
  • Tomás Lucero is a go-getter, influenced by his multicultural upbringing in Argentina and Brazil. Drawn to IE University for its international vibe, he pursued a Dual Degree in Business Administration & International Relations, aligning perfectly with his passion for geopolitics and international trade.

    Now in his final year, Tomás is thriving academically, particularly enjoying courses in strategy and accounting that align with his love for planning and organization. He is deeply engaged in university life as president of the IE Charity Club and the IE Student Sustainability Committee, and also interns at the IE Center for Health & Well-being.

    To know more about his journey, listen to this podcast!


    Tomás Lucero es un gran estudiante, influenciado por su educación multicultural en Argentina y Brasil. Atraído por el ambiente internacional de la Universidad IE, cursó una Doble Titulación en Administración de Empresas y Relaciones Internacionales, alineándose perfectamente con su pasión por la geopolítica y el comercio internacional.

    Ahora, en su último año, Tomás está prosperando académicamente, disfrutando especialmente de los cursos de estrategia y contabilidad que se alinean con su amor por la planificación y la organización. Está profundamente involucrado en la vida universitaria como presidente del Club de Caridad de IE y del Comité de Sostenibilidad Estudiantil de IE, y también realiza prácticas en el Centro de Salud y Bienestar de IE.

    ¡Para saber más sobre su trayectoria, escucha este podcast!

  • Originally from South Africa and well-traveled, Roché Smith Rabie chose IE University for its international flair and innovative education. Pursuing a Bachelor in Architectural Studies, she explores how architecture affects human dynamics, inspired by her diverse living experiences.

    At IE, Roché has engaged deeply with the diverse student body, surpassing her experiences at previous international schools. She has combined her passions for writing and architecture, holding various editorial roles at The Stork, IE’s student newspaper, and Prologue Magazine.

    Her favorite class, Architectural History, underscores the importance of historical context in shaping modern architecture. Outside class, Roché enjoys swimming, socializing, and seeking the best coffee in Madrid.

    For more insights into Roché's journey, check out this podcast!


    Originaria de Sudáfrica y con amplia experiencia internacional, Roché Smith Rabie eligió la Universidad IE por su ambiente internacional y educación innovadora. Cursando una Licenciatura en Estudios de Arquitectura, explora cómo la arquitectura afecta la dinámica humana, inspirada por sus diversas experiencias de vida.

    En IE, Roché se ha involucrado profundamente con el diverso cuerpo estudiantil, superando sus experiencias en escuelas internacionales anteriores. Ha combinado sus pasiones por la escritura y la arquitectura, ocupando varios roles editoriales en The Stork, el periódico estudiantil de IE, y en Prologue Magazine.

    Su clase favorita, Historia de la Arquitectura, subraya la importancia del contexto histórico en la conformación de la arquitectura moderna. Fuera de clase, Roché disfruta nadar, socializar y buscar el mejor café en Madrid.

    Para más detalles sobre el viaje de Roché, ¡escucha este podcast!

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  • Since her childhood visits to the cinema with her father, Isabella has always loved film. But the native of Nicaragua discovered her passion for filmmaking quite by accident, after enrolling in an iMovie class at high school and really enjoying it.

    Having lived in different places before moving to Madrid, it seems natural that the international atmosphere of IE University appealed to her as the place to nurture her interest. Now in her second year in the Bachelor in Communication and Digital Media program, she's not only focusing on filmmaking but also exploring public affairs, PR, law, and journalism.

    Extracurricular activities such as the IE Theater Club, meanwhile, have given her a chance to demonstrate her flair for acting in a place where she can really be herself.

    During the IE Short Film Festival, she stepped out of her comfort zone in event management and direction. For Isabella, facing fears is key to personal growth.

    Listen to the podcast to learn more about Isabella’s personal journey.

  • Carolina Villanueva, born in Asturias, Spain, spent her final high school years in New York.

    When she was around 16 years old, the head of showjumping for the Royal Spanish Equestrian Federation reached out to Carolina to see if she would represent Spain. The one thing she had to keep in mind before making a decision was her path to higher education.

    Passionate about horses, international relations and law, IE University was the perfect fit.

    She discovered the opportunity to study a dual degree, the Dual Degree in Laws + International Relations, while balancing her training and competition schedule as an elite athlete. The flexibility of IE University and the support of the IE Sports & Well-being department, allowed Carolina to pursue all three of her passions.

    Aiming to represent Spain in the Olympic Games, Carolina is serious about her training. But she’s equally serious about her studies. She’s considering pursuing a master’s degree and is ready to face whatever challenges come her way in the future.

    Listen in to hear Carolina talk about her personal, professional and athletic goals.

  • Sisters María Paula and María Verónica were born in Venezuela and lived in Saudi Arabia and Switzerland before studying at IE University. Though in different programs, they meet up regularly and feel IE University has strengthened their relationship and expanded their personal and professional networks.

    In addition to academics, both pursue hobbies through IE University's clubs. María Paula loves art, while María Verónica plays guitar, writes her own songs, and is active in the IE Marketing Club and IE Golf Club, among others.

    Both are confident that IE University will prepare them for future career success. María Paula sees herself as an architect in small-scale projects, while María Verónica intends to use her business knowledge in the music industry.

    Listen to the podcast to discover more about these ambitious and talented sisters!

  • Growing up in America, Landon noticed that the global media and political focus was fixed on the US—but wanted to explore his curiosity internationally, which led him to IE University’s Bachelor in Behavior & Social Sciences.

    Through its mix of psychology, sociology, anthropology and economics, this program gives him a world of opportunities. And he has taken advantage, from serving as president of the IE SDG Club to studying documentary filmmaking. Landon is taking big strides toward his future goals—one of which is helping the IE Community connect more closely with the general community in Madrid.

    Combining his love for books and poetry with behavioral studies, he's gaining new insights into people. In fact, for his capstone project, he’s looking to build awareness about today’s global crises.

    Back home, surfing was one of his biggest passions. When Landon isn’t studying, he can be found surfing the streets of Madrid in the only way he can: on his skateboard.

    Curious to hear more about Landon’s IE Experience? Listen to his podcast episode now!

  • After growing up in Lisbon in a multicultural household, Laura Villax jumped at the opportunity to
    study in a new country. And although it has been challenging, she is confident that pursuing her
    dual degree program was the right choice.

    Laura’s diverse array of interests are reflected in her program pick and have been influenced by
    her father, whom she identifies as her role model. IE University’s international environment and
    interdisciplinary programs meant that Laura didn’t have to compromise on what she could study.
    And with an older brother already at the university, she knew that she would enjoy her time

    Laura knows that a thorough understanding of data will be essential, whatever direction her
    career takes. And as a member of the IE Women in Business club, Laura has already planted
    the seeds for a thriving network of colleagues to share ideas and opportunities with.

    Outside of her academic interests, she enjoys jogging around Segovia and exploring nature,
    cooking meals for her friends, reading and writing. Want to hear more? Listen to the podcast

  • Alessandro Franco is originally from Italy but has also lived in London and Dubai. He came to IE
    University to earn his Dual Degree in Business Administration & Laws at the Segovia campus;
    its cozy atmosphere and close-knit community offer a refreshing change of pace.

    Despite its small size, Alessandro loves Segovia’s wealth of historical sites surrounded by
    stunning natural landscapes. The campus itself is ensconced in an 800-year-old monastery and
    this space welcomes students of all backgrounds and cultures. Because of this, he feels ready
    to integrate into whatever environment his future career will involve.

    For his dual degree, Alessandro sought disciplines that would be rich enough to offer lifelong
    learning and engagement—business and law fit the bill perfectly. He’s also a fan of the arts and
    is especially passionate about the role of music in his life. Currently, he serves as the vice
    president of the university’s Theater Club.

    Looking to the future, Alessandro intends to focus more on the Law side of things and combine
    this with his passion for theater. Listen to the podcast as he shares more about his experience
    at IE University and what its diverse environment will mean for his future career.

  • Teresa Olombrada grew up in Brussels, just steps away from the main institutions of the
    European Union. And after living and studying in that environment, she grew enchanted with the
    idea of becoming a diplomat.

    For her, IE University’s main points of appeal were the chance to pursue the dual degree she
    wanted, as well as the opportunity to come back to Segovia and find her roots. Teresa says she
    chose the program because it strikes the right balance between the study of comparative law
    and international relations, allowing students to trace the foundations of countries’ policymaking
    and politics back to their individual approaches to law.

    Through her internship with the IE University Athletics department, Teresa undertook a project
    to promote sports participation among young girls and women in Segovia. She notes that the
    transition between the classroom and the professional world is a smooth one because of the
    university’s expert faculty and practical, collaborative approach to learning.

    In the podcast, Teresa explains why her philosophy has always been to say yes to every
    opportunity—from studying abroad in Istanbul to leading the university’s women’s soccer team
    as captain—and why it’s made her who she is today.

  • Isa Rosberg, a student of the Bachelor in Philosophy, Politics, Law & Economics, was eager to
    gain new experiences after growing up in a small Swedish town. She was attracted to IE
    University because of the interdisciplinary flexibility offered by its degree programs. Isa says that
    she particularly appreciates the complementary nature of the program’s courses.

    The close-knit community of the Segovia campus meant that Isa could always find someone to
    share a conversation with when she needed a break from studying. Now in Madrid, she finds
    the Liquid Learning approach used in her classes highly efficient and enjoys the flexibility it
    affords to attend classes even from afar.

    The internationality of IE University has made Isa feel right at home, who is open to a career
    that will take her anywhere so long as her work is in harmony with her values. She is particularly
    interested in technological innovation and policymaking, identifying cyber law as a possible
    bridge between the two. Also passionate about analog film photography, Isa enjoys the act of
    developing film and remembering the moments she’s lived through.

    Tune in to the podcast, where she shares her views on life as a student now.

  • Abdul Salam has long fostered dreams of entrepreneurship in the finance sector and knows that
    the Dual Degree in Business Administration + Data & Business Analytics is the road to getting
    there. His sustained interest in data forms a key foundation for future success, given the
    growing importance of data and technology in the finance industry.

    In his third year, Abdul took on an internship with IE University’s marketing department because
    he believes that knowing how to communicate an idea can be just as important as the idea
    itself. He is currently completing an internship with software company Celonis, working in
    customer success management.

    In this podcast, Abdul talks about why he chose IE University, citing its unparalleled networking
    opportunities, robust international community and innovative dual degree options. All of this
    means that students grow both personally and professionally throughout their time here.

    Aside from academics, Abdul explains how he became involved in student government and rose
    up the ranks to his current role as student government president. In his free time, he likes to
    read, go for a jog or spend some time in the garden. Check out the podcast to hear him tell his

  • After spending her whole life in Turkey, Derin Kurultak decided it was time for a change. So she
    packed her bags and headed to IE University to pursue the Dual Degree in Business
    Administration and Data & Business Analytics.

    Leaving her home city for the tight-knit Segovia community has been an overwhelmingly
    positive experience for Derin—but that wasn’t her only reason for coming here. The dual degree
    option meant that she could gain more knowledge and practical experience, graduating as a
    more well-rounded candidate for job opportunities.

    Derin finds that the different and complementary aspects of her dual degree are stimulating,
    with tasks that appeal to both her desire for creativity as well as her more logical side. What’s
    more, the diverse student body means that everyday interactions can become opportunities to
    learn and exchange ideas.

    Alongside her studies, Derin is eager to strengthen access to professional opportunities for
    women. To this end, she is a coordinator for the IE Women in Business Club and president of
    the IE Girl Up Club. When she needs an escape, Derin turns to playing the piano. Curious to
    hear more about Derin’s experience? Listen to the podcast now!

  • Marta Garcia has always loved math, so the Bachelor in Computer Science & Artificial
    Intelligence was the natural choice for her very structured and logical mind.

    The most appealing aspect of the program was the freedom students have to develop their
    ideas into projects—even startups—and the support IE University offers each step of the way.
    Marta is a member of the IE Technology and Innovation Club, organizing events and liaising
    with companies for collaborations. She is also part of the women’s basketball team.

    There is always something new every day at the university, from discovering a new culture to
    making new friends. Marta recalls her experience completing the Econ Datalab as a chance to
    gain firsthand exposure to a field that interests her as well as to develop new skills that will
    serve her later in her professional career. Now, she is an intern at Accenture, creating solutions
    for insurance companies.

    For Marta, attending IE University has meant being able to engage with all aspects of her
    interests—nourishing her mind as well as opening doors for professional fulfillment. Listen to the
    podcast as Marta shares her story.

  • Atlanta-born Justin Morgan is pursuing the Bachelor in International Relations. His reasons for choosing the program align very much with IE University’s own values: he was looking for diversity.

    The program itself includes everything Justin is interested in. A fusion of culture, political science and philosophy, he describes it as a perfect fit. But to Justin, the wider experience of university life was just as important to him as the academic offering.

    In this podcast, Justin tells us how the difference between the IE University experience and life in a typical American university was a major draw for him. Wanting to study with, and learn from, people with very different viewpoints to his own, he tells us he has found a whole new community in Segovia and taken himself out of what he calls the American “bubble.”

    Hear him describe his delight in the enhanced educational experience that such diversity offers, his appreciation for the age and beauty of the Segovia campus, his interest in the wider community and the relationships he has formed with classmates and tutors alike.

  • A native of the United States with Italian and Venezuelan heritage, Federica Caso has lived in some very different places around the world and has assimilated into many different cultures.

    Federica was drawn to art and architecture from a young age. While her parents were both lawyers, her family loved art, and it rubbed off on her. Artistic from the start, as a child she created structures from any materials she could find and was fascinated by the plans her grandfather, an architect, showed her. The possibilities in those plans, and the process of them transforming into our living spaces, hooked her.

    It’s fitting, then, that Federica is studying the Bachelor in Design. In this podcast, she explains that she was looking for the most diverse university possible, with the broadest offering. She explains how the business insights that are part of the IE University mindset are not common in art programs, and the diverse fields addressed by the program made it stand out when she researched where to study.

  • Beyzanur Inal knows what it means to have to move away to find peace, stability and a new home. Fleeing political turbulence in her native Turkey and later Senegal, she has made a home in Spain and is studying the Dual Degree in Business Administration and Laws.

    Given her background, it’s no surprise that Beyzanur chose the program, as she longs to contribute to a fairer and more peaceful world. She believes she can make a positive impact on society while simultaneously opening new doors for her professional development. Aware of the impact business has on life and society, she chose both IE University and her program as it met both criteria.

    In this episode, Beyzanur explains how a full scholarship from the IE Foundation is enabling her to fulfill her academic ambitions and giving her the freedom to make a positive impact even while she studies. A volunteer with both Casa Turca and the UNHCR refugee agency, she’s already carving out her own path, putting the leadership skills she’s learning into practice to help others.