Caroline and Gretchen continue their analysis with the chapter The Dying of the Dragons: Rhaenyra Triumphant, Part 3. Aemond burns all the smallfolk of the Riverlands, just like the conqueror did, while Crispy Cole gets shot to death by the Winter Wolves who simply do not give AF about his main-character energy. Also, worms!
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Gretchen and Caroline continue their analysis with the chapter The Dying of the Dragons: Rhaenyra Triumphant, Part 2. Rhaenyra is EVHUL and passes TAXES on the people of King's Landing, since the crown has no money due to *checks notes* Aegon and the Hightowers literally stealing it all. Wow Rhaenyra is so evil!
We also recorded this episode during the 12 hours that TikTok was banned xD
Also the east egg is half an hour long because we have THOUGHTS god damn it
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Caroline and Gretchen continue their analysis with the chapter The Dying of the Dragons: Rhaenyra Triumphant, Part 1. Rhaenyra EVHULY imposes taxes on the denizens of King's Landing, while Aemond successfully captures a totally empty Harrenhal. He then breaks up with with boyfriend Crispus Cole, because the commander refuses to literally kill everyone in a hopeless battle. Maybe Alice Rivers will give Aemond cognitive behavioral therapy, too?
We also recorded this episode during the 12 hours that TikTok was banned xD
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Questions or comments? Email us at houseoffireandbloodpodcast@gmail.com
Gretchen and Caroline conclude their analysis of the chapter The Dying of the Dragons: The Red and the Gold, Part 5. Rhaenyra is EVHUL and takes King's Landing SPOOKILY without bloodshed, because she is so scary! But don't worry because Daemon is the real threat, and the Green's got their eyes on him.
Also super sorry this episode was supposed to be released in November LOL but ya girl Caroline got busy :) enjoy the look into the past. We'll be back with regular episodes now!
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Caroline and Gretchen continue their analysis with The Dying of the Dragons: The Red and the Gold, Part 4. A little whoopsie-doodle in the Gullet results in Jace's untimely but very thematically significant demise, which spurs Rhaenyra to invade Kind's Landing. That's definitely what happened! She has no other reason! Also we can't escape worms.
Check out Pat Loller's TikTok @patloller - he is a veteran and speaks on veteran's rights and politics, and is funny and smart!
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Questions or comments? Email us at houseoffireandbloodpodcast@gmail.com
Caroline and Gretchen are joined yet again by friend-of-the-pod, Phil! The group continue their analysis with The Dying of the Dragons: The Red and the Gold Part 3. Team Black rubs their scheming hands together as they decide to evilly *checks notes* let commoners try to ride dragons and earn a lordship. Justice for Nettles!
See Phil's cool A Song of Ice and Fire content on the TikTok as Daemon Bakfyre @hexbladewarbak
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Questions or comments? Email us at houseoffireandbloodpodcast@gmail.com
Caroline and Gretchen are joined by YET ANOTHER FRIEND, Phil! The group continue their analysis with The Dying of the Dragons: The Red and the Gold Part 2. Rook's Rest is under siege and Rhaenyra, too cowardly to fight and disabled by her wandering womb, send Rhaenys instead. Meanwhile, "King" Aegon flies into battle himself! What a smart and brave plan that definitely won't go wrong at all!
See Phil's cool A Song of Ice and Fire content on the TikTok as Daemon Bakfyre @hexbladewarbak
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Questions or comments? Email us at houseoffireandbloodpodcast@gmail.com
Gretchen and Caroline continue their analysis with The Dying of The Dragons: The Red and the Gold Part 1. Otto Hightower loses his job as Hand of the King for doing too much diplomacy, so The Smartest King Aegon appoints Crustacean Cole as his new Hand - an "iron fist," as the kids say ;-) Luckily George R.R. Martin watched The Parent Trap in the 90s and hilarity ensues!
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TRIGGER WARNING episode, child death :-/
Caroline and Gretchen continue their analysis with The Dying of the Dragons: A Son for a Son Part 2. Lord Boros' clever daughter says "No balls!" to Almond Targaryen, so he definitely intentionally chomps Lucerys. In response, Daemon says "I read my bible!" and demands an eye for an eye, killing Prince Jaehaerys. Thanks George!
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Gretchen and Caroline continue their analysis with a The Dying of the Dragons: A Son for a Son Part 1. The EVHUL Blacks begin the war with very violent diplomacy around Westeros. Jacaerys goes North and makes BFFs with Craigen Stark, while Daemon has a perfectly normal time at Harrenhal. How evil!
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Questions or comments? Email us at houseoffireandbloodpodcast@gmail.com
Gretchen and Caroline continue their analysis with a The Dying of the Dragons: The Blacks and the Greens Part 3. Rhaenyra's advantages are few as she only has a max of 14 dragons at her disposal, and Aegon is definitely strong and totally not a potential kinslayer. Also, the patriarchy is bad.
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Questions or comments? Email us at houseoffireandbloodpodcast@gmail.com
Gretchen and Caroline continue their analysis with a The Dying of the Dragons: The Blacks and the Greens Part 2. Rhaenyra's dad dies and she has the AUDACITY to be upset and also curse during labor. Meanwhile the Greens execute their immaculate "plan" and Aegon has the biggest crowds, you've never seen such crowds! Nobody has crowds like this!
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Questions or comments? Email us at houseoffireandbloodpodcast@gmail.com
Caroline and Gretchen continue their analysis with a The Dying of the Dragons: The Blacks and the Greens Part 1. When an unfortunate servant notices that Viserys is RIP, the Green council gathers to discuss very real and legitimate laws that exist and happen to support their position! And Alicent ignores the leopards preparing to eat her face.
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Questions or comments? Email us at houseoffireandbloodpodcast@gmail.com
Gretchen and Caroline are joined by friend-of-the-show Nick! Yay! The group continues their analysis with a Question of Succession Part 5. Viserys, the most indecisive king, weirdly keeps defending his daughter as heir, while Rhaenyra marries her uncle and has his kids (this is good I promise?).
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Caroline and Gretchen continue their analysis with a Question of Succession Part 4. Rhaenyra marries Laenor and Criston Cole reacts very normally, while Daemon marries Laena and they honeymoon very normally. And these damn kids just can't get along!
Also the last half hour of this is about Bridgerton, sorry not sorry!
Questions or comments? Email us at houseoffireandbloodpodcast@gmail.com
Gretchen and Caroline continue their analysis with a Question of Succession Part 3. Viserys continues to DEFNITELY be an indecisive and weak king, while Rhaenyra tries 1-2 times to woo Criston Cole - but he's too honorable! And he sure did NOT start the rumor that she really wanted to sleep with him...
Questions or comments? Email us at houseoffireandbloodpodcast@gmail.com
Caroline and Gretchen continue their analysis with a Question of Succession Part 2. Viserys names his daughter as heir and it DEFINITELY was only as a last resort AND because he was such a weak king! Also, where did Otto Hightower come from?
The Easter Egg of this episode which is ** looks at notes ** a full half an hour long, is all about Bridgerton. If you care for that sort of thing lol.
Questions or comments? Email us at houseoffireandbloodpodcast@gmail.com
Gretchen and Caroline begin their "season 2" of the podcast, starting with A Question of Succession. Jaehaerys is surprised by the number of attendees to his awesome council, and is also DEFINITELY surprised by the outcome! It was not at all rigged, folks!
Questions or comments? Email us at houseoffireandbloodpodcast@gmail.com
Caroline and Gretchen review the "Green" and the "Black" trailers. They conclude that violence is bad, and they hope the writers know!
Questions or comments? Email us at houseoffireandbloodpodcast@gmail.com
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