Myth Busting for Rentvestors In this episode I let loose on some common myths that people believe about buying an investment property in more affordable States and how it can work for you. Of course there are always pros and cons and hopefully with knowledge comes the understanding of where you have various options when it comes to rentvesting. My case study is a powerful one about a couple who built their own home using much of their equity from their property investment portfolio in another State as well as some savings. Likewise, owning investment properties can also get you out of strife if you need to access some additional funds. If you're going to Rentvest, then you must prioritise your property Strategy. I'm offering all my podcast listeners a chance to have some 1:1 time with me and book in an 'Exclusive Property Investor's Strategy Session' before launching into Rentvesting. You can book a session here: https://courses.juliecrockett.com.au/offers/2voA7k5r Contact: julie@apisolutions.com.au For more free resources head to www.juliecrockett.com.au This podcast contains general information only and must not be considered advice. Make sure that you seek your own independent professional advice before making any investment decisions.
My guest today is Louisa Sanghera, Director of Zippy Financial. Louisa is a powerhouse mortgage broker and runs a multi award winning brokerage. She talks today about the impact that rising interest rates are having and gives some tips on how mortgage holders can manage their debt. After the 9th consecutive interest rate rise, everyone is wondering when the financial pain will end. I also provide some tips on some 'out of the box' solutions for those feeling mortgage stress right now. For more information on loans go to www.zippyfinancial.com.au or to book a time with Louisa by email louisa@zippyfinancial.com.au For more information on Property investing Courses head to www.juliecrockett.com.au or you can book a time to talk about your investment Strategy with Julie https://calendly.com/julieapi/30-minute-zoom-meeting This podcast contains general information only and must not be considered advice. Make sure that you seek your own independent professional advice before making any investment decisions.
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Welcome to 2023 and today I'm speaking about 'How to get into the property market in 2023'. Yes, we are in a rising interest rate market. Is it still a good time to invest in property? What 4 things do I need to consider? Is it about 'timing' the market or spending 'time in the market' that really makes the difference? Learn how I just managed to get more than 2% off my interest rate on a loan I have for my SMSF property - and you can too! There's some great tips about ways to get into the market and how to tackle interest rate rises so join me on the first podcast for the year. I'm so excited to be bringing you the opportunity to join us for the '3 Day First Time Property Investor's Bootcamp' starting February 27 at 8 p.m. The first 30 minute session starts at 8 p.m. 'How to Get Into The Property Market" 10 ways to get started. Session 2: Do I buy my own home or an investment property first? Session 3: Where's the best place to buy an investment property? For just $7 you can come along and learn. The funds raised go towards my passion project - building a maternity wing for the hospital in Madagascar and saving the lives of women and babies. The link to register is HERE. This podcast contains general information only and must not be considered advice. Make sure that you seek your own independent professional advice before making any investment decisions.
Today's podcast is the 2022 Wrap up outlining our home buyers, investors and the impact that the podcast has had on our listeners! It has been such a joy to bring you our awesome guest speakers - whether they had just bought their first investment property or whether they had built a large property portfolio. I give a quick market forecast for 2023 and can't wait to bring more valuable content for you.
Clearly that are a lot of women who are learning how to invest in property and there's some great surprises, including some planned, live events in Sydney and Melbourne in 2023.
For more resources on Property Investing head to www.apisolutions.com.au
This podcast contains general information only and must not be considered advice. Make sure that you seek your own independent professional advice before making any investment decisions.
Today's podcast is the 2022 Wrap up outlining our home buyers, investors and the impact that the podcast has had on our listeners! It has been such a joy to bring you our awesome guest speakers - whether they had just bought their first investment property or whether they had built a large property portfolio. I give a quick market forecast for 2023 and can't wait to bring more valuable content for you. Clearly that are a lot of women who are learning how to invest in property and there's some great surprises, including some planned, live events in Sydney and Melbourne in 2023. For more resources on Property Investing head to www.apisolutions.com.au This podcast contains general information only and must not be considered advice. Make sure that you seek your own independent professional advice before making any investment decisions.
Today's guest is Hagar Lipa, Director of The Lynden Group. Hagar is an Accountant who has a passion for women to understand their finances and then grow them to achieve financial independence. She is also a SMSF Specialist and has helped many women to understand the pros and cons of setting up a SMSF. This obviously needs careful consideration and professional advice because it's not for everyone! Hagar tells her story of arriving in Australia from Israel 16 years ago with very little money but has since built a healthy property portfolio while running a fast paced business and a family! Hagar is one of those women who just "gets things done!" and she shares some absolute gems with us on how she helps women to overcome their fear of investing. You can connect with Hagar Lipa here: hagar.lipa@lyndengroup.com.au You can connect with Julie Crockett here; julie@apisolutions.com.au If you would like more resources on Property Investing including Courses head to www.juliecrockett.com.au This podcast contains general information only and must not be considered advice. Make sure that you seek your own independent professional advice before making any investment decisions.
Today's guest is Bernadette Janson, property investor and serial renovator who started renovating at the tender age of 13. She is an investor with a sharp focus on 'buying to renovate' which effectively means buying a property well under market value and then adding value with a modern renovation. There are loads of laughs and so many great tips in this podcast for listeners. Bernadette is the Director of 'The School of Renovating' and our values are closely aligned - we are passionate about women learning how to build financial independence. Please leave a review and rate the podcast before leaving. You can connect with Bernadette here: bernadette@theschoolofrenovating.com For more free information on property investing as well as property investing courses head to www.juliecrockett.com.au You can book a time with Julie here: https://calendly.com/julieapi/30-minute-zoom-meeting This podcast contains general information only and must not be considered advice. Make sure that you seek your own independent professional advice before making any investment decisions.
Today Julie Crockett unpacks her latest article for Australian Property Investor Magazine and how women investors have outperformed their male counterparts for the last decade. There's only one thing that slams the brakes on women investing and you may have guessed what that can be. Julie shares some tips on how to overcome the challenges that all investors face right now. If you would like to read the entire article, you can find it here: https://www.apimagazine.com.au/news/article/women-outperform-men-in-property-investing-but-specific-strategies-are-crucial If you would like access to free resources and to check out Property Investment Courses, head to www.juliecrockett.com.au or email julie@apisolutions.com.au to connect with her. This podcast contains general information only and must not be considered advice. Make sure that you seek your own independent professional advice before making any investment decisions.
The host of 'Her Investment Property', Julie Crockett tells how she hit a brick wall with her Super and through a process of elimination, stumbled on property investing to boost her retirement funds just over 20 years ago. There was one defining moment not long after she bought her first investment property that became the 'game changer' for her portfolio building. It proves the point that often it's the small decisions we make in life that have the greatest impact. Building her own property portfolio enabled Julie to turn her property investment 'hobby' into a thriving Buyer's Agency, helping hundreds of people to invest and build portfolios. Don't miss this episode where Julie talks about what she did to turn her negatively geared (first investment property) around and it was as simple as asking ONE question. There are free resources and online property investment courses available at www.juliecrockett.com.au You can book a time to speak with Julie here https://calendly.com/julieapi/30-minute-zoom-meeting This podcast contains general information only and must not be considered advice. Make sure that you seek your own independent professional advice before making any investment decisions.
My guest today is the amazing Danielle Lenzo who is a CFO of a Multi National Company and serial property investor. She admits that her first investment property was purchased with minimal property investment knowledge but fast forward almost 20 years and Danielle is making up for lost time, having just bought her fourth investment property.
I love that part of her learning was to start with a strategy and build a great team around her to make property investing a smooth running process. After all, being in a CFO position doesn't leave much time for in depth research, analysis and purchasing of investment properties to bolster those retirement years.
If you are a CFO and would like to ask questions, you can connect with Danielle at danielle.lenzo@gmail.com
If you have property investing questions and would like some free Property Investing resources head to www.juliecrockett.com.au Or maybe you would like to access Property Investment Education to help you understand how property investing works?
For our online courses head to www.juliecrockett.com.au
This podcast contains general information only and must not be considered advice. Make sure that you seek your own independent professional advice before making any investment decisions.
Today's amazing guest is Vanessa Medling, a woman who knows what she wants and takes action to make it happen. Vanessa has raised 2 children as a single mum, worked in a 'safe' government job and then decided that now the kids are young adults she would make some changes for "her".
I know you will get some great tips on how she has done just that which involved starting a business, buying an investment property and even involves moving several hundred kilometers away from her home to embrace the next stage of her life.
The thing I love about Vanessa's story is that so many women can relate to it. "I wish I'd started 10 years ago" is a familiar catch cry when it comes to investing but the great part is - Vanessa has taken it head on and actioning what she wants from life.
Vanessa'e Email is: vanessa@businesstogether.com.au
Vanessa's business is Business Together
For more free resources on property investing as well as property investment courses head to www.juliecrockett.com.au
This podcast contains general information only and must not be considered advice. Make sure that you seek your own independent professional advice before making any investment decisions.
Today Julie Crockett answers some 'curly' questions that many investors are asking right now: What do I do when my loan repayments blow out and I'm now negatively geared by more than $1000 per month? My partner and I both work but we no longer have a buffer and the cost of holding the property is staring to hurt financially. Would we be better off selling the property (it's just over 12 months old), paying the capital gains tax and pocketing the remaining small amount. Julie gives really practical answers to these questions and it's not all doom and gloom! Listen in to what she has to say from her 20 years of property investing experience. If you know of others who are starting to lose sleep over rising interest rates and being able to service the increasing repayments on their investment properties then please share the link to this podcast. If you have questions on investing or are stuck financially with a property investment and can't see a way forward then reach out and ask away! You can book a time here: https://calendly.com/julieapi/30-minute-zoom-meeting You can get free resources at www.juliecrockett.com.au Before leaving, please rate and review this podcast. This podcast contains general information only and must not be considered advice. Make sure that you seek your own independent professional advice before making any investment decisions.
Today is all about an inspiring single woman, Sarah, who started her property investment journey at the age of 54. Her super power is that she has great focus and determination and within 18 months grew her portfolio to 3 properties.
Sarah knew that she was facing a very basic retirement lifestyle and decided she would do something about it. Tune in to find out how much her net worth has grown in just 4 short years.
For those loyal listeners of 'Her Investment Property' Podcast, I have a very special announcement. Because the Podcast is ALL about helping women to understand how to invest in property I've had requests from many listeners wanting to learn more about property investing and take a deep dive into exactly how it's done.
As women, we want to get it right. You will be delighted to know that I've done exactly that and created my introductory short course (and really it's the first step to investing) called 'Property Investor's Strategy Course'. I'm offering this for a limited time at $97 and it's jam packed full of great insights, a Goals Guide and Strategy Survey that get's you focused on your first investment property purchase.
Ultimately, I am growing a Community of like minded women who want to learn more about how to get into property investing and access ongoing support and encouragement within the Community to buy their own property.
Here's the link with more info on the course: https://courses.apisolutions.com.au/the-property-investors-strategy-course
Check out our free resources at www.juliecrockett.com.au
This podcast contains general information only and must not be considered advice. Make sure that you seek your own independent professional advice before making any investment decisions. -
My special guest today is Andrew Gardiner, Director of Andrew Gardiner Law and he speaks on the impending changes to the Land Tax laws in Queensland.
This podcast is quite different to the norm but incredibly important if you have investment properties in Queensland or are thinking you will invest in Queensland in the future.
The changes to the Queensland Land Tax law which come into effect from July 1 2023, have far reaching implications and Andrew unpacks the changes, provides examples and some tips on how to minimise your exposure to this tax.
If you've been following my Podcasts you will know how passionate I am about property investing and providing listeners with the absolute best, up to the minute information.
Today's podcast is no exception! If you would like more information or to reach out to Andrew Gardiner you can reach him at andrew@andrewgardinerlaw.com.au
If you would like some free resources on property investing head to www.juliecrockett.com.au
This podcast contains general information only and must not be considered advice. Make sure that you seek your own independent professional advice before making any investment decisions.
Today's special guest is Dr Lucy Burns from Real Life Medicine. Her focus is on Health, Wellness and Wealth. In her words "What's the point of being wealthy if you don't have the health to enjoy it!"
In this podcast we talk about why she chose 'medicine' over a whole host of other things she could have done with her life and why it's so important for women to be looking after themselves physically as well as financially. Lucy also talks about her retirement goals and how she and her husband have bought an investment that will see them well set up in retirement.
After meeting Dr Lucy, I'm now what you call an 'advocate' on learning about how we can become better versions of ourselves with some conscious choices around the food we eat. After all, we have big goals for our lives - Property Investing being my continued passion and why not live it in a really healthy and happy way.
Dr Lucy has a 7 Day No Sugar Challenge starting August 23 and she has challenged me to do it.
If you'd like to join me on the Challenge the here's the link: https://www.rlmedicine.com/a/2147517932/fx2YUojD
If you'd like my free Property Investing Resources head to www.juliecrockett.com.au
This podcast contains general information only and must not be considered advice. Make sure that you seek your own independent professional advice before making any investment decisions.
Julie Crockett, Host of Her Investment Property Podcast shares her insights into the current property market and how even in times of high inflation and rising interest rates, there are many opportunities to keep growing your property portfolio - with the right Strategy, of course! The property market is in a state of transition from being a red, hot sellers market to a buyer's market providing more negotiation in the purchase process.
Generational wealth is also a topic that is close to the heart of many and Julie talks about the ways that an investor can create generational wealth - wealth that extends well beyond your lifetime. There's also a very special offer coming to 'Her Investment Property' podcast listeners for those looking to buy their first investment property. The huge missing piece of the puzzle is Education in the property investment space.
Coming from an Education background, Julie has created a brand new property investing course that will be launched very soon. Stay tuned for a very special offer on the Course for Her Investment Property Podcast listeners.
If you would like to access free resources on property investing, head to www.juliecrockett.com.au
This podcast contains general information only and must not be considered advice. Make sure that you seek your own independent professional advice before making any investment decisions.
Today's special guest is Lauren Law and she's an ex accountant and ex financial advisor who now helps Melissa Browne with delivering the 'My Financial Adulting Plan', an online Course for those wanting to get on top of the finances and all things 'money. Lauren has had a very interesting 'finance' background and tells us how she has learnt through experience how to build her wealth. She has bought properties including her own home and agrees that women need to find ways of understanding money and increasing their wealth so that they can afford to create more options in life. One of her goals is to take several months off work, go to Italy and squash grapes with her feet the old fashioned (and fun) way! I love that Lauren is passionate about helping other women to overcome their fears and confusion around money and investing. She has a 'can do' mindset and tells how she and her husband made the decision to save for a house deposit and were so focused that they achieved their goal in 3 months. It's very much a case of 'what are you willing to sacrifice to reach your end goal?' Lauren has been very focused on growing her wealth with property but now also carries a share portfolio to diversify her investment assets. Along the way there are some great, practical tips in this episode of 'Her Investment Property' and if you are finding value in the podcast then please comment and share with others. To connect with Lauren go to lauren@melissabrowne.com.au To connect with Julie Crockett head to www.juliecrockett.com.au where you will find free resources and information about our property investment courses. This podcast contains general information only and must not be considered advice. Make sure that you seek your own independent professional advice before making any investment decisions.
My special guest today is Kristy Hunter, a young woman who learnt the art of investing at a young age, thanks to her clever Dad. When she was just 12 years old he gave her 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' to read and straight away she was HOOKED on Property Investing! Since then she has built, rented and sold many homes and tells us the lessons she's learnt along the way. Her Strategy is to keep the cash flow positive and replicate her property investing 'business model' so that she and her family have a great life and she and her husband have an even better retirement. Not only does she run businesses but Kristy has also created a Bookkeeping Course for Trades people. This is such a great Course for those who are the crucial Admin support for their Tradie partners in business. If you would like more information on Property Investing you can find loads of information and free resources at www.juliecrockett.com.au or reach out to me at https://calendly.com/julieapi/30-minute-zoom-meeting If you would like to connect with Kristy and learn more about her Course, you can reach her at hello@wealthyminds.com.au In this Podcast we mention SMSF properties and this is general information only and not to be considered advice. You must always seek your own independent, financial advice before setting up a SMSF.
This podcast contains general information only and must not be considered advice. Make sure that you seek your own independent professional advice before making any investment decisions.
Annette Dickson has a background in the mortgage and finance industry, is an avid property investor and passionate about helping women to get their finances in order. Her property investment journey has been a very interesting one to say the least and it all started at a Property Investment Education event well over 20 years ago. She was so inspired by what she learnt that she knuckled down to save her first deposit and bought her first investment property. There have been several challenges along the way but Annette takes them onboard as 'learnings' and has built a large property portfolio along the way. Property investing is just like Life - you have great times and some ordinary times but the end result is that you end up better financially when you stick with the fundamentals. Annette is the quintessential 'Rentvestor' because her investment portfolio helped to fund her and her husbands' own home on acreage on the Gold Coast. I know you will enjoy this episode. To connect with Julie and learn more about property investing and get free resources head to www.juliecrockett.com.au or book a time here: https://calendly.com/julieapi/30-minute-zoom-meeting To connect with Annette Dickson and learn more about her "Cashflow Matery Program" go to: annette@cashflowmastery.com.au This podcast contains general information only and must not be considered advice. Make sure that you seek your own independent professional advice before making any investment decisions.
My guest today is Rebecca Maxwell who shares her investment story and I must admit, she starts off with what sounds like a 'dream life'. Rebecca was working in a great job, met the man of her dreams, got married and had 2 children. Along the way, she "fell" into property investing and while everything was running smoothly, little did she know that there were some turbulent times ahead.
Rebecca's story is not too dissimilar to many women where she finds herself juggling a very tricky relationship breakdown, huge debt and keeping her mother and father from being homeless!
Rebecca's story is one of true grit and resilience and one that will resonate many listeners.
She now runs a program called 'Do Divorce Right' to help others to navigate the relationship breakdown space.
What does all that have to do with property investing?
Once women are on the other side of divorce, they want to be financially secure and move towards financial independence. Property investing is the pathway to achieve it.
For more information on Property Investing head to www.apisolutions.com.au
For more information on Do Divorce Right connect with Rebecca Maxwell at hello@dodivorceright.com
This podcast contains general information only and must not be considered advice. Make sure that you seek your own independent professional advice before making any investment decisions.
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