
  • Hi Weirdos!!

    Welcome to a very special episode-- our LISTENER DIVINATION READINGS! Consider this your supplemental learning materials for last week's episode "Homework for Witches" where we taught you all about different forms of divination! In this episode, we take what we've learned about divination through Tarot Cards, Oracle Cards, Rune Casting & Bibliomancy and we put it to work. YOU, our lovely and loyal listeners, sent in your very own personal questions hoping to get answers and direction from the universe and let me tell you-- the universe came through in a BIG WAY. Ashley cast a set of runes, Lauren drew a tarot card and our resident witch Laura Lareau did an oracle card reading for each question and we came today with our results. This was such a fun and interesting experiment and we were SHOOK to find that each of our readings were so similar to each other for each question. It's almost as if... the universe... was communicating. But I guess we won't know until we hear from our participants! We will definitely be giving updates in future episodes to let you know how spot on (or how far off) our readings were and if we were able to offer any words of wisdom to assist in their lives. If you ever want to participate in our DIVINATION READINGS we are going to offer them every single month over on our patreon at www.patreon.com/keepitweirdpodcast so head over and JOIN US if you want to know what your future has in store.
    FOLLOW us on social media @keepitweirdcast SUBSCRIBE to our youtube channel at www.youtube.com/keepitweirdpodcast BUY OUR MERCH (Including brand new PRIDE merch) at www.keepitweirdpodcast.com/merch
  • I can see your future, weirdos!

    And the future looks BRIGHT! Welcome to Keep It Weird, the podcast for all things strange and unusual, freaky and fabulous, wicked and wild and EVERYTHING in between! Everytime we get together we talk about something weird, and what is weirder than fortune telling?! This week's episode is very special, as we are learning all about DIVINATION! Divination is an extremely OLD practice because since the beginning of mankind we've all been very worried about what our futures hold for us. Whether it's regarding our love life, our career, the cities we live in or the cars we drive-- we're constantly looking towards that future and wondering "How do I get there?" But divination goes far deeper than the Magic 8 Ball or a game of MASH- - Divination can help you navigate your current situation and reconcile with your past. It can help take the emotional load off of your shoulders and give you hope for tomorrow. As three practitioners of divination, we wanted to look deeper into the methods and discover how our ancestors used to perform them (warning... there are entrails,) how we got the tools we have today, and discover NEW tools to enhance our lives. Lauren starts us off with some of the strangest and most gruelling forms of divination from the past, Ashley brings us closer to the present with the discovery and use of RUNES, and Laura teaches us about Oracle Cards and how they differ from their more popular cousin the Tarot. Don't listen to Ashley at the beginning of the episode when she promises personal readings to listeners at the very end-- that's going to be its own episode and will be released ASAP so you can see the types of questions you can ask and the myriad of answers you can receive while divining. If you ever have a question you'd like answered using divination-- join our patreon at www.patreon.com/keepitweirdpodcast! We're going to be offering MONTHLY readings for our most loyal listeners and YOU could be one of them! FOLLOW us on social media @keepitweirdcast SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel at www.youtube.com/keepitweirdpodcast LEAVE A REVIEW on whatever app you are listening on-- 5 stars are our favorite, but we'll never turn down 4 ;) Stay tuned for our DIVINATION READINGS

  • ¿Faltan episodios?

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  • RIP WEIRDOS! Welcome to Keep It Weird, the podcast for all things strange and unusual, terrific yet terrible, bogus and beautiful and everything in between!

    A couple times a month we get together to chat about something WEIRD and of course this week is no exception. We are going to be taking a trip into the past with a crazy story of reincarnation, storming into a television network to yell at them for creating another horrific reality tv show and visiting a foreign country on the other side of the planet to join a protest!

    Ashley starts us off with DONT FEAR THE REAPER and the story of Jenny Cockell, an English GENIUS (no joking around) who has had memories of her past life (excuse me, LIVES) since she was four years old. In the 90's she was not only able to find the home she lived in in her life before, she was also able to find all of her surviving "children" and reunite them.

    Lauren takes us into REALITY TV CORNER as we explore TLC's 2013 reality tv hit "Best Funeral Ever." Ok, maybe it wasn't so much of a hit, it only lasted a season and a half but boy was it packed with unique, special and sometimes downright STRANGE funerals.

    Then, we hop into WHERE IN THE WORLD IS KEEP IT WEIRD GOING as Ashley takes us for a brief trip to South Korea as we explore the B4 movement. Bihon, Bichulsan, Biyeonae, Bisekseu: No marriage, no childbirth, no romance, no sex. It turns out that women DON'T need men to survive and in a lot of cases, it's actually detrimental to our health to be near them. Sorry not sorry!

    Check out the links below to do some reading on today's topics.

    FOLLOW us on social media @keepitweirdcast

    SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel at www.youtube.com/keepitweirdpodcast

    DONATE to our Patreon at www.patreon.com/keepitweirdpodcast

    BUY OUR MERCH at www.keepitweirdpodcast.com/merch

    Jenny Cockell & Her Past Lives




    Best Funeral, Worst Reality TV Show



    B4 You Leave



  • TW: foul language, religion, apocalyptic imagery

    I'm a loner, Weirdo. A rebel. And you are entering KEEP IT WEIRD: the podcast for all things strange & unusual. We get together every other week and chat about SOMETHING WEIRD and of course this week is no exception.

    We are SINGING OUR PRAISES, we are ALIGNING OUR CHAKRAS and we are SPEAKING IN TONGUES this episode is ALL about religion.

    Ashley starts us off with one of our favorite segments WHAT IF GOD WAS ONE OF US as we learn all about the RAPTURE. What it is, when it was created and how it differs from what is *actually* in the bible. Ruh Roh.

    Lauren takes us into a WHERE IN THE WORLD IS KEEP IT WEIRD GOING and the answer to that question.... is Utah. Utah in the 1930's to be exact, when Mary Ogden brought her spiritualist movement to a hollow rock in the middle of freaking no where and things got weird.

    Check out some links below if you want to know more about the topics we discussed on today's episode.

    SUBSCRIBE to our YOUTUBE CHANNEL at www.youtube.com/keepitweirdpodcast

    DONATE to our PATREON at www.patreon.com/keepitweirdpodcast

    FOLLOW us on SOCIAL MEDIA @keepitweirdcast

    Rapture Rapture Read All About It








    Marie's Place aka HOME OF TRUTH



  • Trigger Warnings: mental health disorders, death, incest

    Hi Weirdos! Welcome back to KEEP IT WEIRD - the podcast for all things strange and unusual, creepy yet casual, funky n' fresh and always a little silly. Every month we get together to talk about something WEIRD and this week is no exception. Ashley & Lauren have a lot of STUFF to talk about this week. Ancient stuff, creepy stuff, 'TOO MUCH' stuff. Lauren starts us off with one of our sponsored segments ANCIENT ARTIFACTS (with Addie Rife!) In it she teaches us about some 100 year old mermaid mummies out of Japan that researchers were able to X Ray to see what the heck was actually going on. It turns out PT Barnum's Fiji mermaid was much older than we initially thought it was. But why the heck were they frankenstein-ing these fish monkeys to begin with?? (To learn about how YOU can sponsor a segment of our show head to www.patreon.com/keepitweirdpodcast & check out our donation tiers) Then Ashley brings us into a brand new segment AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL where we discuss stories out of American History that make you scream WHAT?! Today we're learning about the lives of the Collyer Brothers, their infamous mansion in Manhattan, & their incredibly tragic deaths. Known as America's First Hoarders, their home was in such horrific conditions that still to this day NYC police officers refer to dangerous hoarder homes & buildings to "Collyer's Mansions."
    Check out some links below for more information on today's topics. Follow us on social media @keepitweirdcast. Leave us a review on iTunes, Spotify, iHeartRadio or wherever you happen to be listening/watching from. SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel at www.youtube.com/keepitweirdpodcast. DONATE to our show at www.patreon.com/keepitweirdpodcast Fish Monkey, That Funky Monkey https://www.livescience.com/human-behavior/conspiracies-paranormal/haunting-mermaid-mummy-from-japan-is-a-gruesome-monkey-fish-hybrid-with-dragon-claws-new-scans-reveal ManHoarding in ManHattan https://creativehistorystories.blogspot.com/2020/08/manhattans-first-hoarders-tragic-story.html https://www.firehouse.com/home/news/10529720/collyers-mansion-conditions https://www.christopherroosen.com/blog/2020/10/17/the-sad-story-of-the-collyer-brothers-and-the-question-of-do-we-own-our-stuff-or-does-our-stuff-own-us
  • TW: child abuse, murder, sexual assault, poisoning, execution Hi Weirdos! Welcome back to Keep It Weird, the podcast for all things strange & unusual! As with our last episode, there is no video for this episode WOMP WOMP our bad but have no fear!! Videos will be back in episode 3. THIS WEEK HOWEVER, Episode 2 of Season 8, we are getting pretty dark. Usually we like to balance out the darkness with the light (as above, so below - praise Baphomet) but hey sometimes it doesn't work out that way. Lauren is starting us out with a new segment called REALITY TV CORNER and is introducing us to some REALLY messed up reality tv shows that, not surprisingly, did not make it further than a season or two. THE SWAN on Fox wherein "ugly" women were given full plastic surgery makeovers to win a chance to compete in a beauty pageant and KID NATION on CBS which should have just been called "Child Endangerment: The Series." Then Ashley takes the lead to teach us about a man named Jolly who was not very Jolly at all. Louis Joyland West has some of the clearest and most nefarious connections of ANY scientist to the CIA's top secret (now declassified) program MK ULTRA (1953-1973) and one event he is connected to is so horrific... so monstrous... and so suspicious that you will struggle to believe it. Check out some links below if you want to do your OWN reading on the topics we discussed today. Follow us on instagram & twitter @keepitweirdcast. Subscribe to our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/keepitweirdpodcast. Join our PATREON to get two bonus episodes every month + discounts on merch at www.patreon.com/keepitweirdpodcast. Every penny goes toward producing this show. Reality TV Corner https://www.reddit.com/r/ask/comments/14y8qg7/what_is_the_most_unethical_reality_tv_show_ever/ https://metro.co.uk/2019/10/22/remembering-swan-noughties-controversial-offensive-reality-tv-series-10962780/ https://www.messynessychic.com/2022/05/04/that-time-reality-tv-made-a-real-life-lord-of-the-flies/ Jolly West/MK ULTRA https://theintercept.com/2019/11/24/cia-mkultra-louis-jolyon-west/
    https://www.npr.org/2019/09/09/758989641/the-cias-secret-quest-for-mind-control-torture-lsd-and-a-poisoner-in-chief https://hekint.org/2024/01/25/louis-jolyon-west-m-d-a-dangerous-doctor/ ReplyForward Add reaction

  • TW: death, overdose, missing persons, mental health, poisoning

    Hi Weirdos! Welcome to season 8 of Keep It Weird!!

    First off, lets just get the business end out of the way. There is NO video for this episode. We're taking it back to the old school. NOT by choice, we recorded episode 1 and 2 last weekend and our video files did NOT make it out alive. What, did you think this would go smoothly? Did you think we could just JUMP BACK IN to the show we've been doing for over 7 years and things would just WORK OUT? That's not the world we're living in, baby. lol That being said SEASON 8 is going to be full of strange and horrifying stories, hilarious and interesting guests and far more of ASHLEY & LAUREN than we ever imagined you guys would be into. In this first episode, we're just dipping our toe & testing the waters. We're updating you on what's been going on in our world, what we've done over hiatus, and our absolute favorite things that have happened in the last three months. We discuss the missing Kate Middleton, the Miami Mall aliens in Florida, how sad we are to have missed Willy's Chocolate Experience in Glasgow and we even give a quick update on those men found dead in their friends backyard in Missouri. We also wouldn't leave you hanging on the creep factor-- we close out the show with some creepy real life ghost stories sure to send a chill up your spine.
  • Keep It Weird brings you the strange and unusual every Friday!

    We love the paranormal, supernatural and true crime, and you better believe we chat about it- but we also realized that every aspect of our lives here on Earth can get WEIRD!! We discuss sports, fashion, strange cities, our weird bodies, science, space, the ocean, and yes... even sex.

    Let your freak flag fly.

  • Hi Weirdos!!

    Did ya miss us?! We have officially been on hiatus since December of 2023 and it's time to dust off our denim and ge back in the saddle!

    This is just a little treat for you as we prep for SEASON 8 of our show which will be starting VERY soon (like next week soon)

    A couple hundred of you have already heard these clips because you are OFFICIAL WEIRDOS FOR LIFE and are members of our patreon. But for those of you who are NOT members of our patreon-- here is a sneak peek of what you've been missing this year!

    We've had THREE RETURNING GUESTS: Tyler, Mike & Madi back on the show to tell us some of their personal spooky stories. Lauren's parents came on the show!! What!! We talked about death and dying, crazy news stories, true crime, conspiracies, bad valentines, maggots on airplanes and so much more.

    Hope you enjoy this little clip-isode and we hope it gets you pumped up for another season of strangeness :)

    Please consider joining our patreon at www.patreon.com/keepitweirdpodcast to help us produce this show. In return you'll get discounts on merch, opportunities to participate in the show & 2-3 bonus episodes every month.

  • I don't want a lot for Christmas, there is just ONE thing I need and it's YULE!!

    HO HO HO Merry Christmas and Blessed Yule to ALL the wonderful weirdos of the world. Here is your gift, it's our SEASON SEVEN FINALE! This episode is ALL about the reason for the season... which is apparently witchcraft. Joining us for this end of the year party is our resident green witch LAURA LAREAU!! (@leaves_and_lore) We're going to be discussing the story of the three wisemen (did you know they were PAGAN PRIESTS?!) modern Christmas traditions that had pagan origins and ways to make your holiday season a little more witchy. We're also going to tell some Yuletide Ghost Stories, play FMK (F*ck, MERRY, Kill) with some of our favorite holiday movies & characters and we play a little bit of Christmas trivia to see who is the holly-jolliest of all. We want to thank you guys from the bottom of our hearts for still hanging with us after all these years. We hope that we taught you a lot this year, made you laugh, creeped you out, gave you chills and brought you peace & joy. Please consider donating to our show at www.patreon.com/keepitweirdpodcast to help us produce season EIGHT next year! You can donate as little as $1 and as much as $50 ONCE or monthly and in return you'll get discounts on merch AND 2 bonus episodes every month (Including the months we are on hiatus) Follow us on social media @keepitweirdcast to stay up to date with what we're up to over our break LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to our channel if you're feeling naughty. Take good care of yourselves, treat everyone you meet with kindness and always KEEP IT WEIRD. Creepy Christmas Music by MYUU Special thank you to all of our cohosts: Amy Hanselmann, Julia Firmand, Laura Lareau & Nyk Sutter-Downs. And to our special guests this year Greg & Dana Newkirk, Joe Ochs, Billy Roach & Lindsey Brisbane
  • It’s a bright Hawaiian Christmas Day and we’re here to F*CK SH*T UP.

    Welcome Weirdos to our last REGULAR episode of the season! It’s time to get a little festive!

    This week we have FOUR gruesome, creepy, mind-bending, strange stories for you to feast your ears (and eyes!) on.

    Lauren starts us off with a beautiful vacation into a PARANORMAL PARADISE! She teaches us about the legend of Hawaii’s MOST HAUNTED HOUSE- The Kaimuki House- and the (Japanese??) ghost (cat??) that lives inside it

    Ashley swings us around to a CONSPIRACY THEORY that Human Beings could not have been originally FROM planet Earth and the proof of that lies in our wittle babies. Humans are the only mammals on the planet that need YEARS to be able to care/fend for themselves… but why is that? Is it because this isn’t our planet?

    Lauren comes back at us with a TRUE CRIME TIME that has a Christmas twist! On December 25 1929 in Germantown, North Carolina Charles Davis “Charlie” Lawson murdered his wife and six of his seven children. What on Earth could have driven him to do such a horrific act?

    And finally, to lighten things up a bit, Ashley finishes off the episode with a new segment all about URBAN LEGENDS! But not the ones we are familiar with here in the US— we’re traveling to Ukraine to investigate the mystery of the BLACK VOLGA and then hitting up South Korea to see if there’s anything behind their fear of electric fans.

    Check out some links below if you want to learn more about today’s topics.

    Follow us on instagram and twitter @keepitweirdcast

    Donate to our Patreon at www.patreon.com/keepitweirdpodcast

    Buy some of our merch at www.keepitweirdpodcast.com/merch

    Haunted Hawaiian House



    Human Earth Baby




    Christmas Horror Story


    Sub-urban Legend




  • Hi Weirdos! Welcome to another episode of KEEP IT WEIRD— the podcast for all things strange & unusual!

    Every week we get together to chat about all things WEIRD and this one is a bit of a doozy.

    We only have TWO segments for you today as they are a little bit more hefty than our usuals but don’t worry, we’re packing the same punch.

    Lauren goes first as she teaches us all about a 66 year old UNSOLVED MYSTERY known as THE BOY IN THE BOX! We learn about the discovery of the body, the autopsy reports, the investigation, the theories and where we are with the case today.

    Ashley then heads into TERRIFYING TECHNOLOGY where we attempt to rank and review the technology present in episodes of Black Mirror. From uploading your consciousness to bringing back the dead with AI to human yelp reviews to killer robo dogs. We attempt to decide WHICH future tech is the worst case scenario and we look at a few technologies that actually exist or are being created today that seem to have been inspired by this horror sci fi show!

    If you want to read more about the subjects discussed in today’s episode check out the links below!

    Follow us on social media @keepitweirdcast

    Donate to our Patreon at www.patreon.com/keepitweirdpodcast

    Boy in the Box



    Terrifying Tech/Black Mirror







    A new Titanic Conspiracy Theory is here, hot off the presses! Welcome to KEEP IT WEIRD, the podcast for all things strange & unusual and the BEST place to find fear and fun. This week we've got FOUR strange segments for you starting off strong with a WHERE IN THE WORLD (Is Keep It Weird Going?!) Lauren is taking us to bright and sunny.... Connecticut? Yep, that's what my notes say. We're going to Connecticut to check out the world's only (??) CHRISTIAN theme park! Theme park is... a bit of a stretch, admittedly, but HOLY LAND USA is an American landmark that should probably be torn down for safety reasons. Built in the 50s and officially shut down in 1984 this abandoned death trap has been sitting on a hill in Waterbury for almost FOUR decades and you can learn all about it here. Next up is ANCIENT ARTIFACTS with ADDIE RIFE! Ashley is going to be teaching us all about an artifact from the 1800s that has seen more of the world than either of our two hosts. If you guessed that the artifact was Napoleon Bonaparte's penis then you should play the lottery. Find out where Napoleon's penis is and where it's been and what it looks like today! Lauren sings My Heart Will Go On with a CONSPIRACY THEORY all about our favorite boat. And our favorite banker? He's basically the only banker we know. JP Morgan (of Real Housewives fame) MAY have been behind the sinking of this famous ship all in the name of greed. Find out why "Titanic Truthers" believe this wild conspiracy. And finally, Ashley sends us packing with a brand new segment CREEPY CLOWN WATCH!! Pretty self explanatory, we'll be learning all about a creepy killer clown from Chicago IL! No not THAT creepy killer clown, a different one! Charles "Conway the Clown" Cramer (and his wife Mary) for sure killed one woman, but may have killed more, in Chicago in the early 20th Century. What came of the traveling circus couple after the murder(s)? Listen to find out.... Check out some links below if you want to do more research on today's FASCINATING topics! Follow us on social media @keepitweirdcast to stay up to date on episode releases, peep some of our funniest clips, contribute to future segments & participate in giveaways! Please consider donating to our PATREON at www.patreon.com/keepitweirdpodcast. You can donate as little as $1 and as much as $50 to our show and get bonus episodes, discounts on merchandise & sponsored segment opportunities in return! AND you help us produce our show and ensure many new episodes to come. Your Move Holy Land (USA) https://www.ranker.com/list/rise-and-fall-of-holy-land-usa/erin-mccann https://www.adamquirk.me/blog/2017/9/5/murder-at-holy-land-usa https://www.flickr.com/photos/roadtripmemories/albums/72157603616821181/ Napoleon's Member https://allthatsinteresting.com/napoleon-penis https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=92126411 Banker Busts Boat for Banknotes https://www.businessinsider.com/titanic-sinking-conspiracy-theories-2018-4#jp-morgan-was-behind-the-whole-thing-5 https:/www.washingtonpost.com/news/jpmorgan-titanic Killer Clowns from Chicagoland https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/67075/1912-chicago-had-one-legged-murderous-clown https://husheduphistory.com/post/155996532703/sentence-the-clowns-chicagos-forgotten-murder
  • Well git on there little weirdo!

    Welcome to THE RANCH!! It's spacious! It's cozy! It's FULL OF MONSTERS?!

    It's another week of KEEP IT WEIRD, the podcast for all things strange and unusual and this week we're home, home on the range!

    Lauren starts us off with some VERY COOL science news in a segment we like to call the MAGIC SCHOOL BUS! The bus often takes us down someone's throat or up someone's butt but today we are fortunate enough that we're just traveling into a petri dish. Scientists at the Weizmann Institute just announced that they've successfully GROWN A HUMAN EMBRYO!! In a lab!! What does this mean? Can we grow humans now? Are they real people? Are they clones?? All your questions will be answered!

    Ashley takes on her first WHERE IN THE WORLD (Is Keep It Weird Going?) and takes us to bright & sunny.... Arizona?? That's right, Rainbow Arizona to be exact, to check out the infamous STARDUST RANCH! Where couple John and Joyce Edmonds lived for 20 long, hard years alongside aliens, ghosts, portals to other dimensions, and monsters that killed their pets. Were they being abducted and experimented on? Does Stardust Ranch contain portals to another world? Who was the mysterious machete man?! Move over Skinwalker Ranch, there's another ranch in town.

    Check out some links below if you want to learn more about the stories and information shared in today's episode.

    Donate to our patreon at www.patreon.com/keepitweirdpodcast to help us produce this show and keep it going FOR ETERNITY. You'll also get bonus episodes, discounts on merch, shoutouts on the show and be automatically entered into our contests!

    Follow us on social media @keepitweirdcast (Instagram, Twitter & Facebook) to stay up to date on episode releases and paranormal investigations!

    And if you're looking for that perfect Christmas gift head to our merch store at www.keepitweirdpodcast.com/merch!

    Just What is an Embryo Anyway?




    Never Buy a Ranch







  • Well well well, guess who’s back on their BS Weirdos!

    We’re back and we’re very sorry for the brief hiatus- sometimes life just cocks it’s fist back and gives you a swift left hook to the jaw and knocks you on your ass and the thought of being silly (and especially talking about death) is inconceivable. But we appreciate how lovely and forgiving you always are when we have to miss a week, especially when it is unexpected.

    This week your girls have some GREAT segments for you starting off with a BRAND NEW SEGMENT called DON’T FEAR THE REAPER!! This week’s DFTR is all about how reincarnation is totally real– it has to be! How else would you explain the life of Dorothy Eady?? Dorothy was born a normal girl in London in 1904 and everything was totally ordinary until the age of three on the day she DIED. But don’t worry she came back…. Again?

    Lauren follows it up with one of her favorite segments CURSED CROONERS AND SPOOKY SONGS and today the gals learn that they really didn’t know anything about the BUDDY HOLLY CURSE– but have no fear, you’ll learn it all here. Buddy Holly died in a plane crash in February 3, 1959 while on tour along with musicians Ritchie Valle and “The Big Bopper” JP Richardson and if that wasn’t unlucky enough… death seemed to follow the other tour performers around. Is it a curse? Or were they all DESTINATIONED?!

    Ashley follows CCASS with a PARANORMAL PARADISE about a house that bled?! It’s true, in 1987 in Atlanta Georgia the home of William and Minnie Winston started to produce HUMAN blood… and no one could tell them why.

    And finally, Lauren finishes off the episode with QUESTION QUESTION and the gals get a good laugh about what they would each be arrested for.

    Check out some links BELOW if you want to read more about the stories told on today’s episode.

    PLEASE CONSIDER donating to our Patreon at www.patreon.com/keepitweirdpodcast– if every single person who listened/downloaded our episodes each week were to donate just $1 a month Keep It Weird would be our FULL TIME JOB. Imagine the bonus content. Imagine the episode quality. Imagine the guests we would have time to book! IMAGINE THE INVESTIGATIONS WE’D BE ABLE TO GO ON!

    Follow us on social media @keepitweirdcast on instagram and twitter and join our Facebook Group KEEP IT WEIRD PODCAST!

    And the holidays are officially here so if you’re looking for something to get yourself or a friend who is just as obsessed with the WEIRD as you are head over to www.keepitweirdpodcast.com/merch and get yourself a prezzie.

    Egyptian Priestess Returns




    Buddy Holly & The Destination Curse



    Atlanta Blood House




    To celebrate our absolute favorite time of year we are coming at you with a classic. It’s time to tell each other GHOST STORIES!!

    All of the stories you are about to hear are REAL! They happened to real people just like you; some of which are listeners, just like you!! So you never know when you’ll have a spooky tale of your own to submit…

    This week we have ghosts, psychics, shared dreams, creepy polaroids, haunted dorm rooms, mysterious strangers, creepy omens and so much more.

    So, light your protection candle, sprinkle some salt around you and cozy up under those blankets— it’s time to get scared.

    WARNING: This episode features MUSIC & SOUND EFFECTS that may be jarring to sensitive listeners. We have uploaded a MUSIC & SOUND EFFECT FREE version of this episode to our Patreon at www.patreon.com/keepitweirdpodcast at no cost to you. But, while you’re there, consider donating to our show! Consider it our Halloween treat.

  • It's time for a graveyard smash, weirdos!

    Welcome to another creep-tastic episode of KEEP IT WEIRD- the podcast for all things strange, unusual and... classic?

    This week we're taking a trip back in time to chat about UNIVERSAL CLASSIC MONSTERS!! And.... one DC character, but we'll get to that.

    Ashley & Lauren are joined once again by our monster expert BILLY ROACH as we take a look at who created these monsters and why.

    Billy starts us off by covering FRANKENSTEIN; the fascinating details of how and where it was written by Mary Shelley, as well as the various film versions of the creature and movies and monsters that have been inspired by the stitched-together-man over the decades!

    Ashley comes in with THE INVISIBLE MAN! What were HG Well's inspirations for creating this man who couldn't be seen? The amazing special effects that haven't been beated so far from a movie made in 1933, why Hollow Man is the best interpretation of this character in the 21st Century, and why The Invisible Man (2020) is actually NOT a good movie.

    And finally, Lauren. Poor Lauren, who was given the assignment of "Swamp Thing" because Ashley didn't know there was a difference between SWAMP THING and The Creature from the Black Lagoon. But guess what? SHE KNOWS NOW! Lauren dives into both the fish man AND the plant man in her segment-- teaching us the origins of Swamp Thing in DC Comics, the various past iterations of the monster on film and even some upcoming projects to look forward to featuring this man-plant.

    Follow us on Instagram @keepitweirdcast to play along with our OCTOBER CONTESTS for a chance to win a FREE SHIRT!!

    Follow Billy on instagram as well @thebillyroach to follow his horror movie watches for the month of October and check out all of his fantastic art!

    Consider donating to our Patreon at www.patreon.com/keepitweirdpodcast-- it's how we pay for this show to exist so if you love us, or even just like us a little, consider donating $5 this month to help us out :)

  • Are you feelin' lucky, punks?

    Welcome to KEEP IT WEIRD, the podcast for all things strange and unusual, and it's our very first (somehow?) FRIDAY THE 13TH SPECIAL!!

    To celebrate another glorious week in October we are bringing you a very UNLUCKY episode to celebrate this very UNLUCKY day and it gets better; today we are joined by one of your all time favorite guests: JOE OCHS!!

    That's right, HANDSOME JOE has returned and now you even get to see his face! (If you are watching on YouTube.com) But never his eyes. No... never his eyes.

    This week we are trying to figure out who is the UNLUCKIEST PERSON IN HISTORY! Whether they were struck by lightning, hit by a meteorite or living life like poor Jeanne Rogers who couldn't catch a break if she PAID for one... today we've got a little bit of it all.

    Check out our list of UNLUCKY persons below and let us know who YOU think is the UNLUCKIEST person.

    Make sure you are following us on social media @keepitweirdcast-- this month on Instagram we are doing a Horror Movie countdown. All you have to do is comment on our posts and you will automatically be entered to win a FREE TSHIRT!

    Make sure you check out our episodes over at our YouTube Channel www.youtube.com/keepitweirdpodcast - it just adds a level of fun you didn't even know you needed.

    And of course, if you would be so kind, please consider donating to our Patreon at www.patreon.com/keepitweirdpodcast.

    Good luck out there.

    1: Ann Hodges - Hit by a Meteorite

    2: Henry Gunther - last soldier to die in WW1

    3: Henry Ziegland - killed by bullet that was shot 20 years prior

    4: Jeanne Rogers - where do I begin? Struck by lightning, attacked by bat, humiliated at pool

    5: Monica Seles - Tennis superstar stabbed in the back

    6: Fran Selak - Croatian man who almost died 100 times

    7: Costis Mitsokakis - Only man who didn't win the lottery

    8: Erik Norrie - Florida Man that animals hate

    9: Melanie Martinez - Lost all her homes to hurricanes

    10: Pete Best - Was almost a Beatle

    11: Jerome Moody - Drowned at a Lifeguard Party

  • Happy October my fiendish friends!!

    Welcome to a special Halloween episode of KEEP IT WEIRD: The podcast for all things strange and unusual, haunted and harrowing and full of monsters and maniacs!

    This week is all about HAUNTED HOUSES!! They've been around since, well... since we've started living in houses! And that's because ghosts have been around since people started dying. And demons may have been around even longer.

    We have a VERY special guest on the show, LINDSEY BRISBINE! Lindsey is the host and producer of THE CHILLING PODCAST: a serialized show that details the true events behind a real-life haunting that took place in Kent, Ohio. It's full of first hand accounts of the supernatural as well as interviews with psychics, doctors, religious experts, psychologists and witnesses!

    Lindsey joins Ashley & Lauren to discuss their haunted house experiences and their all time favorite haunted house MOVIES as well as a few that didn't quite hit the mark. What haunted house movie is the CLOSEST to what it's actually like to live inside a haunted home? Tune in to find out...

  • Hello Weirdos, Beardos & Teardos alike!

    Welcome to our very first episode of THE WEIRD REPORT! The WEIRD REPORT is going to be our new $10 bonus episode every month and it's an audio version of what used to be our Newsletter!

    Each month we'll put out a Weird Report that features strange & unusual news stories, upcoming horror movie/tv/documentary/book announcements, true crime tales (& updates!) some random segments & every episode will end with some SCARY STORIES!!

    This week includes:


    Texting with ICONIC Biblical Characters with Chat GPT


    Space Capsule not Welcome Back to Earth


    Trash Fashion


    Krispy Kreme's Biggest Fans



    Jung Yoo Jung Kills (& Kills her Curiosity)


    REVISIT: Halloween Killer Lover's Triangle
