In the aftermath of unleashing the Elder Tempest the party finds themselves in a place out of time. While sleep comes easy, the dreams that follow make the night restless...
Gain access to an exclusive campaign, Shroud Over Saltmarsh, over on Patreon: https://legendsofavantris.com/patreon
The Crooked Moon, a folk horror supplement for 5e, is available for preorder! Get the Crooked Moon at: https://thecrookedmoon.com/
Watch more D&D adventures in the world of Avantris live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/legendsofavantris
Check out our merch store: https://shop.legendsofavantris.com
Join our community on Discord: https://legendsofavantris.com/discord
Watch our many campaigns on YouTube: https://legendsofavantris.com/youtube
All other links: https://linktr.ee/legendsofavantris
Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/5C2_RTyA960?si=dBmEDKnVklBoOyF0
Equipped with magical protection the heroes embark what may be their last quest...
Gain access to an exclusive campaign, Shroud Over Saltmarsh, over on Patreon: https://legendsofavantris.com/patreon
The Crooked Moon, a folk horror supplement for 5e, is available for preorder! Get the Crooked Moon at: https://thecrookedmoon.com/
Watch more D&D adventures in the world of Avantris live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/legendsofavantris
Check out our merch store: https://shop.legendsofavantris.com
Join our community on Discord: https://legendsofavantris.com/discord
Watch our many campaigns on YouTube: https://legendsofavantris.com/youtube
All other links: https://linktr.ee/legendsofavantris
Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/ht2-ttV_lF8?si=F4uA7tqdjeUpaLwC
¿Faltan episodios?
A madcap holiday one-shot in the Feywild!
Gain access to an exclusive campaign, Shroud Over Saltmarsh, over on Patreon: https://legendsofavantris.com/patreon
The Crooked Moon, a folk horror supplement for 5e, is available for preorder! Get the Crooked Moon at: https://thecrookedmoon.com/
Watch more D&D adventures in the world of Avantris live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/legendsofavantris
Check out our merch store: https://shop.legendsofavantris.com
Join our community on Discord: https://legendsofavantris.com/discord
Watch our many campaigns on YouTube: https://legendsofavantris.com/youtube
All other links: https://linktr.ee/legendsofavantris
Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/yzao7LqNRfY?si=cF8xFEmBCb-rVgOJ
Only just recovering from the dramatic events our heroes just witnessed, everything and everyone is called into question. Their very lives depend on the critical choices they must now make.
Gain access to an exclusive campaign, Shroud Over Saltmarsh, over on Patreon: https://legendsofavantris.com/patreon
The Crooked Moon, a folk horror supplement for 5e, is available for preorder! Get the Crooked Moon at: https://thecrookedmoon.com/
Watch more D&D adventures in the world of Avantris live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/legendsofavantris
Check out our merch store: https://shop.legendsofavantris.com
Join our community on Discord: https://legendsofavantris.com/discord
Watch our many campaigns on YouTube: https://legendsofavantris.com/youtube
All other links: https://linktr.ee/legendsofavantris
Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/s0gwxKvBrBc?si=_CMJthizj0GZ9AKn
The Vagabonds reunite at a feast turned daring escape...
Gain access to an exclusive campaign, Shroud Over Saltmarsh, over on Patreon: https://legendsofavantris.com/patreon
The Crooked Moon, a folk horror supplement for 5e, is available for preorder! Get the Crooked Moon at: https://thecrookedmoon.com/
Watch more D&D adventures in the world of Avantris live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/legendsofavantris
Check out our merch store: https://shop.legendsofavantris.com
Join our community on Discord: https://legendsofavantris.com/discord
Watch our many campaigns on YouTube: https://legendsofavantris.com/youtube
All other links: https://linktr.ee/legendsofavantris
Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/Vif7t0Cv65k?si=61LSWHJySVdTlL-r
Toa stands in single combat against his lifelong rival...
Gain access to an exclusive campaign, Shroud Over Saltmarsh, over on Patreon: https://legendsofavantris.com/patreon
The Crooked Moon, a folk horror supplement for 5e, is available for preorder! Get the Crooked Moon at: https://thecrookedmoon.com/
Watch more D&D adventures in the world of Avantris live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/legendsofavantris
Check out our merch store: https://shop.legendsofavantris.com
Join our community on Discord: https://legendsofavantris.com/discord
Watch our many campaigns on YouTube: https://legendsofavantris.com/youtube
All other links: https://linktr.ee/legendsofavantris
Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/wPMHJk6pMiE?si=BFxpuxc547JCQuKB
Sleep turns to a shared dream for our heroes. After a LONG rest, the party outfits themselves for the masquerade...
Gain access to an exclusive campaign, Shroud Over Saltmarsh, over on Patreon: https://legendsofavantris.com/patreon
The Crooked Moon, a folk horror supplement for 5e, is available for preorder! Get the Crooked Moon at: https://thecrookedmoon.com/
Watch more D&D adventures in the world of Avantris live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/legendsofavantris
Check out our merch store: https://shop.legendsofavantris.com
Join our community on Discord: https://legendsofavantris.com/discord
Watch our many campaigns on YouTube: https://legendsofavantris.com/youtube
All other links: https://linktr.ee/legendsofavantris
Watch the full episode here:
The Krew makes a daring escape from an unexpected visitor...
Gain access to an exclusive campaign, Shroud Over Saltmarsh, over on Patreon: https://legendsofavantris.com/patreon
The Crooked Moon, a folk horror supplement for 5e, is available for preorder! Get the Crooked Moon at: https://thecrookedmoon.com/
Watch more D&D adventures in the world of Avantris live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/legendsofavantris
Check out our merch store: https://shop.legendsofavantris.com
Join our community on Discord: https://legendsofavantris.com/discord
Watch our many campaigns on YouTube: https://legendsofavantris.com/youtube
All other links: https://linktr.ee/legendsofavantris
Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/TK9b4MUVdlY?si=Wr6pJRIfguS7VEev
CLOWNS IN SPAAAAAAACE! Chuckles the Space Clown and his companions of space-faring adventurers took a simple job on a salvage ship, but get in way over their heads and uncover a new threat that could threaten the Astral Sea itself!
Gain access to an exclusive campaign, Shroud Over Saltmarsh, over on Patreon: https://legendsofavantris.com/patreon
The Crooked Moon, a folk horror supplement for 5e, is available for preorder! Get the Crooked Moon at: https://thecrookedmoon.com/
Watch more D&D adventures in the world of Avantris live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/legendsofavantris
Check out our merch store: https://shop.legendsofavantris.com
Join our community on Discord: https://legendsofavantris.com/discord
Watch our many campaigns on YouTube: https://legendsofavantris.com/youtube
All other links: https://linktr.ee/legendsofavantris
Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/oNGu5u_kN50?si=_VSzXagEwkcBpdUg
With two members captured the remaining vagabond's cook up a crazy plan...
Gain access to an exclusive campaign, Shroud Over Saltmarsh, over on Patreon: https://legendsofavantris.com/patreon
The Crooked Moon, a folk horror supplement for 5e, is available for preorder! Get the Crooked Moon at: https://thecrookedmoon.com/
Watch more D&D adventures in the world of Avantris live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/legendsofavantris
Check out our merch store: https://shop.legendsofavantris.com
Join our community on Discord: https://legendsofavantris.com/discord
Watch our many campaigns on YouTube: https://legendsofavantris.com/youtube
All other links: https://linktr.ee/legendsofavantris
Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/WheJEOQz9WI?si=_IN_RQ7ouBpMM1Wh
Ascending to the Eye of the Hurricane the party squares off with a persistent foe...
Gain access to an exclusive campaign, Shroud Over Saltmarsh, over on Patreon: https://legendsofavantris.com/patreon
The Crooked Moon, a folk horror supplement for 5e, is available for preorder! Get the Crooked Moon at: https://thecrookedmoon.com/
Watch more D&D adventures in the world of Avantris live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/legendsofavantris
Check out our merch store: https://shop.legendsofavantris.com
Join our community on Discord: https://legendsofavantris.com/discord
Watch our many campaigns on YouTube: https://legendsofavantris.com/youtube
All other links: https://linktr.ee/legendsofavantris
Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/wPMHJk6pMiE?si=N_wtJVY7qduJ-bsI
Our unlikely heroes find leads in Kamelot and set out into the mist on a hunt...
Gain access to an exclusive campaign, Shroud Over Saltmarsh, over on Patreon: https://legendsofavantris.com/patreon
The Crooked Moon, a folk horror supplement for 5e, is available for preorder! Get the Crooked Moon at: https://thecrookedmoon.com/
Watch more D&D adventures in the world of Avantris live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/legendsofavantris
Check out our merch store: https://shop.legendsofavantris.com
Join our community on Discord: https://legendsofavantris.com/discord
Watch our many campaigns on YouTube: https://legendsofavantris.com/youtube
All other links: https://linktr.ee/legendsofavantris
Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/rJBcyBbs3XU?si=y7pruBSA_qqfm2w1
Joined by Matthew Lillard(!!!) the gang takes on a temple in search for the Ring of Chaos in Part 2!
Gain access to an exclusive campaign, Shroud Over Saltmarsh, over on Patreon: https://legendsofavantris.com/patreon
The Crooked Moon, a folk horror supplement for 5e, is available for preorder! Get the Crooked Moon at: https://thecrookedmoon.com/
Watch more D&D adventures in the world of Avantris live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/legendsofavantris
Check out our merch store: https://shop.legendsofavantris.com
Join our community on Discord: https://legendsofavantris.com/discord
Watch our many campaigns on YouTube: https://legendsofavantris.com/youtube
All other links: https://linktr.ee/legendsofavantris
Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/FMIInD-A2e8?si=Leq0mbFLvlaOqjMJ
Much has been learned, but the truth of this place still eludes our heroes. Tired and uncertain, our adventurers plan what to do next and prepare for their next great challenge: A performance to prove they share the spirit of the dramatic arts!
Gain access to an exclusive campaign, Shroud Over Saltmarsh, over on Patreon: https://legendsofavantris.com/patreon
The Crooked Moon, a folk horror supplement for 5e, is available for preorder! Get the Crooked Moon at: https://thecrookedmoon.com/
Watch more D&D adventures in the world of Avantris live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/legendsofavantris
Check out our merch store: https://shop.legendsofavantris.com
Join our community on Discord: https://legendsofavantris.com/discord
Watch our many campaigns on YouTube: https://legendsofavantris.com/youtube
All other links: https://linktr.ee/legendsofavantris
Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/HLnUbPh3c0c?si=7McXGcOak4rymvCl
Our gang of vagabonds arrive in Clickclock Crossing, hear about a scheduled execution, and head out on a bear hunt...
Gain access to an exclusive campaign, Shroud Over Saltmarsh, over on Patreon: https://legendsofavantris.com/patreon
The Crooked Moon, a folk horror supplement for 5e, is available for preorder! Get the Crooked Moon at: https://thecrookedmoon.com/
Watch more D&D adventures in the world of Avantris live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/legendsofavantris
Check out our merch store: https://shop.legendsofavantris.com
Join our community on Discord: https://legendsofavantris.com/discord
Watch our many campaigns on YouTube: https://legendsofavantris.com/youtube
All other links: https://linktr.ee/legendsofavantris
Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/VC5IIsMNMns?si=W_nGn_zhiLcwdgqY
Our heroes attend a ball and learn more of the Grand Ruler's devious plans...
Gain access to an exclusive campaign, Shroud Over Saltmarsh, over on Patreon: https://legendsofavantris.com/patreon
The Crooked Moon, a folk horror supplement for 5e, is available for preorder! Get the Crooked Moon at: https://thecrookedmoon.com/
Watch more D&D adventures in the world of Avantris live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/legendsofavantris
Check out our merch store: https://shop.legendsofavantris.com
Join our community on Discord: https://legendsofavantris.com/discord
Watch our many campaigns on YouTube: https://legendsofavantris.com/youtube
All other links: https://linktr.ee/legendsofavantris
Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/jw9DWXFG2L4?si=5H_LG22ol3wR9Ha-
Those who remain honor those who are lost...
Gain access to an exclusive campaign, Shroud Over Saltmarsh, over on Patreon: https://legendsofavantris.com/patreon
The Crooked Moon, a folk horror supplement for 5e, is available for preorder! Get the Crooked Moon at: https://thecrookedmoon.com/
Watch more D&D adventures in the world of Avantris live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/legendsofavantris
Check out our merch store: https://shop.legendsofavantris.com
Join our community on Discord: https://legendsofavantris.com/discord
Watch our many campaigns on YouTube: https://legendsofavantris.com/youtube
All other links: https://linktr.ee/legendsofavantris
Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/77k9wFvF2xY?si=2CsF6rpNxUvKEsJ8
The crew finds the mushroom peddlers and take a "trip", seeking the Oracle...
Gain access to an exclusive campaign, Shroud Over Saltmarsh, over on Patreon: https://legendsofavantris.com/patreon
The Crooked Moon, a folk horror supplement for 5e, is available for preorder! Get the Crooked Moon at: https://thecrookedmoon.com/
Watch more D&D adventures in the world of Avantris live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/legendsofavantris
Check out our merch store: https://shop.legendsofavantris.com
Join our community on Discord: https://legendsofavantris.com/discord
Watch our many campaigns on YouTube: https://legendsofavantris.com/youtube
All other links: https://linktr.ee/legendsofavantris
Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/iAD6CntJ8lA?si=QgpjWYwfwOGNZc7_
The crew of the Rhapsody returns to the heart of Aurora and confronts the darkness within...
Gain access to an exclusive campaign, Shroud Over Saltmarsh, over on Patreon: https://legendsofavantris.com/patreon
The Crooked Moon, a folk horror supplement for 5e, is available for preorder! Get the Crooked Moon at: https://thecrookedmoon.com/
Watch more D&D adventures in the world of Avantris live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/legendsofavantris
Check out our merch store: https://shop.legendsofavantris.com
Join our community on Discord: https://legendsofavantris.com/discord
Watch our many campaigns on YouTube: https://legendsofavantris.com/youtube
All other links: https://linktr.ee/legendsofavantris
Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/9kPoB7aNo1Q?si=g-0o-jSt-zF-MzX-
Uprooted is a D&D 5e campaign set in the Dimwood, a setting inspired by the Root board game by Leder Games.
Gain access to an exclusive campaign, Shroud Over Saltmarsh, over on Patreon: https://legendsofavantris.com/patreon
The Crooked Moon, a folk horror supplement for 5e, is available for preorder! Get the Crooked Moon at: https://thecrookedmoon.com/
Watch more D&D adventures in the world of Avantris live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/legendsofavantris
Check out our merch store: https://shop.legendsofavantris.com
Join our community on Discord: https://legendsofavantris.com/discord
Watch our many campaigns on YouTube: https://legendsofavantris.com/youtube
All other links: https://linktr.ee/legendsofavantris
Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/VaVlCoDHt88?si=DQ0b2rCXmafWaSOV
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