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    This week we bring you another live episode, recorded with the most marvellous L&D Shakers in London. We were blessed to be welcomed back to where we started, The Dorchester Collection Academy, where we gathered to discuss friction in work and learning for this last episode of the series.

    We shared our three key questions with our audience, discussing the shared friction we face. So many themes we have seen over this whole podcast research bubbled up in this opportunity to share ideas and experiences from across the L&D Shakers community.

    Be sure to join Michelle for one last time, as she addresses the Learning From The Edges live podcast audience, sharing her findings and further questions sparked by this research project.

    Special thanks to Lucie Coudret and all the London L&D Shakers, and of course Beth Aarons and Scott Robson at The Dorchester Collection Academy for providing such an excellent venue for our return visit for another live podcast recording and series finale.

    Keen to join the L&D Shakers community to meet learning professional around the globe? Find out more here: L&D Shakers

    Keen to read the article mentioned on welcoming new people into the workforce? Click here; First managers: why we must get better at welcoming young people into employment

    Keen to read the original book which sparked this research podcast? Click here; The Learning and Development Handbook


    Learning from the Edges is hosted by Michelle Parry-Slater, Director, Kairos Modern Learning.

    Michelle is the author of The Learning and Development Handbook - a practical guide for all professionals looking to offer effective, efficient, enjoyable and engaging people development, but not sure where to start. This book is full of practical tips and advice. Written by a practitioner for practitioners, this is urgent reading for anyone working in people development.

    Join us with your thoughts on Twitter @LearningEdges and connect with Michelle on LinkedIn/michelleparryslater

    Purchase your copy of The Learning and Development Handbook: thelndhandbook.com

    Work with Kairos Modern Learning: kairosmodernlearning.co.uk

    Podcast production by Liam Gardner Record and Repurpose

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    This week we dive into the world of neurodiversity with our guest Mike Bedford. Did you know that 1 in 5 people have some form of neurodiversity?

    When we think about neurodiversity in the workplace, are we doing enough to ensure people are included? Mike suggests there is no one size fits all and focusing on building strong relationships that build trust is important. Ask the tough questions to include individual needs. We need to empower people to have the conversations that will help us all to get the best performance possible.

    Thanks to Mike for sharing his experiences and thought-provoking insight and practical ideas to encourage inclusion without exception.

    As ever, if you want to further the conversation with our guest, please connect with Mike using the links below:

    Mike Bedford linkedin.com/in/mikebedford

    Mike's company website beebrilliantpeople.com

    Mike's Bee Brilliant People podcast episode with Michelle Parry-Slater https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mike-bedford/episodes/Episode-13-Michelle-Parry-Slater-e1brtee/a-a7bm2ja


    Learning from the Edges is hosted by Michelle Parry-Slater, Director, Kairos Modern Learning.

    Michelle is the author of The Learning and Development Handbook - a practical guide for all professionals looking to offer effective, efficient, enjoyable and engaging people development, but not sure where to start. This book is full of practical tips and advice. Written by a practitioner for practitioners, this is urgent reading for anyone working in people development.

    Join us with your thoughts on Twitter @LearningEdges and connect with Michelle on LinkedIn/michelleparryslater

    Purchase your copy of The Learning and Development Handbook: thelndhandbook.com

    Work with Kairos Modern Learning: kairosmodernlearning.co.uk

    Podcast production by Liam Gardner Record and Repurpose

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    Be bold! In this week's conversation with guest Toby Harris from Filtered, we are encouraged to consider the big picture and take a leap, be that in experimenting with AI or considering people and culture. Skills are only possibilities, suggests Toby. Intriguing.

    As someone who has been working with artificial intelligence since before it was the buzzword of today, Toby brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, not just about the potential of AI in our industry, but also helps to identify what we need to get right before we attempt to replace our current systems to enhance productivity.

    Toby encourages us to prioritise people, processes and systems, inspired by Bruce Schneier https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2013/01/people_process.html

    Toby also mentioned John Seddon's Failure Demand and Value Demand, from Seddon's 1992 book I Want You To Cheat. amazon.co.uk/Want-You-Cheat-Unreasonable-Organisations/dp/095197310X

    Thanks to Toby for his insight this week. To further this conversation with our guest, be sure to connect with Toby Harris using the following link: linkedin.com/in/tobiasharris


    Learning from the Edges is hosted by Michelle Parry-Slater, Director, Kairos Modern Learning.

    Michelle is the author of The Learning and Development Handbook - a practical guide for all professionals looking to offer effective, efficient, enjoyable and engaging people development, but not sure where to start. This book is full of practical tips and advice. Written by a practitioner for practitioners, this is urgent reading for anyone working in people development.

    Join us with your thoughts on Twitter @LearningEdges and connect with Michelle on LinkedIn/michelleparryslater

    Purchase your copy of The Learning and Development Handbook: thelndhandbook.com

    Work with Kairos Modern Learning: kairosmodernlearning.co.uk

    Podcast production by Liam Gardner Record and Repurpose

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    When looking for solutions to friction, are we just overlooking the obvious? If we design work around the humans, if we communicate better and if we show more empathy, surely we can remove some of the unwanted friction we face? Humans are vital for the running and development of our workplaces, and creating friction free workplaces from a place of love, even in disagreement is our guest's focus.

    We are joined by the incredible Kim Tuohy, who runs Belvista Studios. Kim shares her thoughts and experiences when implementing human-centred design both for big businesses and with her own team. This episode is one of love and kindness, which offers a new lens for the Learning From The Edges research.

    Be sure to listen out for Kim's PAUSE framework that helps us to be more aware and less emotional in our reactions:

    Pause for an opportunity

    Assess what's happening

    Understand the true reality

    See a better way

    Experiment for a better outcome

    Then pause again.

    To further the conversation find Kim on the following:

    Kim Tuohy linkedin.com/in/kim-tuohy
    Website belvistastudios.com

    And finally, we are now coming to the end of our year-long research, or are we? Do you have a story about friction at work which needs to be shared? Do you have a new lens we have not looked through? Get in touch and let's talk!


    Learning from the Edges is hosted by Michelle Parry-Slater, Director, Kairos Modern Learning.

    Michelle is the author of The Learning and Development Handbook - a practical guide for all professionals looking to offer effective, efficient, enjoyable and engaging people development, but not sure where to start. This book is full of practical tips and advice. Written by a practitioner for practitioners, this is urgent reading for anyone working in people development.

    Join us with your thoughts on Twitter @LearningEdges and connect with Michelle on LinkedIn/michelleparryslater

    Purchase your copy of The Learning and Development Handbook: thelndhandbook.com

    Work with Kairos Modern Learning: kairosmodernlearning.co.uk

    Podcast production by Liam Gardner Record and Repurpose

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    When designing your workplace, are you thinking about the friction?

    Maybe you are tempted to remove as much of it as possible?

    Or could it be that you actually look to keep points of conflict to help you strive for success?

    Intentional design is a difficult question to answer, which is why I was so pleased to have the co-authors of Employee Experience By Design join me to discuss how we think about friction when we design work.

    Friction can be described as a force for good, helping you to embrace the challenges work throws at you, allowing you, your colleagues and the wider business to improve; yet the other side of the coin will tell you that friction is that resistance, stopping you from making meaningful change because of the difficulties we face.

    As ever, to continue the discussion with our guests be sure to find their contact details below; and if you're keen to learn more, why not grab a copy of their excellent book, now in its 2nd edition.

    Belinda Gannaway linkedin.com/in/belindagannaway

    Emma Bridger linkedin.com/in/emmabridger

    Employee Experience By Design by Emma Bridger & Belinda Gannaway, published by Kogan Page https://www.koganpage.com/hr-learning-development/employee-experience-by-design-9781398614369


    Learning from the Edges is hosted by Michelle Parry-Slater, Director, Kairos Modern Learning.

    Michelle is the author of The Learning and Development Handbook - a practical guide for all professionals looking to offer effective, efficient, enjoyable and engaging people development, but not sure where to start. This book is full of practical tips and advice. Written by a practitioner for practitioners, this is urgent reading for anyone working in people development.

    Join us with your thoughts on Twitter @LearningEdges and connect with Michelle on LinkedIn/michelleparryslater

    Purchase your copy of The Learning and Development Handbook: thelndhandbook.com

    Work with Kairos Modern Learning: kairosmodernlearning.co.uk

    Podcast production by Liam Gardner Record and Repurpose

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    We all want to be more Happy at work; how can we achieve this with the different friction that keeps occurring? This week's guest has the answer as he talks through his own personal move to managers as coaches in a flattened hierarchy. Join us as we discover the secrets shared by perhaps the happiest CEO of all, Henry Stewart of Happy.

    You can continue the conversation by contacting today's guest Henry Stewart here:


    [email protected].uk


    Resources mentioned:

    Henry Stewart Happy Manifesto happymanifesto.com
    David Marquet Turn The Ship Around davidmarquet.com/turn-the-ship-around-book
    There is also an RSA animate of David Marquet's thoughts youtube.com/watch?v=OqmdLcyES_Q
    Ricardo Semler Maverick semcostyle.com/ricardosemler
    Liz Wiseman Multipliers: How the best leaders make everyone smarter thewisemangroup.com/books/multipliers
    Frederic Laloux Reinventing Organisations www.reinventingorganizations.com
    Equal Experts' Advice Process equalexperts.com/blog/ee-life/introducing-the-advice-process-playbook
    Joost Minnaar & Pim De Morree Corporate Rebels: Makes Work More Fun www.corporate-rebels.com
    Buurtzorg Podcast open.spotify.com/show/4emXR60SvkvYmUnCq3jnvK?si=a700297b90f84f9b
    Project Oxygen by Google hbr.org/2013/12/how-google-sold-its-engineers-on-management
    Beware of HiPPOs forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2017/10/26/data-driven-decision-making-beware-of-the-hippo-effect


    Learning from the Edges is hosted by Michelle Parry-Slater, Director, Kairos Modern Learning.

    Michelle is the author of The Learning and Development Handbook - a practical guide for all professionals looking to offer effective, efficient, enjoyable and engaging people development, but not sure where to start. This book is full of practical tips and advice. Written by a practitioner for practitioners, this is urgent reading for anyone working in people development.

    Join us with your thoughts on Twitter @LearningEdges and connect with Michelle on LinkedIn/michelleparryslater

    Purchase your copy of The Learning and Development Handbook: thelndhandbook.com

    Work with Kairos Modern Learning: kairosmodernlearning.co.uk

    Podcast production by Liam Gardner Record and Repurpose

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    This week we take you back to the classroom as we discuss and explore the frictions within the UK education sector.

    In this wide-ranging conversation with a teacher, Jamie Slater, and a home-schooling parent, Amy Brann, we explore the real races in education.

    Jamie is a fantastic educator (but I am biased, as Jamie is also my husband), who shares his insights from working in education with strict government guidance. He also uses his love of his area of expertise to teach classes more effectively, preparing young people with life skills for work.

    Amy has explored the world of home schooling and shares the way her approach to feeding curiosity has helped to grow a love of learning in her daughter that we can all aspire to.

    Our guests help us to consider many questions which link education and workplaces. Why do we seek to teach how to absorb and recall knowledge, especially now with the advances of AI?
    Should we nurture an explorative curiosity where students are encouraged to follow lines of interest in what they are learning about?
    Stifled by the system, is it workplace expectations which are holding the education sector back?

    For all these and more, listen in and then take the conversation further by following our guests via the links below.
    Jamie Slater linkedin.com/in/jamie-slater-32a83948
    Amy Brann linkedin.com/in/amybrann


    Learning from the Edges is hosted by Michelle Parry-Slater, Director, Kairos Modern Learning.

    Michelle is the author of The Learning and Development Handbook - a practical guide for all professionals looking to offer effective, efficient, enjoyable and engaging people development, but not sure where to start. This book is full of practical tips and advice. Written by a practitioner for practitioners, this is urgent reading for anyone working in people development.

    Join us with your thoughts on Twitter @LearningEdges and connect with Michelle on LinkedIn/michelleparryslater

    Purchase your copy of The Learning and Development Handbook: thelndhandbook.com

    Work with Kairos Modern Learning: kairosmodernlearning.co.uk

    Podcast production by Liam Gardner Record and Repurpose

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    This week we dive into the subject of sustainability in L&D, why it matters to absolutely everyone, and how L&Ders can impact the bigger needs of the business. Sustainability is not a simple decision to put on another round of face to face workshops or choose to move online. There is a lot more nuance to the situation which our guests Tess & Rob walk us through.

    Founders of award winning learning provider LAS and founders of the Green L&D community on LinkedIn. Tess Robinson & Rob Hubbard are two brilliant brains who share some fantastic insights and experiences into how they create effective solutions to delivering what is needed and not just what is requested.

    If you are interested in hearing more from Tess & Rob on Green L&D be sure to join their Linked In Community, Green L&D linkedin.com/groups/12660009.

    You can also hear Tess & Rob speak on L&D Sustainability at the Learning Technologies Conference in London in April 2024 https://www.learningtechnologies.co.uk/

    If you're ready to further the conversation directly with our guests from this episode, use the links below to find out more using the following links:

    Tess Robinson linkedin.com/in/tessrobinson1

    Rob Hubbard linkedin.com/in/robhubbard16

    LAS linkedin.com/company/learningage-solutions-ltd

    Note: This podcast was recorded in September 2023 following a heat wave in the UK.


    Learning from the Edges is hosted by Michelle Parry-Slater, Director, Kairos Modern Learning.

    Michelle is the author of The Learning and Development Handbook - a practical guide for all professionals looking to offer effective, efficient, enjoyable and engaging people development, but not sure where to start. This book is full of practical tips and advice. Written by a practitioner for practitioners, this is urgent reading for anyone working in people development.

    Join us with your thoughts on Twitter @LearningEdges and connect with Michelle on LinkedIn/michelleparryslater

    Purchase your copy of The Learning and Development Handbook: thelndhandbook.com

    Work with Kairos Modern Learning: kairosmodernlearning.co.uk

    Podcast production by Liam Gardner Record and Repurpose

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    This week Michelle speaks with Doug Shaw, who shares his views and experiences from the various roles he has and continues to play from outside of organisations looking in.

    By giving voice to those who need to be heard, Doug talks about whether you are a consultant or an internal voice, it’s important to value the vital skill of listening, not just to pause and reply. Doug encourages us with a variety of suggestions to pause and be present to be more effective in our work.

    Connect with Doug on Linked In www.linkedin.com/in/dougshaw1

    Doug also invites you to join him in taking the moment to invest in yourself this Leap Day 29th February 2024. Follow Doug, and your curiosity, to try something different. Click here for details:

    For those keen to learn more about Enso, which Doug references during the episode, learn more here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ens%C5%8D

    There are a few shout outs in this episode:
    Elizabeth Day's How to Fail podcast with Claudia Winkleman in this episode: open.spotify.com/episode/68PqGTCWYDoBLTorz5OE1C?si=c6ad50c4402a4270

    David Pearl's Street Wisdom: streetwisdom.org

    Meg Peppin with Nancy Kline's Thinking Environment:

    Neil Usher & Doug Shaw collab: consultingartist.com/engagement/human-resource-a-song-about-work


    Learning from the Edges is hosted by Michelle Parry-Slater, Director, Kairos Modern Learning.

    Michelle is the author of The Learning and Development Handbook - a practical guide for all professionals looking to offer effective, efficient, enjoyable and engaging people development, but not sure where to start. This book is full of practical tips and advice. Written by a practitioner for practitioners, this is urgent reading for anyone working in people development.

    Join us with your thoughts on Twitter @LearningEdges and connect with Michelle on LinkedIn/michelleparryslater

    Purchase your copy of The Learning and Development Handbook: thelndhandbook.com

    Work with Kairos Modern Learning: kairosmodernlearning.co.uk

    Podcast production by Liam Gardner Record and Repurpose

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    Welcome back to the first Learning From the Edges podcast episode of 2024!

    We hope you've had a good start to the year and wonder if you have made learning your priority?

    We can all learn something new, from the experienced expert to the new, fresh perspective thinker. Let's start with considering a couple of questions that come from within this episode.

    How do we build relationships at work?

    What judgements and assumptions do we make about what people want to give and take away from work?

    This week you are in for a treat as host Michelle is joined by Deeksha Hegde, one of the inspiring Learning Technologies 30 under 30 cohort from 2023. Together they dive in, to explore the friction that surround us at work. Deeksha shares her insights into organisational culture and how we treat each other whilst completing tasks, giving and receiving feedback.

    If you wish to further the discussion, please do connect with Deeksha on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/deeksha-hegde


    Learning from the Edges is hosted by Michelle Parry-Slater, Director, Kairos Modern Learning.

    Michelle is the author of The Learning and Development Handbook - a practical guide for all professionals looking to offer effective, efficient, enjoyable and engaging people development, but not sure where to start. This book is full of practical tips and advice. Written by a practitioner for practitioners, this is urgent reading for anyone working in people development.

    Join us with your thoughts on Twitter @LearningEdges and connect with Michelle on LinkedIn/michelleparryslater

    Purchase your copy of The Learning and Development Handbook: thelndhandbook.com

    Work with Kairos Modern Learning: kairosmodernlearning.co.uk

    Podcast production by Liam Gardner Record and Repurpose

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    Thank you for listening to the Learning From The Edges Podcast during 2023. As with everything it's important to pause and take a moment to reflect. No better time of year to do that than the Christmas break.

    This week Michelle takes a moment to thank you for listening. She starts to look at some of the themes which are emerging from this podcast. Plus she encourages you to do your own reflection, expand your network and set yourself a learning challenge for 2024. Remember that we can learn more from the friction in work by considering the different people involved and their perspectives.

    As a member of the Learning From The Edges podcast community, we would love to hear what you have taken from this project and where you think we should go from here. Drop Michelle at email with your thoughts, or connect on LinkedIn - be sure to mention the podcast in your connection message.

    Thanks once again for joining us throughout this series, recorded in 2023. We look forward to speaking with you in the next episode when we're back from our festive break and resuming our regular schedule in 2024.


    Learning from the Edges is hosted by Michelle Parry-Slater, Director, Kairos Modern Learning.

    Michelle is the author of The Learning and Development Handbook - a practical guide for all professionals looking to offer effective, efficient, enjoyable and engaging people development, but not sure where to start. This book is full of practical tips and advice. Written by a practitioner for practitioners, this is urgent reading for anyone working in people development.

    Join us with your thoughts on Twitter @LearningEdges and connect with Michelle on LinkedIn/michelleparryslater

    Purchase your copy of The Learning and Development Handbook: thelndhandbook.com

    Work with Kairos Modern Learning: kairosmodernlearning.co.uk

    Podcast production by Liam Gardner Record and Repurpose

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    In this enlightening episode of the Learning from the Edges Podcast, our host Michelle engages in a thought-provoking conversation with seasoned experts Sharon Green and Tom Robinson.

    Together, they delve into the intricate world of interim team members, unravelling the unique dynamics that define their employment and exploring how these individuals can be invaluable assets to organisations, easing frictions.

    Join us as we unravel the strategic advantages that interim teams bring to the table, shedding light on the transformative perspectives that come with their temporary yet impactful presence.

    From navigating change to decoding the untold stories of ephemeral excellence, this episode promises a deep dive into the world of transient talent and its crucial role in shaping organisational success. Tune in for a compelling exploration of the strategic advantage that interim team members bring to the forefront of business evolution.

    Sharon Green linkedin.com/in/sharongreenchiara

    Tom Robinson linkedin.com/in/talenttom

    Sharon's community is The HR Interim Networking community It’s for people professionals wannabe, soon–to-be or actually working as freelancers, contractors, coaches, interims and independent peeps. There are lots of other communities too, which are signposted from time to time to members.

    Other links referenced in this week's episode:

    IIM - The Institute of Interim Management - and here’s their annual survey. They also have a community on Linked In called – The Voice of Interim Management – with interims and agencies on it.

    The Association of Professional Interims, provides the ‘what is a professional interim quote’ interim-management-purchasing.co.uk/assoc-professional-interims.html

    IPSE is another organisation recommend for freelancers and the EO Executives report provided us with some useful statistics.


    Learning from the Edges is hosted by Michelle Parry-Slater, Director, Kairos Modern Learning.

    Michelle is the author of The Learning and Development Handbook - a practical guide for all professionals looking to offer effective, efficient, enjoyable and engaging people development, but not sure where to start. This book is full of practical tips and advice. Written by a practitioner for practitioners, this is urgent reading for anyone working in people development.

    Join us with your thoughts on Twitter @LearningEdges and connect with Michelle on LinkedIn/michelleparryslater

    Purchase your copy of The Learning and Development Handbook: thelndhandbook.com

    Work with Kairos Modern Learning: kairosmodernlearning.co.uk

    Podcast production by Liam Gardner Record and Repurpose

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    Welcome to this episode that is charged ready to challenge traditional notions of leadership and learning. Join Michelle and Julian Stodd, as they delve into the importance of cultivating trust, compassion, and understanding within leadership, exploring how these qualities can transform the development of individuals within a business.

    In a world that is constantly evolving, where uncertainty is the only constant, we discuss why it's crucial for our leaders, and Learning and Development experts to embrace the chaos of learning.

    Dive into the insights Julian and Michelle explore from how to champion new ways of thinking to fostering an environment that encourages innovation and growth.

    Consider how we can challenge the notion that learning should follow a singular, uniform approach. Instead, we advocate for recognising the individuality of the learning journey and understanding the unique needs of each team member.

    To further the discussion with Julian, find him on Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/julian-stodd-6774377

    Julian refers to his many books and publications throughout the podcast. You can find them here seasaltlearning.com/books


    Learning from the Edges is hosted by Michelle Parry-Slater, Director, Kairos Modern Learning.

    Michelle is the author of The Learning and Development Handbook - a practical guide for all professionals looking to offer effective, efficient, enjoyable and engaging people development, but not sure where to start. This book is full of practical tips and advice. Written by a practitioner for practitioners, this is urgent reading for anyone working in people development.

    Join us with your thoughts on Twitter @LearningEdges and connect with Michelle on LinkedIn/michelleparryslater

    Purchase your copy of The Learning and Development Handbook: thelndhandbook.com

    Work with Kairos Modern Learning: kairosmodernlearning.co.uk

    Podcast production by Liam Gardner Record and Repurpose

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    Welcome to episode 17 of Learning from The Edges. You join us this week as we explore the concept of learning from outside of work. Inviting us to look wider, our guests unravel the impact of untapped potential in our learning from our adjacent communities within the professional sphere.

    Discover how individuals can break free from the constraints of job descriptions and harness the wealth of knowledge gained outside the workplace, turning personal experiences into powerful assets we can use at work. From unlearning and its significance in our everyday lives to what we get from our communities, our panel discussions go beyond traditional learning approaches, encouraging a dynamic mindset that values curiosity, continuous learning, and adaptation.

    Whether you're a seasoned Learning and Development professional or someone navigating the challenges of increasing productivity at your organisation, this podcast provides practical insights, real-world examples to help get you started on a journey of growth and transformation.

    To dive in further to the benefits of learning from your adjacent communities, be sure to check out the book co-authored by David and Steve.

    Adjacent Learning by David Hayden & Steve George, published by Kogan Page

    Link: koganpage.com/product/adjacent-learning-9781398608238

    Or reach out to our guests using the following contact details;

    David Hayden linkedin.com/in/david-hayden-8176919
    Steve George linkedin.com/in/steve-george-frsa-assoc-cipd-gmbpss-1a80931b


    Learning from the Edges is hosted by Michelle Parry-Slater, Director, Kairos Modern Learning.

    Michelle is the author of The Learning and Development Handbook - a practical guide for all professionals looking to offer effective, efficient, enjoyable and engaging people development, but not sure where to start. This book is full of practical tips and advice. Written by a practitioner for practitioners, this is urgent reading for anyone working in people development.

    Join us with your thoughts on Twitter @LearningEdges and connect with Michelle on LinkedIn/michelleparryslater

    Purchase your copy of The Learning and Development Handbook: thelndhandbook.com

    Work with Kairos Modern Learning: kairosmodernlearning.co.uk

    Podcast production by Liam Gardner Record and Repurpose

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    Join us this week as we explore the thought-provoking episode discussing the transformative power of transparency and how building open and collaborative structures within the workplace can help us reach 'Transparent Horizons'. Surely by fostering a culture of openness and honesty can revolutionise the way we work and collaborate?

    As well as the theory, we were interested in how this works practically. In our longest episode to date, we delve into real-world examples, providing insights into the challenges and triumphs of organisations that have successfully embraced transparency in their working practices.

    Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your journey in work, this episode equips you with actionable insights to create workplaces that thrive on openness, trust, and collaboration. Tune in to for a guide on reshaping your organisation's structure for a more connected and empowered working community.

    If you want to further the discussion with one of our guests, please find them using the following links.

    Lisa Gill linkedin.com/in/lisa-gill-23815a4

    Dave Hewett linkedin.com/in/dave-hewett-b97609

    Perry Timms linkedin.com/in/perrytimms


    Learning from the Edges is hosted by Michelle Parry-Slater, Director, Kairos Modern Learning.

    Michelle is the author of The Learning and Development Handbook - a practical guide for all professionals looking to offer effective, efficient, enjoyable and engaging people development, but not sure where to start. This book is full of practical tips and advice. Written by a practitioner for practitioners, this is urgent reading for anyone working in people development.

    Join us with your thoughts on Twitter @LearningEdges and connect with Michelle on LinkedIn/michelleparryslater

    Purchase your copy of The Learning and Development Handbook: thelndhandbook.com

    Work with Kairos Modern Learning: kairosmodernlearning.co.uk

    Podcast production by Liam Gardner Record and Repurpose

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    Welcome to this second bonus episode of the Learning From The Edges podcast, where we're switching the format to hear from regular host Michelle as she is interviewed for an article in the Belgian Learning and Development Training Newspaper.

    In this interview by Robbert Flyppo, we continue from bonus episode 1 to explore our perspectives on learning culture, uncovering practical strategies, and highlight learning culture's pivotal role in organisational growth and employee development.

    Whilst not originally recorded for a podcast, we felt the insights and ideas complement both Michelle's live Keynote at Stimulearning's L&D Talks, and Robbert's magazine article. As multi-modal learning options are part of a socialised learning culture, we are living our truth by sharing this second episode as a deviation from the usual pod.

    Below are links to the full article, the interviewer and other resources that were mentioned in the creation of this episode.

    This interview was recorded to produce an article for the Belgian magazine Leren & Ontwikkelen Opleidingskrant Volume 17 Edition 61 (Learning and Development Training Newspaper). The article can be found on pages 31-33 at this link www.bedrijfsopleidingen.be/documenten/opleidingskrant/opleidingskrant_nl61.pdf

    The interviewer is Robbert Flypo www.linkedin.com/in/robbert-flypo-042907141

    Robbert is a senior L&D Specialist at Paulig, an international company in the food industry. A teacher who, after his studies, didn’t find the way back to school and instead started his journey in the wondrous world of L&D. His mission: to spice up ‘a life full of flavour’ with lifelong learning using practical know-how and empowering local teams. His current focus is improving the on-the-job training across all Paulig production sites.

    Also mentioned in the recording are:

    Sarah Nicholl Learning Habits

    David Marquet Turn The Ship Around

    Nigel Harrison Performance Consulting

    Frederic Laloux Reinventing


    Learning from the Edges is hosted by Michelle Parry-Slater, Director, Kairos Modern Learning.

    Michelle is the author of The Learning and Development Handbook - a practical guide for all professionals looking to offer effective, efficient, enjoyable and engaging people development, but not sure where to start. This book is full of practical tips and advice. Written by a practitioner for practitioners, this is urgent reading for anyone working in people development.

    Join us with your thoughts on Twitter @LearningEdges and connect with Michelle on LinkedIn/michelleparryslater

    Purchase your copy of The Learning and Development Handbook: thelndhandbook.com

    Work with Kairos Modern Learning: kairosmodernlearning.co.uk

    Podcast production by Liam Gardner Record and Repurpose

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    Welcome to this first bonus episode of Learning From The Edges podcast. We are switching the format to hear from podcast host Michelle Parry-Slater as she's interviewed by Robbert Flyppo ahead of her Keynote on Learning Culture at Stimulearning's L&D Talks.

    In this interview, for the Belgian Learning and Development Training Newspaper, we explore our perspectives on learning culture, uncovering practical strategies, and highlight learning culture's pivotal role in organisational growth and employee development.

    Not originally recorded for a podcast, we felt the insights and ideas complement both the live Keynote and Robbert's article. As multi-modal learning options are part of a socialised learning culture, we're living our truth by sharing this episode as a deviation from the usual pod.

    This is part 1 of a longer conversation, so be sure to listen to bonus episode 2 as well. Below are links that were mentioned in the creation of this episode.

    This interview was recorded to produce an article for the Belgian magazine Leren & Ontwikkelen Opleidingskrant Volume 17 Edition 61 (Learning and Development Training Newspaper).

    The article features on pages 31-33 www.bedrijfsopleidingen.be/documenten/opleidingskrant/opleidingskrant_nl61.pdf

    The interviewer is Robbert Flypo

    Robbert is a senior L&D Specialist at Paulig, an international company in the food industry. A teacher who, after his studies, didn’t find the way back to school and instead started his journey in the wondrous world of L&D. His mission: to spice up ‘a life full of flavour’ with lifelong learning using practical know-how and empowering local teams. His current focus is improving the on-the-job training across all Paulig production sites.

    Also mentioned in the recording are:

    Sarah Nicholl Learning Habits

    David Marquet Turn The Ship Around

    Nigel Harrison Performance Consulting

    Frederic La


    Learning from the Edges is hosted by Michelle Parry-Slater, Director, Kairos Modern Learning.

    Michelle is the author of The Learning and Development Handbook - a practical guide for all professionals looking to offer effective, efficient, enjoyable and engaging people development, but not sure where to start. This book is full of practical tips and advice. Written by a practitioner for practitioners, this is urgent reading for anyone working in people development.

    Join us with your thoughts on Twitter @LearningEdges and connect with Michelle on LinkedIn/michelleparryslater

    Purchase your copy of The Learning and Development Handbook: thelndhandbook.com

    Work with Kairos Modern Learning: kairosmodernlearning.co.uk

    Podcast production by Liam Gardner Record and Repurpose

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    Join us in a thought-provoking conversation as we unravel the potential and pitfalls of personality profiling tools in Learning and Development. While these tools offer valuable insights, we'll explore why relying on them alone can be limiting. Is it a case of 'don't box me in' or do they set people free to be themselves?

    This week we challenge our thinking towards a holistic approach that combines profiling tools with a deeper understanding of individuals, ensuring development practitioners make informed decisions that go beyond mere judgments and truly enhance personal and professional development.

    Further the discussion with our guest experts, who can be found here:

    Teresa Rose https://www.linkedin.com/in/teresar/

    Lucinda Carney https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucindacarney/

    Sukh Pabial https://www.linkedin.com/in/sukhvinder-pabial/


    Learning from the Edges is hosted by Michelle Parry-Slater, Director, Kairos Modern Learning.

    Michelle is the author of The Learning and Development Handbook - a practical guide for all professionals looking to offer effective, efficient, enjoyable and engaging people development, but not sure where to start. This book is full of practical tips and advice. Written by a practitioner for practitioners, this is urgent reading for anyone working in people development.

    Join us with your thoughts on Twitter @LearningEdges and connect with Michelle on LinkedIn/michelleparryslater

    Purchase your copy of The Learning and Development Handbook: thelndhandbook.com

    Work with Kairos Modern Learning: kairosmodernlearning.co.uk

    Podcast production by Liam Gardner Record and Repurpose

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    Work is a big part of our everyday lives but we all have to live with the impact of how we feel and respond in our day to day roles. In this podcast we think about how people are beyond the desk they sit at.

    People often face increasing challenges which can affect their mental health. Businesses are looking for better ways to support staff with the balancing act of life and work. How can we all achieve a healthier work-life balance?

    In time for World Mental Health Day on 10th October, join us as we discuss the impact of friction in work on mental health with Anita Guru.

    Anita has a background in Occupational Psychology and has worked in Leadership, Talent and Organisational Development for nearly 20 years. Anita has herself been on a personal journey with mental illness. Since her recovery she has been raising awareness around mental health to break the stigma in the workplace and open up the conversation for others who may be struggling.

    Find Anita using the following links:

    www.anitagurumindcoach.com | Email [email protected] | www.linkedin.com/in/anitaguru | Instagram - _themindcoach_

    Other useful links if you, or someone you know, is struggling with their mental health:


    Learning from the Edges is hosted by Michelle Parry-Slater, Director, Kairos Modern Learning.

    Michelle is the author of The Learning and Development Handbook - a practical guide for all professionals looking to offer effective, efficient, enjoyable and engaging people development, but not sure where to start. This book is full of practical tips and advice. Written by a practitioner for practitioners, this is urgent reading for anyone working in people development.

    Join us with your thoughts on Twitter @LearningEdges and connect with Michelle on LinkedIn/michelleparryslater

    Purchase your copy of The Learning and Development Handbook: thelndhandbook.com

    Work with Kairos Modern Learning: kairosmodernlearning.co.uk

    Podcast production by Liam Gardner Record and Repurpose

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    In the dynamic landscape of modern education and training, Learning and Development practitioners face a variety of challenge and friction.

    Join us on this week's Learning From the Edges podcast as we speak with Gary Cookson and Jo Cook about delivering learning experiences. We discuss it's not all about the delivery, but how we are able to cater for our learners, giving them the best access and environment to learn.

    If you are keen to learn more about Gary's work you can find his book Hybrid Learning here: https://www.koganpage.com/product/hr-for-hybrid-working-9781398605725

    For resources from Jo, including her research reports and more on digital body language, click here: https://lightbulbmoment.info/topresources/

    Or to further the conversation with either Gary or Jo, use the links below.
    Gary: www.linkedin.com/in/garycookson
    Jo: www.linkedin.com/in/jocooklightbulb


    Learning from the Edges is hosted by Michelle Parry-Slater, Director, Kairos Modern Learning.

    Michelle is the author of The Learning and Development Handbook - a practical guide for all professionals looking to offer effective, efficient, enjoyable and engaging people development, but not sure where to start. This book is full of practical tips and advice. Written by a practitioner for practitioners, this is urgent reading for anyone working in people development.

    Join us with your thoughts on Twitter @LearningEdges and connect with Michelle on LinkedIn/michelleparryslater

    Purchase your copy of The Learning and Development Handbook: thelndhandbook.com

    Work with Kairos Modern Learning: kairosmodernlearning.co.uk

    Podcast production by Liam Gardner Record and Repurpose