time.

  • Enjoy deeper meditations, self transformation and every day manifestation with Yoga Nidra App from Nuyu.
    Download it for iPhone here

    and android here.

    Have you ever felt like you're carrying the weight of the world's negativity on your shoulders? Imagine if there were simple, yet profound tools at your disposal to shed that weight and protect your spirit. Join me as we journey through the art of mental and spiritual self-defense, exploring the transformative powers of meditation, the revitalizing four-eight breathing technique, and the often overlooked might of laughter and gratitude. Together, we'll learn to set boundaries with those who drain our energy, and how embracing nature's healing touch can fortify our inner peace. The path to a higher spiritual frequency beckons, and I'm here to guide you every step of the way.
    As dawn's golden light breaches the horizon, we too can rise, renewed and resilient. Our latest episode bathes you in the soothing rays of a sunlight meditation, an experience designed to infuse your life with positivity and create an unyielding shield against the darkness. We'll delve into the practice of harnessing this radiant energy to transform your spirit and emerge with a luminosity that repels negative forces. And when it's time to gently return from this guided journey, whether to the clarity of your daily routine or the serenity of sleep, you'll be armed with a golden signature of positivity—a testament to your unwavering commitment to a brighter, more positive existence.

  • Take your journey of Self-improvement further and download the Yoga Nidra App so you can enjoy a life of abundance.



    Ever felt lost amidst your own aspirations, questioning the authenticity of the path you're treading? You're not alone. In our latest episode, I lead you on an introspective quest to align your life's ambitions with the profound fulfillment you crave. We strip away the superficial layers, revealing the bedrock of your true desires, as I share practical approaches for deep self-reflection, honing intuition, and the transformative act of penning your thoughts. We'll also unlock the secrets of visualization, enabling you to take a mental test drive of your ideal future. It's an artful conversation about embracing goals that echo the voice of your authentic self and finding a life that naturally gravitates toward abundance, all through the lens of meditation.
    This episode also sails into the enigmatic sea of time perception, contemplating its impact on our goals and daily lives. As your guide, I offer a meditation on how our understanding of time influences our self-reflection, planning, and ability to pivot with life's relentless march forward. Together, we'll ponder the ebb and flow of memories and dreams within our subconscious, recognizing how some ideas cling to the shore of our mind while others are swept away. By permitting ourselves to relax into the rhythm of our thoughts, we permit insights to germinate within our psyche. So, allow this episode to serve as your sanctuary, offering a space to explore the temporal threads that weave through the fabric of our decisions and aspirations.

  • You enjoy even more self-transformation and being your journey to a life of abundace with the NuYu Yoga Nidra App avialble at:

    Apple App Store

    Google Playstore

    Have you ever felt engulfed by negative thoughts, as if your own mind is against you? I sure have. That's why I'm thrilled to share with you the life-changing practice of positive self-talk and self-awareness. Picture your mind as a vibrant garden where weeds of doubt can be uprooted and replaced with affirmations that blossom into a sanctuary of inner peace. We'll delve into practical tools for pruning these invasive thoughts, such as mindfulness and gratitude journaling, and I'll even guide you through a Yoga Nidra meditation to solidify your newfound mindset. Then, as if flipping the switch on a radio, we'll turn the dial to self-empowerment, embracing the notion that our mental broadcasts can be changed at will. It's about choosing the soundtrack of our thoughts to echo positivity and self-love, with affirmations as our anthems. And as we near the edge of consciousness, I'll explore the enigmatic dance of time in relaxation, offering you a simple technique to either awaken rejuvenated or surrender to the depths of peaceful slumber. Join me, and let's transform the landscape of our minds together, building resilience and self-compassion along the way.

  • You enjoy even more healing meditation and transformtion on the NuYu Yoga Nidra App by downloading it at



    Have you ever become exasperated while waiting in line or felt your blood boil in a traffic jam? It's time for a perspective shift. Join me as we meander through the art of patience and the serenity it brings to our chaotic lives. Today's episode is a meditative journey through the virtues of taking a slow breath, unclenching our fists, and learning to savor the present. As our world spins faster, we unpack the detrimental impact of impatience on our mental health, relationships, and personal development. Not only do we talk about it, but we also arm you with practical techniques such as mindfulness, self-compassion, and gratitude to harness the quiet strength of patience. And, with a gentle Yoga Nidra meditation, we lay the foundation for you to cultivate a more enriched, patient perspective.

    The second part of our conversation swims into the deeper waters of patience's benefits, particularly how relaxation can cleanse our mental palette. Here, we dissect the clarity that comes with a patient mindset, and how this clarity can influence our ability to reflect, plan, and grow. We touch on the often-unseen skills and opportunities that patience can reveal to us, transforming the way we think, feel, and respond to the world around us. By altering our perception of time, relaxation can become a portal to tranquility and a more profound appreciation for our journey. No rush, no hustle—just an invitation to embrace the unfolding of life's tapestry with a patient heart and an open mind.