
  • You health goals can grow and change as you do.

    Hit play to learn how Zane has modified and optimized his Animal Based diet over the years and what key health goals you should have as you age.

    Quick Notes From Zane:

    The simple eating plan I follow Meal frequency Protein goals Whole food/ fruit to get more potassium and magnesium Beware of overdoing metabolic stress How you can adjust it for your personal goals Making adjustments for age Benefits of eating this way My results at 51 yrs old

    Links For This Episode:

    Connect with Zane:

    ReLyte Electrolytes by Redmond Real Salt: https://shop.redmond.life?afmc=Zane Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zanegriggsfitness Follow me on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ZaneGriggs


    How Zane keeps his electrolytes Why Zane eats liver every day Eating for your current health goals What it feels like when you’re “overdoing it” When Zane got the best sleep of his life When to start adding in supplements The first thing you should eat on your plate How to get more vitamins D thought the day
  • Welcome back to Hunger Hunt Feast! Listen in as Zane Griggs and guest J. Gulinello, M.S.discuss the Effect Of Seed Oils On Mitochondria, Animal Food Benefits & The War On Meat and much more.


    The effect of processed vegetable oils aka seed oils on metabolic health Increased concentrations of linoleic acid in human fat tissue Linoleic acid has a half-life of 680 days in the human body Benefits of animal protein and micronutrients in animal foods The agenda to move people away from eating meat by international organizations

    Links For This Episode:

    Ancestral Wellness Retreat: October 6, 2022 in Martha's Vineyard


    Selected Psychological Aspects of Meat Consumption


    Linoleic Concentrations in Adipose Tissue


    Type 2 Diabetes Blamed On Egg Consumption


    Re-evaluation of the Minnesota Coronary Experiment


    Re-evaluation of the Sydney Diet Heart Study



    IG: @perpetualhealthco

    Connect with Zane:

    ReLyte Electrolytes by Redmond Real Salt: https://shop.redmond.life?afmc=Zane Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zanegriggsfitness Follow me on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ZaneGriggs


    Welcome back J. Gulinello, M.S. The impact of highly concentrated Linoleic acid on the body The chronic effects of seed oils What happens when toxins enter the mitochondria J’s two favorite studies on seed oils The Bitcoin and Beef paradigm The real health benefit of animal foods Are all kinds of bacteria bad for humans? The truth we have known for 1935 and longer What The WHO says about meat consumption A look into J’s upcoming events
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  • How do we decide which fats and oils to consume?

    Ideally we want to minimize the omega 6 Linoleic Acid consumption as much as possible

    Let's take a closer look at the fatty acid concentrations of the most common fats in our diet.

    Links For This Episode:

    Linoleic acid concentrations in fats and oils


    Increase in Adipose Tissue Linoleic Acid of US Adults in the Last Half Century


    Composition of adipose tissue and marrow fat in humans by 1H NMR at 7 Tesla


    Chia seed oil composition


    Sesame oil composition


    Connect with Zane:

    ReLyte Electrolytes by Redmond Real Salt: https://shop.redmond.life?afmc=Zane Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zanegriggsfitness Follow me on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ZaneGriggs


    Let’s talk about fat The different types of fat we store in our body What we can learn from cultures that don’t eat a modern diet The risk of the different types of oil A look into what makes up the good oils Where PUFAs could be hiding in other oils Why you shouldn’t trust the packaging How to minimize your exposure to PUFAs
  • The discussion over what aspect of our diet has been driving the escalation of metabolic disease over the last 100 years has been a confusing one full of contradictory information.

    It would be logical to look for a change in our diet associated with such a dramatic change in the health of a population

    There are both correlated evidence and dietary trials to support the theory that the increase in linoleic acid, provided by the introduction of PUFA processed oils into our diet, is the driver.

    In this episode of Hunger Hunt Feast, I want to share a collection of them to help clarify some of the confusion.


    Episode Specific Links:

    Linoleic acid concentrations in fats and oils http://www.distributionkatrina.com/english/comparison-of-dietary-fats.html Increase in Adipose Tissue Linoleic Acid of US Adults in the Last Half-Century https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC4642429/ Composition of adipose tissue and marrow fat in humans by 1H NMR at 7 Tesla https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022227520346733 Diets could prevent many diseases https://www.researchgate.net/publication/10673140_Diets_could_prevent_many_diseases Corn Oil in Treatment of Ischemic Heart Disease https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2166702/ Linoleic acid causes greater weight gain than saturated fat without hypothalamic inflammation in the male mouse https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27886622/#:~:text=the%20male%20mouse-,Linoleic%20acid%20causes%20greater%20weight%20gain%20than%20saturated%20fat%20without,doi%3A%2010.1016%2Fj Effects of fatty acids on mitochondria: implications for cell death https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12206909/ Can linoleic acid contribute to coronary artery disease? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8192728/ Effects of linoleate-enriched and oleate-enriched diets in combination with alpha-tocopherol on the susceptibility of LDL and LDL subfractions to oxidative modification in humans https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8148354/ Acrolein is a product of lipid peroxidation reaction https://www.jbc.org/article/S0021-9258(18)80708-6/fulltext#seccestitle90 The role of dietary oxidized cholesterol and oxidized fatty acids in the development of atherosclerosis https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16270280/ Rapeseed oil and sunflower oil diets enhance platelet in vitro aggregation and thromboxane production in healthy men when compared with milk fat or habitual diets https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1641826/ Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase-1 Is Associated with Insulin Resistance in Morbidly Obese Subjects https://link.springer.com/article/10.2119/molmed.2010.00078 Circulating levels of linoleic acid and HDL-cholesterol are major determinants of 4-hydroxynonenal protein adducts in patients with heart failure https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3909262/ Circulating levels of linoleic acid and HDL-cholesterol are major determinants of 4-hydroxynonenal protein adducts in patients with heart failure https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3909262/ Role of Physiological Levels of 4-Hydroxynonenal on Adipocyte Biology: Implications for Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4038367/ “The Hateful Eight: Enemy Fats That Destroy Your Health - Dr. Cate.” Dr. Cate, 22 May 2020, https://drcate.com/the-hateful-eight-enemy-fats-that-destroy-your-health/ Effects of diets enriched in linoleic acid and its peroxidation products on brain fatty acids, oxylipins, and aldehydes in mice https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC6180905/ Strong increase in hydroxy fatty acids derived from linoleic acid in human low-density lipoproteins of atherosclerotic patients https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9488997/ Brief episode of STZ-induced hyperglycemia produces cardiac abnormalities in rats fed a diet rich in n-6 PUFA https://journals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/ajpheart.00480.2004?rfr_dat=cr_pub++0pubmed&url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori%3Arid%3Acrossref.org Changes in Dietary Fat Intake Alter Plasma Levels of Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein and Lipoprotein(a) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9844997/ “Dr. Knobbe Presents, ‘Macular Degeneration - Preventable & Treatable - With an Ancestral Diet?’ at Weston A. Price Foundation’s Annual Conference - Wise Traditions - 2017 - Cure AMD Foundation.” Cure AMD Foundation, https://www.cureamd.org/dr-knobbe-presents-macular-degeneration-preventable-treatable-with-an-ancestral-diet-at-weston-a-price-foundations-annual-conference-wise-traditions-2017/ Unsaturated fatty acids and their oxidation products stimulate CD36 expression in human macrophages https://www.researchgate.net/publication/11260045_Unsaturated_fatty_acids_and_their_oxidation_products_stimulate_CD36_expression_in_human_macrophages Lowering dietary linoleic acid (LA) reduces bioactive oxidized linoleic acid metabolites in humans https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC3467319/ Can linoleic acid contribute to coronary artery disease? https://www.researchgate.net/publication/15005994_Can_linoleic_acid_contribute_to_coronary_artery_disease A high linoleic acid diet increases oxidative stress in vivo and affects nitric oxide metabolism in humans https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9844997/ Dietary Linoleic Acid Elevates Endogenous 2-AG and Anandamide and Induces Obesity https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1038/oby.2012.38 Use of dietary linoleic acid for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease and death: evaluation of recovered data from the Sydney Diet Heart Study and updated meta-analysis https://www.bmj.com/content/346/bmj.e8707

    Connect with Zane:

    ReLyte Electrolytes by Redmond Real Salt: https://shop.redmond.life?afmc=Zane Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zanegriggsfitness Follow me on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ZaneGriggs


    What causes modern disease The hateful eight oils The correlation between vegetable oils and obesity The oxidation effects of LDL The truth about the dairy data How much cholesterol is in your brain Where you can find a copy of today’s mentioned study What we know about Linoleic acid
  • Welcome back to the Hunger Hunt Feast Podcast! In today’s episode, Zane talks with electrical engineer and author Tristan Scott!

    Tristan is an electrical engineer whose passion for health developed from his struggle to recover from Post Concussive Syndrome and he found that an animal-based diet helped him reduce inflammation, but Tristan has taken his expertise even further.

    Listen in as Tristan talks about his book "Bitcoin and Beef" which he wrote to address the current problems with the increasing wealth gap and decreasing health stemming from an over-centralized system. In his book, he addresses the fallacies about a negative environmental impact of both the raising of beef and bitcoin mining.

    For more resources, or to get in touch, check out the links below!


    Episode Specific Links:

    Ritchie, Hannah, and Max Roser. 2020. "CO2 and Greenhouse Gas Emissions." Our World in Data. https://ourworldindata.org/emissions-by-sector Energy Mix https://ourworldindata.org/energy-mix#:~:text=Despite%20producing%20more%20and%20more,in%20the%20last%2010%20years The United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2014. 2014 NATA: Assessment Results. https://www.epa.gov/national-air-toxics-assessment/2014-nata-assessment-results 2021. Overview of Greenhouse Gases. November 19. https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/overview-greenhouse-gases#methane. 2021. Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions. July 27. https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/sources-greenhouse-gas-emissions. 2021. Understanding Global Warming Potentials. October 18. https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/understanding-global-warming-potentials. Buis, Alan. 2019. "The Atmosphere: Getting a Handle on Carbon Dioxide." Global Climate Change. October 9. https://climate.nasa.gov/news/2915/the-atmosphere-getting-a-handle-on-carbon-dioxide/ Oxford Martin Programme on Climate Pollutants. 2017. Climate metrics under ambitious mitigation. Oxford: Oxford Martin School. https://www.oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk/downloads/academic/Climate_Metrics_%20Under_%20Ambitious%20_Mitigation.pdf Bigelow, Daniel P., and Allison Borchers. 2017. Major Uses of Land in the United States, 2012. U.S. Department of Agriculture. https://www.ers.usda.gov/webdocs/publications/84880/eib-178_summary.pdf?v=6159.2 Matlock, Terry. 2021. Corn planted acreage up 2% from 2020: Soybean acreage up 5% from last year. June 30. Accessed November 10, 2021. https://www.nass.usda.gov/Newsroom/2021/06-30-2021.php U.S. Department of Agriculture. 2015. USDA Coexistence Fact Sheets Soybeans. Washington D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture. https://www.usda.gov/sites/default/files/documents/coexistence-soybeans-factsheet.pdf Mottet, Anne, Cees de Haan, Alessandra Falucci, Giuseppe Tempio, Carolyn Opio, and Pierre Gerber. 2017. "Livestock: On our plates or eating at our table? A new analysis of the feed/food debate." Global Food Security 1-8. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2211912416300013. Araujo, Joana, Jianwen Cai, and June Stevens. 2019. "Prevalence of Optimal Metabolic Health in American Adults: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2009-2016." Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders 46-52. https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/full/10.1089/met.2018.0105. OECD. 2019. State of Health in the EU Germany Country Health Profile 2019. OECD. https://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/419459/Country-Health-Profile-2019-Germany.pdf Open Secrets. 2018. Client Profile: Bayer AG. https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/clients/summary?cycle=2018&id=D000042363 2021. Client Profile: PepsiCo Inc. https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/clients/summary?cycle=2020&id=D000000200. 2020. Commercial Banks: Top Contributors to Federal Candidates, Parties, and Outside Groups. https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/contrib.php?cycle=2020&ind=F03 Good Jobs First. 2021. Violation Tracker 100 Most Penalized Parent Companies. https://violationtracker.goodjobsfirst.org/parent-totals 2021. Violation Tracker Industry Summary Page. https://violationtracker.goodjobsfirst.org/industry/financial%20services. Office of Public Affairs. 2020. "Goldman Sachs Charged in Foreign Bribery Case and Agrees to Pay Over $2.9 Billion." The United States Department of Justice. October 22. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/goldman-sachs-charged-foreign-bribery-case-and-agrees-pay-over-29-billion Jones, Katie. 2020. "How Total Spend by U.S. Advertisers Has Changed, Over 20 Years." Visual Capitalist. October 16. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/us-advertisers-spend-20-years/ Bank of America. 2021. Annual Report. Bank of America Corporation. https://about.bankofamerica.com/annualmeeting/static/media/BAC_2020_AnnualReport.9130a6d8.pdf Carter, Nic. 2021. "How Much Energy Does Bitcoin Actually Consume?" Harvard Business Review. May 5. https://hbr.org/2021/05/how-much-energy-does-bitcoin-actually-consume

    Connect with Tristan:

    IG: @tristan_health or @bitcoinandbeef Twitter: @bitcoinand_beef

    Connect with Zane:

    ReLyte Electrolytes by Redmond Real Salt: https://shop.redmond.life?afmc=Zane Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zanegriggsfitness Follow me on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ZaneGriggs


    Get to know Tristan Scott What led Tristan to an Animal-based diet When Tristan became passionate about Bitcoin Why everyone should be paying attention to Blockchain A look into the environmental impact of beef and Bitcoin The importance of regenerative farming The real hurdle we face in the agriculture world The business side of junk food How much energy should a monetary system take? What you need to control a population
  • Welcome back to another episode of Hunger Hunt Feast! In today’s episode, Zane interviews Former Professional Australian sprinter and optimal health enthusiast, Michael Kummer.

    While Michael was professionally competing, he was struggling behind the scenes with IBS. It didn’t take long for him to realize optimal health must be more than just physical fitness.

    Through a series of events, Michael found himself on the journey of experimenting with diets to find the best fuel to reach new levels of health for him and his family.

    Listen in to hear their conversation about Michael’s journey to the US to find work, how he found an Animal-Based Diet the most sustainable option, practical tips on how to lead your family in animal-based living, and more!

    Guest Links:

    https://www.youtube.com/c/MichaelKummer https://michaelkummer.com

    Zane's Links:

    Get organic keto meals delivered to your door!!


    ReLyte Electrolytes by Redmond Real Salt


    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zanegriggsfitness


    Get to know Michael Kummer What led Michael to animal-based living How Michael teaches his kids about nutrition and balance Why leading by example is the best way to parent Understanding how diet affects your performance How Michael is helping others with health Common misconceptions about eating liver Optimal health is not just about appearance
  • Welcome back to Hunger Hunt Feast! Today on the show, Zane speaks with marathon runner and animal based lifestyle advocate Meg Chatham.

    Meeting Meg today, she is happy, healthy, and pursuing the best that life offers her. However, only a few years ago, this was not the case. After suffering a family trauma, Meg developed an eating disorder to cope with her emotions. After years of suffering compounded by the effects of a vegan lifestyle, Meg and her health hit rock bottom.

    After professional rehab and switching to an animal based dietary lifestyle, things began to turn around for Meg. Listen in as Meg shares her journey with an eating disorder, what makes the Carnivore community different, how she is training to compete in the Olympics, how eating meat changed her life, and more!


    Meg had an eating disorder from her early teens She was diagnosed and treated for it at Cornell University, but the issue wasn't truly resolve Worked for Diana Rogers, Sacred Cow, in social media and brand strategy. She found that the nourishment from an animal based diet calmed her mind and allowed her to maintain a consistent diet. Competitive marathon runner- sub 3 hour time. Worked with Michelle Hurn, R.D., publicizing her book "Dieticians Dilemma." Why she attended Paul Saladino's animal based gathering and the benefits of being part of a community.


    www.megchatham.com IG @meg.chatham

    Zane's Links:

    Get organic keto meals delivered to your door!!


    ReLyte Electrolytes by Redmond Real Salt


    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zanegriggsfitness


    Get to know Meg Meg’s journey with an eating disorder How an animal based diet changed Meg’s life Meg's game plan to get in the Olympics Doing what it takes to archive optimal health Meg’s authentic approach to intermittent fasting A look inside the Carnivore Retreat Meg’s future animal based cosmetics line
  • Welcome back to Hunger Hunt Feast! Today Zane is joined by Health Coach Justin Bradley.

    After suffering from digestive issues for years, he finally found the relief he was looking for when he made the switch to an animal-based diet.

    After his health journey started to dramatically change for the better, his wife and 3 daughters followed his lead and now the whole family has integrated animal-based living into their day-to-day.

    Listen in to hear how Justin and his family are now helping other families all over the world implement an animal-based diet into any family setting.

    You’ll also hear Zane and Justin’s conversation about the universal nature of Biochemistry, why men love animal-based diets, the importance of nasal breathing, and more!


    Instagram @instinctual_health Intinctualhealthforlife.com Facebook @instinctual health

    Zane's Links:

    Get organic keto meals delivered to your door!!


    ReLyte Electrolytes by Redmond Real Salt


    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zanegriggsfitness


    Welcome Coach Bradley Justin’s health journey How to help your kids eat better Search engine doesn’t necessarily mean truth A greater understanding of what’s good for us You can’t listen to your body if you’re metabolically dysfunctioning The importance of nose breathing How to connect with Justin Biochemistry is universal
  • One of the best ways to stay in the Hunt is to live an active lifestyle.

    However, when creating a new fitness routine the average person forgets to implement something that has a little longevity in mind…


    In this episode, Zane is joined by Professional Flow Artist Jared Thomas to help us understand more about The Steel Mace Flow Movement.

    In Jared’s words, this is a practice similar to what you may see a martial artist do and focuses on functional movements that can help you accomplish a whole range of things.

    Listen in to hear these topics, and more!

    What is "Flow"? Most common added implement to Flow is a steel mace Benefits of Mace Flow Making it a part of your fitness routine How to get started with Mace Flow



    IG @jaredmichaelthomas Twitter @musiccityflow

    Zane's Links:

    Get organic keto meals delivered to your door!!


    ReLyte Electrolytes by Redmond Real Salt


    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zanegriggsfitness


    Meet Jared Thomas A look into flow movement Starting with functional movement Is a “flow state” a real thing? How Jarad discovered his passion The natural need for protection Steel Mace clubs around America What Jarad uses every day to push himself The 360 primary movement Over lifting and knowing when to stop When Jared hit a fitness plateau The connotation between movement and emotions
  • Welcome back to Hunger Hunt Feast! Around this time of year it is common for us to reassess our goals and look at the habits we need to implement to get there.

    This has been a recurring topic in our recent episodes so Zane wanted to address the other side of the habit conversation.


    We all have addiction levels to some degree towards different foods, thought patterns, emotional habits and so much more. In this episode Zane shares his thoughts on the topic of addiction and how to get started doing the internal work and healing that may need to happen to achieve optimal health.

    If you know someone who needs this episode, hit the share button from wherever you are listening and text it to them!

    Zane's Links:

    Get organic keto meals delivered to your door!!


    ReLyte Electrolytes by Redmond Real Salt


    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zanegriggsfitness


    Welcome back! Are you trying to create better habits? We all have addictions How forgiveness can bring you better health The effects of disruption of our schedule Do the hard work on your life How society falls apart
  • Welcome back to Hunger Hunt Feast! Today, Zane is joined Pauline Cox M.Sc.

    Pauline is Functional Nutritionist that specializes in gut health and the healing habits we can all implement into our daily lives.

    Listen in as Zane and Pauline have a conversation about the benefits of ketosis, cold water exposure, why fermented vegetables are the best and more!

    Ladies, you will also hear Paulines tips and powerful insight around hormonal balance how to avoid toxic, levels of estrogen and more!


    Instagram: @paulinejcox Instagram: @sowandarrow http:sowandarrow.com https://www.facebook.com/groups/healthyketodietandlifestyle

    Zane's Links:

    Get organic keto meals delivered to your door!!


    ReLyte Electrolytes by Redmond Real Salt


    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zanegriggsfitness


    Meet Pauline Paulines approach to teaching overall health Why fermented veggies are King Tips for brining acid back to your cut The role of Ketones Chronically high levels of insulin and the affects on the body What Pauline’s average meal looks like The health benefits of red meat The formula for food addiction One way to naturally level your blood sugar When the profit drives the diagnosis The different types and colors of fat Why you should get out for a walk
  • Welcome back to Hunger Hunt Feast and Happy New Year! Today we welcome fashion and style expert, Tanner Guzy. Tanner is a Men’s style coach and by the end of this episode, you will get a new look into why what you wear actually matters. (In more ways than you’d think)

    During this conversation, Zane and Tanner will unpack the style archetypes, cultural attack on masculinity, and how to break out, plus the internal habits you need to turn your look around from the inside out and more.


    Instagram: @tannerguzy Website: https://masculine-style.com/ YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/MasculineStyle Book: The Appearance of Power: How Masculinity is expressed through aesthetics”

    Zane's Links:

    Get organic keto meals delivered to your door!!


    ReLyte Electrolytes by Redmond Real Salt


    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zanegriggsfitness


    Welcome Tanner! What your clothing communicates How trends are created What Tanner teaches his clients Displaying who you are on the inside Finding your flow Where what you want to wear Masculinity and caring about your appearance How to connect with Tanner
  • Welcome back to Hunger Hunt Feast and Happy New Year! During this time of year, once the Christmas cookie tin is empty and all the leftovers have been eaten, everyone starts to bring their attention back to their health and overall wellness.

    Gyms are full, the health food section at stores are cleaned out, and everyone starts to work towards their goal weight…

    At least for the first few days or weeks.

    By the time February rolls around the majored of people will give up and slip back into their old ways. We believe that will not be the case for you this year! Hit play to learn the three main areas you need to focus on to achieve any health goal you may have.

    If you know someone who is ready to take their health to the next level in 2022, share this episode with them and gain an accountability buddy.

    Zane's Links:

    Get organic keto meals delivered to your door!!


    ReLyte Electrolytes by Redmond Real Salt


    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zanegriggsfitness


    Welcome to the New Year! Success is in the planning A framework to get started What to eat and what to replace Start with what you can afford Why Zane recommends interment fasting How many times to work out a week How to get your labs Physical fitness and how it ties into your success The Hunger Hunt Feast vision
  • Welcome back to Hunger Hunt Feast! Today we have an honest and topical conversation with Gina Bontempo about taking personal responsibility for your health.

    This episode is a replay from earlier this year but the message remains truer now than ever. Whether you heard it before, or this is your first time tuning in this conversation is exactly what you need to hear to jump-start your new year and help achieve your optimal success.

    We hope this conversation gives you a new lens to see how the social and racial climate can affect your health and lifestyle choices.


    Eclectic educational and vocational background

    turned woke at Harvard Theological Divinity School

    After traveling to several countries she realized that if you live in the US you are privileged.

    Comparing the success and cultural differences of immigrant minorities to US-born minorities moving to Nashville, TN for the new Daily Wire show hosted by Candace Owens.

    The message of Candace Owens to elevate the black community

    Inspired by the writings of Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder, Coleman Hughes.

    Gina’s red pill experience and connecting with Candace Owens

    Struggling with the body positivity media message targeting women's health in her job as a health writer for a digital media company.

    Emailed Candace Owens to pitch herself as a guest on Candace’s podcast 2 months later, Candace offered her a job to become her manager, the health risks of the body positivity message directed at women.

    The body positivity message drives profits for media companies

    Health risks of birth control and synthetic progesterone: Progestin

    *note: Zane mentions Synthroid mistakenly which is a synthetic thyroid*

    Making personal health choices to avoid reliance on the healthcare system

    Gina’s health choices during her first pregnancy.


    IG: @Gmflorio Twitter: @floriogm http://gmflorio.com

    Zane's Links:

    Get organic keto meals delivered to your door!!


    ReLyte Electrolytes by Redmond Real Salt


    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zanegriggsfitness


    Introducing Gina Bonatempo Being woke and searching for truth The American dream and American privilege Skin vs. Culture Calling people up to greatness How Gina became woke Obesity, Mass media, and the truth Women are from Venus… Body positivity campaign and social media The dangers of birth control Your health has to be intentional and a priority Health during pregnancy
  • Recently, Zane had the pleasure of appearing as a guest on The Courtenay Turner Podcast. Today we share part two of this incredible conversation they had together. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out part one before jumping into today’s episode!

    Listen in as they continue the conversation discussing diet and fitness, big food and big pharma, what the future could hold if we don't take back our health, where the country is going politicly, and more.

    This episode will also give you a look into the lies of marketing and food, a shocking new health headline, along with a full rundown on food terms you actually need to know.


    https://www.courtenayturner.com/podcast https://www.instagram.com/kineticcourtz https://twitter.com/courtenayturner

    Zane's Links:

    Get organic keto meals delivered to your door!!


    ReLyte Electrolytes by Redmond Real Salt


    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zanegriggsfitness

    Quick Episode Summary:

    Welcome to part two The lost art of critical thinking An example of how The war over CO2 How to vote with your dollars Food terms you actually need to know The confusion in health and marketing The latest lie about heart attacks How to find the truth online Your health is your responsibility What is type three diabetes Male and female polarity It’s not about being a gym rat
  • Recently, Zane had the pleasure of appearing as a guest on The Courtenay Turner Podcast. Today we share part one of this incredible conversation they had together.

    Listen in as they discuss diet and fitness, big food and big pharma, what the future could hold if we don't take back our health, where the country is going politicly and more.

    This episode will also give you a new look into Zane health journey and how he got here today. Be sure and listen next week to hear part two!


    https://www.courtenayturner.com/podcast https://www.instagram.com/kineticcourtz https://twitter.com/courtenayturner

    Zane's Links:

    Get organic keto meals delivered to your door!!

    ReLyte Electrolytes by Redmond Real Salt

    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zanegriggsfitness

    Quick Episode Summary:

    How Zane started his health journey Looking at the metrics that matter The most common misconceptions Zane encounters Zane’s time on Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition The reason why modern adults are obese How obesity and inflammation go together Zane’s opinion on the future food supply Why Zane moved to Tennessee How the elite have used fear throughout history
  • Welcome, Dr. Shehab Faragallah to Hunger Hunt Feast! Dr. Shehabis a holistic dentist in Queensland Australia with a special interest in oral myology, facial development, and the airway.

    He is also the Co-founder of Myospots, a device to help improve the posture of the tongue.

    Listen in as Zane and Dr. Shehab discuss the importance of tongue positioning and nasal breathing for health and facial structure.

    You will also learn important information like the correct tongue posture, how nasal breathing can correct snoring, sleep apnea, and other sinus problems as well as increase the production of nitric oxide and more!


    www.myospots.com [email protected] www.facebook.com/myospots www.instagram.com/myospots

    Zane's Links:

    Get organic keto meals delivered to your door!!

    ReLyte Electrolytes by Redmond Real Salt

    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zanegriggsfitness

    Quick Episode Summary:

    Get to know Dr. Shehab The correct oral-facial posture Addressing the correct facial muscles Using self-awareness to break habits A few reasons why you may be snoring The benefits of nasal breathing Why this approach will affect you for the longterm One of the best tongue exercises One of Dr. Shehab’s favorite face Yogis
  • It is safe to say that the term "toxic masculinity" has been a buzzword over the past few years.

    It begs the question, what does true masculinity even look like in 2021? Today's guest, Soma Miller has made it his lives work to help men all over the world answer that question.

    Hit play to hear Zane and Soma's powerful conversation about masculinity, gender roles, designing the relationship you want, and more!


    Soma Miller: Men's Embodiment Coach The need to encourage and refine masculinity Cultivate emotional intelligence Create a brotherhood with other men Confront self-destructive habits Maintain sexual polarity with women Become leaders in their careers & communities


    https://www.theessentialman.net https://www.theessentialman.net/reset IG: @the.essential.man

    Zane's Links:

    Get organic keto meals delivered to your door!!

    ReLyte Electrolytes by Redmond Real Salt

    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zanegriggsfitness

    Quick Episode Summary:

    Meet Soma Redefining masculinity Why purpose matters The correlation between trauma and addiction Creating consciousness Overcoming unhealthy competition The importance of feedback Why Soma teaches self-awareness The results of a balanced relationship The truth about gender roles How to connect with Soma
  • Welcome to another episode of Hunger Hunt Feast! Today Zane is joined by the owner and founder of the multiple media company Truth Matters, Congenital Rubella survivor, and freedom advocate, Courtenay Turner.

    Hit play to hear Courtenay and Zane have an open and honest conversation about taking health back into your own hands, personal sovereignty, and their thoughts about current affairs.


    https://www.courtenayturner.com https://www.truthmatters.biz https://www.instagram.com/kineticcourtz https://twitter.com/courtenayturner https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRv2jBY_wxFDioci5Z_NgyA

    Zane's Links:

    Get organic keto meals delivered to your door!!

    ReLyte Electrolytes by Redmond Real Salt

    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zanegriggsfitness

    Quick Episode Summary:

    Meet Courtenay How American Ninja Warrior plays into Courtenay’s journey What Congenital Rubella means physically Why Courtenay loves CrossFit An honest conversation about the West Coast Health Sovereignty and the passion behind Courtenay’s content How Truth Matters started The goal is freedom and autonomy What people who don’t work out don’t understand What Courtenay is setting out to accomplish Why culture is important Protecting Women's sports The challenge facing men and women in 2021 The rights granted to you by being alive
  • Welcome back (or Aloha) to our guest Cynthia Monteleone! You may remember Cynthia from our previous episode "60. Cynthia Monteleone Is Running Faster Over 40... And You Can Too"

    Not only is Cynthia still setting new records sprinting, but she is also back with another amazing book. Listen in as Cynthia shares a look into her new project and cookbook! This is the perfect resource for anyone looking for quick meal ideas that won't destroy your gut with inflammatory ingredients.

    You will also hear how Cynthia is helping protect fairness in women's sports, insight on new muscle healing peptides along with the benefits of sprinting over endurance training, and more!


    https://www.mam808.org Instagram: @fastover40

    Zane's Links:

    Get organic keto meals delivered to your door!!

    ReLyte Electrolytes by Redmond Real Salt

    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zanegriggsfitness

    Quick Episode Summary:

    Welcome back Cynthia! Why Cynthia decided to write her new book A look into the cookbook Next time you have a drink, try this! Finding your warrior self Cynthia’s weekly training routine How gender controversy affects modern sports Balancing western and eastern medicine Why you should avoid red dye number 40 The power names Why teenagers need more sleep The connection between creativity and dopamine