¿Quieres TRIUNFAR en la vida DE VERDAD? Si deseas emprender un PROYECTO EXITOSO, POTENCIAR TU SALUD O MEJORAR TU VIDA AMOROSA, aquí podrás beneficiarte del NETKAIZEN: el primer sistema de ÉXITO INTEGRAL para acercarte cada día a TU MEJOR VERSIÓN.
This is a recopilation of the Dr Joe dispenza meditations, hoping this help to many people that want to change their lifes.
Welcome, friend! Unpolished Faith is a space of belonging for Christian women who feel out of place. The REAL you belongs here.
We are carving out a space on the internet that’s raw and real—free from all the "isms" that hold you back from a whole life with God. This isn’t the perfect, polished podcast you often find in Christian women's circles. Join international speaker and writer @madifranquiz as she fearlessly navigates the raw and unfiltered aspects of the Christian faith. From singleness to mental health, politics, and everyday Christian life, we have authentic conversations, diving into topics that matter deeply but aren't always discussed openly. Yeah, it’s unpolished. But that’s kind of the point.
The last four years in Madi’s life have been wild, filled with crazy twists and turns. The Lord showed up for her somewhere between obedience, hard knocks, and hard work. She has learned one lesson through her journey: God is not looking for perfect; He wants all of us just as we are. It's been a journey of surrender and discovery, realizing she is no longer about being perfect, polished, and performing for her worth. The liberating truth is that it's in our messiness where we encounter God's grace the most. From holding back due to the fear of imperfection to finally surrendering to God's plan, Madi's story exemplifies the transformative power of embracing our flaws and allowing God to work through them. And, now, she wants to share in this freedom with you.
Get ready for candid conversations, inspiring narratives, and practical insights that will challenge and transform your faith journey and encourage you to live authentically. Each episode delves into the stories and experiences Christians sometimes shy away from—the struggles, doubts, and questions integral to living out our faith.
This won’t be a stuffy, “churchy,” one-sided conversation. Throughout the podcast, Madi invites friends, family, pastors, academics, theologians, authors, and everyone in between to join the conversation because, just like you, they are unpolished, too.
This podcast reminds you that it's okay not to have it all together. We have someone who is perfect, so we don't have to be. So, if you're seeking hope, growth, meaning, and a deeper understanding of how the gospel can transform your life, 'Unpolished Faith' is for you. The invitation to live free is open! So, pull up a chair or turn up the radio in your car. Let’s uncover the woman you were created to be. Together, we'll discover that amid life's messiness, the real stuff is indeed the good stuff. -
Join life and mindset coach Kari Owens Keith of , every week to invest in knowing your soul. Kari teaches soulful and practical ways to move through fear, negative self-talk, and life challenges to live more in alignment and fulfillment with your soul.
In these weekly episodes, you will learn mindset techniques, heart-opening stories from Kari and inspiring interviews from thought leaders and experts who have transformed their own lives through soul discovery. The Soul Power podcast will guide you into knowing your soul, empowering your true self, and helping you make mindset shifts to change the way you feel about yourself and your life.
Kari has coached hundreds of women to their own authentic voice and helped them step into grounded confidence. Kari is taking everything she knows to fill each episode with guidance to help inspire, transform your mind, and help you to awaken to your highest potential. Ready to know your soul? The Soul Power Podcast is for you. -
Un espacio para mostrarte una nueva forma de vivir, a liderar desde un nuevo paradigma, desde adentro hacia afuera para experimentar más libertad, significado y crear un mayor impacto en este mundo.
La principal misión de éste podcast, es inspirarte a vivir desde la absoluta certeza de que tu éxito es inevitable y así volverte magnética para las infinitas posibilidades. -
Te invito un cafecito, tu te preparas el tuyo allá, y yo el mío acá, pa' que conversemos un rato sobre cultura digital, comunicación, desarrollo personal y espiritualidad. Espero estar acá todos los lunes, a veces en solitario y otras veces con invitados que son todavía más raros que yo. No te hagas expectativas. Disfrutemos el viaje. Un besín.
Síguenos en instagram en @sofi.pasos y @margaritapasos
Yo Pude, ¡Tú Puedes! es el podcast para los que buscan orientación e inspiración para lograr lo que se propongan en la vida y los negocios. -
Te comparto mi vida y un poco de mi crecimiento personal, algunos cuestionamientos que atraviesan mi mente(de vez en cuando), pero por sobre todo espero que algunas de las cosas que hablo te sirvan y ayuden en tu crecimiento y despertar !!
Tips, reflexiones y consejos para saber discernir correctamente en las situaciones mas comunes del día a día.
Sígueme en twitter/instagram como: @jorgeighta -
Este es un espacio de educación, polémica, discusión, debate y crecimiento espiritual, enfocado fundamentalmente en la Palabra de Dios, revelada en la Biblia, en búsqueda del fortalecimiento de la fe sobre la verdad de Jesucristo para estar fundados sobre la Roca y poder enfrentar a las falsas enseñanzas, principalmente religiosas, con un conocimiento actualizado e irreverente al posmodernismo imperante en la actualidad.
Bienvenidos a "El Nuevo Gerente", un podcast dedicado a todos aquellos que buscan desarrollar y potenciar su carrera gerencial. Inspirado en el libro del mismo nombre, este espacio es una guía esencial para nuevos y experimentados gerentes que desean perfeccionar sus habilidades de liderazgo, estrategia y gestión empresarial.
Exploraremos temas fundamentales para tu crecimiento profesional, desde la toma de decisiones y la gestión de equipos, hasta la implementación de estrategias efectivas y la superación de desafíos en el mundo corporativo. Aunque hemos cambiado nuestro enfoque, conservamos los valiosos episodios de "Restaurante de Ventas y Operaciones", donde se abordaron las intersecciones clave entre ventas y operaciones.
Únete a nosotros en cada episodio para obtener insights prácticos, consejos expertos y experiencias reales que te ayudarán a convertirte en el gerente que siempre has aspirado ser. Bienvenido a "El Nuevo Gerente", donde tu carrera gerencial encuentra su mejor aliado. -
Coversaciones profundas y no tan profundas. Encontrarnos en las semejanzas y acompañarnos para hacernos más fácil el camino. Reflexiones y anécdotas con un toque de humor para no aburrirnos.
Un episodio cada martes. -
I was inspired to really speak to the edge of my own journey, and all of ours collectively this week. I did a talk in my hometown for a bunch of really important people, namely my city, and it really has had me thinking about the true impact of my journey, of your journey, and what's at stake for us, not only as we grow individually, but as a species.
An honest discussion of the human spirit, the value of a positive attitude, and how strength can be found in the weakest of places. This podcast journey will take you beyond your comfort zone to where you start to really learn about yourself and your ability to navigate seemingly impassable waters. We will discuss times where my disability (CMT) has empowered me to learn about strength. We will have guests on this podcast who are champions of overcoming adversity and making the world shine brighter. And, we will help you to start to see your challenges as your greatest gifts. Jonah Berger is a 48 year old youth director and motivational speaker. He works with kids and adults who deal with disabilities. He is a husband, a father, an author, a drummer, a leg brace wearer and an observer of life. Jonah uses his own disability to help listeners learn more about their own challenges and how to use them as strengths. Come take a walk with Jonah down the path of perspective that will leave you thinking and smiling.
These are podcast-style interviews with open dialogue exploring new frontiers of our emerging humanity. The diverse range of topics covered are far beyond ordinary 'woo', they are super woo!
¿Te cuesta entender la psicología femenina? ¿Tienes miedo de acercarte y conocer a las mujeres que deseas?
Yo pasaba por eso, hasta que comencé a tomar mucha acción, conociendo miles de mujeres y de lo que aprendí te cuento aquí para que le pierdas el miedo a conocer a tu mujer ideal.
Lancémonos Nomás! -
Welcome to ChaseLife with Kelly, hosted by Kelly Chase—entrepreneur and Netflix’s Love Is Blind Season 1 Reality TV personality. Through vulnerability and raw storytelling, Kelly dives deep into mental health, mindset, relationships, and entrepreneurship to inspire, motivate, and empower you to create the life you crave.
Each episode features a mix of solo insights and inspiring conversations with guests who have transformed their pain into purpose. Designed to spark a fire within your soul, every episode will help you unlock your true potential in love, life, and business.
Don’t forget to rate, review, and subscribe!
Follow Kelly on Instagram @chaselifewithkelly and @chaselifewithkellypodcast https://www.instagram.con/chaselifewithkellypodcast
Follow Kelly on YouTube:
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Quien es tu scrumdaddy?
Twitter, Instagram: @agilyjovial -
"Un día a la vez" es un espacio de cápsulas especialmente pensado en tu crecimiento y desarrollo personal y profesional, junto al psicólogo, master coach y Ph.D en Educación y TIC, Isaías Sharon.
Desarrolla tu Carisma, Habilidades Sociales y consolida tu mentalidad de Hombre 10.