
  • “I just want to say, thank you for listening” -Heather Dressel

    Today I’m flying solo for the final episode of season 4.

    Please stay tuned for a new volume of Cauldron Sessions - exploring the witch wound this winter and season 5 of HEAR HER comes out this spring.
    Stay connected by joining our list HERE.
    Or copy + paste this link into your browser:

    Thank you so much for BEING here with me this season!

    This week I'm inviting you on a journey within, a journey to support you in reflecting over the past year, to hold you as you call up what is dying within, to create a space for you to lay it all down and release what you don’t want to carry into the months ahead.

    This Reflection/Release journey can be done anytime of year!


    Write about the reflection boat that carried you down the river.What past moments came up in the reflections on the water?What was it like to toss the stones in the river?What did you see, feel, hear or know when you came through the rebirth canal to the rainbow arch?What message did you receive from Spirit?

    If you’re longing for a safer space to play and explore with your intuitive gifts and connections AND want to be in community with intuitive heart centered women:

    JOIN US in the HEAR HER sisterhood! We’re waiting with open arms to hold you exactly where you are. CLICK HERE to learn more and join today.
    Or copy + paste this link in your browser:

    REMEMBER to Stay tuned for Volume 2 of Cauldron Sessions this winter AND season 5 of the HEAR HER podcast this spring!

    In the meantime let’s….STAY CONNECTED Join our email community to receive intuitive magic, healing offerings and links to our newest episodes every Friday.

    CLICK HERE for a free guided meditation designed to help you calm your nervous system in less than 10 minutes. Unable to click? Check out the link below...

    Once you've clicked 'confirm' in your email you're all signed up!
    You'll be the first to know about what's happening in Divinely Sensitive's little corner of the world.

    Loving the podcast? Please rate, review and share your favorite episode. xo

  • “How do we get out of our heads and into our hearts?” -Meghan Johnston

    Meghan Johnston is deeply passionate about creating spaces that support you in connecting to your heart and all the wisdom that lives within. Through her work as a life coach, podcast host, and restorative yoga teacher, she helps tender-hearted high achievers get out of their heads and into their hearts, so that they can live with more creativity, courage and compassion than they ever thought possible.


    our connection to nature, the seasons, the natural world and wintering in our personal livesThe loudness of the world, our conditioning and how hard it can be to stay connectedAll or nothing thinking, the stories about not having time and not knowing howCuriosity around do I need comfort or do I need courageTrying to do all the things and how it can take us away from ourselves



    Erin Trafford and SSN - https://erintrafford.com

    Rest is Resistance by Tricia Hersey. available on amazon

    Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert - https://www.elizabethgilbert.com/books/big-magic/


    Permission to Rest Meditation: meghanjohnston.com/gift

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/meghanljohnston/

    Podcast (With Heart And Wonder): https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/with-heart-and-wonder/id1494547972

    Website: meghanjohnston.com


    Longing for a safer space to play and explore with your intuitive gifts and divine connections? We invite you to JOIN US in the HEAR HER sisterhood. Together we are walking home to ourselves again and again and again. You don’t have to do it alone, bring your flame to the fire dear sister, we’re waiting to hold you exactly where you are.

    CLICK HERE or copy and paste the address below:

    LET’S stay CONNECTED: Join our email community to receive intuitive magic and links to our newest episodes every Friday. CLICK HERE to join and receive a free guided meditation designed to help you calm your nervous system in less than 10 minutes. Unable to click? Check out the link below...


    Loving the podcast? Please take a moment to rate, review and share your favorite episodes. This helps us spread the love and magic, far and wide. xo

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  • “Help me wash that crappy energy I just picked up down the drain. ” -Heather Dressel

    Today I’m flying solo and sharing one of my favorite simple yet potent ways to release unwanted and stagnant energy.


    *the healing properties of the element of water

    *a simple ritual you can weave into your daily life

    *how to set your intention to unlock the release energy magic

    GUIDED JOURNEY around the 9:30 minute mark join me for a journey within to play and explore in the sacred waters of your heart. Let’s release together.


    What did it feel like to lay in the sacred waters of your heart space?What message did you receive from the sacred waters of your heart space?Write about the creature you met in the sacred waters of your heart space?Was there something specific you released at the door?Write about the book you found in the boat.

    or copy + paste:

    Be seen, heard and held by a loving group of like-intentioned women.

    JOIN US in the HEAR HER sisterhood! We’re waiting with open arms to hold you exactly where you are. CLICK HERE to learn more and join today. Can’t click?

    Copy + paste: https://www.divinelysensitive.com/healing-offerings/discovery-call

    Questions? Email us [email protected]

    Join our email community to receive intuitive magic and links to our newest episodes every Friday.
    CLICK HERE for a free guided meditation designed to help you calm your nervous system in less than 10 minutes. Unable to click? Check out the link below...

    Once you've clicked 'confirm' in your email you're all signed up!
    You'll be the first to know about healing circles, new offerings, sales, episodes, intuitive messages, personal shares and more.

    LOVING THE PODCAST? Please rate, review and share your favorite episodes. xo

  • “My focus has always been on love.
    For me love is the way, it’s my core principal and what I live by” - Maria Saraphina

    Maria Saraphina is an International Spiritual Business Coach, Energy Alignment Method® (EAM®) Mentor, Catalyst & Facilitator with clients & customers on almost every continent of the world.

    Through 1:1 Sessions, membership and online courses she supports Soul driven, Heart based, Holistic Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Leaders and Business Owners with the expansion and growth of themselves, work and businesses always from a space of Love.

    She’s followed the Priestess Path, gone through her fair share of rude awakenings and dark nights of her soul to arrive at the place and space, within as without where she, today, cannot imagine not blending, weaving and merging the worlds of seen and unseen, spirituality with practicality and magic with the mundane.

    Maria Saraphina sees your purpose, vision, dreams and desires as if already real and no one works with her without it having a catalysing effect on themselves, their work or business.

    She has an innate ability to see the low hanging fruit ripe for harvest, connections as well as opportunities for expansion and growth personally or professionally which makes her clients return over and over again when they’re ready for their next level.

    *Choosing love over fear again and again
    *How it’s BS to always be in high vibrations and how there’s as much power in the lower vibrations, how to live in the duality
    *Thinking vs. tuning into your energy

    BONUS: 32:33 -energy alignment practice


    WEBSITE https://mariasaraphina.com

    INSTAGRAM | @xomariasaraphina https://mariasaraphina.com/insta

    YOUTUBE https://mariasaraphina.com/yt

    FACEBOOK https://mariasaraphina.com/fb

    LINKEDIN https://mariasaraphina.com/li


    5 WAYS TO EXPERIENCE LOVE INSTANTLY https://mariasaraphina.com/5wl

    DIVINE CLARITY & INSPIRED ACTION https://mariasaraphina.com/dcia

    JOIN US IN THE HEAR HER sisterhood
    Come play and explore with your intuitive gifts and divine connections.
    Be seen, heard and held...be witnessed, exactly where you are by a loving group of like-intentioned women. We're waiting for you with open arms.
    CLICK HERE to learn more and JOIN US!
    or copy + paste:


    Join our email community to receive intuitive magic and links to our newest episodes every Friday. CLICK HERE for a free guided meditation designed to help you calm your nervous system in less than 10 minutes. Unable to click? Check out the link below...


  • “My body tried to tell me so many times to slow down and let go, I didn’t listen. ”

    Today I’m flying solo and talking about the importance of moving emotions through your body AND I’m sharing a simple yet potent way to weave the energy of release into something you probably already do.

    *How energy/emotions get stuck in your body
    *How my experience with holding in emotions led to cancer
    *A simple yet potent way to start weaving the energy of release into your daily existence today
    *10 minute meditation to set an intention of release before you move your body

    GUIDED JOURNEY: 17:04 minute mark
    Join me for a walking journey to support you in setting the intention to let go of unwanted energy with every single step.


    How did it feel to pause, show gratitude and set an intention before moving your bodyWhat did you notice or become aware of on your walk/runHow did you feel at the end of your walk/runWhat came up when you stayed present

    JOIN US in the HEAR HER sisterhood! CLICK HERE to learn more and join us today. We want to to hold you exactly where you are. Can’t click? Copy and paste: https://www.divinelysensitive.com/healing-offerings/discovery-call

    Questions? Email us [email protected]

    Join our email community to receive intuitive magic and links to our newest episodes every Friday.

    CLICK HERE for a free guided meditation designed to help you calm your nervous system in less than 10 minutes. Unable to click? Check out the link below...

    Once you've clicked 'confirm' in your email you're all signed up!
    You'll be the first to know about healing circles, new offerings, sales, episodes, intuitive messages, personal shares and more.

    LOVING THE PODCAST? Please rate, review and share your favorite episodes. xo

  • "Come, come sweet Beings, come." -The Grandmothers

    Today we’re doing something totally NEW on the podcast, it’s our first “roundtable”. I’m being joined by 3 intuitive wise women who call themselves the Triangle of Creation.

    Join us for an intuitive healing circle where we journey into the spirit world to play and explore with the present energies. Come receive, be held and learn tangible ways to continue creating this space for yourself. You’re in for a real treat!

    Dee Montie is a spiritual mentor and medicine woman. She can help connect you to your intuition.

    Emma is a multi-passionate, multi-hyphenate, who weaves her spiritual work with her interests in film, writing, art, music, food, folklore, magic, astrology, personal development, travel and more.

    Alicia Wood is mindset coach, intuitive healer and spiritual guide. She also hosts “The Fuel Your Fire Podcast”.


    Dee Montie: www.deemontie.com
    Free guide to Activate Your Intuition: https://deemontie.com/freeguide/
    IG - https://www.instagram.com/deemontie
    FB - https://www.facebook.com/Eternalwisdomandhealing
    10-days of self-healing: https://deemontie.com/shamanic-healing/#10-days

    Emma Keyhaus
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/frequency_forest/
    Experience a 1:1 Session with Emma: https://calendly.com/frequencyforest/121-session-with-emma
    Read Emma's weekly Substack newsletter at: https://thefoxtrails.substack.com/

    Alicia Wood
    Book a 30 minute 1:1 Intuition call https://calendly.com/aliciawood/30-minute-intuition-session-1-x-only
    Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-fuel-your-fire-podcast-with-alicia-wood/id1531009773
    Instagram: @alicia.rose.wood https://www.instagram.com/alicia.rose.wood/

    BONUS: at the 43:54 minute mark Dee shares a simple yet potent 5 day invitation to create your own cozy corner of non - doing.

    Share your journey on the HEAR HER facebook page:

    Join us in the HEAR HER sisterhood today!

    Join our email community to receive love, wisdom links to our newest episodes every Friday. CLICK HERE for a free guided meditation designed to help you calm your nervous system in less than 10 minutes. Unable to click? Check out the link below...


    Loving the podcast? Please rate, review and share your favorite episodes!

  • “The patriarch has been keeping us from our inner fires for too long. Sister, bring your flame to the fire and rise with us! You don’t have to do this alone. We are waiting to hold you exactly where you are. ” -Heather Dressel

    Today I’m flying solo and we’re going to explore a question that’s dear to my heart.



    *Feeling overwhelmed, disconnected and alone

    *Why sisterhood might be the medicine you need

    *An invitation to join us in the sisterhood

    JOIN US THIS NOVEMBER and receive a BONUS!!!
    A free Oracle Card Ceremony with Heather, in your honor.

    GUIDED JOURNEY: around the 11:00 minute mark, join me as we journey to a beautiful temple, just past a stunning a meadow, where you’ll be welcomed and held by sisters and sit together as you deepen into the question HOW ARE YOU, REALLY? Receive messages, medicine and magic from intuition and spirit.


    What do you notice in the meadowHow does it feel to walk into the templeHow does it feel to be held in sisterhoodWhat object was on your pillow?How do you want to feel? What seed are you planting?


    Sarah Jenks - https://sarahjenks.com

    The millionth circle by Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen


    Women, If you are feeling alone on this spiral healing journey…

    If you are aching for a community of intuitive heart-centered women,

    Join us in the HEAR HER sisterhood. We are gathering the women. I have longed to co-create a magical loving space like this for years and it’s finally happening. Sister, this is your invitation to become a HEAR HER sister, to get in at the ground while it’s intimate and seeds are being planted, as the roots are growing deep into the earth and come play and weave magic with us.

    unable to click the link above? Copy and past the address below:
    Have questions? Email us at [email protected]


    Join our email community to receive intuitive healing love, links to our newest episodes and sacred offerings, every Friday.
    CLICK HERE for a free guided meditation designed to help you calm your nervous system in less than 10 minutes. Unable to click? Check out the link below...

    Once you've clicked 'confirm' in your email you're all signed up!
    You'll be the first to know about healing circles, new offerings, sales, episodes, intuitive messages, personal shares and more.

    Loving the podcast? Please rate, review and share. xo

    Ways to work with me: PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] to find out what offerings are currently available.

  • It's not what I do, it's how I allow myself to BE that makes the biggest impact in the world." - Jules Hare

    Jules Hare is a playfully wise Intuitive Mentor and Embodied Leadership Coach. A natural born ‘Inner Intimacy Artist, Jules has an amazing ability to awaken you to your own inner gifts and unique abilities, by facilitating a new and powerful friendship between your mind, body and soul. With over 30 years experience as a Cranial Sacral Therapist, she’s spent over 30,000 hours mastering her unique craft. Making her a powerful catalyst to help you illuminate your way out of ‘stuck’, help you re-member your divine purpose, and assist you to embody the soul mission you came here for.

    *Growing up around energy medicine and helping kids in this generation normalize what they are experiencing
    *Embodiment is a big buzzword, so what does it really mean? Jules explains it beautifully
    *Working with someone that is feeling completely out of their body
    *Tuning into the body and trusting what’s coming up from the body even when it doesn’t make sense to the brain
    *The power of play and psychedelics and how it helps us get in the body

    BONUS: 30:26 -Jules shares the first step to getting into your body and heart space, psst…it’s super simple and you might already do it!


    Episode 27: W.I.T.C.H with Jessica Brannen

    Cauldron Sessions with Jessica Brannen-TRAILER (find all 4 episodes where you listen to the HEAR HER podcast

    Gabor Mate: https://drgabormate.com

    Dick Shwarts - https://ifs-institute.com/about-us/richard-c-schwartz-phd



    Facebook: @JULES HARE SHARES

    Instagram: @JULES HARE SHARES

    Linked In https://www.linkedin.com/in/jules-hare-5259a820

    FREE GIFT LINK https://raisefutureleaders.com

    JOIN THE HEAR HER sisterhood:
    CLICK HERE to learn more and join us! We're waiting with open arms to hold you exactly where you are.
    Not able to click? Copy + Paste this link:

    Join our email community to receive intuitive magic and links to our newest episodes every Friday. CLICK HERE for a free guided meditation designed to help you calm your nervous system in less than 10 minutes. Unable to click? Check out the link below...

    Once you click the confirmation link in your email inbox you'll receive your meditation and be all signed up!

  • "The key to unlock all the magic is setting your intention"
    - Heather Dressel

    Today I’m flying solo and sharing one of my favorite simple yet potent release rituals. This ritual is potent any time you feel called to it. Super charge its power under a full moon.

    For this Ritual You’ll need:


    *piece of paper


    *cauldron or fire-safe pot

    In this episode you’ll learn how to create this ritual for yourself, with friends or family. Go deeper with the bonus step at the end.

    Join me at the Full Moon Release Fire in a GUIDED JOURNEY around the 9:44 minute mark. Receive medicine, messages, and gifts from your intuition and spirit.


    Did you see any animal spirits in the forest?How did it feel to call up the dying energy from within?What did you notice about the fire?What gift did you receive?What was your experience with the phoenix?

    STAY CONNECTED - Join our email family to receive intuitive magic, offerings and links to our newest episodes every Friday.
    CLICK HERE for a free guided meditation designed to help you calm your nervous system in less than 10 minutes. Unable to click? Check out the link below...

    Once you've clicked 'confirm' in your email you're all signed up!
    You'll be the first to know about healing circles, new offerings, sales, episodes, intuitive messages, personal shares and more.

    JOIN us in the HEAR HER sisterhood.
    Have questions? Email [email protected]

    INSTAGRAM: Join me on this spiral healing journey: @divinelysensitive

    CLICK HERE -learn different ways to play/work with me

    If you loved this episode, please take a moment to scroll down, click those stars, write us a review and share. Thank you, love. xo

  • “We want to empower you to become your own healer.”
    -Krystle McKenna

    BIO: Krystle is a Chemical Engineer who boarded the woo bus 3 years ago at a time of crisis in her life. As a result she has found ease, flow and peace in a world where many women are trying to fit in a world with overly masculine energy.She has been trained in shamanic practices, has her Reiki Level 1&2 and is now using her gifts to empower other women to learn how to use their intuition and connection to Spirit to heal and balance their divine feminine with the divine masculine to find more ease and flow in their own lives.

    *What is a Reflector in human design
    *Coping mechanisms and life before trusting spirit and intuition
    *Protecting and Releasing energy
    *Shamanic journey and Spirit Guides

    *50:12-52:40: learn ways to center and ground yourself so that you can connect within
    *59:42- 1:03: How Krystle quiet's the chaos so that you can HEAR HER

    Dee Montie: www.deemontie.com
    Human Design: Listen to Ep. 29 of the HEAR HER podcast with Dawn Sinclair
    Book: Earth Magic by Steven D. Farmer

    Mailing list: https://subscribepage.io/xNk9Jz
    Instagram: @relfective.spirit
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093708937653

    JOIN OUR EMAIL FAMILY: Receive intuitive magic, new offerings, invitations to events, links to our newest episodes every Friday. CLICK HERE for a free guided meditation designed to help you calm your nervous system in less than 10 minutes. Unable to click? Check out the link below...https://artisanal-teacher-5816.ck.page/bc6cd2d08c

    HEAR HER sisterhood - JOIN US TODAY!
    We're waiting for you with open arms! Come play and explore with us. It's time to find your home to YOU!
    CLICK HERE to sign up or copy and paste the link below:

    Loving the podcast?
    Please scroll down, click those stars, write a review and share your favorite episode! This is the best way to help us spread the magic.

  • “YOU have the power to SLOW DOWN and create a sacred moment for yourself."
    -Heather Dressel

    Today I’m flying solo and sharing one of my most beloved release rituals.


    *A vulnerable story about our trip to California

    *Choosing love over fear

    *How easy it is to forget to honor the present moment and SLOW DOWN

    *A simple yet potent ritual you can do anytime you shower or bathe to help you let go

    Around the 14:55 mark learn a chant inspired by spiritual mentor Rebecca Campbell

    Around the 23:39 mark join me for a journey within to the realm of your soul for a sacred shower to release unwanted, stagnant energy and receive a message from your soul.


    *What was your experience opening the doors and walking through your heart space?

    *How did you feel when you approached the shower in nature?

    *What did you receive from the sacred pool?

    *What did you receive from the sacred shower?

    *Episode 11 of the HEAR HER podcast masculine + feminine energy
    *Esalen Institute - https://www.esalen.org/
    *Rebecca Campbell- https://rebeccacampbell.me

    How did you like the episode?
    Email me [email protected]
    DM on Instagram @divinelysensitive
    Share your experience or ask questions on the HEAR HER facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/hearherpodcast/

    Join our email community to receive intuitive magic and links to our newest episodes every Friday. CLICK HERE for a free guided meditation designed to help you calm your nervous system in less than 10 minutes. Unable to click? Check out this link https://artisanal-teacher-5816.ck.page/bc6cd2d08c

    JOIN the HEAR HER sisterhood -

    Every month a new energy emerges and we play and explore with our intuition and divine connections. If you love guided journey, oracle cards and want to learn simple yet potent healing practices, all while being held in a loving sisterhood…THIS IS FOR YOU! Questions? Email us [email protected]

    RELEASE healing group:
    Wanna learn more about this intimate women's healing group opening 10/20/23 or get on the waiting list for next year? Email us [email protected]

    Thank you so much for tuning in! Take a moment to rate, review and share the show to help us spread the magic.

  • Trigger Warning: Elise shares about her journey with living in a larger body, disordered eating and intuition as protection. If this feels triggering for you, please allow yourself to pause the recording and enjoy another episode of the podcast.

    “Trauma is what happens in our body, it’s not the event” -Elise Besler

    Elise Besler coaches her clients to understand themselves at their deepest level, so they can use their voices to be the change they want to see in the world. Not only is Elise an Embodied Voice and Life and Leadership Coach, she’s also an award winning singer songwriter and active performer.

    Elise has devoted the last 22 years to studying the nervous system, vocal function and embodiment to develop a coaching methodology that helps fellow coaches, folks in leadership, artists and entrepreneurs to embody their most confident selves and show up with Bold Presence. When Elise isn’t coaching her fabulous clients, she can be seen at the ocean’s edge, cuddling with her senior rescue pup Ellie, or sipping a crisp glass of Cali Chardonnay!


    *Opening yourself to feeling safe with your emotions and making space for them

    *Creating capacity for yourself during triggered moments

    *Rewiring the nervous system to help you show up by expanding capacity

    *How the patriarch has hurt ALL people in feeling safe in their emotions





    Becky Keen- https://beckykeen.com

    Book - Anchored by Deb Dana-(Elise's Coach) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1683647068/ref=ewc_pr_img_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1

    Stephen Porges- https://www.stephenporges.com


    Join our email community to receive intuitive magic and links to our newest episodes every Friday. CLICK HERE for a free guided meditation designed to help you calm your nervous system in less than 10 minutes. Unable to click? Check out the link below...


    JOIN the HEAR HER sisterhood -

    Every month a new energy emerges and we play and explore with our intuition and divine connections. If you love guided journey, oracle cards and want to learn simple yet potent healing practices, all while being held in a loving sisterhood…THIS IS FOR YOU! Questions? Email us [email protected]

    RELEASE healing group:
    Wanna learn more about this intimate women's healing group or get on the waiting list for next year? Email us [email protected]

    Thank you so much for tuning in! Take a moment to rate, review and share the show to help us spread the magic.

  • Today I'm flying solo.

    Tune in for a simple yet potent night time ritual to help you release unwanted energy from your day. It doesn't take a lot of time and you can weave into what you're already doing at night.

    In this episode:
    *a glimpse into my nightly ritual
    *energy to let go of at the end of the day
    *releasing with water

    Join me for a journey within around the 14:45 mark. Receive messages, medicine and magic from your intuition around how you can release energy your don't need to carry.

    How did it feel to cast roots into the ground and connect to earth energy?
    What do you need at the end of your day to let go of the energy you no longer need?
    How did you receive the messages from Spirit and Intuition?

    STAY CONNECTED: Join our email community to receive intuitive magic and links to our newest episodes every Friday.

    CLICK HERE for a free guided meditation designed to help you calm your nervous system in less than 10 minutes. Unable to click? Check out the link below...

    Once you've clicked 'confirm' in your email you're all signed up!
    You'll be the first to know about healing circles, new offerings, sales, episodes, intuitive messages, personal shares and more.


    Join us in the HEAR HER sisterhood.
    We're ready to welcome you with open arms! Let's walk the spiral healing path together. You'll receive:

    Monthly guided journeys, oracle card readings and a healing practice. Plus a private facebook group to connect with your sisters, play and explore with your intuitive connections AND receive weekly magic from Heather. We also meet for 4 live seasonal healing sessions throughout the year.

    CLICK HERE to learn more and sign up today
    or copy and paste this link in your browser...

    RELEASE - come home to YOU!
    This is currently the most intimate healing group I host ALL YEAR.

    Join me for a 13-week journey within to call up what needs to be released and learn how to weave the energy of letting go into your daily existence. Lay it all down in an intimate loving sisterhood and allow for playful exploration into the temples of 5 goddess archetypes, that can support you on your spiral realizing journey.

    Wanna create energetic space for the new year? This is for you!
    SPACES are LIMITED to keep this experience intimate.
    Email me today if you're interested [email protected]


    This offering transpires over the free video chat app, Marco Polo.
    You'll receive a message from me to get the ball rolling. We talk back and forth about what you’d like guidance on. I set up an altar and create ceremony in honor of you and the guidance you seek. You watch the ceremony and receive the messages. You’ll have access to me for 5 days on Marco Polo as you process and digest your messages.

    INTERESTED? Email me to get started at [email protected]

    Interested in working in a 1:1 session with Heather?
    Email [email protected] to set up your free 20-minute discovery call today!
    Limited availability.

  • "We have to take care of our energy." -Corilee Fox

    Corilee’s spiritual and self healing journey began 20 years ago while working in the corporate world. Now she is the CEO of Up And To The Right where she works as an Intuitive Coach, Soul Reader using the Akashic Records and Business Mentor.

    In this episode:

    *Letting go and surrendering

    *Working with your inner child

    *Giving away your energy


    Around the 36:10 mark Corilee shares her favorite release and grounding practices.

    CONNECT with Corilee:
    Freebie: guided meditation on "How To Manage Your Emotions": www.upandtotheright.ca

    website: www.upandtotheright.ca

    Online Course: “Develop & Deepen Your Intuition”

    TikTok: @corileeupandtotheright

    Instagram: @_upandtotheright_

    *Jasmin MacKinnon - https://www.jasminmackinnon.com/work-with-jasmin
    Meet Jasmin in episode 41 of the HEAR HER podcast

    WORK with HEATHER:

    *RELEASE healing group - an intimate group of women learning to weave the energy of letting go into your daily existence. Want to know more and see if this is a great fit for you? Email Heather today at [email protected]... Space is limited!

    *Join the HEAR HER sisterhood TODAY!
    Monthly content to support your intuitive practice, a supportive sisterhood and so much more!
    Click the link below for all the juicy details and sign up https://www.divinelysensitive.com/healing-offerings/discovery-call

    *1:1 Healing sessions IN PERSON. Take a deeper dive into connecting with your intuition and Spirit. Through sacred feminine ceremony and rituals BE with your emotions, embrace your intuitive connections and let go of what's no longer serving your highest good. Learn more email Heather [email protected] to set up a discovery call today.

    *Oracle Ceremony: Receive a personal 3 card reading based on guidance your seeking. The reading takes place online. This is a beautiful way to play and explore with your intuition. WANT A READING? Email Heather today [email protected]

    Join our email community to receive intuitive magic and links to our newest episodes every Friday. CLICK HERE for a free guided meditation designed to help you calm your nervous system in less than 10 minutes. Unable to click? Check out the link below...

  • I’m kicking off season 4 with a solo episode and I’m SO excited to BE here with YOU!

    In this episode:

    *an overview of season 4

    *how to work with me now

    *why an entire season devoted to the energy of Release


    Join me around the 12:27 mark to receive a message from intuition and Spirit about the energy of Release within you..


    What does the door look like?

    What messages did you receive about release?

    What gift did Spirit leave at the door?

    DON'T MISS ANY OF THE MAGIC - Join our email community to receive intuitive magic, links to our newest episodes every Friday and be the first to know about offerings and programs. All you have to do is....

    CLICK HERE for a free guided meditation designed to help you calm your nervous system in less than 10 minutes. Unable to click? Check out the link below...

    Once you've clicked 'confirm' in the email you receive from us, you're all signed up!
    You'll be the first to know about healing circles, new offerings, sales, episodes, intuitive messages, personal shares and more.


    Join me on Instagram: @divinelysensitive

    WAYS TO WORK WITH ME in 2023:

    HEAR HER sisterhood:

    We're ready to welcome you with open arms to play and explore with the magic that's within YOU! Let's walk the spiral healing path together. Join us today!
    CLICK HERE to learn more and sign up today
    or copy and paste this link in your browser...


    This offering transpires over the free video chat app, Marco Polo.
    You'll receive a message from me to get the ball rolling. We talk back and forth about what you’d like guidance on. I set up an altar and create ceremony in honor of you and the guidance you seek. You watch the ceremony and receive the messages. You’ll have access to me for 5 days on Marco Polo as you process and digest your messages.

    INTERESTED? Email me for more details [email protected]


    This is currently the most intimate healing group I host ALL YEAR. You take a deep dive into learning to weave the energy of release into your daily existence with a loving sisterhood that will hold you as you lay it all down and allow playful exploration into the temples of 5 goddess archetypes that can support you in your great release.

    Wanna create energetic space for the new year? This is for you! Be witnessed and held in this 15 week journey home to self.
    SPACES are LIMITED to keep this experience intimate.
    Email me today if you're interested [email protected]

    1:1 sessions in Luna Garden - 5 spots available

    Your healing session may include: a walk through the trails to connect with nature and share your story with me, breath work, energetic cleansing, reiki, guided journey, oracle card readings, elemental rituals, sound healing and more. It's like a spa treatment for the soul. Email me today for more details and to book your session.

    Women's Retreat @ Luna Garden in Crozet, VA

    Saturday, October 14th from 3-8pm ET you're invited to spend the day in Luna Garden On the New Moon. Space is limited.
    Email us for more information: [email protected]

  • Season 4 of the HEAR HER podcast is coming soon!

    Here's your invitation to join our mailing list so you don't miss any of the magic!
    Click the link below or copy and paste into your browser.

    Once you've signed up, you'll receive a beautiful 15 minutes guided journey to support you in letting go of unwanted energy, a gift from my heart to yours.

    Have questions?
    Want me to be a guest on your podcast or in your community space?
    Wanna be on the podcast?
    EMAIL ME: [email protected]

  • Join us for the final episode of Cauldron Sessions, volume 1. It's time to play and explore with YOUR inner cauldron...


    Playing and exploring with your womb space and accessing the wisdom withinThe pelvic bowl area and why it’s so important to intentionally open up this space to gain access to the power, creativity and wisdom that lives insideCreating the space and time to play and explore with your inner cauldron, leading you to trust yourself and the universeSimple yet potent practices to help you open your womb space

    Around the 28:39 mark join us for a Guided Journey within to explore and play with your inner cauldron

    Dee Montie: our spiritual mentor
    connect with her magic at www.deemontie.com


    Heather Dressel is the founding mother of Divinely Sensitive and guide-ess of the HEAR HER podcast. As an Energy Doula, she creates a safe sacred space for women to sit with their emotions, embrace their intuition and release what they don’t need to carry.

    You’ll feel seen, heard and held as she walks you home to your inner goddess. Through guided journeys, healing groups and the HEAR HER sisterhood, she invites you to play and explore with your intuition and connection to the spiritual and natural world.

    Let's connect:
    [email protected]
    Instagram: @divinelysensitive
    Join the HEAR HER sisterhood:

    JESSICA BRANNEN is an artist, writer, comedian, and women’s circle facilitator living in Nova Scotia, Canada.

    The red thread running through all of her work is the reclamation of the wild divine feminine energy. She is a passionate mentor for the healing of sisterhood wounds and the witch wound.

    She has fine-tuned her ability to read the compass of her body, and follows its paths of intuition, pleasure, and wild, joyful creativity, wherever it leads her.

    Let's connect:
    Instagram: @notabittamed
    You Tube Channel: Not a bit tamed
    email: [email protected]

    This concludes volume 1 of Cauldron sessions. Please tune in for new episodes of the HEAR HER podcast starting in September. Cauldron Sessions will be back in the winter of 2024 for volume 2. Thanks for listening!

    With gratitude in our hearts we ask you to
    Please consider supporting us:

    scroll down click those stars to rate the showwrite us a reviewshare this episode with a friend

    CLICK HERE to make donations to keep our passion project going. Help us continue to co-create sacred feminine magic and love to share with the world.
    If the link doesn't work, please copy and paste the link below into your browser:

  • "If we allow ourselves to access JOY it can really help us survive the difficult circumstances that we’re in and there is so much beauty in that." Jessica Brannen

    Today we’re throwing JOY into the inner cauldron...
    Inviting you to:
    Close your eyes and bring awareness to your womb space, the sacral chakra, the seat of your feminine power…your inner cauldron and breathe. If you feel called, place one hand on your heart and the other on your womb.

    Intuitively throw in the ingredient JOYUsing all of your senses, notice what is rising Leave shame and judgment behind

    Surrender and Allow what's rising AND join us because you’re not alone!


    How hard it can be to fully allow and feel joyThe importance of knowing what brings you joy and why it can be so hard to let yourself take time to dream about itHow we share energy which makes it so important to feel your joy so the people around you can feel it too and how we can be inspired and saved by the joy of othersHow moving your body can invoke joy in your darkest momentsThe polarities of being human - feeling joy in times of deep grief


    Tune in to learn simple yet potent tools and practices to help you release what’s blocking your joy, so that you can fully embrace and feel the light around you and within you.


    Pussy a Reclamation - by Regina Thomashauer https://www.hayhouse.com/pussy-paperbackSwamping practice from the book


    HEATHER DRESSEL is the founding mother of Divinely Sensitive and guide-ess of the HEAR HER podcast. As an Energy Doula, she creates a safe sacred space for women to sit with their emotions, embrace their intuition and release what they don’t need to carry. You’ll feel seen, heard and held as she walks you home to your inner goddess. Through guided journeys, healing groups and the HEAR HER sisterhood, she invites you to play and explore with your intuition and connection to the spiritual and natural world.

    Let's connect:
    [email protected]
    Instagram: @divinelysensitive
    Join the HEAR HER sisterhood:

    JESSICA BRANNEN is an artist, writer, comedian, and women’s circle facilitator living in Nova Scotia, Canada. The red thread running through all of her work is the reclamation of the wild divine feminine energy. She is a passionate mentor for the healing of sisterhood wounds and the witch wound.She has fine-tuned her ability to read the compass of her body, and follows its paths of intuition, pleasure, and wild, joyful creativity, wherever it leads her.

    Let's connect:
    Instagram: @notabittamed
    You Tube Channel: Not a bit tamed
    email: [email protected]

    With gratitude in our hearts we ask you to
    Please consider supporting us:

    scroll down click those stars to rate the showwrite us a reviewshare this episode with a friend

    CLICK HERE to make donations to keeping our passion project going. Help us continue to co-create sacred feminine magic and love to share with the world.
    If the link doesn't work, please copy and paste the link below into your browser:

  • "Is there such a thing as too much pleasure? " Heather Dressel
    "There's actually a great power in pleasure." Jessica Brannen

    Today we’re throwing “PLEASURE” into the inner cauldron...

    Invitation to:
    Close your eyes and bring awareness to your womb space, the sacral chakra, the seat of your feminine power, your inner cauldron and breathe. If you feel called, place one hand on your heart and the other on your womb.

    Intuitively throw in the ingredient of “PLEASURE”Using all of your senses notice what is rising Leave shame and judgment behindSurrender and Allow what’s rising

    AND join us because you’re not alone!


    How feeling pleasure can evoke feelings of shameInternalized patriarchy and the idea of having to earn your pleasureHow most people don’t even know what pleasure means for them, it’s different for all of usThe power that lives in the energy of pleasure


    Around the 34:27 mark Heather shares a practice she learned from one of her clients to help you Discover and FEEL pleasure.


    Erotic Alchemy: the pleasure workshop Jessica shares about can be found at https://www.templeofthefeminine.com

    Find the facilitator Amy on instagram @templeofthefeminine


    Heather Dressel is the founding mother of Divinely Sensitive and guide-ess of the HEAR HER podcast. As an Energy Doula, she creates a safe sacred space for women to sit with their emotions, embrace their intuition and release what they don’t need to carry. You’ll feel seen, heard and held as she walks you home to your inner goddess. Through guided journeys, healing groups and the HEAR HER sisterhood, she invites you to play and explore with your intuition and connection to the spiritual and natural world.

    Let's connect:
    Website: www.divinelysensitive.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Instagram: @divinelysensitive
    Join the HEAR HER sisterhood:

    JESSICA BRANNEN is an artist, writer, comedian, and women’s circle facilitator living in Nova Scotia, Canada. The red thread running through all of her work is the reclamation of the wild divine feminine energy. She is a passionate mentor for the healing of sisterhood wounds and the witch wound.She has fine-tuned her ability to read the compass of her body, and follows its paths of intuition, pleasure, and wild, joyful creativity, wherever it leads her.

    Let's connect:
    Instagram: @notabittamed
    You Tube Channel: Not a bit tamed
    Email: [email protected]

    Join us next Friday for part 3 of this 4 part mini-series where we'll throw JOY into our inner cauldrons.

    With gratitude in our hearts we ask you to
    Please consider supporting us:

    scroll down click those stars to rate the showwrite us a reviewshare this episode with a friend

    CLICK HERE to make donations to keeping our passion project going. Help us continue to co-create sacred feminine magic and love to share with the world.
    If the link doesn't work, please copy and paste the link below into your browser:

  • “This isn’t about what you look like, it’s about what you FEEL like.” -Heather Dressel

    Welcome to Cauldron Sessions, my pretties!

    So excited to bring you the very first episode of our new mini-series that will air in-between seasons of the HEAR HER podcast.

    Today we’re tossing “being in your body” into the inner cauldron...

    Inviting you to:
    Close your eyes and bring awareness to your womb space, your sacral chakra, the seat of your feminine power, your inner cauldron, AND breathe. If you feel called, place one hand on your heart and the other on your womb...

    Intuitively throw in the ingredient “being in your body”. Using ALL your senses, notice what's rising Leave shame and judgment behind, welcome in awarenessSurrender and Allow what’s rising

    Whatever came up...please join us because you’re not alone, sister!


    why it’s so difficult to BE in your body and FEEL your emotions and how deeply rooted body shame is for womenhealing body shame on your own AND the potency of healing with other womenour vulnerable stories about our own bodies and how society and the media make us all feel unworthy


    BONUS: Around the 29:48 mark, Jessica shares a simple yet potent practice to help you drop into your body.


    Heather Dressel is the founding mother of Divinely Sensitive and guide-ess of the HEAR HER podcast.

    As an Energy Doula, she creates a safe sacred space for women to sit with their emotions, embrace their intuition and release what they don’t need to carry.

    You’ll feel seen, heard and held as she walks you home to your inner goddess.

    Through guided journeys, healing groups and the HEAR HER sisterhood, she invites you to play and explore with your intuition and connection to the spiritual and natural world.

    [email protected]
    Instagram: @divinelysensitive
    Join the HEAR HER sisterhood:

    JESSICA BRANNEN is an artist, writer, comedian, and women’s circle facilitator living in Nova Scotia, Canada.

    The red thread running through all of her work is the reclamation of the wild divine feminine energy.

    She is a passionate mentor for the healing of sisterhood wounds and the witch wound.

    She has fine-tuned her ability to read the compass of her body, and follows its paths of intuition, pleasure, and wild, joyful creativity, wherever it leads her.

    Instagram: @notabittamed
    You Tube Channel: Not a bit tamed
    [email protected]

    Join us next Friday for part 2 of this 4 part mini-series where we'll toss PLEASURE into our inner cauldrons and see what's brewing.

    Please consider supporting us:

    scroll down click those stars to rate the showwrite us a reviewshare this episode with a friend

    CLICK HERE to make donations to keeping our passion project going. Help us continue to co-create sacred feminine magic and love to share with the world.
    If the link doesn't work, please copy and paste the link below into your browser: