Join Jon Peacock, Co-Founding Pastor of Mission Church in the suburbs of Chicago as he engages in conversations on mental health, personal growth, race relations, marriage, church leadership, and more.
**The go-to podcast for Christian women who want to connect with God for greater purpose and direction in midlife **
Feeling a little lost?
Wonder if this is as good as it gets?
Want to really connect with God?
Wish you knew how to live out His purpose for you in this season?
I see you, Sister! Your heart’s desire for something MORE – that’s God calling! Hey, I’m Angie – a re-purposed by God in midlife spiritual growth mentor and biblical mental health coach.
I was busy achieving all the things, when one day I woke up in midlife – and it didn’t look at all like I expected! The death of my parents, caring for a disabled husband, financial and job changes, and the list goes on…can you relate? Even my own health –the insomnia and midlife mind-warp – ugh!… The whole thing felt like quicksand and I was stuck in the middle!
I finally realized my faith was too flimsy for all the STUFF midlife was throwing at me! I wanted more –not religion, but an absolutely authentic and life-transforming relationship with God. I longed for something more than I had known to this point. I knew Jesus had to be my true Source of fulfillment and power to move forward! It has been a journey -- but God pulled me out of the pit and put my feet on the path to a life of peace and RENEWED purpose—right here, in the middle!
In this podcast you’ll find real talk about the real challenges we face in this season, along with inspiration and practical biblical practices to realize MORE with God in mid-life. More of discerning God’s presence and voice, seeing his guidance in your every day. My mission is to encourage and equip you to surrender more and more to Jesus -- walking out your faith with peace and joy, confidently following His plan for your gifts in this messy middle season!
If you’re ready to discover the next steps God has for YOU, explore new ways to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus, and take away tactical tools to walk this journey in the middle with MORE of everything God wants for you in your life with Him – this podcast is for you!
So c’mon, grab your Bible, pop in those earbuds, and let’s talk!
Wanna connect?
[email protected] -
Faith & Feelings is a podcast designed to help you untangle & honor your emotions, authentically practice your faith, and integrate both into your everyday life so that you can experience the goodness & delight that comes from living in relationship with yourself, God, and others.
Join author and clinical counseling grad student Taylor Joy every Monday, where she’ll share therapeutic insight and spiritual truth aimed at helping you implement small shifts into your daily rhythms and routines.
When life gets hard, does what we think we believe hold us up, or does it crumble under the weight of doubt? I'm your host, Dr. Lee Warren- I'm a brain surgeon, author, and a person who's seen some stuff and wondered where God is in all this mess. This is The Spiritual Brain Surgery podcast, where we'll take a hard look at what we believe, why we believe it, and the neuroscience behind how our minds and our brains can smash together with faith to help us become healthier, feel better, and be happier so we can find the hope to withstand anything life throws at us. You've got questions, and we're going to do the hard work to find the answers, but you can't change your life until you change your mind, and it's gonna take some spiritual-brain surgery to get it done. So let's get after it.
The reality is, we’re already enlightened. It’s only as we face obstacles, stress and our own messiness that we start to forget it. This is a show about how to believe in yourself again, told by a community of Buddhists doing it every day, and changing the world along the way. Hosted by Cassidy Bradford, each week you’ll hear an honest conversation about real life and how to tap into your Buddhability. From relationships and dream jobs to lessons from psychology and activism, subscribe to Buddhability on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get podcasts so you never miss an episode. For more stories, tips on practicing SGI Nichiren Buddhism, and our newsletter, visit
How have you experienced healing in your life? What does healing mean to you? Where do you find healing? How do we talk about healing having lived through a global pandemic? What do we mean by Christian healing? The GoHealth Podcast explores these questions and more through the stories of lived experiences, generously shared. Gillian Straine, director of GoHealth, guides us through deep conversations about personal experiences of the many understandings of healing.
One card tarot readings, uniquely backed by original music. Created by artist Feiloka.Every episode will feature a beautiful soundtrack made especially for the tarot card being read. Each tarot card is read with trauma informed sensitivity (not psychology endorsed, lived experience only).Shared experiences may trigger some listeners. Always feel free to skip ahead to the solo music piece towards the end. The podcast is divided into two parts: 1) talking part, 2) solo music part. Visit for more info. -
Podcast ภายใต้โครงการฝึกใจให้แข็งแรงสู้ COVID-19 ที่ได้รับการสนับสนุนจากสสส. สำนักงานกองทุนสนับสนุนการสร้างเสริมสุขภาพ
Do any of these sound familiar?
I am always worn down.
I am anxious and depressed.
I don’t know how to take care of myself.
I feel in over my head.
I want a natural way to feel better.
My kids are always getting sick.
I can’t get everything done.
I wish I could get rid of feelings of inadequacy and toxic thoughts.
Do you want “health and wholeness” but have no idea where to start?
Welcome to The Well – Health and Wholeness Podcast. Where you will find a safe space for health and healing.
My name is Kari Davis. I'm a Christian life coach, holistic self care coach, essential oil educator, and young widow remarried to my soul mate, mom to 3, stepmom to 2, and founder of I have had feelings of overwhelm and anxiety much of my adult life from struggling with perfectionism, control, and overwhelm. My mission is to encourage you in natural wellness, soul care, and self-care!
You’re in the right place if you’re ready for stories of resilience, strategies to take better care of yourself, and discovering your forgotten dreams. You can live a beautiful, intentional life you love that you didn't even know was possible!
In this podcast you will find:
*Uncovering the root cause of your health and unhappiness
*How to get rid of toxic products and thoughts
*Natural holistic health solutions
*Positive self talk
*Essential oils for emotional and physical support
*How to set and maintain boundaries
*How to create a life you love and dream again remembering how loved you are by God!
In the Bible, the woman at the well went to the well for water, but when Jesus showed up with truth and healing she got living water! Grab your bucket and join me at the well, it’s time to refill, reset, and restore!
Connect :)
Join our FB community:
Email [email protected]
Schedule with me: for a connection call to see if coaching with Kari is a good fit for you! -
What does it mean to be a spiritual warrior? It's a phrase that gets a lot of mileage, but what does anyone actually mean when they use it? What does it mean to have "quests" in the modern era? What is my dharma, yours, and the dharma of others? How do we embody spiritual practices in every day life? What does it mean for martial artists or those who play literal warrior roles in society? How do all these fit together? What stories do we have to learn from, along these lines?
The Between Beauty & Heartache podcast is a safe place where host, Chassie Anders, unpacks the hard, messy, and heartbreaking parts of her own story. How do we hold the tension of the immaculate beauty and the overwhelming amount of heartache happening all around us? She doesn't have it all figured out, but she would love to explore those nuances with you.
This podcast is dedicated to everyone who has trouble relaxing and falling asleep at night. My hope and prayer is that you will find comfort and rest while listening to these incredible stories from the Bible--some well-known and some that might be new to you.
Instagram @bedtimebiblestoriesforadults
If you have been blessed by this podcast and would like to show your support with a one-time $1 donation, please go to -
Thầy Minh Niệm & Cộng đồng Thiền Chữa lành Miền Tỉnh Thức thực hiện dự án vì cộng đồng, hoàn toàn phi lợi nhuận.Đây là kênh chính thống và duy nhất của Thầy Minh Niệm do đội ngũ phụng sự quản lýQuý vị có thể chia sẻ cho bạn bè và người thân, nhưng nếu với mục đích khác thì phải xin phép trước. Hoàn toàn không được sao chép.-----------------------Các kênh phát sóng chính thức:- Facebook: YouTube: Apple Podcast: Spotify: Soundcloud:
Do you ever wonder what it means to live by God’s Word in practical every-day life? If so, then this is your podcast! As we live in the midst of a growing faith crisis, it is absolutely crucial that we build a foundation on the solid rock of Jesus Christ and His unchanging Word. In this podcast we will be digging deep into the Scriptures as we talk heart to heart about real life issues. I will also share stories, lifestyle tips, and lots of Biblical inspiration which I pray will help you build a firm foundation! So stick around and join me as we learn to live by every Word!
*ATTENTION ALL CHRISTIAN ENTREPRENEURS: Want to know the top tips, secrets, mysteries, values, and gems to live out your calling and purpose with God? Do you want more balance in your personal and professional life while creating more impact, happiness, and more time carrying out your God-Given Mission? Subscribe to The Kingdom Purpose Podcast with your coach, Austin Blanchfill, as he encourages, elevates, and equips you to like out a Kingdom Lifestyle.
Trinity High School Ministry Podcast - weekly sermons from Trinity HSM!
Weekly teachings from God's perspective.
Psychology in Everyday Life
Podcast สาระนานาประโยชน์ เช่นจิตวิทยา ปรัชญา ธรรมะ ฯลฯ และชวนคุยเรื่องปัญหาชีวิตในทุกแง่มุม ผสมผสานอย่างลงตัวด้วยความเชื่อที่ว่า 'ทุกปัญหาย่อมมีทางออกเสมอ'
Updated periodically, each podcast is a spirit filled, life changing message for all. Subscribe to the podcast to insure you don’t miss a single episode. Pastor Lao is Senior Pastor of New Hope International church. Ps. Varun graduated number one in his class from King Chulalongkorn Royal University's Medical school in Bangkok, Thailand. After practicing as a neurosurgeon and pastoring at a church in Central Thailand for 3 years, he came to the United States in 1988 to study at the University of Washington's School of Medicine where he became chief resident. At the same time, he felt called and compelled by God and encouraged to start a church in Seattle with only a few new converts. In the midst of beginning his medical practice in a new and foreign land, Pastor Varun stepped out in faith to start the church in the basement of his North Seattle home.