
  • Is Grief a Witness to Love?

    As we view our world today, it's obvious that millions of people are experiencing grief of one kind or another. From the loss of loved ones to wars taking a toll on whole populations and our children. The number of those who face life-threatening diseases and natural disasters has never been higher. It's overwhelming our mental and emotional bodies.

    So how do we deal with our grief? Does it serve a purpose besides creating discomfort, and so much fear that one may ask, "Will we survive this?"

    In this episode, I share a personal experience with grief, and what its message is to me today. I share it to assist in healing your heart and moving into grace.

    Because until we can make our life's transitions more transformative, we can't heal. And until we heal our wounds, we cannot be present for others. It's this presence that love uses in every situation and life, to open our hearts and bring us forward in consciousness.

    Music by Robin Miller
    CD In The Company of Angels
    Sands of Time
    Dawns Passing
    Lullaby to Lois

    Native Jewelry of Sedona
    Largest selection of authentic Native American jewelry in Arizona
    Facebook: Native Jewelry of Sedona
    Located in Uptown Sedona

    The Copper Heart Art for Heart Sense
    Artist Catherine Stefanavage
    Website: iamcatherine.com
    Email: [email protected]

    A huge Thank You to all our Sponsors!
    And the Musicians who have provided original music for Heart Sense! Please go to their websites listed in the episode's Show Notes to purchase their music.

    If interested in the Heart Sense FB group, signing up for private podcasts and events, music concerts with featured musicians, or our monthly newsletter for members -- please email Riverann.

    Contact: [email protected] or
    text me in the U.S. @ 928-451-3646

  • Do you have any idea how powerful you are? The spiritual masters like Jesus, Buda, the Dalai Lama, Rumi… have all echoed the same teachings. That love is the only thing that creates a transformation of light in our world.

    However, humans continue to repeat endless cycles of violence in an attempt to have power over everything. And, we may be closer to losing it all. If we refuse to remember who we really are, and where true power comes from.

    In this episode we explore the attraction between energy and thoughts. These two elements interacting show us where we are in our evolution. And how each of us participate whether consciously or not, in creating what we’re witnessing in our personal and outer world.

    This episode is also a call to action that could empower you to make monumental changes; that could affect you and everyone on the planet. I encourage you to take this journey with me, and share it with others who are longing for what’s possible.

    Music by: Marshall Styler
    CD - Bluefields
    Songs: Blue Rain
    Road to Wimberly
    [email protected]

    Native Jewelry of Sedona
    Largest selection of authentic Native American jewelry in Arizona
    Facebook: Native Jewelry of Sedona

    The Copper Heart Art for Heart Sense
    Artist Catherine Stefanavage
    Website: iamcatherine.com
    Email: [email protected]

    A huge Thank You to all our Sponsors!
    And the Musicians who have provided original music for Heart Sense! Please go to their websites listed in the episode's Show Notes to purchase their music.

    If interested in the Heart Sense FB group, signing up for private podcasts and events, music concerts with featured musicians, or our monthly newsletter for members -- please email Riverann.

    Contact: [email protected] or
    text me in the U.S. @ 928-451-3646

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  • Synchronicity plays a huge part in our lives. It leads us to new people and experiences that often changes the course we're on. It also presents situations to increase our awareness and to great loves and forgiveness.

    For instance, three times in my life I was led to an animal in distress that probably would have died if I had not intervened. The first time was a swan in the middle of the road on the first street bridge in downtown Austin, Texas. I stopped my car during rush hour traffic, caught the swan and carried it down to the river. When I returned, my car was still where I left it. Austin has three bridges crossing the little Colorado River in that area. I'm absolutely convinced the timing of this event was synchronized by the universe, calling me to use that bridge to assist the swan.

    Moving us through experiences like a child in wonder. When we recognize it, synchronicity shows up more often as a friend. It orchestrates events that harness our attention and guide us toward dreams and breakthroughs. Setting the stage for love compassion, prosperity, and success.

    This episode is a candid conversation between three friends about the synchronized meetings that led them to life changing events they'd never imagined.

    Music by:
    Dan Vega
    CD Capture Magic
    Song: Dreams

    The Copper Heart Art for Heart Sense
    Artist Catherine Stefanavage
    Website: iamcatherine.com
    Email: [email protected]

    Jazz Vocalists Featured on this episode:

    A huge Thank You to all our Sponsors!
    And the Musicians who have provided original music for Heart Sense! Please go to their websites listed in the episode's Show Notes to purchase their music.

    If interested in the Heart Sense FB group, signing up for private podcasts and events, music concerts with featured musicians, or our monthly newsletter for members -- please email Riverann.

    Contact: [email protected] or
    text me in the U.S. @ 928-451-3646

  • Our world is full of False Evidence Appearing Real - or Fear. We all experience it intensely at different times in our lives. As sensitive, vulnerable human beings, we struggle with the imbalances this energy creates in our bodies.

    Sometimes fear may appear to have an eternal shelf life. But retreating to the heart helps us remember who we are. In this space, a place where truth never changes, we can diffuse fear's debilitating triggers to move any stuck energy. And movement is the enemy of fear.

    Our heart's courage doesn't always speak loudly. But it insists we're here with a defined purpose, a supreme directive, and that we're ok!

    This episode explores the paralyzing effects of fear, what causes it, and how uncovering a way to dismiss it, can lead to finding courage.

    Music by: Marshall Styler
    CDs Jericho
    Songs: Jericho
    In These Rooms
    [email protected]

    Skinplicity of Sedona
    Managing the Aging Process

    The Copper Heart Art for Heart Sense
    Artist Catherine Stefanavage
    Website: iamcatherine.com
    Email: [email protected]

    A huge Thank You to all our Sponsors!
    And the Musicians who have provided original music for Heart Sense! Please go to their websites listed in the episode's Show Notes to purchase their music.

    If interested in the Heart Sense FB group, signing up for private podcasts and events, music concerts with featured musicians, or our monthly newsletter for members -- please email Riverann.

    Contact: [email protected] or
    text me in the U.S. @ 928-451-3646

  • What Are Your Soul's Drivers explores what our souls are coaching us to transform to experience breakthroughs and heal. These drivers introduce us to personal weaknesses and difficult experiences to accelerate our growth.

    We all have similar drivers in different configurations depending on what we chose to work on this lifetime. They are shaped to match the ultimate goal of our soul's journey.

    We are compelled to live in a body. The physical release of memories holding trauma create an opportunity for great healing of the body, mind, and emotions. Listening to our inner voice and those we are engaged with is an act of recognition and value.

    Our resistance to anything is always equal to the level of our potential to move through it! However life appears, nothing is meant to harm us.

    When we recognize the power within us is equal to or greater than our experiences, we are able to heal and transform our lives.

    The inspiration is present now. Will you choose it?

    *A note to my regular listeners. I'm in Texas for another six weeks supporting the healing process of one of my dearest. Thank you for your patience as the release of these episodes are running behind the timeline my intention is for them. I promise they will return to a more regular frequency as soon as possible.

    Music by Robin Miller
    CD New Horizons
    Songs: A Song for Stephanie
    An Irish Love Song

    Skinplicity of Sedona
    Managing the Aging Process

    A huge Thank You to all our Sponsors!
    And the Musicians who have provided original music for Heart Sense! Please go to their websites listed in the episode's Show Notes to purchase their music.

    If interested in the Heart Sense FB group, signing up for private podcasts and events, music concerts with featured musicians, or our monthly newsletter for members -- please email Riverann.

    Contact: [email protected] or
    text me in the U.S. @ 928-451-3646

  • In Holistic Medicine we describe illness as dis-ease in the body. I personally feel it’s about how we’re digesting and assimilating life.

    In this interview with my lifelong friend Donna Menthol, we address her three bouts with cancer. What they have unveiled about her life, and how she’s approached healing from the dis-ease and its underlying root causes.

    Donna courageously shares how unhealthy messaging from the past repetitively finds a way to sabotage one’s life. With cancer becoming the ultimate wake up call to prioritize her relationship with self.

    The interview is beautifully vulnerable and compelling with a powerful sweetness that’s invites us to look at our own dis-ease in a new way.

    Intro Music by Susan McDonald
    CD - The Aquarium
    Song: Swimming Butterflies

    All other music by: Donna Menthol
    There are the bells... an A cappella moment
    CD - Worth the Wait
    Song: Wild As The Wind

    The Copper Heart Art for Heart Sense
    Artist Catherine Stefanavage
    Website: iamcatherine.com
    Email: [email protected]

    A huge Thank You to all our Sponsors!
    And the Musicians who have provided original music for Heart Sense! Please go to their websites listed in the episode's Show Notes to purchase their music.

    If interested in the Heart Sense FB group, signing up for private podcasts and events, music concerts with featured musicians, or our monthly newsletter for members -- please email Riverann.

    Contact: [email protected] or
    text me in the U.S. @ 928-451-3646

  • This episode is a dive into romantic love and our own sense of worthiness around it.

    Do you ever ask yourself, “Why do I love this person more than I’m loving myself?” What’s that about? It’s like the love is glued to some need representing an inside out, or upside down version this emotion. That part of us seeking a partner to validate our sense of self.

    Acknowledging our worthiness allows us to experience real love. It begins with a beautiful, loving relationship with self. However, most of us have been looking for it outside of ourselves.

    Like Geppetto, the woodcarver who wanted a real boy. We are all in discovery, seeking to know ourselves better. Longing for what we feel depleted or void of.
    As we embrace our worthiness, our lives become abundantly rich. Because we realize, love, has always been present.

    Happy Valentines Day to yourself dear listeners!

    Music by Saith Gangadean
    CD - In The New Day Sun
    Song: Child of the Heart

    Skinplicity of Sedona
    Managing the Aging Process

    The Copper Heart Art for Heart Sense
    Artist Catherine Stefanavage
    Website: iamcatherine.com
    Email: [email protected]

    A huge Thank You to all our Sponsors!
    And the Musicians who have provided original music for Heart Sense! Please go to their websites listed in the episode's Show Notes to purchase their music.

    If interested in the Heart Sense FB group, signing up for private podcasts and events, music concerts with featured musicians, or our monthly newsletter for members -- please email Riverann.

    Contact: [email protected] or
    text me in the U.S. @ 928-451-3646

  • We have all had experiences where we turned away from people whose words or actions were hurtful. Some felt so wounding we may have even abandoned all future contact with them.

    But is there a better way to recover and restore human dignity within the context of love? Can we facilitate our own growth by learning to embrace whatever human condition is asking for our forgiveness, by giving what we ourselves desire?

    In this episode, we explore how we turn away from love because of our own beliefs and limitations. And whether we can afford to ignore the magnificent potential, these opportunities bring for our soul’s expansion.

    Is this messaging what we want our children to learn? Or are we ready to embrace the remarkable human we can become? If we recognize and invest in transforming the human condition, we create a new paradigm for love and for one another? Where do you want to live?

    Music by Robin Miller
    CD New Horizons
    Songs: Through the Eyes of An Angel
    Celtic Dream

    Skinplicity of Sedona
    Managing the Aging Process

    The Copper Heart Art for Heart Sense
    Artist Catherine Stefanavage
    Website: iamcatherine.com
    Email: [email protected]

    A huge Thank You to all our Sponsors!
    And the Musicians who have provided original music for Heart Sense! Please go to their websites listed in the episode's Show Notes to purchase their music.

    If interested in the Heart Sense FB group, signing up for private podcasts and events, music concerts with featured musicians, or our monthly newsletter for members -- please email Riverann.

    Contact: [email protected] or
    text me in the U.S. @ 928-451-3646

  • Happy New Year dear listeners! May 2024 bring all of us closer to one another. So together we can lift the frequency of our planet and embrace love as we never have before. Thank you for being on this journey with me.

    2024 is an 8 in numerology, which encourages us to take our power back. It’s also a year of success, prosperity, and divine intervention that should assist us globally.

    Last year we dug deep into our spirituality, uncovering patterns and pursuing new pathways for personal growth. This year we have an opportunity to use that wisdom to end repetitious cycles, achieve balance, and manifest what we truly desire.

    Our relationships bring opportunities to grow in more ways than we can imagine. How we hold space for one another on this sacred journey allows the soul to move forward with less resistance.

    In this episode, we look at our different relationships with one another. And building a temple in the heart that observes but does not judge, quietly holding space for love and healing. Whether we believe it or not, everyone’s doing exactly what they need to do, to grow.

    Music by: Marshall Styler
    CDs Return to Camden
    Songs: In These Rooms
    Time To Let The Angels In
    [email protected]

    Skinplicity of Sedona
    Managing the aging process

    The Copper Heart Art for Heart Sense
    Artist Catherine Stefanavage
    Website: iamcatherine.com
    Email: [email protected]

    A huge Thank You to all our Sponsors!
    And the Musicians who have provided original music for Heart Sense! Please go to their websites listed in the episode's Show Notes to purchase their music.

    If interested in the Heart Sense FB group, signing up for private podcasts and events, music concerts with featured musicians, or our monthly newsletter for members -- please email Riverann.

    Contact: [email protected] or
    text me in the U.S. @ 928-451-3646

  • This is the season of light. A time when humanity reflects on our human history and our core values. With it always comes a great desire for peace and human compassion. It's a moment to remember our humble beginnings, give gratitude for what we have, and open our hearts to those less fortunate.

    This last year has been filled with extremely horrific events. Testing our hearts to find answers for the conflict, violence, and choices humans are making. Will we yield to love and its powers? Or continue the 'blame game' -- judging others and separating ourselves from our true personal triumphs over fear?

    This episode explores the personal choices we make on a journey to live with courage and compassion for ourselves and others. A choice to be more connected and comfortable in our own bodies. A choice to be aligned with the Divine and our inner voice.

    May you choose a direction that empowers you and our world with love. Stretch your heart and remember that joy, and peace come in the presence of unconditional love for ourselves and one another.

    With love and gratitude for each of you.

    Music by Marshall Styler
    CD - Silent Night
    Multiple Songs
    [email protected]

    The Copper Heart Art for Heart Sense
    Created by Artist Catherine Stefanavage
    Website: iamcatherine.com
    Email: [email protected]

    Episode Art by Darlene Kyurn

    A huge Thank You to all our Sponsors!
    And the Musicians who have provided original music for Heart Sense! Please go to their websites listed in the episode's Show Notes to purchase their music.

    If interested in the Heart Sense FB group, signing up for private podcasts and events, music concerts with featured musicians, or our monthly newsletter for members -- please email Riverann.

    Contact: [email protected] or
    text me in the U.S. @ 928-451-3646

  • Rarely do we have the opportunity to see into the intimate journey of another soul. This is Part 3 of an interview with Catherine Stefanavage - artist, psychic intuitive, and healing channel.

    In this episode Catherine channels the message that Human Beings are Delicious and embody Pure Human Potential. She also addresses the unhealed places in humanity that are serving as mirrors to awaken transformation. These concepts may be new but are worth introspection.

    Her messages empower us to look within, where guidance and grace reshapes our most difficult experiences. Her work as an artist visualizes an individual's journey in life through copper Heart Sculptures. Catherine created the Heart Icon for this Heart Sense podcast - which I share as my life's journey.

    Pearls from Catherine Stefanavage in this 3 episode interview
    Judgement is the separation of self from our own magnificence
    All the wisdom in the world is housed in your body where Spirit lives
    Every action we take is perfection - Others approval doesn't enter into this truth
    The Universe doesn't judge us - only we do that
    Struggle = struggle... no one's is harder than another
    Your journey is perfect for you. It's made for you.
    Even though you may at times feel broken, you are always whole!

    The Copper Heart Art for Heart Sense
    Created by Artist Catherine Stefanavage
    Website: iamcatherine.com
    Email: [email protected]

    Music by Marshall Styler
    CD - Jericho
    Song - In These Rooms
    [email protected]

    Sedona's New Day Spa

    A huge Thank You to all our Sponsors!
    And the Musicians who have provided original music for Heart Sense! Please go to their websites listed in the episode's Show Notes to purchase their music.

    If interested in the Heart Sense FB group, signing up for private podcasts and events, music concerts with featured musicians, or our monthly newsletter for members -- please email Riverann.

    Contact: [email protected] or
    text me in the U.S. @ 928-451-3646

  • Rarely do we have the opportunity to witness the intimate journey of another soul. Unless you're a celebrity - and then the view is usually skewed by the opinions of those following them.

    In this very candid and deeply revealing conversation with Catherine Stefanavage; we sit in the living room of her heart. She joyfully shares her most painful moments with those of ecstatic joy and healing. Her wisdom is timeless... and her courage, well let's just say it's inspiring wholeness.

    Pay close attention to where she gets her strength, and her information. This interview is a gift to all who hear it! Graciously shared without holding back. And in sharing it, Catherine once again finds more freedom.

    Make sure to listen to all three parts of this interview. Each one is sensitive, powerful, and the naked truth. I believe Catherine is an angel among us with a story to open even the most wounded heart. You decide for yourself. And then please share this story.

    The Copper Heart Art for Heart Sense
    Created by Artist Catherine Stefanavage
    Website: iamcatherine.com
    Email: [email protected]

    Music by:
    Robin Miller
    CD - New Horizons
    Song - Dawn's Passing

    Skinplicity of Sedona
    Managing the aging process

    A huge Thank You to all our Sponsors!
    And the Musicians who have provided original music for Heart Sense! Please go to their websites listed in the episode's Show Notes to purchase their music.

    If interested in the Heart Sense FB group, signing up for private podcasts and events, music concerts with featured musicians, or our monthly newsletter for members -- please email Riverann.

    Contact: [email protected] or
    text me in the U.S. @ 928-451-3646

  • This is Part 1 of a powerful interview with Catherine Stefanavage - the artist who created the copper artwork for Heart Sense. She's also an intuitive psychic and a channel for healing with a well-connected spiritual team.

    This interview encompasses three episodes. Each one is inspiring and reveals an extraordinary life of trust, perseverance, discovery, and connection.

    Catherine's journey is a testament to love and courage moving through challenges many of us couldn't imagine tackling. In the process, she always remembers to honor her heart and connection to Spirit.

    I'm encouraging everyone to listen to all three episodes of this interview. Each one reveals aspects of the human spirit so precious, that witnessing her journey may change your perceptions of self and how you view life.

    Thank you, Catherine, for sharing your heart's journey, wisdom, and energy with us!

    Music by Marshall Styler
    CD - Return to Camden
    [email protected]

    Sedona's New Day Spa

    The Copper Heart Art for Heart Sense
    Created by Artist Catherine Stefanavage
    Website: iamcatherine.com
    Email: [email protected]

    A huge Thank You to all our Sponsors!
    And the Musicians who have provided original music for Heart Sense! Please go to their websites listed in the episode's Show Notes to purchase their music.

    If interested in the Heart Sense FB group, signing up for private podcasts and events, music concerts with featured musicians, or our monthly newsletter for members -- please email Riverann.

    Contact: [email protected] or
    text me in the U.S. @ 928-451-3646

  • This is a critical time on our planet. Humanity is being tested on every front. From wars and violence, to catastrophic climate events, extinctions of species, disease, and a disconnection with one another and the heart. We are on the brink of losing everything sacred.

    We all need healing, and music helps us do this. So I've chosen a humble nonprofit group dedicated to creating change through positive messaging using music, media, and the arts to spread love throughout the world.

    Today’s episode will be delivered in four songs from Empty Hands Music - We the People, Grateful, Planting Seeds, and Beautiful. These heart messages are profound and powerful. Allow them to permeate your entire being and reconnect you with your higher self. And then to inspire you to contribute to changing the frequency of mass consciousness.

    Visit YouTube to see the heart-warming videos created with these songs. They feature people from around the world coming together in love, celebration, and hope!

    Music by:
    Empty Hands Music
    We The People
    Planting Seeds

    Skinplicity of Sedona
    Managing the aging process

    The Copper Heart Art for Heart Sense
    Created by Artist Catherine Stefanavage
    Website: iamcatherine.com
    Email: [email protected]

    A huge Thank You to all our Sponsors!
    And the Musicians who have provided original music for Heart Sense! Please go to their websites listed in the episode's Show Notes to purchase their music.

    If interested in the Heart Sense FB group, signing up for private podcasts and events, music concerts with featured musicians, or our monthly newsletter for members -- please email Riverann.

    Contact: [email protected] or
    text me in the U.S. @ 928-451-3646

  • Have you ever wondered if the love of a dog is related to the unconditional love of God? After all Dog spelled backwards is God.

    Are they simply our companions? Or are they with us to serve a much greater purpose? Are we rescuing them, or are they rescuing us? In this episode we explore this relationship, and the gifts these animals bring to our lives.

    You may find some suprising revelations in this delightful episode. IF you're willing to expand your imagination and consciousness to include all possibilites.

    Music by:
    Nimo Patel and Empty Hands Music
    Together Again
    Planting Seeds

    Sedona's New Day Spa

    Skinplicity of Sedona
    Managing the aging process

    The Copper Heart Art for Heart Sense
    Created by Artist Catherine Stefanavage
    Website: iamcatherine.com
    Email: [email protected]

    A huge Thank You to all our Sponsors!
    And the Musicians who have provided original music for Heart Sense! Please go to their websites listed in the episode's Show Notes to purchase their music.

    If interested in the Heart Sense FB group, signing up for private podcasts and events, music concerts with featured musicians, or our monthly newsletter for members -- please email Riverann.

    Contact: [email protected] or
    text me in the U.S. @ 928-451-3646

  • My guest Shekina Rose, is an Angel medium that receives transmissions through the Language of Light and shares them vocally with the world. She sings in the ancient Solfeggio scales. These are the same scales the monks sing to attune themselves more to God. In this interview Shekina describes how she came into her gifts. And how these frequencies can uplift and attune us to a higher vibration that connects us more with Source, and our divine nature.

    Angelic Vocal transmissions provided by Shekina Rose
    Sacred Codes, Mother Earth’s Voice
    Archangel Sandelphon in Praise of the Light in Kindness
    Website: https://shekinarose.com/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ShekinahsLight

    Skinplicity of Sedona
    Managing the aging process

    The Copper Heart Art for Heart Sense
    Created by Artist Catherine Stefanavage
    Website: iamcatherine.com
    Email: [email protected]

    A huge Thank You to all our Sponsors!
    And the Musicians who have provided original music for Heart Sense! Please go to their websites listed in the episode's Show Notes to purchase their music.

    If interested in the Heart Sense FB group, signing up for private podcasts and events, music concerts with featured musicians, or our monthly newsletter for members -- please email Riverann.

    Contact: [email protected] or
    text me in the U.S. @ 928-451-3646

  • Holding Heart Space for Big Love is a tribute to those in Maui, Hawaii that we lost... and those who survived who are illustrating the depth and courage of love. It's an awakening calling us to open ourselves to the sacred heart of our being. The part of us that loves deeply without thoughts of self or conditions.

    In this episode, we explore love's vibrational frequency, our intuitive connection to the higher mind, and the veil blinding humanity. As we experience a great transition, we are called to return balance. To remember our connection with everything and heal our relationships with life and the planet -- birthing a new consciousness.

    The recent fires that devastated the lives and property of thousands in Maui, Hawaii were likely a wake-up call. Mother Earth reminds us we are not in control of this planet -- only our destiny!

    Music by:
    Robin Miller - "In the Company of Angels" CD
    Elohim's Call
    The Gardens of Mu

    Marshall Styler - "Red River Crossing" CD
    Song: Red River Crossing
    [email protected]

    Sedona's New Day Spa

    The Copper Heart Art for Heart Sense
    Was created by Catherine Stefanavage
    Website: iamcatherine.com
    Email: [email protected]

    A huge Thank You to all our Sponsors!
    And the Musicians who have provided original music for Heart Sense! Please go to their websites listed in the episode's Show Notes to purchase their music.

    If interested in the Heart Sense FB group, signing up for private podcasts and events, music concerts with featured musicians, or our monthly newsletter for members -- please email Riverann.

    Contact: [email protected] or
    text me in the U.S. @ 928-451-3646

  • Ecstatic dances have been going on for centuries in religious traditions worldwide. In shamanism, ecstatic dance was used to alter consciousness in spiritual practices.
    Today people gather just to share the experience of a freeform movement journey that awakens the life force energy within.

    My guest, Eldon Monroe says, It’s a meditative dance for yourself. It has therapeutic benefits on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.

    Ecstatic dancing facilitates stress release and helps remove emotional baggage as it energizes the body... leading many to a blissful state. It can bring a person into the presence of now and awaken the heart to greater self-acceptance and self-love.

    Guest: Eldon Monroe
    DJfeelzgood on Google
    Eldon Monroe on Facebook

    Music by:
    Robin Miller
    Thoughts from his CD Transcendence

    Skinplicity of Sedona
    Managing the aging process

    The Copper Heart Art for Heart Sense
    Created by Catherine Stefanavage
    Website: iamcatherine.com
    Email: [email protected]

    A huge Thank You to all our Sponsors!
    And the Musicians who have provided original music for Heart Sense! Please go to their websites listed in the episode's Show Notes to purchase their music.

    If interested in the Heart Sense FB group, signing up for private podcasts and events, music concerts with featured musicians, or our monthly newsletter for members -- please email Riverann.

    Contact: [email protected] or
    text me in the U.S. @ 928-451-3646

  • Experiencing life as a human being includes having a flood of emotions pour into our hearts every day — challenging us to sort them out. It’s what we choose that determines whether we’re diving or rising.

    Accepting responsibility to love whatever is going on inside of us that needs acknowledgment is part of the process of emergence.

    If we master our ability to bounce back without self-judgment and blame. There’s an opportunity to experience unconditional love and acceptance both for ourselves and others. It’s a sacred moment of growth.

    In this episode, we explore the journey...

    Music by:
    Marshall Styler
    From his CD: Mockingbird Station
    In the Land of Lost Pines
    It's Time to Let the Angels In

    Native Jewelry of Sedona
    Largest selection of authentic Native American Jewelry in Arizona

    The Copper Heart Art for Heart Sense
    Was created by Catherine Stefanavage
    Website: iamcatherine.com
    Email: [email protected]

    A huge Thank You to all our Sponsors!
    And the Musicians who have provided original music for Heart Sense! Please go to their websites listed in the episode's Show Notes to purchase their music.

    If interested in the Heart Sense FB group, signing up for private podcasts and events, music concerts with featured musicians, or our monthly newsletter for members -- please email Riverann.

    Contact: [email protected] or
    text me in the U.S. @ 928-451-3646

  • Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have an inside view of our potential when we unlock the healing our hearts are longing for?

    My guest, Eldon Monroe, is a Hypnotherapist. In this episode, Eldon shares his discovery of an ancient prayer ritual that changed his life and continues to bring peace to his heart. Get ready to dive into forgiveness with perspective.

    *Because Eldon leads us in a guided meditation near the end -- Please
    Do NOT Drive or operate any heavy machinery while listening. Thank You.

    Music by: Patrick Ki
    CD - Quiet Nights
    Song: How Deep Is Your Love

    Sedona New Day Spa

    The Copper Heart Art for Heart Sense
    Was created by Catherine Stefanavage
    Website: iamcatherine.com
    Email: [email protected]

    A huge Thank You to all our Sponsors!
    And the Musicians who have provided original music for Heart Sense! Please go to their websites listed in the episode's Show Notes to purchase their music.

    If interested in the Heart Sense FB group, signing up for private podcasts and events, music concerts with featured musicians, or our monthly newsletter for members -- please email Riverann.

    Contact: [email protected] or
    text me in the U.S. @ 928-451-3646