Forgiveness for the offender, ministers of the new covenant, the greater glory of the new covenant
The collection for the lord's people, Personal request, Final greetings, Praise to God of all comfort, Paul's change if plans .etc..
¿Faltan episodios?
Concerning spiritual gifts, unity and diversity in the body, love is indispensable, etc...
Warnings from Israel's history, Idol feasts and the lord's supper, The believers freedom, On covering the head in worship etc...
Food sacrificed to idols etc
Lawsuits among believers, sexual immorality, concerning married life, concerning change of status, concerning the unmarried etc..
The nature of true apostleship, Paul's appeal and warning, Dealing with a case of incest etc..
Wisdom from the spirit, On divisions in the church etc..
Paul's personal greetings, thanksgiving, A church divided over leaders, Christ crucified is God's power and wisdom
The weak and the strong, Paul's plan to visit Rome etc..
A living sacrifice, love in action, submitting to governing authorities love fulfils the law, the day is near etc..
The remnants of Israel, All Israel will be saved, Doxology etc...
Life through the spirit, present sufferings and future glory, Paul's anguish over Israel, God's sovereign choice etc..
Stephen buried, the church persecuted and scattered, Philip in Samaria, Simon the sorcerer, Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch etc...
Peter and John before the sanhendrin, the believers prayer, the believers share their possessions, Ananias and Sapphira,the Apostles heal many, the Apostles persecuted...etc
Pentecost, the fellowship of the believers, Peter heals the crippled begger at the Beautiful gate
Jesus and the miraculous catch of fish, Jesus taken up into heaven, Matthias chosen to replace Judas etc ...
Jesus resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples, Doubting Thomas etc...
Jesus arrested, Jesus taken to Annas, Peter's denial, Jesus before Pilate, Jesus crucifixion,the death and burial of Jesus etc..
Jesus taken to Pontius Pilate, Jesus meet Herod, the death of Jesus, etc..
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