
  • Welcome to Inside the Epicenter with Joel Rosenberg, a podcast of the Joshua Fund, where we delve into the complex and impactful issues surrounding Israel and her neighbors. In this episode, we dissect the speech of former President Donald J. Trump at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Nashville, Tennessee. Joined by Ambassador David Friedman, Trump shares his strong stance on standing with Israel, addressing the Iran nuclear deal, the move of the US embassy to Jerusalem, and other critical geopolitical matters in the Middle East. Join us as we explore the insights and controversies surrounding Trump's declarations and their implications for the future.

    (00:03) Controversial pro-Israel president at NRB convention.
    (04:01) Implication of Israel’s naming as capital,
    (08:45) Inflation caused by energy prices affecting the economy.
    (11:27) Regret for leaving power, the impact of policy.
    (14:48) Inquired about buildings and found a better government-owned site.
    (18:24) Podcast asking for feedback and questions.

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    The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5

    Verse of the Day: Psalms 122:6. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. May those who love you be secure.

    Prayer Request:
    Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, Israel, and her neighbors.
    Pray that more leaders and nations around the world would be willing to stand with Israel.

    Related Episodes:
    How to Show Love and Support for Israel and Her Neighbors #182
    What Does The Future Hold For Israel and Her Neighbors #176
    Modern Security Threats for the US, Israel, and the World #175
    Christians Blessing Israel: How and Why? #170

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  • Welcome to Inside the Epicenter! In today's episode, we dive deep into the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast with our special guest, Albert Veksler, executive director of the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast. Join us as we explore the impact of this significant event that brings together leaders from various nations to discuss issues concerning Israel and the Jewish people. Listen in as Albert shares moving stories from the event and the powerful experiences that have inspired and united Christian and Jewish leaders. We also hear from our host, Joel Rosenberg, who emphasizes the importance of standing with Israel and understanding the region's complexities. Get ready for a thought-provoking and inspiring conversation about faith, politics, and the power of unity.

    (00:05) Jerusalem is the epicenter of Israel.
    (05:34) People felt called by God to gather.
    (11:02) Support Israel and Palestine through understanding and compassion.
    (13:07) People from various nations prayed for Jerusalem.
    (18:54) Jewish leaders find comfort in Christian love.
    (21:33) Knesset members initiated a relationship with Christian allies.
    (23:20) Initially uninterested, but later got significant responsibilities.
    (28:53) Reflection on prayer breakfasts around the world.
    (30:08) Michele Bachmann's 30-minute prayer sparked controversy.
    (35:23) Israeli fighter pilot overcame unlikely religious boundaries.

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    The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5

    Verse of the Day: Romans 12:9-12 - Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. In love of the brethren be tenderly affectioned one to another; in honor preferring one another; in diligence not slothful; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing steadfastly in prayer;

    Related Episodes:
    How to Show Love and Support for Israel and Her Neighbors #182
    Families' Heart-Wrenching Pleas: Inside the Hostage Crisis with Hamas #178
    How to Use Military Strategies for Spiritual Battles #173
    The Power of Prayer and Fasting & The Jewish People #137

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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  • In this episode of Inside the Epicenter, hosts Joel Rosenberg and Carl Moeller delve deep into the complex issues surrounding the rising tensions in Israel, focusing on the efforts to dismantle Hamas and free the hostages. Former IDF International Spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Conricus, joins the discussion to shed light on the military operations and the Israeli government's humanitarian efforts in the Gaza Strip. The episode uncovers the intricate strategies and challenges faced in addressing the conflict, providing listeners with an insider's perspective on the multifaceted situation. From examining the intent behind Israel's actions to discussing the impact on civilians, this episode offers valuable insights into a critical and evolving situation in the region. Tune in for a compelling examination of the ongoing developments in Israel and the efforts to navigate the complexities of the conflict.

    (00:04) Israel's measures against Hamas analyzed, no genocide. (03:18) Five million text messages warning of IDF operation. (07:25) Psalm 23:5; prayer for hostages and Israel. (11:39) Eisenkod supports ceasefire to prioritize hostages' release.

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    The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5

    Verse of the Day: Psalm 23:5. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil. My cup overflows. Surely, your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

    Prayer Request:
    Pray for the hostages that are held captive by Hamas that they are released to their families.
    Pray for Israel's leaders that they know the right thing to do and discern danger and address it before it escalates.

    Related Episodes:
    Fighting for Freedom: Inside the Israeli Hostage Crisis with Calev Myers #186
    What it’s Like to Walk Through a War Zone in Gaza #184
    Iran's Attack on Israel: Unpacking the Implications with Joel Rosenberg #179
    Families' Heart-Wrenching Pleas: Inside the Hostage Crisis with Hamas #178

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • Welcome to "Inside the Epicenter" with your host, Joel Rosenberg. In this episode, we delve deep into the miraculous account of prisoners being set free, both spiritually and physically. From the release of captives in the book of Acts to the recent rescue of Israeli hostages, we explore the powerful implications of Jesus' mission to set the captives free. Join us as we discuss the escalating war between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon. We also highlight the critical work of The Joshua Fund amidst the crisis and the urgent need for support and prayer. Stay tuned for an insightful journey through faith, compassion, and the pressing realities in the epicenter.

    (00:04) Educate Christians globally about love towards Israel. (03:12) Iran-backed Hezbollah threatens Israel with 150,000 missiles. (07:11)Watch Rosenberg's report for political and geopolitical analysis. (10:44) Supporting Iraq through Joshua Fund amid war. (14:38) Efforts to stop Hezbollah, Israeli evacuations, dangerous situation. (20:28) God's purpose for Israelis and Arabs is emphasized. (22:04) Negotiations to release hostages bring emotional relief. (24:43) Jesus sets prisoners free and performs powerful miracles.

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    The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5

    Related Episodes:

    Fighting for Freedom: Inside the Israeli Hostage Crisis with Calev Myers #186 What it’s Like to Walk Through a War Zone in Gaza #184 Families' Heart-Wrenching Pleas: Inside the Hostage Crisis with Hamas #178 Special Update: Israel at War #127

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  • In this episode of Inside The Epicenter, Joel Rosenberg ventures deep into the labyrinth of tunnels beneath Gaza's Khan Yunis to expose the chilling reality of Hamas' stronghold. Joined by a military general, he uncovers shocking details of how Hamas leaders have constructed elaborate underground compounds, turning headquarters into cages to hold hostages. The eerie tour reveals the strategic complexity of the underground network, with Hamas using civilian areas, including schools, mosques, and even kindergartens, for their sinister operations. As the IDF closes in on Hamas, the hosts witness the devastation caused by the ongoing conflict and reflect on the courage and sacrifices made to bring security to the region. Join us as we delve into the heart of the battle and explore the harrowing truths hidden beneath the surface in this gripping episode.

    (00:05) Hostages found in terror tunnel built for terrorists. (04:20) Entering Khan Yunis, seeing tunnels where Hamas kept hostages. (08:03) Significant investment in building strategic underground tunnels. (12:36) Efficient underground maneuvers gain ground gradually. (16:04) Underground warfare is unprecedented and challenging. (18:27) Walking through tunnels that emerge in a neighborhood. (21:52) Update on Gaza tunnels, podcast feedback requested.

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    The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5

    Verse of the Day: Psalms 121:45 - Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper. The Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.

    Prayer Request:

    Pray that God will reveal and bring to naught all evil plots against Israel.
    Pray that God will comfort Israel and heal the hearts of those affected by the Hamas attacks.

    Related Episodes:

    The Rise of Yahya Sinwar: Unveiling the Head of Hamas in Gaza #183 How to Show Love and Support for Israel and Her Neighbors #182 How to Use Military Strategies for Spiritual Battles #173 Former Defense Minister on Israel’s Security Challenges #153

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • Welcome to Inside the Epicenter, where we bring you powerful, untold stories and insights from the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In today's episode, we have the honor of hosting Calev Myers, a remarkable guest who shares a tragic yet inspiring narrative of three Israeli hostages and the harrowing challenges they faced with terrorists. Join us as we delve into the heart-wrenching account of love, loss, and mistaken identity, along with the compassion and understanding extended to the soldier involved in the tragic incident. We'll uncover the journey of hope and change as Calev Myers discusses the amended regulations and precautions taken by the IDF to prevent such devastating situations in the future. Additionally, discover how an ad hoc coalition, the Voice for Freedom Coalition, unites over 300 Christian networks to advocate for the release of the hostages. Together, we'll explore the complexities of the conflict, legal battles, and the earnest efforts to put pressure on Hamas and its supporters. Don't miss out on this compelling episode that sheds light on the truth and implores us to take a stand. So, fasten your seatbelts and prepare to be moved by the courage, resilience, and unwavering dedication to seek justice and freedom.

    (00:05) International attacks on Israel, legal implications discussed. (03:09) Grateful Jewish-American-Israeli attorney helps mobilize Christians. (06:24) Religious freedom in Israel is a testament. (12:20) International Court of Justice and Criminal Court. (14:20) Denial of genocide and use of human shields. (18:49) Critique of using the international criminal court. (21:52) Comparing Israeli military actions to Nazi genocide. (23:41) Hamas uses civilians as shields, spreading lies. (30:43) Advocating for hostages' release, forming an international coalition. (36:45) The Brothers' movement gains attention views on YouTube. (40:21) Hamas staged fake hostages, tragic sniper error.

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    The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5

    Verse of the Day: Isaiah 61:1 - the spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me. To bring good news to the afflicted. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives, and freedom to prisoners to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord.

    Related Episodes:
    Life Near the Israeli-Lebanon Border #185
    What it’s Like to Walk Through a War Zone in Gaza #184
    The Rise of Yahya Sinwar: Unveiling the Head of Hamas in Gaza #183
    Families' Heart-Wrenching Pleas: Inside the Hostage Crisis with Hamas #178

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • In this episode of Inside The Epicenter, we delve into what’s happening on the Israeli-Lebanon border as the conflict intensifies between Israel and Hezbollah. As tensions rise, Joel discusses the impact on the region's soldiers and civilians and the urgent need to support and minister to those serving on the front lines. Through personal stories and insights from a pastor in the region, this episode sheds light on spiritual conversations and acts of mercy amidst the growing threat of war. Join us as we delve into the powerful stories of faith, courage, and compassion amid conflict.

    (00:05) Israeli officials consider a possible invasion of Lebanon. (04:53) Rocket attacks force residents out of the city. (08:05) Encouragement for Israeli Defense Forces in Jesus.

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    The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5

    Verse of the Day: Matthew chapter 5:7. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.

    Prayer Request: Pray that God provides resources for those reaching out to the Israeli Defense Forces on the Israeli-Lebanon border. And second,
    pray for those assisting Israel in different ways that they would be protected from every harm as they reach out during this time of war.

    Related Episodes:

    Embracing Jesus' Love in the Middle East #121 How to Show Love and Support for Israel and Her Neighbors #182 Why Did Joel Move to Israel? #172 The Importance of Ministering to Women and Children #166

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • In this episode of Inside The Epicenter, Joel Rosenberg and Chris Mitchell take you inside the heart of the ongoing conflict in Gaza. From their special access to Gaza, they share firsthand accounts of the devastation and evil they encountered, shedding light on the geopolitical and spiritual battle raging in the region. Join them as they discuss the impact of the war against Hamas and the desperate need for prayer and redemption. From harrowing experiences in tunnels to heartfelt prayers for hostages, this episode provides a unique perspective on the complex realities of the situation. Tune in as we explore this conflict's deep spiritual and geopolitical implications with Joel and Chris, gaining valuable insight into the ongoing struggles in Gaza.
    (00:00) Experienced war firsthand; appalled by Gaza's destruction.
    (06:21) Newly constructed gate reveals unknown occupants.
    (09:04) Journalist's focus on truth and prayerful approach.
    (11:52) Gaza geopolitics, spirituality, and listener engagement.

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    The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5

    Verse of the Day: Isaiah chapter 26:3. You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you.

    Prayer Request:
    Pray for the freedom of hostages held by Hamas.
    Pray that the people in Israel, Gaza, and all over the Middle East will come to know Jesus.

    Related Episodes:
    The Media’s War on Israel #136
    How to Show Love and Support for Israel and Her Neighbors #182
    Iran's Attack on Israel: Unpacking the Implications with Joel Rosenberg #179
    Families' Heart-Wrenching Pleas: Inside the Hostage Crisis with Hamas #178

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  • In this episode of Inside The Epicenter, host Joel Rosenberg and guest Jonathan Conricus dive deep into the enigmatic and dangerous figure of Yahya Sinwar, the head of Hamas. Sinwar's background, his time spent in Israeli prisons, his connection with Iran, and his relentless mission to exterminate Jews and defeat Israel are all explored in this gripping discussion. From sinister plans to evade Israeli forces to the use of medieval communication methods, the intricacies and threats posed by Sinwar and Hamas are laid bare in this eye-opening interview. Learn more about this nefarious plot against Israel and hear incredible insights straight from the frontlines.

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    The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5

    Verse of the Day: Psalm 127:1. Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.

    Prayer Request:
    Pray that all those who are plotting evil against Israel will be exposed and that their nefarious plans will fail.
    Pray for the leadership of Israel that the holy spirit of God will lead them to do the right thing at the right time.

    Related Episodes:
    Families' Heart-Wrenching Pleas: Inside the Hostage Crisis with Hamas #178
    Reaching Muslims Through Love and the Gospel #177
    From Jihadist to Follower of Jesus #165
    Former Muslim Brings Entire Iranian Family to Christ #90

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • In this special episode of Inside The Epicenter with Joel Rosenberg, a podcast of The Joshua Fund, a ministry dedicated to blessing Israel and Her Neighbors in the name of Jesus, we delve into the importance of standing for Israel, giving to Israel, and blessing Israel. Join us as we hear from Pastor Mike McIntosh on practical ways to make a difference in the lives of those in the epicenter. Discover the work of The Joshua Fund and its impact in transforming lives in the heart of the region. We explore the significance of standing with the people of Israel, embracing unconditional love and unwavering support, as well as the impactful humanitarian relief efforts being carried out. Tune in to gain insights and inspiration on how to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those affected by conflict and how to stand with Israel following the teachings of the Bible.

    (00:04) Pastor urges practical support for Israel and Her Neighbors. (05:22) Support for Israel based on biblical belief. (08:07) Hamas terrorists have been firing rockets at Israel for years. (13:30) Operation Epicenter mobilizes evangelical Christians for humanitarian aid. (15:45) Blessing Israel in Jesus' name.

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    The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5

    Verse of the Day: Esther chapter 4:14-For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?

    Prayer Request:
    Pray that more people would be willing to stand with Israel from all around the world.
    Pray for the Joshua Fund that we will be able to keep fulfilling the vision that God has committed to us.

    Related Episodes:

    Reaching Muslims Through Love and the Gospel #177 What Does The Future Hold For Israel and Her Neighbors #176 Why Did Joel Move to Israel? #172 Christians Blessing Israel: How and Why? #170

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • In this episode of Inside The Epicenter, hosts Joel Rosenberg and Carl Moeller tackle the critical issue of South Africa accusing Israel of genocide in its conflict with Hamas. Former Vice President Mike Pence joins the discussion to shed light on the potential implications of the World Court ruling against Israel. The conversation delves into the complexities of the Israel-Hamas conflict, the U.S.'s unwavering support for Israel, and the alarming scenarios that could unfold if the court rules against Israel. With insights into the ongoing geopolitical tensions, this episode provides an in-depth look at the urgent matters affecting Israel and the broader implications for international relations. Join us as we navigate through the intense developments in this polarizing and high-stakes global issue.

    (00:05) Expressing strong support for Israel's fight.
    (04:42) Support for Israel, strong stance on peace.
    (09:22) Israel denies intent for genocide and takes precautions.
    (10:39) Israel defends actions against Hamas and possible backlash.

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    The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5

    Verse of the Day: Genesis 12:3 - And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee, and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

    Prayer Request:
    Pray that all of the devil's schemes and plots against Israel will fail.
    Pray that more nations will be willing to stand with Israel and support her in this time of crisis.

    Related Episodes:
    Iran's Attack on Israel: Unpacking the Implications with Joel Rosenberg #179
    What Does The Future Hold For Israel and Her Neighbors #176
    Inside the Mind of Natan Sharansky: Struggle Against Anti-Semitism and the Quest

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  • In this episode of Inside The Epicenter, Joel Rosenberg and Carl Moeller tackle a wide range of topics related to the US alliance with Israel, the current geopolitical climate of the Middle East, the Third Temple, and the biblical significance of Israel's role in the last days. From discussing the potential impact of US support on Israel's security to exploring the prophetic implications of rebuilding the temple, this episode is a thought-provoking exploration of the complex dynamics in the region. Get ready for an engaging and enlightening Q&A session presented by The Joshua Fund, a ministry dedicated to blessing Israel and Her Neighbors in the name of Jesus.

    (00:05) Lebanon's history and alliance with Israel. (05:30) Iran surrounds Israel and threatens with missiles. (11:14) Doubts about U.S. support for Israel, impact. (14:14) God's plan for Israel, US-Israel relations. (19:32) What happens with the Third Temple? (22:55) God Jesus is King, and David will lead Israel. (25:43) Unlikely, temple construction leads to political shifts. (34:0)6 Importance of educating people for Jerusalem, leaders are gone. (38:11) Debates Israel's significance to religious and historical views. (41:23) Understanding the Roman culture and the gospel's relevance. (44:00) Top 10 reasons why Christians should care.

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    The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5

    Verse of the Day: Matthew 24:6 - And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that ye not be troubled, for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

    Prayer Request:
    Pray for Christians in the Middle East and around the world that they understand and walk by the truth of God's word.
    Pray that the peace of God will reign in Israel and the Middle East, and more and more people in that region will come to know Jesus.

    Related Episodes:
    The Danger of Russia and Iran's Alliance #169
    Former Defense Minister on Israel’s Security Challenges #153
    Families' Heart-Wrenching Pleas: Inside the Hostage Crisis with Hamas #178
    Reaching Muslims Through Love and the Gospel #177

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  • In this episode of "Inside The Epicenter," Joel discusses Iran's unprecedented direct attack on Israel from Iranian soil. The attack, consisting of over 300 missiles and drones, has left Israel considering counterattacks, raising questions about the future dynamics in the Middle East and Israel's alliances. As tensions rise, the hosts delve into the potential implications of an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities and the complex decisions facing Israeli leaders. Amidst the urgent calls for wisdom and discernment, listeners are taken on a thought-provoking journey through the latest events, international alliances, and the prophetic implications of the current crisis.

    (00:06) Israel faces an unprecedented threat and may launch a strike. (05:58) President Biden advises Israel against attacking Iran. (10:45) Israel should reconsider attacking Iran for now. (12:33) Israel weighing options after the Iranian attack was resolved.

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    The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5

    Verse of the Day: Psalm 23:4 - Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil for you are with me. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

    Prayer Request:
    Pray for the people of Israel at this time that God will protect them from all the attacks of Iran and other hostile entities with plans to attack Israel.
    Pray for the leaders of Israel that they will have the wisdom of God to take the right decisions at this time.

    Related Episodes:
    The Danger of Russia and Iran's Alliance #169
    Former Muslim Brings Entire Iranian Family to Christ #90
    Danger Ahead? Mike Pompeo on Biden, Iranian Bomb & Israel #67
    Modern Security Threats for the US, Israel, and the World #175

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  • In this emotionally charged episode of Inside The Epicenter, with Dr. Carl Moeller and Joel Rosenberg, we hear the heart-wrenching stories of families impacted by the brutal capture of hostages by Hamas. The podcast brings to light the experiences of parents and siblings of the captured individuals, shedding light on the deep trauma and uncertainty they face daily. This episode paints a poignant picture of the pain, despair, and unwavering hope of these families as negotiations continue to secure the release of their loved ones. Tune in as these families share their personal stories and as they plead for international support in their fight for the safe return of the hostages.

    (00:05) Special program focusing on Gaza hostages' plight.
    (05:09) Texting in the safe room, protecting kids and gunshots.
    (07:17) Hamas video shows brother in hostage situation.
    (11:02) He came with friends, split, went wrong.
    (16:24) Urgent plea for media support in Israel.

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    The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5

    Verse of the Day: Psalm 20:1 -May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble. May the name of the God of Jacob protect you.

    Prayer Request:
    Pray that the hostages held by Hamas will be protected and brought home soon.
    Pray that the negotiations with Hamas will yield positive results and that all the hostages will be released.

    Related Episodes:
    Special Update: Israel at War #127
    Joel's Terrifying Experience and the Power of God's Protection #132
    The Media’s War on Israel #136
    Reaching Muslims Through Love and the Gospel #177

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • Welcome to Inside The Epicenter! In this insightful episode, Hormoz Shariat and Tom Doyle share their expertise on effectively reaching Muslims with the gospel. They discuss the barriers hindering Muslims from embracing Christianity, such as fear and the historical baggage of Christianity. Join us as they delve into the crucial role of love, acceptance, and joyful Christian lifestyles in attracting Muslims to Christ. From personal stories of conversion to practical strategies and gospel presentations, our guests shed light on the powerful impact of reaching out to the Muslim community with compassion and dedication. Tune in as we explore the transformative journeys of Muslims coming to faith and the vital importance of love and acceptance in sharing the gospel.

    (00:05) Addressing the spread of Islam, sharing the gospel.
    (09:54) Muslims hungry for God become dedicated believers.
    (12:44) Former Muslims find meaning in Christianity's love.
    (18:34) Muslims feel rejected in society in Middle Eastern encounters.
    (22:08) Muslims come to Christ through love teaching.
    (31:17) Verse from Romans 8 and prayer requests.
    (33:34) The leader prays for a miracle, boy's leukemia disappears.
    (39:34) Expressing belief in Christ's deity through the gospel.
    (45:33) Muslim offense over the Bible, and Christians should reach out sincerely.
    (47:59) Fearful man overcomes fear and finds Christ.
    (57:14) The Bible's warning about rejecting Jesus and conversions.
    (59:03) Simplified gospel invitation: Believe in Jesus, be born again.
    (01:06:17) Warning against equating man to God.

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    The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5

    Verse of the Day: Romans 8:15 - The spirit you received does not make you slaves so that you live in fear. Again, rather the spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship, and by him we cry, Abba, Father.

    Prayer Request:
    Pray that the hearts of more Christians would be open to sharing the gospel of Jesus with their Muslim neighbors.
    Pray that Muslims in the US, the Middle East, and around the world are introduced to Jesus through the Christian witness around them that their hearts would be open to receive him as Savior.

    Related Episodes:
    From Jihadist to Follower of Jesus #165
    How to Make God’s Love Visible in the Middle East #112
    Inside The Forbidden Kingdom of Saudi Arabia #93
    Former Muslim Brings Entire Iranian Family to Christ #90

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

  • Welcome to Inside The Epicenter, where we delve deep into the heart of the Middle East and the future of Israel and Her Neighbors. This thought-provoking episode explores the importance of unity and love among Israeli and Palestinian believers amidst theological and political differences. With biblical prophecies painting a complex picture of judgment and redemption in the region, we grapple with sobering truths while holding onto hope. Join us as we navigate through the challenges and promises, emphasizing the significance of sharing the gospel, nurturing the church, and embodying grace and compassion in the epicenter of global attention.

    (00:00) Ezekiel 33:1-9 - Warning and accountability for watchman.
    (04:58) Warn, watch, and assess for solemn responsibility.
    (09:47) Many Christians lack empathy for Palestinians and Israelis.
    (12:11) Met Egyptian president, discussed religious leaders meeting.
    (16:24) Studying prophecy about Israel and neighboring countries.
    (18:30) Signs of prophetic shaking leading to Christ's return.
    (23:00) In Revelation, people from all nations are saved.
    (26:53) Isaiah 19:19: Altar and pillar to the Lord in Egypt
    (29:46) God's future plan for Israel and Her Neighbors.
    (32:22) Summary: Preach the gospel, invest in biblical prophecies.
    (34:27) Following Jesus' teachings in the Middle East mission.
    (37:34) Thanks for listening and sharing feedback and questions.

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    The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5

    Verse of the Day: Romans chapter 11: 26- 27. And in this way, all Israel will be saved. As it is written, the deliverer will come from Zion. He will turn godlessness away from Jacob. And this is my covenant with them when I take away their sins.

    Prayer Request:
    Pray that the church in the epicenter is strengthened to fulfill the great commission.
    Pray for the poor, needy, orphans, and troubled in the epicenter that God will provide for them and touch their lives with his light.

    Related Episodes:
    Why Did Joel Move to Israel? #172
    Israel’s Prophetic Journey #171
    Christians Blessing Israel: How and Why? #170
    Uniting Christians and Jews: A Spiritual Journey in Israel with Tatiana Mazarsky and Albert Veksler #168

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  • In this episode of "Inside The Epicenter," Joel Rosenberg, General William Boykin, and Mike Macintosh dive into a panel discussion on the modern security threats facing the US and Israel. The conversation touches on topics such as the implications of terrorist threats, the potential aftermath of a nuclear attack, the global economic crisis, and the role of the US in a new world order. General Boykin also shares a powerful personal account of a rescue mission in Iran, highlighting the incredible impact of faith and divine intervention. The episode concludes with a thought-provoking discussion of biblical prophecies and the current situation in Damascus, offering a unique blend of geopolitical analysis and spiritual insight. Tune in for a compelling, insightful dialogue on these important and timely issues.

    (00:00) Rising threat of dirty bombs and nuclear weapons. (06:54) Iran's nuclear program poses a potential military threat. (10:45) Israel's land expansion and potential war risks. (13:10) Threat of the Persian Gulf oil shutdown is concerning. (15:59) Delta Force mission to rescue Americans in Iran. (21:01) Possible events during tribulation and Armageddon. Spread of the gospel in the Muslim world. (23:34) President requests film premiere at exclusive opera. (25:26) Panel discussion on the US, Israel, and biblical insights.

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    The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5

    Verse of the Day: 1st Chronicles 12:32 - From Issachar, men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do, 200 chiefs with all their relatives under their command. And our prayer requests today are, number 1, pray for the leaders in Israel and the Middle East that they come to know the Lord. And secondly, pray that every threat concocted by the enemy against God's people will fail.

    Prayer Request:
    Pray for the leaders in Israel and the Middle East that they come to know the Lord.
    Pray that every threat concocted by the enemy against God's people will fail.

    Related Episodes:
    How to Use Military Strategies for Spiritual Battles #173
    Is Psalm 83 about the War in Gaza? #134
    What It’s Like Living in a Missile Zone #126
    How to Avoid Another Surprise Attack #125

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  • In this captivating episode of "Inside The Epicenter," we delve into the personal story of Natan Sharansky, a remarkable individual whose life has been shaped by resistance, resilience, and the fight for freedom. From confronting anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union to his time as a political prisoner, Sharansky's experiences offer profound insights into the struggle for human rights and the universal yearning for liberty. Join host Carl Moeller as he explores Sharansky's remarkable journey, encounters with Vladimir Putin, and reflections on the current geopolitical landscape. From the enduring legacy of Ronald Reagan to the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, this episode is a thought-provoking exploration of history, ideology, and the pursuit of justice. Tune in as Natan Sharansky shares his compelling narrative, offering a unique perspective on the challenges and triumphs that define our world today.

    (00:05) Becoming head of Jewish Agency after release.
    (04:54) Struggle to make the West understand Soviet society.
    (07:22) Opposition, imprisonment, and eventual release from captivity.
    (10:02) Widespread anti-Semitism manipulated by a totalitarian regime.
    (15:30) Criticism of Israel links to anti-Semitism.
    (17:13) Resigned over land for terrorist cooperation with Arafat.
    (19:53) Met Putin, complimented interrogation skills, avoided meetings.
    (23:01) Talking about an established and enduring system with media control.
    (26:02) Unhappy citizens, testing West, conquered Crimea, war.
    (31:17) Jewish man's journey to religious activism.
    (32:50) Shared cell, fought for religious texts, Reagan readings.

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    The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5

    Verse of the Day: Matthew 19:26 - Jesus looked at them and said, with man, this is impossible, but with god, all things are possible.

    Prayer Request:
    Pray that God continues to deliver Israel from all media attacks and misinformation.
    Pray that God grants people in Israel and the Middle East the grace to navigate difficult times and emerge victorious.

    Related Episodes:
    Christians Blessing Israel: How and Why? #170
    The Danger of Russia and Iran's Alliance #169
    Uniting Christians and Jews: A Spiritual Journey in Israel with Tatiana Mazarsky and Albert Veksler #168
    Understanding the War of Gog and Magog: Unveiling the End Times Prophecy #159

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  • Welcome to Inside The Epicenter, where we delve into the intersection of faith, current events, and practical application. In today's episode, our host, Carl Moeller, is joined by special guest, General William Boykin as they explore the concept of spiritual warfare and biblical weapons. General Boykin draws parallels between military strategies and spiritual battles, emphasizing the need for unity, staying focused on objectives, and taking the offensive in spreading the gospel. With insights from historical and biblical examples, he challenges listeners to actively engage in the spiritual battle and not underestimate the enemy. Join us as we uncover powerful principles that apply to the military and our individual and collective spiritual responsibilities.

    (06:14) Facing spiritual warfare with God's powerful armor. (08:57) Warfare and principles of war in organizations. (13:20) Stay focused on God's call and avoid distractions. (15:42) Preparation and prayer are crucial in spiritual warfare. (23:17) Agile maneuver at the Battle of Gettysburg saved the Union. (28:44) Unity under God, forgiveness for bad theology. (32:08) Cavalry guards, security vital for spiritual leaders. (36:49) Silently pray, keep plans simple, maintain secrecy. (38:00) Clear communication is crucial for success in ministry. (41:22) Enemy has no power compared to God.

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    The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5

    Verse of the Day: Exodus chapter 15:3. The Lord is a warrior. The Lord is his name.

    Prayer Request:
    Pray that more people will be given to prayer and intercession and are willing to stand for the epicenter, the Middle East and churches around the world.
    Pray for leaders of churches and leaders of nations that God protects them from the onslaught of the devil.

    Related Episodes:
    Best-Selling Novels, US Threats & Bible Prophecy #109
    Israel & America’s Greatest Threat #91
    2022: End Times Prophecy & Russia #84
    Danger Ahead? The War Scheme Of Iran & Apocalyptic Islam #50
    Is Iran Plotting 2nd Holocaust Against Israel? #49

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  • Welcome to Inside The Epicenter, where we bring you deep insights into the latest geopolitical events, biblical prophecy, and the impact on individuals and families. In this episode, our host, Joel Rosenberg delves into the complexities of moving to Israel and living in the epicenter of historical and biblical significance. He discusses the practical challenges and emotional journey of relocating to Israel, sharing personal experiences and insights from his life. Additionally, Joel provides a unique perspective on the humanitarian and political landscape in Israel, emphasizing the biblical significance of the country and its role in the fulfillment of prophecy. He shares thought-provoking views on the fullness of the Gentiles during the tribulation, the increase in Jewish believers in Jesus, and the potential future relationship with Israel's neighbors. Join us as we explore the intersection of faith, politics, and prophecy and gain a deeper understanding of the complexities and blessings of living in Israel. This episode offers a rare glimpse into the personal experiences and reflections of those who have made the journey to the heart of biblical history.

    (00:05) Jews return due to threats. (05:42) French Jews immigrating to Israel amid antisemitism. (15:18) Potential Jewish migration to Israel amid adversity. (22:18) Israel has about 35,000 Jewish born-again believers. (28:26) Rapture leads to Jews coming to faith. (32:36) Creation of Israel was previously unthinkable, miraculous. (39:23) Supporting and defending Israel is crucial. (43:20) Emphasizing the importance of Israel in Christianity. (53:47) Saudi reforms and peace efforts with Israel. (58:59) Successful transition from politician to bestselling author. (01:00:26) Curiosity about prophecies and practical eschatology. (01:11:23) Importance of humanitarian relief, thoughtful communication, biblical truth. (01:16:09) Great commission to reach every person worldwide.

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    The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5

    Verse of the Day: Matthew 28:19—Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

    Prayer Request:
    Pray that more people will be open to coming to Israel and willing to experience Israel, give to Israel, and respond to the needs in Israel.
    Pray for ministers and families serving in Israel, that they would be strengthened, protected, and provided for.

    Related Episodes:
    Christians Blessing Israel: How and Why? #170
    Uniting Christians and Jews: A Spiritual Journey in Israel with Tatiana Mazarsky and Albert Veksler #168
    Transforming Lives Through Women's Ministry in Israel #115
    The Joshua Fund’s Origin Story #107

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.