點我到Kait老師IG影音教學 | 這首歌裡也有很多我們在上一集學過的動物的叫聲喔!我們一起來幫幫農夫湯姆找他的動物們,同時學習英文句型還有唱唱看喔!
That's right!
Tom Farmer
Cows in the kitchen, Moo Moo Moo!
Ducks in the dishes, Quack Quack Quack!
Cats in the cupboard, doggies too!
Sheep in the shower, Baa Baa Baa!
Pigs in the garden, Oink Oink Oink!
Goats in the greenhouse, Meh Meh Meh!
What shall we do, Tom Farmer?
Chase them away, Shoo Shoo Shoo!
That's what we'll do, Tom Farmer!
What animals are in the kitchen?
What animals are in the dishes?
What animals are in the cupboard?
What animals are in the shower?
What animals are in the garden?
What animals are in the greenhouse?
It's ok! -
點我看「It's Time to Say Good Night」繪本影片 | 點我到Kait老師IG影音教學 | 孩子們!我們一起來跟動物們、大自然、還有我們居住的城市說聲早安⋯還有晚安哦!
¿Faltan episodios?
點我到Kait老師IG影音教學 | 哈囉孩子們!你們知道「王老先生有塊地」這首歌嗎?英文版的你會唱了嗎?在這首歌裡,有很多我們在上一集學過的動物的叫聲喔!我們一起來學習唱唱看吧!
Hi boys and girls!
Do you know this song?
Yes, you do?!
Old Macdonald had a farm.
I remember he had a dog.
Good question!
I remember he had some sheep.
With a baa baa here, and a baa baa there.
Everywhere a baa baa.
I remember he had some ducks.
With a quack quack here, and a quack quack there.
Everywhere a quack quack.
I remember he had some pigs.
I remember he had some cows.
With a moo moo here, and a moo moo there.
Everywhere a moo moo.
I remember he had a horse.
With a whinny whinny here, and a whinny whinny there.
Everywhere a whinny whinny.
Let's sing along! -
點我看「Who Said Moo?」繪本影片 | 點我到IG影音教學 |我們將在這一課學習不同動物的英文叫聲以及"There is"的句型!寶貝們準備好了嗎💜
What's up boys and girls?
What's up?
What's up?
Not bad.
I remember there is a cat!
I remember there is a donkey!
I remember there is a cow!
I remember there is a pig!
I remember there is a sheep!
I remember there is a dog!
I remember there is a rooster!
meow / hee-haw / moo / oink / baa / woof / cock-a-doodle-doo
Let's go! -
點我看「Who Said Moo?」繪本影片 | 點我到IG影音教學 | 有一天,紅色公雞聽到了奇怪的聲音。他一路問了所有的動物,想知道到底是誰說了「哞」!| Red Rooster hears a funny sound one morning. He talks to all the animals to discover "Who said moo?"
點我看「I Love Daddy」繪本影片 | 點我到IG影音教學 | 孩子們!這個星期天是八八節喔!讓我們一起念這本繪本給爸爸, 讓他知道他在我們的心目中有多麼的特別, 大聲的告訴他我們有多麼的愛他吧!| Little ones will love to snuggle up and read this sweet rhyming story that celebrates what makes daddies so special.
點我到「自然發音動物園」影片 | 我們將在這一課學習是非問句的回答,以及透過動物園裏動物的生字來練習A-Z字母的發音以及讀音喔!寶貝們準備好了嗎💜
Hi there boys and girls!
Do you like the zoo?
I like the zoo very much!
Do you like the zoo?
Yes, I do!
Do you like the zoo?
No, I don't!
Let's go to my Phonics Zoo!
What is your favorite animal?
My favorite animal is rhinoceros.
How about you?
Let's go! -
點我看「Buzzy's Boo-Boo」繪本影片 | 點我到IG影音教學 | Buzzy的頭不小心撞到了,痛痛!爸比幫忙把傷口清乾淨、媽咪幫他呼呼、還有姐姐幫他選了一個OK蹦。這些都讓Buzzy覺得好多了!在這本繪本裡,Buzzy經歷了許多孩子們都會有共鳴的事 — 那就是受了皮外傷後,如何從中學習復原喔!Buzzy gets a boo-boo, Daddy helps to clean it, Mommy soothes his tears, and his sister helps him choose a Band-Aid, which all help to make Buzzy feel much better. In this book, Buzzy has an experience to which all young children can relate -- getting hurt and learning how to recover.
點我到IG影音學習 | 我們將在這一課學習Where和What的問答句型及文法,寶貝們準備好了嗎💜
How have you been?
I have been good.
Do you like animals?
I like animals very much!
Where do you see animals?
I see animals at the zoo.
What animals do you like?
I like monkeys.
I like pandas.
I like cats.
I like dolphins.
I like tigers.
For example.
Until next time, bye bye! -
點我看「Donuts: The Hole Story」繪本影片 | 點我到Kait老師IG影音教學 | 繪本名稱:Donuts: The Hole Story 作者:David W. Miles | 當甜甜圈店打烊的時候,甜甜圈們都跑去做些什麼呢?我們一起來看看吧!In this hilarious ode to the treat with a hole, bright photographic illustrations bring donuts to life like never before! With donut cops (of course), donut pirates (why not), maple bar lumberjacks (eh?), coffee jacuzzis, and a bakeshop full of donut puns, it's a delicious romp through a world filled with (and made of) everyone's favorite fat-fried friends.
點我到自然發音影片 | 我們在這課學習26個英文字母的讀音以及發音,寶貝們準備好了嗎💜
點我到IG影音互動教學 | 教育部昨天宣布了全國疫情警戒第三級延長至7月12號,爸爸媽媽們都辛苦了!Kait老師一路都會持續陪伴著孩子們的英文學習!在這新的一課,我們透過「顏色被堵住了」這本英文繪本,來學習跟顏色有關的英文句型,並且利用自然發音來學習顏色的單字,寶貝們不要錯過囉💜 | 點我看「Color Blocked」繪本影片
點我到IG影音互動教學 | 我們透過「顏色被堵住了」這本英文繪本,來學習跟動作有關的英文句子喔!| 點我看「Color Blocked」繪本影片
Featured Music: “ApotheCary” by singer-songwriter Marc Spahn. Copyright © 2021. Used with permission of Marc Spahn. -
點我看「Color Blocked」繪本影片 | 點我到IG影音互動教學 | 繪本名稱:Color Blocked 作者:Ashley Sorenson | 顏色被堵住了!孩子們要用手指搓一搓、把書轉一轉、還有輕輕點一點繪本的頁面來把水管弄直、拔出塞子,好讓顏色繼續流動。但是要小心喔!那些顏色流動的速度可能會比你的動作還快喔!在與故事主角互動的過程中,孩子們也會學習到基色,以及如何將顏色調配產生二次色喔!The color is blocked! Readers must rub, turn, and tap the pages to straighten out pipes, unplug corks, and keep the color flowing. But watch out--the color might run faster than you can keep up! Along the way, readers will learn primary colors, how mixing colors can make secondary colors, and why you should never, ever, put too much trust in a narrator.
點我到IG影音互動教學 | 我們透過「每個人都是獨一無二的」這本英文繪本,來看看什麼是「相反詞」喔!| 點我看「Everyone is Someone」繪本影片
點我看「Everyone is Someone」繪本影片 | 點我到語音學習卡 | 繪本名稱:Everyone is Someone 作者:Bob Dalton | 這本繪本教導孩子們去愛身邊的每一個人,不論他們在外表上看起來跟自己有多麼的不同。這本看似簡單的繪本其實蘊含著大大的課題,啟發孩子:我們每個人比我們想像得還要相像。不管別人是高的或矮的、看似冷漠的或是友善的,我們的共通處比想像中還要多,每個人都值得一個被愛的機會!如果孩子在家也有這本書的話,記得拿出來與Kait老師一起唸哦!“Everyone Is Someone” is one of the best children’s books to teach kids to love those around them, no matter how “different” they may look. This small book has a BIG lesson that teaches the moral that we are ALL more alike than we are different. Whether they are tall or short, clean or dirty, mean or nice, everyone deserves a chance to be loved. And that’s what this book is all about! If you have a copy at home, take it out and read along with Teacher Kait!
點我看「Hats Are Not for Cats!」繪本動畫 | 點我到語音學習閃卡 | 繪本名稱:Hats Are Not for Cats! 作者:Jacqueline K. Rayner | 不管是大的帽子、小的帽子、條紋的、或是圓點的,都只有狗狗可以戴帽子,貓咪都不行!貓咪可以戴帽子嗎?還是只有狗狗可以戴呢?故事裡愛管閒事的狗狗,跟故意唱反調的貓咪,兩隻動物無法達成共識。那該怎麼辦呢?這本繪本用愉快的方式輕觸孩子有時專橫的態度並啟發孩子有效管理生活中爭論的情況,讓雙方最後都可以達成共識。如果孩子在家也有這本書的話,記得拿出來與Kait老師一起唸哦!Big hats, small hats, stripy or polka dot—dogs wear hats and cats do not! Or… do they?! Are hats for cats? Or, are they just for dogs? This bossy dog and fun-loving cat disagree. But which one is right?
A silly and fun rhyming romp, Hats Are Not for Cats offers a cheerful take on bossiness and managing conflict, with a win-win twist. If you have a copy at home, take it out and read along with Teacher Kait! -
點我看「Buzzy's Big Bedtime Book (Part2)」繪本動畫 | 點我到語音學習圖卡 | 繪本名稱:Buzzy's Big Bedtime Book 作者:Harriet Ziefert | 睡覺時間到了,Buzzy要上床睡覺囉!但是…當房間裡的燈全都被關起來的時候…會發生什麼事呢?睡覺時間能是有趣的,也能是充滿不安的。Buzzy在這裡陪小朋友們度過睡前時光,看看他是如何戰勝內心的恐懼,而得以睡個安安穩穩的覺。如果孩子在家也有這本書的話,記得拿出來與Kait老師一起唸哦!Getting tucked in, that’s nice—but what happens when the lights are turned off? Bedtime is full of fun and sometimes anxiety too. Sweet little Buzzy helps little ones through the bedtime process, as he conquers his own fears and is able to sleep tight. If you have a copy at home, take it out and read along with Teacher Kait!
點我看「Buzzy's Big Bedtime Book (Part1)」繪本動畫 | 點我到語音學習圖卡 | 繪本名稱:Buzzy's Big Bedtime Book 作者:Harriet Ziefert | 睡覺時間到了,Buzzy需要準備睡覺囉!首先,Buzzy需要先洗個澡!洗澡時間也能是有趣的,但是…浴缸裡的水最後都跑去哪了呢?如果孩子在家也有這本書的話,記得拿出來與Kait老師一起唸哦!It’s nighttime and Buzzy needs to get ready for bed. First a bath, then getting tucked in. Bathtime can be fun, but what happens to all the water at the end? If you have a copy at home, take it out and read along with Teacher Kait!
點我看「Gossie & Gertie」繪本動畫 | 點我到語音學習圖卡 | 繪本名稱:Gossie & Gertie 作者:Olivier Dunrea | 小鵝戈西與歌蒂是最好的朋友!它們會一起在雨中潑水、一起玩躲貓貓、還會一起在池塘裡跳水。不管歌蒂去哪裡,戈西都會跟著去。但是…它會一直都跟著嗎?如果孩子在家也有這本書的話,記得拿出來與Kait老師一起唸哦!Gossie and Gertie are friends, best friends. These lovable little goslings do everything together—like splashing in the rain, playing hide-and-seek, and diving in the pond. No matter the fun adventure, Gossie leads the way, and Gertie is sure to follow. That is, until one day. If you have a copy at home, take it out and read along with Teacher Kait!
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