This is a speech as an assignment for my Year 2 Term 2. She had only picked up Cantonese her own before joining my Year 2 course by surrounding herself with Cantonese. I was impressed by her existing level before joining us.
A slightly longer one, but is good practice for listening. I have extracted some vocabulary for you in the middle of this episode. Enjoy!
Pick up your Cantonese starting in 2023. My group classes & self-paced course can help.
https://poeticcantonese.com/poetic-cantonese-academy/ -
Pick up your Cantonese starting in 2023. My group classes can help.
For those who'd prefer a more flexible online course:
Let's listen to another great speech - listen it once, next review vocabulary, then another time. -
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This is a speech from Year 2 term 1 class. Give it a listen and learn some potential new vocabulary.
Year 2 classes are perfect for people who has learned a bit of Cantonese and can perform basic communication while travelling in Hong Kong. We will further build vocabulary to speak about these topics:
- Chinese New Year traditions and turnip cake recipe
- getting to know your colleagues at work
- speaking about your travels and hobbies
- booking a table; ordering food; asking for directions in town
- speaking to relatives to learn more about lives of immigrants
- communicating with minibus drivers & getting boat tickets
- talking about symptoms and comparison between Chinese & western medicine
In year 2, we dived deeper into grammar, lexical variations and colloquial expressions. Combined with 12 units of listening, vocabulary sets made ready for you on Quizlet, impromptu questions and occasional speech, my goal is to prepare you to feel comfortable and build confidence using Cantonese if you were to move there.
Class dates, level and other details:
https://poeticcantonese.com/online-group-lessons/ -
As my students from Year 1 term 3 and Year 2 on, you will be introduced short speech each term as well as other content we went through. Here is one from summer term in 2022.
I have 8-10 group sessions this term starting in mid- January. Check out time and level here:
Send me an email for any questions or if you want to see a course outline.
[email protected] -
Hopped on a plane to Berlin to attend a yestheory meetup, which last for three days, followed by the premiere of Project Iceman on the forth day. I've built a pretty good momentum of meeting new friends during my trip, so meeting hundreds of people feel natural to me! And I did quite enjoy it. But two straight days of networking proved to be too draining for me. I ended up avoiding the crowd on the third day, but making myself re-join them on the forth day was so worth it. I'll tell you more in the next episode.
To learn more about grammar, useful tips on Cantonese which I didn't supply here in the podcast, feel free to check out my YouTube channel:https://www.youtube.com/@poeticcantonese5255
Make your date fall in love with you! Ask them questions to make them feel something. I've picked a few. When's your first kiss? What do you like about me? If you had one month to live, what would you do?
You are welcome. -
Finally I am reciting a song, just like a poem! Hey! Maybe that's why I name poeticcantonese!
I googled and here are the lyrics. Feel free to listen to it too! Do you want to me translate the meaning too? Make a voice message to let me know!
For full characters, see description of the youtube link.
Lyrics: characters + jyutping
今[gam1]生[sang1]今[gam1]世[sai3]幻[waan6]變[bin3]的[dik1]一[jat1]生[sang1] 默[mak6]默[mak6]期[kei4]待[doi6]一[jat1]份[fan6]愛[oi3]
踏[daap6]過[gwo3]多[do1]少[siu2/]彎[waan1] 段[dyun6]段[dyun6]情[cing4]路[lou6]也[jaa5]失[sat1]望[mong6]
我[ngo5]不[bat1]甘[gam1]心[sam1]說[syut3]別[bit6]離[lei4] 仍[jing4]舊[gau6]渴[hot3]望[mong6]愛[oi3]的[dik1]傳[cyun4]奇[kei4]
不[bat1]捨[se2]不[bat1]棄[hei3] 無[mou4]懼[geoi6]長[coeng4/]夜[je6]空[hung1]虛[heoi1]風[fung1]中[zung1]繼[gai3]續[zuk6]追[zeoi1]
風[fung1]裡[leoi5]笑[siu3]著[zoek6]風[fung1]裡[leoi5/]唱[coeng3] 感[gam2]激[gik1]天[tin1]意[ji3]碰[pung3]著[zoek6]你[nei5] 縱[zung3]是[si6]苦[fu2]澀[gip3]都[dou1]變[bin3]得[dak1]美[mei5]
天[tin1]也[jaa5]老[lou5] 任[jam6]海[hoi2]也[jaa5]老[lou5] 惟[wai4]望[mong6]此[ci2]愛[oi3]愛[oi3]未[mei6]老[lou5] 願[jyun6]意[ji3]今[gam1]生[sang1]約[joek3]定[ding6]他[taa1]生[sang1]再[zoi3]擁[jung2]抱[pou5]
是[si6]你[nei5]的[dik1]雙[soeng1]手[sau2] 靜[zing6]靜[zing6]燃[jin4]亮[loeng6]這[ze5]份[fan6]愛[oi3]
是[si6]你[nei5]的[dik1]聲[sing1]音[jam1] 夜[je6]夜[je6]陪[pui4]伴[bun6]我[ngo5]的[dik1]夢[mung6]
交[gaau1]出[ceot1]真[zan1]心[sam1]真[zan1]的[dik1]美[mei5] 無[mou4]盡[zeon6]每[mui5]日[jat6]每[mui5]天[tin1]想[soeng2]你[nei5]
今[gam1]生[sang1]今[gam1]世[sai3] 寧[ning4]願[jyun2]名[ming4]利[lei6]拋[paau1]開[hoi1] 瀟[siu1]灑[saa2]跟[gan1]你[nei5]飛[fei1]
To learn more about grammar, useful tips on Cantonese which I didn't supply here in the podcast, feel free to check out my YouTube channel:https://www.youtube.com/@poeticcantonese5255
Getting to know more about your date, let's learn a few questions, asking about their best friends and if they value love or friendship more. -
To learn more about grammar, useful tips on Cantonese which I didn't supply here in the podcast, feel free to check out my YouTube channel:https://www.youtube.com/@poeticcantonese5255
In this episode, you are till in Ocean Park on the date. Let's learn some names of rides. If your date is scared, you can comfort them by saying this: don't be scared. I am here. Happy date! -
There's a quite popular dish called gau2 jai2 fan2 (little dog noodles), is believed to be originated in the 50s and 60s in Hong Kong. One potential reason of the name is that the shape of the noodles resemble the shape of dog tails. Another reason may be that Gau2jai2 resembles the sound of gau3 jai3- to give relief, when Hong Kong was in war times.
In this episode, I will introduce a few popular dishes you can find in one of these noodles shops. -
Having met a new Slovenian friend at a hostel in Rome, we were headed the same way, Naples. It was a shame because we had great conversation to start with. As he further told me his political views as we were travelling, I started to see him differently. But despite of our difference, we saluted, shoke hands then parted ways as he finished his short trip in Italy.
I've said it. It may be a stereotype. But it's my observation but not conclusion.
1) The Italian: funny and loud
2) The American: chatty, chilled and relaxed
3) The Irish: unintelligible English. Sorry, it's probably just my problem
4) The British: a bit quite and reserved; complained about the beautiful sunset view because a tree was within the view
5) The Hong Kong: just quiet
6) The Slovenian: I don't know, we just talked basketball
7) Oh, the Mexican: I almost forgot about him - Mostrar más