Podcast hosted by Finn Kelly and Reece Pearson.
Saisons 2
Le monde scolaire est épuisé, mais pas toi!
Je te partage mon vécu pour t'accompagner à simplifier ta vie personnelle et professionnelle pour pouvoir mieux prendre soin de toi d'abord, afin d'être réellement en mesure de prendre soin des enfants ensuite. Je vous partage mes réflexions en lien avec mon parcours personnel et à partir de lectures inspirantes ou de personnes inspirantes qui m'amène à être sur la bonne voie. Je crois au pouvoir du groupe et de la communauté et c'est tous ensemble que nous allons créer ce merveilleux podcast! -
Welcome to the Water Sounds podcast, where we explore the beauty and tranquility of all types of water sounds. From the gentle trickle of a stream to the crashing waves of the ocean, we'll take you on a journey of relaxation and rejuvenation.
In each episode, we'll feature a different type of water sound and take you on a virtual audio journey to some of the world's most breathtaking water bodies. Along the way, we'll also share interesting facts about each water sound and its impact on the environment.
Whether you're looking to unwind after a long day or simply want to immerse yourself in the peaceful sounds of nature, the "Water Sounds " podcast has got you covered.
So sit back, relax, and let the calming sounds of water transport you to a state of blissful relaxation. Don't forget to rate and review our show to let us know how we're doing and to help other listeners find our podcast. Thank you for tuning in!
nature sounds, water relaxation, meditation sounds, ambient sounds, sound therapy, ocean waves, stream sounds, peaceful sounds, calming sounds, stress relief, ocean sounds, water meditation, relaxing sounds, water therapy, waterfall sounds, nature therapy, #soundscapes, peaceful retreat, mindfulness meditation, water relaxation therapy, stream soundscape, ambient relaxation, relaxation music, calming background noise, white noise, natural sounds, water white noise, sleep sounds, relaxing background noise, stress relief therapy, sleep sounds, deep sleep, relaxation, peaceful sleep, sleep therapy, sleep sounds for insomnia, sleeplessness, sleep disorders, sleep problems, sleep sounds for anxiety, stress relief, calmness, tranquility, sleep sounds for relaxation, meditation, bedtime routine, sleep preparation, sleep sounds for babies, infants, children, bedtime lullabies, sleep sounds for adults, sound sleep, restful nights, sleep improvement, sleep sounds for spa, wellness, self-care, sleep retreat, sleep sounds for rejuvenation, energy boost, waking up refreshed, sleep sounds for deep relaxation, sleep meditation, sleep therapy techniques, sleep sounds for peaceful dreams, undisturbed sleep, sleep atmosphere water sounds, sleep ambiance, relaxation, sleep therapy, calmness, water sounds for sleep, deep sleep, restful nights, sleep improvement, water sounds for meditation, mindfulness, inner peace, tranquility, water sounds for anxiety relief, stress reduction, bedtime routine, water sounds for spa, wellness, rejuvenation, sleep retreat, water sounds for peaceful dreams, undisturbed sleep, sleep atmosphere, water sounds for study, focus, concentration, white noise, water sounds for babies, infants, children, bedtime routine, lullabies, water sounds for relaxation, stress relief, sleep preparation, water sounds for nature lovers, sleep enthusiasts, sleep aids. nature white noise sounds, sleep ambiance, relaxation, sleep therapy, calmness, nature white noise sounds for sleep, deep sleep, restful nights, sleep improvement, nature white noise sounds for meditation, mindfulness, inner peace, tranquility, nature white noise sounds for anxiety relief, stress reduction, bedtime routine, nature white noise sounds for spa, wellness, rejuvenation, sleep retreat, nature white noise sounds for peaceful dreams, undisturbed sleep, sleep atmosphere, nature white noise sounds for study, focus, concentration, white noise therapy, nature white noise sounds for babies, infants, children, bedtime routine, lullabies, nature white noise sounds for relaxation, stress relief, sleep preparation, nature white noise sounds for nature lovers, sleep enthusiasts, sleep -
Dive deeper and get to know the TFM team and what to expect from the upcoming Tapout Fitness Studio in Downtown Miami.
A crazy personal trainer with a very bad sense of humour... Talking about fitness and random shit that he goes through just like all other crazy teenagers and yeah... I also curse a lot !! So good people please be careful before listening !!
As a 20yr fitness pro, I got to a boiling point where I refused to let people sabotage their fitness journeys by letting them continue to get in their own way with their bullshit, lies, excuses, self doubt and bad habits. I believe the raw truth will set people free, but first it might have to piss them off. This is a fitness podcast was created to provide raw, uncensored fitness messages to motivate, inspire, influence and maybe even provoke a fucking lifestyle change.
Ventajas de usar la bicicleta como transporte público
Welcome to GymBratz, the podcast where we get real and raw about the weird and wonderful world of gym life. Hosted by Hannah Leahy, a fitness enthusiast with a penchant for sharing her own embarrassing moments, we delve into the awkward and hilarious things that can happen when you're just starting out at the gym.
From accidentally wearing your shirt inside out to getting trapped under a weight machine, we've all been there. But don't worry, we're here to laugh those moments off and share our own tales of 'GymBratz' behavior.
With each episode, we explore a different aspect of gym culture and share stories from our listeners about their own experiences. We give our honest opinions on the latest fitness trends, gear, and workouts, and offer encouragement and motivation for anyone who may be struggling to stay on track.
As a female-hosted podcast, we also explore issues that are unique to women in the fitness world. We discuss topics like body image, self-esteem, and strategies for staying safe at the gym.
If you're looking for a podcast that brings the laughs while still offering practical tips and insights on the world of fitness, then GymBratz is for you. Join us as we explore the weird and wonderful world of the gym and celebrate the quirks that make us all GymBratz -
Hier erfährst du, wie du Körper und Geist in Einklang bringst, wieder mehr Gesundheit in deinen Alltag integrierst und Freundschaft mit deinem eigenen Körper schließt ☺️
The Uplift Fitness Club Podcast will discuss fitness, finance, and motivational techniques in hopes of empowering you to reach new heights!
A 'keep it real' podcast all about helping YOU master simplicity and control your chaos... with a 'no more excuses' mentality. As ambitious humans, we'll be the strongest version of ourselves, show up more powerfully in our relationships, do work that matters deeply to us, and take amazing adventures, together.
Hello, my friends, my life warriors, welcome to the Day In Day Out podcast. This is a twice-weekly show where I bring on the good, great and fantastic. Sometimes we talk about their life story, and other times we talk on a particular subject or topic, but we always aim for a great and informative conversation and a fun time.
Dr. Kim (The Doc) and Charlene Richardson (The Jock) are here to educate their community to be their own advocates in the health care system.
Dr. Kim owns, Total Integrative Health in Greenville, DE. It is there that she uses both conventional and alternative medicine to benefit a patient. She works with patients to empower them so they can optimize their health and get better and always has her patients' best interest at heart. Charlene owns ANCHOR life + fitness in Kennett Square, PA. She believes it is her responsibility to help her members become stronger and healthier so that they can live their lives to the fullest. A passionate advocate for a holistic approach to health, fitness, and wellness, Charlene has created a gym to support and strengthen the mind, body, and spirit.There will be so many health and fitness topics in this podcast including, but not limited to: gut health, hormones, bloodwork, blood sugar, acupuncture, sarcopenia, hydration, no pain/no gain, autoimmune diseases, sleep and so much more!
كلمة "لفّة" تعبر عن المشي في أبسط حالاته، وفي "لفّة" نرسّخ مفهوم الحركة من خلال حوار رياضي مختلف.
في كل حلقة سنكون برفقة ضيوف مميزين في أماكن مختلفة، نناقش مواضيع متنوعة تتعلق بالرياضة.
انضم إلينا للاستمتاع بمحتوى رياضي غني بالمعلومات التي تحفزك على الحركة وتحسين نمط حياتك. -
An in-depth conversation about my journey in losing over 100 pounds in six months, and how you can do it too. You can also checkout my blog at You can also shop my Accountability Program and meal plans at
All things relationship, sex, life goals, and whatever other topic that I decide is important to talk about. I like to answer my followers questions, so make sure you follow me on all social media platforms. Your question may be featured!
Présentation de la chaire
Créée en partenariat avec l'agence nationale Santé publique France, la chaire annuelle Santé publique est destinée à encourager l'excellence de la recherche et le débat intellectuel au meilleur niveau sur les questions de santé publique.
Chaire Santé publique 2022-2023
Prévention nutritionnelle des maladies chroniques : de la recherche à l'action de santé publique
Au cours d'une vie, nous ingérons environ 30 tonnes d'aliments et 50 000 litres de boissons. Les milliers d'études épidémiologiques, expérimentales et cliniques publiées ces cinquante dernières années ont permis de lever – en partie – le voile sur l'impact de ces aliments et leurs composés bioactifs sur notre santé. La nutrition, englobant au sens large l'alimentation et l'activité physique, est aujourd'hui reconnue comme un des principaux facteurs modifiables intervenant dans le déterminisme des maladies les plus répandues dans le monde industrialisé : obésité, cancers, maladies cardiovasculaires, diabète… Au niveau mondial, une alimentation déséquilibrée est un des principaux facteurs de risque de mortalité, avec environ 1 décès sur 5, et des problématiques nutritionnelles très contrastées selon les pays du globe. La nutrition regroupe un ensemble de facteurs de risque ou protecteurs modifiables, autant de leviers actionnables au niveau individuel et collectif pour améliorer la santé des populations et contribuer à réduire les inégalités sociales. Ce cycle de conférences aborde les concepts et enjeux actuels en nutrition de santé publique : comment sont établis les niveaux de preuve ? Quels sont les apports scientifiques des grandes études épidémiologiques françaises de ces dernières décennies ? Au-delà des connaissances établies (sur l'alcool, le sel, les fibres, etc.), de nombreuses questions demeurent quant à l'impact sur la santé à long terme, de l'homme et de la planète, de facteurs de risque émergents (procédés de transformation industriels ou domestiques, mélanges d'additifs alimentaires, résidus de pesticides, jeûne, compléments alimentaires…) Comment démêler le vrai du faux entre réelles connaissances scientifiques et « fake news », dans un domaine qui fait couler beaucoup d'encre et qui fait l'objet d'importants intérêts économiques. Une fois identifiés les facteurs et comportements nutritionnels à promouvoir ou éviter, comment les surveiller au niveau des populations, et quelles mesures de santé publique (étiquetage, politiques de prix, régulation de la publicité…) mettre en place pour améliorer efficacement la prévention des maladies chroniques ?
Listen to Medscape InDiscussion: Myasthenia Gravis, a podcast series where thought leaders and clinical experts share their diverse insights and practical ideas for optimizing patient care. Relevant disclosures can be found with the episode show notes on Medscape ( The topics and discussions are planned, produced, and reviewed independently of advertisers. This podcast is intended only for US healthcare professionals.