I denne podkasten snakker forfatteren av boken Digital Forretningsforståelse med gjester om ulike tematikker innen digitalisering.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Behind the Tech invites listeners to geek out with an amazing line-up of tech heroes, inventors and innovators. Microsoft CTO Kevin Scott takes tech enthusiasts behind-the-scenes to meet AI experts, computer scientists, authors, musicians, digital leaders, bioengineers and neuroscientists who have made discoveries, built tools, and literally helped make our modern world possible.
En podkast om fotografi med Erik Nordby.
Martin McGloin og Tommy Hagenes er lidenskapelig opptatt av å avmystifisere eiendomsteknologi og senke barrierer for å komme i gang med å utnytte IoT, sensorteknologi og de nye digitale verktøyene, samt måtene å utforske data om bygningene våre. Det er gjennom å samle inn mer data om bygningene våre, og presentere handlingsbar innsikt på en forståelig måte som vi gjør at vi kan oppfylle en visjon om mer bærekraftige og sunnere bygninger.
Vi tror de fleste som administrerer og driver kommersielle bygninger synes den teknologiske samtalen er for komplisert og forvirrende, og ser ofte ikke hvordan "gammel" teknologi kan brukes på nye måter for å skape verdi og muligheter (dvs. QR-koder og 3D-modeller). Vi vil avmystifisere fancy forkortelser og teknisk prat.
Ønsket med podcasten er å hjelpe mennesker med sterk profesjonell tilknytning til eiendommer og bygninger som vet at de må gjøre mer med teknologi, men er forvirret, usikker og søker å lære det siste innen eiendomsteknologi i Norge og i verden. -
Delft University of Technology on iTunes
Interviews with builders, creators and researchers at the cutting edge of AI to understand how it's going to change the way we live, work and play. -
Klimapod handler om formidling av klimaforskning. Prosjektet er støttet av Forskningsrådets program KLIMAFORSK. Det skal spilles inn totalt 12 klimapodder som skal gi tid til forklaringer og belyse ulike muligheter for å koble sammen forskning og muligheter. Målet er å spre klimaforskningen på en ny og innovativ måte til målgrupper som ikke jobber med klimaspørsmål til daglig. Prosjektet ledes av Miljøkom v/Mona Nilsen. I prosjektgruppen inngår seniorforsker Andreas Brekke, Østfoldforskning, og hållbarhetsekspert Jessica Cederberg Womar fra det svenske selskapet JCW Hållbar Kommunikation
This show is about the character of men rather than the trappings of manhood. We will discuss the challenges men face from day to day, relationships, and personal accountability. We will talk about the finer points of manhood, and what it means to be a man in these modern times. It is all designed to lead up to a decision; the decision to be a better man today, than we were yesterday.
Lær hvordan du organiserer bilder i Bridge, redigerer råformatbilder i Camera Raw og redigerer bilder i Photoshop CC, sammen med kursinstruktør Espen Faugstad.
Kurset er 1 time og 14 minutter langt, og omfatter alt du behøver for å kunne beherske grunnleggende bruk av Adobe Photoshop CC.
Vil du lære mer om Adobe Photoshop, besøk: -
Toolsday is a 20-ish-minute podcast hosted by Una Kravets & Chris Dhanaraj. Toolsday is about the latest in tech tools, tips, and tricks on Tuesdays at 2! (Our alliteration game is so strong).
Learn how to program using the Java programming language. This podcast will teach you step by step how to use the Java programming language to create your own applications or web applications! These Java tutorials are presented in plain English and explain all of the important Java programming concepts needed to excel in the field of software.
Hello and welcome to the Personalization Podcast, the show about understanding, planning, creating and analyzing personalized experiences.
Personalization sits at the intersection of technology and the humanities, encompassing subjects as diverse as data science and machine learning, several branches of psychology, organizational structure and management, big data challenges, and various other technical and non-technical subjects, and we cover it all here. -
Synthesizers. Listen as we talk about how they work, how to program them and the features that make them unique.
Matt Boettger from the Living the Real blog, offers a weekly “tuneup” or “kick in the pants” (however you want to look at it) in the areas of life, leisure, labor and love. Many blogs offer practical advice in a very specific area of life. Matt believes that if we are going to be an incredible father, mother, entrepreneur, et cetera, we need to examine our life as an integrated reality. Want to be better at you job? Then let’s look what your relationships with our spouse, kids, friends, employees as well. Matt gets to the core of what prevents us from being “successful,” offering concrete advice on how to rise above the mundane life to truly leave a legacy! Matt’s background in computer science shines through when he offers concrete tools on how to better automate our lives through technology so we can have more time to do that which matters most. Finally, Matt explores what prevents us from truly focusing on those important things in life, providing practical advice on how to overcome our fear of failure, and provide a plan to achieve greatness. Don’t want the next five year to be like the last five years? Subscribe now.
The PodTips podcast is a show that takes your questions about podcasting and answers them in 60 seconds. From there you can either take action straight away or carry on listening for further discussion, tips, tricks and additional help from some of the worlds biggest podcasters.
Each show will focus on a slightly different area of podcasting:
Some episodes will look at the technicalities of podcasting, with everything from getting started, to our favourite podcasting tools and right through to how to grow your audience.
Every show answers a question from YOU, the audience and supports the online podcasting Facebook community. To join 1000’s of podcasters helping each other free, go to:
The show is brought to you by Abrupt Audio, the podcast company. If you like what you hear and would like more help, go to for more podcasts, blogs and questionable vlogs. Plus you can get in touch to have us help you one-to-one.
The podcast is hosted by Chris Huskins and Ant McGinley, recorded in various places with various bits of kit.
So! Let’s not waste any more time, hit subscribe, hit listen, and enjoy!
PodTips Facebook Group:
Abrupt Audio:
The show is available on:
Apple Podcasts:
Google Play:
Youtube: -
SustainableJoes’ 2084 is a podcast about designing tomorrow, creating a sustainable future for all… told by the people building it today. In our episodes we will talk with entrepreneurs, idealists, innovators, academics, politicians & celebrities; will talk about the futures they stand to create, taking a behind the scenes look at the ups and the downs, the products, the plans, the failures and the successes. All told in their own words. If you’ve ever wanted an excuse to have hope for the future or wondered how you can make a difference - I invite you to join the journey of 2084…and together we will write a different story. Check out SustainableJoes' 2084 hosted by Stephen Szucs @viastephen. Follow the show @SustainableJoes.
The Official StackShare Podcast.
Discover how to use inbound marketing to drive more traffic to your website, convert traffic into leads, and nurture those leads into delighted customers. Each week in the Inbound Marketing Today podcast, we’ll discuss best practices of marketing your business online. We’ll interview leading industry experts. And we’ll take time to answer our listeners’ questions. If you’re a CEO or Marketing Director looking to take your company to the next level, be sure to subscribe to the Inbound Marketing Today podcast! Also find us on the web at
THE podcast for Microsoft developers. Jason Young and Carl Schweitzer talk about the latest in developer news covering topics such as the Azure cloud, Windows, Visual Studio, and cross-platform development using the Microsoft platform.