
  • Many of my clients are interested in taking a new creative direction with their lives. They want to tap into their inner creative and understand how to prioritize their creative and passion projects with making money for the life they want.

    In today’s episode, I’m chatting with one of those clients, Annie Wong a.k.a. Headexplodie, a mixed media artist and storyteller who works in the mediums of sculptures, illustration, and stop motion animations. She’s sharing her path to becoming an artist, why she chose to start her own business, how she channels her inner creative child, and how she balances her art with owning a business.

    In this episode, you’ll learn…

    [03:14] Annie’s story of how she met one of her heroes, Paul Reubens (Pee-wee Herman), and why Pee-wee’s Playhouse was influential to her work

    [09:03] How Annie describes her art and her business, her path to becoming an artist, why she chose the direction of starting her own business

    [16:10] Balancing your creativity with the need to make money, how to manage that tension (coaching has been helpful for her), and how to make the most of the ebbs and flows that allow for unencumbered creativity

    [23:53] Annie’s advice for anyone reviving a creative practice that has been dormant, how she practices self-compassion, and how progress (not outcomes or awards) motivates creativity

    [31:59] Why Annie decided to do coaching, the clarity she has found through coaching, and why aligned work is so important

    [43:26] Upcoming creative projects that Annie is excited about that we’ve developed through our coaching, how channeling her inner creative child helps her get out of being blocked or burned out, and how creativity is a source of healing

    [51:33] Following the energy you feel from being creative, and the importance of community to creative growth

    If you want to find more creativity and focus that energy into something new, get a copy of my free change planner to help you figure out your next step.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://www.lisahoashi.com/leaplikeme/episode45

  • Even when you know that something in your life—like a job or a relationship or where you live—feels off, it can still feel like a big decision to make a change. And it is. But putting it off only keeps you further from alignment and leads to a level of burnout it can be difficult to bounce back from. What you need to get back on track is a radical reset: a big change that can jumpstart your progress forward.

    In today’s episode, I’m talking about the telltale signs that it is time for you to make radical changes in your life. I’m sharing how a radical reset can transform your existence, how listening to your inner self will guide you, and some key takeaways that will help you embrace your radical reset.

    In this episode, you’ll learn…

    [01:03] What a radical reset is, and how you know if you need one

    [04:13] How deeper things are at play when you’re considering a radical reset, and how a radical reset can help you get back into alignment

    [07:02] What’s at stake for you when it comes to a radical reset, and learning to listen to your inner self to guide you in the direction you seek

    [08:20] Examples of radical resets that clients in my Catalyst Coaching program have experienced, and how I support my clients on their journeys

    [11:15] Key takeaways, including getting comfortable with the idea of a radical reset and avoiding burnout

    If you’re ready to plan your radical reset in your life, get a copy of my free change planner to help you get clear on your next step.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://www.lisahoashi.com/leaplikeme/episode44

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  • It’s easy to let your creative pursuits fall by the wayside when you are focused on your career and making money. However, not prioritizing your creativity can leave you feeling stuck and unfulfilled.

    In today’s episode, I’m talking about why it’s important to re-energize your creative self, including how to know when it’s time to make creativity a priority and the challenges that might block you from making the time. I’m also sharing some ideas to keep you from getting stuck, and the benefits that come from taking time for creativity.

    In this episode, you’ll learn…

    [02:37] My experiences with creativity and jobs that pay the bills, and how owning my own business has given me more creative freedom

    [05:50] How to know when it’s time to re-energize your creative pursuits and the common challenges that often get in the way

    [07:49] Questions to ask yourself if you’re worried about needing to trade financial security for a more creative path

    [09:02] The importance of practicing your creative pursuit and working on your growth mindset

    [11:20] Why you have to make time for your creative pursuits

    [14:43] The benefits you can expect when you make more time for your creative pursuits

    If you want more creativity in your life, but aren’t sure where to start on making that shift, get a copy of my free change planner to help you get clear on your next step.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://www.lisahoashi.com/leaplikeme/episode43

  • If you’re ready to take a leap or at a crossroads moment, do you know where to begin with your networking? Or do you feel overwhelmed with how to create, cultivate, and sustain meaningful relationships? Life is a relationship business. The connections that we build lead to the opportunities that come our way.

    In today’s episode, I’m talking with Tina Sula, a philanthropic advisor and fundraiser, professor, and expert in networking. She’s sharing the importance of knowing what you want, how to make authentic connections, and being clear about your value alignment.

    In this episode, you’ll learn…

    [03:09] How opportunities are given to us by other people (they don’t just appear out of nowhere) and how to network in a way that lets people know what you are looking for

    [09:39] Taking time to reflect on what you really want, and the importance of vulnerability

    [17:00] How knowing your why and being able to articulate it can help you achieve your goals

    [27:13] How Tina creates structure to help her cultivate and keep up with relationships

    [30:15] Understanding the etiquette of following up and building relationships, and Tina’s four-step mindset process for networking

    [35:47] Networking is about who knows you and so making your personal brand very clear helps others keep you top of mind for opportunities

    [37:07 The importance of value alignment

    If you want to be a more authentic networker, but need some help aligning your values on your leap, get a copy of my free change planner to help you figure out your next step.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://www.lisahoashi.com/leaplikeme/episode42

  • Have you ever had that moment in your life or career where you feel like you’re not quite on the right path? In these moments, you have the choice of continuing on or making a change. This is your crossroads moment, and I’m here to walk you through your options for how to proceed.

    In today’s episode, I’m discussing how to know when you’re at a crossroads moment, what emotions that can bring up and how to sort through them, the opportunities that a crossroads moment offers you, and all the ways you can navigate these impactful moments.

    In this episode, you’ll learn...

    [01:44] How to define a crossroads moment and what might trigger one

    [05:28] How a crossroads moment feels and how to navigate those emotions

    [08:50] Why crossroads moments can be so impactful to your life

    [12:28] What to do next if you know you’re at a crossroads moment, and the benefits of hiring a coach to help you through

    [15:56] Seeing the potential in your crossroads moment and the value in taking a leap

    If you’re in the process of navigating your own crossroads moment, get a copy of my free change planner to help you figure out your next step.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://www.lisahoashi.com/leaplikeme/episode41

  • What are you waiting for? That’s the question Lisa Alfano found herself asking at 50 years old when she decided to take the leap and start training for triathlons. Since then, her entire life has changed, and she’s preparing to take an even bigger leap!

    In today’s episode, Lisa Alfano details her journey from triathlons to business ownership, explains how coaching gave her the accountability she needed to make big shifts, and how she’s preparing for this next chapter in her life (including support from a coach and a community.)

    In this episode, you’ll learn…

    [03:19] The crossroad moment Lisa Alfano faced as she turned 50 and why she decided to start competing in triathlons

    [11:38] The role regret plays in our life and how we can use it to inform our choices

    [16:15] The exercise from her coach (Lisa Hoashi) that changed everything for Lisa Alfano and helped her establish the accountability to accomplish her dreams

    [22:11] The safety nets that Lisa Alfano has set up as she prepares for next big leap

    [29:22] Why having a coach to guide her through big transitions has been invaluable for Lisa Alfano

    [31:14] The community Lisa Alfano wants to build and why she’s so passionate about fitness and health for women 50+

    [40:15] Lisa Alfano’s parting advice for anyone thinking about a change in their life

    If you’re in the process of navigating your own crossroads moment, get a copy of my free change planner to help you figure out your next step.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://www.lisahoashi.com/leaplikeme/episode40

  • This episode is part two on bravely having tough conversations. Click here to listen to part one.

    If you listened to my last episode, you know that tough conversations like breaking the news about an upcoming job change to your employers and family are necessary for growth, and choosing to have them can be an act of bravery. And perhaps now you’re ready to have these talks about moving on, going forward, and making changes in your professional and personal life… But you’re not exactly sure how to begin the actual conversation.

    So, today I’m sharing seven practical tools to help you have the conversation and say what you want without getting derailed. Being prepared and having a plan before you walk into these conversations can help you to feel confident and empowered.

    At the end of the day, you can’t control all of your circumstances, but you can control your reactions, your energy, and the way you approach the big moments in your life, tough conversations included. I’m here to give you encouragement and help you stay the course so you can bravely open up to those in your life.

    In this episode, you’ll learn...

    [06:06] Why you should set intentions for your conversations, and consider the risks and payoffs in advance

    [09:56] How to create a simple top line message and write talking points to help you steer the conversation

    [17:53] Why practicing what you’re going to say will help alleviate your nerves, and the benefits of role-playing the conversation

    [20:39] How preparing yourself energetically helps keep you in the right frame of mind

    [22:56] Celebrate the fact that you did the difficult and brave thing, no matter what happens

    This season is all about the different kinds of leaps you can make in your life. If you’re looking for habits and tools to keep you going after your leap, be sure to tune into this episode.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://www.lisahoashi.com/leaplikeme/episode39

    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Hardwiring Happiness by Dr. Rick Hanson

    Episode #35: Finding Your Authentic Voice with Elissa Weinzimmer

  • Have you ever been in a situation where you know you need to have a tough conversation, but you’re a little afraid of the response you might get? Whether you’re quitting your job, moving across the world, or making a dream a reality, you have to tell the people in your personal and professional life, even if you might feel uncomfortable going into the conversation. Effective communication is key when you’re about to take a leap.

    In today’s episode, I’m sharing how to stay the course on your leap, tools I use with my clients, and the three most common reasons we avoid tough conversations as well as why you should have them anyway. And I’m encouraging you to be brave and have those tough talks so that you can continue to flourish and grow.

    This is your life and your leap. I’m here to empower you to take that next step by giving you the tools to speak truthfully and openly with those in your life.

    In this episode, you’ll learn...

    [03:52] The importance of engaging in effective communication when you are on the precipice of a leap

    [06:04] Why you shouldn’t let other people’s opinions keep you from taking risks and doing what you really want to do

    [07:10] Media training tools that I use to help my clients with effective communication

    [09:10] Three common reasons we avoid uncomfortable conversations, and why you want to bravely have them anyway

    This season is all about the different kinds of leaps you can make in your life. If you’re looking for habits and tools to keep you going after your leap, be sure to tune into this episode.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://www.lisahoashi.com/leaplikeme/episode38

    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Episode #28: Leaving Teaching for a New Career in EdTech with Raven Wilson

    This American Life Episode 184

  • Long, tiring days of juggling work responsibilities and kids fighting bedtime led to me feeling completely drained of energy and wanting to snack at night before bed. We all have competing demands that take up our time. How do we make time for ourselves and prioritize our health? And what if we keep struggling to meet our health and fitness goals over long periods of time?

    Earlier this year, I decided that I was ready to make some changes—and that I needed some help to accomplish my goals.

    In today’s episode, I’m chatting with holistic nutritionist, personal trainer, and life coach, Ana Alexandre. She’s sharing about her leap to move to Barcelona and start her own business as well as health and wellness tips, including how to build consistent, healthy habits, the importance of listening to your body, and why taking baby steps will help you go farther on your wellness journey.

    In this episode, you’ll learn...

    [03:13] How Ana ended up in Barcelona, what it was like starting a business, and how she has stayed resilient through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship

    [09:27] Why balanced blood sugar is important for everyone, the benefits of consistency with movement and nutrition

    [19:37] Ana’s tips for how to start a new habit and staying consistent, what makes progress successful, and the importance of listening to your body

    [31:51] How strength training is helpful through all stages of life, and how to stay positive when you need to make a change and an energy shift

    [37:56] How to find the time for healthy habits when you’re super strapped for time (e.g. working moms of young kinds) and how to ask yourself and others for accountability

    [44:15] How taking baby steps—when it comes to nutrition, movement, or anything else—is the most sustainable way to make lasting changes, and how to when to get outside support

    This season is all about the different kinds of leaps you can make in your life. If you’re looking for habits and tools to keep you going after your leap, be sure to tune into this episode.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:

  • Setbacks happen to all of us, every day. Whether it’s something specific and personal to you, such as a death in the family or not getting the loan you needed to start your business, or something that affects more people, such as a local election or a global pandemic, it seems we are constantly battling to continue forward on our goals.

    Life is full of unpredictability. You might be wondering, how do I keep going amidst constant turmoil?

    In today’s episode, I’m sharing how to focus on what you can control while keeping your goals and vision at the forefront, how to identify your values, and a big list of resources to help you keep going after your goals—even when setbacks arise.

    In this episode, you’ll learn...

    [07:22] Remembering what you can control, how concerns influence your choices, and taking action within the scope of your control

    [11:46] How keeping your vision front and center can help you stay on track during challenging times

    [16:00] How to stay focused on what keeps you growing and moving forward (instead of what makes you anxious and unproductive) and how to identify your values

    [18:21] How to take practical steps toward building your inner resilience, including a list of helpful resources

    If you’re considering your own courageous career change, be sure to tune into this episode.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:

    Links mentioned in this episode…

    The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

    Apartment Therapy

    Instructions for how to articulate your vision (inside the blog post “Should You Make a Big Career or Life Change During Moments of Uncertainty?”)

    The Antiracist Business Book by Trudi Lebrón

    Leap Like Me, episode 34: How to Become an Expert at Managing Your Energy

    Hardwiring Happiness by Dr. Rick Hanson

    Anchored by Deb Dana

    Episode 35 with Elissa Weinzimmer

    Self-Compassion by Kristin Neff

    Atomic Habits by James Clear

    WHEN: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing by Daniel H. Pink


    Mating in Captivity by Dr. Esther Perel

    Dr. Alexandra Solomon

    The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker

    Follow Priya Parker on Instagram

    We Should Get Together by Kat Vellos

    Platonic by Dr. Marisa Franco

  • Finding your authentic voice and using it regularly can be difficult. When today’s guest, Elissa, literally lost her voice, she decided to dedicate her life to helping other people not only protect their voices but learn how to use them in conjunction with a regulated nervous system.

    In today’s episode, my guest Elissa Weinzimmer shares about how a vocal hemorrhage led her to take a leap into a career as a vocal and presence coach, and how she is now experiencing a second leap rediscovering her singing voice and making music.

    If you’re taking a leap of your own, no matter how big or small, finding your voice (in a world that limits so many voices) means staying in the present moment and supporting your nervous system. And Elissa has some great tips and resources to help you do just that.

    In this episode, you’ll learn...

    [02:14] What a vocal and presence coach does and the types of people who seek this support

    [08:22] How Elissa suffered from a vocal hemorrhage, how that led her to start her business teaching voice, and how she found her singing voice again

    [19:02] What embodiment is and how Elissa uses it in her voice body connection process

    [25:54] The limitations that block different people from using their voices and how the polyvagal theory can help you to safely find your authentic voice

    [33:44] About how the polyvagal theory relates to your nervous system and how it functions

    [43:16] Elissa’s advice for someone preparing to quit a job (or other scary scenario) and how to help regulate your nervous system in those moments

    If you’re considering your own courageous career change, be sure to tune into this episode.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:

    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Deb Dana’s Beginner’s Guide to Polyvagal Theory

  • Energy is important to everything we do … from work to relationships to taking care of kids or pets. Your biggest business asset is your energy. Your biggest life asset is your energy.

    In today’s episode, I’m talking about why you should know where your energy is going, how to determine if you're putting your energy towards things that energize you or drain you, and tips for managing your energy levels.

    What is your vision for a fulfilling life? Are you putting your energy towards the things that matter to you? This episode will help you put your energy towards a purposeful, rewarding life.

    In this episode, you’ll learn...

    [02:39] The importance of understanding where your energy is going each day

    [07:09] Why you need to become an expert at managing your energy and prioritizing activities that promote rest and renewal

    [12:11] How energy drains suck your energy and ways to address them to free up more energy

    [14:19] An exercise to help you notice, maintain, and care for your energy levels

    If you’re considering your own courageous career change, be sure to tune into this episode.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:


    Links mentioned in this episode…

    The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz

    My blog post about tolerations

    Download my FREE Energy Tracker Worksheet

  • Considering a career change or pivot? The right career move can improve your life in dramatic, transformative ways. Yet, it can feel too daunting: overwhelming, lonely, and risky. How do you know when it’s time to make a career leap, and how do you get through all the obstacles? Welcome to Leap Like Me, where we offer real stories, inspiration and practical advice on how to make changes that take you ever closer to your ideal work, and life. Host Lisa Hoashi, a life and career coach, guides this journey, which doesn’t gloss over the hard parts, instead dives in to explore the strategies and mindset you need to make brave changes in your work – and your life.

  • This season has come to a close. What an amazing journey, friends. In this season we talked to 8 different guests and put out 14 episodes on what it takes to make a career leap.

    Recently, I met with my podcast production manager Caroline of Wild Home Podcasting to talk about this season and debrief. How did we do? Did we reach our goals? Did we have unexpected pitfalls or wins?

    It got me thinking… Before I dive in and start creating content for season 3, I’d love to hear from you. Did you love a certain aspect of the show? What do you think we could improve upon? Fill out my listener survey (you may even win a prize by completing it!)

    And a special thanks to everyone who supported me to bring back Leap Like Me for this season:

    Anita Pravitasari of Nitvei Studios for her incredible systems and tech expertise behind the scenes that makes everything function so beautifully in my business

    Caroline Hull and her team at Wild Home Podcasting for reliably taking care of all the different pieces to get episodes finished and out

    Michael Kitson for our theme music

    Fabiana Parra for our cover art and graphics

    Jacqui Harper, who helped me get seriously unstuck with some timely and expert camera and

    vocal presence coaching.

    Podcasting expert Elsie Escobar for helping me strategize how to get my message out in the world while being a mama too.

    All our guests who gave so generously of themselves to share their stories, in some cases for the first time.

    I am so lucky to know and work with you all.

    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Listener Survey

    Illuminate Your Career Path in Five Steps

    Download my FREE Change Planner: https://www.lisahoashi.com/change-planner

  • If you’ve ever been in a toxic work environment, you know how it wreaks havoc on your mental and physical health. It can be difficult to find a way out, and it’s common to leave one job and jump right into the next.

    For today’s guest, taking a sabbatical was something she had never really considered, until she found and listened to Season 1 of this podcast. She realized she needed to embark on a healing journey to find her authentic self and learn what makes her happy, when it comes to both her personal and professional life.

    In the last episode of this season, I’m chatting with Camille Ali, who left her six-figure job to focus on her health and happiness, which led her to a career pivot and discovery of how to be herself, despite what her family and society “expected” of her. She’s sharing about the impact that a toxic work environment had on her , how traveling helped her heal, how she got into writing and also launched her own business, and why she chose to put herself first.

    In this episode, you’ll learn...

    About the crisis that led Camille to take a leap in 2019 and how she handled it [03:26] About Camille’s sabbatical and how she spent her time [07:11] What to expect from taking time off to heal [10:08] How travel and sharing stories with other women sparked a turning point in her journey [14:04] How healing helped Camille discover her true version of herself and what makes her happy [17:40] How Camille got into writing [20:44] How she became a writer for xoNecole, a lifestyle website for women of color [22:03] How Camille ended up launching her own business and her experience discovering what she wants from her work life [26:01] Camille’s message for other women of color on their journeys [31:28] Camille’s advice for trusting your instincts [33:45]

    If you’re considering your own courageous career change, be sure to tune into this episode.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://www.lisahoashi.com/leaplikeme/episode31

    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Download my FREE Change Planner: https://www.lisahoashi.com/change-planner

  • What do you do when you’re years into a career path, having invested in an advanced degree in your field, and you’re no longer happy? Making a career leap feels risky in the best of circumstances. And it can be easy to feel stuck or overwhelmed or unsure where to start when you realize that you want out of something you’ve been doing for a long time.

    Today’s guest, Farah Kauffman, loves the public health field that she worked in for 15 years, but the job and where it led no longer felt aligned with her. As she approached midlife, she was also thinking about what she wanted to be doing during the later phases of her career. The COVID-19 pandemic was a real eye opener as well for her, and a lot of people, to take the leap out of an unfulfilling career and into something that feels like the right fit.

    Farah shares how she transitioned careers while staying in public health, the importance of really asking yourself what it is you’re good at and what interests you, and how being in a supportive environment has made work feel fun again for her.

    In this episode, you’ll learn...

    About Farah’s previous career path and her realization that she wanted something different for her life [01:34] The perspective that the pandemic gave her to take a chance [09:03] Why Farah took the time to really think about what she wanted to do for a career and the importance of looking back at previous roles to hone in on what she enjoys [12:56] The action steps she took once she learned the new career path she wanted [21:21] How Farah went about searching for jobs and applying, even before she felt truly ready [27:36] Why she decided to be fully herself in her job applications [32:14] How her support network helped her through this transition [37:27] What Farah’s experience has been like pivoting into a new role [44:15] The joy and support she has found in supportive coworkers and staying within her area of expertise in a new role [47:51] Her advice for someone considering a leap of their own [53:28]

    If you’re considering your own courageous career change, be sure to tune into this episode.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://www.lisahoashi.com/leaplikeme/episode30

    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Connect with Farah on LinkedIn

    Download my FREE Change Planner: https://www.lisahoashi.com/change-planner

  • Are you considered a job or career change because you’re exhausted by work, unmotivated and unfulfilled? Is burnout a factor in your desire for change? Unfortunately, job burnout has only become more common since the start of the pandemic. Here’s my advice for how to improve or redesign your relationship to your work if you’re struggling with this.

    In this final solo episode of our season on career leaps, I’m tackling burnout, one of the biggest issues I see facing workers today. I’m explaining why it’s become so common in the past few years, and sharing my own experience with burnout in my career. Then, I’m giving you some actionable tips for tackling burnout in your own work life.

    In this episode, you’ll learn...

    The role burnout plays in making a career leap [1:37] How burnout has become more common in the past few years [2:58] What job burnout is and what it feels like [3:39] How a coach can help you get out of burnout and into a career you love [5:16] How the pandemic spurred burnout for “knowledge workers” and service providers [8:11] Why you shouldn’t rely on solely your job to provide meaning [11:37] My advice for anyone struggling with burnout [16:11] Why it’s important to take ownership of the parts of your work life you can control [25:18]

    If you’re considering your own courageous career change, be sure to tune into this episode.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:

    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Listen to Episode 23 with Sika Stanton: https://www.lisahoashi.com/leaplikeme/episode23

    Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras

    Download my FREE Change Planner: https://www.lisahoashi.com/change-planner

  • Teaching is often viewed as a career that people stay in for, well, the entirety of their working years. But what if teaching isn’t right for you? What if you want to take a leap into a new career? Where do you start?

    In today’s episode, I’m talking with Raven Wilson about her transition from elementary school teacher to customer success manager in the field of EdTech (educational technology). Her leap has led her to also serving as a coach and mentor to other educators who want to leave teaching. She started a group called Black Educators Transition to provide Black educators with a supportive community and the tools and resources needed to embark on a new career path.

    She shares her advice on knowing what interests you and how to translate your experience to a new role. She talks about the patience necessary for the process of networking, researching jobs, and interviewing. And mostly important, she reminds you that you have to really want something new and different for yourself and be proactive with your leap.

    In this episode, you’ll learn...

    Raven’s background and current role [01:52] What it’s like to be a customer success manager in EdTech [03:03] How Raven learned that teaching wasn’t the right fit for her [04:56] How COVID affected her career decisions [06:55] How her inner voice told her to take the leap [09:21] What made it difficult for her to leave teaching [10:54] About the identity shift that comes with taking a leap [14:02] About Raven’s process that led her to learning what other careers are possible for teachers [16:28] The importance of researching your options and asking yourself questions about your skills and interests [20:02] How to hone your experience and craft your resume to align with the job you seek [23:14] What she learned in the job search and interview process [27:17] Raven’s experience with interviewing and eventually landing a job in EdTech [30:02] About her passion for helping other Black educators who want to leave teaching [34:52] The questions she gets most often from teachers interested in leaving the profession and her advice to them [42:34] That losing summers off isn’t so bad thanks to flexible PTO in other fields [48:01] Why it’s okay to switch jobs and move companies [49:54] What Raven wishes she knew before she took her leap [52:02] Raven’s advice for those interested in taking a similar leap [53:05]

    If you’re waiting for a sign to take your career leap, be sure to tune into this episode.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript:


    Connect with Raven

    Raven’s LinkedIn

    Join Black Educators Transition on Facebook

    Raven’s Bio:

    Raven Wilson is a former elementary teacher turned customer success manager. Leaving teaching was one of the hardest but best choices she ever made. Since her transition to EdTech, she has more freedom and flexibility which is all she ever wanted.

  • When you take a leap, there’s a lot of uncertainty. For today’s guest, that uncertainty revolves around figuring out how to serve in a leadership role without being full-time, allowing more time for other parts of life and being a mother of two, and navigating a world where conversations around better professional and personal balance are happening but actual change seems slow to come.

    In this episode, I’m chatting with Annie Jameson about taking a leap that involved leaving a full-time career for a territory unknown. Annie is sharing about how she has taken this time to better understand herself and her values, the importance of structure and support when you’re exploring your options on a career break, and why patience, with yourself and the process and the larger working world, goes a long way.

    In this episode, you’ll learn...

    About Annie’s time at Vistaprint and what lead to her leaving [02:26] Why her exit from Vistaprint was gradual and how her passion for diversity and inclusion played a role [07:26] How Annie approached balance after leaving her full-time job [10:36] How having more alone time allowed her to reflect on her values [15:18] How exploring is allowing her to figure out the balance that is right for her [17:34] Mini coaching session with Annie [20:55] Why it’s important to Annie that more flexible working opportunities exist [23:43] The pressure of feeling like you have to always know “what’s next” [25:05] The advice Annie would give to a mentee in her situation [29:34] The importance of patience and not over-thinking [30:32] The importance of having a plan, some structure, and support network to help navigate your new day-to-day life [35:35] About the role model exercise that I recommend to clients [37:41] What Annie wishes she knew before she took her leap [39:17] The surprising and rewarding moments Annie has experience [40:03] Annie’s advice for someone taking a leap The podcast that Annie is launching [44:38]

    If you’re waiting for a sign to take your career leap, be sure to tune into this episode.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://www.lisahoashi.com/leaplikeme/episode27

    Connect with Annie

    Annie’s LinkedIn

    Annie’s Youtube

    Annie’s Bio:

    Annie has been many "things"—a mother, a mentor, a leader, a coach, partner, wife, friend, daughter, sister, CIMA qualified, D&I advocate, analytical expert, finance professional. What she cares about most and what ties all these pieces together is how we interact, show up and encourage each other as human beings and that's where her focus is in life.

  • So you’ve decided to make a career leap. Now, how do you land that next position? Sure, you can go the traditional route by applying for openings on job boards, but that’s not the only way (or the best way) to get a job. There are plenty of effective job searching methods, so let’s find the right one for you.

    In this episode, I’m sharing three different tactics for finding and landing jobs in a new field. I’m explaining how to use your network to your best advantage and how to fill the gaps in your knowledge before you leap. Plus, if you want to go the traditional application route, I’ve got a few tips for that, too.

    In this episode, you’ll learn...

    Which factors might be working against you during your career pivot [1:57] Why the traditional job application process isn’t always the best approach [4:43] Tips for applying for jobs the traditional way on job boards and listing sites [5:54] Alternative job search tactics for when you get fed up with sending cold applications [8:26] How to fill the gaps in your knowledge before making your leap [9:46] How to search for internal opportunities in your current company [13:34] Why networking is one of the most valuable tools in your career pivot toolbox [16:01] The value of your community during your career pivot [19:58]

    If you’re considering your own courageous career change, be sure to tune into this episode.

    Get full show notes and the episode transcript: https://www.lisahoashi.com/leaplikeme/episode26

    Links mentioned in this episode…

    Listen to Episode 23 with Sika Stanton: https://www.lisahoashi.com/leaplikeme/episode23

    Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras

    Download my FREE Change Planner: https://www.lisahoashi.com/change-planner