
  • In today's episode I am talking with you about what to do after you've started using the motivation continuum and have started to workout consistently but feel like you still don't "look" like you workout.

    Today we are talking about how to cut the "fat" out of your life.

    The fat I'm referring to today are the next couple things that can hold someone back from being an averagely fit person to a very fit and happy person.

    I'm talking about cutting out the people in your life who are keeping you in the same spot.

    I'm talking about finally overcoming the hurdle of tracking your food and actually understanding what's going in and what's going out.

    I'm talking about setting proper boundaries so you can create enough space for you to be consistent long enough to see results and you creating boundaries to allow space for the right people to come in your life who aren't going to self sabotage you.

    I got fired up on this one because I remember having to go through this stage (side note you will continually have to do this as you grow...its not a one off) and how hard it is so Im very passionate about telling you all the truth of what it really takes for you all to live to your highest potential!


    I hope you enjoy the podcast and if you did please subscribe and review the podcast with 5 stars to help me grow this channel and get bigger and better guests on!

  • Today’s episode is my new way of tackling the question “I have low motivation, what can I do to increase my chances of feeling more motivated?“ (Download your continuum HERE)

    First thing to understand is that motivation is a feeling which means it comes and goes.

    It isn’t binary; you don‘t just have it or not.

    Motivation moves up and down a spectrum much like our emotions and feelings do.

    In today’s episode I’m sharing with you my concept around motivation.

    The spectrum of where motivation can go, the highest order as well as the lowest lows.

    If you can adopt this concept you will realize that there are certain actions and beliefs that will either keep you at one level of motivation and there are other actions and beliefs that can move you up and down the spectrum.

    When you realize this you see what maybe has landed you in a low state and also give you the confidence to now know how to move up the levels of motivation to the Highest Order.

    Below is a link for you to download the PDF of this continuum so you can print and have easily accessible for you to check back on when you’re feeling low.

    Also attached is a blank continuum that you can use to fill out for any aspect of your life: Sleep Quality, Nutrition, Relationships, exc.

    I hope you find value from it : )

    Click HERE!!

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  • Last week I went to San Diego to visit my Aunt and Cousins for the first time in years!

    While on my way back from this trip I realized how much people suffer internally when it comes to their thoughts about their health and nutrition when traveling and I wanted to help them with a new framework.

    Today I talk about how:

    I didn’t log my foodMy routines were somewhat similar when I traveledI had an environment that leaned towards healthy eating and even was adjusted for my way of eatingMy trip involved a lot of walking and exploringTrained 4x on a 7 day trip (so trained more on vacation than at home recently because I actually had the time to workout and I missed it)Still had drinks every nightAte all the foods I wanted which included a massive burger, cake, tacos, exc.Breakfast was the same almost every day just like at home so I had some consistency no matter whatBrought a lot of snacks for the flights like Chomp sticks, protein bars, LMNT PacksTried to eat as healthy as I could at the airportsEven had 2 drinks on the plane ride homeAt a certain point I just stopped even thinking about if I’m hitting enough food or doing enough, that wasn’t the point of the trip, the point of the trip was to recharge, explore and have fun. None of those things require a 6 pack to achieve so why care so much about the food and your body when you’re on vacation.I was attracting people into my environment just because I was in such a good mood being switched off from work. That is way more magnetic than a sexy body I promise you.I also made a point of trying to be bold while I was on the trip because I know it’s going to be a little bit til I get my next planned break to keep me going so if I only have this week I better live it up and squeeze as much out of it as I can, so that way I feel good going into another period of disciplined consistency.If you want to enjoy your trip with food and health then you also need these periods of disciplined consistency where you say no to the foods, drinks, parties, exc. so you are in control of your work:rest ratio and you’re not just following along with what everyone else is doing because have different goals than they do.

    I hope you enjoy the episode and if you do please like and subscribe so you don't miss on the next episode!

    Also if you're listening please reach out and tell me what you like the most about the show so I can continue to improve it!

    Til next time!

    Chris Page

  • Today we sit down with Reagan Davis.

    Reagan is a fellow online coach who focuses on performance athletes and helping women get out of the mindset that “Smaller is better” and into a mindset around “fueling our bodies for performance will make us happier and healthier in the long run”.

    We dive into Reagan‘s backstory and how college athletics and the pressure of college led her into disordered eating. She then learned how to acknowledge it and work through it by focusing on her performance instead of her ”look”.

    This began her healing journey and her desire to help other women heal this disorder.

    We then dive into the pros and cons of social media and how it can effect our mindsets towards food.

    We then go into mindset with dealing with criticism and how to stop worrying about what others think of you.

    Then we shift gears and talk about faith and how Reagan is very faith led and focuses on heart posture. You’ll learn what that means in the show!

    This has been a big area of interest for me so very cool to hear Reagan share her perspective.

    We dive a little into relationships as well and the differences in men vs women when it comes to dating!

    I really enjoyed this conversation with Reagan and I hope you all do too!

    You can follow Reagan @reaganndavis1

    And if you enjoyed this episode please share with your friends and post on your story and tag me! If you do I will send you a free gift ;)

  • Today's episode is a special one!

    Very excited to hit the 100 episode mark on the podcast and can't wait to see what lessons we learn as we get to 200 podcasts!

    I looked back on the most downloaded podcasts and took the best lessons from each one and compiled it into today's episode!

    Very fun looking back on the episodes and hearing the insights and how my own mind has changed over the last couple years of this podcast being out! I hope you enjoy!

    The podcasts are linked below if you want to listen to the full podcast of any lesson that landed the most for you!


    Monte Taylor PodcastDr. Natalie Jefferys PodcastChasity Snowden Podcast Jordan Peterson Review PodcastGraham Tuttle Podcast Ben Clarfield PodcastKeegan Smith PodcastJames Fadiman PodcastFirst Episode Ever!Brendan Backstrom Podcast

    Please follow and share if these podcasts inspire, motivate or entertain you! It really means a lot to me to know others out there are benefiting from what I'm putting out there!

    Chris Page

  • In today's episode I'm talking about TIME!

    Specifically this new concept I have around time after visiting my grandparents in their retirement community in Pensacola Florida.

    I realized that even if I live to 100 years old, that doesn't mean I have 100 years to do certain things I want in my life.

    I only have so much time as a single young adult to do certain things I want in my life. Once I reach a certain age in my 30s I'll be in a relationship, I'll start a family, etc.

    So this means that the time you have now to go after your goals is limited, its finite! You won't be getting this time back, so we have to take the risks and the chances now in life because those opportunities may never come back.

    I hope you enjoy the episode and if you do please give this podcast a 5 star review and share it on your social media so others can hear. If you share it please tag me @chrispage_coach so I can shout you out on my page and thank you properly!

  • In today's show I summarize some of the key topics that were shared in another podcast by Chris Williamson and Jordan Peterson.

    That podcast was 3 hours long! I've condensed the main topics down to around 20 mins and added my own spin to these topics to make them more relatable to the listeners.

    The main topic and point of this show to challenge all of you to take up a new mental framework that states "You are morally obligated to do great things!".

    This concept has been lost over the years as our society is getting softer and our everyday lives are getting easier.

    The reason why you're obligated to do great things is because if you don't you will become bitter when seeing others around you who have taken the challenge and succeeded. When you see them conquer their fears and realize you never faced yours, you will become bitter...

    And when you become bitter, you bring darkness into the world instead of light.

    You may think you don't matter but you are part of a collective society and WHAT YOU DO MATTERS!

    So this podcast is here to motivate and urge you to go after whatever has been calling to you!

    Take the leap!

  • Alex's Show Notes:

    “In this episode, we’re sitting down with one of my favorite humans, Chris Page, for an incredibly raw and authentic conversation. Let’s just say
. We love a man who can admit that he cries sometimes.

    But in all seriousness, Chris opens up about how he is currently navigating a toxic relationship and struggling to let go Something that he KNOWS no longer serves him. We talk about using Mirror Work as a tool, to heal our relationships with ourselves, and how profoundly the relationship with ourselves, and our inner child impacts relationship relationships with others that were navigating today.

    What is casual life update between friends, ultimately turns into grappling with the spiritual aspects of self reflection, will learning how to embrace these very new and very scary phases of our lives.

    Well, some of the things we discussed may seem “out there”, we hope to leave you all with actionable items of advice that you can begin implementing NOW, no matter where you are in your self development journey!

    Let us know what you think! :)”

  • The reason I’m making this podcast is to share with you all that I’m not perfect. I may just be a couple steps ahead of you so if I can be that guide that helps you to the level I’m at right now then that’s what this podcast is for.I’m making this to share and connect with all of you and to push you to keep going even if 10 days in you found yourself going back to your old habits, today is a new day. 30 out of 60 40 out of 60 or 50 out of 60 is still WAY BETTER than 0 out of 60 and quitting completely.This may be your first attempt at making change, There will be lessons whether you succeed or fail so don’t forget to take notes and keep working your formula until you have the life you truly want.

  • I’ve been gone for almost 3 months here’s what happened:I had 2 romantic relationships blow up around this time. They blew up because of me tbh and thinking I could manage both of themI tried to keep one of them alive but it was hurting me more than filling my cup upMy best friends mom got diagnosed with CancerMy mom and her man got married and I officiated the weddingSoccer season ended and I had 2 injuries I had to overcome from the seasonI started my newest certification for OPEX which was 2 hours every Tuesday for 12 weeks and will take me a year to finishMy dad’s wife had been sick for the last 2 years and she just passed away a couple weeks agoI let go of the relationship I tried to keep alive and that to me felt like someone in my life just diedHealth complications I’ve been dealing with all year were persistent during this time of high stressMy business was slowly declining due to the fact that I was declining as a personThe reason I’m making this podcast is to share my struggles with you all so that you can relate and know you’re not alone when shit gets hardBut also made this podcast to share how looking back at these last 3 months; a lot of the pain I am going through now could’ve been avoided if I was able to forgo the immediate pleasure that most of my decisions gave me.The 2 relationships blowing up is really what’s taken me out for this long. I did tell both of these people I wasn’t looking for anything serious and that I would be talking to other people but the way I handled it was poor and as a result it caused me more pain and griefThese relationships were great in their own ways but they weren’t serving me and helping me become the man I want to be or help my business because if my personal life is in turmoil, as a solopreneur that turmoil will effect my business so I have to be hyper vigialant of who I let in and if you’re out there trying to work on yourself then you need to be just as vigilant so you can avoid what I’ve been going throughThe reason I made this podcast is to share my fuckups but also to call out anyone listening who is trying to make improvements in your life and ask them “what remarkably stupid things am I doing right now that I could change, that I would be willing to change?”If you ask that question and really want to know the answer you’ll get some answers you don’t want to hear.I didn’t want to let go of this relationship, its one I’ve had over the last 3 years of my life (with me from the beginning of my own coaching business) but in order to be the guy who can lead others, make 10k months consistently, be in quality shape, and have positive habits, rituals, friendships in my life then I had to let her go and its one of the hardest things I’ve doneI’m still hurting from it while recording and will probably still be hurting from it long after this podcast is posted but I’m making this now to share with you all that I’m choosing the harder choice now in life in the hopes that there is something better for me in the future and I urge you to do the sameI’ve had to do this along my journey plenty of times; first it was giving up junk foods, then it was stopping drinking, then it was putting the weed down, now its let the relationship go
.For you it might be a different vice but ask yourself is this vice getting me closer to my goal or just helping me think its okay that I’m never going to reach my targets I’ve set out?If your vice is only for the latter then this podcast was made for you as a challenge to stop your self destruction for 60 days and then evaluate and see if you want it back in your life or not.I’ve already started, now it’s your turn!

  • Today we sit down in person and talk with Dr. Natalie Jeffreys

    Natalie is a chiropractor out of Port Orange FL where I currently live and she was introduced to me a couple months ago when I was invited to a breath work session.

    I right away knew Natalie was different, she was able to really tap into the moment and put on an incredible breath work session and that made me want to get adjusted by her next.

    Over the last 2 months Natalie has adjusted me and got me back feeling 100% for soccer and for life. Her approach is like no one else I've seen and I'm very excited to have her on today to share a little bit about her story and her approach to chiropractic care!

    There was a lot about the history of chiropractic care I didn't know about which was so fun to learn about!

    Natalie believes that with the right chiropractor you don't need tools and gadgets to adjust, if you can regulate the nervous system you barely even need to push to get an adjustment, and I have experienced this first hand.

    On the other side of this coin, when she does get your nervous system regulated she can really do some incredible things with her hands to adjust what needs to be adjusted.

    We dive into how people these days are so out of alignment with stress, technology growing, self healing through chiropractic care.

    We get into how you speak to yourself and how you let other speak to you can cause the body to knot up and become misaligned.

    And so much more!

    I hope you all enjoy the show and if you want to schedule your first intro session with Dr. Natalie you can click this link and book your first assessment!

    See you guys next week!

  • Today we have Dr. Scott an integrative medicine doctor for over 15 years to talk about health optimization.

    Specifically we are talking about the supplements Dr. Scott and the work of 3 other doctors created called Troscriptions.

    Troscriptions is a company these doctors created to help you feel as optimized from a cellular standpoint as possible right now as you go on the journey of reaching health optimization in your life.

    And I can't wait for you all to listen!

    Today we discuss:

    When someone takes tro-blue or just blue where is the effects of these supplements taking place in the body?What is mitochondrial health and why is this so important?Why have the product in the buccal form? Why not just swallow these supplements?What is methylene blue and why is it so important and why isn’t it used in other supplements? I’ve only ever seen you guys talking about MBMB is a nootropic , antidepressant, anti microbial, antioxidant and neuroprotective?The science around the nicotine and the hemp extract. What are the benefits of pairing these ingredients together? Lots of people say nicotine is terrible for you.What things are people taking such as large amounts of caffeine or adderal that are causing more harm than good compared to your guys products?So you guys have a product to help you get up and into a flow, now I want to talk about tro-calm and how this product can help anyone relax and unwind without needing to pour a glass or two of alcohol. So what’s in Tro-Calm?What is GABA and why is it such an important neurotransmitter to want to boost nowadays? Are there a lot of things in our current world that are cutting us off from creating more natural GABA?What does GABA do to your brain? And how does the combination of GABA/KAVA/HEMP work so well together?What the difference with tro-calm vs just smoking weed?How destructive is alcohol vs too-calm?So let’s say someone can’t get their hands on these products (even though they’re very affordable), how could someone increase their mitochondrial function for energy and increase their GABA for relaxation naturally?Where can people get their hands on these products?Where can people find you on social media?

    if you want to get your hands on some of these incredible supplement you can go to troscriptions.com and get yours there!

    Use code: ITSALLDAY to save some money on these supplements and start feeling optimized today!

  • Today we have Catarina on the podcast!

    Catarina is someone I've known in the coaching space for a couple of years now and I've noticed the shift in her coaching approach and wanted to bring her on today to share a little bit about why she's made the switch to a more holistic health based approach.

    A lot of the reasons for this were shared in the podcast by her story when she got done competing in college for track and after her bodybuilding career she pursued post college.

    Her athletic pursuits left her gut health in a lot of trouble and none of her traditional doctors could really help her. She had to go on a journey of discovering how to heal herself with the use of holistic based approach and as a result of this she now helps other women who are going through the same thing.

    We get into topics such as:

    What does holistic health mean?Why isn’t this talked about more?Eastern vs Western MedicineInternal vs ExternalGut HealthOur experience with our own western medicineToxins for womenWhy everyone needs to detox but not what they think it is - we need to support our liver (the seed of emotions)Nervous system regulationYou can heal yourselfHow to maintain a holistic lifestyle vs the new ages of technology; should be adapt or stay with the old school approachesHow do we connect to that spirit and gut?

    You can follow Catarina on instagram @catty_lee

    She also has a Masterclass going over holistic based health approaches you can reach out to her about!

    I hope you enjoyed the podcast!

    Please make sure to like and subscribe as it helps the show grow and if you know anyone who could benefit from this episode please share it with them! It was made for them on a certain level and they'll greatly appreciate you thinking of them!

    See you all soon!

  • Since last podcast about getting unexpectedly kicked out of my roommates house I have had a couple podcasts but then went silent for a little bit.

    The truth is since leaving my old place I’ve doubled my business and don’t have to pay rent so I’ve made more while saving more. 3x the income all from a situation that at the time looked detrimental to my life and my business.

    I wanted to make this podcast about moments in my life that looked like something terrible was going to come of it but ended up turning out to be some of the best things that could have happened to me looking back because they forced me to grow.

    If you want an extraordinary life you have to realize that a life like this comes at a cost and the cost is usually a very painful and tough price to pay. Physically, mentally, financially and spiritually.

    And if you’re not willing to pay these cost then you can’t expect to live an extraordinary life.

    Sometimes the cost of that life means going through hardships that shape you into the person who’s made it through such hard times and as a result has come out stronger for it.

    Maybe there are some stories in your life that you think are the worst thing that’s ever happened to you but in time they were pivotal points of growth. And that’s what these stories of mine are and how they’ve shaped me.

    Story #1

    Getting diagnosed with Adrenal Insufficiency at 9 years old

    -At the time I didn’t know much about it, I’ve only learned more as I’ve gotten older but Imagine your son is completely healthy and then 7 years into his life he starts slowing down in sports, has no energy, secretly he can’t see when he gets up too fast and all the test you are doing are showing no answers to what’s going on for 2 years until you find out he’s got an auto immune disease that isn’t curable and it’ll effect the rest of his life

    (The story you tell yourself and how you respond to adversity is what truly matters. I remember as a kid just always saying “this isn’t going to make me any different than anyone else, if I have to work harder to get to the same level as another kid because my body isn’t at 100% so be it.”)

    Looking back now, that drive to not want this to be a disadvantage for me has always driven me to want to work harder than others, one major issue was throwing up and needing a lot of meds to combat that stress on the body so having this disease actually prevented me from going out and drinking til I threw up and if I didn’t have that restriction I don’t know how my live would’ve turned out.

    Story #2 - College Career not working out the way I thought it would

    College did not go as planned. It took me 3 years to get some of my first consistent starts for my team. I almost left twice at that point. Almost gotten a DUI and went to hospital for over drinking in my first two years.

    This was some of the hardest times of my life, alone at college and the one thing I could lean on being soccer was even gone so I struggled.

    This ultimately led to me finding CrossFit and then ultimately my career though.

    And throughout there were so many lessons learned with regards to confidence, mental toughness, self belief, and learning to not listen to criticism to name just a few. And these lessons wouldn’t have been learned if when I went to school I just started the entire 4 years I was there without having to fight for my spot.

    It ended extremely well my last season with a scholarship increase and a great run of games during my last season. But the biggest thing I got out of it was pride for not quitting even though I fucking hated it for the majority of the time I was there. I didn’t quit when the going got tough.

    Story #3 - Tearing my knee last year

    Last year I wanted to challenge myself by making on a team as a field player to show people that with the proper training and nutrition you can be whoever you want to be and so at my first tryout after preparing for it I get into a tackle where me and this player collides
and this collision results in 4 tears in and around my knee; and I’m out for a year..

    At the time this was very tough, I had hiking plans paid for and ready to go on a week after this tryout I had to cancel. As a personal trainer I use my body to move around the gym and help others but now I can barely walk, and moving my body is one of my loves and outlets for stress and now I’m going to be stuck on a couch a whole bunch resting as this knee heals for what I thought would be a year.

    But this injury turned out to be one of the best things that could’ve happened to me. I got to use stem cells for my knee and to prove to my ortho that I could comeback from this injury without surgery. I was already learning kneesovertoes training and getting certified to help others heal their knee and I got to be patient 0 when it came to implementing these techniques and principles so I know they work and now because of my injury I can relate to my clients way more because I went through the same thing they did and they also gives them hope that they can comeback if they see me playing again.

    So I turned an injury that people dub as a “career ender” into a business opportunity that is 70% of the work I do today and I wouldn’t have as much success as I do right now if it wasn’t for this injury.

    I hope after hearing this podcast you can believe there is hope for you during your hard time that later on as you reflect you will see how this "terrible time" was a gift for you to grow and upgrade your life!

    If you liked this podcast please subscribe the channel so you can help the show grow and allow me to bring bigger and better guest on the podcast as our viewership increases!

    Talk with you all next week!

  • Today's podcast is a short 7 minute episode.

    It's more of a question for you to ponder; what cycles of choices, habits, beliefs and values am I currently spinning in?

    If you're not happy with where you are and you're like me and you want to grow and level up year after year than answering these questions and bringing awareness to them is vital!

    Once you can start asking these questions you will start to see the cycles, and if you can see the cycles than you can begin to break them in order to create the new cycles that will take you to the next best version of yourself!

    I hope you enjoy today's podcast, if you don't already please subscribe for more content like this and feel free to reach out to me on IG @chrispage_coach if you have answers to these questions you want to talk through!

    -Chris Page

  • In today's episode I talk about something that has been at the cornerstone of my personal growth in all areas of my life!

    Before I couldn't put words to it in the way I'm able to now looking back over the last 5-7 years of my life.

    Today's podcast is all about the power of compounding growth over a long enough period of time to achieve the results you're truly after.

    The struggle most of us face in today's day and age is that waiting for something to happen seems foreign in this instant gratification world we live in.

    Today I'm going to share a story I had with a fellow coach who was struggling with balancing her career and her soon to be first child. She was questioning whether she should even still coach or not and comparing herself to other lady coaches in the industry who had children and went straight back into work and whether that's something she truly wants or is it something that she is getting pressured into doing from society and the fitness industry.

    I shared an example of how people wanting business success at all costs is the same as someone wanting to get jacked in the gym as fast as possible so they resort to steroids but don't realize the ramifications that come with a choice like that. Much like most people don't realize the true cost of rapid business success or success in any area for that matter.

    So I talk about in this podcast the same answer I gave her which was to expand your time horizons and focus on 1% gains and recognize how much the power of compounding will get you what you want without costing you all your energy and life in your early and mid 20s.

    I hope you enjoy the podcast and if you did please follow this channel for more episodes like this and share on your social media so your friends and family can take these lessons with them as well!


  • Today we have Craig Coles on the show!

    Craig is a mindset and fitness coach I met at a conference in Arizona a couple months back. I heard his story at the conference and spoke with him and knew two things: 1) His energy is infectious and 2) His story is incredible!

    Craig was an athlete growing up, he was raised with a chip on his shoulder, a "F**k it" mentality that propelled him in life until he met his first battle with life....cancer.

    Craig was diagnosed with lymphoma and had a 20% chance to live. I love Craig's approach to combating the diagnoses which we speak about in the show. It really highlights his belief in the fact that no matter what it will all work out but you can't quit!

    It was during his recovery from cancer that Craig had an out of body experience that opened his eyes and his mind to a level of self awareness that hasn't gone away since!

    Craig's battles don't end there either; Craig talks about how he's been shot and how he was diagnosed with Cardio Myopathy. This ultimately led to him having to close down his facility, go through a serious depression and have to fight against his own heart to come back to alpha!

    Craig brings an energy, a clarity, a truth to how he lives his life and this is how he defines a masculine man, a true alpha, someone who can live in their truth. No matter the consequences. This is what he instils in his clients and the message he will instill with you today!

    I hope you enjoy the podcast!

    You can find Craig on Instagram and Facebook @only1craigcoles

    Please like and subscribe to help the show grow and to make sure you don't miss our next episodes this year!

  • In today's episode I am talking with a good friend of mine Sean McDevitt a.k.a. The Fitness Shaman about his first book "Hack Your Health!!

    Sean has been on the podcast before going into his more personal story; in case you missed it I'm going to link it here!

    We get into the writing process in the beginning of the podcast before we dive into 3-4 main chapters of the book.

    Sean talks about how writing a book was, "very much a personification of the journey, not the destination" and how writing a book is an exercise into finding ways to stay consistent with the writing process and not getting bogged down with the stress of finishing the whole thing.

    Sean explains how the book idea came to be during COVID when the clients of the coaching business he has with his Wife Dala (DLD Nation) kept asking him similar questions and Sean started to write all them down and keep in a notebook.

    One day he took a look at the notebook and thought “we have a book here”. So this book is an expansion of some of the most popular questions that comes up for anyone going through their fitness journey as Sean and Dala have helped coach thousands of clients over the years!

    As we dive into the writing process one lesson I found valuable in listing to Sean was hearing how well he was able to accept criticism albeit after some bristling with his ego and editors on what should stay and what should go in the book.

    Sean points out that “the best writers say the editing process is where books really come to life” and how well we can accept and handle criticism (ie. coaching) is how a book our your life can come out.

    Next in the podcast we dive into Chapter 1 of the book and a sub chapter that was “Mindset Hacks for Navigating an Injury, and Life in General”.

    The reason I wanted to get into this topic is 2 part; one because I thought it would be helpful for a lot of my clients to hear since about 50% of my clients are going through injuries themselves and two because of how valuable I found it when reflecting on my injury this last year.One of the first lessons Sean shares when it comes to navigating an injury is talked about how Kobe Bryant helped Gordon Hayward overcome his broken leg by focusing on gratitude and what you can be grateful for when injured. He also goes on to share how an injury gives you time to now work on other aspects of your fitness outside of the gym such as nutrition, sleep, lifting footage, exc. And lastly Sean talks about how we can prime our brains to start looking for the positives in our injuries and if we can do this it becomes much easier to get through the injury.

    In Chapter 2 Hacking Imposter Syndrome some topics include:

    Why do we even get imposter syndrome in the first place? How can we start to get a hold of our imposter syndrome and quiet that noisy obnoxious roommate that Ariana Huffington talked about in the beginning of this chapter? What is a smile file and the highlight reel we should all have in our phones?

    -Hacking the Comparison Game to your advantage

    A 2020 study published in the journal of Nature Communication found that humans have around 6,200 thoughts/dayOf those 6,200 thoughts; 12% or 744 of these thoughts involve making comparisons of some kind
.this stat blew my mind 😳How can we win this “game” of comparison in our day to day lives so it doesn’t turn into a negative downward spiral?

    Last chapter of the book we talked about was Chapter 5: Weekday eating vs. Weekend eating hacks

    Talk to me about being “that guy” (the guy who takes his health and nutrition seriously) did you take it well? How can others get over the “that guy” stage and not let the external criticism make them stop their journey? How can we help people get over this idea that “planning for the weekend” means I have no freedom to make spur of the moment decisions that are “exciting”.

    At the end of the podcast I apologize for Sean’s audio cutting in and out for a couple minutes but at the end his audio comes in nice and smooth so bear with us. 🙏

    We close with talking about what the potential future books might be and where you can find more from Sean on social and where you can buy his book!

    I hope you guys enjoy this show half as much as I did having Sean coming on, he’s an amazing guest and a fantastic speaker!

    Links below to buy his book and follow Sean and Dala’s social media and coaching company! 👇

    Hack Your Health on Amazon!

    Sean’s social on Instagram!


    Sean and Dala’s coaching company!


  • Today I sit down with my friend Monte Taylor!

    Monte and I met about a year ago in Austin TX at a fitness coaching mastermind. Funny enough we actually ended up rooming together last minute as we headed to the mastermind and ended up hitting it off over the weekend and kept in contact since!

    A couple months after the mastermind Monte starred on CBS' Big Brother Season 24 and took home 2nd place!

    This was a huge achievement considering a couple years ago Monty was working at a corporate job as a mechanical engineer not really sure where he was going to take his career next.

    As he was trying to figure out if he wanted to stay in the corporate space, the world changed....COIVD hit!

    Because of this Monte was forced to work from home in a sales capacity and was feeling unfulfilled. This is when his fitness journey began.

    Monte would go to put on about 20lbs of weight and as a result he was approached by others in the gym and took on a side job as a personal trainer for a little bit before transitioning fully into the fitness industry.

    Monte credits a lot of his growth in and outside of the gym with how much work he's put in Mindset Wise!

    Monte uses what he's learned through books, coaches and mentors to help his own clients believe they can achieve their fitness goals as well.

    He speaks about the importance of gratitude, habits, affirmations, and breath work to help keep him grounded when emotions pop up and get a little bit too overwhelming.

    This was especially important when he was on Big Brother and the house started to get empty towards the end!

    Monte has a podcast himself on the way to be on the lookout for!

    If you want to connect with Monte or apply for coaching with him you can follow him @taylord_fit _

    And if you want to apply for coaching with Monte you can hit this link!

  • On today's show we have Jason Lane!

    A veteran in the coaching space who has a specialization in breath work which is why he's on the show today!

    With Episode 84 being about how sleeping with your mouth taped shut can dramatically improve your sleep I thought it best to get a coach like Jason to go deeper on the subject of breath work.

    On today's show Jason breaks down breathing from its point of origin as it enters our nose or mouth and gives a detailed explanation of how breath can go all the way down to our pelvic floor.

    He explains the difference between vertical breathing (What the majority of us are doing and its not ideal) and horizontal breathing (what we should all be striving to achieve).

    We then dive into the mechanics of breathing and how this can effect things like mood, performance and longevity.

    Jason shares with us his reasoning for diving into breath work in the first place.

    We dive into how your breath and digestion are even connected and how people can start practicing bringing awareness to their breath on a more routine basis.

    If you want to reach out to Jason and connect with him for coaching or questions you can reach him on Instagram @painfreelifeguy

    Thanks for listening! if you enjoyed the show and this podcast hit that subscribe button! And if you want to share the podcast on social media tag me @chrispage_coach so I can repost and give you some love for sharing!

    Let's get this info and these amazing guests stories out there to more and more people who can benefit!