Let’s explore a new regular Spanish verb, Cambiar, which means “to change”. We’ll get lots of practice using Cambiar and Cambiarse in a variety of real sentence contexts.
Practice all of today’s Spanish for free at LCSPodcast.com/197.
Quedar is a common Spanish verb with many different uses. Let’s explore the many different meanings of Quedar and Quedarse. We’ll get lots of spoken practice with this verb in all its common forms.
Practice all of today’s Spanish for free at LCSPodcast.com/196.
¿Faltan episodios?
Let’s use a quiz to get lots of practice with the verbs Contar and Valer, as well as our new numbers and everything else we’ve learned this week. Try to predict the Spanish, and speak out loud!
Practice all of today’s Spanish for free at LCSPodcast.com/195.
Let’s learn several new abstract nouns in Spanish, including the words for “force”, “silence”, “program”, and “law”.
Practice all of today’s Spanish for free at LCSPodcast.com/194.
Let’s learn how to count to 79 in Spanish! We’ll also learn some new ways to use numbers, including how to say “the sixties” and “the seventies” in Spanish.
Practice all of today’s Spanish for free at LCSPodcast.com/193.
Let’s learn the Spanish verb Valer. We’ll look at how it’s used in all kinds of contexts, in all its common forms, and we’ll get lots of spoken practice.
Practice all of today’s Spanish for free at LCSPodcast.com/192.
The Spanish verb Contar is very frequently used, and it means more than one thing. Let’s learn how to talk about counting, and about telling stories, in Spanish.
Practice all of today’s Spanish for free at LCSPodcast.com/191.
Let’s use a big spoken Spanish quiz to practice the verbs Preguntar and Pedir, along with our new nouns and everything else we’ve learned this week!
Practice all of today’s Spanish for free at LCSPodcast.com/190.
Today we’re going to learn some fun new nouns for physical items, including the words for “chair”, “box”, “cash”, and “salt”. We’ll also get some spoken practice quizzing with these new words in lots of different contexts.
Practice all of today’s Spanish for free at LCSPodcast.com/189.
What’s the difference in Spanish between próximo and siguiente? Let’s learn a bunch of new Spanish adjectives, including the words for “next”, “different”, and “normal”.
Practice all of today’s Spanish for free at LCSPodcast.com/188.
Why does Spanish have two verbs that mean “to ask”? Today we’ll explore the verb Pedir and how it’s used differently from Preguntar. We’ll also get lots of spoken practice using both Pedir and Preguntar in real sentence contexts.
Practice all of today’s Spanish for free at LCSPodcast.com/187.
Today we’ll learn the verb Preguntar, which means “to ask”, as well as Preguntarse, which means “to wonder”. We’ll get lots of spoken practice with both Preguntar and Preguntarse in real sentence contexts. Practice along out loud!
Practice all of today’s Spanish for free at LCSPodcast.com/186.
Let’s get lots of spoken practice with verbs Jugar, Significar, Ayudar, and Disculpar, as well as our new nouns, numbers, and everything else we’ve learned this week. Predict the Spanish and speak out loud!
Practice all of today’s Spanish for free at LCSPodcast.com/185.
Let’s learn some new nouns in Spanish, including the words for “news”, “decision”, “answer”, and “appointment”. We’ll get lots of spoken practice with these new words.
Practice all of today’s Spanish for free at LCSPodcast.com/184.
Let’s learn how to count to fifty-nine in Spanish! We’ll learn the Spanish words for forty and fifty, and we’ll get lots of practice using all of our numbers in real-life Spanish sentences.
Practice all of today’s Spanish for free at LCSPodcast.com/183.
The Spanish verb Jugar is one way to translate the English verb “play”. Let’s practice using this slightly irregular verb in a variety of contexts, including all its common conjugations.
Practice all of today’s Spanish for free at LCSPodcast.com/182.
Let’s learn the verbs Disculpar, Ayudar, and Significar, including all of their commonly used conjugations. We’ll also get lots of practice using all these verbs in real sentence contexts.
Practice all of today’s Spanish for free at LCSPodcast.com/181.
Let’s practice the verbs Perder, Comer, and Suceder, as well as everything else we’ve learned this week, using a big quiz. Try to predict the Spanish, and make sure to practice out loud!
Practice all of today’s Spanish for free at LCSPodcast.com/180.
In Spanish, are you “hungry” or do you “have hunger”? Let’s explore a bunch of Spanish nouns that can describe how you feel, including words for pain, pleasure, and pity. We’ll also get a variety of practice with these new nouns in a variety of Spanish sentences.
Practice all of today’s Spanish for free at LCSPodcast.com/179.
What’s the difference in Spanish between encima and además? Let’s learn a bunch of new Spanish adverbs, including the words for “besides”, “around”, and “including”.
Practice all of today’s Spanish for free at LCSPodcast.com/178.
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