
  • Today's episode is about a very unique bank, Bank of Love in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you are going to learn some words from my dialogue. You will also learn how to say “Love conquers all“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my short dialogue about the Love bank.

    Episode notes

    In today's episode, I’m talking about a very unique bank, Bank of Love in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you are going to learn some words from my dialogue. You will also learn how to say “Love conquers all“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my short dialogue about the Love bank.

    Slovak lesson

    1. Banka lásky (Love Bank)

    2. symbol lásky (love symbol)

    3. fotka / fotky (photo / photos)

    4. prsteň / prstene (ring / rings)

    5. list / listy (letter / letters)

    6. lístok / lístky (ticket / tickets)

    7. ľúbostná báseň (love poem)

    8. nešťastná láska (unhappy love)

    9. romantické spomienky (romantic memories)

    10. trezor lásky (love vault)

    11. lavička lásky (love bench)

    12. visiací zámok (padlock)

    13. Láska premôže všetko (Love conquers all)


    Jana: Hej, počula si už o Banke lásky v Banskej Štiavnici?
    Zita: Banka lásky? Nie, nikdy! Čo je to?

    Jana: To je taká špeciálna banka, kde si môžeš uložiť symbol svojej lásky. Fotky, prstene, listy – hocičo, čo má pre teba význam.
    Zita: Fakt? Povedz mi o tom viac.

    Jana: Je to v dome Maríny, tej z najdlhšej ľúbostnej básne na svete. Andrej Sládkovič jej napísal básničku, keď sa do nej zaľúbil. Veď vieš, učili sme sa o tom v škole.
    Zita: No hej, básnik a nešťastná láska. To znie ako slovenský Romeo a Júlia!

    Jana: Presne! A teraz tam majú miestnosť so 100 000 malými schránkami. Môžeš si prenajať jednu a uložiť tam svoj „poklad“.
    Zita: Takže ľudia si tam schovávajú svoje romantické spomienky?

    Jana: Áno. Ale nemusí to byť len pre páry. Niekto tam dáva aj veci pre rodičov, kamarátov alebo dokonca domácich miláčikov.
    Zita: To je milé. A prečo to nazvali bankou?

    Jana: Lebo je to ako trezor. Láska je tam uložená navždy. A vieš, čo je najlepšie? Keď bol v meste požiar, všetko horelo, aleBanka Lásky zostala neporušená!
    Zita: Super! Kde presne to je?

    Jana: V historickom centre Banskej Štiavnice. A vonku majú aj lavičku lásky s visiacimi zámkami. Povieš, že tvoje city sú „zamknuté“ navždy!
    Zita: Páni, také niečo som nečakala. Chcem sa na to pozrieť. Ideš so mnou?

    Jana: Jasné! Uvidíš, že sa ti tam bude páčiť.


    00:34 Intro to the episode

    02:28 Slovak Romeo and Juliet

    03:27 Fun fact 1

    03:42 Fun fact 2

    05:38 Fun fact 3

    10:28 Fun fact 4

    12:10 Slovak lesson

    18:00 Slovak dialogue

    20:37 Dialogue with English translation

    25:19 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about the tips for learning Slovak in 2025. In the Slovak lesson, I will talk about the Slovak use of English modal verb “must”. Then you will practice it in short sentences. You will also learn how to say “You must not do it!” and “Where’s the bathroom?“ in Slovak.

    Episode notes

    In today's episode, I’m talking about the tips for learning Slovak in 2025. In the Slovak lesson, I will talk about the Slovak use of English modal verb “must”. Then you will practice it in short sentences. You will also learn how to say “You must not do it!” and “Where’s the bathroom?“ in Slovak.

    Slovak lesson

    1. Musíš ísť rýchlo. (You must go fast.)

    2. Nemusíme tam ísť. (We do not have to go there.)

    3. Smie piť kávu. (He is allowed to drink coffee.)

    4. Nesmie piť slivovicu. (He must not drink plum brandy.)

    5. Peter tam nesmie ísť! (Peter must not go there!)

    6. Deti, dnes musíte upratať svoju izbu! (Children, today you must clean up your room.)

    7. Musíme upratať aj hračky? (Do we also have to put away the toys?)

    8. Smiem ísť von? (May I / Am I allowed to go out?)

    9. Áno, ale nesmieš ísť ďaleko. (Yes, but you must not go far!)

    10. Musím nájsť toalety. (I must find the bathroom.)

    11. Kde sú toalety? (Where’s the bathroom?)

    12. Nesmieš to robiť! ( You must not do it!)

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

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  • Today's episode is about the verb “mať". Then you'll practice it in short sentences.

    Episode notes
    Last week we practiced the Slovak modal verb in the present tense. Today we are going to look at the verb “mať" (This modal verb means "should”). Then we'll practice it in short sentences.
    1. Conjugation of “mať” – Present Tense:
    Singular: mám (I should) Plural: máme (we should)
    máš (you should) máte (you should)
    má (he, she, it should) majú (they should)
    2. Negation of the modal verb “mať” in the Present Tense: Negating modal verbs in Slovak is rather straightforward. The negation particle “ne” is used before the modal verb:
    Singular: nemám (I should not) Plural: nemáme (we should not)
    nemáš (you should not) nemáte (you should not) nemá (he, she, it should not) nemajú (they should not)
    1. kabelka (handbag)
    2. skriňa (wardrobe)
    3. narodeniny (birthday)
    4. oslavovať (to celebrate)
    5. nudiť sa (to be bored)
    6. poradiť (to advise)
    7. otvoriť (to open)
    8. balík (package)
    9. nahnevať sa (to get angry)
    10. myslieť (to think)

    Short dialogues:
    1. Wife: Táto kabelka je taká pekná. Mám si ju kúpiť? (This handbag is so pretty. Should I buy it?)
    Husband: Nemáš. Doma máš skriňu plnú takých kabeliek. (You shouldn‘t. You have a closet full of handbags like that at home.)
    2. Ivana má dilému, kde má oslavovať svoje narodeniny. (Ivana is in a dilemma about where she should celebrate her birthday.)
    Má ich osláviť doma alebo v reštaurácií? (Should she celebrate it at home or in a restaurant?)
    3. Chlapci, nemáme radšej počkať s otvorením balíka na otca? (Guys, shouldn't we wait to open the package for dad?
    Hej, máme, aby sa na nás nenahneval. Balík je na jeho meno. (Yeah, we should, so he doesn't get mad at us. The package is in his name.)
    4. Čo myslíš, Ľubo, mám ísť na ples športovcov alebo nie. Ja nie som žiadny športovec. (What do you think, Ľubo, should I go to the sports ball or not? I'm not a sports person.
    Máš. Bude tam veľa zábavy. A bude tam veľa nešportovcov, nebudeš sám. (You should. It's going to be a lot of fun. And there will be a lot of non-sports people there, you won't be alone.)
    5. Teenager: Mami, tak sa nudím. (Mom, I'm so bored.)
    Mom: Mám ti poradiť, čo robiť? (Should I give you some advice on what to do?)
    Teenager: Radšej nie, ďakujem. (No, rather not, thank you.)
    Mám ti poradiť? (Should I give you some advice?)

    00:37 Introduction to the episode
    02:21 The end of the season
    03:07 Slovak lesson
    09:16 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about the Slovak modal verb “vedieť". We'll conjugate it and then you will practice it in short sentences.

    Episode notes
    Last week we practiced the Slovak modal verb “smieť” in the present tense. Today we are going to look at the verb “vedieť". This verb means "to know”, “to be aware of”, or” to have some ability”, usually after mastering some skills. Then we will practice it in short sentences.
    1. Conjugation of “vedieť” – Present Tense
    Singular: viem (I know) Plural: vieme (we know)
    vieš (you know) viete (you know)
    vie (he, she, it knows) vedia (they know)

    2. Negation of the modal verb “vedieť” in the Present Tense
    Singular: neviem (I don’t know) Plural: nevieme (we don’t know)
    nevieš (you don’t know) neviete (you don’t know)
    nevie (he, she, it doesn’t know) nevedia (they don’t know)

    1. Vieš, kde je tvoj otec? (Do you know where your father is?)
    Myslím, že išiel na futbal. (I think he went to the football game.)
    2. Vie Karla rozprávať po slovensky? (Can Karla speak Slovak? / Is she able to?
    Ešte nie, ale už rozumie jednoduchú konverzáciu. (Not yet, but she can understand a simple conversation.)
    3. Vedia vaše dvojčatá už chodiť? (Can your twins walk yet?)
    Nie, nevedia, sú ešte maličké. (No, they can't, they're still tiny.)
    4. Viete opraviť poistky v našom byte? (Can you fix the fuses in our apartment?)
    Neviem, ale môj brat ich vie opraviť. (I don't know, but my brother can fix them.)
    5. Vedeli ste, že náš sused vie hrať na klavír? (Did you know that our neighbor can play the piano?)
    Áno, počula som ho hrať na večierku. (Yes, I heard him play at the party.)
    6. Viete / Vieš rozprávať po slovensky? (Can you speak Slovak?)

    00:36 Introduction to the episode
    02:19 The end of the season
    03:02 Slovak lesson
    12:40 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about the Slovak modal verb “smieť" in the present tense. Then you will practice it in short sentences.

    Episode notes
    Last week we practiced the Slovak modal verb “musieť” in the present tense. Today we are going to look at the verb “smieť". Then we will practice it in short sentences.

    1. Conjugation of “smieť” Present Tense (This verb means "may”, to be allowed or permitted.)
    Singular: smiem (I may) Plural: smieme (we may)
    smieš (you may) smiete (you may)
    smie (he, she, it may) smú (they may)
    2. Negation of the modal verb “smieť”
    Singular: nesmiem (I may not) Plural: nesmieme (we may not)
    nesmieš (you may not) nesmiete (you may not)
    nesmie (he, she, it may not) nesmú (they may not)

    1. Smiem vstúpiť? – Prosím, vstúpte. (May I come in? – Please, come in.)
    2. Nesmieš sa smiať, je to vážna vec. (You mustn't laugh, it's serious.)
    3. Smie sa tu fajčiť? - Nie, nesmie. (Is smoking allowed here? No, it's not allowed.)
    4. Smieme už odísť? - Je veľmi neskoro. (Can we leave now? It's very late.)
    5. Nesmiete tam ísť. - Je to iba pre dospelých. (You mustn't go in there. It's for adults only.)
    6. Smú deti jesť sladkosti pred večerou? – Nie, nesmú. (Are children allowed to eat sweets before dinner? - No, they can't.)
    7. Smiem už odísť? (Can I leave now?)

    00:37 Introduction to the episode
    02:21 The end of the season
    03:07 Slovak lesson
    09:16 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about the modal verb “musieť”. You will learn how to conjugate it in the present tense. Then you'll practice the use of in a few short sentences.

    Episode notes
    Today's episode is about the modal verb “musieť”. You will learn how to conjugate it in the present tense. Then you'll practice the use of in a few short sentences.

    Slovak lesson
    1. Conjugation of “musieť” (Present Tense):
    - This verb means "to must", “to have to”
    musím (I must) Plural: musíme (we must)
    musíš (you must) musíte (you must)
    musí (he, she, it must) musia (they must

    2. Negation of the modal verb “musieť” in the Present Tense:
    nemusím (I must not) Plural: nemusíme (we must not)
    nemusíš (you must not) nemusíte (you must not)
    nemusí (he, she, it must not) nemusia (they must not)

    Otec: Robert, poď sem, potrebujem tvoju pomoc. (Robert, come here, I need your help.)
    Robert: Nemôžem, ešte musím dokončiť domácu úlohu. Nech ti Hana pomôže. (I can't, I still have to finish my homework. Let Hana help you.)
    Otec: Hana ide na hodinu angličtiny, musí sa ponáhľať. (Hana is going to English class, she has to hurry.)
    Robert: A ja mám test zajtra, musím sa naň pripraviť. (And I have a test tomorrow, I have to prepare for it.

    Mama: Jožko, čo musia dobré deti urobiť, keď stretnú svojho suseda? (Jožko, what do good children have to do when they meet their neighbor?)
    Jožko: Musia sa pekne pozdraviť. (They have to say hello nicely.)
    Mama: A čo nemusia deti robiť, ak im sused neodzdraví? (And what the children don't have to do if a neighbor doesn't say hello to them?)
    Jožko: Nemusia sa preto hnevať. (They don't have to be angry about it.)
    Mama: Presne tak. Náš sused je starý a nepočuje dobre. Nemusíš sa preto hnevať. (Exactly. Our neighbor is old and can't hear well. You don't have to be angry about it.)
    Jožko: Viem, viem. Nemusím sa hnevať. (I know, I know. I don't have to be angry.)
    Nemusíš sa hnevať. (You don't have to be angry.)

    Final notes
    00:36 Introduction to the episode
    02:23 Information about the bonus episodes
    03:10 Slovak lesson
    05:10 Practice sentences
    18:02 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about the Slovak modal verbs, their meaning, and usage. Then we'll look closely at the Slovak modal verb “môcť” and conjugate it in the present tense. Finally, we will practice it in a few short sentences.

    Episode notes
    Today I’m talking about the Slovak modal verbs in general, their meaning, and usage. Then we look closely at the Slovak modal verb “môcť” and conjugate it in the present tense. Finally, we will practice it in a few short sentences.

    Slovak lesson
    1. Môžeš mi poslať email? (Can you send me an email?)
    Nemôžem, nemám internet. (I cannot, I dont have an internet.)
    2. Môže ísť Peter s nami do kina? (Is Peter allowed to go to a movie theater with us?)
    Áno, môže, ale po kine hneď domov.
    3. Môžu vaše deti plávať? (Can / Are they able to / your children swimm?
    Nemôžu, sú ešte maličké. (They cannot, they are still very little.)
    4. Počula si, že náš sused vyhral 100,000 Euro? (Did you hear that our neighbor won 100,000 Euros?)
    Naozaj? Nemôžem tomu uveriť. (Really? I can't believe it.)
    5. Nemôžem tomu uveriť. (I can't believe it.)

    Final notes
    00:36 Introduction to the episode
    02:25 Information about the bonus episodes
    0310 Slovak lesson
    06:38 Practice sentences
    12:04 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about the chaos that occurs right before Christmas. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some words from another favorite Slovak Christmas song. You will also learn how to say “At Christmas, we belong together “ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find the words of this favorite Slovak Christmas song.

    Episode notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about the chaos that occurs right before Christmas. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some words from another favorite Slovak Christmas song. You will also learn how to say “At Christmas, we belong together “ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find the words of this favorite Slovak Christmas song.

    Slovak lesson
    1. rozfúkať (blow up)
    2. blížiť sa (to approach)
    3. zvítať sa (to welcome)
    4. patriť (to belong)
    5. chutnať (to taste)
    6. rátať (to count)
    7. snívať (to dream)
    8. ukľudniť sa (to calm down)
    9. listovať (leaf through)
    10. Na Vianoce patríme k sebe (At Christmas, we belong together)



    Hudba: Jozef Spoko Kramár Text: Jozef Spoko Kramár

    1) Vietor nás rozfúkal na všetky strany,
    Blíži sa Boží hod, kujeme plány.
    Bratia a sestry už nebudú sami,
    Všetci sa zvítame - otcovia, mamy.

    Vločky už čakajú na naše úsmevy,
    Priatelia, objatia a milé návštevy.
    Prichádza kráľovstvo uprostred zimy,
    Ďaleko od všetkých sníme, že budeme s nimi.

    Na Vianoce patríme k sebe.
    Z východu na západ, z juhu na sever.
    Na Vianoce patríme k sebe,
    Z východu na západ z juhu na sever

    2) Voňavá Krajina medové hlasy,
    Chutnáme momenty spoločnej krásy.
    Na stromček snežia vysnené nádeje
    A vôkol neho - všetko sa udeje.

    Deti už rátajú, koľko chýba dní,
    S otázkou prečo tak pomaly plynú.
    Rodičia snívaju, že všetko sa ukľudní,
    Listujú kalendár a dni s mesiacom splynú.

    Na Vianoce patríme k sebe,
    Z východu na západ, z juhu na sever.
    Na Vianoce patríme k sebe,
    Z východu na západ, z juhu na sever.
    Na Vianoce, na Vianoce, Na Vianoce - Domov

    3) Všetci sa dočkali, každý je šťastný,
    Odbila posledná hodina,
    Svetlo sa vrátilo na chvíľu z jaskýň:
    Je iba oheň, jedlo a rodina.

    Na Vianoce patríme k sebe,
    Z východu na západ, z juhu na sever.
    Na Vianoce patríme k sebe,
    Z východu na západ, z juhu na sever.
    Na Vianoce, na Vianoce, Na Vianoce - Domov

    00:35 Information about the episode
    02:33 The end of the season
    03:45 About the Slovak Christmas chaos
    10:35 Slovak lesson
    14:31 Slovak Christmas song words
    16:58 Slovak Christmas song - the English translation
    19:30 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about winter solstice in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn how to say dates in Slovak. You will also learn how to ask “What day is today?” and say “Winter solstice is magical “ in Slovak. At the end of this episode are a few sentences about winter solstice.

    Episode notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about winter solstice in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn how to say dates in Slovak. You will also learn how to ask “What day is today?” and say “Winter solstice is magical “ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find a few sentences about winter solstice.

    Slovak lesson
    1. Aký je dnes deň? (What day is today?)
    - Dnes je streda 18. (osemnásteho) decembra 2024 - OR (in words) dvetisíc dvadsaťštyri. (Today is Wednesday the 18th (eighteenth) of December. OR: Today is Wednesday, December 18th.)
    2. Kedy bola prvá adventná nedeľa? (When was the first Sunday of Advent?)
    - Prvá adventná nedeľa bola 1. (prvého) decembra. (The first Sunday of Advent was the 1st (first) of December. OR: The first Sunday of Advent was December 1st.)
    3. Kedy je posledná adventná nedeľa? (When is the last Sunday of Advent?)
    - Posledná adventná nedeľa je 22. (dvadsiateho druhého) decembra. (The last Sunday of Advent is the 22nd (twenty-second) of December. OR: The last Sunday of Advent is December 22nd.)

    1. zimný slnovrat (winter solstice)
    2. najkratší deň (the shortest day)
    3. najdlhšia noc (the longest night)
    4. naši predkovia (our ancestors)
    5. veštiť budúcnosť (to predict the future)
    6. svetlo a teplo (light and warmth? / heat?)
    7. temno a chladno (dark and cold)
    8. Zimný slnovrat je čarovný. (The winter solstice is magical.)

    1. Zimný slnovrat je, keď je najkratší deň a najdlhšia noc v roku.
    2. V roku 2024 bude zimný slnovrat 21. decembra.
    3. Tento deň znamená, že odteraz sa dni začnú postupne predlžovať.
    4. Naši predkovia si všimli, že dni sú stále kratšie, až kým sa slnko „navráti“.
    5. Návrat svetla oslavovali veľkými ohňami, tancami a jedlom.
    6. Používali zelené vetvičky, napríklad smrekové, aby si pripomenuli, že život pokračuje aj v zime.
    7. Počas tejto magickej noci niektorí ľudia veštili budúcnosť.
    8. Dnes zimný slnovrat neoslavujeme tak ako kedysi, ale spoznávame jeho význam v zime, keď zapaľujeme sviečky a tešíme sa na svetlo.
    9. Pripomíname si, že svetlo a teplo sa vždy vrátia, aj keď je vonku temno a chladno.
    10. Takže keď v decembri zapaľujete sviečku alebo zdobíte stromček, dodržiavate tradície staré stovky rokov!

    00:34 Introduction to the episode
    02:34 Announcement about the end of the season
    03:45 Traditions of Winter Solstice in Slovakia
    09:12 Fun fact
    10:40 Slovak lesson
    15:17 Vocabulary
    19:03 Sentences
    23:48 Sentences with the English translation
    23:48 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about Slovak traditions of making honey cookies for Christmas. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn the Slovak Ordinal numbers above 20 and some new words related to today’s topic. You will also learn how to say “Keep traditions alive“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find a few short sentences about Slovak honey cookies.

    Episode notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about Slovak traditions of making honey cookies for Christmas. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn the Slovak Ordinal numbers above 20 and some new words related to today’s topic. You will also learn how to say “Keep traditions alive“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find a few short sentences about Slovak honey cookies.

    Slovak lesson
    20th dvadsiaty, dvadsiata, dvadsiate
    30th tridsiaty, tridsiata, tridsiate
    40th štyridsiaty, štyridsiata, štyridsiate
    50th päťdesiaty, päťdesiata, päťdesiate
    60th šesťdesiaty, šesťdesiata, šesťdesiate
    70th sedemdesiaty, sedemdesiata, sedemdesiate
    80th osemdesiaty, osemdesiata, osemdesiate
    90th deväťdesiaty, deväťdesiata, deväťdesiate
    100th stý, stá, sté
    200th dvestý, dvestá, dvesté
    300th tristý, tristá, tristé ….
    1000th tisíci, tisíca, tisíce; and so on.

    1. medovník (honey cookie)
    2. perník (gingerbread)
    3. pečivo (pastries)
    4. aromatické korenie (aromatic spices)
    5. jedinečné príchute (unique flavors)
    6. klinčeky (cloves)
    7. škorica (cinnamon)
    8. aníz (anise)
    9. medovníkova forma (honey cookies form)
    10. Udržujte tradície nažive (Keep traditions alive)

    1. Tradícia vianočných perníkov a medovníkov siaha do pôsobivej histórie. (The tradition of Christmas gingerbread and honey cookies goes back to an impressive history.)
    2. Medovníky a perníky sú obľúbené vianočné pečivo. (Honey cookies and gingerbread are popular Christmas pastries.)
    3. Pekári medovníkov vylepšili svoje receptúry o aromatické koreniny a jedinečné príchute. (Honey-cookie bakers improved their recipes with aromatic spices and unique flavors.)
    4. Každý pekár použil klinčeky, škoricu a aníz na vytvorenie jedinečného receptu. (Each baker used cloves, cinnamon, and anise to create a unique recipe.)
    5. Pekári používali rôzne formy. (Bakers used various molds.)
    6. Ľudia dnes stále uprednostňujú domáce medovníčky pred tými, ktoré vyrábajú veľké firmy. (Today, people still prefer homemade honey cookies to ones made by large companies.)
    7. Mnohé rodiny na Slovensku udržiavajú tradíciu pečenia medovníkov hlavne na Vianoce. (Many families in Slovakia maintain the tradition of baking honey cookies, especially for Christmas.

    00:34 Introduction to the episode
    02:34 Announcement
    03:45 About Slovak honey cookies
    05:40 Fun fact 1
    08:58 Fun fact 2
    13:34 Slovak lesson
    15:24 Vocabulary
    19:18 Sentences
    20:48 Sentences with English translation
    22:48 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about Christmas TV advertisements in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn the Slovak Ordinal numbers from 11 - 20 and some new words from my dialogue. You will also learn how to say “Christmas is really close“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my short dialogue between two young friends talking about Christmas ads.
    Episode notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about Christmas TV advertisements in Slovakia.
    In the Slovak lesson, you will learn the Slovak Ordinal numbers from 11 - 20 and some new words from my dialogue.
    Slovak lesson
    Ordinal numbers from 11-20
    11th | jedenásty, jedenásta, jedenáste
    12th | dvanásty, dvanásta, dvanáste
    13th | trinásty, trinásta, trináste
    14th | štrnásty, štrnásta, štrnáste
    15th | pätnásty, pätnásta, pätnáste
    16th | šestnásty, šestnásta, šestnáste
    17th | sedemnásty, sedemnásta, sedemnáste
    18th | osemnásty, osemnásta, osemnáste
    19th | devätnásty, devätnásta, devätnáste
    20th | dvadsiaty, dvadsiata, dvadsiate

    1. vianočná reklama (Christmas advertisement)
    2. smiešne reklamy (funny ads)
    3. zlaté prasiatko (golden piglet)
    4. rozkošné dievčatko (adorable little girl)
    5. sledovať (to follow)
    6. záležať (to matter)
    7. vyčarovať (to conjure up)
    8. úsmev (a smile)
    9. radosť (joy)
    10. blízko (near, close)
    11. Vianoce sú už blízko. (Christmas is really close.)

    Alena: Počuj, Jaro, už si videl tú novú vianočnú reklamu od Telekomu? Je to topka!
    Jaro: No nie, ty to vážne sleduješ? Reklamy sú len o tom, aby nám niečo predali. Nezáleží im na Vianociach.
    Alena: Ale prosím ťa! Veď niektoré sú fakt smiešne! Napríklad tá reklama so zlatým prasiatkom – to je už klasika! Bez nej by Vianoce ani neboli Vianocami!
    Jaro: Klasika, pche! Stále to isté dokola. Zlaté prasiatko a rozkošné dievčatko. Videl som to asi stokrát.
    Alena: Nevadí, je to super! Keď ju vidím, viem, že Vianoce sú už naozaj blízko.
    Jaro: Reklamám ide len o jedno, vytiahnúť z nás viac peňazí.
    Alena: No hej, ale niektoré reklamy naozaj dokážu vyčarovať úsmev. Pozri, čo ak niekto nemá rodinu na Vianoce? Možno mu tie reklamy prinesú trochu radosti.
    Jaro: Hm... to je síce pekné, ale radšej ako míňať tie peniaze na reklamy, mohli by ich firmy dať na niečo užitočné. Na charitu alebo niečo také.
    Alena: To by mohli, súhlasím. Ale vieš čo? Ja si myslím, že reklamy k Vianociam jednoducho patria. A keď príde tá s Coca-Colou, určite sa aj ty aspoň trochu usmeješ!
    Jaro: Možno... ale len možno!
    Alena: Vidíš? Takže som vyhrala!
    Jaro: Tak dobre, tentokrát ti to prepáčim. Ale len preto, že sú Vianoce!
    00:37 Introduction to the episode
    02:38 About Christmas TV Advertisement in Slovakia
    06:04 Fun fact
    16:00 Slovak lesson
    18:52 New vocabulary
    22:57 Dialogue
    25:23 Dialogue with the English translation

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about Advent, its meaning and symbolism. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some Slovak ordinal numbers and new words from my Advent vocabulary. You will also learn how to say “That's a good question!” and “I’m looking forward to the holidays“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my short dialogue between mother and her curious six-year-old daughter as they make an Advent wreath together.

    Episode notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about Advent, its meaning and symbolism. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some Slovak ordinal numbers and new words from my Advent vocabulary. You will also learn how to say “That's a good question!” and “I’m looking forward to the holidays“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my short dialogue between mother and her curious six-year-old daughter as they make an Advent wreath together.

    Slovak lesson
    1st - prvý (masculine), prvá (feminine), prvé (neuter)
    2nd - druhý, druhá, druhé
    3rd - tretí, tretia, tretie (be careful with this number!)
    4th - štvrtý, štvrtá, štvrté
    5th - piaty, piata, piate
    6th - šiesty, šiesta, šieste
    7th - siedmy, siedma, siedme
    8th - ôsmy, ôsma, ôsme
    9th - deviaty, deviata, deviate
    10th - desiaty, desiata, desiate
    1. adventný veniec (Advent wreath)
    2. zelené vetvičky (green twigs or branches)
    3. zapálené sviečky (lit candles)
    4. horieť (to burn)
    5. pripraviť sa (to prepare)
    6. tešiť sa (to look forward to)
    7. čakanie (waiting)
    8. nádej (hope)
    9. trpezlivosť (patience)
    10. radosť (joy)
    11. To je dobrá otázka! (That's a good question!)
    12. Teším sa na sviatky. (I’m looking forward to the holidays.)

    Dcéra: Mami, prečo robíme tento veniec?
    Mama: Vieš, zlatko, je to adventný veniec. Advent je čas pred Vianocami, keď sa tešíme a pripravujeme na Vianočné dni.
    Dcéra: Aha... a prečo má veniec tie sviečky?
    Mama: Máme tu štyri sviečky. Každá symbolizuje jednu adventnú nedeľu. Každú nedeľu zapálime jednu sviečku, až kým nebudú horieť všetky štyri.
    Dcéra: A prečo je jedna sviečka ružová a ostatné sú fialové?
    Mama: To je dobrá otázka! Tá ružová je tretia sviečka, ktorú zapálime. Volá sa "Gaudete," čo znamená „raduj sa.“ Má nám pripomenúť, že Vianoce sú už blízko a máme sa tešiť.
    Dcéra: Páči sa mi, že je ružová! A prečo je veniec zo zelených vetvičiek?
    Mama: Zelená symbolizuje život, ktorý nikdy nekončí. Takže veniec nám pripomína nádej a večnú lásku.
    Dcéra: A môžeme zapáliť všetky sviečky hneď?
    Mama: Nie, zlatko, musíme počkať! Zapálime jednu každú nedeľu, aby sme si pripomenuli, že Advent je o čakaní a postupnom príchode radosti.
    Dcéra: Tak dobre, budem trpezlivá... aspoň trošku! Ale už teraz sa teším na Sviatky.

    00:35 Introduction to the episode
    02:40 About Advent
    06:41 Fun fact 1
    09: 31 Fun fact 2
    10:52 Slovak lesson
    14:17 Vocabulary
    18:59 Dialogue
    24:40 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about traditional Slovak pig slaughter. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some Slovak words related to the today’s topic. You will also learn how to say “Not everyone can handle it“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find a few sentences talking about the Slovak pig slaughter.

    Episode notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about traditional Slovak pig slaughter. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some Slovak words related to the today’s topic. You will also learn how to say “Not everyone can handle it“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find a few sentences talking about the Slovak pig slaughter.

    Slovak lesson
    1. zabíjačka (a pig slaughter)
    2. ošípana (a pig)
    3. prasa (a pig)
    4. masť (lard)
    5. slanina (bacon)
    6. klobása (sausage)
    7. jaternica (pork sausage with rice)
    8. krvavnička (blood sausages)
    9. tlačenka(pressed pork meat, also known as head cheese)
    10. huspenina (pork jelly)
    11. udiareň (smokehouse)
    12. udiť (to smoke)

    1. V dedine u starých rodičov bola každý rok v novembri zabíjačka. (Every year in November, there was a pig slaughter in the village of my grandparents.)
    2. Skoro ráno sa na dvore zhromaždili ľudia. (Early in the morning, people gathered in the yard.)
    3. Každý mal svoju prácu. (Everyone had their job.)
    4. Nechýbal ani pohárik domácej slivovice na zahriatie a odvahu. (There was also a shot of homemade plum brandy to warm up and cheer up.)
    5. Nie každý zvládne zabíjačku. (Not everyone can handle a pig slaughter.)
    6. Je to pre silné žalúdky! (It's for strong stomachs!)
    7. Na konci dňa bolo všetko mäso rozdelené. (At the end of the day, all the meat was divided.)
    8. Klobásy, slanina a šunka sa udili v udiarni. (Sausages, bacon and ham were smoked in a smokehouse.)
    9. Kľúčom k dokonalému údeniu je správne drevo. (The key to perfect smoking is the right wood.)
    10. Zabíjačka bola omnoho viac než len o jedle. (The slaughter was much more than just food.)
    11. Bola to dôležitá spoločenská udalosť. (It was an important social event.)
    12. Nie každý to zvládne. (Not everyone can handle it.)

    00:36 Introduction to the lesson
    02:31 About Slovak pig slaughter
    10:25 Fun fact
    12:56 Slovak lesson
    16:36 Sentences
    18:15 Sentences with translation
    21:10 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about November 17 and the Velvet Revolution in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some new words from my dialogue. You will also learn how to say ”That’s enough!” and “The Gentle revolution was important“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my short dialogue talking about this peaceful revolution.

    Episode notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about November 17 and the Velvet Revolution in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some new words from my dialogue. You will also learn how to say ”That’s enough!” and “The Gentle revolution was important“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my short dialogue talking about this peaceful revolution.

    Slovak lesson
    1. Nežná revolúcia (Gentle Revolution)
    2. pokojná zmena (peaceful change)
    3. komunistický režim (communist regime)
    4. búriť sa (to riot)
    5. trestať (to punish)
    6. stretnúť sa (to meet)
    7. protestovať (to protest)
    8. napadnúť (to attack)
    9. hnevať nahnevať (to get angry)
    10. dosiahnúť (to achieve)
    11. Stačilo! (That’s enough!)
    12. Nežná revolúcia bola dôležitá. (The Gentle revolution was important.)

    Učiteľka: Dobre deti, dnes sa porozprávame o 17. novembri 1989. Viete, čo sa vtedy stalo?
    Žiačka 1: Nie, pani učiteľka. Čo sa stalo?
    Učiteľka: Bol to dôležitý deň pre našu krajinu. Vtedy začala takzvaná Nežná revolúcia. Viete, čo to znamená?
    Žiak 1: Revolúcia znamená zmena, však?
    Učiteľka: Presne tak. Nežná revolúcia bola pokojná zmena. Ľudia chceli viac slobody. Pred rokom 1989 sme žili v komunistickom režime. Komunisti kontrolovali všetko. Ľudia nemohli povedať, čo si myslia, a nemohli cestovať, kam chceli.
    Žiačka 2: Prečo sa ľudia nebúrili skôr? (Why didn't people riot earlier?)
    Učiteľka: Mnohí sa báli. Komunisti mali silu a trestali tých, ktorí nesúhlasili. Ale 17. novembra 1989 to všetko začalo. V Prahe sa študenti stretli, aby protestovali. Boli však napadnutí políciou. To nahnevalo ľudí.
    Žiak 2: A čo sa potom stalo?
    Učiteľka: Po tomto incidente začali masové protesty po celej krajine, aj na Slovensku. Ľudia už viac nemlčali. Chceli slobodu a demokraciu. Nakoniec komunisti ustúpili a odstúpili od moci.
    Žiačka 1: Bolo to bez násilia?
    Učiteľka: Áno, preto sa tomu hovorí Nežná revolúcia. Nebola to krvavá revolúcia, ako v iných krajinách. Ľudia dosiahli zmenu pokojne.
    Žiak 3: A čo sa zmenilo?
    Učiteľka: Po revolúcii sme mohli slobodne voliť, cestovať, a hovoriť, čo si myslíme. Slovensko sa stalo slobodnou krajinou. Každý rok si 17. november pripomíname ako Deň boja za slobodu a demokraciu.
    Žiačka 3: A to, že teraz môžeme ísť kam chceme, je vďaka tej revolúcii?
    Učiteľka: Áno. Vďaka ľuďom, ktorí vtedy stáli na námestiach, máme dnes slobodu. Bez nich by život vyzeral úplne inak.
    Žiak 1: Takže to bolo veľmi dôležité, že?
    Učiteľka: Presne tak. 17. november 1989 bol jedným z najdôležitejších dní v našej histórii.

    00:35 Introduction
    02:34 About November 17, 1989
    11:05 Why the Gentle Revolution matter
    13:07 Slovak lesson
    18:23 Dialogue
    21:57 Dialogue with the English translation
    28:13 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about November fun facts and some countries important dates in November. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some new words about international days and some countries’ holidays. You will also learn how to say “Fight for democracy!“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my short paragraph with a few of my thoughts on November.

    Episode notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about November fun facts and some countries important dates in November. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some new words about international days and some countries’ holidays. You will also learn how to say “Fight for democracy!“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my short paragraph with a few of my thoughts on November.

    Slovak lesson
    1. jesenný mesiac (autumn month)
    2. rímsky kalendár (Roman calendar)
    3. Veterný mesiac (Wind month)
    4. Mesiac krvi (Blood month)
    5. Mesiac bobra (Beaver moon)
    6. Berlínsky múr (The Berlin Wall)
    7. Svetový deň slobody (World Freedom Day)
    8. Svetový deň láskavosti (World Kindness Day)
    9. sloboda a demokracia (freedom and democracy)
    10. Deň boja za slobodu a demokraciu (The day of the fight for freedom and democracy)
    11. Deň vďakyvzdania (Thanksgiving Day)
    12. Bojujte za demokraciu! (Fight for democracy!)

    1. November je posledným jesenným mesiacom. (November is the last month of autumn.)
    2. November môže byť trochu nudný. (November can be a bit boring.)
    3. November sa v starom rímskom kalendári nazýval novem mensis. (November in the old Roman calendar, was called novem mensis.)
    4. Skorý rímsky kalendár mal len 10 mesiacov v roku. (Early Roman calendar had only 10 months in a year.)
    5. Anglosasovia nazvali November „Veterný mesiac“ alebo “Mesiac krvi“. (The Anglo-Saxons called November Wind Month or Blood Month.)
    6. V koloniálnych časoch sa mesiac v novembri nazýval Mesiac bobra. (Back in colonial times, the moon in November was called Beaver Moon.)
    7. Vo Veľkej Británii je 5. november Deň Guya Fawkesa. (In the UK, November 5 is Guy Fawkes Day.)
    8. V Nemecku si 9. novembra ľudia pripomínajú pád Berlínskeho múru. (In Germany, on November 9, people commemorate the fall of the Berlin Wall.)
    9. 9. november si pripomíname aj ako Svetový deň slobody. (November 9 is also remembered as World Freedom Day.)
    10. 13. november je Svetovým dňom láskavosti. (November 13 is World Kindness Day.)
    11. Na Slovensku a v Českej republike je 17. november Dňom boja za slobodu a demokraciu. (In Slovakia and Czech Republic, November 17 is Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day.)
    12. V USA sa Deň vďakyvzdania koná štvrtý štvrtok v novembri. (In the US, Thanksgiving takes place on the fourth Thursday of November.)

    00:35 Introduction to the episode
    02:35 About November
    05:03 Fun fact 1
    06:43 Fun fact 2
    10:36 Fun fact 3
    11:10 Fun fact 4
    12:23 Slovak lesson
    17:55 Sentences
    22:53 My thoughts on November
    24:15 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about All Saints' and All Souls' Day in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some new Slovak words from my dialogue. You will also learn how to say “All Saints' Day” and “All Souls' Day“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my dialogue about these holidays.

    Episode notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about All Saints' and All Souls' Day in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some new Slovak words from my vocabulary. You will also learn how to say “All Saints' Day” and “All Souls' Day“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my dialogue about these holidays.

    Slovak lesson
    1. sviatok / sviatky (holiday / holidays)
    2. kostým/ kostýmy (costume/ costumes)
    3. večierok / večierky (party / parties)
    4. sladkosť / sladkosti (sweetness / sweets)
    5. cukrík / cukríky (candy / candies)
    6. oslavovať (to celebrate)
    7. spomínať (to remember)
    8. navštevovať (to visit)
    9. cintorín (cemetery)
    10. hroby (graves)
    11. sviečky (candles)
    12. Sviatok všetkých svätých (All Saints Day)
    13. Sviatok všetkých zosnulých / Dušičky (All Souls' Day)

    Strýko: Hej, kamarát, kam sa tak ponáhľaš?
    Synovec: Idem si pripraviť kostým na Halloween. Máš rád Halloween, strýko?
    Strýko: Je to zábavné, určite. Ale na Slovensku máme iné tradície, ako Sviatok všetkých svätých a Dušičky. Vieš o nich?
    Synovec: Tak trochu. Je to ako Halloween?
    Strýko: Nie tak celkom. Halloween je o kostýmoch, večierkoch a sladkostiach. Sviatok všetkých svätých a Dušičky sú vážnejšie. Spomíname na členov rodiny a priateľov, ktorí zomreli, a všetkých svätých.
    Synovec: Takže žiadne kostýmy?
    Strýko: Nie, žiadne kostýmy. Namiesto toho chodíme na cintorín, navštevujeme hroby našich blízkych a zapaľujeme sviečky. Celé miesto žiari drobnými svetielkami.
    Synovec: Prečo ľudia zapaľujú sviečky?
    Strýko: Sviečky znamenajú, že si pamätáme ľudí, ktorých sme stratili, že sú stále s nami v našich srdciach.
    Synovec: To znie pekne. A to je všetko?
    Strýko: Po návšteve cintorína sa celá naša rodina stretne pri veľkom jedle. Je to ako naša verzia Dňa vďakyvzdania, ale bez moriaka!
    Synovec: A čo Halloween? Oslavujú ľudia na Slovensku Halloween?
    Strýko: Halloween sa stáva populárnym v školách aj v práci. Väčšina ľudí však stále považuje 1. a 2. november za dôležitejší. Tie dni sú o rodine a tradíciách, nielen o zábave a hrách.
    Synovec: Máte radšej Halloween alebo Dušičky?
    Strýko: Mám rád oboje! Halloween je zábavný, ale Deň Dušičiek má zmysel. Je to spôsob, ako si uctiť našu rodinu a zachovať tieto tradície nažive.
    Synovec: Super! Tak najprv pôjdem na Halloweenovu party a potom zapálim sviečku!

    00:34 Introduction to the episode
    02:33 About “All Saints' Day” and “All Souls' Day“
    04:37 Fun fact
    10:22 Slovak lesson
    16:43 Dialogue
    19:40 Dialogue with English translation
    24:40 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about memories from my childhood about pickling cabbage. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some new words from my kitchen vocabulary and practice more Slovak verbs in the imperative. You will also learn how to say “Bon appetite!“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my instructions on how to pickle cabbage for the winter.

    Episode Notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about memories from my childhood about pickling cabbage. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some new words from my kitchen vocabulary and practice more Slovak verbs in the imperative. You will also learn how to say “Bon appetite!“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my instructions on how to pickle cabbage for the winter.

    Slovak lesson
    1. čerstvé hlávky kapusty (fresh heads of cabbage)
    2. soľ (salt)
    3. čierne korenie (black pepper)
    4. rasca – semená (caraway seeds)
    5. kopor (dill)
    6. bobkové listy (bay leaves)
    7. malé jablká (small apples)
    8. čistý sud (clean barrel)
    9. strúhadlo na kapustu (cabbage grater)
    10. nôž na rezanie kapusty (knife for cutting cabbage)
    11. drevená doska (wooden board)
    12. ťažký kameň (na váženie) (heavy stone (as an extra weight))
    13. Dobrú chuť! Bon appetite!

    Ako nakladať kapustu na zimu
    1. Zber a čistenie kapusty
    Po zbere dôkladne očistite a umyjte hlávky kapusty.
    Odstráňte všetky poškodené listy.
    Očistenú kapustu položte na stôl alebo lavicu prikrytú čistou plachtou.
    2. Nakrájajte kapustu
    Hlavy kapusty nakrájajte na štvrtiny.
    Potom kapustu nastrúhajte na tenké prúžky.
    3. Pripravte sud
    Pred naložením kapusty, sud dôkladne očistite.
    Umyjte ho a opláchnite čistou vodou.
    Potom ho osušte uterákom.
    4. Pripravte koreniny
    Zmiešajte korenie: soľ, čierne korenie, rasca, kôpor a bobkové listy.
    Na dno suda položte niekoľko celých listov kapusty.
    5. Vrstvenie a tlačenie kapusty: (Layering and pressing cabbage)
    Nastrúhanú kapustu nakladajte do suda po vrstvách.
    Po každej vrstve navrch rovnomerne posypte zmesou korenia.
    Kapustu pevne zatlačte, aby ste odstránili vzduchové vrecká.
    6. Uzatvorte sud
    Keď je všetka kapusta v sude, prikryte ju vrstvou celých kapustných listov.
    Na vrch položte čistú drevenú dosku a potom ju zaťažte ťažkým kameňom.
    7. Doba kvasenia
    Sud prikryjeme pokrievkou a necháme na chladnom a tmavom mieste kvasiť.
    Úplné prekvasenie kyslej kapusty bude trvať asi 6 týždňov, v závislosti od teploty.
    Občas skontrolujte, či kapusta zostane ponorená, a odstráňte penu, ak sa vytvorí na povrchu.
    8. Tip na záver
    Keď je kyslá kapusta úplne vykvasená, uskladnite ju na chladnom mieste.
    Môžete ju nechať v sude alebo ju preložiť do menších nádob.

    00:35 Introduction to the episode
    02:36 Pickling cabbage - a family affair
    03:49 Fun fact 1
    08:54 Fun fact 2
    09:59 Slovak lesson
    15:30 Instructions: How to pickle cabbage
    19:30 Instructions with English translation
    25:07 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about autumn and memories from my childhood about harvesting potatoes. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn about the imperative of some Slovak reflexive verbs. You will also learn how to say “Enjoy autumn! “ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my autumn activities guide.

    Episode notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about autumn and memories from my childhood about harvesting potatoes. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn about the imperative of some Slovak reflexive verbs. You will also learn how to say “Enjoy autumn! “ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my autumn activities guide.

    Slovak lesson
    Sprievodca jesennými aktivitami (Fall Activities Guide)
    1. Odstráňte odumreté rastliny (Remove dead plants)
    2. Pohrabte opadané lístie (Rake the fallen leaves)
    3. Vysádzajte cibuľoviny ako sú tulipány a narcisy (Plant bulbs such as tulips and daffodils)
    4. Zakryte krehké rastliny proti mrazu (Cover fragile plants against frost)
    5. Vyčistite záhradnícke náradie (Clean your gardening tools)
    6. Vypustite vodu z hadice a uskladnite ju (Drain the water from the hose and store it)
    7. Upratajte vonkajšie priestory (Clean the outdoor areas)
    8. Vyčistite a uskladnite vonkajší nábytok (Clean and store outdoor furniture)
    9. Zakryte ohniská alebo grily (Cover fireplaces or grills)
    10. Vyberte sa na prechádzku (Go for a walk)
    11. Prechádzajte sa v prírode (Take a walk in nature)
    12. Oblečte sa vo vrstvách (Dress in layers)
    13. Prineste si fotoaparát alebo telefón na fotografie (Bring your camera or phone for photos)
    14. Urobte si z toho rodinný výlet! (Make it a family trip!)
    15. Povzbudzujte deti, aby zbierali farebné listy alebo žalude (Encourage children to collect colorful leaves or acorns)
    16. Užívajte si jeseň s rodinou! (Enjoy autumn with your family!)
    17. Užívajte si jeseň! (Enjoy autumn!)

    00:37 Introduction to the episode
    02:36 Autumn and harvest of potatoes
    07:10 Fun fact 1
    09:09 Fun fact 2
    10:26 Slovak lesson
    13:25 Autumn activities guide
    27:01 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about Dukla Pass Monuments in Eastern Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn how to create the imperative form of the irregular Slovak verbs and some idioms. You will also learn how to say “Leave me alone!“ in Slovak.

    Episode notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about Dukla Pass Monuments in Eastern Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn how to create the imperative form of the irregular Slovak verbs and some idioms. You will also learn how to say “Leave me alone!“ in Slovak.

    Slovak lesson
    1. Buď ticho! (Be quiet!)
    2. Buďte opatrní! (Be careful!)
    3. Choď spať! (Go to sleep!)
    4. Nechoď tam! (Don’t go there!)
    5. Nejedzte to! (Don’t eat that!)
    6. Pohni sa! (Hurry up! Literally: Make a move!)
    7. Maj sa! (Be well!)
    8. Daj pokoj! (Leave me alone! Lit. Give peace!) or: Daj mi pokoj! (Give me peace!)
    9. Neťahaj ma za nos! - Don’t pull my leg! (Literally: “Don’t pull my nose”)
    10. Nemaľuj čerta na stenu! - Talk of the devil! (Lit. “Don't paint the devil on the wall”)
    11. Daj mi pokoj! (Leave me alone!)

    00:35 Introduction to the lesson
    02:24 About the Dukla Pass monuments
    08:49 Fun fact 1
    10:09 Fun fact 2
    11:00 Slovak lesson
    15:38 Practice sentences
    19:32 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about Dukla Pass Monuments in Eastern Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn how to create the imperative form of the irregular Slovak verbs and some idioms. You will also learn how to say “Leave me alone!“ in Slovak.

    Episode notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about Dukla Pass Monuments in Eastern Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn how to create the imperative form of the irregular Slovak verbs and some idioms. You will also learn how to say “Leave me alone!“ in Slovak.

    Slovak lesson
    1. Buď ticho! (Be quiet!)
    2. Buďte opatrní! (Be careful!)
    3. Choď spať! (Go to sleep!)
    4. Nechoď tam! (Don’t go there!)
    5. Nejedzte to! (Don’t eat that!)
    6. Pohni sa! (Hurry up! Literally: Make a move!)
    7. Maj sa! (Be well!)
    8. Daj pokoj! (Leave me alone! Lit. Give peace!) or: Daj mi pokoj! (Give me peace!)
    9. Neťahaj ma za nos! - Don’t pull my leg! (Literally: “Don’t pull my nose”)
    10. Nemaľuj čerta na stenu! - Talk of the devil! (Lit. “Don't paint the devil on the wall”)
    11. Daj mi pokoj! (Leave me alone!)

    00:33 Introduction to the lesson
    02:25 About the Dukla Pass battle
    03:15 Fact about the Dukla Pass battle
    06:41 Staggering Fact
    09:49 Slovak lesson
    14:55 Short Sentences
    20:46 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC