This Episode is the commentary of JohnChat_EP19 by NotebookLM Deep Dive. The theme of the EP 17 is "Yi-Chat: Japanese Warlords Series," featuring guest Dr. Yi-Wei Chen and hosted by Dr. John Chiang. The show focuses on three prominent figures from Japan's Sengoku period. Through casual and engaging conversations, the hosts explore intriguing anecdotes and lesser-known stories from Japan's historical records, offering a fresh perspective on the events and personalities that shaped this fascinating era. YouTube Link: https://youtube.com/live/SLPp9zQ2I4k 這集是用NotebookLM Deep Dive介紹【John聊】的第19集,該集的主題為「一義來尬聊」之日本戰國三傑系列,邀請陳一瑋醫師 (Dr. Yi-Wei Chen) 擔任嘉賓,由姜義村教授 主持。節目聚焦於日本戰國時期的三位傑出人物,透過主持人與嘉賓的輕鬆對談,漫談日本的稗官野史中的事件與人物特色,展現日本戰國時期的精彩故事與啟發。 YouTube直播連結:https://youtube.com/live/SLPp9zQ2I4k --Hosting provided by SoundOn
本集主題為「一義來尬聊」之日本戰國三傑系列,邀請陳一瑋醫師 (Dr. Yi-Wei Chen) 擔任嘉賓,由姜義村教授 主持。節目聚焦於日本戰國時期的三位傑出人物,透過主持人與嘉賓的輕鬆對談,漫談日本的稗官野史中的事件與人物特色,展現日本戰國時期的精彩故事與啟發。 YouTube直播連結: https://youtube.com/live/sQxPfYcTUSo The theme of this episode is "Yi-Chat: Japanese Warlords Series," featuring guest Dr. Yi-Wei Chen and hosted by Dr. John Chiang. The show focuses on three prominent figures from Japan's Sengoku period. Through casual and engaging conversations, the hosts explore intriguing anecdotes and lesser-known stories from Japan's historical records, offering a fresh perspective on the events and personalities that shaped this fascinating era. YouTube Link: https://youtube.com/live/sQxPfYcTUSo --Hosting provided by SoundOn
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This Episode is the commentary of JohnChat_EP17 by NotebookLM Deep Dive. The theme of the EP 17 is "Yi-Chat: Japanese Warlords Series," featuring guest Dr. Yi-Wei Chen and hosted by Dr. John Chiang. The show focuses on three prominent figures from Japan's Sengoku period. Through casual and engaging conversations, the hosts explore intriguing anecdotes and lesser-known stories from Japan's historical records, offering a fresh perspective on the events and personalities that shaped this fascinating era. YouTube Link: https://youtube.com/live/SLPp9zQ2I4k 這集是用NotebookLM Deep Dive介紹【John聊】的第17集,該集的主題為「一義來尬聊」之日本戰國三傑系列,邀請陳一瑋醫師 (Dr. Yi-Wei Chen) 擔任嘉賓,由姜義村教授 主持。節目聚焦於日本戰國時期的三位傑出人物,透過主持人與嘉賓的輕鬆對談,漫談日本的稗官野史中的事件與人物特色,展現日本戰國時期的精彩故事與啟發。 YouTube直播連結:https://youtube.com/live/SLPp9zQ2I4k --Hosting provided by SoundOn
本集主題為「一義來尬聊」之日本戰國三傑系列,邀請陳一瑋醫師 (Dr. Yi-Wei Chen) 擔任嘉賓,由姜義村教授 主持。節目聚焦於日本戰國時期的三位傑出人物,透過主持人與嘉賓的輕鬆對談,漫談日本的稗官野史中的事件與人物特色,展現日本戰國時期的精彩故事與啟發。 YouTube直播連結:https://youtube.com/live/SLPp9zQ2I4k The theme of this episode is "Yi-Chat: Japanese Warlords Series," featuring guest Dr. Yi-Wei Chen and hosted by Dr. John Chiang. The show focuses on three prominent figures from Japan's Sengoku period. Through casual and engaging conversations, the hosts explore intriguing anecdotes and lesser-known stories from Japan's historical records, offering a fresh perspective on the events and personalities that shaped this fascinating era. YouTube Link: https://youtube.com/live/SLPp9zQ2I4k --Hosting provided by SoundOn
This week on Golden Harmony of Happiness, 55-year-old Sunshine Foundation supervisor Yu-Chen Kuang shares her journey from a fitness novice to a championship winner, along with the “Zi, Duo, Duo, Jian, Ai, Ji” formula for falling in love with exercise. Tune in on January 25 at 11:00 AM on the Educational Radio Station and discover how to embrace health and happiness as we age gracefully! Golden Harmony of Happiness: Listen Live Online (Taiwan, Jan. 25, 11AM) https://www.ner.gov.tw/ Available for 60 Days After Broadcast https://www.ner.gov.tw/program/67629e606a5c180023b4886e 本週《花甲幸福曲》,邀請55歲陽光基金會總督導曠裕蓁分享她從運動小白到運動冠軍的心路歷程,並揭曉「自多多漸愛計」六字口訣,幫助每個人愛上運動,迎向健康幸福的生活!1月25日(六)上午11:00,鎖定教育廣播電台,讓我們一起運動出幸福,優雅變老! 花甲幸福曲線上即時收聽 https://www.ner.gov.tw/ (台灣時區,1/25, 上午11點) 節目播出後收聽60天 https://www.ner.gov.tw/program/67629e606a5c180023b4886e --Hosting provided by SoundOn
Topic: Central Region Adapted Physical Education Co-Learning Hub: Current Status, Challenges, and Future Prospects This special episode of John Talks features Professor John Chiang’s opening speech for the “Central Region Adapted Physical Education Co-Learning Hub.” Key topics include inclusive education, CRPD, amendments to the Special Education Act, and the vision for the future Adapted Sports Division. Through this podcast, Professor Chiang aims to share vital information on adapted physical education with those eager to learn. Access the presentation here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17hCtHpD-udgSL2OtovsNdH131Lsupr9X/view?usp=sharing 中區適應體育共學行動站:現況、挑戰與未來展望 本集【John聊】帶來新的嘗試,分享姜義村教授於「中區適應體育共學行動站」開場的演講錄音,討論融合教育、CRPD、特殊教育法的修訂,以及適應運動司的未來展望。透過Podcast平台,教授希望將適應體育的推廣資訊傳達給真正需要的人,並鼓勵共同學習,推動更友善的社會環境。相關課程簡報連結: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17hCtHpD-udgSL2OtovsNdH131Lsupr9X/view?usp=sharing 歡迎參考 --Hosting provided by SoundOn
今天的【John聊】為一個新的嘗試!因為我經常受邀很多地方推廣適應體育,但因為時間的限制,我沒有辦法抽身前往,所以今天嘗試把這今天的演講錄下來,直接放上podcast跟大家分享,只要真的有心想要聽的人就可以聽到需要的資訊。以下為這一集的一些重點資訊:(一)這場演講是「推展學校適應體育深耕總計畫」的「中區適應體育共學行動站」成立的開場說明和知能分享,(二)分享的重點有幾個重點:「融合教育的重要性」、「CRPD和適應體育的關係」、「新特殊教育法」、「特殊教育中程計畫」、未來「運動部適應運動司」的期待,(三)課程的簡報連結為:https://drive.google.com/file/d/17hCtHpD-udgSL2OtovsNdH131Lsupr9X/view?usp=sharing 歡迎參考。 --Hosting provided by SoundOn
This episode of JohnChat serves as a commentary on the third episode of the radio program Golden Harmony of Happiness, which focuses on "Star Families" and discusses how the New Taipei City Friendly Housing Cooperative helps the elderly and families with autism build mutually supportive "second family" relationships, fostering a happy and inclusive life. Hosted by John Chiang and Walker Hsu, the program explores pathways to happiness in an aging society. It is broadcast on the National Education Radio and is also available online. The episode aims to highlight the warmth of intergenerational connections and promote social inclusion. It encourages listeners to reflect on the challenges and opportunities presented by an aging society and shares uplifting stories to raise awareness and support for marginalized groups. Golden Harmony of Happiness: Listen Live Online (Taiwan, Jan. 18, 11AM) https://www.ner.gov.tw/ Available for 60 Days After Broadcast https://www.ner.gov.tw/program/67629e606a5c180023b4886e 本集 JohnChat 主要針對電台節目《花甲幸福曲》第三集進行評論。該集節目聚焦於「星兒家庭」主題,討論新北市友善住宅公用合作社如何協助銀髮族與自閉症家庭建立互助的「第二家人」關係,創造幸福且包容的生活。節目由姜義村和徐一騰主持,探索高齡社會的幸福之道,並於教育廣播電台播出,亦可在線上收聽。這一集節目旨在展現跨世代的溫暖連結,並促進社會共融。節目鼓勵聽眾反思高齡化社會所帶來的挑戰與機會,並藉由分享正面的故事,提升社會對弱勢群體的關注。 花甲幸福曲線上即時收聽 https://www.ner.gov.tw/ (台灣時區,1/18, 上午11點) 節目播出後收聽60天 https://www.ner.gov.tw/program/67629e606a5c180023b4886e --Hosting provided by SoundOn
The episode focuses on the importance of advance healthcare planning consultations and drafting wills. The guest shares personal family experiences, highlighting the significance of proactive planning and offering insights on how to better support and communicate with loved ones during their final moments. They also encourage listeners to address these issues while in good health and discuss ways to overcome challenges, such as high costs and complex procedures. Finally, the show advocates for approaching conversations about life and death with ease and uses personal experiences to inspire listeners to thoughtfully plan their own “graduation ceremony” of life. JohnChat EP11 Link: https://solink.soundon.fm/episode/5aab0ca1-8dad-445d-843d-5c7629fbb96f 本集內容主要探討預立醫療照護諮商和撰寫遺囑的重要性。節目來賓分享自身家人經歷,闡述了事先規劃的重要性,以及在親人臨終前如何更好地陪伴和溝通的經驗。 他們也呼籲聽眾在健康時就應積極處理這些議題,並分享了如何克服規劃上的困難,例如高昂的費用和繁瑣的手續。 最後,節目鼓勵聽眾以輕鬆的方式,與家人討論生死議題,並藉由自身經驗,引導聽眾思考人生的「畢業典禮」該如何規劃。 John聊 連結:https://solink.soundon.fm/episode/5aab0ca1-8dad-445d-843d-5c7629fbb96f --Hosting provided by SoundOn
本集邀請到吳郁玟跟我們來聊聊人生的畢業典禮的大小事,郁玟跟我們一起分享她在預立遺囑和預立醫療照護經驗分享,到底為什麼我們要來聊這個主題呢?我們一起來聽聽吧! 本集特別連結: 21歲的臨終記事 https://film-festival.pts.org.tw/bestinput/doc14.html病人自主權利法 https://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=L0020189 In this episode, we are thrilled to have Wu Yu-Wen join us to talk about all aspects of "life's graduation ceremony." Yu-Wen shares her experiences with advance wills and advance healthcare planning. Why is this topic worth discussing? Let’s listen and find out together! Special links for this episode: Amalie is Dying https://film-festival.pts.org.tw/bestinput/doc14.htmlThe Patient Right to Autonomy Act https://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=L0020189--Hosting provided by SoundOn
This episode of "Golden Harmony of Happiness" by National Education Radio explores the mental and life challenges faced in middle and old age, focusing on individuals with mental illnesses and their families. Through interviews and expert insights, it emphasizes resilience, hope, and the pursuit of fulfillment despite adversity. The program discusses social policies and resources to promote understanding and acceptance of mental health issues, enriched with songs to enhance its emotional impact. Golden Harmony of Happiness: Listen Live Online (Taiwan, Jan. 11, 11AM) https://www.ner.gov.tw/ Available for 60 Days After Broadcast https://www.ner.gov.tw/program/67629e606a5c180023b4886e 這一集主要介紹國立教育廣播電台「花甲幸福曲」廣播節目的第二集內容。節目探討中年與老年階段人們可能面臨的精神與生活挑戰,特別聚焦於精神疾病患者及其家屬的處境。透過訪談案例與專家意見,節目鼓勵聽眾正視並處理生命中的困境,並強調即使面對創傷與挑戰,仍能保有希望與力量,積極追求幸福與滿足的人生。節目也提及相關的社會政策與資源,期盼促進社會大眾對精神疾病的理解與接納。最後,節目以歌曲點綴,更增添節目情感的深度與廣度。 花甲幸福曲線上即時收聽 https://www.ner.gov.tw/ (台灣時區,1/11, 上午11點) 節目播出後收聽60天 https://www.ner.gov.tw/program/67629e606a5c180023b4886e --Hosting provided by SoundOn
This episode of the podcast "Yusu is Here!" features Lin Yusu sharing his inspirational journey in swimming, from facing initial challenges with finding a coach to eventually breaking national records. The episode explores how he overcame learning barriers and recounts the unforgettable experiences of his first competition, which moved the host to tears. Additionally, listeners are invited to join a follow-up online chat session to engage further with the story. In addition, this episode also includes an invitation to everyone, hoping to have enough friends join me on 【JohnChat】 for a conversation. So, if you'd like to chat with me, please fill out the form below! https://forms.gle/qcbvPiEjRbTQmEK7A 本集Podcast「育夙來了!」邀請林育夙分享他的游泳學習歷程,從最初無人敢教,到最終打破全國紀錄的勵志故事。節目中將探討他克服學習障礙的過程,以及首場比賽的難忘經歷,甚至讓主持人感動落淚。 此外,節目也發出邀請,希望聽眾參與後續的線上聊天活動。 此外,這集也想要對大家進行邀約,希望有夠多的朋友能來【John聊】一起聊天,所以如果您也想要來跟我聊聊天,就麻煩填以下表單囉! https://forms.gle/qcbvPiEjRbTQmEK7A --Hosting provided by SoundOn
The podcast episode "Yusu is Here!" is the first in a series, featuring Lin Yusu sharing his experience breaking two national swimming records. The conversation explores the process, his emotions afterward, and his reflections. It invites listeners to engage further through the online chat program "JohnChat" by registering via a provided form. The episode highlights Lin's achievements and aims to foster audience interaction. In addition, this episode also includes an invitation to everyone, hoping to have enough friends join me on 【JohnChat】 for a conversation. So, if you'd like to chat with me, please fill out the form below! https://forms.gle/qcbvPiEjRbTQmEK7A 這集「育夙來了!」是系列節目的第一集,專訪林育夙分享他打破兩項游泳全國紀錄的經歷。訪談內容涵蓋破紀錄的過程、事後的感受與省思,並邀請聽眾參與後續的線上聊天節目「John聊」。節目提供報名表單,歡迎聽眾參與。 這集節目主要記錄林育夙的成就與反思,並促進聽眾互動。此外,這集也想要對大家進行邀約,希望有夠多的朋友能來【John聊】一起聊天,所以如果您也想要來跟我聊聊天,就麻煩填以下表單囉! https://forms.gle/qcbvPiEjRbTQmEK7A --Hosting provided by SoundOn
今天是【育夙來了!】系列的第二集!今天育夙要來跟我們分享他為什麼會開始學游泳?為什麼爸媽四處詢問都沒有人敢教他游泳?又是何時才開始有老師願意教他游泳?他人生的第一場游泳比賽到底發生了什麼事讓主持人忍不住淚灑錄音室?!讓我們一起來聽聽吧!此外,這集也想要對大家進行邀約,希望有夠多的朋友能來【John聊】一起聊天,所以如果您也想要來跟我聊聊天,就麻煩填以下表單囉! https://forms.gle/qcbvPiEjRbTQmEK7A Today is the second episode of the [Yusu is Here!] series! In this episode, Yusu shares why he started learning to swim, why his parents struggled to find someone willing to teach him, and when a coach finally agreed to train him. What happened during his very first swimming competition that moved the host to tears in the recording studio? Let’s listen together to find out! In addition, this episode also includes an invitation to everyone, hoping to have enough friends join me on 【JohnChat】 for a conversation. So, if you'd like to chat with me, please fill out the form below! https://forms.gle/qcbvPiEjRbTQmEK7A --Hosting provided by SoundOn
今天是【育夙來了!】系列的第一集,聽到系列就知道育夙未來不止只這一集囉!今天育夙要來跟我們分享他破游泳二項全國記錄的故事,我們除了聊聊這個破紀錄的過程,也分享了破紀錄之後的心情和目前的反思,讓我們一起來聽聽吧!此外,這集也想要對大家進行邀約,希望有夠多的朋友能來【John聊】一起聊天,所以如果您也想要來跟我聊聊天,就麻煩填以下表單囉! https://forms.gle/qcbvPiEjRbTQmEK7A Today marks the first episode of the [Yusu is Here!] series. From the word 'series,' you can guess that this won't be the only episode! In this episode, Yusu shares the story of breaking two national swimming records. Besides discussing the process of setting these records, we also delve into the emotions after the achievement and Yusu's current reflections. Let's dive in and listen together! In addition, this episode also includes an invitation to everyone, hoping to have enough friends join me on 【JohnChat】 for a conversation. So, if you'd like to chat with me, please fill out the form below! https://forms.gle/qcbvPiEjRbTQmEK7A --Hosting provided by SoundOn
This episode is introduced by NotebookLM's Deep Dive to feature the new podcast show JohnChat_EP2 which is hosted by Professor John from National Taiwan Normal University. Professor John won the Best Host award at the 2024 Golden Bell Awards, which is the highest honor in Taiwanese broadcasting. On the evening of January 1, 2025, at 11:57 PM, John decided to share a book and some of his thoughts in the second episode of the New Year. Host John recommends and discusses a book about smiling depression, titled "I Smile, But I'm Not Necessarily Happy," and provides a detailed introduction to its contents, such as how the author describes their journey of reconciliation with depression through art and words, as well as how the book helps the families of those suffering from depression. The latter part of the episode outlines the future direction of the show, which will include inviting friends from various fields to share interesting stories and experiences, while also encouraging listener submissions to actively participate in the program. In addition, this episode also includes an invitation to everyone, hoping to have enough friends join me on 【JohnChat】 for a conversation. So, if you'd like to chat with me, please fill out the form below! https://forms.gle/qcbvPiEjRbTQmEK7A EP5: 使用NotebookLM Deep Dive介紹【JohnChat】EP2 這集節目是由NotebookLM的Deep Dive介紹《John聊》EP2 這個新的Podcast節目的第二集。《John聊》是由國立台灣師範大學的姜義村教授主持的節目。在2025年1月1日的晚上11點57分,John決定在新年的第二集節目中與大家分享一本書和一些他的想法。主持人John推薦並分享一本關於微笑憂鬱症的書籍《我微笑,但不一定快樂》,並詳細介紹書中內容,像是作者如何透過繪畫和文字描述自身與憂鬱症和解的歷程,以及如何幫助憂鬱症患者的家人。節目後半段則規劃未來的節目方向,將邀請不同領域的朋友分享有趣的故事和經歷,並開放聽眾投稿,共同參與節目的內容。 此外,這集也想要對大家進行邀約,希望有夠多的朋友能來【John聊】一起聊天,所以如果您也想要來跟我聊聊天,就麻煩填以下表單囉! https://forms.gle/qcbvPiEjRbTQmEK7A --Hosting provided by SoundOn
This episode features a NotebookLM voice summary introducing the brand-new program "Golden Harmony of Happiness", set to air every Saturday starting January 4, 2025, on the Educational Radio Station. As Taiwan officially enters a super-aged society in 2025, with one in five people being 65 years or older, this program focuses on the challenges faced by "double-elderly households" in such a society. The show is co-hosted by Professor John Chiang from National Taiwan Normal University and Walker Hsu, Ph.D. Candidate, Chairperson of the Taiwan Society of Adapted Physical Activity. The program invites experts and practitioners to share insights from both academic and practical perspectives, exploring challenges and strategies related to health, leisure, psychology, and social connections for older adults. The hosts aim to encourage listeners to prepare for aging with a more optimistic and proactive attitude, embracing a happy and fulfilling later life. To enhance the richness of the show, the program intersperses literary readings and music appreciation, offering an engaging blend of intellectual and emotional nourishment for its audience. Golden Harmony of Happiness: Listen Live Online https://www.ner.gov.tw/programSchedule?date=1732089781 Available for 60 Days After Broadcast https://www.ner.gov.tw/program/67629e606a5c180023b4886e 本集節目透過 NotebookLM 語音摘要,介紹將於 2025 年 1 月 4 日起,每週六在教育廣播電台播出的全新節目《花甲幸福曲》。隨著台灣於 2025 年正式邁入超高齡社會,每五人中即有一位是 65 歲以上的高齡者。《花甲幸福曲》聚焦超高齡社會中的雙老家庭議題,由國立臺灣師範大學姜義村教授和台灣適應身體活動學會徐一騰理事長共同主持。 節目將邀請專家學者及實務工作者,從學術與實務的多元角度,深入探討高齡者在健康、休閒、心理、社交等方面的挑戰與應對策略。同時,主持人鼓勵聽眾以更積極、樂觀的態度為老化做好準備,追求幸福的晚年生活。為增添節目的豐富性,內容中穿插文學作品選讀與歌曲欣賞,為聽眾帶來知性與感性的雙重饗宴。 花甲幸福曲線上即時收聽 https://www.ner.gov.tw/programSchedule?date=1732089781 節目播出後收聽60天 https://www.ner.gov.tw/program/67629e606a5c180023b4886e --Hosting provided by SoundOn
本集節目進行了一個有趣的嘗試,我將我的節目送到NotebookLM,想了解他們如何討論我的節目。沒想到,在短短幾秒鐘內,他們就生成了一段超過十分鐘的對話,討論了我節目的第一集!哇,這真的太不可思議了!您一定要來聽聽看!不過,目前只有英文版本,還沒有中文對話版本。不過,這也是一個練習英文聽力的好機會! 此外,我還是持續邀請所有朋友能來【John聊】一起聊天,所以如果您也想要來跟我聊聊天,就麻煩填以下表單囉! https://forms.gle/qcbvPiEjRbTQmEK7A EP3: When AI Meets "JohnChat," How Would They Discuss My First Episode? This episode features an interesting experiment. I sent my show to NotebookLM to see how they would discuss it. To my surprise, within just a few seconds, they quickly generated a conversation of over ten minutes, discussing the first episode of my show! Wow, it's truly amazing! You definitely have to listen to it! However, at the moment, there's only an English version available, and no Chinese dialogue version. But it's a great opportunity to practice your English listening skills! Additionally, I’m still inviting everyone to join "JohnChat" for a chat! If you’d like to have a conversation with me, please fill out the form below. Looking forward to chatting with you! https://forms.gle/qcbvPiEjRbTQmEK7A --Hosting provided by SoundOn
今天是2025的第一天,我在睡前特別想要跟大家分享一本過去讀過的好書《我微笑,但不一定快樂》,這本書由高愛倫著,聯經出版,想說在新的一年,都能用這本「感覺」多於「觀點」的書,陪伴大家擁抱不完美的自己。 此外,這集也想要對大家進行邀約,希望有夠多的朋友能來【John聊】一起聊天,所以如果您也想要來跟我聊聊天,就麻煩填以下表單囉! https://forms.gle/qcbvPiEjRbTQmEK7A 期待與您一起在節目上跟大家聊天喔! --Hosting provided by SoundOn
本集是我們【John聊】的第一集,將跟大家分享為什麼我們會開這個節目?這個節目有什麼特色?同時節目請來台灣適應身體活動學會理事長,也是教育廣播電台【花甲幸福曲】的節目主持人Walker Hsu (徐一騰),一起來簡單跟大家分享即將在 2025/01/04 本週六上午十一點播出的新節目,歡迎大家收聽。 *本節目同步在YouTube播出,連結為:https://youtube.com/live/gNaByQ1XC7w --Hosting provided by SoundOn