
  • This week on the HappyCast, we venture down to a place in Georgia that not even the devil would go: The Chattahoochee National Forest for the 2024 edition of Cruel Jewel 100. Considered one of the hardest 100 mile foot races in the country, with over 30k feet of climbing and a 48 hour cutoff, and a buckle that is the size of a small child’s head, Cruel Jewel attracts some of the bravest (and craziest) runners from around the world. As the organization running the race, DUMASS events, likes to proclaim: poor decisions make for better stories.

    We are joined by returning guest and fan favorite Regina Massingill as she talks us through her experience running the 100 miler, and why this may have been her toughest race yet. Andrew, who continues to refuse to pace Regina, talks about the overall race experience from a crew perspective as well. We are sure to cover every aspect of this race for this one!

    So sit back and join us, and as always, our poor decisions will lead to even worse stories. But that’s exactly why you listen.

    Be on the lookout for some Tahoe 200 coverage in the near future as we are now in the middle of 200 miler season!

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen, and we always appreciate you leaving a good rate and review. Join the Facebook Group and follow us on Instagram and check out our website for the more episodes, posts and merchandise coming soon.

    Have a topic you'd like to hear discussed in depth, or a guest you'd like to nominate? Email us at [email protected]

  • Join us on a riveting HappyCast episode as Stephanie sits down with trailblazer Mercedes Avery to delve into the nuances of mental health and the journey to the starting line of life's races. In this heartfelt conversation, they explore the challenges and triumphs of preparing mentally and physically for endurance sports and life’s unpredictable moments. Mercedes shares her insights on the importance of mental resilience and how she has learned to adapt and thrive when plans fall apart.

    This episode is not just about overcoming obstacles—it's also filled with laughter and light-hearted moments. Hear the hilarious story of how Mercedes once mistook bug spray for sunscreen during a crucial race, leading to some unexpected trailside antics. Plus, learn the endearing backstory behind her nickname "Lil’ Dropsy," a testament to her spirited approach to life's slippery situations. Tune in for an episode packed with inspiration, laughter, and unforgettable stories with Stephanie and Mercedes—where there’s never a dull moment!

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen, and we always appreciate you leaving a good rate and review. Join the Facebook Group and follow us on Instagram and check out our website for the more episodes, posts and merchandise coming soon.

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  • This week on an exciting HappyCast, we sit down with co-host Andrew as he goes over his experience being a part of the most competitive and exciting 200 mile event yet: the 2024 edition of the Cocodona 250! After racing it last year, Andrew goes over his time crewing and pacing, and how the different perspective made him appreciate the race even more. He also talks about the logistics of crewing and pacing this race, and how it is just as fun to support this race as it is to actually run it.

    And, of course, we hear about the amazing stories that took place during Cocodona. From struggles to triumphs and everything in between - To a man running the entire race while holding the American flag. An individual coming back for redemption and being just the second man to finish Cocodona with Ankylosing Spondylitis. A 17 year-old being the youngest finisher in history, while his family also raced and helped pace. How about the oldest finisher in history, only to be surpassed by someone 15 days older just hours later? Or meeting a fellow podcast listener in person and being able to unexpectedly pace them to the finish? And, it goes without saying just how epic of a finish this race had at the top. Plenty of these epic stories, and more, as we recap the 2024 edition of the Cocodona 250! So strap in and join along for the ride!

    Specific shoutouts this episode: Michael Reardon, Brandon Hozack, Zachary Bates, Nathan Butler, Andrea Moore, Roberto Gonzalez, Eric Durrett, Philip Sebastiani, Christina Krchnavy, Chad Lasater, & more.

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen, and we always appreciate you leaving a good rate and review. Join the Facebook Group and follow us on Instagram and check out our website for the more episodes, posts and merchandise coming soon.

    Have a topic you'd like to hear discussed in depth, or a guest you'd like to nominate? Email us at [email protected]

  • This week on HappyCast, we’re taking a moment to catch up with our intrepid hosts, each on a unique journey through the world of trail running and crewing. Dylan is gearing up for a refreshing vacation, stepping away from the rigorous training and races to recharge.

    Meanwhile, Andrew is embarking on an exciting venture in Arizona, where he’s crewing for our good friend and podcast supporter, Jason Hanley at the Cocodona 250. Andrew talks about the rest of the.

    Stephanie, not one to rest, is managing a series of demanding crewing jobs that will ultimately converge at the Tahoe 200, where she, Andrew, and her husband, Matt, will reunite for an epic race for the two men. She discusses her strategies for keeping energy levels high and her insights on how these experiences enrich her own ultra-running endeavors.

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen, and we always appreciate you leaving a good rate and review. Join the Facebook Group and follow us on Instagram and check out our website for the more episodes, posts and merchandise coming soon.

    Have a topic you'd like to hear discussed in depth, or a guest you'd like to nominate? Email us at [email protected]

  • Join us for a lively and laughter-filled episode of Happy Cast as we recount the highs and lows of the Captain Mountain 34 Hour Race. Stephanie, alongside guests Moe Villanueva and Shashi Reddy, delve into their experiences tackling this daunting endurance race that pushes runners to their limits and beyond.

    The episode kicks off with an exploration of the race’s unique setting in the Capitan Mountains, where runners face a continuous 4-mile loop filled with natural beauty and unyielding challenges. Under the cover of darkness, lit only by headlamps and the occasional campfire, our hosts and their guests share tales from the trail— including those midnight cravings satisfied by the unexpected delight of food trucks.

    Amidst the recounting of physical endurance, Stephanie shares a humorous anecdote about her attempt to play wingman for Moe during the race. What was meant to be a subtle setup turned into a series of comical missteps, proving that even in the toughest races, there's room for a little romance... or at least an attempt at one.

    From unexpected wildlife encounters to the mental battles against exhaustion, this episode isn't just about running—it's about finding humor and humanity in the face of extreme challenge. Tune in to hear how each lap not only tested their physical stamina but also strengthened their camaraderie and left them with unforgettable stories.

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen, and we always appreciate you leaving a good rate and review. Join the Facebook Group and follow us on Instagram and check out our website for the more episodes, posts and merchandise coming soon.

    Have a topic you'd like to hear discussed in depth, or a guest you'd like to nominate? Email us at [email protected]

  • Join us on this episode of the HappyCast as we venture to one of the most beautiful places in America, Zion National Park, as we talk about the Zion 100 Ultra Marathon by Vacation races!

    For this episode, Andrew sits down in the guest chair and is joined by Jessica Schiller as they both detail their experience running the 100 miler. We gain insight and perspective regarding the race itself, as well as the different mindsets going into the race. We hear about their overall thoughts on the race as well as their recommendations for those interested in running it in the future.

    For Andrew, this was a race that originally wasn’t supposed to be, and for Jessica, this was her first attempt at a 100 mile trail race. And to make things more interesting, they were both going to run the entire thing together! Naturally, things could ONLY work out without any issues, right?

    So sit back (or run upright) and listen to how things went down. Many successes, failures, and learning experience aplenty in this one! And congratulations to Erica Garner and Kaitlin Kennedy, both local Texas runners, who are also mentioned in this episode!

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen, and we always appreciate you leaving a good rate and review. Join the Facebook Group and follow us on Instagram and check out our website for the more episodes, posts and merchandise coming soon.

    Have a topic you'd like to hear discussed in depth, or a guest you'd like to nominate? Email us at [email protected]

  • In this deeply moving episode of Happy Cast, we welcome Rosie Gagnon, an ultra-marathon runner with a mission that goes far beyond physical endurance. Rosie has set herself the extraordinary challenge of completing 100 100-mile races, a goal inspired by the tragic loss of her son, a Marine veteran who struggled with mental health issues after his service and ultimately took his own life. Through her running, Rosie aims to honor her son's memory and raise crucial awareness about the mental health challenges facing veterans.

    Join us as Rosie shares insights into the transformative power of her running journey, detailing how each mile has helped her process grief and connect with others who have faced similar losses. With over half of her 100-race goal completed, Rosie's story is not just about personal resilience but also about creating a legacy of understanding and support through her advocacy work with Wear Blue: Run to Remember. This organization focuses on commemorating the service and sacrifice of military personnel and veterans, aligning perfectly with Rosie’s personal mission.

    Listeners will gain an intimate look at the challenges and triumphs of Rosie's races, from the emotional first race she entered just months after her son’s passing to her latest endeavors and how these experiences have shaped her advocacy. Rosie also opens up about the community and support system she has found in fellow runners and veterans' families, emphasizing the collective healing that her efforts foster.

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen, and we always appreciate you leaving a good rate and review. Join the Facebook Group and follow us on Instagram and check out our website for the more episodes, posts and merchandise coming soon.

    Have a topic you'd like to hear discussed in depth, or a guest you'd like to nominate? Email us at [email protected]

  • In this gripping episode of the Happy Cast, we sit down with ultrarunner Dena Carr, whose recent endeavor at the Barkley Marathons has captivated the hearts of many. Known as the race "that eats its young," the Barkley Marathons is not for the faint of heart, pushing the limits of human endurance, resilience, and spirit.

    Dena shares her journey from the call of the conch shell to the final, grueling miles, revealing the preparation, challenges, and unexpected lessons learned along the way. From serious insights into the mental fortitude required to tackle such an extreme challenge to lighter moments on the trail and her unique recovery rituals, this episode is a deep dive into what it means to chase the extraordinary. Join us as we explore the highs, the lows, and the sheer willpower it takes to face the Barkley Marathons head-on.

    If you're someone who loves a good adventure story, Dena's tale of perseverance will inspire you to explore the limits of your own potential.

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen, and we always appreciate you leaving a good rate and review. Join the Facebook Group and follow us on Instagram and check out our website for the more episodes, posts and merchandise coming soon.

    Have a topic you'd like to hear discussed in depth, or a guest you'd like to nominate? Email us at [email protected]

  • This week on HappyCast, we're thrilled to welcome back Jenni Ashcroft, fresh from her awe-inspiring debut at the 100-mile Prairie Spirit Trail in Kansas. This episode is extra special as Jenni is accompanied by her husband and stalwart crew chief, Sean, to unpack the intricate dance of a 50-mile out-and-back challenge. While the Prairie Spirit Trail may have been a rails to trails race, Jenni's stellar finish time of 22 hours and 15 minutes is a testament to her grit and determination.

    Dive deep with Jenni as she reveals the rigors of preparing for a distance that was uncharted territory for her, the strategies she employed to overcome stomach woes, and the sheer willpower it took to push through the final stretch with no calories to fuel her. Adding a touch of whimsy to the grueling race, Stephanie, who paced Jenni for an incredible 34 miles, shares her own experiences and the unexpected joy of donning a blow-up unicorn costume for a finish line celebration that was nothing short of magical.

    Join us for an episode brimming with perseverance, love, and a dash of enchantment on the trails.

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen, and we always appreciate you leaving a good rate and review. Join the Facebook Group and follow us on Instagram and check out our website for the more episodes, posts and merchandise coming soon.

    Have a topic you'd like to hear discussed in depth, or a guest you'd like to nominate? Email us at [email protected]

  • This week on a special episode of the HappyCast, we examine what it’s like to “run fast and fly young” with Hans Troyer, an up-and-comer in the ultra running game who was shot out of a cannon and made his presence known in the elite scene with one of the most interesting and intense first two months you’ll hear about in ultra running.

    We examine his memorable performance at Bandera 100k - where he broke Jim Walmsley’s course record, but also somehow later DIDN’T break it. This lead to a last minute appearance at Black Canyon 100k - where unfortunate circumstances right before the race made things more challenging than they should have been, and yet, he still got out to an early lead in an extremely competitive field. And, of course, to make this two month stretch even more interesting, we talk about his serious and unfortunate stint in the hospital that almost lasted two weeks.

    So sit back and join us in the fast lane as we explore the start of a potentially amazing ultra running career budding before our very eyes. And definitely stick around for the end as we decide to debut an impromptu new segment, “trail math”. And it’s probably not what you were expecting.

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen, and we always appreciate you leaving a good rate and review. Join the Facebook Group and follow us on Instagram and check out our website for the more episodes, posts and merchandise coming soon.

    Have a topic you'd like to hear discussed in depth, or a guest you'd like to nominate? Email us at [email protected]

  • This week on the HappyCast, the crew heads over to the LBJ Grasslands in North Texas to partake in one of the biggest trail racing events in the area - the Grasslands Trail Run. Stephanie, Dylan, and Andrew all participated, and we get to hear about their experiences. From running, pacing, and DNFing straight into crewing, we cover all facets of this event. And during this roundtable discussion, the crew is joined by 100 mile finisher Gus Rodriguez from Houston to talk about his race as well. His experience is something you don’t want to miss!

    With Grasslands holding its inaugural 100 mile event this year, and the forecast showing cool weather all day, this would appear to be a borderline perfect day for running, right? Well, Mother Nature decided to stop by and throw a wrench in everyones plans. Grasslands quickly turned into Mudlands, and it became a fight for survival. We talk about the insanely difficult trail conditions, the stories of those pushing through, and the heartbreak that ensued for many. Triumph and emotional endings alike, we go through it all on this episode.

    As always, thank you Blaze Trails for holding an impeccably organized event, and many of us can’t wait to return to Grasslands next year. We highly recommend this race, and believe it to be a perfect 100 miler - as long as the weather is in check.

    And congratulations to everyone for even attempting this race with the conditions at hand. We’d love to hear more about all of your experiences.

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen, and we always appreciate you leaving a good rate and review. Join the Facebook Group and follow us on Instagram and check out our website for the more episodes, posts and merchandise coming soon.

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  • For this week's episode of Happy Cast, we're diving deep into Stephanie's journey at the Mountains to Sea Trail 100 Endurance Run (MST 100). The MST 100 offers an iconic single-track trail race that stretches along the scenic Mountains to Sea Trail. Participants had the option to tackle various distances, but the 100-mile challenge is notably rigorous, with a 32-hour time limit. The event, held in Raleigh/Durham, NC, featured beautiful vistas of Falls Lake, numerous bridge crossings, and paths that hugged the lakeside, offering both beauty and challenge​​.

    Stephanie's participation in the MST 100 wasn't just a race; it was a profound journey that tested her limits and showcased her endurance. The 100-mile course boasted an elevation gain of 7,700 feet, winding through rolling terrains that demanded speed, agility, and relentless perseverance. With 7 aid stations providing crucial support, runners like Stephanie navigated the out-and-back loops, drawing on their training, grit, and community spirit​​​​.

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen, and we always appreciate you leaving a good rate and review. Join the Facebook Group and follow us on Instagram and check out our website for the more episodes, posts and merchandise coming soon.

    Have a topic you'd like to hear discussed in depth, or a guest you'd like to nominate? Email us at [email protected]

  • In this inspiring episode of the Happy Cast podcast, we're thrilled to welcome Aum Gandhi, co-owner of Run Tri Bike and a beacon in the world of endurance running. Fresh off his nomination as Runner of the Year by Runner's World, Aum shares the riveting journey from his initial steps into running to becoming an ultra-endurance athlete and a philanthropist.

    Dive into Aum's transformative tale of sobriety, which redefined his life and running career, propelling him to achieve unimaginable distances and goals. Discover the story behind Run Tri Bike, a platform that champions inclusivity and support within the endurance sports community, reflecting Aum's passion for bringing athletes together from all walks of life.

    Aum opens up about his involvement with The Richstone Family Center, revealing how this connection deeply influences his approach to running and his broader life philosophy. The discussion further unveils Aum's grueling experience at the "Moab 235," highlighting the critical roles of pacers and the supportive network within the 200-mile race community. This episode also touches on the lighter side of ultrarunning, from the motivations behind running for hot food at races to the humorous debate on the minimum miles required to justify wearing a running vest. Through a blend of heartfelt stories and light-hearted banter, this episode captures the essence of the ultrarunning community, offering listeners a comprehensive look into the world of long-distance running.

    Tune in to explore how one man's path to sobriety and love for running turned into a mission to uplift others and change lives, stride by stride.

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen, and we always appreciate you leaving a good rate and review. Join the Facebook Group and follow us on Instagram and check out our website for the more episodes, posts and merchandise coming soon.

    Have a topic you'd like to hear discussed in depth, or a guest you'd like to nominate? Email us at [email protected]

  • This week on the HappyCast, we keep things simple and ramble on about all things trail running with our debut of “HappyChat”.

    In the first segment, Stephanie details her amazing and nerve wracking time at the rugged and remote LOViT 100 in Arkansas. She spent her weekend supporting previous guest and manliest runner in the country, Will Bryant. She describes a harrowing scenario where they both got lost with just four miles left to go. What would YOU do in a situation similar to theirs?

    In the second segment, the three hosts discuss the use of commonly heard phrases throughout ultrarunning, and the psychology of how runners perceive positive statements during their races in times of emotional lows. Do you enjoy it when others constantly try to build you up when you’re feeling down? Why is it that we can sometimes have a negative reaction to positivity coming from a good place? Do you disagree with Andrew thinking “you looked strong every time I saw you” is overused? What are some phrases and statements you don’t enjoy or DO enjoy hearing out on a run? A divisive segment for sure, but some strong arguments from both sides.

    And finally, we shoutout three individuals who participated in the end of year nominees. We read off nominations given by Kathleen Hanley (Tyler Hurst) , Lee Ann (Shashi), and Simon Gueard (Nora). We will be reading off more nominations at the end of the episodes from here on out. Some really amazing stories out there that the community has sent in.

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen, and we always appreciate you leaving a good rate and review. Join the Facebook Group and follow us on Instagram and check out our website for the more episodes, posts and merchandise coming soon.

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  • In this week’s inspiring episode of HappyCast, we spotlight Lisa Decker, a remarkable runner from the Houston Area Trail Runners (not North Texas), who has not only conquered the Jackalope Jam 100 hour race (with over 150 miles) but did so with the added challenge of a weighted vest. Join us as Lisa shares the highs and lows of her unique adventure, her impactful weight loss journey, and her future in the racing world.

    Weighted Vest, Weightless Spirit: Lisa dives deep into her experience at the Jackalope Jam, detailing the physical and mental strategies required to endure 100 hours of continuous movement, all while bearing the extra weight of a vest. Her recovery is going frighteningly well!

    A Journey of Transformation: Beyond the race, Lisa opens up about her personal journey of weight loss and self-discovery. This episode sheds light on how running, particularly with the unique challenge of a weighted vest, played a crucial role in her transformation, offering listeners a dose of motivation and a fresh perspective on fitness and wellness.

    Looking Ahead: The conversation doesn’t stop at past achievements. Lisa discusses her aspirations for future races and potential challenges she’s eyeing on the horizon. Get a glimpse into the planning and preparation for Lisa’s upcoming adventures.

    More than a Race: This episode is more than just a race recap; it’s an intimate look at the intersection of endurance sports and personal growth. Whether you’re a seasoned ultrarunner, someone on their own weight loss journey, or a listener looking for inspiration to tackle your next big challenge, Lisa’s story offers something for everyone.

    Tune in to this episode of HappyCast for an unforgettable conversation with Lisa Decker about pushing limits, overcoming obstacles, and the endless possibilities that come with lacing up and hitting the trail, weighted vest and all.

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen, and we always appreciate you leaving a good rate and review. Join the Facebook Group and follow us on Instagram and check out our website for the more episodes, posts and merchandise coming soon.

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  • This week on the HappyCast, we sit down with one of the very few finishers of the Black Canyon 100 mile challenge, and frequent HappyCast pot-stirrer, Matt Leake. Yes, that one.

    Black Canyon Ultras in Arizona is one of the biggest and most competitive trail running races in North America, and they have both a 100k on Saturday and a 60k on Sunday. With over 1400 people doing the race in total, the 100 mile challenge option of doing both 100k and 60k fields less than 50 people each year. Each participant in this challenge must complete the 100k as soon as possible and make it back to the shuttle in time for the start of the 60k on Sunday.

    Listen as we hear all about the obstacles and challenges this year’s race proceed. Included a massive snow storm, and an even more massive race delay that put the 100 mile challenge in jeopardy.

    We hear all about Matt’s perspective in what he is calling the hardest 100 mile event he has ever participated in. We also hear about other performances, including those not-so-fortunate with their racing performance and overall weekend, and the overall thoughts on the race itself.

    So sit back and let’s hear all about Matt’s epic weekend and what makes Black Canyon one of the most rewarding races around today!

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen, and we always appreciate you leaving a good rate and review. Join the Facebook Group and follow us on Instagram and check out our website for the more episodes, posts and merchandise coming soon.

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  • This week on HappyCast, we delve into the heart of Texas trail racing with an in-depth look at the Rocky Raccoon 100 miler, a race renowned for its incredible support from the DFW running community. Join us as Dylan recounts his journey through the wet, muddy, and cold trails to complete the daunting 100-mile distance, while Andrew and Stephanie share their perspectives from the sidelines as pacers and volunteers.

    Dylan’s Wet and Wild 100-Mile Odyssey: Discover how Dylan tackled one of the most challenging races of his life, facing rain in the beginning and treacherous mud that tested the limits of his endurance and willpower. Hear firsthand about his preparation (or lack thereof), his strategies for dealing with the adverse conditions, and the mental and physical battles he endured along the way.

    A Community of Support: Andrew and Stephanie provide a behind-the-scenes look at the race from the viewpoint of pacers and volunteers. They highlight the tight-knit community atmosphere that makes the Rocky Raccoon 100 miler not just a race, but a special event for everyone involved with Happy Endings. Their stories underscore the importance of support and camaraderie in the ultra-running world, where pacers, volunteers, and fellow runners play a crucial role in each athlete's success.

    Lessons Learned and Laughs Shared: Along with tales of perseverance and resilience, this episode is peppered with light-hearted moments and the unexpected surprises that long-distance races often bring. The team discusses the lessons learned from this experience, the importance of being prepared for anything Mother Nature throws your way, and the unbreakable spirit of the trail running community.
    We also share the winner of our Race Entry Raffle, so stay tuned to the end of the episode to find out.

    Whether you’re an ultra-marathon veteran, a trail running enthusiast, or someone who loves a good story of adventure and camaraderie, this episode of HappyCast offers insights, inspiration, and entertainment in equal measure.

    Tune in to experience the mud, grit, and community spirit of the Rocky Raccoon 100 miler through the eyes of those who lived it. It’s a testament to the power of perseverance, the warmth of the running community, and the unforgettable adventures that await on the trails.

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen, and we always appreciate you leaving a good rate and review. Join the Facebook Group and follow us on Instagram and check out our website for the more episodes, posts and merchandise coming soon.

    Have a topic you'd like to hear discussed in depth, or a guest you'd like to nominate? Email us at [email protected]

  • This week on the HappyCast, we sit down once again with Regina Massingill, fresh off of her Big Bend 100 FKT and HURT 100 performances, as the Year or the Women pt. II (or is it III or IV) continues!

    Regina talks us through becoming the first person to successfully run through Big Bend, both the rugged and remote State Park, and the vast and mountainous National Park, in a journey that spanned over 110 miles, countless amounts of route finding, bushwhacking, survival, bouldering, and other unexpected surprises. Hear about how her FKT experience was both a lot longer and harder than she expected, but also rewarding and euphoric. We also hear from the crew perspective about the challenges of such a daunting experience, with Andrew proclaiming it was the hardest crew experience to date.

    We also briefly hear about Regina’s HURT 100 experience, with an amazing performance that also proved to be nail-biting, as her finish came down to the wire. But that’s not it - Regina also has some more epic challenges coming up in less than a week!

    So sit back, or run one out as we learn about Regina’s epic experiences over the last few months. Special shoutout to her crew during these events: Kenneth Anderlitch, Roel Gonzalez, her parents, and Kathleen Hanley.

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen, and we always appreciate you leaving a good rate and review. Join the Facebook Group and follow us on Instagram and check out our website for the more episodes, posts and merchandise coming soon.

    Have a topic you'd like to hear discussed in depth, or a guest you'd like to nominate? Email us at [email protected]

  • In this inspiring episode of HappyCast, we put the spotlight on co-host Stephanie as she shares her exhilarating journey at the Shippey 100 in Missouri. Get ready to dive into an episode filled with grit, determination, and valuable insights into cold weather racing strategies.

    Stephanie recounts her experience at one of the most challenging races in her running career. From the starting line to the triumphant finish, she opens up about the mental and physical demands of this grueling 100-mile race. Her story is not just about endurance, but also about the strategies and mental fortitude required to conquer such an extreme challenge.

    Stephanie shares her personal approaches to staying warm, managing energy levels, and maintaining motivation when temperatures drop. Her tips and tactics are invaluable for any runner looking to take on cold weather races.

    Delve deeper into Stephanie's race strategies, including pacing, nutrition, and gear choices specifically tailored for the cold environment. She discusses how she adapted her usual racing approach to meet the unique temperature challenges posed by the Shippey 100.

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen, and we always appreciate you leaving a good rate and review. Join the Facebook Group and follow us on Instagram and check out our website for the more episodes, posts and merchandise coming soon.

    Have a topic you'd like to hear discussed in depth, or a guest you'd like to nominate? Email us at [email protected]

  • In this first HappyCast episode of 2024, join Andrew, Stephanie, and Dylan as they reunite after the holiday break to share updates and set the stage for an exciting new year. This episode isn't just about catching up; it's a deep dive into the extraordinary challenges and triumphs of endurance running.

    The hosts kick things off by discussing how they spent their holiday break, offering a personal glimpse into their lives outside of running. They also share their aspirations and plans for 2024, setting an inspiring tone for the year ahead.

    The highlight of the episode is Andrew's captivating recount of his recent participation in the Across the Years race – a grueling six-day ultramarathon. Andrew takes listeners along on his incredible journey, detailing the mental and physical challenges of running such an extreme distance.

    From moments of sheer exhilaration to periods of intense struggle, Andrew's story is a rollercoaster of emotions. He shares insights into his preparation, strategy, and the unexpected hurdles he faced during the race.

    Wrap up your holiday season and start the new year with this thrilling episode of HappyCast, where determination, endurance, and the human spirit come to life in the most extraordinary ways.

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen, and we always appreciate you leaving a good rate and review. Join the Facebook Group and follow us on Instagram and check out our website for the more episodes, posts and merchandise coming soon.

    Have a topic you'd like to hear discussed in depth, or a guest you'd like to nominate? Email us at [email protected]