Mike Erre - Paul uses temple imagery to describe the church’s role as a monument to the wisdom of God against the powers and principalities.
Mike Erre - This week we look at Paul’s use of Temple imagery to describe the church.
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Mike Erre - This week we look at Paul’s reference to “the dividing wall of hostility” that existed between Jew and Gentile, and how that was destroyed in the death of Christ.
Mike Erre - This week we look at Paul’s usage of words like grace, saved, and faith, and see how they fit into the story he is telling.
Mike Erre - This week we do an overview of Ephesians 2, paying particular attention to the first 10 verses and Paul’s usage of “ grace.”
Kevin Dixon - Grace is the gift of being human and all that is involved with the mess of life. God so loved us he gave us grace.
Suzie Lind - In the fourth week of Advent we explore the relationship between Mary and Elizabeth and the ways God met each of them in their need.
Mike Erre - This week we examine John’s call to the people of Israel to undergo a baptism of repentance and produce fruit in keeping with their realignment to God’s purposes.
Mike Erre - This week we look at the promise of a messenger and the unique ministry of John the Baptist that resulted.
Suzie Lind - In week one of Advent, we listen to Jesus’ encourage his disciples on how we are to live in the already but not yet.
Mike Erre - This week we look at Paul’s autobiographical reflection on how his imprisonment provides the perfect context for his announcement of Jesus’ victory over the powers.
Mike Erre - This week we look at Paul’s usage of the phrase “this age and the age to come” in order to understand why, though Christ is victorious over the powers, we don’t see it.
Mike Erre - This week we look at what Paul refers to when he speaks of powers, authorities, rulers and principalities, and how those entities relate to the world today.
Suzie Lind - Paul tells the Ephesians how he has been praying for them to grow in their experiential knowledge of God.
Mike Erre - This week we look at Paul’s vocabulary regarding the powers and principalities and how he demonstrates Christ’s victory over them.
Mike Erre - This week we look at the Jewish and Greek background behind Paul’s phrase “adoption to sonship” and how the original audience might have heard it.
Mike Erre - This week we look at the Old Testament backstory to Paul’s usage of the words “chosen” and “predestined” to describe those in Christ.
Mike Erre - This week we look at the first section of the Ephesians where Paul enumerates the blessings given to believers “in Christ.”
Kevin Dixon - If prayer is about relationship it is important to explore how we see that relationship as a child of God. As we enter into prayer our posture matters. This message explores prayer as a conversation.
Mike Erre - This week we take a high-altitude overview of Paul’s thought in Ephesians, looking specially at Paul’s vision for the church as the expression of the new humanity.
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