On this podcast, you'll find interviews with high-performing successful individuals in Life Sciences. On a weekly basis, we cover their proven methods, principles, strategies, and mindsets to implement new technologies that scale to meet the needs of people in our world.
The Downstream Column (DsC) is an online publication targeting members of the biologics industry. Our intent is to provide a community to share expertise and best practices as well as discuss topics of interest. The Downstream Column covers areas important to the research, discovery, development, and manufacture of biologic therapeutics. Key industry coverage areas include: purification, formulation, fill/finish and QA/QC for cell and gene therapies, vaccines, biologics, and emerging therapeutic modalities.
Alport syndrome is a rare, inherited form of chronic kidney disease that’s often diagnosed in children or young adults and can rapidly lead to kidney failure. But is it as rare as we assume? What can genetic analysis tell us about not just its true prevalence but also its prognosis? What drives its progression? Dr. Toto talks one-on-one with Alport experts to answer these and other questions about a complex disorder
Discover more at Sponsored by Reata Pharmaceuticals. -
This episode gives a brief description of CRISPR and how it works as well as detailing several pros and cons of using CRISPR's technology for cosmetic purposes. It also includes our claim of CRISPR's ethical impact on society and whether we believe it is worth scientists time to further research the technology.
Lets make life more enjoyable and meaningful and male life worth living
On this podcast, we talk all things truffles, foraging and dogs.
Helping you connect to nature and deepen your relationship with your canine companion.
Hear from experts and enthusiasts as they share their inspiring stories and bits of wisdom with you. -
Listen to Medscape InDiscussion: Renal Cell Carcinoma, a podcast series where thought leaders and clinical experts share their diverse insights and practical ideas for optimizing patient care. Relevant disclosures can be found with the episode show notes on Medscape ( The topics and discussions are planned, produced, and reviewed independently of advertisers. This podcast is intended only for US healthcare professionals.
Ste nekaj slišali o temni snovi in vas zanima več? Se sprašujete, zakaj smo ljudje lahkoverni, in če je res, da so v pitni vodi ostanki citotastikov? Kako nevarni so pesticidi? Ali pa vas morda bolj zanimajo kvantni triki, teleportacija in aklimatizacija za Mars. Kje so meje zmogljivosti baterij in kakšen je življenjepis našega vesolja?
Metamorfoza je podkast o novicah, zanimivostih in bizarnostih iz biologije organizmov. Ob sproščenem pogovoru jih z ekipo predstavi dr. Matjaž Gregorič.
Meta PHoDcast so pogovori z mladimi raziskovalci in raziskovalkami o življenju, vesolju in sploh vsem. Gostitelji so dr. Zarja Muršič, Lucija Ana Vrščaj in Nika Žibrat, njihovi sogovorniki pa znanstveniki in znanstvenice pred zaključkom doktorata z različnih področij znanosti. Vsak drugi četrtek.
Body to Burial is a new podcast that follows the body trail from the crime scene to the final resting ground. Each week we bring you exclusive, in-depth, unscripted conversations with death and crime-adjacent professionals. These conversations explore the intricacies of their field and examine the physical, mental, and emotional toll that comes from making a living off of crime and death. Join us for a deep dive into the people and processes involved with death—from body to burial.
Dinamični pogovori o: ✅ najnovejših in najbolj disruptivnih tehnoloških inovacijah, ✅ makrotrendih, ✅ dolgoročnem investiranju, ✅ filozofiji upravljanja ter ✅ vedenjskih financah. Na vaši najljubši podcast platformi.
The Monroe Institute's Expanding on Consciousness includes conversations with scientists and practitioners about the many perspectives and ideas around consciousness: human, non-human, scientific, spiritual, experiential and more. We invite the curious… to speak, listen, learn and apply new ways of thinking about what it means to be interconnected conscious beings.
Our host, Mark Certo, will engage well known experts, trainers and other fascinating guests in insightful and sometimes surprising conversations about the many disciplines and aspects of consciousness—in all its forms. -
Welcome to Frontiers Radio! A podcast for psychotherapists who value deep learning and individualized development that translates to better results with the people you aspire to improve.On the show, you will acquire 1. Cutting edge knowledge that pushes beyond the edge of your development.2. Deliberate practice principles that are pulled together from the studies of expertise and expert performance in a variety of professional fields, including cognitive sciences about how we learn, behavioral economics, aesthetic arts, social, counselling and clinical psychology and 3. Latest updates and relevant tips from the front-lines of psychotherapy research. -
Musings about cryptography, software, and technology -
Podcast radijske vsebine z Radia Študent.
Green Deal slovenščina
Eco side, the Mossy Earth Podcast, aims to empower and educate listeners on low impact living and nature restoration. Learn how to live more sustainably from like-minded people and get insights from the experts in the field of conservation, on the state of our natural world, and how to protect it. From a ranger’s point of view to a young couple raising an eco baby, meet the people on the front line, who share your concerns and are about to share their experiences. Brought to you by Mossy Earth, restoring wilderness through rewilding and reforestation projects across a variety of ecosystems around the globe.
Ever wanted to sit down with your favorite researcher or practitioner and chat about all the cool things they do? Well look no further than our Coffee Chat series! We’re traveling around to sit with some coffee and take a few minutes to discuss the awesome work happening in the field of violence against women and gaps in work that still exist.
Vabljeni k poslušanju podkasta, ki ga pripravljamo športni psihologi, člani Sekcije za psihologijo športa z namenom, da približamo športno psihologijo širši javnosti in vam, dragim poslušalcem predstavimo, kdo smo in kako izgleda naše delo. Vsak mesec se srečamo trije športni psihologi in razpravljamo o različnih športnopsiholoških vsebinah ter aktualnih tematikah s področja športa. Če bi nam kdo od poslušalcev želel postaviti kakšno vprašanje ali ima predlog za temo, nam naj piše na mail: [email protected] ali se nam oglasi na FB (Sekcija za psihologijo športa).