
  • We've all seen Tiger Woods dominate the sport of golf but until now, we haven't heard the wisdom that allowed him to succeed.

    In this episode of I WANNA BE FAMOUS, I do a deep dive into Tiger Wood's Hall of Fame speech and pull out the top three things I learned that allowed him to reach G.O.A.T status! #3 will probably be the biggest surprise. 


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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • After a long hiatus, I'm back for Season 2! I'll be catching everyone up on where I've been and what's next for IWBF in the coming weeks. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • Season one is officially in the books! In this episode, I'll be recapping what we covered in this season of I WANNA BE FAMOUS and what's on the horizon. Tune in and make sure you leave us a review on Apple Podcasts (it's how we keep the lights on).

    Resources Mentioned:

    Want to level up your skills, talent, and income? Join my FREE Skills Community

    7 Laws of Mindful Living Book

    Listen to the first episode: The Oprah Effect

    Steve Yalo: famous full-time videographer

    Tim Paige: makes $150,000 per year narrating audiobooks

    19 year old photographer who shoots for Nike and Adidas

    21 Quarantine Podcast Ideas

    18 Things To Ask Yourself Before Acquiring A New Skill

    Episode on the Murder of George Floyd and Allyship

    Viral Comics

    4 Levels of Beliefs

    How to Write A Book in 60 Days

    Making It In Esports

    Improving Discipline and Accountability

    A brief history of my story - part 1

    Building Self Confidence

    6 Life Lessons from Dwayne Johnson

    Charlie Munger

    Kevin Hart

    Joe Rogan

    Your Next Career Move

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • I am officially dropping the Career Pivot Masterclass this week. Right now, there are people whose jobs are being replaced by automation, and because of the pandemic, more people have had the time to think about what they actually want out of their lives. If anything good has come from COVID, it is that it forced us to slow down. Maybe you are feeling unfulfilled with work, or you are just ready to move on and start something new altogether.

    Your next move is found in developing skills. And this is the most opportune time to actually make a career move, because everyone else is standing back. The methodology of this masterclass is what I have used to build multiple businesses and work in several different industries. This week, I am opening the vault and letting you have access to some closely held gems.

    The masterclass is five days of value. You will be able to put this stuff into action and get results. If you want to know the details of what I am going to be talking about over the next five days, then listen to this episode.

    Resources Mentioned

    Career Pivot Masterclass

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • I have an opportunity for you, and a really important question...

    What would happen if Quentin Tarantino sat you down and asked you to write the script for him and he would be the hero? What would you say? How would you feel? Imagine that same script, but you get casted as the hero? What would play out? Can you even envision it?

    Joe Rogan says to live your life like you are the hero in your own movie. Do you have the capacity to see yourself as the hero of your own story?

    Resources Mentioned

    Want to level up your skills, talent, and income? Join my FREE Skills Community 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • I wanted to share a really cool article that inspired me. I hope it can help you become mindful about how you show up in the world. It's about Kevin Hart. If you haven't already read his book, you should go do that. He started his career as a comedian when he graduated from high school. He was doing gigs at The Laugh House comedy club in Philadelphia, doing whatever he could to run with people on the comedy scene. He was aggressive, and he did a lot of impersonations in his comedy. But he was missing the key to making connections in his career. Listen now to learn what he was missing...

    Resources Mentioned

    The One Advice That Made Kevin Hart Famous by Nicole Policarpo

    Want to level up your skills, talent, and income? Join my FREE Skills Community 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • "You have to figure out what your own aptitudes are. If you play games where other people have the aptitudes and you don't, you are going to lose." - Charlie Munger

    If you don't know Charlie, let me introduce you to him. He's the guy who helped Warren Buffet get stupid rich. I bet you know Warren Buffet. I want to share a quote from Charlie Munger with you, because I want you to understand what nobody is telling you. Everyone is telling you that you can be anything you want to be, and I am not saying that's not true. What is more true is knowing your aptitudes. Know what you are good at and what you are not good at. When you know your skills you stay in your lane, and when you stay in your lane you can double down on what you are good at. Why would you try to be a professional golfer if you can't even play mini-golf?

    Doubling down on your skills is they key to being successful in life.

    Resources Mentioned

    Want to level up your skills, talent, and income? Join my FREE Skills Community 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This episode is specifically for anyone who has had to face any challenges throughout their journey. It is also for you if you are not feeling inspired to take things to the next level. I want to share some gems from an article written by Shaun Perine at muscleandfitness.com. If you are listening to this podcast, you are interested in going from ordinary to extraordinary, which is why I want to share these powerful lessons with you.

    6 Life Lessons from Dwayne Johnson

    Work hard, always Be persistenceHave a sense of purpose Look for the signs around you When in doubt, get back to basics Failure is a venture

    Resources Mentioned

    Dwayne's Life Lessons by Shawn Perine 

    Want to level up your skills, talent, and income? Join my FREE Skills Community 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • If you are ever going to put yourself out there, one of the key things you will need is confidence. You can be confident in one area of your life, and lack confidence in others. So I am sharing 11 pillars that can help you build your confidence.

    Trusting yourself - most people don’t trust themselves, they go against their desire and nature. Society also does a great job at reinforcing this lack of trust. Knowing thyself - along with not trusting, many of us have not a clue what we’re great at, how we learn, or our bodies. Not letting your past determine who you are today - Confident people know they can’t change their past but they don’t have to live in itSaying No - confidence people will flat out tell you no without fear of rejection or feeling like they “owe you one”Focus - they don’t waste time on things that aren’t the main thing. Playing to win, not just playing not to lose - Kobe never walked into a game thinking how can I just get through this one. The Mamba Mentality is total domination. All or nothing Practice the 3 mindsets - The abundance mindset, resilience mindset, and growth mindset are what they live by Makes health a priority - Physical and mental health aren’t just something that’s put in the back burner, it’s numero unoAsk for what they want / what they’re worth - It seems like we magically get what we want but the truth is we simply ask and aren’t ok with anything less than what we deserve Welcomes feedback - Confident people aren’t afraid to get direct feedback on their work, performance, etc., they actually welcome it but not from critics or haters Asks/gets help where needed - Believe it or not, confident people still need help and they aren’t afraid to ask for it either


    A brief hisory of my story part 1

    A brief hisory of my story part 2

    7 Laws of Mindful Living Book

    Join The My Free Skills Community

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • If you haven't listened to last week's episode, go back and do that now, because this is a continuation of that episode, where I tell my story and share how I got to where I am now.

    After leaving my job, I started an entertainment company with two of my friends. After doing that for a while, I felt inspired to build a business online, so I could do some more traveling. That is how I discovered podcasting. As I was working on getting started with podcasting, I was consulting on events on a freelance basis to make some money, and I was reminded that I didn't like to organize events. I decided to focus on podcasting, because I felt that it was going to be the next big thing. Podcasting started to take off with me, and it gave me a platform to build relationships. I struggled a lot starting my podcast business, but it gave me the opportunity to travel again, so I lived in Guatemala for a month, got into a relationship, and traveled around for a while. I found myself wondering what the point of was of everything I was doing. I returned home and did a few odd jobs. As soon as I found a client that would pay my expenses, I moved to Columbia, and I jumped into building a startup with a friend. The startup went south, and I lost all self confidence. I ran out of money and had to come back home. I felt like a complete loser, and I started the process of rebuilding. This was the point where I decided to start working on my book, but it was difficult to be creative when I was in survival mode. Once I got my business up and running again, I went to Thailand for a month. I knew that I was going to be moving to New York to work on a startup, so I wanted to enjoy a month in Thailand. When I got back to the USA, I moved to New York to work for a tech startup.

    Next, I want to work on being of more service to others. The biggest thing I can help people with is understanding the importance of learning as many skills as possible. Right now, due to the state of the world, most of us only have time. There is a lot of down time, and there are going to be people who come out of this further ahead, because they made use of that time. I want to help people help themselves by acquiring skills that can serve themselves and their community.

    What I learned...

    Most people don't hit their stride until their late 30sResilience is extremely importantThe market will always give you feedbackBeing a starving artist isn't great. You need to be thriving in order to be creative.


    A brief hisory of my story part 1 


    A brief hisory of my story part 2


    7 Laws of Mindful Living Book 


    Join The My Free Skills Community 


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • I wanted to do something special this week and share my story and tell you how I got to where I am today. I am a 35 year old living in Brooklyn. I lost my father when I was 2 years old, and from that moment forward, my mom was raising 5 kids by herself. Sports have always played a big role in my life, because I was able to connect with mentors and coaches. My father wasn't around, but I found father figures through sports. I learned how to win, and more importantly how to lose. I also learned about myself and got the discipline to stay on track with school. When I graduated from high school, I stopped playing sports, and I needed something to fill the void, so I started making music. I spent hours in college scratching records. This led to me wanting to start an entertainment company. After barely graduating from college, all I wanted to do was travel. I travelled to Costa Rica solo, and it was one of the most powerful things that ever happened to me. I struggled to make money during the recession in 2009, and a good friend passed away in his sleep. It made me question the job I was doing, and I quit. It made me afraid of dying without having lived. That sent me in a new trajectory that I will tell you about in the next episode.

    If you found this part interesting, make sure you come back next week for part 2, because this is where the story gets really crazy.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The DNA framework is a simple methodology for easily identifying what you want, what needs to happen (outcome), and the action that must be taken to get it. The genius in this framework is that it can be used to help you get clear on just about anything. In this episode, I'll run through some some examples and share some dope systems of accountability.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • 1. Stop saying yes to every damn thing! 

    No is the new yes. Every time you say yes, you're saying no to something else. 

    2. Could you do it now, delete or delegate? 

    Use Fiverr, task rabbit, VAs. If you're not doing it, your not lazy it's just not something you enjoy. 

    3. Limit your to-do list to 3 key things.

    4. Stay in your lane - know your strengths and focus on them. 

    You should know what you're naturally good at by the time you're 30. If not, take a personality assessment. 

    5. Don't break the chain (daily output) 

    Do it for 7 days in a row, then 15 and then 30, 60, 90. 

    6. Create systems of accountability (SOAs). 

    Tell someone you admire what you are about to do and when you'll have it done. 

    Get an account-a-billy-buddy, add a by when statement to all of your goals, use the Pomodoro method, and timeboxing. 

    7. Use micro-commitments and confidence stacking. 

    Make the bed for three days. Do one push up a day. 

    Do something brave that requires you to get outside of your comfort zone (i.e., asking Starbucks barista for 20% off at check out just because) then doing something else that's a bigger stretch with the energy you created. 

    8. Stop caring how stupid you look because you're going to always look stupid whenever you're learning/doing/trying something for the first time. 

    Insecure people care what others think about them. Secure people don't. 

    9. Hire a coach, find a mentor, or join a community. 

    Ask friends and colleagues for recs. 

    No more excuses. Let’s get to work.❤️

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This week we are featuring a retired professional gamer, pushing themselves towards becoming the best esports coach possible. He is passionate about self improvement and helping others.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In 2016, I wrote a book, and I have a really cool formula to write a book in 60 days. One of the catalysts to writing a book for me was that I was in a tough spot in life, so I wrote my book as a means to give people principles they can use to improve their life no matter what state their life is in.

    So whatever reason you have to write a book, you can listen to this episode to use my method and get your message out into the world!


    Vernon's YouTube 




    Skills community https://www.facebook.com/groups/levelupskills

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hooks 

    How your experience across cultures to stack doughWhy a TED Talk just might be the thing gets you in the room How to leverage your clients to get MORE clients

    In two sentences or less, tell us about yourself.

    I am a diversity and inclusion consultant who works with companies from fast-growing startups to multinationals. I also am a brand strategist for aspiring changemakers.

    Tell us the story of HOW or WHY got famous.We'd also love to hear any fun/interesting/funny stories about your experience! Please include as much detail as possible

    As a Nigerian, I grew up under two military dictatorships as well as 5 countries and 4 continents. All this gave me a strong sense of justice, an identity crisis as well as exposure. After working through my identity crisis and overcoming a near-death experience, I started teaching people how to effectively connect across cultures. This led to me speaking in the United Nations, Chautauqua Institution, The World Bank as well as TEDx multiple times. I have also been fortunate to have been awarded the visa for aliens with extraordinary abilities by the American government.

    What happened when you got your first gig or customer? Did you do anything special to celebrate?

     I didn't do much but I found a moment to be grateful and gave a loud yell!

    How much did it cost to get started (and what did you spend that money on)? What's your monthly or annual profit from your business?: 

    I believe it was about $250 plus or so to start. 

    How do you find your customers? Please share the marketing techniques you've tried, if they cost you anything, and what's worked/not worked.

    Initially, I branded my website to my expertise, created a list of HR professionals on LinkedIn, and offered to give their companies workshops in exchange for referrals and testimonials. In addition, I pitched multiple TEDx's to talk on my topic of expertise and I focused on putting out content. Doing all these consistently helped boost my credibility.

    What has been the best part of the experience thus far? Additionally, how has being famous benefited you?

    It has been meeting people and hearing how they have connected with themselves and others. Being famous has helped me use my voice more to call out injustices.

    What struggles have you encountered, and how did you overcome them? Is there anything you'd go back and do differently?

    I wouldn't go back and do anything differently. One struggle I encountered was not properly filing my taxes. That eventually backfired and put me in debt. It helped me understand the importance of having an accountant.

    What are the top two pieces of advice you'd give to others wanting to follow a similar path?

    Create content regularly and regularly engage with your intended target audience.

    What’s next for you?

    I am working on my next book as well as coming up with programs on personal branding and storytelling.

    Vernon's Take

    Your experience is an asset, use it. - Tayo used his experience as a 3 third culture kid to teach companies about diversity. Turn clients into referrals - I love that he'd do free workshops in exchange for referrals. You can build your resume and profit at the same time. Get expert help - There's an old joke that says the only two guarantees in life we'll have are death and taxes. Those are both things worth spending the extra money on to hire a professional


    Tayo's website https://tayorockson.com

    Tayo's YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB94C3l3KcEYrmBNxB-8AUw

    Instagram handle: @tayorockson

    Twitter: @tayorockson

    Skills community https://www.facebook.com/groups/levelupskills/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This episode was streamed live in the Facebook community. I have been sharing some really great content in the community, so I suggest joining.

    Belief is an essential component to you being able to live your purpose. Listen to learn about the 4 levels of belief and how you can get your mindset to where it needs to be for your success.

    The Perfect Average Day Exercise

    This exercise is designed to help you get clarity around your vision and life you want to create. I’d suggest doing this exercise in a quiet space without your cell phone or social feeds to help. Give yourself a min of 30 minutes or more to complete. 

    You must write your story as if it has already happened, use your emotions to describe how your desires make you feel.Express your appreciation for what you wish to attract into your life as if you already received it.Make sure you use words that make you feel good

    Imagine you just hit the lottery for $100 million…. 

    Where do you live? What would you spend your time doing in the morning? Afternoon? Night?What would the weather be like? What would you eat? How would you eat with you?What would it look like, smell like, sound like and feel like?What types of projects would you be working on?What would your career and/or income be? 

    Studies have proven that your mind cannot tell the difference between real and

    imaginary. The more you believe in what you’re imagining, the more likely your mind is to

    believe it too.

    25 Year Vision Template

    This exercise is designed to help you get clarity around your vision and life you want to create. I’d suggest doing this exercise in a quiet space without your cell phone or social feeds to help. Give yourself a min of 1-2 hours or more to complete. You can click here to access the worksheet to help you create your 25 year vision.


    Join the Facebook Community25 Year VisionPerfect day exercise

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Have you ever wondered how to make legit comics like Popeye, Garfield, and other classics that everyone loves? In this episode, we are talking about Ryan Estrada, an artist, author and adventurer who travels the world making comics and getting into trouble. We will talk about what it is like to create a career out of your passion, what it's like to have a famous wife, and how he became famous from his comic Learn to Read Korean in 15 Minutes. Visit https://www.iwannabefamous.co/podcasts for more details and show notes.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • To say the past few weeks have been though would be an understatement. As if Covid19 and the brutal slaying of Ahmaud Arbery weren't enough, the black community was dealt two more blows when police murdered Breonna Taylor and George Floyd. I was in silent rage. I felt this shouldn't be happening to us now. After unplugging, I took some time to collect my thought. This one comes from the heart and expresses what I believe white allyship looks like for creating a better future in this country. 


    The head start in the race of lifeNew Jim CrowWhite Fragility

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The one thing you can do to stand out in this current environment is to learn skills. Skills pay the bills. Maybe you are looking to level up your current career or start something new on the side. I came up with 18 questions that you can ask yourself when you are looking to acquire a new skill. It is my personal belief that those who make it through all of the stuff that's going on right now with COVID-19 are the people who are relentless about acquiring new skills. Over the past few years, I have learned a ridiculous amount of skills, so I want to show you my methodology for how I acquire skills rapidly.

    Is this fun?Is there a high earning potential for acquiring this skill?How much time, money, and energy would you have to dedicate to this?Can I commit to this for 1 year?Do you actually enjoy it, or are you following what everyone else is doing?Can you get paid to learn this skill or work for someone 3-5 years ahead of you?How long has it taken someone else to require said skill with the same amount of energy and resources as me?Can I use any existing skills, network, or relationships to get there faster or create an opportunity?Will this skill be obsolete in 5-10 years?Are there any books, podcasts, YouTube videos, gurus, or courses I can review?Who is putting out content on this skill that I resonate with the most?Are there any communities, meetups, or conferences based on this skill?Have I personally attempted this skill and given it a fair shot to know if this is something I enjoy?Have I documented my process?Are there parts about the process that I don't like?Can I find someone or hire someone to do the parts I don't like?Is there a better way to get a similar result?What will I have to give up?

    These questions are the skill acquisition assessment. Everything I have done has been self-taught. I will keep you updated on more content I have on my methodology for acquiring new skills. My book, The Seven Laws of Mindful Living, is coming out on June 1. I open up about my journey coming back from failure twice and I talk about my life philosophy. Stay tuned for updates on that. I think you will find it really helpful as we transition into this post COVID-19 world.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.